End Times and Current Events

General Category => Fellowship => Topic started by: Mark on November 04, 2010, 07:04:06 pm

Title: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Mark on November 04, 2010, 07:04:06 pm
Post other Christian sites and forums that you know of.

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Mark on November 04, 2010, 07:05:05 pm


a good site ran by a good Christian brother.

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: theBIBLICALdude on November 04, 2010, 07:35:58 pm
I would not say that I am good, just not that bad....

Yes all are welcome to stop in and fellowship. If you see something you like then that is great, comment on it and if you see something you don't like then great comment on it and if you don't see something then great make it so everyone else can comment on it!

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Christian40 on November 07, 2010, 03:25:27 am
How about this one for information's sake!
You will find alot there
For the Christian worthy network go here:
You might like the email and news there

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on November 07, 2010, 09:44:31 am
the Rapture Ready MB is very bad, however, one of its subforums, Rapture Forums, despite having things that can make you shake your head, isn't bad at all. If anything, they, like RR, do an outstanding job in exposing the Rick Warren/Postmodernism Emergent Church movement inside and out in their Apostasy forum section.(as a matter of fact, RR was the first Christian board I became a member of, before I got banned, and I'm thankful that the Lord showed me that MB that exposed inside and out the Emergent Church and Roman Catholicism that I had NO idea how wretched they were)

Plus the people on RF are pretty cool-


Here's another one-


I met the site admin on another Christian MB(CJ - on End Times Round Table, a MB that started when 1/2 of the members of RR got banned in 2008 for no reason). It was subsequently after ETRT started treating one of the members(who happens to be post-trib, while many others there pre-trib) like dirt for no reason, and this is when CJ(who also got banned for no reason from that MB) pm'd me and asked me to join this board. It's a small one like BD's, but nonetheless very informative over what's going on in these end times.

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Vanessa on November 07, 2010, 02:58:52 pm
Pastor Mike Hoggard- expert on freemasonry, war on human DNA, biblical prophecy. He also does weekly bible study videos and current event videos

http://mikehoggard.com/ (http://mikehoggard.com/)

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on November 07, 2010, 04:04:49 pm
Also, if you haven't yet, listen to William F. Cooper's 42 part Mystery Babylon series audio. Just do an internet search for it(don't do it on google though, as it's runned by the CIA).

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Evadinggrid on November 08, 2010, 06:34:29 am
Also, if you haven't yet, listen to William F. Cooper's 42 part Mystery Babylon series audio. Just do an internet search for it(don't do it on google though, as it's runned by the CIA).


Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: c0wb0yup on November 10, 2010, 02:24:37 am

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Evadinggrid on November 11, 2010, 05:57:44 am
Dok has organised a transcript of the entire Mystery Babylon series, quiet a feat...

Ask him nice to post details and make sure you all got a copy.

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: razberry on November 14, 2010, 08:05:03 am
the Rapture Ready MB is very bad, however, one of its subforums, Rapture Forums, despite having things that can make you shake your head, isn't bad at all. If anything, they, like RR, do an outstanding job in exposing the Rick Warren/Postmodernism Emergent Church movement inside and out in their Apostasy forum section.(as a matter of fact, RR was the first Christian board I became a member of, before I got banned, and I'm thankful that the Lord showed me that MB that exposed inside and out the Emergent Church and Roman Catholicism that I had NO idea how wretched they were)

Plus the people on RF are pretty cool-


Here's another one-


I met the site admin on another Christian MB(CJ - on End Times Round Table, a MB that started when 1/2 of the members of RR got banned in 2008 for no reason). It was subsequently after ETRT started treating one of the members(who happens to be post-trib, while many others there pre-trib) like dirt for no reason, and this is when CJ(who also got banned for no reason from that MB) pm'd me and asked me to join this board. It's a small one like BD's, but nonetheless very informative over what's going on in these end times.

What's the deal with raptureready?  I've been a member there for about a year and a half and I've stayed in trouble since day one.  I'm down to my last warning. 

The first warning I got was a post asking opinions about an author named David Lowe who wrote "Earthquake Resurrection."  I wanted honest opinions about his theory regarding the rapture.  My post was deleted (if I remember correctly) and I was reprimanded because his theory wasn't "traditional." 

This past warning I received was because I posted a link to another Christian site that had to do with the discussion at hand (http://www.battleinchrist.com/principalities_powers_world_rulers_of_darkness_spiritual_wickedness_in_spiritual_warfare.htm) and I posted a utube video about "peace and security" being spoken of by leaders across the world, although many other people there post links all the time with no repercussions.  I've seen the same exact video posted there before.

Nearly everything I post ends up in their well-hidden "tin foil shed."  LOL.  Some opinions that I posted over a year ago (which were thrown in the shed), I now notice that others can post similar opinions and they're not reprimanded at all.  The censorship there is unreal.  The mods control every post and won't allow deviation from their own personal beliefs, seems to me anyway.

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on November 14, 2010, 10:27:44 pm
What's the deal with raptureready?  I've been a member there for about a year and a half and I've stayed in trouble since day one.  I'm down to my last warning. 

I was a member there from July 2008 to March 2009, until out of nowhere I got banned permanently(I had no idea why, but Todd Strandberg told me that I had some 6 infractions since Oct 2008, albeit minor, although I don't see that in their posting rules et al).

One time I got an infraction for posting that infamous 5 minute "They Live" movie clip because it had "cursing" in it. For anyone that has watched this 5 minute clip, there was NO vulgar language et al in it. Another time I got an infraction was when I posted a news article in its entirety(wheras the rules say only 3-4 paras). I didn't have a problem with this rule, but many other posters there would post news articles entirely daily, and nothing would happen to them. What got my final infraction was posting a youtube video of all the wolves in sheep's clothing. Are you familiar with that African American "cursing" preacher?(forgot his name) He didn't curse in it, but he said the "n" word in the clips, apparently, that was the one that got me banned permanently.

And their political forum was incredibly nasty. During pre-elections 2008, I posted how John McCain in 2004 voted against the ammendment addition to the constitution to ban gay marriage because he thought it was "un-Republican". Guess what, I got treated with ALOT of hostility for pointing this out(and others would post McCain quotes defending him that had nothing to do with this 2004 legislation). And also, the threads I made about McCain's membership with the CFR got mysteriously deleted.

And...back in Fall 2008, there were 3 nasty trolls in the Economic Forum(if you were there then, you probably remember Bernardd, Enlightened, and GAB) who would go after anyone who would call out the Federal Reserve, the bank bailout bill, the DOW having questionable activities, etc. These fightings in this particular forum would go on for as much as hours on end daily. Funny how the mods are quick to ban the least bit hints of troublemakers et al(or at least reprimand them in some way immediately), but en yet, they somehow let this fly under the radar for the entire Fall.

As for the "tin foil" stuff, you couldn't talk about any of these secret societies et al that are pulling the strings behind the curtain, but instead, insisted that you had to support Republican politicians in order to keep your salvation.(ie-you couldn't criticize Bush II nor Sarah Palin, both of whom have made their Apostasy well known in the light) The only reason why they allowed CFR talk to some extent is because of Rick Warren's ties to it.

Speaking of Warren, the only positive side to this board is there outstanding job exposing all the wolves in sheep's clothing. Before I joined the board, I had no idea Warren was a wolf, no idea this so-called "Emergent Church" existed, and for that matter throughout my entire life thought Catholics were really good people. This is the only aspect that I'm thankful for this board, as they exposed me to these false prophets for the very first time.

Anyhow - if RR is somehow opposition-controlled, then I'm not surprised. Todd Strandberg and Terry James get too much media coverage for people that are "Christians".(ie-back in 2006 when CNN ran specials over whether Jesus' 2nd Coming was around the corner, the RR "Rapture Meter" was profiled)

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: razberry on November 14, 2010, 11:57:34 pm
What's the deal with raptureready?  I've been a member there for about a year and a half and I've stayed in trouble since day one.  I'm down to my last warning. 

I was a member there from July 2008 to March 2009, until out of nowhere I got banned permanently(I had no idea why, but Todd Strandberg told me that I had some 6 infractions since Oct 2008, albeit minor, although I don't see that in their posting rules et al).

One time I got an infraction for posting that infamous 5 minute "They Live" movie clip because it had "cursing" in it. For anyone that has watched this 5 minute clip, there was NO vulgar language et al in it. Another time I got an infraction was when I posted a news article in its entirety(wheras the rules say only 3-4 paras). I didn't have a problem with this rule, but many other posters there would post news articles entirely daily, and nothing would happen to them. What got my final infraction was posting a youtube video of all the wolves in sheep's clothing. Are you familiar with that African American "cursing" preacher?(forgot his name) He didn't curse in it, but he said the "n" word in the clips, apparently, that was the one that got me banned permanently.

And their political forum was incredibly nasty. During pre-elections 2008, I posted how John McCain in 2004 voted against the ammendment addition to the constitution to ban gay marriage because he thought it was "un-Republican". Guess what, I got treated with ALOT of hostility for pointing this out(and others would post McCain quotes defending him that had nothing to do with this 2004 legislation). And also, the threads I made about McCain's membership with the CFR got mysteriously deleted.

And...back in Fall 2008, there were 3 nasty trolls in the Economic Forum(if you were there then, you probably remember Bernardd, Enlightened, and GAB) who would go after anyone who would call out the Federal Reserve, the bank bailout bill, the DOW having questionable activities, etc. These fightings in this particular forum would go on for as much as hours on end daily. Funny how the mods are quick to ban the least bit hints of troublemakers et al(or at least reprimand them in some way immediately), but en yet, they somehow let this fly under the radar for the entire Fall.

As for the "tin foil" stuff, you couldn't talk about any of these secret societies et al that are pulling the strings behind the curtain, but instead, insisted that you had to support Republican politicians in order to keep your salvation.(ie-you couldn't criticize Bush II nor Sarah Palin, both of whom have made their Apostasy well known in the light) The only reason why they allowed CFR talk to some extent is because of Rick Warren's ties to it.

Speaking of Warren, the only positive side to this board is there outstanding job exposing all the wolves in sheep's clothing. Before I joined the board, I had no idea Warren was a wolf, no idea this so-called "Emergent Church" existed, and for that matter throughout my entire life thought Catholics were really good people. This is the only aspect that I'm thankful for this board, as they exposed me to these false prophets for the very first time.

Anyhow - if RR is somehow opposition-controlled, then I'm not surprised. Todd Strandberg and Terry James get too much media coverage for people that are "Christians".(ie-back in 2006 when CNN ran specials over whether Jesus' 2nd Coming was around the corner, the RR "Rapture Meter" was profiled)

Earlier this evening, I googled "opinions on raptureready" and this site came up: http://kingdomstudies.blogspot.com/2009/06/banned-from-rapture-ready.html
I spent quite a bit of time reading every single post there.  It's just confirmed what I already suspected. 

I received a reprimand today from a Mod named Chris for posting "conspiracy theory" stuff.  Many weeks ago, I posted an article about chemtrails in the tin foil shed.  I believe that's what he was speaking of.  A week ago though, I posted the link I put in my previous post, along with the vid mentioned, and I received two warnings from two different mods for that.  I didn't know why I received this today so I sent him the following:

I haven't posted anything like that in weeks and weeks that I'm aware of and the last time I did, I posted it INITIALLY in the tin foil shed, where I thought it was allowed. But apparently not because it was deleted, even in the shed. What's the shed there for then? As punishment?

I thought I had conformed nicely to the ways of the RR mods. I have been reprimanded recently for "posting a blog" which wasn't a blog but a Christian website with nothing unscriptural on it, and I also had a video deleted in the same post that I've seen posted here several times before. I apologize for that as I wasn't aware videos were no longer allowed to be posted. Maybe other legitimate Christian websites aren't allowed either though. Also, favoritism is quite obvious when some people are allowed to post links to whatever they wish but the rest of us apparently aren't allowed to post links at all.

I just spent the last couple of hours closely reading this blog and the following comments: http://kingdomstudies.blogspot.com/2...ure-ready.html after googling "opinions on raptureready."  You should too if you haven't already.

You are aware, I assume, that if I'm trying to find out what's up with RR, there are probably many others doing the same. I've had my suspicions about RR for quite awhile but the posts contained at the above link confirmed them. I pray the mods think and pray about what they're doing before they do it. Stop and think, fellow Christians, our brothers and sister in Christ, are calling RR a cult. Something is wrong.

Feel free to ban me but I respectfully request that my account be deleted altogether. I'd do it myself if I could. RR has really hurt itself and I feel as if I'm being lead to leave in peace. This is somewhat painful as I remember the day I found raptureready.com and how excited I was to have found a place to fellowship. But sadly, as time has passed, my suspicions grew as I watched what was happening and I became more and more disenchanted, for lack of a better word.

Blessings to you. Raz

Chris then replied with the following:

This matter is as simple as following the rules that you agreed to when you signed up here. Blogs are a no-no. And for that you lash out at me and post some link to mindless drivel posted elsewhere by someone else who couldn't follow the rules?????

We have tens of thousands of people registered here and there's always going to be the disgruntled bunch, there always is.

I watched you for a while tonight and saw you looking up all the banned folks, reading problematic threads from the past, etc. and can tell you're probably one of those posters over at Stuart's hate fest site that calls RR a cult. The truth of the matter is they are the cult, not us. But that's fine. We can't make everyone happy. But you agreed to the rules when you signed up and they've been in force since the day you started posting. Don't give me your gripe because you're childish and can't follow the rules, or perhaps hcan't even read them.

Just head on down the street and don't look back. We're too busy here to deal with people who complain when they are pointed out that they have broken the rules, etc. If you had just said sorry, I wouldn't have thought anymore about it. But oh no, you're couldn't do that. Fine, take the sideshow somewhere else.

I'll close your account.

I then replied with this:

I'm not lashing out at you at all.  There's a difference between a legitimate website and a blog so don't twist my words.

You've been watching me??  You guys really are freaks, aren't you?  I'll pray for you though.

btw, I have no idea what "Stuart's hate fest" is referring to and I have never, ever posted anything negative about RR before today, I assure you.

Thanks for making me realize without a doubt that my request to close my account is a valid one.

When I hit the send button, I got "Sorry. The administrator has banned your IP address. To contact the administrator click here" so I don't know if it went thru or not.

Maybe I shouldn't have called them freaks but I was pretty freaked out when he said he had been watching me.  If I was no big deal and a simple "I'm sorry" would have sufficed for whatever it was I did that was so bad, why was he watching me?  That is freaky.  Anyone can go to that site and see the things I've posted.  My user ID there is the same as here.  I've never been rude to anyone and I've tried to be as Christ-like as possible.  I honestly feel targeted.

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Kilika on November 28, 2010, 06:20:38 am
Thanks for the heads up on these sites.

The accounts of various experiences at sites just shows you that each group has their positions. Because of people with nefarious intentions, sites must be moderated and sometimes hard decisions have to be made. But the real issue at hand in these conflicts, which is the same kind of thing that happens at PPF, is that pride moves people to do and say things when in reality they should have held their peace in humility. Scripture says that a soft answer turns away wrath, but grevious words stir up anger.

What was it that Jesus told the man trying to bury his father when asked to follow Jesus?

"But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead." Matthew 8:22 (KJB)

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on November 28, 2010, 08:31:48 am
razberry, just a couple of more comments to add to your last post - if anything, getting banned from RR was probably the biggest blessing the Lord paved the way for me. While it felt very rotten initially, if anything, I ended up making RR's flesh my arm(which a verse in Jeremiah 17 warns about). It was weeks to months after the ban, which is when I ended up finding Scott's teaching on maitreya(by accident, kind of, meaning that I had no idea who Scott was, no had any idea what this maitreya figure, benjamine creme, nor the deceptions around it), and this one teaching alone just woke up my eyes to alot of the deceptions and wickedness going on not only in this world, but in the inner walls of our churches today. Also, it was shortly after that when the Lord pointed me to the 1611 KJV as the TRUE Word of God, which has made a huge difference in my life. And then over the long haul after that, I started listening to more people like DA Waite(whom I got a 1611 KJV from), Pastor Hoggard(another excellent KJV end times watchman), and other of Scott's friends like Pastor Slattery and Adams(who've also exposed the 501c3 corporate ****). So ultimately, the Lord has really opened the doors for me over alot of things. To be honest, I was really never a true studier of the Word of God until someone showed me the errors of the NIV.

If anything, while I agree that we have to look at the events going on in Israel/ME in these last days, RR's big error was that they wanted you to think EVERY SINGLE PROPHECY is in the ME, while we have nothing to worry and think about here in the USA. No, not trying to say that we have to worry and bite our finger nails over FEMA camps, the crashing of the US economy, Obama, etc, etc going on in our soil, but at the same time, it's quite obvious that judgement is coming on the last free enterprise of the world, America. Also, I can't see why chemtrails are "conspiracy theories", because people have gotten sick over the poisons they've sprayed in the air.

So no, while we shouldn't be angry at these cult-controlled web sites like RR, like Kilika said, we really have to use alot of discernment.(ie-Facebook and Twitter are equally bad as well)

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: theBIBLICALdude on December 04, 2010, 02:48:00 am
Thanks for the heads up on these sites.

The accounts of various experiences at sites just shows you that each group has their positions. Because of people with nefarious intentions, sites must be moderated and sometimes hard decisions have to be made. But the real issue at hand in these conflicts, which is the same kind of thing that happens at PPF, is that pride moves people to do and say things when in reality they should have held their peace in humility. Scripture says that a soft answer turns away wrath, but grevious words stir up anger.

What was it that Jesus told the man trying to bury his father when asked to follow Jesus?

"But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead." Matthew 8:22 (KJB)

Show of hands who hasn't held their peace at one time or another???
<raises hand>

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Christian40 on December 22, 2010, 09:54:38 pm
"The Unhived Mind"
Check out this forum: http://z10.invisionfree.com/The_Unhived_Mind_II/
It has a sub-forum called "True-Christianity".
It is categorized into "World Control" , "Depopulation" , "Weather" , "Mystery" , "Health" ,
"Truthsayers" , "Video" , "Audio" and "General"
Rather interesting.

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: akfools on February 10, 2011, 07:54:41 pm

Let Us Reason Ministries

Dial The Truth Ministries

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Mark on February 20, 2011, 09:06:46 am
Here is Biblical Dudes or Joshua Kent's new site, http://discerningdisciples.com/index.php

His old one was deleted by the host company.

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on March 04, 2011, 02:10:42 pm
Well, speaking of "bad" Christian forums - I recently got banned from one that dealt with those who recently got out of that Christian Science cult(or is trying to). Why? B/c I made posts exposing Billy Graham, Rick Warren, and their ties to the OWG globalists(ie-Graham's ties to the Masons, Warren's ties to the CFR's, and their documented heresies). I initially didn't post links b/c I thought everyone there had at least some kind of idea, but wanted to start a discussion over it, so the mods gave me warnings and told me to post links. So I did(ie-Warren's ties to the CFR, the CFR's plans to implement the NAU/engineered the swine flu scare, Graham's heresies, etc), and guess what, the ban hammer fell on me.

So when I did research over the guys running this site, guess what, the founder of it is an assistant pastor at one of those CALVARY CHAPEL member churches.(and sure enough, this member church's web site had links to Billy Graham and James Dobson ministries) But as we all know, CC is a cult to begin with.

Anyhow, can't remember the MB web site addy, but I joined it b/c my parents dabbled into this cult 3 years ago when we traveled to Boston(which also happens to be the home of its founder Mary Baker Eddy). I was a very lukewarm Christian then, however, when I read her heresy Health and Science with Keys to the Scriptures, something just did NOT feel right. Praise the Lord that my parents ended up forgetting about it a year later! :)

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Christian40 on March 10, 2011, 10:37:47 pm
http://bible-truth.org/ - Presenting God's Word On the Internet Since 1996

An Independent Fundamental Baptist site that has Apologetics, defending the KJV, Bible Study etc.

"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path" (Psalm 119:105).

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: pavelow on March 30, 2011, 07:03:43 am
But as we all know, CC is a cult to begin with.

Why do you say Calvary Chapel is a cult? ???

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on March 30, 2011, 09:08:50 am
Why do you say Calvary Chapel is a cult? ???

Chuck Smith endorsed Rick Warren over the last year or so - also, do an internet search for Calvary Chapel/Chuck Smith/cult, you will get alot of info on its roots way back.

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Kilika on March 30, 2011, 01:54:46 pm
The following is the URL that link is pointing to. Does that look familiar to you?

Looks like there's an issue with the link because it doesn't open a page, it's just white. You might also want to inform people that you have an affiliate that pays you for visitors clicking links. Better disclosure might be in order, as there is a TON of spam generated as a result of those type affliate programs. They aren't there to pay website owners that sign up with them, they want your connections to send spam to!

If I had known, there's no way I would have clicked your link you posted.

http ://api.viglink.com/api/click?format=go&key=c7a018f99a67aaac33a35421e795cdf3&loc=http%3A%2F%2Fendtimesandcurrentevents.freesmfhosting.com%2Findex.php%2Ftopic%2C20.msg3506%2Ftopicseen.html%23msg3506&v=1&libid=1301510357381&out=http%3A%2F%2Fhebrewministries.freesmfhosting.com%2Findex.php&ref=http%3A%2F%2Fendtimesandcurrentevents.freesmfhosting.com%2Findex.php%3Faction%3Dunreadreplies&title=Other%20good%20Christian%20sites%20and%20forums.&txt=http%3A%2F%2Fhebrewministries.freesmfhosting.com%2Findex.ph

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Christian40 on March 30, 2011, 06:54:34 pm
I saw this forum the other day: www.christianforums.net ,it has heaps of members there, reading some of the posts i found that alot of people were using Modern Bible Versions, so if you join you would get a bit of opposition if you said that the KJV is the right Bible to use. There are so many posts there you could spend all day there if you wanted too.

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on March 30, 2011, 09:17:29 pm
I saw this forum the other day: www.christianforums.net ,it has heaps of members there, reading some of the posts i found that alot of people were using Modern Bible Versions, so if you join you would get a bit of opposition if you said that the KJV is the right Bible to use. There are so many posts there you could spend all day there if you wanted too.

Alot of these mainstream end times Christian message boards aren't "bad", per se, but it seems like b/c of their popularities, they pretty much have forced themselves to compromise. We talked about Rapture Ready in this thread - this is probably the most popular end times message board. However, when I was reading posts on it the other day, I was surprised by posters there saying how their churches now use the NEW KJV, and how it was no big deal to them.

While these popular MBs do a very good job calling out the Emergent Church and other Postmodernism infiltrating the church, they don't realize other deceptions Satan is using with these modern day polluted bible versions among other things that seem to be going under the radar. And let's not forget the 501c3 tag on these churches either(which are rarely, if never discussed on these popular MBs).

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Christian40 on April 04, 2011, 02:31:08 am
"We are a small King James Bible-believing group of born-again Christians. We worship in houses just as the early Christians used to do, and we believe in going out into the world to evangelize the lost."

I just found alot of sermons from Bryan Denlinger from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, the same fellow who was doing the videos about the catholic rapture, is using a Modern Bible Version a sin etc. I'm yet to listen to any but thought i would mention this because Christians here liked Bryan's videos that i have posted previously.

They are here:

Bible Believers Fellowship Website:

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on April 04, 2011, 08:30:23 am
"We are a small King James Bible-believing group of born-again Christians. We worship in houses just as the early Christians used to do, and we believe in going out into the world to evangelize the lost."

I just found alot of sermons from Bryan Denlinger from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, the same fellow who was doing the videos about the catholic rapture, is using a Modern Bible Version a sin etc. I'm yet to listen to any but thought i would mention this because Christians here liked Bryan's videos that i have posted previously.

They are here:

Bible Believers Fellowship Website:

In one of his videos, he stresses the importance of having a home church b/c of the big costs it takes to support these buildings these churches have - it's as if they have to put alot of time into supporting their costs of these buildings they're in, yada, yada, yada, that it distracts them from doing what they SHOULD in a Christian ministry. Ultimately, with these buildings they're in and they have to support, they have to rely on the lost to come in themselves, instead of going out to the world to reach the lost.

No wonder why today's church is leavened - when you have to rely on the lost, who knows what devils can just waltz right in(ie-Freemasons, witches, occult members, and not to mention too the many churches that got hoodwinked into doing the Purpose Driven Life after the media blitz with Rick Warren started). And the 501c3 status has hindered them too.

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: William on May 01, 2011, 05:43:31 pm
I came across this website that was made in 1996!

Its King James Only too!

If anyone is interested in it you can go check it out, and see if you find any articles of interest.

http://www.jesus-is-lord.com/index.htm (http://www.jesus-is-lord.com/index.htm)

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on May 01, 2011, 06:25:04 pm
I'll be going to visit relatives in Ohio in a couple of weeks, and some of them are Christians, and am still researching KJV stuff to show them.

Thanks man - hopefully more resources like this one will keep on coming in b/w now and then. :)

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Mark on May 15, 2011, 12:53:11 pm


Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Believer on June 01, 2011, 12:05:29 pm
There is also the infamous C.A.R.M forums for apologetics and study:


I've been a member for a while, but they changed their format and it appears I am still in their membership, just start post count all over again.  :)
It's always been one for heavy duty debating and pretty informative and massive.  They have everything under the sun to discuss.

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: PeanutGallery on June 01, 2011, 12:58:26 pm
There is also the infamous C.A.R.M forums for apologetics and study:
I've been a member for a while,

I spend most of time in RCC forum, and pop in KJVO.
That KJVO is rough; no faith in God's promises, no source of final authority, all they have is their own vain human wisdom.
1Tim 6:20  O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:
2Tim 2:16  But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Christian40 on June 02, 2011, 03:20:58 am
The Holy Bible is the most influential and widely published book ever written. It has been translated into over 2000 languages and still the world's bestseller every year. RadioActive Productions has brought to you a brand new recording of the King James Bible.

This fresh new audio recording of the Holy Bible is narrated by British Simon Peterson, who draws on 35 years experience as a Christian narrator and broadcaster to bring you his expressive reading of the authorized King James Version of the Bible.

To download some books of the Bible on mp3 audio visit: http://www.audiobiblekjv.org/index.html

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: jackie on June 16, 2011, 05:52:02 pm
Thanks for that link and boy I am happy to hear you are KJV only believers!  If we can agree on that being the true Word of God for the English speaking people, then we can talk, otherwise, only debates and vain squabbling will take place.   
I absolutely know I have a lot to learn, and have been deceived many times thinking because they called themselves Christian's they were. 
God has given me a fresh hunger for TRUTH and I praise Him for that.  I have been asleep in the light for too long!         

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Mark on June 16, 2011, 07:59:37 pm
If we can agree on that being the true Word of God for the English speaking people, then we can talk, otherwise, only debates and vain squabbling will take place.   

How true that statement is!! Praise Jesus! Your foundation must be built on the word of God, if it isnt than you end up like Rob Bell.

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on June 16, 2011, 10:36:06 pm
Thanks for that link and boy I am happy to hear you are KJV only believers!  If we can agree on that being the true Word of God for the English speaking people, then we can talk, otherwise, only debates and vain squabbling will take place.   
I absolutely know I have a lot to learn, and have been deceived many times thinking because they called themselves Christian's they were. 
God has given me a fresh hunger for TRUTH and I praise Him for that.  I have been asleep in the light for too long!         

Yep, this has been my experience on various Christian message boards - it wasn't so much they were "opposition-controlled", per se, but the admins and mods would allow posters to use any different version that wanted. Yah, there were a few that said how GREAT it was their churches were using NEW King James Versions(!). Seriously, Purpose Driven junk isn't any different from alot of these modern perverted versions like the NKJV.

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Christian40 on June 17, 2011, 03:57:08 am
Thanks for that link and boy I am happy to hear you are KJV only believers! If we can agree on that being the true Word of God for the English speaking people, then we can talk, otherwise, only debates and vain squabbling will take place.   
I absolutely know I have a lot to learn, and have been deceived many times thinking because they called themselves Christian's they were.
God has given me a fresh hunger for TRUTH and I praise Him for that. I have been asleep in the light for too long!

Praise God! Well people ask me if i was born before 1611 what Bible i would have read. I think if i lived then i would have read the Geneva Bible. It is impossible to beat the Authorized King James Bible in English! I think it was a miracle that such a book came about. And part of the miracle is that you and i read it too ;)

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on June 17, 2011, 07:35:21 am
Praise God! Well people ask me if i was born before 1611 what Bible i would have read. I think if i lived then i would have read the Geneva Bible. It is impossible to beat the Authorized King James Bible in English! I think it was a miracle that such a book came about. And part of the miracle is that you and i read it too ;)

Let's not forget the failed gun-powder plot by Guy Fawkes and the Jesuits. Praise the Lord for putting throwing a monkey wrench in their plans!

Also, speaking of the Jesuits, Lincoln really spoke out against this group. Even he knew they were the ones causing chaos(if I understand this correctly, the south was the Pope's army in the US Civil war, please correct me if I'm wrong).

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Kilika on June 17, 2011, 12:57:28 pm
The south the Popes army? UH no. (disclaimer: all my family is down-home southerners!)

The South was fighting for states rights, and the North made it look like a slavery thing, but actually the South was fed up with the North trying to manhandle the states, just as they are doing these days all over again.

Lincoln was NOT the great president that history makes him out to be. He was just another fed thug.

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Mark on June 17, 2011, 03:22:10 pm
The south the Popes army? UH no. (disclaimer: all my family is down-home southerners!)

The South was fighting for states rights, and the North made it look like a slavery thing, but actually the South was fed up with the North trying to manhandle the states, just as they are doing these days all over again.

Lincoln was NOT the great president that history makes him out to be. He was just another fed thug.

You should read this book.
Fifty Years in the Church of Rome by Charles Chiniquy

Incredible biography and history. Chiniquy came into conflict with his church by reading the Bible and encouraging his congregation to do the same. His life was in peril when a young lawyer named Lincoln rose to defend him against the Roman Catholic Church.

PDF: http://arcticbeacon.com/books/Chiniquy-Fifty_Years_in_the_Church_of_Rome-1886-NOT-Bkmrkd.pdf
64 page comic: http://www.chick.com/catalog/comics/0251.asp


Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Kilika on June 17, 2011, 06:01:43 pm
Nothing personal, but not really interested in the history of the RCC. But are you saying Lincoln wasn't a bad guy? Or are you saying the South WAS the Pope's army? Without reading all that, I'm not sure what your getting at.

Sorry this went off topic! Maybe shift these last posts to that thread.

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on June 17, 2011, 06:06:57 pm
Anyhow, back to the topic(although admittedly, it was a nice mini-discussion) - like said above, the problem with most mainline message forums(Christian ones that is) is that with so many members flooding it, they've been forced to compromise. What if they took a stance on KJV-only? 501c3? Calling Billy Graham out as wolf? Yep, they would lose alot of members, and their site donations would plummet.

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Mark on June 17, 2011, 07:16:36 pm
Nothing personal, but not really interested in the history of the RCC. But are you saying Lincoln wasn't a bad guy? Or are you saying the South WAS the Pope's army? Without reading all that, I'm not sure what your getting at.

Sorry this went off topic! Maybe shift these last posts to that thread.

cant think of any good President. all im saying is that Rome had a lot of influence on the south side of the war and Charles Chiniquy documented a lot of it from his time in the Catholic Church.

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Christian40 on June 17, 2011, 08:26:11 pm
cant think of any good President. all im saying is that Rome had a lot of influence on the south side of the war and Charles Chiniquy documented a lot of it from his time in the Catholic Church.

What i dont know yet is how much of the US Population was Catholic at the time of the American civil war? I have heard the South were supported by the Catholic Church but i was thinking wouldn't the Catholic Church and the Jesuits want to give support to both sides of the war? How come the Catholic Church and the South didn't win against the North? It was the South that fired the first bullets in the war. Yes Abraham Lincoln is made to look like a hero but him being a hero is only a lie.

Anyway here is my suggestion for a Christian site:


Read and Search the Bible in Greek, Hebrew, English, Latin, and other parallel versions.

Study online Hebrew and Greek interlinear translations and Bibles with Strong's Greek and Hebrew Lexicon numbers attached.

Easily lookup 340,000 hyperlinked cross references in the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge.

View scripture in the original languages of Greek and Hebrew as well as ancient translations such as the Greek Septuagint and Latin Vulgate.

Compare the KJV with Old English, Wycliffe, Tyndale, Coverdale, Bishop's, Geneva, Doughy-Rheims, and American Standard Bibles.

Find the meanings of Greek and Hebrew words in Strong's Lexicon, Thayer's Lexicon, Brown-Driver-Briggs' Lexicon, Vine's Expository Dictionary, Berry's New Testament Synonyms, and Trench's New Testament Synonyms.

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on July 07, 2011, 11:33:23 pm

I ran into Brian O'Connell's web site when I was doing a youtube search on post-trib rapture 2 years ago. No, this isn't the only topic he talks about, he talks about ALOT of things. His ministry doesn't seem to be some typical 501c3 and is seemed to be runned by merely a "fellowship of believers".

You can also participate in discussions when he does blogs et al. Overall, it's a very nice web site with alot of info that he puts out. Yes, he himself is KJV-only(and uses scripture on his site only with this version), however, at the same time, he's thinks there's a bit too much fuss over trying to get everyone to read the KJV only(ie-he himself was saved out of an NIV, and seems like he feels a bit hypocritical that everyone has to go after others to read the KJV).

But hey, it's only a minor reservation I have. It's not like he's Russ Dizzdar or other watchmen ministries where they're completely slamming the KJV. Overall, again, a very good site.

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: adorerofblood on July 19, 2011, 07:40:41 am
I enjoy http://www.jesusfreakhideout.com/

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on July 22, 2011, 08:46:46 pm

I ran into Brian O'Connell's web site when I was doing a youtube search on post-trib rapture 2 years ago. No, this isn't the only topic he talks about, he talks about ALOT of things. His ministry doesn't seem to be some typical 501c3 and is seemed to be runned by merely a "fellowship of believers".

You can also participate in discussions when he does blogs et al. Overall, it's a very nice web site with alot of info that he puts out. Yes, he himself is KJV-only(and uses scripture on his site only with this version), however, at the same time, he's thinks there's a bit too much fuss over trying to get everyone to read the KJV only(ie-he himself was saved out of an NIV, and seems like he feels a bit hypocritical that everyone has to go after others to read the KJV).

But hey, it's only a minor reservation I have. It's not like he's Russ Dizzdar or other watchmen ministries where they're completely slamming the KJV. Overall, again, a very good site.

Well, I asked him in one of his blog forums over whether he finds it concerning with the NIV coming from one of Rupert Murdoch's publishing companies a couple of weeks ago, he hasn't responded(maybe he's busy, dunno).

Just now, I asked him again with "In the light of what happened with Murdoch in recent days...". We'll see if he responds this time.


Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Edward Palamar on August 11, 2011, 08:14:09 pm
. . . however, one of its subforums, Rapture Forums, despite having things that can make you shake your head, isn't bad at all . . .

They're just playing you for a buck.  Rapture Forums is the most satanic group of slobs due to the depravity of its administration.  The closest thing to rapture they have ever experienced they rejected because they reject Christ - they only want your money.

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on August 11, 2011, 09:18:14 pm
Welcome to the forum, Edward! Please introduce yourself in the "Introduce yourselves"(or something like that) forum section.

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Edward Palamar on August 11, 2011, 09:34:43 pm
Welcome to the forum, Edward! Please introduce yourself in the "Introduce yourselves"(or something like that) forum section.
I've looked for such a section a couple of times already, BA2, and haven't found it.

Both Jesus Christ and myself were conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit.  Some 1,925 years later, Christ Jesus has granted me rebirth, both body and soul - as before, I was sent before Israel to be tested, questioned, whatever - I'm on my last nickel, but it lasts forever.

I can list a few more sites that really suck, but this topic is meant to be about good Christian sites and forums - something I know rapture forums isn't.  It was listed here as something good, it just isn't so.

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on August 11, 2011, 09:38:29 pm
I've looked for such a section a couple of times already, BA2, and haven't found it.

Both Jesus Christ and myself were conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit.  Some 1,925 years later, Christ Jesus has granted me rebirth, both body and soul - as before, I was sent before Israel to be tested, questioned, whatever - I'm on my last nickel, but it lasts forever.

I can list a few more sites that really suck, but this topic is meant to be about good Christian sites and forums - something I know rapture forums isn't.  It was listed here as something good, it just isn't so.


Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on August 11, 2011, 09:41:35 pm
I'll just say this much about the other mainstream end times christian forums(like the one you mentioned Edward) - they do a decent job in watching and praying, as well as exposing the Emergent Church et al in these last days we're living in. HOWEVER, they don't address other important issues like Churchianity, the false bible versions, 501c3, just to name a few. One time I was met with hostility when I brought up Greg Dixon and the draconian 501c3 tag on that forum you mentioned. And I'm surprised too by the number of posters et al there that are open to some of the more modern translations like the NKJV.

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Edward Palamar on August 11, 2011, 11:07:36 pm
. . . they do a decent job in watching and praying . . .

Rejecting the rapture, the very premise of their on-line being, out of sheer blindness is not watching and praying.

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Mark on August 12, 2011, 07:19:31 am

I never thought of it like that.  :D

Who's in my region? / Introductions

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Edward Palamar on August 12, 2011, 08:57:49 am
. . . 501c3 . . .

The bottom line about taxes is in the Holy Bible.  Unlike the seeming support Christ has given in calling a tax collector to be His disciple and the stories involving Caesar (such as the coin in the fish, render unto God . . .), there is a definite end to taxation found in Daniel 11:20, which also appears to be heaven sent.

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on September 12, 2011, 09:42:04 pm
Thanks! Will check it out when I get the chance! :)

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: NextStopHeaven on September 20, 2011, 03:16:03 am
I was doing a website search for Good Christian sites/forums when I came across this page on your forum.

Sorry let me say Hi, I'm a middle aged married Christian lady.  Long time Christian on the conservative side but adventerous and happy to meet other Christians from different backgrounds to mine. 

Anyway I noticed Born Again Got banned from Rapture Ready.  I too had been banned last year when I had the hide to ask why one of my friends on there was banned when she was set upon first.  You don't question the mods why anybody is banned apparently and so I got banned for a while last year.  Sort of a slap on wrist thing to put me in line I guess.

Anyway I have tried a couple of other Christian Forums to see if I could find another good one that was smaller and has Christian Believers who are Christ and Bible centered.  Unfortunately they were so argumentative and allowed quite a few heretical teachings without any serious intervention from the moderators.  There is such a thing as very lax moderators I found out.  Also these websites allowed members to personally attack each other.  That is just not my cup of tea.

So I have dropped in here to check out some of your suggestions.

I have a question.  Has anyone here been to Rapture in the Air Now {RITAN).  I have noticed they are similar to Rapture Ready but I have a few reservations about them.  If anyone has any good or bad observations of their own I would appreciate it.


Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Kilika on September 20, 2011, 03:29:13 am

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: NextStopHeaven on September 20, 2011, 06:42:11 am
Hey back to you Kilika.

BornAgain2 mentions a few websites I am familiar with, there have been a few Prophecy Forums formed by various banned RR members.  Some have closed down now and there are one or two that have very few members that post so it may be days before you get a reply.

I have tried out Worthy Forums but I found there are a few very intense members there who have definite views or opinions and if you cross them they really make life difficult for you as they follow you around and goad you into debating them or are just plain obnoxious.

If I do a search for Christian or Jesus you come up with so many sites and it is hard to decide what sites to begin with.

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on September 20, 2011, 07:59:47 am
Hey back to you Kilika.

BornAgain2 mentions a few websites I am familiar with, there have been a few Prophecy Forums formed by various banned RR members.  Some have closed down now and there are one or two that have very few members that post so it may be days before you get a reply.

There was End Times Round Table - don't know if it exists any more as I haven't been there for almost 2 years(they had to revamp it b/c there ended up being alot of infighting b/w pre and post trib believers - surprising b/c for awhile, the discussions were very civl on it until one day in Oct 2009). Anyhow, this site came about b/c 1/2 of the members on RR got banned(for no reason at all) in July 2008. It was a big mystery to everyone.

Pretty much, there is alot of on-again, off-again spiritual warfare on there, and yes, the mods on there IMHO are pretty suspicious. I merely surf the threads on there, and notice how whenever in their political forums someone merely points out Rick Perry's evil deeds(ie-the HV shots young girls got in TX), a couple of people would just butt in and insist how this was a "mistake", and end up subtlely belittling those who pointed out these evil deeds.

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Christian40 on September 20, 2011, 08:02:04 am
Hi NextStopHeaven,

Welcome to the forum

Have you tried the AV toolbar at www.contendingfortruth.com ?

It will help you pick some Christian sites.

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: NextStopHeaven on September 20, 2011, 07:27:17 pm
Hi NextStopHeaven,

Welcome to the forum

Have you tried the AV toolbar at www.contendingfortruth.com ?

It will help you pick some Christian sites.

I hate installing toolbars and then having to uninstall them as you never get rid of all their component 100%.  My OLd PC is limping along at the moment and I even did a clean up as best I could.  I assume the website might have some Christian forum site suggestions or links so I will check the website out.

I have installed Worthy Links Christian Search Engine  (not as a tool bar but on my list of search engines only).  That is how I came across the most recent Christian site I went to but as I said before they were really at each others throat there.  I checked out a few more websites but either they have specific doctrines I can't agree with or are very restrictive to the point of brainwashing.  I've spent a few months checking them out.  One I was recommended by another ex-RR member is RITAN or Rapture in the Air Now.  I don't have broadband and  they are a bit graphics heavy so it takes me ages to go from one page to another and I haven't spent much time there.  Olders mainly text style boards suit me better because I have only dialup (heaven help me when the modem goes you can't buy new ones and I think my provider wants to force us over to broadband but I don't think I can go from $8.00 a month to around $60.00). 

So I have a few PC issues to consider not just what the forum is like. 

Honestly so far the other forums I have tried really haven't been as good as RR despite their mods being a bit over the top these days.  I was with RR before Todd Strandberg retired and changed the admin and mods.  It was my second experience of a Christian forum and I was grateful because it was so good compared to the first one.  I can tell you some of the others I have checked out since having a look at what is out there has made my hair curl.  It certainly gave me an education in what some Liberal Christians believe these days and I accidently came across some secular boards with a supposed Religious Section where there were some Christians as well.  I need to get out more I have been sort of wrapped in Christian Cotton wool until now.

This board seems good I was thinking why don't I just stay here if you will have me?

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Kilika on September 21, 2011, 06:27:57 pm
Well, it's not very busy, and not alot of members, but I think the Lord has blessed this place to be pretty peaceful and informative, "as using this world and not abusing it".

"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool." Isaiah 1:18 (KJB)

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: NextStopHeaven on September 21, 2011, 08:45:08 pm
Thanks Kilika,

Well not too busy is fine.  I'm tired of the boards where there a long bickering sessions over who knows what because by the time you get to the thread it has decended into name calling and it doesn't glorify God. 

I just want to chat a little with reasonable people.  Quiet is good.

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: ipso facto on October 21, 2011, 05:49:52 am


A site for mp3 podcasts and radio shows on various Christian topics

( many hosted by different persons, so discernment is encouraged )

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Overcast on October 25, 2011, 03:09:20 pm
Here's a good one a few might enjoy.


Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on October 25, 2011, 04:52:16 pm
Here's a good one a few might enjoy.


By any chance, are you the same guy with this username over on PPF? I like reading your posts over there. Do you also listen to Scott Johnson's weekly studies?

Either way, welcome to this forum!

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Overcast on October 26, 2011, 09:47:34 am
By any chance, are you the same guy with this username over on PPF? I like reading your posts over there. Do you also listen to Scott Johnson's weekly studies?

Either way, welcome to this forum!

Yep, I was PMing Dok about a thread, and he pointed me this way.

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Edward Palamar on October 29, 2011, 11:21:21 pm
I have a question.  Has anyone here been to Rapture in the Air Now {RITAN).  I have noticed they are similar to Rapture Ready but I have a few reservations about them.  If anyone has any good or bad observations of their own I would appreciate it.

RITAN has at least one resident cyberdevil.

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Watchman57 on November 01, 2011, 06:37:03 am





Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Christian40 on November 02, 2011, 04:54:25 am
Thanks for the recommendations.

I have recommended the cuttingedge website but alot of people find it unappealing ???

I guess because it shows the truth and there is a shock factor :o

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: akfools on November 16, 2011, 12:19:02 pm
Preacher Bureau of Investigations
Exposing The Greed In Our Pulpits


Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: akfools on November 16, 2011, 12:22:32 pm
For Generations.Net
Expose Darkness Preach Truth


Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: akfools on November 16, 2011, 12:25:37 pm

Often times, when someone comes against the False Teachers, Charlatans and Heretics of their day, they are viciously attacked by the blind followers of such people. These blind followers usually don't pay much attention (if any) to the facts and Biblical objections offered, they just attack the messenger bringing the facts and Biblical objections. In philosophy, this is called an "ad hominen attack". It isn't a logical way to "win an argument" or to "prove your position". Attacking the messenger doesn't prove that his message is wrong. Our message to you is that the people listed on this website are false teachers. We aren't interested in helping you put together an "ad hominen attack" against us, so we won't be disclosing our identities. Who we are, what our background is and what our theological preferences are mean very little in this situation. What matters is whether or not the information presented on this website is true. If it is true, then you have a choice to make.

We plead with you to consider the information found on this website. We have taken lots of time and effort to put these resources together in one place and to put this website together. Please take the time to make use of it. There are so many people who are deceived by the false teachers on this website and we want to change that. If there is someone on this website that you have looked up to for some time, please just objectively consider the facts concerning that person. Your very soul may be at stake! The souls of others may be at stake too, if you are supporting these wolves in sheep's clothing. The more support you give them, the longer they go on in their "ministry" and the more people they will deceive. They must be put to a stop! That means that you need to open your eyes to the truth and stop supporting these charlatans!

Lastly, most of the resources found on this website were NOT originally created by us. We have simply taken the time to compile all of the articles, audios and videos and put them in one place. We hope that this website will be a blessing to people ALL AROUND THE WORLD who are deceived by these "clouds without water". So, we are indebted to those people who have taken their precious time to make the resources that are found on this website. We may not agree with every little thing said in each article, audio or video, but we definitely agree on one thing: THESE PEOPLE ARE FALSE TEACHERS. He who has ears to ear, may he HEAR, repent and walk in holiness before God!


Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: akfools on November 16, 2011, 12:29:09 pm
Church and State Law by Jerald Finney



Companion website: "Separation of Church and State Law Blog" this website has many articles and audio teachings concerning the issue of separation of church and state.

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: akfools on November 16, 2011, 12:31:03 pm
Prophecy News Watch
Keeping You Informed of World Events From A Biblical Perspective


Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: akfools on November 16, 2011, 12:32:52 pm


Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: akfools on November 16, 2011, 12:34:30 pm
FreeHovind.com is dedicated to Kent Hovind - A prominent Creation Science speaker, debater, and evangelist. On January 19, 2007, Hovind was sentenced to 10 years in federal prison for tax related charges. Hovind's wife, Jo, was later sentenced to 2 years. This site is the creation of an unaffiliated individual to help share Hovind's message.


Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: akfools on November 18, 2011, 02:09:14 am
Ephesians 5:11 Blog


Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Christian40 on November 18, 2011, 03:00:17 am
A KJV Christian website from South Africa!


How many of you have been to a South African website? 8)

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: skiesandclouds on December 21, 2011, 02:54:52 am
here's another good site:


Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on July 16, 2012, 10:33:31 am

I ran into Brian O'Connell's web site when I was doing a youtube search on post-trib rapture 2 years ago. No, this isn't the only topic he talks about, he talks about ALOT of things. His ministry doesn't seem to be some typical 501c3 and is seemed to be runned by merely a "fellowship of believers".

You can also participate in discussions when he does blogs et al. Overall, it's a very nice web site with alot of info that he puts out. Yes, he himself is KJV-only(and uses scripture on his site only with this version), however, at the same time, he's thinks there's a bit too much fuss over trying to get everyone to read the KJV only(ie-he himself was saved out of an NIV, and seems like he feels a bit hypocritical that everyone has to go after others to read the KJV).

But hey, it's only a minor reservation I have. It's not like he's Russ Dizzdar or other watchmen ministries where they're completely slamming the KJV. Overall, again, a very good site.

Well, my apologies here for recommending this web site - after further review, there seems to be alot of red flags with this guy's(Brian O'Connell) ministry.

1) Saying he was annointed a "Crossbearer" screams Churchianity, and even Occultish. I believe when Jesus says he who doesn't take up his cross and follow me can't be my disciple was spoken to ALL Christians, and NOT some "select few" to travel around the country and world to preach the gospel.

2) He's done ministry work with some questionable churches. Assembly of God being one of them(AOG has ties to the charismatics), and other 501c3 corporate entities. You talk about quite a bit of leaven.

3) He doesn't seem to give God all the glory. For example, he would boast about giving out 8000 tracts one time. Personally, I'm a pro-tract guy, but nonetheless, he should realize that all we do is plant and water, and God giveth the increase.

4) He subscribes to the great tribulation being 3.5 years, and not 7. Now this is the Jesuit-scholar Francisco Rivera/NASB bible view.(and even Eugene Peterson's The Message Bible believes this as well) This is the view where in Daniel's 70th week, the confirmation of the covenant was when Jesus Christ did his 3.5 year ministry on earth in the 1st half, and the 2nd 3.5 years won't happen until the AC reveals himself. Again, Jesus Christ did his 3.5 year earthly ministry during the first 69 weeks(and scripture in Daniel 9 makes this clear). I believe Steve Quayle believes this view as well.

I know we all see through a glass darkly, but nonetheless it IS important that as Christians, we believe the PROPER escatology view, and not have this attitude that "We should respect other people's escatology views even though they're Preterists" attitude. Even the 3.5 year view was something the Jesuits put out.

5) He claims to use the KJV primarly, but he wrote a piece defending the other versions. His piece was very flawed b/c he used alot of the corrupted lexicons to prove the NKJV, NIV, etc are good bibles(and even defended James White, and attacked Gail Ripplinger). He also said other dumb stuff like how the KJV-only crowd doesn't preach the gospel to the lost b/c they're busy promoting the KJV to them.  ??? Uhhh, yeah...we FIRST preach the gospel to them, THEN give them a KJV. Anything wrong with that? If I were you, I wouldn't be handing out those wicked bibles to the lost.

Now this should not sit well with any Christian - someone who says he(or she) is primarly KJV, but has no qualms with the other versions. Personally, I'll take an evangelist who primarily uses some other version over someone who claims to use the KJV, but supports the other versions.

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Christian40 on July 17, 2012, 02:05:15 am

See this father and son ministry in the UK that is KJV and in line with what we believe here.

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Kilika on July 17, 2012, 03:44:21 am
http://www.christianforums.com/ (http://www.christianforums.com/)

Anyone seen this site? They claim 300,000 members, and over 61 million posts in over 7 million threads.

Looks REAL churchianity-ish.

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Mark on July 17, 2012, 04:08:33 am
http://www.christianforums.com/ (http://www.christianforums.com/)

Anyone seen this site? They claim 300,000 members, and over 61 million posts in over 7 million threads.

Looks REAL churchianity-ish.

should be called catholic forums

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on July 17, 2012, 10:40:02 am
http://www.christianforums.com/ (http://www.christianforums.com/)

Anyone seen this site? They claim 300,000 members, and over 61 million posts in over 7 million threads.

Looks REAL churchianity-ish.

Alot of these mainstream Christian forums(end times and otherwise) are heavily leavened - for example, some of them will claim that the KJV is the primary bible they use, but somehow they rationalize how the other versions are not bad. It's fairly obvious why b/c otherwise, they would end up scaring off alot of their members, meaning their donation$ will go down, meaning le$$ money coming into their pockets. Yeah, alot of these mainstream sites rake in alot of money.

But there are consequences - for example, in their Apostasy forums, you don't see anyone defending the KJV, and their exposing of wolves in sheep's clothing has become limited(ie-can't call out 501c3, organized religion, John MacArthur, etc).

Come to think of it, in one mainstream christian forum I surfed the other day, they were slamming Alberto Rivera, and used ONLY that one Greg Metz source to prove their points.(ie-Metz has been exposed as a liar and a potential Jesuit) In their other forums, unsurprisingly, they support alot of these seminary "bible colleges" like Liberty Univ.

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Kilika on July 17, 2012, 01:58:03 pm
In order for them to conform to the laws of Caesar, they must compromise the gospel, and so they do. And if it goes against the gospel, then it is fueled by the love of money.

"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?" 2 Corinthians 6:14 (KJB)

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Aussie Micha on February 16, 2013, 04:45:18 am
Anyway I noticed Born Again Got banned from Rapture ReadyI too had been banned last year when I had the hide to ask why one of my friends on there was banned when she was set upon first.  You don't question the mods why anybody is banned apparently and so I got banned for a while last year.  Sort of a slap on wrist thing to put me in line I guess.

Me three!!!!

We should open a Banned Rapture Ready thread!  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Christian40 on February 28, 2013, 10:12:55 pm

Bryan Delinger's site with new videos on it

Title: Good Prophecy News/Websites in General:
Post by: McChristian on August 03, 2013, 05:40:39 pm
http://israndjer.blogspot.com/ (http://israndjer.blogspot.com/)


[url]http://endtimesandcurrentevents.freesmfhosting.com/ (http://www.contendingfortruth.com/url)

Title: Re: Good Prophecy News/Websites in General:
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on August 04, 2013, 03:16:21 pm
http://israndjer.blogspot.com/ (http://israndjer.blogspot.com/)

I'm just looking through this blog web site - only glancing through it, but nonetheless some concerns...

1) Promotes Hal Lindsey - when I started getting into bible prophecy, I watched his show. Had some good stuff on Israel, but nonetheless he was very deceptive as well. He supports the Pope, the "war on terror", the false left/right paradigm like the "Republican" party were the good forces, and his "Late Great Planet Earth" was written by a ghostwriter(Lindsey is really nothing more than a celebrity). He's also been divorced multiple times, and both him and his daughters went to Jesuit universities. Frankly, I'm surprised a lot of the end times bible prophecy crowd(mostly the mainstream sites) endorse him.

Jude_1:4  For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.

2) A lot of this blogger's teachings can get LONG and drawn out - my experiences with them is that the longer and drawn out their teachings like these are, the more error and confusion ends up coming out of them. Ultimately, it should be the Holy Ghost that teacheth.

John_14:26  But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

1John_2:27  But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.

3) I'm a sports fan too, but nonetheless it didn't sit well with me when he had a link to NHL hockey stats. He's free to exercise his liberties, but nonetheless he should keep these hobbies private as it's not edifying to the body of Christ.

1Cor 8:13  Wherefore, if meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the world standeth, lest I make my brother to offend.

4) Personally, I like some of these blogs and videos/audio sermons - but nonetheless regardless of how good/bad fruit they bear, our flesh is weak.

Matthew 26:40  And he cometh unto the disciples, and findeth them asleep, and saith unto Peter, What, could ye not watch with me one hour?
Mat 26:41  Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.

Which is why we always try everything with scripture, no ifs ands or buts. Again, not saying this blog site is bad(I'll admit, some of the stuff on it is good, aside from the Lindsey/NHL stuff, and he could condense his teachings much more), but nonetheless you never know where/when there's another serpent lurking around, like how the serpent tricked Eve in the garden of Eden by his subtlety.

2Cor 11:2  For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.
2Co 11:3  But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

With that being said, I am going to move this thread into its respective thread(which was started 2 years ago).

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Christian40 on January 14, 2014, 04:41:57 am

Alot of info here that you might find interesting ;)

Title: Re: Other good Christian sites and forums.
Post by: Christian40 on June 17, 2014, 06:23:53 am
This website has been going since 2004 or so and had not heard of it until recently,
