Title: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on November 23, 2011, 07:13:28 am ‘Chrislam’ Rising
Communities across the nation are taking Christianity and Islam—two diametrically opposed theologies—and working to blend them together. “Chrislam, as the name suggests, is a growing movement wherein some Christians are seeking to find common ground with Muslims,” explains theologian Bill Muehlenberg of the doctrine that began in Nigeria in the 1980s. “Indeed, it actually seeks to combine Christianity with Islam.” Chrislam has gained significant momentum since the seed was planted nearly three decades ago. Earlier this year Christian communities in Dallas, Chicago, Washington, D.C, and other cities placed Qurans in church pews—right alongside Bibles—and preached about the Prophet Muhammad. Chrislamists use similarities, such as the monotheistic elements of Christianity and Islam, to unite believers under a common banner. For example, Chrislam advocates point to the mention of Jesus 25 times in the Quran, as well as congruent teachings on morals and ethics. By identifying these supposed parallels, proponents believe they are drawing a spiritual sword to battle atheism and polytheism and solving a deadly conflict in the West. Bible-believing Christians are rejecting the movement. Tim Forsthoff, senior pastor of Cornerstone Church in Highland, Mich., is one of many speaking out against it. “We are not brothers with those who reject Christ. We are not part of the family of God with those who deny the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ,” he stresses. In June, Jack Van Impe, the popular end-time television host, walked away from TBN in the wake of a dispute over naming well-known ministers he claims are mixing Muslim and Christian beliefs. TBN decided to pull the broadcast, and Van Impe cried censorship and ended the 23-year relationship. “When I see heretical teaching leading to apostasy, I will speak out,” Van Impe said. Paul L. Williams, an author, journalist and professor, blames the ideal of multiculturalism for the successful spread of Chrislam. He says most Christians think multiculturalism and diversity are the best things for the U.S. In some American pulpits today, speaking against diversity is a sin, he notes. “People have been led to believe all cultures are equal, that all religions are equal. The No. 1 culprit here is embracing ... the different cultures,” Williams says. “[Muslims] are coming in and converting the Christians.” http://www.charismanews.com/world/32349-chrislam-rising Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on April 05, 2012, 05:27:30 am 'Chrislam' Movement Misguiding Former Muslims?
Satellite television, radio broadcasts, and the Internet present expanding opportunities for Muslims to hear the Gospel. But how welcoming are churches in Islamic nations to Muslims seeking to know more about Christ? And what happens when former Muslims start their own fellowships? "There is so much risk. There is so much danger," Todd Nettleton, director of media development for Voice of the Martyrs, told CBN News. "They are very concerned about what the government is going to say," he added. "[They think], 'If we are out converting Muslims, that potentially puts a target on our backs from the government.' So, they are very cautious about the idea of converting Muslims, of baptizing Muslims into faith in Christ." Former Muslim Samer Mohammed agreed. "Some people are afraid to accept you because they have fear," Mohammed explained. "They think if they accept the Muslim believer, some big problem will come to the church." Some Iranian churches allowed Muslim converts to join their congregations, only to discover later that several were actually government spies and Islamists seeking to harm them. Rejected by traditional Christians, a growing number of Christians from a Muslim background are now seeking to worship in their own way. Open Doors USA President Carl Moeller called the phenomenon like a "fourth branch" of Christianity. "Muslims are turning to faith in Jesus Christ, and out of that movement is emerging an entirely new way of expressing Christianity within the context of the Middle Eastern culture," he said. Samer Mohammed is a Palestinian Muslim background believer, or "MBB" as they are sometimes called. He prefers to fellowship with others like him. "We understand each other. The Muslim believers meet together, worship together, and this is good for these people," Mohammed said. "If I invite [a former Muslim] to MBB communities ... it's easy for him," he added. But, these communities are also at risk of misunderstanding important Christian doctrines. "Many of them -- because God's word is difficult to get ahold of -- find it easy to be misled and led astray by those who develop heretical or abhorrent theological practices," Moeller said. "Because there is no Bible to counteract that presence in the congregation, it can go on for quite some time," he added. Former Muslim Rachid is the host of the Christian television talk show "Daring Questions." He said it's not just a lack of Bibles that is creating heretics. "Because of lack of training and discipleship and teaching, we can come up with our own ideas or comfort zones," Rachid said. "Where we can please our former faith and our new faith, and come up with a new mixture of the two faiths." Some call this growing trend "Chrislam," a blend of Christianity and Islam. Others refer to it as the "Insider Movement," a practice in which Christians from a Muslim background still attend mosque and perform Islamic rituals. Mohammed said Christians in the West are advancing the idea. But he rejects the idea. "For me, I don't want the Muslim people to come in this way to Jesus," he said. "For me, this is still Muslim." "We are new people in Jesus. No more Islam, no Mohammed, no Koran," he continued. "This [Chrislam] is from Satan for me. This is not from God." "If a Muslim believes in Jesus Christ and he wants to stay practicing his Islamic faith, it will not work because there are so many pagan rituals in Islam," Rachid said. "Imagine bringing witchcraft to Christianity and say, 'Let's do both of them' and 'There is no harm.' And we stay Christians while practicing witchcraft. It doesn't work. So, it's the same thing with Islam," he continued. While he doesn't support the Insider Movement or Chrislam, Nettleton said he can see the value of MBBs attending mosque. "They're able to lead other people to Christ because they go to the mosque and maybe they strike up a conversation, 'What did you pray for today?'" Nettleton said. "And so they have opportunities." Rachid is less supporting of the idea. "If I'm an MBB and I still go to the mosque, what message am I communicating to the Muslims?" he asked. "I'm telling them I'm still a Muslim. I'm not saying to them, 'I've changed. Jesus Christ changed my life. I'm a new person.'" Rachid said many of his Muslim viewers have embraced the Christian faith because they are not satisfied spiritually. They are seeking justice and truth, virtues they are not finding in Islam, politics, and revolution. Mohammed said once Muslims accept Christ, they need help growing in the faith. "You need to take care of the MBB to give him good discipleship," he said. "Jesus says go and disciple the people." --Originally aired March 30, 2012. http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/world/2012/March/Chrislam-Movement-Misguiding-Former-Muslims/ Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on April 10, 2012, 11:02:28 am Rev. Wright Unleashed: ‘White Supremacy’ Drives ‘World Policy,’ Allah & Yahweh Are the ‘Same’…and Clarence Thomas Is Worshipping ‘Some Other God’
“The god of racists is not the God of righteousness. The god of the greedy is not the God of grace. The god of Wall Street is not the God of Main Street,” Wright proclaimed. “Those are two different gods and I ain’t talking about Allah and Yahweh. Those are the same names for the same God.” http://www.theblaze.com/stories/rev-wright-unleashes-new-racially-charged-sermons-justice-clarence-thomas-is-worshipping-some-other-god/ Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on July 26, 2013, 06:12:23 am Liberal media love new Jesus book 'Zealot', fail to mention author is Muslim
Reza Aslan, author of the new book, “Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth” has been interviewed on a host of media outlets in the last week. Riding a publicity wave, the book has surged to #2 on Amazon's list. Media reports have introduced Aslan as a “religion scholar” but have failed to mention that he is a devout Muslim. His book is not a historian’s report on Jesus. It is an educated Muslim’s opinion about Jesus -- yet the book is being peddled as objective history on national TV and radio. “Zealot” is a fast-paced demolition of the core beliefs that Christianity has taught about Jesus for 2,000 years. Aslan is not a trained historian. Like tens of thousands of us he has been formally educated in theology and New Testament Greek. He is a bright man with every right to hold his own opinion about Jesus—and to proselytize his opinion. As a sincere man, Aslan’s Muslim beliefs affect his entire life, including his conclusions about Jesus. But this is not being disclosed. “Zealot” is being presented as objective and scholarly history, not as it actually is—an educated Muslim’s opinions about Jesus and the ancient Near East. “Zealot” is a fast-paced demolition of the core beliefs that Christianity has taught about Jesus for 2,000 years. Its conclusions are long-held Islamic claims—namely, that Jesus was a zealous prophet type who didn’t claim to be God, that Christians have misunderstood him, and that the Christian Gospels are not the actual words or life of Jesus but “myth.” These claims are not new or unique. They are hundreds of years old among Muslims. Sadly, readers who have listened to interviews on NPR, "The Daily Show," Huffington Post or MSNBC may pick up the book expecting an unbiased and historic report on Jesus and first century Jewish culture. (I will let my Jewish friends address Aslan’s statement on MSNBC that, “there were certainly a lot of Jewish terrorists in first century Palestine.”) As a journalist and author who is Christian I cannot imagine penning a so-called objective biography of Muhammad and then concealing my conflict of interest in national media interviews. In world history there are no religions more violently and anciently opposed than the crusading, fighting, at times blood-shedding rivals of historic Islam and historic Christianity. Even non-violent Muslims and Christians, like Aslan and myself, understand that we hold aggressively oppositional views—particularly about Jesus. National news coverage of “Zealot” has ignored this conflict of interest. “Zealot” is written with the self-assumed authority of groundbreaking revelation from a historian. In reality, it is a religious person’s opinion about Jesus—from an adherent to the religion that has been in violent opposition to Christ for 1,400 years. Aslan informs us that we cannot trust the Gospel of Mark--because it was written 40 years after Jesus’ death. He then chides us to trust his new book, written almost 2,000 years later. I believe in Aslan’s right to hold and propagate any opinion. It’s a right that, ironically, Christians do not have in many Muslim countries. My concern is that national media coverage be smart and forthright about this conflict of interest, just as it would be if I—a Christian author and pastor—wrote a book about Muhammad. Pouring praise onto “Zealot” as new information about Jesus, without explaining its author’s devotion to a combatting religion, is blatant bias. This same bias would be unthinkable if the Christian and Muslim roles were reversed. With its riveting demolition of Jesus, “Zealot” will continue to attract interviews—some from reporters who want to see Jesus deconstructed. Many more interviews will come from reporters who simply don’t understand that Reza Aslan has a horse in this race. He is not an objective observer, but, to use his own word, a zealot, with religious motivation to destroy what Western culture has believed about its central figure for hundreds of years. In many ways, this conflict is larger than Christianity and Islam. It is a conflict of Western and Middle Eastern foundations. These are great and important debates that we should welcome, but let’s be honest about our motivations, positions and conflicts of interest as we dialogue. Let’s hope reporters in future interviews will, being informed, mention the glaring conflict of interest in this Islamic opinion of Jesus. It is no more objective than my educated views about Muhammad, as a Christian. “Zealot” is not new work from a historian. It is a sophisticated presentation of views that Muslims have held about Jesus for more than 1,000 years. Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2013/07/22/liberal-media-love-new-jesus-book-zealot-fail-to-mention-author-is-muslim/?utm Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Kilika on July 26, 2013, 03:52:31 pm Quote “there were certainly a lot of Jewish terrorists in first century Palestine.”) Obviously, Islam has no room to talk about terrorism in that area! And they can't even tell the truth either. Notice this little lie... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_Jerusalem (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_Jerusalem) Quote 610: The Temple Mount in Jerusalem become the focal point for Muslim Salah (prayers), known as the First Qibla, following Muhammad's initial revelations (Wahy) (Islamic sources) OH REALLY? How might that be possible, seeing that Muhammad didn't have his "visions" till 610AD? The cult hadn't even been invented yet! The Dome of the Rock wasn't built till about 690. The Koran wasn't even compiled till about 650. LIARS. The first mosque on the Temple Mount wasn't completed till about 700. ::) And they don't want to talk about how it is that Islam arrived in Jerusalem. Truth is, it was under threat by the point of a sword. Notice Wikipedia doesn't mention the initial invasion of Jerusalem by Islam. They mention the Persian invasion, then jumps to Mohammed there in 620, and going back to Medina in 623. OH, that's right, he flew there! ::) Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Kilika on July 29, 2013, 04:01:56 am Seems somebody doesn't want this story to go away. Now FOX is being attacked for interviewing Aslan. No surprise, seeing the world doesn't know what Christianity is, and are deceived by the Islamic effort to smear anything that isn't Islamic.
http://news.yahoo.com/why-fox-news-scandal-good-news-reza-aslan-221802800.html (http://news.yahoo.com/why-fox-news-scandal-good-news-reza-aslan-221802800.html) Quote Why the Fox News Scandal Is Good News for Reza Aslan Connor Simpson Arts & Entertainment Fox News Channel Religious scholar Reza Aslan recently appeared on the FoxNews.com show Spirited Debate and the host insisted that his being a Muslim somehow affects the quality of his new book about Jesus. The whole ordeal was embarrassing for Fox News, but things are only going to get better from here for the author. RELATED: What, Exactly, Motivated Fox to Pull the Plug on Beck? Aslan appeared on the online show on Friday to promote his new book, Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth, about how the environment Jesus grew up in shaped him. But host Lauren Green didn't want to talk about the book so much as she wanted to talk about how Aslan is a Muslim. "You’re a Muslim, so why did you write a book about the founder of Christianity?" was Green's very first question. "Well, to be clear, I am a scholar of religions with four degrees, including one in the New Testament, and fluency in biblical Greek, who has been studying the origins of Christianity for two decades, who also just happens to be a Muslim," Aslan politely replied. Green doesn't give up, though, the interview goes downhill from there: (see video) Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Psalm 51:17 on July 29, 2013, 06:20:11 am FOX News has slowly but surely stabbed their viewers in the back - for a good while, they just merely played good cop to their audiences who wanted an alternative to all of the (supposedly)liberal-leaning networks out there like MSBNC and CBS.
Yes, while all of the networks pushed the Iraq war prior to its invasion, FOX by far did the most damage in terms of deceiving its viewers(ie-the average FOX viewer at the time believed Iraq had WMDs AND Saddam was behind 9/11 AND Iraq was an imminent security threat to America AND afterwards, WMDs *had been found* in Iraq). In recent years, they are unmasking their true colors. Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Kilika on August 01, 2013, 05:26:27 am Whatever the motivation, the angle FOX is taking is correct in my opinion. They had every right to call him out on his "book".
And then there are the defenders of Aslan... http://news.yahoo.com/fox-news-rushing-defend-reza-aslan-interview-222802466.html (http://news.yahoo.com/fox-news-rushing-defend-reza-aslan-interview-222802466.html) Quote Fox News Is Rushing to Defend Its Reza Aslan Interview Abby Ohlheiser Fox News, after a pause, has come back fighting against criticism of their interview with Reza Aslan, a Muslim scholar who wrote a book about Jesus. And as the discussion about a book that's more or less a William Manchester-style literary biography (that is, one steeped in scholarship, but written for the mainstream) of the historical Jesus spirals further and further away from, you know, the actual content of the book itself, what's emerging is a deep, conservative fear, and anger, concerning the audacity and bias of non-Christians who discuss the content of the Bible... (see video interview) ...Much of Aslan's (and lots of others') frustration with Fox News began when Lauren Green wondered why a Muslim would "be interested in the founder of Christianity?" and her claim that Aslan's book was "like having a Democrat writing a book about why Reagan wasn’t a good Republican." While similar questions can and do provide a great opportunity for discussion among people who believe differently but have the same interests, Green's repeated questions represent a suspicion to his intentions that could be warranted, say, against a Hitchens-style screed against the idea that religion has value. But Aslan's book seems far from a religous attempt to question the facts of a Christian narrative in order to undermine it. RELATED: Shepard Smith on Barack Obama's Birth Certificate <<<< notice this? http://endtimesandcurrentevents.freesmfhosting.com/index.php/topic,1618.msg38565.html#msg38565 (http://endtimesandcurrentevents.freesmfhosting.com/index.php/topic,1618.msg38565.html#msg38565) Bozell thinks that Aslan's Muslim faith gives him an inherent 'bias' in his ability to write about Jesus. Why? In a nod to Aslan's choice to write about Jesus as a man, Bozell says that "the Muslim faith believes that Jesus Christ did not have a divine nature." But Bozell seems to miss that despite the fact that Muslims believe in the Virgin Birth, Aslan's book doesn't find much evidence of this religious claim, either — so where's the Muslim bias there? Additionally, Aslan, along with most experts on the history of Jesus, argues that Jesus was almost certainly crucified, while Islam is much more ambiguous on the subject — they believe he was brought up to heaven beforehand. Still, Aslan's Muslim bias is the central claim Fox News is making against Aslan's ability to write about Jesus. Evangelical author John S. ****erson's rant against Zealot for FoxNews.com finds a thousand ways to repeat this claim, arguing that Islam sees Jesus as a "zealous prophet type," continuing: Even non-violent Muslims and Christians, like Aslan and myself, understand that we hold aggressively oppositional views—particularly about Jesus. National news coverage of “Zealot” has ignored this conflict of interest. But Jesus is more than just a "prophet type" in Islam. He's a straight-up prophet, and one of the most important ones. Aside from the (religiously important) issue of his divine nature, Islam and Christianity tell basically the same story on Jesus. Despite Fox News's repeated concern about Aslan's Muslim faith, an actual religious bias on his part would have probably produced a more palatable book for Christian readers than the one he actually did write. But while Aslan's faith is a useful tool for critics to frame their beef with the book, it's not really their main argument. The problem, it seems, is that the book contradicts Christianity at all. (cont.) Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on August 04, 2013, 09:23:43 am "Jerk"Muslim biographer of Jesus a potty mouth on Twitter
The Muslim religious scholar whose Fox News interview about his book on Jesus doesn't exactly come off as a cerebral academic on Twitter, where his rants show a potty mouth always looking for a fight. Reza Aslan, author of “Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth,” has gained some sympathy from the interview, in which Lauren Green noted his Islamic faith. But Aslan, who has repeatedly flaunted his credentials as a basis for writing a book on Christianity, has shown a little less-than-scholarly approach towards critics on the popular microblogging site. Profanity-laced tweets were sent from his account, denouncing those who criticized his works. In a response to statements made by conservative blogger Robert Spencer back in early 2012, the scholar tweets, “Dear Robert Spencer. Stop begging for my attention. I’ll never take U seriously. P.S. I don’t think UR fat & gay. I think UR fat & stupid.” As tweets compiled by BuzzFeed and The Blaze show, it is far more common than one might think. With tweets range from the mildly offensive “idiot” to the outrageous “dumbass,” Aslan has also introduced a Glenn Beck element to his account, following Beck’s closer look at the controversial author. Some of the less inflammatory tweets are posted below. Yet, he appears to be proud of his unscholarly-like attitude towards critics. Quote Reza Aslan ✔ @rezaaslan Seriously if calling hatemongers "***holes" and trolls "**** for brains" makes me a jerk then I proudly accept title #TwitterJerk Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/08/02/cool-headed-academic-scholar-real-potty-mouth-on-twitter/#ixzz2b0hic6Si Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Psalm 51:17 on August 04, 2013, 02:38:06 pm Twitter ends up showing people's true colors, despite the fact that they're limited to a few words or so they're able to write.
James 3:5 Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth! Jas 3:6 And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell. Jas 3:7 For every kind of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents, and of things in the sea, is tamed, and hath been tamed of mankind: Jas 3:8 But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Kilika on August 05, 2013, 05:34:51 am Yeah, there's that pride!
Religion of peace my backside. ::) Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on August 06, 2013, 05:40:33 am The Lies and Misrepresentations of Reza Aslan
Among the Islamists and supporters of Sharia law, there is one individual in particular who has been capable of making money by misrepresenting himself and his credentials: the tireless self-promoter, Reza Aslan. After 9/11, Reza Aslan found the environment ripe in the United States to make profits by exaggerating and fabricating his qualifications. First of all, Reza Aslan has continuously presented himself as a professor of religion. This is done in an attempt to sell his few books, which lack academic and credible references. In one of his recent interviews, Aslan claims, “I am a scholar of religions with four degrees including one in the New Testament . . . I am an expert with a Ph.D. in the history of religions . . . I am a professor of religions, including the New Testament – that’s what I do for a living, actually . . . To be clear, I want to emphasize one more time, I am a historian, I am a Ph.D. in the history of religions.” Aslan also recently said on Twitter, “I have a BA, MA and PhD in the history of Western Religions so yes, again, I am an ACTUAL expert in Judaism.” In actuality, Reza Aslan is not a “professor of religion,” and what he claims he does “for a living” is an outrageous inaccuracy. Reza Aslan is an associate professor in the Creative Writing program at the University of California, Riverside. He teaches there based on his Master of Fine Arts degree in fiction from Iowa, his relevant academic credential. In addition, Reza Aslan received his PhD in sociology – not “History of Religions” – from the University of California, Santa Barbara in 2009. I used to teach at the University of California at Santa Barbara and I am familiar with the prominent theologians, professors and academic scholars at the school. None of these individuals that I met considered Reza Aslan even remotely close to being a scholar in religion. After all, he received his PhD in sociology. At first, I did not know of Reza Aslan. But when his name was brought up, I asked a director of one the departments at the university – who prefers to remain anonymous – for more information. He stated simply that Reza Aslan is a hungry self-promoter who begs for media attention and appearances, and who repeatedly misrepresents his credentials. He added that it goes without saying that Reza Aslan is laughed at within scholarly circles, and that academics do not consider Reza Aslan even a minor religious scholar. Secondly, the expertise – which Reza Aslan claims is based on his PhD – should be determined by the topic of the dissertation. Reza Aslan’s dissertation, titled “Global Jihadism as a Transnational Social Movement: A Theoretical Framework” reveals that if he is an expert based on his PhD, he should be an expert on social movements in early twentieth-century Islam, not on Christianity or even modern Islam. Third, although Reza Aslan calls himself a “historian,” he has never attainted a degree or had professional training in history, and has never even taken an elementary course in historiography for that matter. His dissertation focuses on the events and movements of the twentieth century and does not apply any historical methods or archival research. In addition, his dissertation is also an abnormally short one – approximately 130 pages double-spaced – which seems to have been written for publicity purposes for his book, Beyond Fundamentalism. Reza Aslan has been exploiting the situation in the United States after 9/11 to self-promote and make profits through these exaggerations and fabrications. Fourth, Reza Aslan is a self-proclaimed “scholar,” yet his background is inconsistent with academic scholarly standards. Reza Aslan has barely published any papers or articles in peer-reviewed scholarly journals. Fifth, Reza Aslan received his PhD in 2009. Yet, there are several interviews and events before 2009 where Reza Aslan sounds as if he is a professor with a PhD. The work of “real” scholars of religions – not of creative writing – in the United States and across the world speaks for itself, without the need for the author to shamelessly self-promote, boast oneself as a “prominent thinker” and “scholar of religions,” and to beg hungrily for media appearances with insatiable greed. Regardless of the inaccuracy of his self-descriptions, respectable scholars never flaunt their degrees so arrogantly. There are countless scholars and academics that have more prestigious PhD degrees in actual “religion,” which they obtained at a younger age and have had for decades (again, Aslan received his in 2009 at the age of 37). However, these intellectuals seldom boast or even mention their degrees. This shows that the aforementioned author only obtained his degree for flaunting purposes. Finally, the author has found the environment after 9/11 extremely advantageous for himself to exploit, self-promote, and to make profit. http://frontpagemag.com/2013/majid-rafizadeh/the-lies-and-misrepresentations-of-reza-aslan/ Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Psalm 51:17 on August 06, 2013, 08:26:40 am "Scholars" are the very last people anyone should trust...
1Cor 8:1 Now as touching things offered unto idols, we know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth. 1Co 8:2 And if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know. 1Co 8:3 But if any man love God, the same is known of him. Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on August 13, 2013, 09:24:59 am ha ha, it just keeps going
Biblical Archeology Filmmaker Blasts Jesus Book Author Reza Aslan for Suggesting Jesus Called His Country ‘Palestine’ Simcha Jacobovici is a Canadian-Israeli adjunct religion professor and filmmaker known for his biblical archaeology History Channel series “The Naked Archaeologist.” In an op-ed in the Times of Israel, Jacobovici takes Reza Aslan, author of “Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth” to task for referring to the land of Jesus as “Palestine,” when a review of historical sources shows the place was known as “Judea,” a word that in Hebrew is synonymous with the word “Jew.” Jacobovici writes (emphasis added throughout), “in all his interviews, Aslan goes out of his way to refer to Jesus’ Judea i.e., the land of the Jews, as ‘Palestine.’ For all I care, he can call it ‘Nebraska,’ as long as he doesn’t give the impression that this is really what it was called by the inhabitants of Judea in Jesus’ time.” “If you write a book about Jesus and you call his country by the name that he called it i.e., ‘Judea’, the politically correct armies of anti-Israel activists may get upset with you. So Aslan calls ancient Judea ‘Palestine’ and hides behind the reference to the ‘Roman designation’ for the province,” Jacobovici writes. “This is very cynical. It’s very cynical to fudge the history of the Aegean Philistines 3200 years ago, lingering references to their name, and the Roman province of the second century CE. It’s very cynical to retroactively place modern Arab Palestinians into Jesus’ Jewish Hellenistic world,” the Emmy Award-winning filmmaker writes. “In Jesus’ day, his country was called Judea, and the overall designation for the land was ‘Israel’ – as it is today. You can argue about politics, but let’s not change history to suit our views,” he adds. Jacobovici points out that when asked why he uses the name “Palestine” for ancient Judea, Aslan insists he is using the “Roman designation” for the area, saying the designation was “Syria Palestine.” “This is absolutely wrong,” writes Jacobovici. “More than this, it demonstrates a certain cynicism when manipulating history for the purpose of ideology.” Jacobovici provides a detailed review of the word “Palestine” and where it came from including noting that when Jesus was born “there hadn’t been any Philistines in the area for some 600 years.” The name “Palestine” does not appear in the Gospels and those living in Judea during Jesus’ time – including Jesus and his disciples “would never have referred to their country as ‘Palestine,’” the filmmaker notes. Many Blaze readers made the same point as Jacobovici when commenting on Faith Editor Billy Hallowell’s post reviewing highlights from Aslan’s contentious interview with Fox News. “It’s about a historical man who walked the earth 2,000 years ago in a land that the Romans found Palestine,” Aslan told Fox News last month. One reader commented, “Notice how he refuses to say ‘Israel’ using the name ‘Palestine.’” Another wrote of Aslan’s terminology: “It’s about a historical man who walked the earth 2,000 years ago in a land that the Romans found Palestine.’ This is inaccurate.” “I wonder if his true purpose was not so much Jesus in his book but attempting to establish Palestine 2000 years ago,” wrote another Blaze reader. Jacobovici has himself been the subject of some criticism for raising provocative theories about early Christianity, including a theory that Jesus and his family were buried in a tomb under Jerusalem. Jacobovici likens Aslan’s word choice to another politically-charged issue, Native Americans, writing, “But let’s say the Romans had called ‘Judea’ ‘Palestine’ in Jesus’ time – which they didn’t – why would a writer focusing on Jesus as a Jewish patriot i.e., a Zealot, want to call Jesus’ country by the name that his enemies used?” “It’s as if I wrote a book about a native American hero and kept referring to him as an ‘Indian’, because that’s what white people called him,” Jacobovici writes. “I think there is no room for propaganda when reviewing history. No one is objective. But we can try to be truthful,” he adds. Jacobovici’s op-ed and historical analysis can be found at this link. http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/palestine-history-of-a-name/ http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/08/13/biblical-archeology-filmmaker-blasts-jesus-book-author-reza-aslan-for-suggesting-jesus-called-his-country-palestine/ Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Kilika on August 13, 2013, 04:38:39 pm Quote “I wonder if his true purpose was not so much Jesus in his book but attempting to establish Palestine 2000 years ago,” wrote another Blaze reader. No question about it, that is exactly what Islam is trying to do every chance they get. They want ALL Jewish ties either destroyed, covered up, or altered in an attempt to create the illusion that Islam was always in Judea, a lie promoted by many, including the head of the Waqf in Jerusalem. He even claims the temple never existed, and that the Al Aqsa mosque has always been on the Temple Mount. ::) You cannot reason with evil deceptions. You can only rebuke it with the Word of God. Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on October 01, 2013, 07:25:36 am Washington Post Has Controversial MUSLIM Author, Resa Aslan, Write 'Five Myths About Jesus' Column
The Washington Post has recently published a column for their weekly Sunday section on "5 Myths About Jesus" by a controversial author and scholar. Resa Aslan, author of the best-selling book Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth, wrote a column Sunday arguing that there were five commonly believed ideas about Jesus that were either untrue or likely untrue. "Outside of the Gospels…there is almost no trace of this simple Galilean peasant who inspired the world's largest religion," wrote Aslan. "But there's enough biblical scholarship about the historical Jesus to raise questions about some of the myths that have formed around Him over the past 2,000 years." The five points of contention Aslan wrote about were, in order, "Jesus was born in Bethlehem," "Jesus was an only child," "Jesus had 12 disciples," "Jesus had a trial before Pontius Pilate" and "Jesus was buried in a tomb." Dan Gainor, vice president for the Business and Culture department of the Media Research Center, told The Christian Post that he was not shocked by The Washington Post opting to publish the piece. "The major media are reflexively anti-Christian, so hyping an anti-Christian author fits within their world quite well," said Gainor. "Aslan has gotten major coverage in the Post and the major media have loved him ever since his Fox News interview." Gainor also told CP that The Washington Post published the column as "an attempt to gin up a controversy by a man with a questionable resume bashing Christianity." "Try to imagine the Post giving that much space to a Christian author writing the '5 Myths About Islam.' That would never happen," said Gainor. Every Sunday, The Washington Post features a "Five Myths About…" segment, usually about a contemporary issue, person or theme. Past topics have included authors attempting to dispel "myths" regarding Millennials, cruise missiles, libertarians and Detroit. A scholar of religious studies, Aslan had his book "Zealot" published in July. The book became a best seller, in large part, because of the attention it received following a controversial interview Aslan had with a Fox News anchor. "Zealot" was not without its critics, as many scholars and pundits took exception with Aslan's claims and his methodology. Stephen Prothero, religion professor at Boston University, had a book review published by The Washington Post wherein Prothero accused Aslan of "cherry-picking" his evidences from the Bible. "Like every other scholar with the chutzpah to try to divide the historical Jesus accurately from the Christ of Christian faith, Aslan does a lot of cherry-picking," wrote Prothero. "More to the point, why credit and emphasize violent passages in the Gospels while discrediting and deemphasizing peaceful ones? Why believe that Jesus really told his disciples, 'If you do not have a sword, go sell your cloak and buy one' (Luke 22:36)? Why the skepticism when it comes to 'love your enemies' (Matthew 5:44)?" http://www.christianpost.com/news/washington-post-has-controversial-author-resa-aslan-write-five-myths-about-jesus-column-105606/ Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Kilika on October 01, 2013, 08:53:19 am Quote 'If you do not have a sword, go sell your cloak and buy one' (Luke 22:36) Cherry-picking indeed! Jesus wasn't telling them to get a sword for self defense! If He were, then why did He tell them "It is enough" when they told Him they had two swords? Two swords for all the disciples? Uh, it wasn't about self defense or fighting men. Couple that fact with the other fact that there is no other scripture in the New Testament that even mentions anything about a weapon used for self defense. All other references are about loving your enemy and doing no harm to others, to offer the other cheek. Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on October 08, 2013, 07:23:43 am Chrislam Starts To Spread In America
“And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.” Revelation 3:14-16 Pastors that are really wolves in sheep’s clothing You knew this day was going to come, when the liberal “love gospel” preachers who, desiring to fill their seats and bank accounts, would find a way to merge apostate christianity with the Devil’s religion of Islam. That day is here. Just recently, Rick Warren, founder and pastor of Saddleback Community Church in Orange County California, addressed the convention of the Islamic Society of North America. Warren stated that Muslims and Christians must work together to combat stereotypes, promote peace and freedom, and solve global problems. Christians and Moslems – faith mates, soul mates and now work mates! Chrislam! Quote of the Day: “Before we “shake your hand” in responding to your letter, we ask forgiveness of the All-Merciful One and of the Muslim community around the world.” – Rick Warren in a speech to Muslims. This weekend, the Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church in Houston along with Christian communities in Atlanta, Seattle, and Detroit will initiate a series of sermons that have been designed to produce an ecumenical reconciliation between Christianity and Islam. In addition to the sermons, the Sunday school lessons will center on the inspired teachings of the Prophet Mohammad. Qurans will be placed in the pews next to the Bibles. (NOTE: Due to the overwhelming response that this article has generated, the Pastor of Memorial Church has issued a semi-denial of the events we reported. They do not, however, deny supporting and teaching a doctrine called “Jesus in the Koran. Click here to read their semi-denial. So until other information is made available to NTEB, we will run the story as is, along with their side, and you the reader can decide what’s going on. But people, ask yourself…would any real, bible believing church try and teach it’s members about “Jesus in the Koran”? That’s blasphemy.) The concept of Chrislam, now embraced by such preachers as Rick Warren and Robert Schuller, appears to have emerged from a program on the meaning of “love your neighbor” at Grace Fellowship Church in Atlanta, Georgia “In 2001, like most Americans, we were pretty awakened to the true Islamic presence in the world and in the United States,” says Jon Stallsmith, the outreach minister at Grace Fellowship. “Jesus says we should love our neighbors. We can’t do that without having a relationship with them.” Stallsmith maintains that a rapprochement between Muslims and Christians can be achieved by the fact that Jesus is mentioned twenty-five times in the Quran. The Chrislam movement has gained impetus by statements from President George W. Bush and that Christians, Jews, and Muslims all worship the same God and by Rick Warren’s reference to Isa (the Muslim name for Jesus) in his prayer at the inauguration of President Barack Obama. Only 30 percent of Americans have a favorable view of Muslims, according to a Pew Forum poll. At the same time, more than half the country says they know “not very much” or “nothing at all” about the Islamic faith. “The recent political developments and the fact that we’re fighting two wars in Muslim countries should sharpen that need to know how to talk to these guys,” Stallsmith insists “We want to find peace, reconciliation around a scriptural understanding of Jesus.” Jesus in the Quran is neither the only-begotten Son of God nor the Messiah who was divinely appointed to restore the House of David. He is rather viewed as a prophet who was appointed by Allah to prepare mankind for the coming of Mohammad.” http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/blog/?p=1366 Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Kilika on October 08, 2013, 02:04:54 pm Quote says Jon Stallsmith, the outreach minister at Grace Fellowship. “Jesus says we should love our neighbors. We can’t do that without having a relationship with them.” His fruit shows he has no clue what the true doctrine of Christ is. Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on October 11, 2013, 02:59:53 pm Presbyterian Church USA Teams Up With American Islamists
The Church is an official interfaith partner with U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entities and supporters of Sharia for America. A writer giving soft treatment to Islamists wouldn’t be a new development, but Ben Daniel isn’t just any writer. He’s the pastor of a church and his book was published by the Presbyterian Church USA. This church of 1.8 million has become an ally of Islamists. Pastor Ben Daniel leads Foothill Presbyterian Church of San Jose and his book, The Search for Truth About Islam: A Christian Pastor Separates Fact from Fiction, was released on March 25 by the official publisher of the Presbyterian Church USA. His book “explores what he calls ‘the American cult of fear,’ particularly as it relates to the rise of Islamophobia in the United States.” Islamists have used the term “Islamophobia” to gain political influence and bash opponents – including ant-Islamists Muslims -- long before the 9/11 attacks. Now, even Muslims are speaking out against the abuse of the term. At an August 22 speaking engagement at Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church, which was attended by almost 150 people, Pastor Daniel said that the CIA estimates there are less than 20,000 terrorists in the entire world. That’s incorrect, but many Christians in the audience won’t know that. The UN says Al-Shabaab in Somalia alone has 5,000 members. Jabhat al-Nusra in Syria has around 7,000 members. There are over 50 groups designated as Foreign Terrorist Organizations by the U.S. State Department, most of which are Islamic. Pastor Daniel’s willful blindness to the greater Islamist threat is apparent in his book when he upholds Imam Zaid Shakir as an admirable moderate. He says that Shakir’s Zaytuna College in California is “filling an important niche in American higher education.” There are plenty of reasons to be concerned about the education there – including one from earlier this year, when Shakir said that Sharia-based governance is superior to the U.S. Constitution. Specifically, Shakir said that constitution-based citizenship is “a lofty ideal but after 200, 300 years of experimentation, we find that inequality is greater than it has ever been in the history of humanity.” Instead, governance based on Islamic law is what should be pursued, he asserted. “Secularism says we keep religion out. Why? Because if we have religion and religion is the basis of membership in the community, we can’t have perfect equality. We can’t have perfect equality. If Islam is the basis, the kafir won’t be equal with the Muslim. The Christian or the Jew will be a dhimmi. They won’t be equal with the Muslim,” he preached. In 2006, Shakir told the New York Times “he still hoped that one day the United States would be a Muslim country ruled by Islamic law.” Shakir is also famous for writing anti-American poems, justifying attacks on U.S. soldiers, being a 9/11 conspiracy theorist and preaching that a new Caliphate is needed that will wage jihad with “weaponry against the enemies of Islam.” Pastor Daniel’s book is just an example of what is happening in the Presbyterian Church USA overall. (The Presbyterian Church USA is one of about 14 large denominations of Presbyterians in the U.S. and about the same number of smaller ones.) The Presbyterian Church USA is an official interfaith partner of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), a U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entity and unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorism financing trial in American history. The two are also both members of the Shoulder-to-Shoulder Campaign. ISNA is so proud of the interfaith coalition that it bragged about it during a meeting with Islamist Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan this year. The Presbyterian Church also is part of the Religions for Peace USA coalition that also has a heavy Islamist component including ISNA. The Church has a representative on its Executive Council and Council of Presidents. In July 2012, the Presbyterian Church Office of Public Witness blasted Rep. Michele Bachmann and four other members of Congress as essentially being bigoted “Joseph McCarthys.” The legistalors’ offense was requesting a review of the Muslim Brotherhood-linked organizations’ involvement with the U.S. government. The Church passionately defended ISNA, the Muslim Public Affairs Council and Huma Abedin. The Presbyterian Mission Agency website’s "interfaith links of interest" include ISNA, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) and the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC). All four have Muslim Brotherhood origins and three of the four appear in a 1991 list of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s fronts. The Presbyterian Church is currently updating its 2010 study on Christian-Muslim relations that was prompted by “alarming anti-Muslim statements and actions.” The list of advisors and sources for the study includes various Islamists including Tariq Ramadan, the grandson of the Muslim Brotherhood’s founder. We don’t have to speculate about what the ultimate objective is for ISNA, including its interfaith campaigns. The current leader of its interfaith office was videotaped in 2006 saying, “Our job is to change the constitution of America.” The Presbyterian Church USA has around 1.8 million members, over 10,000 congregations and 14,000 ministers. Although its membership has been shrinking yearly, its pro-Islamist political activity should not be ignored. http://www.clarionproject.org/analysis/presbyterian-church-teams-american-islamists# Title: Presbyterian Church USA Teams Up With American Islamists Post by: Psalm 51:17 on October 27, 2013, 10:45:07 pm http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/newsletters/2013/newsletters20131021.htm#19
Presbyterian Church USA Teams Up With American Islamists By Ryan Mauro The Clarion Project (an out of house news source not related to Lighthouse Trails – posted for informational and research purposes) The Church is an official interfaith partner with U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entities and supporters of Sharia for America. A writer giving soft treatment to Islamists wouldn’t be a new development, but Ben Daniel isn’t just any writer. He’s the pastor of a church and his book was published by the Presbyterian Church USA. This church of 1.8 million has become an ally of Islamists. Pastor Ben Daniel leads Foothill Presbyterian Church of San Jose and his book, The Search for Truth About Islam: A Christian Pastor Separates Fact from Fiction, was released on March 25 by the official publisher of the Presbyterian Church USA. His book “explores what he calls ‘the American cult of fear,’ particularly as it relates to the rise of Islamophobia in the United States.” Islamists have used the term “Islamophobia” to gain political influence and bash opponents – including ant-Islamists Muslims — long before the 9/11 attacks. Now, even Muslims are speaking out against the abuse of the term. Click here to continue reading. http://www.clarionproject.org/analysis/presbyterian-church-teams-american-islamists?ModPagespeed=noscript Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Psalm 51:17 on November 18, 2013, 12:18:10 pm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqoU-pMgdTE
Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on December 05, 2013, 04:11:43 am Prayer Rooms for Muslim Students Are the Big New Thing at Christian Colleges Now
Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries are sending a number of students to U.S. universities ever since the United States greatly loosened restrictions put in place after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. This influx has meant the installation of Muslim prayer rooms at some schools the students attend. Two private, religiously affiliated schools are in the news this week for their prayer rooms: Texas Wesleyan University and the... http://dailycaller.com/2013/12/03/prayer-rooms-for-muslim-students-are-the-big-new-thing-at-christian-colleges-now/ Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Kilika on December 05, 2013, 04:44:45 am Quote ...“There’s been a growth of Muslim students across the country in Catholic universities,” explained UST theology professor Terence Nichols. “We take religion seriously, and they’re accepted.” Afnan Alowayyid, a Muslim student at the Catholic liberal arts school, expressed gratitude for the accommodation. “They didn’t have to do this,” she observed... Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/12/03/prayer-rooms-for-muslim-students-are-the-big-new-thing-at-christian-colleges-now/#ixzz2mb04iB41 No, they didn't. Well, actually, they do, under pressure from the federal government to not discriminate. I wonder just how accommodating they would be to some fundamentalist Christian students if they asked for their own prayer room at a Catholic university. They'd probably get expelled! ::) Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on December 05, 2013, 05:30:43 am I wonder just how accommodating they would be to some fundamentalist Christian students if they asked for their own prayer room at a Catholic university. They'd probably get expelled! ::) They'd probably get murdered Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Psalm 51:17 on December 05, 2013, 05:52:32 pm http://www.thecollegefix.com/post/15516/
Campus Chaplain Defends Muslim Prayer Room At Christian University by Jennifer Kabbany - Associate Editor on December 4, 2013 FORT WORTH – The chaplain at a Christian university in Texas on Tuesday defended the university’s decision to set aside a room on campus for Muslim students to pray, saying it was the Biblical thing do to. The Rev. Dr. Robert Kenji Flowers, chaplain at Texas Wesleyan University and also an adjunct world religion professor there, said in an interview with The College Fix that recent controversy over the room – which is a little over 1-years-old - came as a surprise to him. Debate over the room flared after a campus news report about the room was published last month. “Like most schools that are called Christian institutions, historically we were aligned with a particular faith tradition, but through the years that affiliation has diminished,” he said. “It’s a misnomer in some ways to even say it’s a Christian university.” As for the controversy surrounding its Muslim prayer room – which some have suggested illustrates the Islamification of America, the kowtowing of Christians to Muslims, and serves as an insult to the Christian traditions of the university - Flowers dismissed those claims as “far-right paranoia and misinformation.” “Even to make that kind of assumption to me is misguided and it doesn’t represent my version of Christianity or that of a lot of people I know,” said Flowers, an ordained United Methodist minister and pluralist. **Rick Warren pushes "religious pluralism", FYI. “If we are Christian, should we not show love and hospitality to all people,” he said. “Even in the Old Testament, there is a commandment to show hospitality to strangers. That word stranger is interchangeable with foreign and alien. Even the Book of Leviticus says the foreigner in your land, you should treat them as a citizen, and treat them as you want to be treated.” Texas Wesleyan University, founded by the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1890, opened the prayer room in 2012 in the campus fitness center. The room was set aside at the behest of the school’s Saudi Students Club. Flowers said there has been an influx of students from Saudi Arabia in recent years at the school. “The reasons for this (prayer room) are twofold,” Flowers told The Rambler student newspaper in the Nov. 19 article that started the debate. “One, to show hospitality to our foreign students and, two, our campus needs to be open and tolerant of other faith traditions whether it is Islam, Hindu, Jewish, or otherwise.” Students who use the prayer room wash their hands and feet in the gym’s bathrooms to comply with their cleansing rituals before prayer, but there is talk of late as to whether a different – possibly more reverent – area should be carved out for Muslim students, the paper reports. Flowers said the university is in an urban setting – roughly 80 percent of its 3,000 or so students commute, so the prayer room is a gesture of courtesy. One the pillars of Islam is to pray toward Mecca five times throughout the day. Flowers said about 200 Texas Wesleyan University students are Muslim, and use of the prayer room fluctuates. There is a window in the small room that faces east, toward Mecca. The university’s website, regarding tolerance of other faiths, states: “In keeping with Methodist tradition, the university welcomes individuals of all faiths and is thoroughly inclusive in its practices.” But not everyone supports the prayer room, the Christian News Network reports, citing in part an opinion in Freedom Outpost. “Texas Wesleyan has dangerously aligned itself with Islam, not unlike most colleges across the United States. However, the Methodist affiliated private university, which doesn’t mean the school is Christian by any stretch of the imagination, is caving to sharia,” reporter Janna Brock wrote on Freedom Outpost. “All in the name of ‘interfaith’ worship, which is surely the most outrageous claim. Islam does not co-exist.” The Christian News Network also pointed out a few online comments under the student newspaper article, including one which stated: “I am disgusted by this submission to Islam. What’s next, a room for Rastafarians? How about Voodoo? Santa Ria? Devil worshippers? You are supposed to be a Methodist university. What is wrong with this school?” Another online commenter wrote: “I am appalled by this Methodist university. My great grandfather Gifford was a Methodist circuit rider minister. He is probably rolling in his grave.” Flowers said he is “puzzled” by such comments. “Hospitality is one of the things we should do for all students, particularly foreign students who are our guests,” he said. “It’s just the way we approach different faith traditions, whether it’s Islam or any other faith tradition.” Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on January 02, 2014, 07:46:20 am Malaysia's Islamic authorities seize Bibles as Allah row deepens
Islamic authorities in Malaysia on Thursday seized 321 Bibles from a Christian group because they used the word Allah to refer to God, signalling growing intolerance that may inflame ethnic and religious tension in the Southeast Asian country. The raid comes after a Malaysian court in October ruled that the Arabic word was exclusive to Muslims, most of whom are ethnic Malays, the largest ethnic group in the country alongside sizeable Christian, Hindu and Buddhist minorities. That ruling overturned a court decision that allowed a Roman Catholic newspaper printed in Malay, the country's national language, to use Allah. The change has heightened concern that religious authorities, which issue rulings for Muslims and operate alongside civil courts, now have more legal muscle. Analysts say new rulings that affect non-Muslims could be a way of deflecting anger against Prime Minister Najib Razak's government from poor Malay Muslims over subsidy cuts likely to force up electricity, petrol and sugar prices. On Thursday, the top Islamic authority in the richest and most populous state of Selangor seized the Malay-language Bibles from the Bible Society. The society said authority officials escorted two of its officials to a police station to make statements after which they were released on bail. "We were told that we were under investigation for breaking a Selangor state law banning non-Muslims from using the word Allah," said Bible Society of Malaysia Chairman Lee Min Choon. The raid is a marked escalation from the occasional seizure at border checkpoints of Bibles imported from Indonesia. It was the first time Islamic authorities have entered premises belonging to a Christian organisation to carry out a raid. Christians from Malaysia's rural states of Sabah and Sarawak in Borneo, who have used the word Allah for centuries, have moved in droves to Selangor and other parts of peninsular Malaysia in recent years to look for work. BAD ELEMENTS The main political party within Najib's ruling coalition, the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO), said its Selangor members would protest at all churches in the state on Sunday against unauthorised use of the word Allah. "There are laws in Selangor and there was a decree by his Royal Highness the Sultan. So what they are doing is carrying out the Sultan's decree," Deputy Prime Minister and UMNO Deputy President Muhyiddin Yassin was quoted by media as saying. "They are not doing anything against the law." The Sultan of Selangor, one of nine sultans who serve in turn as titular Malaysian head of state, decreed last year that non-Muslims must refrain from using Allah in Bibles. He asked Muslims to unite against "bad elements" that misuse the word. The increasingly assertive stand by holders of the largely ceremonial office show that Muslim leaders have become increasingly vocal about their role in defending Islam. In 2010, arsonists firebombed several churches over the initial ruling that allowed the Catholic newspaper to use the Arabic word. Two Malay men were found guilty for setting fire to one of the churches. (Editing by Ron Popeski) http://in.reuters.com/article/2014/01/02/malaysia-religion-idINDEEA0106Z20140102 Quote they used the word Allah to refer to God Allah is the name of the Arabic pagan MOON god, and he had at least 2 daughters. Quote Allah - The Moon god The Old Testament constantly rebuked the worship of the Moon-god (see: Deut. 4:19;17:3; II Kings. 21:3,5; 23:5; Jer. 8:2; 19:13; Zeph. 1:5, etc.) When Ancient Israel fell into idolatry, it was usually the cult of the Moon-god. As a matter of fact, everywhere in the ancient world, the symbol of the crescent moon can be found on seal impressions, steles, pottery, amulets, clay tablets, cylinders, weights, earrings, necklaces, wall murals, etc. In Tell-el-Obeid, a copper calf was found with a crescent moon on its forehead. The pagan Arabs worshipped the Moon-god Allah by praying toward Mecca several times a day; making a pilgrimage to Mecca; running around the temple of the Moon-god called the Kabah; kissing the black stone; killing an animal in sacrifice to the Moon-god; throwing stones at the devil; fasting for the month which begins and ends with the crescent moon; giving alms to the poor, etc. The hard evidence demonstrates that the god Allah was a pagan deity. In fact, he was the Moon-god who was married to the sun goddess and the stars were his daughters. The Muslim's claim that Allah is the God of the Bible and that Islam arose from the religion of the prophets and apostles. Islam is refuted by solid, overwhelming archaeological evidence. Islam is nothing more than a revival of the ancient Moon-god cult. It has taken the symbols, the rites, the ceremonies, and even the name of its god from the ancient pagan religion of the Moon-god. As such, it is sheer idolatry and must be rejected by every born again Christian. From: http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/False%20Religions/Islamic%20Muslim/moon_god.htm Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on March 20, 2014, 07:55:16 pm Christian Leaders Continue To Endorse "Chrislam"
A number of Christian leaders today are attempting to bridge the gap between Muslims and Christians. While perhaps well intentioned, the foundation of this new mantra, often called Chrislam is that "we all worship the same God". At the heart of this movement and perhaps the most dangerous issue is that these Christian leaders suggest that because we use similar terms such as "God" and "Jesus" - there is a form of shared belief. What we mean by the words we use matters and when no one defines the terms we are using - deception can slip in (which is why lawyers will fill page after page of small print defining the terms in a contract). Whether intentional or not, many Christian leaders are leading their followers into believing Chrislam is acceptable. Some unfortunate examples: Recently, Brian Houston of Hillsong Church in Australia, addressed his congregation with these words, "Do you know – take it all the way back into the Old Testament and the Muslim and you, we actually serve the same God. Allah to a Muslim, to us Abba Father God. And of course through history, those views have changed greatly. But lets make sure that we view God through the eyes of Jesus, the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the beauty of a Savior, the loving open inclusive arms of a loving God." At President Obama's inaugural invocation in 2009, Pastor of Orange County, California's Saddleback Church, Rick Warren, cited several names for Jesus when leading the audience into the Lord's Prayer: "I humbly ask this in the name of the one who changed my life, Yeshua, Isa, Jesus [Spanish pronunciation], Jesus, who taught us to pray..." While the context of Rick Warrens comments suggest he was attempting to bridge the gap of different names used for Jesus - his efforts show how easy is is for our words to cause confusion. To the Muslim, the "Isa" of the Qu'ran is very different than the Jesus of the Bible. The Qur’an’s Isa is not an historical figure. His identity and role as a prophet of Islam is based solely on supposed revelations to Muhammad over half a millennium after the Jesus of history lived and died. Islam’s Qur'an does not portray the divinity of Jesus Christ, nor claim Him to be the only-begotten Son of God - Messiah - God in human flesh, nor state that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and resurrected from the dead, Islam denies the true gospel of Christianity – the core reason Jesus came to earth. This fundamental gap between Christians and Muslims cannot and should not be bridged or smoothed over with a watered-down doctrine for the sake of "brotherly love". For a very detailed break down of the differences between Isa and Jesus please click here In 2010, Larry Reimer, a minister of the United Church of Gainesville, FL, in response to a local Qur'an burning, chose to read scripture from the Qur'an as part of his worship services, adding, "Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are all part of the Abrahamic tree of faith. We all believe in the same God, and in many aspects we are all trying to accomplish the same goals.” We increasingly hear and read that Christianity and Islam ‘share’ Jesus, that he belongs to both religions. So also with Abraham: there is talk of the West’s ‘Abrahamic civilization’ where once people spoke of ‘Judeo-Christian civilization’. This shift of thinking reflects the growing influence of Islam. Islam regards itself, not as a subsequent faith to Judaism and Christianity, but as the primordial religion, the faith from which Judaism and Christianity are subsequent developments. In the Qur’an we read that Abraham ‘was not a Jew nor a Christian, but he was a monotheist, a Muslim’ (Âl 'Imran 3:66). So it is Muslims, and not Christians or Jews, who are the true representatives of the faith of Abraham to the world today. (Al-Baqarah 2:135) While housing the offices for "Christians and Muslims for Peace", Robert Schuller, pastor of Crystal Cathedral, began the movement toward softening the well-known words of Jesus in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." Schuller told an Imam of the Muslim American Society that "if he came back in 100 years and found his descendants Muslims, it wouldn't bother him...." Rev. Ann Holmes Redding, an Episcopal priest for over twenty years, dons her white collar of Episcopal priesthood on Sunday mornings, then ties on her black headscarf to pray with her Muslim group on Fridays, saying, "I am both Muslim and Christian". She sees compatibility in Islam and Christianity at the most basic level and has endorsed the Muslim teaching that all all true Christians will accept Islam: Some Christians and Jews are faithful and believe truly. (Âl 'Imran 3:113,114) Any such true believers will submit to Allah by accepting Muhammad as the prophet of Islam, i.e. they will become Muslims. (Âl 'Imran 3:198) Brian Mclaren, founding pastor of non-denominational Cedar Ridge Community Church in Baltimore, Washington, and a leading voice in the emergent church movement encouraged his congregation and other Christians through his blog to participate with Muslims in a Ramadan fast, which celebrates the month the Qu'ran was supposed to be sent down. Another leader in the Emerging Church movement, Dr. Tony Campolo, says he is not convinced that Jesus lives only in Christians, reasoning that an Islamic “brother” who has fed the hungry and clothed the naked clearly has a personal relationship with Christ, only he doesn’t know it. A few years ago, Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church in Houston joined with Christian communities in Atlanta, Seattle, and Detroit to create a series of sermons designed to promote an ecumenical reconciliation between Christianity and Islam. Sunday School lessons on the same theme would center on the inspired teachings of the Prophet Mohammad, and Qu’rans and Bibles would be placed side by side in the church pews. Ironically, a side by side comparison of the Bible and the Qu’ran would show two faiths that are the exact opposite. The Jesus of the gospels is the base upon which Christianity developed. By Islamicizing him, and making of him a Muslim prophet who preached the Qur’an, Islam destroys Christianity and takes over all its history. It does the same to Judaism. In the end times as described by Muhammad, ‘Isa becomes a warrior who will return with his sword and lance. He will destroy the Christian religion and make Islam the only religion in all the world. Finally at the last judgment he will condemn Christians to hell for believing in the crucifixion and the incarnation. This final act of the Muslim ‘Isa reflects Islam’s apologetic strategy in relation to Christianity, which is to deny the Yeshua of history, and replace him with a facsimile of Muhammad, so that nothing remains but Islam. Rather than trying to pretend we believe the same things - a frank and honest discussion about our differences would seem to make much more sense. Many ministries are doing just that in a spirit of love but remain uncompromising on the teachings of the Bible. We highly recommend the site Answering Islam for a honest and intelligent conversation on the key differences between the Bible and the Qu’ran. http://www.prophecynewswatch.com/2014/March20/201.html Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on April 07, 2014, 10:33:11 am AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL: Muslims, Presbyterians amicably resolve Easter egg crisis
A display of impressive common humanity and even more impressive common sense broke out over the weekend in Dearborn, Mich. after Muslim parent Majed Moughni complained about flyers handed out at public schools advertising an “Eggstravaganza!” Easter egg hunt to be held at a Presbyterian church. According to The Arab American News, a local bilingual newspaper, the Detroit Free Press first reported that Muslim parents — plural — were upset about the flyer advertising an Easter egg hunt at the church. Turns out, it was only one parent, Dearborn-based lawyer Moughni, who complained. On Sunday morning, Muslim leaders in the Muslim community stood together in solidarity in front of the Cherry Hill Presbyterian Church in Dearborn. Included in the delegation of Muslims were religious leaders, business leaders and representatives from a number of organizations including the Arab Civil Rights League and the American-Arab Anti Discrimination Committee. Together with the Muslim leaders, Cherry Hill Presbyterian’s pastor, Neeta Nichols, denounced Moughni’s complaint about the Easter egg hunt. Nichols and the Muslim leaders also urged area Muslims to come to the Eggstravaganza!” and have their children participate. The Muslim delegation donated $500 to the church. The money will go toward the purchase of even more eggs. The Saturday, April 12 event will feature a traditional Easter egg hunt as well as an egg toss and a relay race. The flyers for the event which had so offended Moughni were emblazoned with the word “Eggstravaganza!” They urged students to RSVP “to secure your free spot.” The associated imagery includes a festive bunny and some eggs. Moughni had asserted that the flyers passed out at three Dearborn public schools violate the separation of church and state widely ascribed to the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause. The local backlash was fast and furious after Moughni complained, notes The Arab American News. Local Muslims took to social media by the hundreds to condemn his puzzling stance against Easter egg hunts for kids—and to condemn the Detroit Free Press for publishing what they viewed as a misleading article in the first place. http://news.yahoo.com/america-beautiful-muslims-presbyterians-amicably-resolve-easter-egg-052008061.html Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on May 12, 2014, 07:02:14 pm The ‘brave German woman’ and Europe’s Islam question
Several are the important lessons learned from last year’s “Brave German Woman” incident. Context: On November 10, 2013, a Muslim imam was invited to give the Islamic call to prayer inside the Memorial Church of the Reformation in the city of Speyer, Germany—a church dedicated to honoring Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation. “When the brave German woman, whose real name is Heidi Mund, heard about the event, she prayed,” reports CBN News. Not sure what she would do upon arrival, she grabbed her German flag emblazoned with the words “Jesus Christ is Lord” and headed for the concert: “Until the imam started with his shouting [“Allahu Akbar!”], I did not really know what to do. I was just prepared for what God wants me to do,” she told CBN News. Then the Muslim call to prayer began, and Heidi said she felt something rising up inside her. “I would call it a holy anger,” she recounted. “And then I rose with my flag and I was calling and proclaiming that Jesus Christ is Lord over Germany”… And she repeated the words of Martin Luther in 1521 after he refused to recant his faith in scripture alone: “Here I stand. I can do no other” and “Save the church of Martin Luther!” Video shows another concert-goer trying to calm her by saying, “This is a concert for peace.” Mund can be heard responding in German, “No it’s not! Allahu Akbar is what Muslims scream while murdering people! Don’t be fooled! Don’t be fooled! This is a lie!” She was thrown out of the church. “They should have thrown the imam out and not me because I am a believer in Jesus Christ, but he serves another god. This Allah is not the same god. And this is not the truth.” “This ‘allahu akbar,’ they use it when they kill people,” she argued. “This is, for me, worship to an idol, to their god. And when a Muslim calls ‘allahu akbar’ in a church, that means this church is not a church anymore, it’s a mosque.” For more details on this story, check out CBN News’ various interviews and videos of and with Mund. Now for some lessons concerning the significance of this anecdote: Mund’s observations about the phrase “Allahu Akbar” are spot-on. Islam’s war cry, signifying the superiority of Muhammad’s religion over all things, the takbir (“Allahu Akbar”), is habitually proclaimed in violent contexts, specifically attacking and slaughtering non-Muslims, whether beheading “infidels” or bombing churches. Muhammad himself used to cry it aloud prior to attacking non-Muslim tribes that refused to submit to his authority and religion. Accordingly, Mund’s outrage at hearing an Islamic imam hollering out Islamic supremacist slogans is justified. Proclaimed in a church, “Allahu Akbar”—which in translation literally means “Allah is greater [than X]”—means “Allahu is greater than the Judeo-Christian God of the Bible, and Father of Christ.” And assuming the imam proclaimed Islam’s credo or shehada as is standard in the Muslim call to prayer (that “there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger”) that too is tantamount to declaring that the biblical God is false, and the message (or Koran) delivered by Muhammad—which includes a denunciation of Christ’s divinity, death, and resurrection—is true (see for examples Koran 4:157, 4:171, 5:17, 5:116, 9:30-31, 19:35). This is precisely what the vandal who earlier painted in Arabic the phrase “Allahu Akbar” across the door of another German church likely had in mind. Yet despite all this, despite the fact that only two or three generations ago, almost every Christian would have been incensed to hear a Muslim shouting Islamic slogans that by nature contradict Christianity inside a church, Mund was chastised by fellow Christians for her stand and kicked out. This speaks volumes about how far Western European nations have plummeted into a cesspool of moral relativism, where even in prominent churches Christian truths are attacked, and those who take a stand are ostracized for being “intolerant”; it speaks of the naivety and nihilism that predominate in the West; of the effects of years of brainwashing and indoctrination in the name of “multiculturalism,” crippling the ability to think rationally; of how political correctness has censored not only words but the ability for people to connect-the-dots in the quiet of their own minds. There is, however, a flipside to all this: Mund’s video denouncing the imam “went viral,” says CBN News, signifying its appeal; and many who saw it interpreted her actions as “brave”—hence the appellation. “Bravery” often refers to an act that, while laudable, few have the courage to do. That this title is so naturally and widely applied to Mund suggests that there are many who agree with her; they just lack the same courage, or conviction, to take a vocal stand—hence why she is the “Brave German Woman.” The fact is, beneath Western Europe’s nihilistic veneer, many there would agree with Mund’s sentiments. Not all are sheep. But due to the aforementioned forces—decades of indoctrination in militant secularism/atheism, multiculturalism, Christian-bashing, and political correctness—they are unable to articulate their grievance. Yet, whether they are able to express it or not, they remain disgruntled at Muslim affronts and weak responses from European elites. After all, Muslims hollering Islamic slogans inside European churches is not quite an infrequent phenomenon. Last Christmas, the Chaplain of Royal Holloway University invited a veiled Muslim woman to read Koran verses during church service, again, despite the fact that the Koran contradicts the key tenets of Christianity. Sometimes Muslims “invite” themselves to churches. Thus, days ago, also in the UK, a Muslim man—“dressed like a terrorist” and wearing a bandana with the Arabic phrase, “Allahu Akbar”—entered a church during service and started yelling things like “this is rubbish, you should be preaching Allah, turn to Islam, we send boys of 10 to war.” And last Easter in France saw a Muslim man dressed in traditional Islamic attire enter a church during mass, set up his carpet next to the altar and start reading the Koran. This is to say nothing of the violent crimes and rapes Muslims are increasingly responsible for in Europe. The point is, more and more Western Europeans are becoming disgruntled, even if most are not yet “brave” enough to show it, and even if the powers-that-be, including media and government, continue to downplay and suppress them. Days ago, for example, Britain’s Liberty GB party leader Paul Weston was arrested and is facing up to two-years’ jail time simply for quoting Winston Churchill’s unflattering observations about Islam in public. In short, time will tell whether the powers-that-be will allow legitimate criticism of Islam to vent in Europe, or whether they will continue to suppress it—until the simmering cauldron of discontent spills over in ways much more dramatic than quoting Luther or Churchill, as has happened all too often in European history. http://www.humanevents.com/2014/05/12/the-brave-german-woman-and-europes-islam-question/ Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on June 02, 2014, 04:50:25 am Irish Pastor Under ‘Hate Crime’ Investigation for Sunday Sermon Against Islam
A 75-year-old Irish preacher was subjected to a police probe after he condemned Islam in a sermon and was accused of ‘hate mongering.’ James McConnell, pastor of the Whitewell Metropolitan Church in North Belfast, Ireland, discussed the religion of Islam during an evening sermon on Sunday, May 18th. During the sermon, McConnell denounced Islam and said the contrast between it and Christianity is stark. “The God we worship and serve this evening is not Allah,” he proclaimed, according to a video of his sermon. “The Muslim god—Allah—is a heathen deity. Allah is a cruel deity. Allah is a demon deity.” McConnell then criticized the “foolish” British government for attempting to appease Muslims financially, saying Islam is “a doctrine spawned in hell.” He also noted that Christians around the world are persecuted for their faith by the “fanatical worshipers” of Allah. According to the Belfast Telegraph, McConnell’s remarks were inspired by the current plight of Meriam Ibrahim—a professing Orthodox Christian woman in Sudan. As previously reported, Ibrahim was sentenced to hang after she was convicted of apostasy for refusing to deny her faith and convert to Islam. Following McConnell’s May 18th sermon, the Police Service of Northern Ireland investigated the preacher for allegations of hate crime. Northern Ireland’s Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness described the preacher’s comments as “hate mongering” and said the anti-Muslim statements “must be condemned in the strongest possible terms.” “Coming in the wake of recent spate of disgraceful racist attacks against families in parts of Belfast and elsewhere, such inflammatory comments only serve to fuel hatred,” McGuinness added, according to the Daily Mirror. “[It is] essential that there is a full and thorough investigation of these comments and their potential to generate further racist attacks.” After McConnell’s sermon was publicized, numerous people denounced his message through social media and online comment threads. Furthemore, the Whitewell Metropolitan Church’s website was attacked by hackers and—as of late this week—was unavailable. “There are currently attempts to hack and compromise our church website,” the church’s Facebook page explains. “The website is temporarily unavailable. Please be patient as we investigate further.” In the midst of the attacks from non-Christians, many others have rallied to support McConell. Northern Ireland First Minister Peter Robinson said he has personally visited Whitewell Metropolitan Church several times and was thoroughly impressed by McConnell’s preaching. “There isn’t an ounce of hatred in his bones,” Robinson stated in a newspaper interview. “This is someone who preaches the gospel.” Later, Robinson clarified his comment in a statement: “I strongly believe that Pastor James McConnell has the right to freedom of speech,” he explained. “I will defend his right just as I defend the right of others to express views with which I disagree. People have the right to express their differing views and indeed the essence of democracy is the ability to do so in a way that is free from fear and intimidation.” Others have supported McConnell through social media. “What Pastor McConnell said is simply the correct Christian standpoint, accurately reflecting the Biblical evaluation of good and evil,” one commenter noted. “Sometimes the cold truth is what is needed,” another wrote. “If it does not exalt the name of Jesus then it is spawned in hell. Continue to stand for the gospel and shame on any man of God who turns on another for speaking truth.” http://christiannews.net/2014/05/31/irish-pastor-under-hate-crime-investigation-for-sunday-sermon-against-islam/ Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Psalm 51:17 on September 23, 2014, 09:02:17 pm http://www.prophecynewswatch.com/2014/September22/225.html
9/22/14 Chrislam Returns As Catholic Cardinal Embraces Islam Catholic Cardinal Theodore McCarrick offered Islamic religious phrases and insisted that Islam shares foundational rules with Christianity, during a Sept. 10 press conference in D.C. “In the name of God, the Merciful and Compassionate,” McCarrick said as he introduced himself to the audience at a meeting arranged by the Muslim Public Affairs Council. That praise of the Islamic deity is an important phrase in Islam, is found more than 100 times in the Koran, and is akin to the Catholic prayer, ”In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” McCarrick next claimed that “Catholic social teaching is based on the dignity of the human person… [and] as you study the holy Koran, as you study Islam, basically, this is what Muhammad the prophet, peace be upon him, has been teaching.” McCarrick was 71 when 19 Muslims brought Islam to the public eye by murdering 3,000 Americans on 9/11. He is one of the 213 Cardinals of the Catholic church, but is too old to vote in church debates. “Either the cardinal has studied the whole thing and does not know what he’s talking about, or he is making a somewhat misleading statement,” said Michael Meunier, head of the U.S. Copts Association. “The practice of the Muslim majority people that adhere to the Koran… have proven that [claim of equivalence] is not correct,” he told The Daily Caller during a Sept. 11 trip to Jordan. “Has Cardinal McCarrick converted to Islam?” asked a scornful critic, Robert Spencer, the best-selling author of many books on Islam. “‘Peace be upon him’ is a phrase Muslims utter after they say the name of [their reputed] prophet… [so] probably he is unaware of the unintended Islamic confession of faith he has just made,”said Spencer, who runs the Jihadwatch.org website. McCarrick is wrong to say “that Islam teaches the dignity of every human person,“ Spencer said. “Actually, it teaches a sharp dichotomy between the Muslims, [who are called] ‘the best of people’ and the unbelievers [are called] ‘the most vile of created beings,’” Spencer told TheDC. “The Koran also says: ‘Muhammad is the apostle of Allah. Those who follow him are merciful to one another, harsh to the unbelievers,’” Spencer said. The same warning came from Archbishop Amel Nona, who was head of Chaldean Catholic Archeparch of Mosul in Iraq. In a August comment made to Europeans, he said that “You think all men are equal, but that is not true: Islam does not say that all men are equal [and] your values are not their values.” “If you do not understand this soon enough, you will become the victims of the [immigrant] enemy you have welcomed in your home,” said Nona, who is now exiled — along with surviving Chaldean Catholics — in the Kurdish city of Erbil. Islamic societies have routinely persecuted non-Muslims, including Christian Armenians in Turkey and Christian Copts in Egypt, said Taniel Koushakjian, a spokesman for the Armenian Assembly of America During the First World War, more that 1.5 million Armenians were deliberately killed by Turkey’s Islamic government, he said. In Egypt, Copts “seem to bear the brunt of the persecution… [which] comes from the religious divide [and] is an interpretation of the theology in which people who are not of the same [Islamic] belief are cast out as infidels, as unrighteous,” he said. The Islamic Society of North America says Islam “recognize “Mankind was not but one community [united in religion], but [then] they differed. And if not for a word that preceded from your Lord, it would have been judged between them [immediately] concerning that over which they differ,” says verse 10:19, which ISNA says shows Islam’s tolerance for other religions — chiefly, Judaism and Christianity — that supposedly split off from Islam at least 2,000 years ago. The Koran has some welcoming messages, but they’re from Islam’s early period, Meunier said. “When Islam became strong and had a strong army, the tougher verses came down from heaven — apparently — and according to Islamic teaching, those later verses abrogate the earlier verses [so] moderate Muslims have an uphill battle saying Islam is tolerant.” “We have to encourage moderate Muslims to present a more moderate version of Islam and the Koran,” but they’re outgunned by Saudi clerics who have used petrodollars to make Islam tougher and less tolerant, he said. But the Saudi clerics “won’t do it [because] they don’t believe in it,” he added. For Muslims, the Koran is the unimpeachable transcript of commands from Allah, the single and all-powerful deity. Muslims believe that the Koran was dictated by an angel to Islam’s final prophet, Mohammad, 1,400 years ago. This rigidity sharply constrains Muslims’ use of alternative ideas, including elements of Christianity, or secular ethics and philosophy. The Koran also include many passage urging the use of violence. “The penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land,” says Verse 33 of the Koran’s fifth book. In contrast, the Christian Bible, including the almost-2,000 year-old New Testament, is based on the statements of witnesses. For example, Matthew the disciple provide the main account of the Beatitudes sermon, which includes the famous lines, “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the sons of God.” The Christians’ reliance on witnesses allowed perpetual debate over the meaning and purpose of words from the twinned deity of Jesus and God. It also spurred a Christian search for evidence of God via the “natural sciences,” which gradually evolved into science. Christianity also endorsed separate roles for church and state, where Islam assumes that states’ laws and personal behavior comply with Koranic rules. McCarrick, however, blended the two distinct religions in his comments at the press club. “We are together on this against evil, we are against killing, we are against destruction… God bless you in this work you do,” McCarrick said to the Muslim speakers, which included representatives from one group — the Islamic Society of North America — that was implicated in a conspiracy to smuggle funds to the Hamas terror group that recently launched another bombardment of thousands of rockets at Israeli Jews. “We believe that Islam is a religion which helps people, not kills them… the Muslim community has always taught this,” McCarrick said. “I’m privileged to be able to lend my voice to the voice of many of my friends here,” he said about the Sept. 10 meeting, which was designed to help U.S.-based Islamic groups avoid the public disgust with The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Since early this year, the Islamic State group has killed and murdered thousands of Iraqis that don’t accept rule by the brutal Salafi variant of Islam. The victims include Shia Muslims, Christians and adherents of the pre-Christian Yazidi religion. Tens of thousands of non-Muslims have also been driven from their homes and fields. McCarrick, however, downplayed ISIS’s attack on Christians in Iraq, and expressed more concerns for Muslim victims of ISIS attacks. “The truth of the matter is in these terrible massacres of the Islamic state, most of the victims have been Muslims, most of them have not been Christians,” he told his Sept. 10 audience. “Many Christians, obviously, have suffered, so I am here to say that we stand with our brothers and sisters in the Muslim community, who here in the United States have been giving leadership in a very strong way,” he declared. “They are proud to be Americans… they love America,” he said, without retuning to discuss the fate of his fellow Christians under Muslim rule. Spencer urged McCarrick to challenge his Muslim hosts. “Cardinal McCarrick, rather than indulge in this fond and ignorant wishful thinking, would have done better to have challenged his Muslim friends to match their lofty words with real action to combat the Islamic State and other Muslim persecutors of Christians,” Spencer said. McCarrick should have “asked them to institute programs in mosques and Islamic schools to teach against the literal meaning of the verses I quoted above and others like them, so that they no longer incite Muslims to violence,” in the U.S. or abroad, Spencer said. Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on November 12, 2014, 09:02:42 pm Muslims to Offer Jumaa Prayers at Washington’s National Cathedral
For the first time in American history, Muslims will offer prayers at the historic National Cathedral located in the heart of Washington, D.C., likely raising concerns from many across the country. While the national cathedral has hosted interfaith gatherings in the past, the Islamic Jumaa prayers to be presented this Friday at the historic Episcopalian site will be the first of its kind. According to reports, the idea for the invitation originated during the planning stage for the memorial service for African apartheid leader Nelson Mandela as talks between the cathedral’s liturgical director, Gina Campbell, and South African Ambassador Ebrahim Rasool took place. The cathedral states that the goal of the event is to facilitate greater acceptance between Christians and Muslims, calling the Islamic Jumaa prayers at the house of worship a “powerful symbolic gesture.” “Leaders believe offering Muslim prayers at the Christian cathedral shows more than hospitality,” representatives for the National Cathedral wrote in a press release about the matter. “It demonstrates an appreciation of one another’s prayer traditions and is a powerful symbolic gesture toward a deeper relationship between the two Abrahamic traditions.” “This is a dramatic moment in the world and in Muslim-Christian relations,” Rasool added. “This needs to be a world in which all are free to believe and practice and in which we avoid bigotry, Islamaphobia, racism, anti-Semitism, and anti-Christianity and to embrace our humanity and to embrace faith.” In addition to Campbell and Rasool, Masjid Muhammad of The Nation’s Mosque, representatives from the All Dulles Area Muslim Society, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Islamic Society of North America and Muslim Public Affairs Council are all expected to be in attendance. The event is also facilitated so that Muslims will face Mecca during the Jumaa prayers. Washington’s National Cathedral has traditionally been recognized as the cathedral of the presidents, being used for inaugural-based prayer services for the past 106 years. It has also hosted the funeral services for Presidents Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford and Dwight Eisenhower, and was dubbed the “National House of Prayer” by the U.S. Congress. As previously reported, last year, over two thousand people joined Barack Obama and Joseph Biden for an interfaith service surrounding the president’s re-inauguration. The service included a variety of guests from a number of religions, who presented Christian, Catholic, Muslim, Sikh and Jewish prayers for Obama. The National Cathedral has also raised concern in recent years over its acceptance of homosexual “marriage.” As previously reported, last year, the facility announced that it would be among the first Episcopal congregations to change its policies to allow same-sex “weddings” to be held at the site. The cathedral also pealed its bells last June in celebration of the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling striking down a key part of the Defense of Marriage Act. Last October, Dean Gary Hall insinuated that it was a sin to oppose homosexuality during a tribute to the homosexual youth at the National Cathedral, and a commemoration of the death of Matthew Shepherd, whose slaying sparked the passage of the federal “hate crimes” bill signed into law by Barack Obama in 2009. “We must now have the courage to take the final step and call homophobia and heterosexism what they are. They are sin,” Hall claimed. “Homophobia is a sin. Heterosexism is a sin. Shaming people for whom they love is a sin.” http://christiannews.net/2014/11/12/muslims-to-offer-jumaa-prayers-at-washingtons-national-cathedral/ Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Psalm 51:17 on November 12, 2014, 10:44:10 pm Islam and Sodomy - the 2-headed monster that's infiltrated the Apostate Church by the RCC.
Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on November 15, 2014, 05:45:25 am Washington Cathedral’s first Muslim prayer service interrupted by heckler
In a corner of Washington National Cathedral, several hundred Muslim worshipers and other invited guests gathered Friday afternoon for a first-ever recitation of weekly Muslim prayers at the iconic Christian sanctuary and to hear leaders of both faiths call for religious unity in the face of extremist violence and hate. The Arabic call to prayer echoed among the vaulted stone arches and faded away, followed by an impassioned sermon from Ebrahim Rasool, a Muslim scholar who is South Africa’s ambassador to the United States. Rasool called on Muslims, Christians and others to come together and make “common cause” in the fight against extremists who appropriate Islam. “We come to this cathedral with sensitivity and humility but keenly aware that it is not a time for platitudes, because mischief is threatening the world,” Rasool said. “The challenge for us today is to reconstitute a middle ground of good people . . . whose very existence threatens extremism.” The event was closed to the public, and there was heavy security, with police checking every name and bag. Organizers from several area Muslim institutions said there had been concerns about security and threats after the event was publicized and that they and cathedral officials wanted to limit it to a small and selected group. Nevertheless, the carefully scripted ceremony was marred once when one well-dressed, middle-age woman in the audience suddenly rose and began shouting that “America was founded on Christian principles. . . . Leave our church alone!” She was swiftly ushered out by security aides, and the service continued. Numerous speakers, including cathedral officials and local Muslim leaders, echoed Rasool’s message about the urgent need for religious understanding and collaboration. Most made pointed references to the symbolism of the majestic Christian building, where rugs had been laid for prayer. The Very Rev. Gary Hall, dean of the cathedral, spoke of Saint Benedict, who he said believed equally in the importance of prayer and hospitality. Marveling at the sounds of Arabic prayers, which he called “a beautiful sacred language in a beautiful sacred space,” Hall said he hoped the service would serve as the start of more efforts to work together for good. Other speakers said they hoped the service would help correct some Americans’ misperceptions of Muslims as extremists and reinforce tolerance among faiths. “Salaam, shalom, peace. You are all so very welcome here,” said the Rev. Canon Gina Gilland Campbell, the cathedral’s director of liturgy, in an open greeting. After the hour-long ceremony, which was covered live by several Arabic-language television channels, soft drinks and sweets were served to the guests, a mixture of people chosen to represent local mosques, churches and synagogues. Many seemed touched by the service, and several said they hoped the message would reach Muslims and others in the war-torn Middle East. “I was very moved,” said Arif Ali, a lawyer in the District who brought his 12-year-old son, Zayd. “It really makes one think about the common heritage and values in Christianity and Islam.” Rashid Makhdoom, a retired engineer from Potomac, said he believes that the message and symbolism of the event will “reverberate throughout the world.” “It should be a lesson for Muslims everywhere that we and Christians are all one,” he added. The service developed out of a relationship between Campbell and Rasool, who worked together on a memorial service for Nelson Mandela. The intent was to make a statement about religious tolerance that would resound around the world. It was not without critics, however. In a Facebook post Thursday, the Rev. Franklin Graham, who heads the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, said that it was “sad to see a church open its doors to worship of anything other than the One True God of the Bible.” As of late Friday, 64,000 people had “liked” the post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/2014/11/14/40c49d06-6c41-11e4-a31c-77759fc1eacc_story.html Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on November 15, 2014, 06:54:25 am Lets see just what the HECKLER said....
Quote “Jesus Christ died on that cross over there,” the unidentified woman declared as she stood in the front of the room. “He is the reason why we are to worship only Him. Jesus Christ is our lord and savior!” ‘Worship Only Jesus Christ': Woman Ejected From Muslim Prayer Gathering at National Cathedral A woman who proclaimed the name of Jesus Christ during the first-ever Islamic Jumaa prayer gathering at Washington’s National Cathedral was ejected from the building on Friday. “Jesus Christ died on that cross over there,” the unidentified woman declared as she stood in the front of the room. “He is the reason why we are to worship only Him. Jesus Christ is our lord and savior!” A man nearby immediately approached her and attempted to reach for her arm, but she pulled away. “We have built, and allowed you here in mosques across this country,” she continued. “Why can’t you worship in your mosque, and leave our churches alone?” Another man approached as she was speaking and began to escort her out. According to reports, the woman made the declaration immediately following the opening announcements that commenced this afternoon. As previously reported, while the national cathedral has hosted interfaith gatherings in the past, the Islamic Jumaa prayers presented today at the historic Episcopalian site were the first of its kind. The idea for the invitation originated during the planning stage for the memorial service for African apartheid leader Nelson Mandela as talks between the cathedral’s liturgical director, Gina Campbell, and South African Ambassador Ebrahim Rasool took place. The cathedral stated earlier this week that the goal of the event is to facilitate greater acceptance between Christians and Muslims, calling the Islamic Jumaa prayers at the house of worship a “powerful symbolic gesture.” “Leaders believe offering Muslim prayers at the Christian cathedral shows more than hospitality,” representatives for the National Cathedral wrote in a press release about the matter. “It demonstrates an appreciation of one another’s prayer traditions and is a powerful symbolic gesture toward a deeper relationship between the two Abrahamic traditions.” “This is a dramatic moment in the world and in Muslim-Christian relations,” Rasool added. “This needs to be a world in which all are free to believe and practice and in which we avoid bigotry, Islamaphobia, racism, anti-Semitism, and anti-Christianity and to embrace our humanity and to embrace faith.” In addition to Campbell and Rasool, Masjid Muhammad of The Nation’s Mosque, representatives from the All Dulles Area Muslim Society, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Islamic Society of North America and Muslim Public Affairs Council were all in attendance. The event was also facilitated so that Muslims would face Mecca during the Jumaa prayers. Washington’s National Cathedral has traditionally been recognized as the cathedral of the presidents, being used for inaugural-based prayer services for the past 106 years. It has also hosted the funeral services for Presidents Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford and Dwight Eisenhower, and was dubbed the “National House of Prayer” by the U.S. Congress. As previously reported, last year, over two thousand people joined Barack Obama and Joseph Biden for an interfaith service surrounding the president’s re-inauguration. The service included a variety of guests from a number of religions, who presented Christian, Catholic, Muslim, Sikh and Jewish prayers for Obama. Leaders of the National Cathedral have also come out in support of same-sex “marriage,” and have opened the facility to be used for “gay marriages.” http://christiannews.net/2014/11/14/worship-only-jesus-christ-woman-ejected-from-muslim-prayer-gathering-at-national-cathedral/ Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on November 15, 2014, 09:26:45 am http://ephesians511blog.net/2014/11/15/washington-cathedral-muslim-prayer-interrupter-is-the-viral-you-tube-video-monster-drink-666-drink lady/
Washington Cathedral Muslim Prayer Interrupter is the Viral You Tube Video Monster Drink 666 Drink Lady (https://ephesians511blogdotnet1.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/strange-lady-2.jpg?w=605&h=469) There is a viral You Tube video of a Christian woman demonstrating the Monster Energy Drink can to the Mark of the Beast 666. From what we understand it got over 8 million hits in one day (don’t know if that is really true but it was a lot of hits). That same lady is the same person that interrupted the Muslim prayer service at National Cathedral in Washington DC yesterday. Here are both the videos – 1.) The Monster Energy 666 video that went viral last week - https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=-9rC7zD4eQA 2.) The interupted Muslim prayer service from 11/14/2014 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=MwuJ-FAbmXM Do you remember the bizarre Dianne Reidy Freemason incident on the House floor? (HERE & HERE). After much analysis, it looked totally staged like they were promoting a Freemason/America is the Freemason Christian Nation lie. This has the same kind of Christian Nation lie look. It looks totally staged. The woman has a video go viral just last week with the Monster Drink 666 connection and now is doing this promoting the Christian Nation lie. However this woman says nothing about the world’s largest pagan Egyptian phallic (DEFINITION) symbol, Washington Monument, in the same location of National Cathedral. She speaks out against the Muslims being in a pagan “Cathedral” but doesn’t speak out against the pagan Washington Monument. (https://ephesians511blogdotnet1.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/washington-monument-cc-dove.jpg?w=531&h=706) Who is this mysterious woman? Another possible pro-Freemason/America is a Christian Nation Lie operative dressed up to misrepresent Christians nationwide? The Freemasons have to keep the Christians in America to keep believing this lie. How and why are these two events so close together. Why does she expose the 666 drink can but not the pagan Egyptian obelisk? Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on November 29, 2014, 07:31:57 am Koran should be read at Prince Charles' coronation says top bishop: Critics attack proposal and accuse Church of England of 'losing confidence' in its own traditions
Lord Harries said gesture would be a ‘creative act of accommodation’ Speaking in House of Lords claimed it would help Muslims feel ‘embraced’ Critics attacked idea insisting 'British values stem from Christian heritage' Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2853638/Koran-read-Prince-Charles-coronation-says-bishop-Critics-attack-proposal-accuse-Church-England-losing-confidence-traditions.html#ixzz3KSq4b09z Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on December 15, 2014, 05:47:54 am Is Your Church Secretly Indoctrinating You To Accept Chrislam?
The sickening spectacle that is the Great Falling Away “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;” 2 Thessalonians 2:3 Editor’s Note: Perhaps you have been told or taught that the name Allah is simply another name for God, and that Muslims and Christians and Jews all worship the same God no matter what we choose to call Him. That is absolutely false, and it is one of the platform tenants of Chrislam. The Koran clearly teaches that Allah HAS NO SON, and for that reason alone Allah cannot be the God of the Bible because both the Old and New Testaments declare that God has a son. While writing another article regarding the relationship between the Vatican and Islam, I came across a list of signatories of a letter written by Yale Religious Studies to Muslim clerics. The letter was in response to one written by 138 Muslim clerics, and addressed to Pope Benedict XVI before he stepped down from his position. The imams who wrote the original letter, were upset at statements made by the Pope in a speech he gave at a university. He had disparaged Islam. There were hundreds of signatories attached to the Yale response, so I saved the list as a PDF in order to search for names and denominations and colleges. I was not surprised when I saw Rick Warren’s signature. The list was filled with mainstream churches who teach heresy. Catholic, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Methodist, Church of Christ, Episcopalian where among the churches represented. emergent-church-rick-warren-chrislam-yale-letter-common-word-jim-somerville CLICK IMAGE FOR THE LATEST UPDATES ON CHRISLAM IN THE CHURCH I came across another name, unfamiliar to me, from a Baptist church. It was Pastor Jim Somerville, and had his church listed as First Baptist Church of the City of Washington, D.C. I called this church and was told that Pastor Somerville had moved to a new church in Richmond, VA – FBC of Richmond. I found the website of this church and I left a message with Pastor Somerville. He called me back and I told him that I had found his signature on the Yale document. His tone changed, and I realized that this man was not happy about my call. I asked him if he thought that the God of the Bible was the same as Allah. He told me unapologetically, that he believes and teaches that they are one and the same; that the Muslims simply see him through the lens of the Qur’an. I began to attempt to show him that our God and Allah are NOT the same. I had Scripture ready and verses from the Qur’an which clearly showed that God and Allah are two separate entities. The pastor became enraged, and told me not to lecture him! I asked one more time if he would allow me to share Scripture. That made him angrier and he was raising his voice in a rage. I then told him that I could not stay on the phone with him if he was going to yell. I said “God bless you” and I hung up. I found Jim Somerville’s Facebook page and began to look at his posts. In one post, he shared with his friends that he was part of a network of pastors who had put together a website for sermons – mainly for shut-ins and people who did not have a church home. It is called “asermonforeverysunday.com”. I clicked the link and saw Pastor Somerville’s picture along with thirteen other pastors. He was the only Baptist pastor listed. Brian McLaren – leader of the Emergent church movement, was one listed. The rest were from other Emergent churches, Presbyterian, Methodist, Lutheran, Catholic, Episcopalian, etc. I have prayed so much for this man to be exposed to his congregation. Perhaps there are some in his church who are like minded. But I have a feeling that most of the people are unaware that their pastor is so far away, theologically, from Baptist churches who are affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention. I was told by a member of the SBC that each Baptist church is autonomous. He also said that if a church is known to be deviating from Baptist doctrine, then the SBC can choose to no longer list them as a member. We are to be Watchmen in these last days! Romans 16:17-18 “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.” http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/blog/?p=29034 Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Psalm 51:17 on December 15, 2014, 08:08:35 pm 4 years ago, I attended a church service at some medium-sized SBC building - the pastor DID say that Christians and Muslims worship the same God(!).
And no, this "Baptist church" is NOT yoked up with Rick Warren, Bill Hybels, nor any other Emergent affiliation. Yes, the last days Apostate church is VERY deceived! Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on March 21, 2015, 02:56:42 pm Church of England Pastor Welcomes Muslim Prayer Service
A Church of England vicar has come under fire for allowing a Muslim prayer service to be held in his church. Rev. Canon Giles Goddard joined in the "Inclusive Mosque" event at St John's church, Waterloo, by reading part of Psalm 139 and giving thanks to "the God that we love, Allah." http://www.charismanews.com/world/48756-church-of-england-pastor-welcomes-muslim-prayer-service Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on April 04, 2015, 03:29:26 pm New Bible Versions REMOVE ‘Father’ and ‘Son Of God’ Because It Offends Muslims
Uncategorized 106 Comments Mainline Christian organizations are changing their holy scripture to avoid offending Muslims. Not only does this violate their scripture, but it also defeats the purpose of their mission–to share the Gospel. If mainline Christian organizations fear Muslims so much that they have to edit what they believe to be the Word of God, how far can they be from submission? Where are the righteous, the outraged, the proud? It is Islamic authorities who should be excising the quran and hadith of the ideology that calls for jihad, genocide, subjugation and oppression of women, Jews, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs and all non-Muslims. It is the ummah who should be calling for sharia bans. Instead, the Christians are bastardizing their scripture? The Muslims refer to Christians in their daily prayers as "those who are led astray" (Muslims curse Christians and Jews multiple times in daily prayers). This madness validates their contempt and supremacism: Concerned Christian missionaries, Bible translators, pastors, and national church leaders have come together with a public petition to stop these organizations. They claim a public petition is their last recourse because meetings with these organizations’ leaders, staff resignations over this issue and criticism and appeals from native national Christians concerned about the translations “have failed to persuade these agencies to retain “Father” and “Son” in the text of all their translations.” Biblical Missiology, a ministry of Boulder, Colorado-based Horizon International, is sponsoring the petition. The main issues of this controversy surround new Arabic and Turkish translations. Here are three examples native speakers give: First, Wycliffe and SIL have produced Stories of the Prophets, an Arabic Bible that uses an Arabic equivalent of “Lord” instead of “Father” and “Messiah” instead of “Son.” Second, Frontiers and SIL have produced Meaning of the Gospel of Christ , an Arabic translation which removes “Father” in reference to God and replaces it with “Allah,” and removes or redefines “Son.” For example, the verse which Christians use to justify going all over the world to make disciples, thus fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19) reads, “Cleanse them by water in the name of Allah, his Messiah and his Holy Spirit” instead of “baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Rev. Bassam Madany, an Arab American who runs Middle East Resources, terms these organization’s efforts as “a western imperialistic attempt that’s inspired by cultural anthropology, and not by biblical theology.” (more here) Report: American Bible translators bowdlerize scriptures to avoid offending Muslims: no "Father" and "Son" Jihadwatch If this is true, for the parties they are trying not to offend, anything short of Islam — of professing that there is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad is his messenger — would be "offensive." This is not making Christianity more palatable. It is de-Christianizing it. It is manufacturing yet another Christian heresy. Indeed, for many denominations, the validity of baptism depends on the words used: "I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." No euphemisms, no nicknames: for example, trial balloons aiming to portray a more gender-neutral God have already been burst: the use of "Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier" in baptism has been rejected by the Catholic Church, if not others. Those who truly believe they are winning souls for Christ would not risk the validity of baptism, and those who are genuinely convinced that they possess the truth will not apologize or worry it is offensive. As a technical matter, one wonders how the translators handle the words: "Who is a liar but he that denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denies the Father and the Son" (1 John 2:22). And "But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father who is in heaven" (Matthew 10:33). One last bit of holy writ: "You might as well fall flat on your face as lean over too far backward." – James Thurber "'Father' and 'Son' Ousted from the Trinity in New Bible Translations," by Hussein Hajj Wario for the Yahoo! Contributor Network, January 27 (thanks to CGW): A controversy is brewing over three reputable Christian organizations, which are based in North America, whose efforts have ousted the words "Father" and "Son" from new Bibles. Wycliffe Bible Translators, Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) and Frontiers are under fire for "producing Bibles that remove "Father," "Son" and "Son of God" because these terms are offensive to Muslims." Concerned Christian missionaries, Bible translators, pastors, and national church leaders have come together with a public petition to stop these organizations. They claim a public petition is their last recourse because meetings with these organizations' leaders, staff resignations over this issue and criticism and appeals from native national Christians concerned about the translations "have failed to persuade these agencies to retain "Father" and "Son" in the text of all their translations." Clearly, they fail to appreciate the far-reaching ramifications that Christians not only may dare, but are commanded to call on the Creator of the Universe as "Father." That fundamentally re-wires one's relationship with God and describes a unique intimacy and bond of love that ought not be squandered to score short-term points. Biblical Missiology, a ministry of Boulder, Colorado-based Horizon International, is sponsoring the petition. The main issues of this controversy surround new Arabic and Turkish translations. Here are three examples native speakers give: First, Wycliffe and SIL have produced Stories of the Prophets, an Arabic Bible that uses an Arabic equivalent of "Lord" instead of "Father" and "Messiah" instead of "Son." Second, Frontiers and SIL have produced Meaning of the Gospel of Christ , an Arabic translation which removes "Father" in reference to God and replaces it with "Allah," and removes or redefines "Son." For example, the verse which Christians use to justify going all over the world to make disciples, thus fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19) reads, "Cleanse them by water in the name of Allah, his Messiah and his Holy Spirit" instead of "baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." Rev. Bassam Madany, an Arab American who runs Middle East Resources, terms these organization's efforts as "a western imperialistic attempt that's inspired by cultural anthropology, and not by biblical theology." Third, Frontiers and SIL have produced a new Turkish translation of the Gospel of Matthew that uses Turkish equivalents of "guardian" for "Father" and "representative" or "proxy" for "Son." To Turkish church leader Rev. Fikret Böcek, "This translation is 'an all-American idea' with absolutely no respect for the 'sacredness' of Scripture, or even of the growing Turkish church." SIL has issued a public response stating "all personnel subscribe to a statement of faith which affirms the Trinity, Christ's deity, and the inspiration of Scripture." However, in the same statement, which is similar to Wycliffe's, it claims "word-for-word translation of these titles would communicate an incorrect meaning (i.e. that God had physical, sexual relationships with Mary) [sic]," thus justifying substituting "Father" and "Son" in new translations. Calls and emails to Wycliffe and SIL to clarify their positions were not returned. Frontiers responded to calls with articles that critics have already dismissed as skirting omissions of "Father" and "Son" in new Bible translations. The point about sexual connotations is baloney. Many of these countries have, or once had indigenous Christian populations with scriptures in indigenous languages where this was not a problem. If they're coming up with something untoward, they need better translators. - See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2012/01/new-bible-versions-remove-father-and-son-of-god-because-it-offends-muslims.html/#sthash.RayhHMNk.dpuf Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on October 28, 2015, 09:08:37 pm Growing Number of Protestant Pastors Believe Christianity and Islam are Similar
2 THESS 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; A new study from LifeWay Research suggests the number of Protestant pastors that classify Christianity and Islam as similar is on the rise. Charisma News reports the survey of 1,000 Protestant pastors found that while pastors who believed the religions were similar are in the minority, the small group is growing. According to the survey’s findings, 17 percent of Protestant pastors indicated that Christianity and Islam were similar, nearly double the 9 percent who claimed the religions were similar five years previously. A much larger group (two-thirds) said Christians and Muslims should co-exist in the United States. LifeWay says that Protestant pastors also described Islam more favorably than five years ago. Fifty percent of pastors said Islam promoted charity, 32 percent called the religion “spiritually good,” 24 percent called it “tolerant,” and 22 percent said it was “open.” The largest increase LifeWay saw was with pastors who said Islam is “relevant today.” Fifty-three percent agreed with this statement compared to 28 percent five years ago. http://www.christianheadlines.com/blog/growing-number-of-protestant-pastors-believe-christianity-and-islam-are-similar.html Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on November 13, 2015, 08:05:26 pm Support For Chrislam Grows As Increasing Number Of Pastors See Common Ground
A new survey reveals that continuous attempts by Muslims to rewrite history and make false claims about Islam are starting to bear fruit as an increasing number of protestant pastors are starting to call Islam spiritually good. The news comes from a LifeWay Research survey of 1,000 Protestant pastors. Five years ago only nine percent of pastors said there were similarities between Islam and Christianity. However, in the most recent survey the number nearly doubled with 17 percent saying the two religions shared common ground. At first the numbers may not seem problematic, as over 80 percent still agree there are significant differences between the two religions, however, even among this group many are starting to look at Islam in a more respectable light. For instance, 50 percent say that Islam promotes charity, which is up from 33 percent. Also, those who describe Islam as spiritually good are up from 19 percent to 32 percent. Despite daily accounts of Christians being murdered for their faith, and laws in Muslim countries that make it illegal to convert a person from Islam, 24 percent of pastors now say Islam is tolerant of other faiths while 22 percent say Muslims are open to other ideas. Whereas the numbers viewing Islam in a negative light have also gone up, the increase is not as dramatic. Today, only 52 percent consider Islam dangerous, up from 44 percent five years ago. Ed Stetzer, executive director of LifeWay Research says the sharpest divide on the issue is between evangelicals and other Christian leaders. “Some mainline pastors and a few evangelicals are answering questions in a more positive way, while some evangelicals and a few mainline Protestants are trending in a negative way. But the biggest move is in the smallest percent—and is in a more positive direction.” Part of the reason for the shift in numbers is undoubtedly due to the relentless push by the mainstream media and Muslim groups to convince Americans that the majority of differences are mostly minor in the context of a greater belief in God. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which was indicted as a co-conspirator in the largest terrorism funding case in American history, has attempted to blur the distinctions by claiming that Judaism, Christianity and Islam all worship the God of Abraham. While this may sound like common ground can be found, Muslims are increasingly attempting to rewrite history to portray Islam in a positive light, while downplaying the significance of Christianity and Jewish history. In II Samuel 24, the Bible records a real estate transaction between King David and a man named Araunah, where David purchased the land now known as the Temple Mount. Despite this written record, Muslim scholars attempt to say there is no evidence of a Jewish presence on the Temple Mount prior to modern times. Those who think Islam is spiritually good, tolerant and open have yet to explain how this belief is reconciled with the case of Asia Bibi, a Christian woman in Pakistan who is currently facing execution. Bibi’s crime: violating a Sharia blasphemy law by drinking water from a communal cup that was intended for Muslims only. In Nigeria, Boko Haram, an Islamic group has long engaged in church bombings, often targeting the attacks to coincide with holy days such as Easter and Christmas. Of course, who can forget the “tolerant” videos by ISIS showing them beheading Christians and burning people alive. The tolerance appears to extend only one way as some Christians leaders are going out of their way to accommodate Islam. Recently, a Swedish bishop called on all of the churches under her jurisdiction to remove crosses and replace them with directions pointing to Mecca in order to avoid offending Muslims. Some Christian leaders are going much further than simple accommodation. The attempt to actually merge Christianity and Islam has been given the name “Chrislam”. At the heart of this movement and perhaps the most dangerous issue is that these Christian leaders suggest that because we use similar terms such as "God" and "Jesus", that constitutes a ‘shared belief’. What we mean by the words we use matters and when no one defines the terms we are using, deception can slip in (which is why lawyers will fill page after page with small print defining the terms in a contract). Whether intentional or not, many Christian leaders are leading their followers astray into believing that Chrislam is acceptable. Last year, Brian Houston of Hillsong Church in Australia, addressed his congregation with these words, "Do you know – take it all the way back into the Old Testament and the Muslim and you, we actually serve the same God. Allah to a Muslim, to us Abba Father God. And of course through history, those views have changed greatly. But let's make sure that we view God through the eyes of Jesus, the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the beauty of a Savior, the loving open inclusive arms of a loving God." At President Obama's inaugural invocation in 2009, Pastor of Orange County, California's Saddleback Church, Rick Warren, cited several names for Jesus when leading the audience into the Lord's Prayer: "I humbly ask this in the name of the one who changed my life, Yeshua, Isa, Jesus [Spanish pronunciation], Jesus, who taught us to pray..." Whereas the context of Rick Warren's comments suggest he was attempting to bridge the gap of different names used for Jesus, his efforts show how easy it is for our words to cause confusion. To the Muslim, the "Isa" of the Qu'ran is very different than the Jesus of the Bible. The Qur’an’s Isa is not an historical figure. His identity and role as a prophet of Islam is based solely on supposed revelations to Muhammad over half a millennium after the Jesus of history lived, died and rose again. Islam’s Qur'an does not portray the divinity of Jesus Christ, nor claim Him to be the only-begotten Son of God - Messiah - God in human flesh, nor state that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and resurrected from the dead. Islam denies the true gospel of Christianity – the core reason Jesus came to earth. This fundamental gap between Christians and Muslims cannot and should not be bridged or smoothed over with a watered-down doctrine for the sake of "brotherly love". For a very detailed breakdown of the differences between Isa and Jesus please click here In 2010, Larry Reimer, a minister of the United Church of Gainesville, FL, in response to a local Qur’an burning, chose to read scripture from the Qur’an as part of his worship services, adding, "Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are all part of the Abrahamic tree of faith. We all believe in the same God, and in many aspects we are all trying to accomplish the same goals.” Rev. Ann Holmes Redding, an Episcopal priest for over twenty years, dons her white collar of Episcopal priesthood on Sunday mornings, then ties on her black headscarf to pray with her Muslim group on Fridays, saying, "I am both Muslim and Christian". She sees compatibility in Islam and Christianity at the most basic level and has endorsed the Muslim teaching that all true Christians will accept Islam, e.g. some Christians and Jews are faithful and believe truly. (Âl 'Imran 3:113,114) Any such true believers will submit to Allah by accepting Muhammad as the prophet of Islam, i.e. they will become Muslims. (Âl 'Imran 3:198) Brian McLaren, founding pastor of non-denominational Cedar Ridge Community Church in Baltimore, Washington, and a leading voice in the emergent church movement encouraged his congregation and other Christians through his blog to participate with Muslims in a Ramadan fast, which celebrates the month the Qur’an was supposed to have been sent down. Another leader in the Emerging Church movement, Dr. Tony Campolo, says he is not convinced that Jesus lives only in Christians, reasoning that an Islamic “brother” who has fed the hungry and clothed the naked clearly has a personal relationship with Christ, only he doesn’t know it. A few years ago, Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church in Houston joined with Christian communities in Atlanta, Seattle, and Detroit to create a series of sermons designed to promote an ecumenical reconciliation between Christianity and Islam. Sunday School lessons on the same theme would center on the inspired teachings of the Prophet Mohammad, and Qur’ans and Bibles would be placed side by side in the church pews. Ironically, a side by side comparison of the Bible and the Qur’an would show two faiths that are the exact opposite. The Jesus of the Gospels is the base upon which Christianity developed. By Islamicizing Him, and making Him a Muslim prophet who preached the Qur’an, Islam destroys Christianity and takes over all its history. It does the same to Judaism. In the end-times as described by Muhammad, Isa (Muslim Jesus) becomes a warrior who will return with his sword and lance. He will destroy the Christian religion and make Islam the only religion in all the world. Finally at the last judgment he will condemn Christians to hell for believing in the Crucifixion and the Incarnation. This final act of the Muslim Isa reflects Islam’s apologetic strategy in relation to Christianity, which is to deny the Yeshua of history, and replace Him with a facsimile of Muhammad, so that nothing remains but Islam. Rather than trying to pretend we believe the same things - a frank and honest discussion about our differences would make much more sense. Many ministries are doing just that in a spirit of love but remain uncompromising on the teachings of the Bible. We highly recommend the site Answering Islam for a honest and intelligent conversation on the key differences between the Bible and the Qur’an. Read more at http://www.prophecynewswatch.com/2015/November10/102.html#xP1l31FXoDQhwUrq.99 Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Psalm 51:17 on November 13, 2015, 08:51:34 pm Considering the great majority of Protestant pastors believe RCCs are saved, this isn't surprising at all.
Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on February 07, 2016, 04:28:27 am Wheaton College reverses efforts to fire professor, but she won't return to teach
A tenured professor at Wheaton College suspended for saying Muslims and Christians worship the same God has reached an agreement with the west suburban evangelical school to end her employment there, while the administrator who called for her termination has apologized for acting in haste. Wheaton Provost Stanton Jones told professors in an email Saturday night that he had turned over the decision of whether to vacate the administrative leave of their colleague, Larycia Hawkins, to college President Philip Ryken. But two hours later, faculty received another email from Ryken, informing them that Hawkins would not return to teach. "The administration and Dr. Hawkins have come to a place of resolution and reconciliation," Ryken wrote. "With a mutual desire for God's blessing, we have decided to part ways." Ryken invited faculty to a private worship service at Edman Memorial Chapel Tuesday night and a reception, where Hawkins will say goodbye. "This is a time for prayer, lament, repentance, forgiveness and reconciliation," Ryken said. The settlement agreement appears to bring to a close a drama that began in December when Hawkins announced on Facebook that she would don a hijab as part of her Advent devotion to show support for Muslims who had been under scrutiny since mass shootings in Paris and San Bernardino, Calif. "I stand in religious solidarity with Muslims because they, like me, a Christian, are people of the book," she posted on Facebook, along with a photograph of herself in a hijab. "And as Pope Francis stated … we worship the same God." Wheaton faculty leaders call for professor's reinstatement Within days, the college placed Hawkins on paid administrative leave through the spring semester, pending a review. According to the private evangelical college, not clarifying what makes Christianity distinct from Islam put Hawkins in conflict with Wheaton's statement of faith. Though she submitted a theological response to questions about her statement of solidarity, Jones said it did not resolve the issues. Hawkins said the college had recommended that she resign. She said the college also proposed a two-year revocation of her tenure, during which time she would continue conversations about the theological implications of her statements and her decision to wear the hijab. Then, before students returned to campus from winter break in January, Jones took the first step toward firing Hawkins. A few weeks later, the college's Faculty Council, a group of professors elected by their peers, unanimously recommended withdrawing Hawkins' suspension and halting termination proceedings against the associate professor of political science, "due to grave concerns about the process." Tribune coverage: Wheaton College professor controversy In his email to colleagues Saturday night, Jones said he stood by his concerns about Hawkins' theological statements but added that he apologized for appearing to question the sincerity of her Christian faith and acknowledged that he had failed to see her theological response "was a promising start toward answering satisfactorily some of the questions that I was raising at the time." "I asked Dr. Hawkins for her forgiveness for the ways I contributed to the fracture of our relationship, and to the fracture of Dr. Hawkins' relationship with the college," he wrote. "While I acted to exercise my position of oversight of the faculty within the bounds of Wheaton College employment policies and procedures, I apologized for my lack of wisdom and collegiality as I initially approached Dr. Hawkins, and for imposing an administrative leave more precipitously than was necessary." On Saturday, some faculty expressed anger and confusion. Given the proximity of both announcements, some questioned whether Jones' apology was merely a condition of a legal settlement. They also didn't like the political appearance of the college trying to appease both the conservative and progressive sides of its constituencies. Ryken said because Hawkins' suspension raised concerns about academic freedom, due process, the leaking of confidential information, possible violations of faculty governance, and gender and racial discrimination, he has asked the board of trustees to conduct a review. He said he hopes that review will improve the way Wheaton College addresses faculty personnel issues in the future, especially when they relate to the statement of faith. Shortly after Faculty Council called for Hawkins' reinstatement, Gary Burge, a professor of New Testament, said he looked forward to what he called "a restoration and reconciliation service" at Edman Chapel to celebrate Hawkins' return and repent for the way she had been mistreated. The service Tuesday only fulfills half of that aspiration. "This decision by the provost is a tribute to his integrity and courage," Burge said. "But many of us are wondering why the president's reconciliation with Dr. Hawkins did not include her remaining on our faculty." http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/ct-wheaton-college-professor-firing-reversal-20160206-story.html Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on February 25, 2016, 06:11:44 pm U.S. BISHOP: 'YOU MIGHT BE A BIGOT IF ...'
Leader says Catholics should not criticize Islam A Catholic bishop sat on a stage with a Muslim Brotherhood-linked imam and implored Catholics not to join their fellow Americans who engage in “the scourge of anti-Islamic prejudice” and “bigotry.” San Diego Bishop Robert W. McElroy made the statement during a recent interfaith conference while alongside Sayyid Sayeed, a leader of the Islamic Society of North America, or ISNA. “We are witnessing in the United States a new nativism, which the American Catholic community must reject and label for the religious bigotry which it is,” the bishop said Feb. 17 at the University of San Diego’s Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice. The event was part of the first national Catholic-Muslim dialogue held at the university. ISNA, which represented U.S. Muslims at the conference, is a front for the Muslim Brotherhood, as documented in court records filed during the Holy Land Foundation terror-financing trial of 2008 in Dallas. The Brotherhood is considered an extreme Islamist organization by many countries including Egypt, where it was founded in the 1920s. Brotherhood identifies ‘enemies of all faiths’ Sayyid Syeed, director of ISNA’s Office for Interfaith and Community Alliances, spoke glowingly of new bridges being built between the world’s various faith communities. “This is the shape of a new millennium of alliance-building for common values of mutual respect and recognition,” Syeed said. “All faiths are striving to promote those divine values enshrined in our sacred texts and scriptures, so that those who exploit them for reinforcing hate, extremism, violence and instability are identified as the enemies of all faiths.” Bishop McElroy said U.S. Catholics should reject the “repeated falsehoods” that Islam is inherently violent, that Muslims seek to supplant the U.S. Constitution with Shariah law, and that Muslim immigration threatens “the cultural identity of the American people,” reported the Catholic News Service. Such claims, he said, smack of the anti-Catholic bigotry that was once prevalent in the United States. But author and activist Robert Spencer, a Catholic who is critical of Islam’s holy book, the Quran, says the bishop’s analysis is flawed. image: http://www.wnd.com/files/2013/06/Robert_SPencer.jpg Robert Spencer Robert Spencer “No Catholics were committing acts of terrorism and justifying them by pointing to Catholic texts and teachings,” Spencer says. “There was no global Catholic terrorist movement boasting about how it would by and by destroy the United States.” McElroy’s comments should not come as a shock given his position as a member of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops – one of five faith-based groups that contract with the U.S. government to resettle thousands of Islamic refugees from Syria, Iraq, Somalia and other Muslim countries in the U.S. every year. The Catholic bishops will resettle 30 percent of the 85,000 foreign refugees President Obama has pledged to bring to the U.S. this year, and the government will pay them $1,950 per head for their services. John Guandolo, a former FBI agent who specializes in counter-terrorism training, said the good bishop is playing right into the hands of the Islamists. “The Bishop — whether he knows it or not — is imposing the Islamic Law of Slander on his flock,” Guandolo wrote in a blog titled “Truth: It’s the new hate speech.” The bishop’s denunciation of “bigotry” should not be seen as a denial of the reality of Islamic terrorism, according to the Catholic News Service. “I want to underscore that it is not bigotry to fear or to combat the violence and terror which some Muslims in the world have unleashed in the name of faith,” he explained, while adding the caveat that some Christians have also attempted to use their faith to justify acts of violence. Drawing moral equivalency between Islam and Christianity is a favorite tactic of the left, but it doesn’t hold up to historical scrutiny, says Spencer. “So apparently if you think that Islam is inherently violent, you’re not only wrong, but you’re a bigot,” Spencer wrote in his blog, JihadWatch. While the bishop paints a picture of Islam as a religion of peace in which only a tiny minority of imams preach violence against “infidels,” this is simply not true, according to Spencer. To avoid bigotry, in the bishop’s eyes, “you have to ignore or deny the readily demonstrable fact that the Quran exhorts believers to violence, and that all mainstream Islamic sects and schools of Islamic jurisprudence teach that the Muslim community has a responsibility to wage war against and subjugate unbelievers,” Spencer writes. “You’re also a bigot, in McElroy’s view, of you believe that ‘Muslims seek to supplant the U.S. Constitution with Sharia law.’ If you believe only some Muslims seek to do that, are you only a partial bigot? McElroy didn’t say.” Get Pamela Geller’s grassroots manual offering practical steps on how freedom-lovers can stop jihadist initiatives in their local communities in “Stop the Islamization of America.” The Brotherhood’s plan for ‘grand jihad’ The Muslim Brotherhood strategy for domination of America is spelled out in an internal document seized by the FBI after the Sept. 11 attacks. The so-called “Explanatory Memorandum” refers to a process of “settlement” or non-violent “civilization jihad” in which Islam gradually replaces all other religions through immigration, non-assimilation and political agitation. This process is described as “a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.” That’s a direct quote from “An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Brotherhood in North America,” by Mohamed Akram, May 19, 1991. “So while decrying as bigotry the idea that Muslims are seeking to supplant the Constitution with Sharia, McElroy was speaking alongside a representative of an organization linked to efforts to do exactly that,” Spencer writes. “Ah, the wonderful ironies of ‘interfaith dialogue.'” Bishop McElroy also said you’re a bigot if you believe Muslim immigration threatens “the cultural identity of the American people.” He didn’t mention that his organization, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, receives tens of millions in U.S. taxpayer dollars annually to relocate Muslims from the Middle East and Africa to the United States. “He did not explain how the introduction into the country of massive numbers of people with no cultural or theological traditions of freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and equality of rights for women could not end up threatening the cultural identity of the American people,” Spencer writes. “He didn’t have to explain: as far as he is concerned, these propositions are dogmas to be taken on faith, not assertions to be evaluated on the basis of evidence.” Bishops help Brotherhood stamp out ‘Islamophobia’ WND reported earlier this week that the Council for American-Islamic Relations, another front for the Muslim Brotherhood, has launched a campaign to stamp out “Islamophobia” in America. In that article WND quoted former Muslim imam and son of a Muslim Brotherhood operative, Dr. Mark Christian, saying the term “Islamophobia” was an invention of the Brotherhood. The label is a way of creating fear among non-Muslims, essentially banning all speech critical of Islam, which is one of the main tenets of Shariah law. Neither Muslims nor non-Muslims are allowed free speech under Shariah when it comes to criticizing Islam or its prophet. Dr. Christian, who lives under a fatwa (death threat) after leaving Islam in his native Egypt, said Christians should be taking the exact opposite approach to Islam. They should speak out about the Quran’s incitement of violence and its requirement that women be subjugated. “I believe uniting together to fight the dangers of Islam will eliminate terrorism and end Islamophobia both at the same time,” said Christian, founder of the Global Faith Institute. “The word Islamophobia itself is a reflection of a very deep-seated Islamic intolerance and an absolute rejection of the freedom of speech.” WND has previously reported that Omar Ahmad, one of the co-founders of CAIR, stated in 1998 that Islam’s ultimate goal was to become the dominant religion in America, not to be one faith among “equals.” Ahmad tried to deny he ever made those comments but the California newspaper that reported his remarks refused to back down from its story. The 1998 Argus article, also published in the sister San Ramon Valley Herald, paraphrased Ahmad saying: “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant,” and, “The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.” image: http://www.wnd.com/files/2013/10/hooper_cair.jpg CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper Current CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper also indicated in a 1993 interview with the Minneapolis Star Tribune that he wants to see the U.S. become a Muslim country. “I wouldn’t want to create the impression that I wouldn’t like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future,” Hooper told the paper. “But I’m not going to do anything violent to promote that. I’m going to do it through education.” Following the way of Europe? Unless the Brotherhood’s goal of banning speech deemed “anti-Islamic” or “Islamophobic” is reversed, America will end up in the same place that many Europeans find themselves in today, Christian said. In Britain, for example, speakers such as Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller are barred from entering the country. A petition to ban Donald Trump has gained 400,000 signatures. Yet, Islamic preachers of jihad, such as Anjem Choudary, openly spread their message of hate across the U.K. image: http://www.wnd.com/files/2016/02/British-pastor-fined-for-speaking-critical-of-islam.jpg British Pastor Mike Overd was forced to pay a fine for speaking critically of Islam or go to jail. British Pastor Mike Overd was forced to pay a fine for speaking critically of Islam or go to jail. At the same time, Christian preachers who speak critically of Islam can be arrested and charged with hate crimes. That’s exactly what happened to pastor Michael Overd when he made remarks over loudspeakers in Taunton, Somerset. Overd, 50, was fined £200 and ordered to pay compensation and costs totaling £1,200 at Bristol Crown Court. He was cleared of a second similar charge and another of causing “racially aggravated” harassment aimed at Muslims. “What race is Islam again?” asks Spencer. “I keep forgetting.” Sentencing judge Shamim Qureshi told Overd he “knew full well the power of words to hurt.” After being told he would have to pay restitution to his victim, Overd initially refused but was threatened with a 45-day prison sentence if he did not. Similar cases are piling up across Europe. Last week a man in Scotland was arrested for a Facebook post disparaging Muslim refugees in Scotland. This week a Dutch man was arrested for wearing a pig hat because it was deemed by police as being potentially insulting to Muslims (who were nowhere around). Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2016/02/u-s-bishop-you-might-be-a-bigot-if/#O0h1GgkHrW0jh6fQ.99 Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Psalm 51:17 on May 17, 2016, 10:24:18 pm http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/chrislam-alert-huffington-post-calls-for-a-merging-between-christianity-and-islam/
CHRISLAM ALERT: Huffington Post Calls For A Merging Between Christianity And Islam The idea that Christians and Muslims can forge a new union, the fervent dream of both Rick Warren and Pope Francis - is known as the demonic spawn of Chrislam. Below we show you, courtesy of our friends over at Jihad Watch, the verses in the Qur'an that talk about things relating to Christianity and the Bible. Basically, Islam trashes and completely denies just about every pillar of the Christian faith. 5/17/16 Huffington Post calls on Christians to recognize Muhammad as a prophet “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?” 2 Corinthians 6:15,16 (KJV) Liberal Drudge Report wannabe news rag the Huffington Post published an article last month on why it’s time for Christianity to “merge” with Islam. Author Ian Mevorach has this to say: “The majority of Christians still maintain a fundamentally Islamophobic position on Muhammad. So I believe that the time has come for peacemaking Christians to contradict this position directly. Changing our view of Muhammad–so that we recognize him as a true prophet rather than discredit him as a false prophet–would effectively inoculate Christians against Islamophobia and would help to establish a new paradigm of cooperative Christian-Muslim relations. I invite Christians everywhere to look carefully at our scriptures, search our souls, consider our history, and seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in answering this question: “Has the time come for Christians to see Muhammad as Spirit of Truth?” – source The idea that Christians and Muslims can forge a new union, the fervent dream of both Rick Warren and Pope Francis – is known as the demonic spawn of Chrislam. Below we show you, courtesy of our friends over at Jihad Watch, the verses in the Qur’an that talk about things relating to Christianity and the Bible. Basically, Islam trashes and completely denies just about every pillar of the Christian faith. See for yourself: •Jesus is not the Son of God, belief in the Trinity is “excess”: “O People of the Scripture, do not commit excess in your religion or say about Allah except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, was but a messenger of Allah and His word which He directed to Mary and a soul from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers. And do not say, ‘Three’; desist — it is better for you. Indeed, Allah is but one God. Exalted is He above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs.” — Qur’an 4:171“It is not befitting to (the majesty of) Allah that He should beget a son. Glory be to Him! when He determines a matter, He only says to it, ‘Be,’ and it is.” — Qur’an 19:35 •Jesus was not crucified: “And because of their saying: We slew the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, Allah’s messenger — they slew him not nor crucified him, but it appeared so unto them; and lo! those who disagree concerning it are in doubt thereof; they have no knowledge thereof save pursuit of a conjecture; they slew him not for certain.” — Qur’an 4:157 •Those who believe in the divinity of Christ are “disbelievers”: “They have certainly disbelieved who say that Allah is Christ, the son of Mary.” — Qur’an 5:17 •Christians “forgot a good part” of the divine revelations they received: “From those, too, who call themselves Christians, We did take a covenant, but they forgot a good part of the message that was sent them: so we estranged them, with enmity and hatred between the one and the other, to the day of judgment. And soon will Allah show them what it is they have done.” — Qur’an 5:14 •Muslims should not take Jews or Christians as friends: “O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people.” — Qur’an 5:51 •Those who believe that Jesus is God’s Son are accursed: “The Jews call Ezra a son of Allah, and the Christians call Christ the son of Allah. That is a saying from their mouth; they but imitate what the unbelievers of old used to say. Allah’s curse be on them: how they are deluded away from the Truth! ” — Qur’an 9:30 •Christians who do not become Muslims “are the most vile of created beings”: “Nor did those who were given the Scripture become divided until after there had come to them clear evidence. And they were not commanded except to worship Allah, sincere to Him in religion, inclining to truth, and to establish prayer and to give zakah. And that is the correct religion. Indeed, they who disbelieved among the People of the Scripture and the polytheists will be in the fire of Hell, abiding eternally therein. Those are the most vile of created beings.” — Qur’an 98:6 •Jesus’ mission was to proclaim the coming of Muhammad: “And when Jesus, the son of Mary, said, ‘O children of Israel, indeed I am the messenger of Allah to you confirming what came before me of the Torah and bringing good tidings of a messenger to come after me, whose name is Ahmad.’ But when he came to them with clear evidences, they said, ‘This is obvious magic.’” — Qur’an 61:6 •Muslims must fight against and subjugate Christians: “Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, even if they are of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.” — Qur’an 9:29 There is nothing, not one thing, that is compatible between Biblical Christianity and Mohammed’s deception of Islam and the moon god Allah. But that will not stop the end times supporters of Chrislam from working to bring this about. A merger? Never. Acceptance of Islam as on a par with the Holy Bible? Not in a million years. Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on June 09, 2016, 11:37:29 pm Baptist Church Sign Proclaims ‘Allah is Not Our God’
A Baptist church sign which proclaims “Allah is not our God” is drawing criticism from local residents of Hood River, Oregon. ChristianToday.com reports that, in addition to saying “Allah is not our God,” the sign says “Wake up Christians,” “Muhammad not greater than Jesus” and “Only the Bible is God’s Word. Koran is just another book.” Michael Harrington, the 74-year-old pastor of the small Baptist church, is responsible for the sign which has caused contention in Hood River. "I literally had to stop and back up and make sure I saw what I saw, and I was profoundly offended and upset by it," said Eric Cohn who said he biked past the sign. Mayor of Hood River Paul Blackburn said the sign made him “really annoyed and sad.” "I am annoyed that in this political season there's a solid case of ugly going on. I think it norms up this kind of behavior like 'oh it's okay to be a bigot now,'" he added Harrington, however, defends the sign’s message, despite the criticism he has received. “I'm not politically correct. I've never been politically correct, but I think I'm biblically correct, and that's what matters to me," he said. "It isn't against any particular denomination. It's just the fact that I have taught and will continue to teach that I have one God, one way of salvation and one Bible that's holy," he added. http://www.christianheadlines.com/blog/baptist-church-sign-proclaims-allah-is-not-our-god.html Eph 3:12 In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him. Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on June 15, 2016, 07:48:31 pm Southern Baptists Vote to Support Refugee Resettlement After Trump Says to Ban All Muslim Immigration
Amid calls to restrict Muslim immigration, the Southern Baptist Convention approved a resolution encouraging member churches and families to welcome refugees coming to the United States. Messengers at the SBC's annual meeting in St. Louis, Missouri approved Resolution 12, titled "On Refugee Ministry," as part of a block vote taken Wednesday on the five remaining resolutions from Tuesday. "That we affirm that refugees are people loved by God, made in His image, and that Christian love should be extended to them as special objects of God's mercy in a world that has displaced them from their homelands," reads Resolution 12. "That we encourage Southern Baptist churches and families to welcome and adopt refugees into their churches and homes as a means to demonstrate to the nations that our God longs for every tribe, tongue, and nation to be welcomed at His Throne …" Resolution 12 also called for "governing authorities to implement the strictest security measures possible in the refugee screening and selection process, guarding against anyone intent on doing harm …" Recently, refugee resettlement has been a lightning rod for political controversy, especially regarding displaced individuals from the Middle East. Many state governors have officially refused to allow the resettlement of Syrian refugees, citing national security concerns over proper vetting. "After the Paris attacks in November, Texas Governor Greg Abbott, a Republican, was one of the first of more than 30 U.S. governors who are seeking to block the resettlement of Syrians into their states," reported Reuters. "The federal government has tightened visa waiver rules for visitors following the attacks in France that killed 130 people and immigration has become a flashpoint in the November presidential election in America." Free Sign Up Newsletter! Since late last year, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has multiple times advocated a temporary ban on Muslim immigration to the United States. Trump reiterated these comments earlier this week in response to the massacre committed at an Orlando gay nightclub that resulted in 50 fatalities including the shooter. Although the shooter was born in the United States, Trump told "Good Morning America" that the incident only further confirmed that there needed to be a ban on Muslim immigration. "We have many people coming in whose hate is equal to his and just as bad and even worse, frankly, and we have to stop people from coming in," claimed Trump. "The problem was that we have a maniac, we have a madman. He could have used a bomb. He could have used other things, just as easily, just as easily." In addition to the refugee resolution, the other resolutions approved in the block vote were a resolution to support freedom of the press, a resolution calling for Christians to be politically involved, a resolution against having women register for the draft, and a resolution affirming "In God We Trust" as the national motto. http://www.christianpost.com/news/southern-baptist-refugee-resettlement-trump-ban-muslim-immigration-165244/ Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Psalm 51:17 on June 15, 2016, 09:43:47 pm I've been in Southern Baptist Churches all my life - it's really nothing more than a mafia front. The villains are pulling the strings behind the curtains, with the (appearing) good guys being the puppets.
And FWIW, SBC is not to be confused with Independent Fundamental Baptist churches. (not that I'm defending the latter, but just pointing it out) Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Psalm 51:17 on June 26, 2016, 06:26:26 pm http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/chrislam-general-assembly-presbyterian-church-usa-offers-prayers-allah/
CHRISLAM ALERT: General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church USA Offers Prayers To Allah “In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful, let us praise the Lord. The creator of the universe, the most merciful, the most compassionate and the Lord of the universe who has created us and made us into nations and tribes, from male and females that we may know each other, not that we might despise each other, or may despise each other. Incline towards peace and justice and trust in God, for the Lord is one that hears and knows everything and the servants of God, the most compassionate, the most merciful, gracious are those who walk in the earth in humility and when bigots and hateful and Islamophobes address them, they say peace. Peace be upon them and peace be upon Allah.” 6/26/16 The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) offered prayers to the Islamic deity, Allah. EDITOR’S NOTE: As the fallen Laodicean end times church continues it’s rise, we see more and more chrislam rearing its ugly head from within the congregation. This is right in line with the endless wooing of Islam done by the Catholic pope in Rome. The One World Religion, by the time the Antichrist arrives, will absolutely be a combination of fallen Christianity and Islam known as Chrislam. The prayer was led by a representative of the Muslim community on behalf of the Presbyterian Assembly. The representative, Wallid Said, prayed… “Allah bless us and bless our families and bless our Lord. Lead us on the straight path – the path of all the prophets: Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad.” https://vimeo.com/171349413 The Islamic prayer was the the first order of business for the assembly. The prayer was arranged by the Ecumenical and Interfaith ministry staff for the PCUSA. They apparently got what the asked for. (http://nteb.mudflowermedia.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/allah-is-the-muslim-moon-god-chick-gospel-tracts-islamic-terrorism-nteb.jpg) Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Psalm 51:17 on June 29, 2016, 07:33:34 pm http://www.npr.org/2016/06/29/483901761/conservative-christians-grapple-with-what-religious-freedom-means-for-muslims
Conservative Christians Grapple With Whether 'Religious Freedom' Includes Muslims June 29, 2016 Religious liberty is a rallying cry for many evangelical voters, and it has been popping up repeatedly throughout this presidential campaign. But in the current political climate, some conservative Christians are struggling with how to apply religious freedom to other faiths — like Islam. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz made religious freedom a hallmark of his failed campaign for the Republican nomination. Now, presumptive nominee Donald Trump is picking up the theme. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump holds up a Bible during a campaign stop in Council Bluffs, Iowa, last year. "Religious freedom. The right of people of faith to freely practice their faith. So important," Trump said in a June 10 speech in Washington, D.C., to members of the Faith and Freedom Coalition. On June 21, in a room full of evangelical leaders in New York City, Trump again promised to protect religious freedom. The presumptive GOP nominee said if he's elected, "people are going to say 'Merry Christmas' again." For decades, fights over religious liberty in the U.S. have mostly been about the religious liberties of Christians. Evangelicals have rallied around issues like prayer in public schools, and more recently, whether conservative Christian vendors should be required by law to provide services for same-sex weddings. But now, as the nation's small but growing Muslim population gains a higher profile, other questions are emerging, including debates in several communities over the right to build mosques. The pastor of Fort Des Moines Church of Christ in Des Moines, Iowa, says Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is "morally loathsome." Pastor John Wofford of Armorel Baptist Church in northeast Arkansas raised that question at a national meeting of Southern Baptists this month. "I would like to know how in the world someone within the Southern Baptist Convention can support the defending of rights for Muslims to construct mosques in the United States when these people threaten our very way of existence as Christians and Americans?" Wofford said. "They are murdering Christians, beheading Christians, imprisoning Christians all over the world." It had been just days since a gunman who had pledged loyalty to ISIS shot and killed 49 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando. The gunman was also killed. Delegates at prayer during the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention in St. Louis. In response, Southern Baptist leader Russell Moore warned that letting the government restrict Muslims could lead to restrictions on Christians. He believes Christianity is the only true faith, and people must choose it freely. "Sometimes we have really hard decisions to make — this isn't one of those things," Moore said. "What it means to be a Baptist is to support soul freedom for everybody." Moore leads the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, which recently signed on to a legal brief supporting the right of a group of Muslims in New Jersey to build a mosque. His answer was met with enthusiastic applause — but he has also faced criticism from some fellow conservatives, including Wofford. What it means to be a Baptist is to support soul freedom for everybody. Southern Baptist leader Russell Moore On a recent Sunday morning, after a fire-and-brimstone sermon, Wofford said he believes the U.S. Constitution protects all religions, including Islam. But Wofford doesn't believe Southern Baptist leaders, who draw their salaries from dues paid by local congregations, should be advocating for the rights of Muslims. "So what I am actually doing if I support and defend the rights of people to construct places of false worship, I am helping them go to hell. And I do not want to help people go to hell," Wofford said. Some Christian groups dedicated to defending religious freedom argue for equal treatment for all faiths, out of the principle that discriminating against one religion could threaten them all. The audience at last month's Together for the Gospel conference in Louisville, Ky. "It's a double-edged sword," said Matt Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Council, which focuses on religious freedom litigation on behalf of Christians but has also represented at least one Jewish client. "Religious freedom is for all of us or it's for none of us," Staver said. "If we want to pick and choose, what's the standard? And if it's only that might makes right, then that means it's a political struggle and whoever is the ruling class at any particular time, they're the ones that have their say." "So what I am actually doing if I support and defend the rights of people to construct places of false worship, I am helping them go to hell. And I do not want to help people go to hell. In a tense presidential election year, such debates have a tendency to become political. After the meeting with Trump in New York last week, several evangelical leaders held a press conference, where they praised Trump's promise to protect religious liberty. Asked how that pledge applies to Muslims, conservative columnist Ken Blackwell responded that he favors freedom for all faiths, but his primary concern is the rights of Christians. "I was more interested in hearing Donald Trump say that he was willing and ready to defend religious liberty not just for Christians, but including for Christians, in the public square," he said. Pressed on Trump's call to temporarily ban Muslim immigration — a proposal that has appeared to shift over time, but which Trump has yet to explain in detail — Blackwell said that issue will be part of an ongoing "conversation" between Trump and evangelical leaders. He said many conservative Christians see the real estate developer as more favorable to their concerns about religious freedom and other issues than his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton. "We're not going to, in fact, throw him overboard" over the Muslim ban issue, Blackwell said. Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on October 01, 2016, 04:47:45 am A Christian and a Muslim just produced a new version of the Quran — with a twist
A Christian and a Muslim have come together to produce a unique version of the Quran — a full-text English edition of the holy book, but with a twist. “The Qur’an With References to the Bible” relies upon 7th century classical Arabic and comes complete with parallel verses from the Christian Bible. Dr. Safi Kaskas, a Muslim businessman, and Dr. David Hungerford, an orthopedic surgeon who is a practicing Christian, have compiled the Quran in hopes that the translation will help bridge the divide between Christians and Muslims in America. Hungerford and Kaskas recently told “The Church Boys” podcast that they first met as board members of Bridges to Common Ground, an organization that works to foster greater understanding between Christians and Muslims. “When we met, Dr. Kaskas had this as a dream and (it was) something he had been working on in his mind,” Hungerford said. “We were both kind of prepared for this project (and the) collaboration just became so obvious to us and we’ve been working on it together ever since.” Listen to the men discuss the Quran at the 24:30 mark: Kaskas said he believes their version of the Quran offers up a unique opportunity for readers to have a true contemporary reading of the text along with important parallels between what is written in both Islamic and Christian scriptures. He appealed to his own back story in sharing his motivation for embarking on the project, focusing specifically on his experience after coming to America. “When I first came to the United States, if it wasn’t for my American neighbors opening their hearts and their homes for me, I wouldn’t have made it,” Kaskas said. “I feel a debt to this country.” He continued, “I hate to see that the same Americans are feeling bad about Muslims now. I want to repair this relationship.” Kaskas said he believes fixing the situation is predicated upon finding and highlighting common ground between Christians and Muslims. “The best way to do this is from our holy books,” he added. Hungerford and Kaskas noted that they discovered more than 3,000 verses in the Quran that have similar meanings and purposes in the Bible, so they set out to place biblical references at the bottom of each relevant page in the Quran. They’re hoping that the book will help to dispel the “ignorance” that they see when it comes to the ongoing friction between the two groups; they’re also hoping the Quran edition helps spark “an open discussion.” “What our hope is is that Christians will read it and the eyes of their misunderstanding and the depth of their ignorance will be dispelled so they can now look upon Muslims as part of the Abrahamic tradition,” Hungerford said. But they want people to know that the book isn’t intended to blur the lines between the two faiths or to merge them. “I am a practicing Muslim, David is a practicing Christian,” Kaskas said. “I want him to have the freedom to practice worshipping God his way and I want him to give me the freedom to worship God my way.” As for why the two men believe so many extremists have claimed to commit acts of terror in the name of Islam, Hungerford pointed to a long human history of people co-opting and perverting peaceful religious sentiment. “If you look at religion, there has never been a time in mankind where somebody who professes religion has not taken aspects of it out of context and distorted its meaning,” he said. “If we look at Christianity, Christianity was used to justify the Inquisition, burning witches, slavery.” He said these elements weren’t a part of Christianity and were, instead, distortions, comparing that to what’s happening among Muslim extremists. Kaskas added that he believes it’s essential for people to stop spouting anti-Muslim sentiment, as he said it can contribute to radicalization. Instead, he called on people to be more accepting and welcoming. “If we continue to beat the Muslims on the head and call them names and call their religion names they’re going to feel that they’re unjustifiably attacked,” he said. “This is the first step to get somebody to be radicalized.” Kaskas also said Christians might be surprised to discover some of the Quran’s contents, particularly when it comes to the text’s treatment of Jesus, the central figure in Christianity. “The way Jesus was born in the Quran he had a miraculous birth his life was miraculous, the Quran states miracles that were not even stated in the Bible,” he said. “Everything about Jesus as far we’re concerned is miraculous.” While the theological views are quite different, Kaskas noted that Muslims also believe that Jesus will one day return and that Muslims will follow him, though it should be noted that Muslims see Jesus as a prophet and not a deity as many Christians believe him to be. In the end, Kaskas warned that he and Hungerford are trying to prevent some Muslims from misinterpreting the faith. “We are fighting for survival to defend what we believe to be a religion of peace,” he said, adding that it’s still uncertain whether the fight can be won. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2016/09/28/a-christian-and-a-muslim-just-produced-a-new-version-of-the-quran-with-a-twist/ Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on January 09, 2017, 04:46:59 am Christian Clergy Welcomes Islam in Church, Then Bows to It
Last July, for the first time during a Mass in Italy, a verse of the Koran was recited from the altar. A priest in the south of Italy enraged parishioners by dressing the Virgin Mary in a Muslim burqa for his church's Christmas Nativity scene. These interfaith initiatives are based on the gradual elimination of the Western-Christian heritage in favor of Islam. The Catholic clergy is probably disoriented by Pope Francis himself; he was the first to allow the reading of Islamic prayers and Koran readings from the Vatican. The Pope embraced religious relativism when it comes with Islam. He repeated that Islamist violence is the work of "a small group of fundamentalists" who, according to him, have nothing to do with Islam. Church of England Bishop Harries suggested that Prince Charles's coronation service should be opened with a Koran reading. In the US, more than 50 churches, including the Washington National Cathedral, hold Koran readings. Is there any reading of the Christian liturgy in mosques? How is it that so few Christian leaders have raised their voices against this unprecedented attack on a Christian monument? Have they organized so many Koran readings in their own churches so that they now view it as normal to convert a church into a mosque? Would it not be better for the Catholic Church to establish a real dialogue with the Islamic communities based on principles such as reciprocity (if you build mosques in Europe, we build churches in the Middle East), protection of Christian minorities in the Crescent and theological repudiation of jihad against "infidels"? There is a disturbing and growing trend in Italy and Europe. For the first time in more than 700 years, Islamic songs resonated in Florence's Cathedral, the Church Santa Maria del Fiore. Under the famous Dome of Brunelleschi, Islamic melodies accompanied Christian ones. The "interfaith initiative" was promoted a week after the barbaric massacre by Islamist terrorists in Paris at the magazine Charlie Hebdo, and included "Koran is Justice" and other such "hymns". A priest in the south of Italy then enraged parishioners by dressing the Virgin Mary in a Muslim burqa for his church's Christmas nativity scene. The pastor of the parish of Saints Joachim and Anne in Potenza, Father Franco Corbo, said that he had the special crèche constructed "in the name of dialogue among religions". These interfaith initiatives are based on the gradual elimination of the Western-Christian heritage in favor of Islam. Another priest in Italy also eliminated the Christmas nativity scene at the local cemetery because "it could offend Muslims". Father Sante Braggiè said there would be no crib in the cemetery in the northern city of Cremona because it may anger people of others faiths or people whose relatives are not buried there: "A small corner of the cemetery is reserved for Muslim graves. A crib positioned within sight of them could be seen as a lack of respect for followers of other faiths, hurt the sensibilities of Muslims, as well as Indians and even atheists". In Rebbio, the Italian parish church of St. Martin was preparing the end of Mass. Suddenly a veiled woman, Nour Fayad, took the floor and read the verses of the Koran which announce the birth of Christ. The initiative was intended by the priest, Don Giusto della Valle, as "a gesture of dialogue". In Rozano, near Milan, headmaster Marco Parma, then scrapped his school's Christmas carol concert: he decided to ban traditional festivities at Garofani school, "to cause no offence". In July, for the first time during a Mass in Italy, a verse of the Koran was recited from the altar. It happened in the Church of Santa Maria in Trastevere in Rome, during a ceremony in memory of Father Jacques Hamel, who was slaughtered by ISIS terrorists in France. While Catholics recited the Creed, a delegate of the mosque of al Azhar Mosque in Cairo softly repeated an "Islamic prayer for peace". The Catholic clergy is probably disoriented by Pope Francis himself, who was the first to allow the reading of Islamic prayers and Koran readings from the world's most important Catholic facility. It happened when Pope Francis met with late Israeli President Shimon Peres and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in Vatican City, a gathering designed "to pray for Middle Eastern peace". Since he was elected Pontiff, Francis has spent a lot of time in mosques. He has visited many Islamic places of worship abroad, as in Turkey and in the Central African Republic, but he was also willing to become the first Pope to visit the Grand Mosque in Rome. When it comes to Islam, the Pope embraces religious relativism. He repeated that Islamist violence is the work of "a small group of fundamentalists" who, according to him, have nothing to do with Islam. When asked why he did not speak of Islamic violence, the Pope replied, "If I speak of Islamic violence, I must speak of Catholic violence", even though one would be hard-pressed at this time to find any priests, nuns or other Catholics planting bombs anyplace in the name of Jesus Christ. This trend goes beyond Italy. In the UK, Bishop Harries suggested that Prince Charles's coronation service should open with a reading from the Koran. In the US, more than 50 churches, including the Washington National Cathedral, hold Koran readings. The head of the Protestant Church in Germany, Bishop Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, has also called for Islam to be taught in state schools. Is there any reading of the Christian liturgy in the mosques? These interfaith shows also seem to be making us blind to more disturbing readings of the Koran in Christian churches, such as the one that recently took place in Istanbul's Hagia Sophia: for the first time in 85 years, Turkish Muslims read an Islamic text inside the Christianity's most beautiful Eastern church. Their goal, as attested by bills submitted to Turkey's parliament, is clear: Islamizing the church, which had been used as a museum since 1935. Christian silence is less clear: how is it that so few Christian leaders raised their voice against this unprecedented attack on a Christian monument? Have they organized so many Koran readings in their own churches so that they now view it as normal to convert a church into a mosque? After a terror attack in a church in Normandy last July, the Christian clergy opened the doors of their churches to Muslims. This gesture was welcomed as a turning point in the relation between the two religions. But from a population of six million Muslims in France, only a few hundred Muslims participated. Was their attendance really representative of Islamic public opinion? These well-intended gestures might look like an interfaith gain, but are in fact an ecumenical loss. Would it not be better for the heads of the Catholic Church to establish a real dialogue with the Islamic communities, based on principles such as reciprocity (if you build mosques in Europe, we build churches in the Middle East), protection of Christian minorities in the Crescent and theological repudiation of jihad against "infidels"? To the Catholic clergy who opened the door of Florence's Cathedral to Islam, Muslims will next suggest removing a painting in the basilica: Domenico di Michelino's "Dante and the Divine Comedy". For Muslim extremists, Dante is guilty of "blasphemy": he included Mohammed in his poetic Hell. The Islamic State does not make a secret of its willingness to strike Dante's tomb in Italy. Other sites on ISIS's list include St. Mark's Basilica in Venice and the Basilica of San Petronio in Bologna, both of which portray scenes from the Divine Comedy. A fantasy? Not at all. The Italian human rights organization Gherush92, which advises UN bodies on human rights, already asked to have Dante removed from school curricula because supposedly it is "Islamophobic". In this new interfaith "correctness", only Islam gains. Christians have everything to lose. https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/9716/christian-clergy-islam Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on January 11, 2017, 11:28:12 pm VIDEO: Muslim Sings Koran Verse Denying Christ Is God In St. Mary’s Cathedral
A passage from the Koran was sung at St. Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral in Glasgow that denied that Christ is the Son of God sparking outrage from Christ followers around the world. The Muslim disrespect occurred on the Feast of the Epiphany. From Breitbart: The passage from Surah 19, which specifically denies that Jesus was the Son of God and says He should not be worshipped, was sung during a Eucharist service at St Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral in Glasgow to mark the feast of the Epiphany. A video of the recital was posted on YouTube showing a girl singing the passage in a typical Islamic style. It narrates the Islamic account of the birth of Jesus, which includes the claim that Mary was “ashamed” after giving birth, and the infant Christ miraculously spoke from the cradle – something not found in Christian scripture. She then concludes by singing verse 35, which states in translation: “It befitteth not the Majesty of Allah that He should take unto Himself a son,” and then verse 36, which has the infant Jesus saying: “And lo! Allah is my Lord and your Lord. So worship Him. That is the right path.” The cathedral praised the reading in a Facebook post, calling it a “wonderful event”… …The cathedral’s Facebook page also proudly publicises a press report on the provost’s Christmas sermon, in which he compared U.S. President-Elect Donald Trump to the biblical King Herod, who ordered the massacre of children. This is absolutely outrageous. https://youtu.be/uGGi_sLiW4c Who in their right mind would allow a Muslim to sing in a Cathedral? Muslims are murdering Jews and Christians around the world and this Cathedral allows them to sing a song that is blasphemous to their own beliefs? The Facebook Page has taken down the post. http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/01/video-muslim-sings-koran-verse-denying-christ-god-cathedral/ Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on January 15, 2017, 01:47:36 pm 'Distress' But No Apology For Epiphany Service Quran Reading Denying Divinity of Christ
In a statement posted to his blog site, David Chillingworth, the Primus of the Church appeared to strongly rebuke Kelvin Holdsworth, the Provost of St Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral, Glasgow, where the reading took place, arguing that interfaith work, “like all works of reconciliation, must be founded on truth.” He continued: “We approach others with open hearts but we stand in the truth of the gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.” However, no apology for the reading has been forthcoming; Chillingworth reasoning that the “The decisions which have led to the situation in St Mary’s Cathedral are a matter for the Provost and the Cathedral community.” He added that the church will “bring together all those who are involved in the development of interfaith relations” to explore how the work can be carried out “in ways which will command respect.” Holdsworth himself is unrepentent, writing in a blog post that “local Muslim friends” were invited “as we were reflecting on the arrival of the mysterious Magi at Bethlehem”. The significance is unclear, as the Magi, predating Islam by some six centuries, were Zoroastrian. no proof of that He continued: “Having a recitation from the Qur’an in a Christian cathedral in worship is not a new thing. “So it has indeed come as something of a surprise to find accounts of last week’s service appearing online and stirring up the most most incredible pot of hatred I’ve ever encountered. “This same Qur’anic reading has been given before in services and no outcry has happened. Is it because this is in a cathedral run by a gay man? Is it because the recitation was given by a young woman? “Clearly those things are factors as they feature in some of the abuse.” Confirming that some of the messages received by the church had been reported to Police Scotland, Holdsworth added: “They assure me that intolerance and prejudice will not be tolerated in Scotland. To put it simply, I thank God for them and their work.” The matter came to light after St Mary’s posted a video of verses of the Quran being sung in Arabic during a service to Facebook, along with a message calling it a “wonderful event.” Both the Facebook post and a YouTube version of the reading have since been removed by the Cathedral, after it provoked widespread anger and criticism from Christians, who pointed out that the verses chosen denied the divinity of Jesus Christ as the Son of God. The reading can still be viewed elsewhere on Facebook via Madinah Javed, who sang the passages during the service. There was further anger as it emerged that a translation of the verses printed in the Order of Service and handed out to congregants omitted the last two, in which the denial came, leading to confusion. Commenting on matter on the Archbishop Cranmer blogsite, the Rev’d Dr Gavin Ashenden, Chaplain to the Queen, said: “It’s hard to know what was in the mind of the Provost of Glasgow Cathedral when he arranged for this assault on Jesus and the apostles. “The accusation of lying or deception [contained within the verses] was not just directed towards Jesus and the Apostles; but is also […] to those, too, who have been martyred at the hands of Islam, because they refused to renounce this deception when confronted with it.” Refuting Holdworth’s claims that the reading was part of an interfaith dialogue between Islam and Christianity, Ashenden continued: “There was no dialogue in the Epiphany Eucharist; only a refutation of what Christians hold most dear and upon which salvation depends. “In over 30 years of interfaith conversations, I have never yet come across a Muslim community which allowed those passages in the Gospels acclaiming the divinity of Christ to be read in Friday prayers.” http://www.breitbart.com/london/2017/01/15/distress-no-apology-epiphany-service-quran-reading/ Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Psalm 51:17 on January 16, 2017, 11:31:51 am It seems like noone has a conscience anymore.
I miss the yesteryear preachers like AW Tozer and George Whitfield. Nowdays people like Tozer who preach righteousness and holiness are marked as "works-based salvation heretics". Yes, make no mistake - if someone is saved, there SHOULD be evidences of their salvation. No different from, if let's say, someone says he's a carpenter - there should be SOME evidence of his proper labour skills. Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Psalm 51:17 on February 16, 2017, 03:55:23 pm http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/chrislam-update-christian-mcmurry-university-texas-opens-prayer-room-muslim-students/
CHRISLAM UPDATE: Christian University McMurry In Texas Opens Prayer Room For Muslim Students McMurry’s chaplain, Jeff Lust, and Dr. Mark Waters, professor of religion and director of international education, reportedly helped the students in their effort. Lust did not respond to a request for comment from The College Fix. 2/16/17 A Christian university in Texas has created a prayer room for its Muslim students to pray to Allah and study the anti-Christian Qu’ran “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?” 2 Corinthians 6:14 (KJV) EDITOR’S NOTE: Chrislam, the merging of apostate Christianity and Islam, is making great strides on college campuses. In the spirit of “inclusion”, Christian schools and universities are allowing “prayer rooms” for adherents of Islam whose “holy book” teaches them that Jesus Christ is not the Son of God. 1 John 2:22 (KJV) says that those people who deny God has a Son are of Antichrist. No where in the Bible does it says that Christians are to be “open to all faiths”. Instead, it commands that we teach and preach the gospel of the grace of God and salvation in Jesus Christ alone. The Methodist-affiliated McMurry University dedicated the space in one of the school’s residential dorms for its Muslim students’ daily prayers. Before its creation, Muslim students met for prayer in a nearby hotel, a student who helped establish the new prayer room told The College Fix in an interview. That student, Joe Yousef, is president of McMurry’s Saudi Student Club. Of the roughly 1,000 students attending McMurry, about 60 are Muslim and many come from Saudi Arabia, Yousef said. (http://www.chick.com/reading/tracts/0042/0042_01.asp?Store=True&C=C) CLICK TO READ THE CHICK GOSPEL TRACT ‘ALLAH HAD NO SON’ Yousef said now that Muslim students have a prayer room on campus, it will be much easier for them to meet both their religious and scholastic obligations. “On Friday, we get together and sometimes we have to go home to pray and we need to be in university so we don’t have time to go home,” Yousef said. Yousef admitted that some people at McMurry didn’t like the idea of having the prayer room. Some students are also supportive. “Being Christians, we should be open to free religion and letting everyone do what they want to do and I think the Muslim prayer room gives them that chance,” student Hector Flores told BigCountry.com. MORE: University of Kansas maintains women’s-only lunchroom for Muslims McMurry’s chaplain, Jeff Lust, and Dr. Mark Waters, professor of religion and director of international education, reportedly helped the students in their effort. Lust did not respond to a request for comment from The College Fix. McMurry’s associate director of communications, Gary Ellison, did not respond to requests for comment either. Lust told KTXS that the room is “a step in the right direction.” “We anticipate over time we’ll have students from a variety of countries and possibly different religions,” Lust said. “We need to learn to live and work together in this world that is increasingly diverse and then we can truly become better together.” The room will also serve as a meeting place for a new interfaith club, which is slated to meet for the first time Feb. 21, according to Yousef. He said he will help lead the interfaith club in the hopes that it will help students of different faiths understand each other better. “We are going to talk about faith and belief,” he said. “Some people have their own bias. We want people to get together, so we can help each other out.” source Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on February 28, 2017, 04:50:13 pm Army makes history by putting Muslim in charge of 14,000 US soldiers’ spiritual needs
In January, Lt. Col. Khallid Shabazz received the call every Army chaplain dreams of, the call that validates years of intense study and hard work toward keeping the U.S. military in good spiritual health. He was offered the job of chaplain for an entire division, an honor for anyone in his field but a milestone in his case. After a ceremony this summer, Shabazz will become the first Muslim division-level chaplain in the history of the U.S. military – a Muslim spiritual leader for more than 14,000 mostly Christian soldiers. Shabazz, who’s dedicated his life to working across religious lines, found it hard to keep calm as he received the news at his desk on Joint Base Lewis-McChord near Tacoma, Washington. rest: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/nation-world/national/national-security/article135249589.html Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Psalm 51:17 on April 25, 2017, 04:32:28 pm CHRISLAM UPDATE: Pope Francis To Visit Egypt In Bid To ‘Pave The Way To Tolerance And Inter-Faith Relations’
In Tuesday's message, Francis said he hoped the trip could bring "fraternity and reconciliation to all children of Abraham, particularly in the Islamic world, in which Egypt occupies a primary position" and "offer a valid contribution to inter-religious dialogue with the Islamic world". 4/25/17 Pope Francis hopes to mend ties with Muslims on his trip to Egypt on Friday but faces criticism from church conservatives for meeting Islamic religious leaders after a spate of deadly attacks against Christians. “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” Amos 3:3 (KJV) EDITOR’S NOTE: In an official video released by the Catholic EWTN channel, the Pope’s visit to Egypt is being billed as a “message of reconciliation from an ambassador of peace”. EWTN goes on to say that Pope Francis “goes to Egypt to pave the way to tolerance and inter-faith relations” in this Muslim majority nation. In a word, it’s Chrislam. In another word, it’s the One World Religion of Antichrist. In a video message to the people of Egypt on Tuesday, Francis said the world had been “torn by blind violence, which has also afflicted the heart of the your dear land” and said he hoped his trip could help peace and inter-religious dialogue. Security is a primary concern less than three weeks after 45 people were killed in attacks on Coptic Christian churches in Alexandria and Tanta, claimed by Islamic State, on Palm Sunday. But Francis has insisted on using an ordinary car during his 27 hours in Cairo, continuing his practice of shunning armored limousines in order to be closer to people. Chrislam is brought to you via a joint effort between Rick Warren and Pope Francis: The sheer unmitigated gall and audacity of Emergent Church heretic Rick Warren to claim to be speaking for Christians while he calls Pope Francis “our pope”. Christians don’t have a Pope, Catholics do. But when your mission is to merge the Laodicean Church with Islam, you need a “pope” somewhere there in the witches brew end times mix. Francis will meet President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi; Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb, the Grand Imam of al-Azhar, the world’s most influential center of Sunni Islamic theology and learning; and Pope Tawadros II, head of the Coptic Orthodox Church, who barely escaped the Alexandria bombing. Sisi declared a three-month state of emergency after the attacks. A main reason for the trip is to try to strengthen relations with the 1,000-year-old Azhar center that were cut by the Muslim side in 2011 over what it said were repeated insults of Islam by Francis’s predecessor, Pope Benedict. Ties with the center were restored last year after Tayeb visited the Vatican. Tayeb, widely seen as one of the most moderate senior clerics in Egypt, has repeatedly condemned Islamic State and its practice of declaring others as apostates and infidels as a pretext for waging violent jihad. Pope Francis Video Message to Egypt April 25th – 2017 more http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/chrislam-update-pope-francis-visit-egypt-bid-strengthen-religious-ties-muslims-islam/ Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on May 16, 2017, 10:51:16 pm CHRISTIAN PASTOR IN BIBLE BELT ADMITS PERSONALLY WORSHIPING ALLAH
Muslim deity takes over church as leaders claim to honor 'same god' A former church has been taken over and converted to a mosque in a rural North Carolina county, and a group of Christian pastors took part in the conversion ceremony in an effort to “show mutual respect” for their Muslim neighbors. Crosses have been removed from the former church’s facade and steeple, and mosque leader Ali Muhammad turned them over to the group of pastors. “What they were attempting to do is honor our tradition and so they wanted to turn the crosses over to us,” said the Rev. Jim Melnyk, pastor of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Smithfield, a small town in Johnston County about 45 minutes south of Raleigh. “They were reaching out to us, and we were reaching out to them.” Melnyk said he was joined by pastors from the United Methodist Church, United Church of Christ and three different Baptist congregations at Saturday’s ceremony, which marked the official conversion of a former Pentecostal church into a mosque. One lay person from the local Presbyterian Church was also present for the “celebration.” Melnyk told WND the mosque had reached out to the local churches through an interfaith group in Raleigh and was hoping to strike a welcoming and respectful tone for the two faiths. Melnyk said Christianity and Islam “share common origins and scriptures” and that he felt it was the right thing to do to participate in the mosque opening as a show of respect for Islam, a fellow monotheistic faith. “Christians, Jews and Muslims are all people of the book, and we all claim what the Hebrew Scriptures call the Abrahamic faith,” Melnyk told WND. “We call it the Old Testament, and Muslims also claim the Bible.” Islam teaches the Bible was corrupted by Jews and Christians and that the Quran was the final, perfected revelation of Allah as given by the Angel Gabriel to the prophet Muhammad. Melnyk said he is aware of these teachings. “All of us humans are imperfect. We all struggle and we all look to the divine for inspiration, and we don’t always get it right,” he said. But, he said despite being “imperfect,” the Islamic faith worships the “same god” as Christianity and Judaism. Melnyk said he has personally worshiped Allah with Muslims during interfaith gatherings in Raleigh. Proof that Allah is the same as God the Father in Christianity is that Coptic and Palestinian Christians use the Arabic word “Allah” for God, he said. The Quran teaches that Jesus was not the Son of God and did not die on a cross to save humanity from sin. In fact, the Quran teaches Jesus faked his death on the cross, when one of his followers died in his place. In the mainstream of Islamic doctrine, Jesus will return in the last days to “break the crosses” and convert the world’s Christians to Islam, by force if necessary. But Melnyk said he would not be deterred by any of these doctrinal differences. “We run a danger when we paint any faith tradition with a broad brush,” he said. “I don’t know that faking his death on a cross is a belief held by everyone in Islam. I do know they see Jesus very differently than we do; they see him as a prophet, not the Son of God. And like other monotheistic faiths, they are challenged by the doctrine of the Trinity. I would challenge any Christian theologian to define the mystery of what we call the Trinity. It’s just a doctrine that is in many ways incomprehensible. We all struggle with it. “Obviously I’m a Christian, and I would not live comfortably within the full teachings of Islam, but I can recognize where we share teachings, and recognize the call to treat one another mercifully, and as the one God treats us mercifully, and that translates equally into Christianity as well as it does Islam.” The mosque purchased the former church building on four acres for $230,000. Not all Christians are buying the interfaith sentiments expressed by Melnyk and the other pastors who participated in the mosque conversion ceremony. “Similar origins?” asks an incredulous Ralph Sidway, author of the book “Facing Islam” and a blog by the same name. “Common origins and scriptures? Dhimmitude and ignorance have kissed each other.” “This pathetic, deceived ‘pastor’ should be severely reprimanded by his bishop, if not defrocked and excommunicated for deceiving his flock and denying Christ in such a blatant manner,” Sidway, who is Orthodox Christian, writes in his blog. “Read my book Facing Islam for a clear explanation of why the ‘Same God Heresy’ (which this pastor Jim Melnyk undoubtedly follows) presents a ‘different gospel,’ a ‘different Jesus’ and a ‘different Spirit’ (cf. Galatians 1:6-8 and 2 Corinthians 11:3-4).” A growing Muslim community in rural eastern North Carolina Ali Mohammed, born in Venezuela to Palestinian parents, told the News & Observer he arrived in Smithfield 20 years ago and is now president of the local Islamic organization that is opening the new mosque. At that time, the local Muslim community consisted of three or four families. It has grown steadily since, and he expects the mosque membership to be around 60. “Part of it is destiny; it’s the will of God that we’re here and we’ve done well,” Mohammad told the N&O. “We’re Americans,” Mohammad added. “This is my land, this is my right as an American. If a Christian or a Jew or any other culture has the right to have some kind of community center, why not us? … My faith is peaceful. It teaches us to love our neighbor and be friendly with everyone. That’s what religion teaches us.” As a historian of Islam and a Christian, Timothy Furnish told WND he can see two sides to this touchy issue, even though the Raleigh newspaper only covered the one side that is politically correct. “Christians are to be welcoming to strangers in a strange land and we are called on to love all, equally; however, these pastors, especially the Episcopal priest – unsurprisingly, knowing the ECUSA’s obsession with ‘open-mindedness’ and ecumenism – are being kind as doves but forgetting the wise as serpents part of Christ’s instructions in Matthew 10:16,” Furnish told WND. Sam Rohrer, president and founder of the American Pastors Network, said there are many lessons to be learned from the North Carolina mosque conversion. “The logical question should be this: What would the Bible say about this? What does the Bible say about bidding God-speed to those who oppose the Bible and even more so to those who teach the submission or death to all those who refuse to bow the knee to Allah and Muhammad?” Rohrer told WND. “The Bible is clear.” A sign of submission? Turning over a former church to be made into a mosque is, historically and theologically, seen by Muslims as proof that their religion is superior to Christianity and, in fact, as part of their destiny as adherents of Islam, Furnish said. The Middle East is full of churches and synagogues turned into Islamic sites, such as the Umayyad in Damascus, the Ibn Tulun in Cairo and the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul. In Hebron and on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount, Muslim conquerors built their sites atop the Jewish ones. Likewise, in post-Christina Europe, hundreds of churches and synagogues have been converted to mosques in recent years. But the phenomenon is only just beginning in the U.S. In 2010, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Syracuse Landmark Preservation Board agreed to a plan to convert the landmark Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Syracuse, New York, into a mosque. Mohammad, the mosque leader in Smithfield, said Saturday’s service would feature readings from the Quran and the Bible and remarks from members of both faiths. “This imam may mouth soothing words about all just getting along, but the symbolism of Islam triumphant is just being reinforced,” Furnish said. “Most disturbing is a joint Christian-Muslim ‘service,’ which includes readings from the Bible and Quran. Any Christian priest of pastor who participates in such is deluded.” Furnish said he doubts the joint “service” included any of the passages of the Quran such as Sura IV:171, which denies and condemns the Trinity. Or Sura IV:157, which denies that Christ died on the cross. “We Christians in America can be welcoming to Muslims without going overboard and pretending that our faith and Islam are virtually the same – or that both are equally valid paths to salvation,” he said. But Melnyk is not concerned about any backlash from the joint service or his accommodating remarks about Islam as equally valid with Christianity. “Christianity is meant to be hard, to challenge you to go into the tough places. I see this as a very positive thing, and if anyone is hurt or offended by it I challenge them to read the gospels a little more closely. “My job is not to judge whether another faith tradition is right or wrong but to live as well as I can within the faith tradition I belong, and for that I’m a Christian,” he added. “The reality is, I can only judge by the folks I have come to know in Johnston County and in Raleigh, where we have come together in union and we have not proselytized one another, and, in fact, we have had meaningful worship together.” Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2017/05/allah-takes-over-church-in-heart-of-u-s-bible-belt/#Ko6SpulW6eiPcseB.99 Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on March 10, 2019, 05:47:27 pm ROMEAGEDDONISM: The Joining of Catholicism, Islam, Mormonism, Buddhism and Hinduism
The Pagan Trinity of Sorts in Rome Italy is OFFICIALLY Complete! (Note: Steve Quayle coined the term “ROMEAGEDDONISM” this morning in an email to me) The Vatican, The Mosque of Rome, and now there is a Mormon Temple!! These Three have officially met and seem to be melding like peas growing in a pod! That is why I call it a Pagan Trinity. If the false prophet meets and makes a deal with the other major religions, then this will needed to be revised. Rome will probably be the headquarters of the One World Religion until the Anti-Christ goes to Jerusalem and declares himself to be god!! While researching I also found this: There is also a Buddhist Temple in Rome, the largest in Europe, and a Hindu Temple as well! I am sure there is a major Wiccan Coven, as all these religions are based on Paganism and Witchcraft! So that is ALL the major religions with representation in Rome Italy! How many more leaders of False Religions has the False Prophet met with behind closed doors and in secret? He met with all of the devils of the major mega-churches from America some time back! Also see: Together 2016: Luciferian One World Religion Gathering In MY OPINION, the Seat of Satan has moved from Pergamos, and is now in Rome!! Make NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT, the Principalities, Powers, Rulers of Darkness and Spiritual Wickedness in High places are now united to declare the One World Religion and to usher in the Anti-Christ!! Luke 21:28 “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” Thomas D. Williams | Breitbart News – Pope Francis met with the leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Vatican Saturday, the first meeting ever between the heads of the Catholic and Mormon churches. The occasion for the meeting was the dedication of a massive new Mormon temple in Rome, the first in the Eternal City, which will take place on Sunday. On Saturday morning, Pope Francis granted an audience to the president of the Latter-Day Saints, Russell Nelson, along with the 14 elders who make up the church’s top leadership, comprising the First Counselor, Second Counselor, and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. The newly finished 156-foot high edifice — officially called “Temple of Rome” — was opened to the public for just over two weeks, with guided tours offered from January 28 through February 16. Once the temple is formally dedicated Sunday, entry will be “reserved for faithful members of the Church,” the group’s website states. The Mormon Church boasts some 5,000 members in Rome, with a total of 23,000 throughout the Italian peninsula. The Temple of Rome, under construction for nearly ten years, is the first temple of the Latter-Day Saints to be built in Italy, which may well explain the presence of the entire Mormon leadership for its inauguration Sunday — the first time the entire leadership of the church has ever gathered outside the United States. The Temple of Rome is the 162nd operating temple of the LDS church worldwide and the 12th in Europe. The three-story edifice, encompassing almost 4,000 square meters, is part of a religious and cultural center spread over 15 acres, which includes a multi-purpose building, a visitor center, a family history library, and a guest house. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was officially established in 1830 by Joseph Smith. (Note links about the Mormons, Smith and images are mine, NOT the author of this article) According to David A. Bednar, who presides over the Church’s Temple and Family History Department, the Mormons “have more than sixteen million members, and the Church is recognized and is present in over 170 nations.” Three Prominent False Temples to Pagan gods now in the Seat of Satan, Rome! rest: https://www.catholicsarenotchristians.com/romeageddonism-the-joining-of-catholicism-islam-mormonism-buddhism-and-hinduism/ Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on March 12, 2019, 04:16:15 am The New 'Tower Of Babel' Is Now Being Globally Unveiled: Rush To A 'One World Religion' Is All Part And Parcel Of The Move Towards A 'One World Government'
- It May Soon Be Undeniable We Are Coming To The End Of An Age - Will Prophetic Judgement Follow? In this new story over at Breitbart that Steve Quayle had linked to on his website Sunday morning, they reported that Pope Francis had just conducted a completely unprecedented and closed-door meeting with the head of the Mormon Church, a meeting that many long believed could never happen. The first head-to-head discussions ever held by leaders of the two global churches, Francis's meeting with 'prophet' Russell M. Nelson of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints came soon after Francis had also met with a top Islamic leader, the grand imam of al-Azhar, to sign a 'universal peace document' though as this story over at Now The End Begins pointed out, the document made no reference to Jesus Christ nor the Bible. And while true 'peace' would be highly welcome upon our planet and in this country that has been at war for over 90% of our existence, as this story at Now The End Begins pointed out, the rush to a 'one world religion' is nothing more than the finishing touches upon the move towards a 'one world government' and as Steve Quayle mentioned in an SQnote while linking to that Breitbart story, as the "one world religion accelerates, the devil jumps for joy." We'll take a look below at a new SQAlert in which Steve warns we should all repent for what we've allowed to happen to this country, where babies being legally murdered by their mothers with the full approval of the state has become the law of the land while very soon, like with the 144,000 witnesses in the Book of Revelation, the 'end of the age' that we're going through now may soon be undeniable. And as we'll see within the rest of this ANP story, between the wars and rumors of wars, global Earth changes, the moves being made by Pope Francis to cement all religions together and the collapse of an iconic 144-year-old fig tree that marked the site where the city of Los Angeles was founded, more and more signs of 'the end of an age' are emerging. First, from Now The End Begins.: During his reign as both king of Vatican City and as the pope of the Catholic Church, Jorge Mario Bergoglio has been widening his tent and making preparations for the coming One World Religion of Antichrist. From seducing gullible pawns like Rick Warren who gushingly calls him ‘our pope’, all the way up to signing a ‘Universal Peace Document‘ with a high-ranking leader of Islam, Pope Francis is a man on an end times mission. Now a secret, closed-door meeting with the head ‘prophet’ of the Mormon Church, Russell Nelson, reveals the expansion of another end times partnership as the Vatican adds more pieces to their end times chessboard. The Roman harlot is on the move, and trading in the souls in men. Two days ago on ANP, we published this story within which we reported upon the increasing signs of something perilous ahead and if one were to look at the moves made by Pope Francis alone over the past few weeks, it's easy to understand why Now The End Begins believes the pieces of the 'end times chessboard' are now coming together seamlessly. As we hear in the first video at the bottom of this story from videographer 'Face Like The Sun', Pope Francis and the globalists are now following the 'Tower of Babel' narrative, trying to re-create a 'one world system' based upon peace and 'universal equality' but as our videographer points out, 'universal equality' in the race to the bottom that the world is now in leaves us all slaves to the system. Our videographer also points out that the 'one world system' many have long warned of is 'tyrannical global socialism' and with the left in America pushing for just such a system here now, resulting in what some on the left hope will be 'global peace', our videographer also bluntly warns that the Bible long ago told us: "While people are saying, 'Peace and security,' destruction will come upon them suddenly, like labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape." Thessalonians 5:3 In this March 10th story over at 'Cathholics Are Not Christians', Jon Watkins reports upon the joining of Catholicism, Islam, Mormonism, Buddhism and Hinduism, what Steve Quayle had termed 'ROMEAGEDDONISM', as the globalists make further moves to cement their 'one world religion' even though their 'one world government' is at least temporarily on hold. From their story.: The Pagan Trinity of Sorts in Rome Italy is OFFICIALLY Complete! The Vatican, The Mosque of Rome, and now there is a Mormon Temple!! These Three have officially met and seem to be melding like peas growing in a pod! That is why I call it a Pagan Trinity. If the false prophet meets and makes a deal with the other major religions, then this will needed to be revised. Rome will probably be the headquarters of the One World Religion until the Anti-Christ goes to Jerusalem and declares himself to be god!! While researching I also found this: There is also a Buddhist Temple in Rome, the largest in Europe, and a Hindu Temple as well! I am sure there is a major Wiccan Coven, as all these religions are based on Paganism and Witchcraft! So that is ALL the major religions with representation in Rome Italy! How many more leaders of False Religions has the False Prophet met with behind closed doors and in secret? He met with all of the devils of the major mega-churches from America some time back! And as we'll see in the remainder of this story, the moves being made by Francis and global churches to establish a 'one world religion' as reported in this Skywatch TV story are by far not the only latest signs that we may be approaching the 'end of an age'. As Steve Quayle warns in his latest SQAlert that we've republished in full below, the prophetic significance of the fall of a 144-year-old fig tree in Los Angeles is not lost upon him. Steve ties the 144-year-old tree to the 144,000 witnesses of the Book of Revelations and warns we're approaching a time when the masses will no longer be able to deny what is unfolding before our eyes. Repent, Repent, Repent - Three Highly Prophetic Events Before All Our Eyes - We All Had Better Take Note SQ: Here's what I see -- Whale, spitting out the diver - Jonah, didn't want to Bring God's word of destruction or declare Nineveh's destruction until after his whale tour from the belly of the whale **** They repented, and the fig tree that Jesus cursed and stated that no man eat fruit from thee anymore, in L.A.'s case evil fruit, both episodes speak of judgement very soon that will be catastrophic and in LA's case, followed by catastrophic judgement along the entire West Coast as it's destroyed! The 144-year-old fig tree brings us to the time that will be in the future with the 144,000 witnesses of Revelations - people will soon not be able to deny that we are at the end of the age any longer. Even the false prophet Pope, who has met behind closed doors with the President of the Mormon Church in Rome, as well as embracing Islam, has thrust us literally into the End of the Age that few will be able to ignore, especially in the apostate pulpits of the mega-churches in the USA. The one world religion, government and financial system awaits in the shadows of hells plans! We all need to repent of our silence towards the sacrifice of the innocent children and our winking at the perversions and evil that have penetrated our country! As one commenter on the first video below from videographer "Faces of the Sun" pointed out, if the Pope REALLY wants to stop 'bloodshed' on this planet as the Universal Peace Agreement says is one of the goals to accomplish, he should put his time, energy and power behind ending abortion, especially here in America, where well over 45 million of the most innocent lives have been ended since 1970, with still over 600,000 babies aborted in America in an average year. And as Shepherd's Heart reports in this new story, God's Judgement upon mankind is sometimes sudden and swift though often written in the stars and the heavens. So we join Steve in asking ANP readers to please repent and pray for America. In the 2nd and final video below, videographer Remnant TV takes a look at Pope Francis and his push to help create a one world religion and as one of the top rated comments on the video stated, "This is scary. Don't doubt it, we ARE in the last days. Lord Jesus, have mercy on us. Our Lady, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death." http://allnewspipeline.com/Prophetic_Picture_Of_Coming_Judgement.php Title: Re: ‘Chrislam’ Rising Post by: Mark on April 13, 2022, 08:54:52 pm Pope Francis Abandons Christ’s Cross to Appease Muslims Pope Francis, a leading advocate of Doormat Christianity, is at it again. Although it is traditional for papal podiums to depict the crucifix, during his recent visit to the island of Malta, Pope Francis ditched the cross lest it offend Muslim migrants. As the archdiocese of Malta openly admitted, “The podium will not be adorned with a crucifix, given that the majority of migrants are Muslim.” Instead, the podium backdrop used by Francis consisted of recycled plastic bottles with red blobs meant to highlight the two primary reasons Francis was visiting Malta — to defend migrants and the environment. “When you look deeper, you will see that the sea is made of recycled plastic bottles, because there is more plastic than fish in our sea,” artistic director Carlo Schembri explained. “And the red blobs are life jackets — the lives of people lost at sea.” While this was meant to highlight the hazards illegal Muslim migrants experience while crossing the Mediterranean, one wonders (but doubts) if Francis remembered the dozens of Christian migrants who were intentionally thrown overboard and drowned in the Mediterranean by their Muslim counterparts. REST: https://pjmedia.com/columns/raymond-ibrahim/2022/04/12/pope-francis-abandons-christs-cross-to-appease-muslims-n1589112 |