Title: Is this church following Hebrew Roots heresies? Post by: Psalm 51:17 on September 27, 2012, 10:55:08 pm In a discussion on another MB, someone posted a link to this church's web site, and while it looks like they take a good stand on the nation of Israel, HOWEVER...
http://www.twincityfellowship.com/bless-israel Quote Bless Israel Bless Israel is a ministry which focuses on Israel and the Jewish people. Because of the Jewish roots of Christianity and Christianity’s debt to Judaism, we believe it is essential that the Church understand the importance of Israel and the Jewish people, both biblically and prophetically. With this in mind, we work to help Christians in this understanding and strive to effect a more biblical lifestyle in teaching and in practice. Because of our Jewish roots, Christianity is indebted to Judaism, and we believe it is essential to understand that as Christians we have been grafted into Israel and share in her inheritance. With this in mind, our goal is to help Christians understand the Jewish roots of our faith and God's ongoing commitment to His Chosen People. We teach that anti-Semitism is inconsistent with Biblical faith, and that we have been called upon to "pray for the peace of Jerusalem" which includes both her spiritual renewal as well as her physical safety.We invite you to join us to learn, be challenged, and attached once again to your biblical roots. Title: Re: Is this church following Hebrew Roots heresies? Post by: Christian40 on December 30, 2014, 03:02:25 am (http://s14.postimg.org/5woeyjzdt/Sacred_name_w_KJV.png)
Title: Re: Is this church following Hebrew Roots heresies? Post by: RickStudy on October 23, 2015, 03:07:01 pm There is a big difference between exploring the Jewish culture of the early church and following Hebrew Roots heresies. I`ll elaborate if anyone is interested. |