End Times and Current Events

General Category => General News => Topic started by: Mark on January 26, 2013, 12:48:46 pm

Title: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on January 26, 2013, 12:48:46 pm
15 Lies of Liberalism

Liberalism offers up a utopian vision of the world and then invites its practitioners to feel good about themselves for embracing it. Not only does this beautiful fantasy world never come to pass, liberalism fails to address the root causes of the problems it sets out to solve while creating whole new disasters in the process. In other words, it's a never ending circle. There's a problem, liberalism is offered up as the solution, it doesn't work and creates more problems, for which liberalism is offered up as the solution, etc., etc., etc. until you're starving, bankrupt, or your society is tearing itself apart at the seams.

Liberalism says that....

1) ...it's all about choice -- unless you want to choose which gun or lightbulb to use, which school your child will attend, or you’d prefer more freedom and smaller government.

2) ...it cares about the environment, when in practice, not only do liberals like Al Gore live some of the most resource-wasting and ostentatious lifestyles on the planet, but they hurt the environment by blocking environmentally friendly energy production here in favor of energy sources from nations that care little about pollution.

3) ...you can have lots of free government services and somebody else will pay for them. The trillion dollar deficit we're running every year that will have to be paid back says otherwise.

4) ...as long as you use birth control that someone else is forced to pay for, there are no consequences whatsoever to having lots and lots of sex. Meanwhile, more than 50 million children have been killed by their own mothers via abortion and 1 out of every 4 adults in New York City has herpes.

5) .... "government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on your lawn." Do you know anyone with crabgrass on his lawn? DO YOU?

6) ...it's all about compassion and taking care of the less fortunate, unless liberals have their own money on the line, in which case they give less to charity than those stingy, greedy, heartless conservatives.

7) ...you shouldn't take your Christian faith seriously, that political correctness matters more than the Bible, and that mocking God has no consequences. Ever heard someone say, “Don't pick fights with people who buy ink by the barrel?” Well, if liberals were smarter, they wouldn't be picking a fight with an omnipotent God who buys lightning bolts by the barrel and has a well earned reputation for getting fed up every once in awhile and dishing out "Old Testament style wrath" on His enemies.

8) ...how much our country spends can be dictated by our wants, as opposed to what we can afford. Of course, if the world really works this way, Greece would be fine, nobody would have ever heard of the word "bankruptcy," and the banks wouldn't even bother to write down your name when you borrow money from them.

9) ...liberals want unity and bipartisanship, which they apparently believe they can accomplish by spewing pure hatred and smearing, demonizing, threatening, and lying about anyone who disagrees with them.

10) ...it’s going to deliver equality of outcomes for everyone, which is true, if by "delivering equality of outcomes" you mean "make everyone poorer."

11) ...it cares about women -- unless they're conservative women, in which case liberals will insult them in the vilest of terms, attack their children, call them ****s and laugh and hoot at the most grotesque sexist attacks against them. Every last insult ever hurled at someone like Sandra Fluke probably wouldn't amount to what women like Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Michelle Malkin, and Ann Coulter put up with on any given week with the full support of the same liberals who run off at the mouth about a "war on women."

12) ....it'll help the poor -- and it does. Liberalism helps poor Americans live in ghettos with just enough food and money to survive so they can stay dependent on liberals. It's the same sort of help a farmer gives a chicken while he harvests its eggs and waits for the right time to wring its neck and toss it in the frying pan.

13) ...liberals are the only people who care about black Americans and want to help, which doesn't seem to square with the fact that just about anywhere and everywhere liberals have been in charge for decades, like Detroit or New Orleans, most black Americans are in dire straits.

14) ...small business owners were able to build their businesses because they were lucky. But of course, if that's true, why do we have such a high unemployment rate? Why doesn't everyone who loses his job just set up his business and grab that easy money? Since bankers don't deserve the big salaries they make, why doesn't the Occupy movement set up its own bank and show the "banksters" how it's done?

15) ...you can fix crime by taking away guns, but by definition, the people who will voluntarily give up guns are law abiding citizens who have no intention of committing a crime in the first place. Besides, if that can work, why doesn't Barack Obama set the example by asking his Secret Service agents to disarm?


Title: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on January 26, 2013, 01:08:43 pm
The Bizzaro World of Liberal 'Science'

Generally speaking, liberals in America espouse the belief that science is great and that it endorses liberalism. They also attempt to cast conservatives as ignorant savages whose beliefs are similar to Cro-Magnon pagans.

The reality is that when it comes to science it is liberals who live in a bizarro world.

Let's look at a few examples.

Science has conclusively demonstrated that at conception a new human being with uniquely human DNA is formed. At conception, the entire biological identity of a person is established -- their gender, their hair color, their skin tone, etc.

Yet liberals constantly refer to the unborn as "blobs of tissue" or "a part of the woman's body". The latter statement is also directly refuted by science.

Modern medical science has discovered that one of the key reasons for the umbilical cord is to ensure that the mother's immune system can't get to her unborn daughter. At the most fundamental biological level the mother's immune system, which decides what is self and what is not self, recognizes a woman's daughter as not self.

But liberals ignore the clear scientific data that human life begins at conception in order to continue to advocate the legalized killing of some humans who are declared, in direct contradiction to the clear scientific evidence, to be not human solely because of their age.

Then there's so called global warming, now renamed to climate change. Irrespective of who is right or wrong about global warming -- the alarmists or the sane people, no bias here -- the way liberals treat the debate shows their complete lack of understanding about how science works.

Science is science because of experiments. If you can't define a repeatable experiment that can either prove or falsify a theory all you have is a theory; and theories are just smart men thinking and we all know how off course smart men can go. As such it doesn't matter how many, or few, scientists believe something is true. All that matters is what does the experimental data show.

We've seen cases where the entire scientific community, except for one dissenter, was wrong. Back in 1912 Alfred Wegener presented his theory of continental drift to the scientific community. Everyone said he was wrong. Fast forward to the 1960s when new data showed he was right. Even though he was one scientist out of thousands from 1912 to the 1960s he was right and they were wrong.

Yet liberals are always declaring that global warming must be real because the "majority" of scientists support it.

This is symptomatic of a typical liberal problem; contrary to their belief truth is not defined by a vote, or by who is in power.

Then there's the whole homosexuality thing. To date no study has shown that being gay is genetic; to do that it would be necessary to show that twins separated at birth both tended to turn out homosexual but the tiny fraction of homosexuals in the population makes it impossible to find a statistically viable sample of separated homosexual twins.

On the other hand, studies do show a good correlation between a missing or weak father figure early in a boys life and eventual homosexual behavior. The success of reparative therapy on many homosexuals also indicates that being gay is not like being black; ignoring the fact that one's race is not a moral issue since all races are morally equal -- it is how one behaves that defines one's quality as a person.

Yet in spite of this evidence liberals insist on declaring that God made homosexuals gay. Irrespective of one's moral beliefs (is active homosexuality right or is it wrong), ignoring science and saying that homosexuals are trapped by their biology does a disservice to both gays and public discourse.

Liberals seem to ignore the fact that morality of something is independent of its genetic component. If it were to be found that some gene is common in men who **** women, it would not make **** an okay thing. Hence even if homosexuality is genetic, it can still be morally wrong; after all, genetically speaking, most men have a tendency to be promiscuous but that doesn't mean cheating on your wife is okay.

On a related note remember when liberals were telling us that science predicted a heterosexual AIDS epidemic was just around the corner? Of course, over 30 years later there is no heterosexual AIDS epidemic in America.

Doctors originally called AIDS GRIDS, Gay Related Immune Deficiency Syndrome, because only gays contracted it. Liberal outcries forced the change to the more neutral name. Ignoring the medical data, liberals told Americans that we must spend a fortune to cure AIDS because everyone might soon die of it. Another example of a common liberal meme; pseudoscience reveals a problem so you must spend tons of taxpayer money to fix it.

Liberals also told us that science says that condoms would protect us from AIDS, and pretty much all other STDs. Anyone who took a sex-ed class in pre-AIDS America would be shocked by that, since they were taught that condoms were a joke because they failed so often. Science has shown that condoms will reduce the chance of catching AIDS for each time someone has sex with an infected partner -- assuming they don't fail. But if as a result of falsely believing that condoms are failsafe an individual has sex with an infected partner multiple times he will get AIDS; condoms can only delay the inevitable. Liberals ignore this bit of scientific data because they want consequence-free sex. Sadly, many people have either died or now need lifelong medical treatment because they've contracted AIDS after listening to this bit of liberal pseudoscience.

There are also examples from the "soft sciences" such as sociology. Generally speaking, unlike physics, chemistry, and the other hard sciences, the soft sciences are those in which controlled experiments are either hard or impossible to construct. For example, sociologists can compare drug users to non-drug users and see what factors -- such as parental drug use -- seem correlated with using drugs. But they can't take a drug user back to his childhood and raise him up again with different circumstances in order to see if their theory is right. As such, truth is always less clear in the soft sciences; but that doesn't mean that it is absent.

On the issue of gun control, studies have shown that there is good reason to believe that armed crimes are reduced when the potential victims are armed. This appears rational when one considers that occupied houses are rarely broken into in America, where a reasonable fraction of homeowners have guns, but occupied houses are often burgled in England where the criminals know that the homeowners will be unarmed.

Yet liberals continue to insist, in direct contradiction to sociological studies, that guns, not people, are the problem.

Decades of scientific studies have shown that women and men are different. Yet liberals insist on ignoring those results and declaring that women can be just as good as fireman or infantry soldiers as men. Now there are some women who would be better firemen than a lot of out-of-shape guys. The problem arises when liberals insist on defining different job fitness criteria for woman than for men even though those same liberals say women can do the exact same job as men.

Keep this in mind when you hear some liberal invoking science with more fervor than a revivalist minister invoking Jesus. Unlike the minister, who has probably at least studied the Bible, liberals will invoke science they don't understand and declare fiction to be fact so long as it seems to support their political position.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/2013/01/the_bizzaro_world_of_liberal_science.html#ixzz2J6tfD6Cy

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on January 26, 2013, 01:12:31 pm
Problem-Reaction-Solution, the order of the Freemasons.

Although the "solution" part ends up leading to more problems.

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on January 26, 2013, 01:33:32 pm
Obama's Definition of 'Liberty'

Oh, how far-removed we are from what now seems like the "innocent" Bill Clinton days when all we had to worry about was the various definitions of the word "is". And now, after watching President Obama's second term inaugural address, it is clear we have a president who calls into question the meaning of the word "liberty."

It is incomprehensible that this former constitutional lawyer would argue during his speech that America has evolved to the extent "our founding documents" no longer require us to "define liberty in exactly the same way." But then again, it's not so far-fetched considering what he's done so far as well as the radicals he's wrapped his life around. Some in the mainstream media have pondered if compromising with Republicans will be part of his second term agenda, but based on his address, the short answer is "no." Put on your seat-belts; we're headed for four more years of divide and conquer politics. The carnage will be immense, considering the majority of Americans are not far-left radicals.

Clearly, our founders defined liberty as the right of individuals to pursue their own interests with minimal interference from a limited government. To suggest otherwise either shows a lack of understanding of America's founding principles or a disregard for the same. Obama seems intent on widening the already colossal ideological divide.

And herein lies the complexity of a community organizer turned president: his ideology contradicts the constitution he is sworn to uphold.

If the ultimate goal is to shake up, tear down, and fundamentally transform America into the collectivist society Obama's honey-filled words dripped of, he will do so without the support of half the country. As the rest of us find ourselves scratching our heads trying to figure out where the constitutional authority exists to achieve this transformation, Obama moves forward, motivated by a ludicrous notion that the Constitution must change because times have.

Obama's inaugural speech words echoed similar thoughts from his book, "The Audacity of Hope," suggesting the Constitution "is not a static but rather a living document, and must be read in the context of an ever-changing world."

At least he is consistent. On WBEZ-FM, Chicago, 12 years ago, making a case for wealth redistribution and social justice, suggesting it would be found in what the Constitution did not say. Citing a previous court case, Obama said, "the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties" mandating "what the states can't do to you" and "what the federal government can't do to you, but it doesn't say what the federal government or the state government must do on your behalf."

And he's lived in the gray ever since. Black and white have given way to ever-expanding shades of gray so much that listening to a policy speech from the president requires an interpreter. The inaugural speech was replete with duplicitous and eerily conservative phrasing like "equality" to conceal wealth redistribution and "safety" in "the quiet lanes of Newtown" to mask expanded gun control.

It might be time for citizens to grasp an understanding of what our founders meant when they wrote and spoke about liberty. Let me leave you with former congressman Ron Paul's definition: "Freedom is defined by the ability of citizens to live without government interference. Government cannot create a world without risks...Only a totalitarian society would even claim absolute safety...Liberty has meaning only if we still believe in it when terrible things happen, and a false government security blanket beckons."

I still believe. How about you?


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Kilika on January 27, 2013, 03:33:33 am
Believe in liberty? I believe in the liberty of Jesus Christ.

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on January 29, 2013, 06:18:15 am
22 Signs That Barack Obama Is Transforming America Into A Larger Version Of North Korea

If there is one country in the world that you would not want to live in, it would be North Korea.  Unfortunately, the United States of America is becoming more like North Korea with each passing day.  North Korea is a totalitarian police state hellhole where the state rules supreme, the “leader” is lavishly worshipped, no dissent is tolerated, and the government micromanages everything.  America is supposed to be the opposite of that, but now Barack Obama is implementing his version of “change” and he has promised to engage in the “remaking” of this nation and to transform it “brick by brick“.  A tremendous “cult of personality” has been built up around Obama, and under his leadership the U.S. government has become larger and more repressive than ever before.  But do we really want to “change” America so that it more closely resembles totalitarian regimes such as North Korea, communist China, the Soviet Union and **** Germany?  After all, all of those regimes have a nightmarish history of brutality and death.  Even today, there are starving North Koreans that are eating their own children.  Is that really where we want to end up as a nation?

The truth is that we desperately need to take America in the opposite direction of where Barack Obama is trying to take us.  We need a much smaller federal government, a much greater emphasis on freedom and liberty, a return to true free market capitalism, and politicians that are willing to take a low profile and that are actually there to serve the American people.

But what we need and what we are getting are two very different things.

The following are 22 signs that Barack Obama is transforming America into a larger version of North Korea…

#1 Obama has appointed numerous socialists and communists to important positions in his administration.  The following are just a few examples that were highlighted in a recent article by John Perazzo…

Obama named Van Jones, a longtime revolutionary communist who famously declared that “we [are] gonna change the whole [economic] system,” as his “green jobs czar” in 2009; he appointed Carol Browner, a former “commissioner” of the Socialist International, as his “environment czar”; he appointed John Holdren, who not only views capitalism as a system that is inherently destructive of the environment, but strongly favors the redistribution of wealth, both within the U.S. and across international borders, as his “science czar”;
he named Hilda Solis, a former officer of the Congressional Progressive Caucus (the socialist wing of the House of Representatives), as his labor secretary; and he chose Anita Dunn, a woman who has cited Mao Ze D0ng as one of her “favorite political philosophers,” to serve as White House communications director.

#2 As Paul Roderick Gregory demonstrated in an outstanding article for Forbes, Barack Obama’s economic agenda matches the November 2011 Declaration of Principles of the Party of European Socialists almost point for point.

#3 If a totalitarian regime is going to be successful, it needs a massive government bureaucracy to run things.  Today, the number of employees of the federal government is roughly equivalent to the entire population of the United States in 1776.

#4 In North Korea, dissent is brutally repressed.  In the United States, we have continued to move rapidly in that direction under Barack Obama.  In a recent article entitled “Obama’s War On Whistleblowers“, author Stephen Lendman wrote the following…

He said one thing. He did another. As president, he usurped diktat powers. He wages war on truth. He targets whistleblowers. He prioritizes surveillance powers.

They include warrantless wiretapping, accessing personal records, monitoring financial transactions, and tracking emails, Internet and cell phone use. It’s done lawlessly to gather secret evidence for prosecutions.

In his book “Necessary Secrets,” Gabriel Schoenfeld said he “presided over the most draconian crackdown on leaks in our history – even more so than Nixon.”

Rhetorically he supports civil liberties and transparency. “Such acts of courage and patriotism….should be encouraged rather than stifled,” he said.

At the same time, he betrayed the public trust. He targets free expression and dissent. He pursues police state prosecutions and intimidation.

He claims Justice Department immunity from illegal spying suits. He exceeds the worst of all previous administrations.

His national security state targets activists, political dissidents, anti-war protestors, Muslims, Latino immigrants, lawyers who defend them, whistleblowers, and investigative journalists.

Law Professor Jack Balkin expressed alarm, saying:

“We are witnessing the bipartisan normalization and legitimation of a national surveillance state.” Obama exceeded the worst of George Bush.

#5 Under Obama, the United States has been developing “Big Brother” surveillance technologies that dictators of the past never even dreamed were possible.  For example, a very highly sophisticated surveillance grid known as “Trapwire” is being installed in major cities and at “high value targets” all over the country.  Sadly, the mainstream media has not covered this at all, and most Americans still do not even realize that it exists.

#6 Under Obama, unmanned aerial vehicles are not just used for war anymore.  Police departments are now starting to deploy surveillance drones in the skies over their cities all over the nation.  In fact, this is something that the federal government is greatly encouraging.

#7 It was the Obama administration that came up with the “See Something, Say Something” campaign.  Now the federal government has even created an iPhone app that is designed to encourage all of us to take photos of “suspicious activity” and report our neighbors to the authorities.

#8 It was the Obama administration that first instituted “enhanced pat-downs” by TSA thugs at our airports.  As a result, countless numbers of men, women and children have had horrific experiences that they will remember for the rest of their lives.  You can read some of their horror stories right here.

#9 The U.S. military now has the authority to arrest American citizens and hold them indefinitely without trial.  The Obama administration has no problem with this horrible abuse of power.

#10 A key Obama ally in the U.S House of Representatives, Congressman José Serrano of New York, has introduced a measure that would repeal the 22nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution so that Barack Obama can continue to run for additional terms as president after his second term ends.

#11 The “cult of personality” that has built up around Barack Obama is getting quite ridiculous.  Shortly after he won the recent election, actor Jamie Foxx referred to Barack Obama as “our Lord and Savior Barack Obama” during a television broadcast of the 2012 Soul Train Awards in Las Vegas, Nevada.  Such “leader worship” would fit in very well in North Korea.

#12 Since Obama won in November, there has been an increasing number of incidences in which Obama has been referred to in religious terms.  For example, a recent Newsweek article referred to Barack Obama’s second term as “The Second Coming“.

#13 A painting by artist Michael D’Antuono that is now on display at Boston’s Bunker Hill Community College Art Gallery recently made headlines all over the United States.  In the painting, Barack Obama is wearing a crown of thorns on his head and his arms are stretched out as if he was being crucified.  In the background of the painting is the presidential seal…

#14 Relentless praise from the mainstream media played a huge role in each of Obama’s election victories.  The mainstream media is supposed to be objective, but there have been reports of members of the media “swooning” in his presence, and most mainstream news broadcasts leave little doubt that Obama is the “good guy” and anyone opposed to him is the “bad guy”.

#15 The Obama organization has tirelessly gathered data on potential voters.  At this point, the amount of information that the Obama campaign has compiled on the American people is absolutely frightening…

If you voted this election season, President Obama almost certainly has a file on you. His vast campaign database includes information on voters’ magazine subscriptions, car registrations, housing values and hunting licenses, along with scores estimating how likely they were to cast ballots for his reelection.

#16 The Communist Party USA is cheering on Barack Obama’s efforts to disarm the American people.  According to one of their official publications, “the ability to live free from the fear or threat of gun violence is a fundamental democratic right — one that far supercedes any so-called personal gun rights allegedly contained in the Second Amendment.”

#17 Under Obama, the federal government is intruding in our personal lives like never before.  The following example is from a recent RT article…

Smokers, beware: tobacco penalties under President Obama’s Affordable Care Act could subject millions of smokers to fees costing thousands of dollars, making healthcare more expensive for them than Americans with other unhealthy habits.

The Affordable Care Act, which critics have also called “Obamacare”, could subject smokers to premiums that are 50 percent higher than usual, starting next Jan 1. Health insurers will be allowed to charge smokers penalties that overweight Americans or those with other health conditions would not be subjected to.

A 60-year-old smoker could pay penalties as high as $5,100, in addition to the premiums, the Associated Press reports. A 55-year-old smoker’s penalty could reach $4,250. The older a smoker is, the higher the penalty will be.

#18 Just as in North Korea, our lives are being increasingly micromanaged by a government that is packed with control freaks.  At this point they even are telling us what kind of light bulbs we are allowed to buy.

#19 Federal agencies have become increasingly brutal under Obama.  For example, if you milk your cow and sell some of that milk to your neighbor next door, you could end up having your home raided by federal agents.

#20 Obama has gone to great lengths to demonize his opposition.  Since he has been president, numerous government papers, studies and reports have been released that identify groups of people that are opposed to Obama as “potential terrorists”.  Some of the groups targeted as “potential terrorists” include those that “revere individual liberty”, “conspiracy theorists”, “returning veterans”, anti-abortion activists, those that visit “extremist websites”, those that are “fiercely nationalistic”, those that “believe in the right to bear arms”, anyone that is opposed to illegal immigration, anyone that is anti-UN, and anyone that is “suspicious of centralized federal authority”.  For much more on this, please see this article.

#21 Obama’s abuse of power is not just limited to the United States.  The truth is that he has increasingly been acting like some type of imperial ruler that gets to tell everyone else in the world what they are supposed to do.  For example, according to a recent WND article Obama has actually promised to give eastern Jerusalem to the Palestinians even though Israel has already said that they will agree to no such thing…

Now that he has secured his second term, President Barack Obama has already secretly pledged to the Palestinians he will press Israel into a new round of so-called land-for-peace negotiations, a top Palestinian Authority negotiator told WND.

The negotiator said top members of the Obama administration told the Palestinians the U.S. president will renew talks aimed at creating a Palestinian state in the so-called 1967 borders – meaning in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and, notably, eastern Jerusalem.

#22 Many Obama supporters are becoming enamored with the idea that we should either start ignoring the Constitution or that we should get rid of it entirely.  For example, Georgetown law professor Louis Michael Seidman recently appeared on CBS and said the following to the American people…

“I’ve got a simple idea: Let’s give up on the Constitution. I know, it sounds radical, but it’s really not.”
Hey, if we got rid of the pesky Constitution, we could have a dictatorship just like North Korea does!

Barack Obama could be our king, our lord and our savior for decades!

Of course I am being sarcastic, but this is the kind of dangerous thinking that leads to tyranny.

Let us learn the hard lessons that history has tried to teach us.  We don’t want to go down the same path that North Korea, **** Germany, the Soviet Union, and communist China have traveled.

There is an absolutely amazing National Geographic documentary that shows what life is like inside North Korea.  You can view it on YouTube right here.  We don’t want our children and our grandchildren to someday live in a nation like that.

Freedom and liberty are precious things.  They are very hard to win, and they are very easy to lose.

Let us not be the generation that loses everything that our forefathers worked so hard to build.


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on January 29, 2013, 08:37:07 am
Obama named Van Jones, a longtime revolutionary communist who famously declared that “we [are] gonna change the whole [economic] system,” as his “green jobs czar” in 2009; he appointed Carol Browner, a former “commissioner” of the Socialist International, as his “environment czar”; he appointed John Holdren, who not only views capitalism as a system that is inherently destructive of the environment, but strongly favors the redistribution of wealth, both within the U.S. and across international borders, as his “science czar”;
he named Hilda Solis, a former officer of the Congressional Progressive Caucus (the socialist wing of the House of Representatives), as his labor secretary; and he chose Anita Dunn, a woman who has cited Mao Ze D0ng as one of her “favorite political philosophers,” to serve as White House communications director.

Wasn't Van Jones the same guy whom the PPF mods like Sane, JT, Geo, etc puffed up as some "9/11 truther hero" over 3 years ago?

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on January 29, 2013, 09:01:38 am
Wasn't Van Jones the same guy whom the PPF mods like Sane, JT, Geo, etc puffed up as some "9/11 truther hero" over 3 years ago?

YEP, despite objections made by me...  ::)

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on January 29, 2013, 09:49:48 am
YEP, despite objections made by me...  ::)

Only vaguely remember, but if memory serves the majority of PPF bought into what Sane tried to promote. Sane also promoted Sarah Palin and MSNBC's Rachel Maddow as anti-NWO heros as well. So go figure.

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Kilika on January 29, 2013, 03:12:07 pm
Yeah, that didn't last though, as Van Jones showed his true colors and most saw him for the socialist that he is. I think he just spouted some "truth movement" jargon to get people's attention. I remember trying to tell people he was a thug from the start, but like Mark says, they didn't want to hear it because at the time he was talking 9/11 conspiracy stuff.

Certain members at PPF also tried to promote that nutcase Chavez too as some hero of the people that allegedly thumbs his nose at the NWO. He has proven his socialist attitude as well. He even tried to get himself made leader for life.

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on November 02, 2013, 07:31:11 am
Liberals can't even just admit, when one of their own is lying. Or that it even matters. A lie is when you deliberately not tell the truth or mislead.

Bill Maher Calls Out Debbie Wasserman Schultz Over Obamacare: ‘To Me, That Is a Lie’

Far-left comedian Bill Maher has consistently admitted that President Barack Obama “lied” when he promised all Americans they would be able to keep their health insurance plans under Obamacare. Others, however, like DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, are apparently not quite ready to admit it.

DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz She can make Stalin look like a nice guy...

The two found themselves at odds on HBO’s “Real Time” on Friday as they battled over whether it truly was a “lie.”
“It was a bad week for the president, let’s be honest here,” Maher began. “We’re not like them, we don’t live in the bubble. It was a bad week.”
He also asked his panel whether or not a lie is ever “justified” if it’s for something good, and then speculated as to whether Obamacare would have even passed if the president had been honest about the impact it would have on private insurance.
Wasserman Schultz quickly insisted the president didn’t lie.
“It was not a lie, let’s just be very clear,” she said. “When the president and myself and every other Democrat talked about that if you like your health care you can keep it, that was referring to the overwhelming majority of Americans who had health care…and in fact, what the reality of Obamacare is, not only are they able to keep their health care, but it is very likely going to cost less and have better benefits.”
“Some people can’t,” Maher shot back. “Come on, let’s be honest. Obamacare says basically if you have a really crappy plan, you can’t keep it. That’s the truth.”
He wondered aloud why people would want a “crap” plan, but said the truth is that Obamacare is forcing people off of their plans.
“To me, that is a lie,” Maher added.

Movie director Rob Reiner chimed in and said it doesn’t matter if it was a lie or not and went on a rant about the complexities of Obamacare made worse by Republican opposition.
Later in the discussion, Maher argued the Obamacare lie is Obama’s “no new taxes” moment and a “campaign pledge that didn’t hold up to the complexities of governing.”
Watch the segment via HBO/Mediaite:



Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on November 02, 2013, 11:53:19 am
Not that I endorse Maher, but I remember when he correctly pointed out how Obama is NOT a Christian.

Luke 16:8  And the lord commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely: for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light.

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on November 03, 2013, 11:42:00 am
"Overblown Controversy’: NY Times Editorial Board Says Obama Only ‘Misspoke’ About Keeping Health Plans


The New York Times published an editorial Sunday dismissing President Barack Obama’s broken promise of allowing all Americans to keep their current health plans as an “overblown controversy” and said he simply “misspoke.”
“Congressional Republicans have stoked consumer fears and confusion with charges that the health care reform law is causing insurers to cancel existing policies and will force many people to pay substantially higher premiums next year for coverage they don’t want,” the editorial said. “That, they say, violates President Obama’s pledge that if you like the insurance you have, you can keep it.”
“Mr. Obama clearly misspoke when he said that,” the editorial board concluded.

No, he deliberately LIED about it, just like you’re doing now

A report published by NBC News earlier this week said the Obama administration knew for at least three years that millions of Americans would not be able to keep their current health plans under the Affordable Care Act.
The New York Times, widely considered to be the U.S.’ paper of record, also conceded that premiums will most likely rise as the Affordable Care Act is implemented.
“[P]remiums may well rise, in part because insurance companies must accept all applicants, not just the healthy,” the paper said, adding prices “will likely go up for younger, healthier patients.”
“Many higher-income people who won’t qualify for subsidies, however, will have to buy policies providing more benefits than they want,” the paper continued. “Maternity care for those who will not have children is one sore point. But that is one price of moving toward universal coverage with comprehensive benefits.”


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on November 08, 2013, 09:10:40 am
When Being Called ‘Evil’ Is a Kindness

Princeton University was founded in 1746 by devoutly Christian men with a devoutly Christian mission. It has “evolved” into a fortress of secular-“progressivism,” presently employing people like Bio- “Ethics” professor Peter Singer.
Whereas Princeton’s crest and motto yet declare: “Dei sub numine viget,” Latin for “Under God she flourishes,” the university, even still, permits Singer to teach young minds full of mush that it’s perfectly ethical for parents to kill their babies within a one month period after birth.
Please understand, I don’t mean to pick on Princeton. I only single-out this once-godly institution for purposes of illustration. Even today there are, no doubt, many good, God-fearing men and women among Princeton’s student body, faculty, staff and alumni.
To be sure, I might just as easily have spotlighted Harvard, Yale, Oxford or any among dozens of formerly Christian universities that, over time – and beneath the erosive slow-drip temptation to “conform to the pattern of this world” – have tragically abandoned their founding vision to train-up men and women who would “go into all the world” and champion the cause of Christ.
While such institutions of higher learning once derived their moral compass from a decidedly biblical worldview, today they aggressively foster principles that are decidedly counter-biblical (i.e., secularism, sexual relativism, a “pro-choice” culture of death, et al.).
They’ve lost true north. Their once-seaworthy biblical scholarship and worldview have become capsized. Their once-biblical code of belief has become counter-biblical dogma.
There is, mind you, another, more pointed term for “counter-biblical” and it is this: “evil.”
Scripture has much to say about the wide, “progressive” path away from truth and toward evil: “If they have escaped the corruption of the world by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and are again entangled in it and are overcome, they are worse off at the end than they were at the beginning. It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and then to turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed on to them. Of them the proverbs are true: ‘A dog returns to its vomit,’ and, ‘A sow that is washed returns to her wallowing in the mud’” (2 Peter 2:20-22).
Scripture also admonishes, “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil” (Isaiah 5:20). So-called “progressives” frequently call me evil. They also call me, among other things, irreverent.
I appreciate that.

Since, by its very nature, one’s adherence to secular-”progressivism” qualifies one as among “those who call evil good, and good evil” – and since “progressivism” reveres that which God calls evil – to call me both “evil” and “irreverent” is to do me a kindness.
Indeed, due to my very direct and sometimes Swiftian approach to speaking biblical truth to our culture, many on the left have also called me hateful, uncivil, offensive, sarcastic and a litany of other colorful adjectives not fit for print.
To which I again say, thank you very much.

I don’t share this to boast, as I am certainly none too righteous. I second Paul’s declaration that “I am the worst sinner of all,” but only share this for illustrative purposes.
Jesus tells us: “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. …” (John 15:18-20)
For Christians, those times when the right people call us the wrong things are among those times we should “rejoice in our sufferings.”
Jesus commands His followers to be His hands and feet – to be salt and light in a rotting world that loves darkness (Matthew 5:13-16).
While it is true that salt preserves; in an open wound, it also burns. Today’s relativist culture is an open wound.
While it is true that light’s bright glare can be illuminating to those eager to see, light’s bright glare is also blinding to those whose eyes have become adjusted to darkness.
When the light of Christ is shined, it sends lovers of evil scurrying for the shadows.
For this reason, Christ also warned, “You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved” (Matthew 10:22).
There are, generally speaking, two kinds of sin. There are sins of commission and there are sins of omission. From my perspective – and I think it’s the biblical perspective – we Christians commit a sin of omission if we remain passive as our culture becomes “given over to a reprobate mind.”
When we seek to be loved by the world – when we follow the Princeton model and take the wide path to “mainstream” acceptance – we abdicate our duty to “fight the good fight.”
For the time has come of which Paul warned “when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry” (2 Timothy 4:1-7).
Indeed, we are in a spiritual war for our culture. It is a war between good and evil, and surrender is not an option. When we disengage from this “culture war,” we have effectively surrendered and, again, from my perspective, we have sinned.
So put on the armor of God, Christian pastors, laymen, churches, organizations and universities. Prepare for war.
Because to do otherwise is to disobey God. As Matthew 5:13 warns: “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.”
I, for one, have no intention of being trampled underfoot. With God’s help, I will “stand firm to the end.”
And God only knows when the end will come.


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on November 21, 2013, 04:14:16 am
Parent Questions School Indoctrination and Is Labeled a Neo-NAZI

East Pennsboro School District parent, Josh Barry, was accused of possibly being a neo-NAZI for questioning his child’s left-leaning assignment. The accuser, a teacher and the district’s union president asked a mutual Facebook friend of Barry’s whether she thought Barry was a neo-NAZI.

It’s actually much worse than that. The teacher was hoping to dig up dirt on the parent and smear his name but, fortunately for Mr. Barry, she called the wrong person.

I’m surprised they didn’t have him arrested like the parent in Maryland who objected to Common Core.

Barry posted the phone message left by the teacher on YouTube – it’s really quite unbelievable.

Both the teacher and the parent are Jewish.

The parent wants the School Board to dismiss the teacher.

Listen to the YouTube message below:


This is Mr. Barry’s address to the Board. He addresses the rampant school indoctrination and the tactics that were being used to ruin him, particularly by union leaders. It is well worth listening to after a short ad, click her or listen below:: http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2013/11/east_pennsboro_area_school_dis_15.html


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on November 21, 2013, 09:17:52 am
Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich is Racist, Says Portland School Official

Did you know that eating or even talking about a peanut butter and jelly sandwich could be considered racist?

That’s right.

Apparently, it’s because people in some cultures don’t eat sandwich bread. Verenice Gutierrez, principal of Harvey Scott K-8 School in Portland explained to the Portland Tribune:

“Take the peanut butter sandwich, a seemingly innocent example a teacher used in a lesson last school year,” the Tribune said.

“What about Somali or Hispanic students, who might not eat sandwiches?” Gutierrez asked. “Another way would be to say: ‘Americans eat peanut butter and jelly, do you have anything like that?’ Let them tell you. Maybe they eat torta. Or pita.”

…The Tribune noted that the school started the new year with “intensive staff trainings, frequent staff meetings, classroom observations and other initiatives,” to help educators understand their own “white privilege,” in order to “change their teaching practices to boost minority students’ performance.”"Last Wednesday, the first day of the school year for staff, for example, the first item of business for teachers at Scott School was to have a Courageous Conversation — to examine a news article and discuss the ‘white privilege’ it conveys,” the Tribune added.

Gutierrez completed a week-long seminar called “Coaching for Educational Equity,” a program the Tribune says focuses “on race and how it affects life.” She also serves on an administrative committee that focuses on systematic racism.

“Our focus school and our Superintendent’s mandate that we improve education for students of color, particularly Black and Brown boys, will provide us with many opportunities to use the protocols of Courageous Conversations in data teams, team meetings, staff meetings, and conversations amongst one another,” she said in a letter to staff.

You can read more about principal Gutierrez’s sandwich-sensitivity philosophy here.

Next time you’re in the bread aisle at the grocery store, you may want to think twice. Sensitive liberal educators are now recommending the torta or the pita as a more culturally inclusive alternative.

Now that we’ve been made aware of the evil of PB&J, there’s only one question left to answer: Is white bread more racist than whole wheat?


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on November 21, 2013, 09:56:46 am
Liberals Literally Think Conservatives Belong in a Mental Institution

During the reign of Communist oppression in the late and unlamented Soviet Union, dissenters routinely were put in mental hospitals. Whether human rights activists or religious believers, thousands of men and women were shoved into psychiatric facilities, where they were treated with heavy doses of drugs in order to render them innocuous to the Marxists in the Kremlin.

As described by University of Virginia law professor Richard J. Bonnie, psychiatric abuse is "the deployment of medicine as an instrument of repression" and was extensive in the Soviet regime: "When the Soviet Union was defending its suppression of political and religious dissent, it steadfastly denied allegations of psychiatric repression—allegations that have now been well documented and are no longer contested by the psychiatric leadership in Russia and other post-Soviet states."

There are reports that Vladimir Putin is reinvigorating this cruel system, so it's worrisome when people in the U.S. make light of such an idea being implemented here or even seem to condone it.

Most recently, aging "bad boy" actor Sean Penn, in response to a question about the recent partial shutdown of the government, said in an interview with Piers Morgan that there should be psychiatric treatment of conservatives in Congress. 

As reported by CNN, Penn said, "I think there's a mental health problem in Congress. This would be solved by committing them by executive order."

Slightly shocked by the comment, Morgan sought clarification. "You literally commit what? People like Ted Cruz?" he asked.

Describing Cruz as his American brother, the star of Milk and Mystic River insisted the Texas senator needs professional help. "I think we should take care of him," Penn said.

A U.S. president, by executive order, assigning his political opponents to mental asylums? Perhaps Penn was speaking tongue-in-cheek, but his visage during the exchange is quite serious. And perhaps he is unfamiliar with the meaning of debate in a system of representative self-government.

Such a lack of familiarity also indicates a rather primitive or even nonexistent understanding of the right to dissent, liberty of conscience, freedom of speech and human dignity we tend to take for granted as our American birthrights. Penn's proposal smacks of nothing so much as fascism.

Sadly, Penn is not alone.

University of Scranton psychology professor Barry Kuhle argues that "signs of psychopathology can ... be seen among ... conservative politicians, especially when you consider a wide range of illness indicators." 

Professor Nancy Meyer-Emerick of Cleveland State University has developed a "right wing authoritarian" (RWA) test to see if a person manifests what she views as authoritarian tendencies; unsurprisingly, "Republicans cluster at the high end of the RWA scale whereas Democrats range across the scale."

And consider this "research" from four university professors in the Psychological Bulletin of the American Psychological Association: "The core ideology of conservatism stresses resistance to change and justification of inequality and is motivated by needs that vary situationally and dispositionally to manage uncertainty and threat. We regard political conservatism as an ideological belief system that is significantly (but not completely) related to motivational concerns having to do with the psychological management of uncertainty and fear."

Commenting in 2008, Pacific University psychology professor W.T. Schultz summarized the left's grasp of conservatism quite neatly: "While watching the stupendously ruthless Republican National Convention over the last several days. Is there anything that conservatives do not hate?"

Conservatives have long argued that the Left is so confident in what it sees as the self-evident wisdom of its own beliefs and proposals that liberalism/progressivism is stunned when seemingly intelligent, articulate people disagree with it. 

To borrow Thomas Sowell's memorable phrase, "the vision of the anointed" precludes dissent or even disagreement. Revealed leftist truth—e.g., the more government, the better; the higher taxes are, the most just society is; the more radically autonomous the individual is, the freer a people become—cannot be denied or questioned, and those who challenge it are psychopathic.

In addition to being ridiculous, such a perspective is just so intellectually lazy. Portraying one's philosophical and political opponents as mentally ill allows one to dismiss their arguments and ideas and go forward toward the bright future, the veritable "worker's paradise," that is the shimmering mirage of liberalism's promise.

Woodrow Wilson, a proud "progressive," is quoted as saying, "I am sorry for those who disagree with me because I know they are wrong."

Mr. Penn, meet President Wilson.


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on December 05, 2013, 12:48:55 pm
Schultz: God Loves Obamacare

 Ed Schultz attacks Bachmann and says God likes the Affordable Care Act.

During "Ask Ed Live" on Wednesday's The Ed Show, host Ed Schultz took a snarky question from a viewer about Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN). The fan asked Ed if he would ask Bachmann what God thought of the Affordable Care Act, a reference to the congresswoman's comments in 2011 about feeling called to run for president in 2012. Bachmann had said that she and her husband pray about every decision they make and ask God what to do. She also said in an interview on Face The Nation that she believes God will speak to her and tell her what to do.
Schultz answered the question by saying Bachmann would never do an interview with him, implying that he has not invited on her on his program. Then he said with a grin:

 My first question would be about the uh possible ethics violation that she's being investigated for... I'll tell you what I think God thinks of the Affordable Care Act. It's a big amen!
The ethics charge Schultz is referring to is the accusation Bachmann and Ron Paul's 2012 campaigns made payments to an Iowa politician.
This is not the first time Schultz has harassed Bachmann for her belief in prayer and hearing from God. The majority of Americans, though most likely not his viewers, do believe in the existence of God. In America 76% believe in the existence of God, and of those, half say they have done something because God told them too.  According to Schultz, they are all laughable and crazy.
Ed did not say how he knew God would say Obamacare was "a big amen!" Clearly he didn't hear it from God himself...


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on December 07, 2013, 08:37:51 pm
Mayor Bloomberg: New high school named for Nelson Mandela will open in Brooklyn

The Nelson Mandela School for Social Justice will open its doors next September. It will be located at Brooklyn's Boys and Girls High School, where Mandela visited in 1990.


One day after the death of South African icon Nelson Mandela, Mayor Bloomberg announced a new high school will be named for the famed apartheid fighter, it will open on the campus Mandela visited in 1990.

The Nelson Mandela School for Social Justice will debut in September 2014 at the Boys and Girls High School in Brooklyn, where cheering throngs met the newly freed Mandela in 1990 and gave him a hero's welcome in the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood.

"Equal opportunity and access to education were among the many things Nelson Mandela spent his life fighting for," Bloomberg said Friday.

"President Mandela once said 'Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.' Renaming the campus he visited shortly after his release from prison, will forever serve as a reminder that our mandate as public servants is to provide our children with the weapons they need for a successful future and help us build a city of inclusion," he said.

Mandela visited the school as part of whirlwind trip to New York City, where thousands cheered his public appearances. The anti-apartheid leader had recently been freed from a South African prison after serving 27 years.

"Nelson Mandela visited this building not long after he was released from prison, and we want to ensure that the special bond between the students and this legendary figure will live forever," said Schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott.

"Every time they enter and exit its doors, our students at this new school will be reminded of the values he personified," Walcott said.

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Kilika on December 08, 2013, 02:54:56 am
The Nelson Mandela School for Social Justice

What kind of name is that for a high school?  ::)

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on December 08, 2013, 10:55:41 am
What kind of name is that for a high school?  ::)

That caught my attention too - every time I see these Jesuitical buzzwords like "social justice" in places like this, then it's all but obvious how the Vatican/Jesuits have deeply infiltrated every aspect of society like this, and Mandela himself was probably a Jesuit agent.

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on December 17, 2013, 05:24:17 am
This is the Liberal mind set...

Palestinian Student Threatens Israeli Soldier with Knife, University Defends

 In reaction, University president sent email lauding role of 'strong opinions' in fostering debate.

A student at San Francisco State University appears to have threatened an Israeli soldier in a social media post. In reaction, SFSU President Les Wong has sent out a statement lauding free speech and the role “strong debate” has on campus.
The Jewish Press noted that the post, seen above, was cause for alarm:

The Simon Wiesenthal Center sent a warning to officials at San Francisco State University on Monday, Dec. 2, advising them of a potential threat to Jewish students there. The basis for the warning was the posting on the social media forum Tumblr which appears to be by the president of San Francisco State’s General Union of Palestine Students, Mohammad Hammad. The photo shows Hammad with a knife, beneath which is the caption, “I seriously can not get over how much I love this blade. It is the sharpest thing I own and cuts through everything like butter and just holding it makes me want to stab an Israeli soldier.”
President Wong's statement, however, made no mention of the incident's specifics, only generically defended the rights for differing views to be fully heard:

First and foremost, I ask that you stay firmly committed to free speech.  Strong opinions—and strong disagreements—are essential to the life of our democracy, and the life of our university. While one may want to step in and sanction a student or colleague for speech we find repugnant, our obligation is to allow the lawful airing of views.
FrontPageMag.com noted the hypocrisy in Wong’s reaction:

Even though university presidents now routinely condemn Halloween costumes when Muslims find them offensive, Dr. Leslie Wong, the president of San Francisco State University, without referencing the specifics of the case in any way, urged everyone to “stay firmly committed to free speech.  Strong opinions—and strong disagreements—are essential to the life of our democracy, and the life of our university.”
Pro-Israel students and College Republicans at San Francisco State were investigated for stepping on Hamas and Hezbollah flags.  The students were accused of “attempts to incite violence and create a hostile environment” because Allah was written on the terrorist flags.
However threatening to stab Israeli soldiers, some of whom, after their service, attend American colleges, is not an incitement to violence or the creation of a hostile environment by San Francisco State University standards.
Allegedly, another post exists in which the student goes into greater detail about which soldier specifically he’d like to murder. That post reportedly reads:

I’m sitting here looking through pictures of that f***ing s*** [NAME REMOVED TO PROTECT THE SOLDIER]….Anyone who thinks there can be peace with animals like this is absolutely delusional, and the only “peace” I’m interested in is the head of this f***ing s*** on a plate, as well as the heads of all others like her, and all others who support the IDF The Liberation of Palestine can only come through the destruction and decimation of this Israeli plague and it can’t possibly come soon enough.
Nothing more has yet been done by San Francisco State officials.


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on January 27, 2014, 06:21:51 am
Feminist Blogger: 'I Look Down On Young Women With Husbands And Kids'
"And I'm not sorry..."


If abortion doesn't quite embody the depraved, totalitarian motives lurking beneath the sadistic scowls of liberal feminism enough, then blogger Amy Glass' recent piece for Thought Catalog titled, "I Look Down On Young Women With Husbands And Kids And I’m Not Sorry," surely seems ripe for the picking.

The cruel, mean-spirited language speaks for itself:

    Every time I hear someone say that feminism is about validating every choice a woman makes I have to fight back vomit.

    Do people really think that a stay at home mom is really on equal footing with a woman who works and takes care of herself? There’s no way those two things are the same. It’s hard for me to believe it’s not just verbally placating these people so they don’t get in trouble with the mommy bloggers.

    Having kids and getting married are considered life milestones. We have baby showers and wedding parties as if it’s a huge accomplishment and cause for celebration to be able to get knocked up or find someone to walk down the aisle with. These aren’t accomplishments, they are actually super easy tasks, literally anyone can do them. They are the most common thing, ever, in the history of the world. They are, by definition, average. And here’s the thing, why on earth are we settling for average?

    If women can do anything, why are we still content with applauding them for doing nothing?

    I want to have a shower for a woman when she backpacks on her own through Asia, gets a promotion, or lands a dream job not when she stays inside the box and does the house and kids thing which is the path of least resistance. The dominate cultural voice will tell you these are things you can do with a husband and kids, but as I’ve written before, that’s a lie. It’s just not reality.

    You will never have the time, energy, freedom or mobility to be exceptional if you have a husband and kids.

    I hear women talk about how 'hard' it is to raise kids and manage a household all the time. I never hear men talk about this. It’s because women secretly like to talk about how hard managing a household is so they don’t have to explain their lack of real accomplishments. Men don’t care to 'manage a household.' They aren’t conditioned to think stupid things like that are 'important.'

    Women will be equal with men when we stop demanding that it be considered equally important to do housework and real work. They are not equal. Doing laundry will never be as important as being a doctor or an engineer or building a business. This word play is holding us back.


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on February 06, 2014, 05:44:27 am
CNN Panel Explodes Over Whether It’s Offensive to Say a Transgender Woman Was Once a ‘Boy’

Welcome to Bizzaro World...

CNN’s Piers Morgan, who considers himself an advocate for the transgender community, was attacked relentlessly on social media after he said author and transgender activist Janet Mock was at one point a “boy” during his interview with her on Tuesday.

After a follow-up interview with Mock on Wednesday, Morgan invited a panel of guests, including TheBlaze’s Amy Holmes to debate whether what he said was offensive or factually incorrect.

Holmes said she attempted to gain a better understanding of why Mock was so offended by talking to two people who accompanied the woman to Wednesday’s interview.

“I said, ‘basically, the contention is that Janet never wants to be referred to as ever having been a boy because from her point of view she was always a girl,’” Holmes said. “And the answer was: ‘Correct.’”

“But it seemed like it was really more of a semantic issue here because the one and only reason why she is on this show, has written a book, is getting national attention was because she was born with male genitalia, went through surgery and is now female,” she added. “And that’s, frankly, a pretty sensational thing to go through in life.”

CNN contributor Marc Lamont Hill told Morgan that him saying he’s an “ally” of the transgender community in defense of his comments is like “white people point to the number of black friends they have.”

Morgan was wrong to say Mock was formerly boy, though she should have called him out during the actual interview, not later on Twitter, Hill explained.

But things got really tense when conservative radio host Ben Ferguson chimed in with what he said are the “facts.”

“Let’s deal with facts here. She was a boy and she was a man when she was born,” he began. “Now she can be in the head and say she doesn’t accept that.”

“I disagree,” Hill interrupted.

Without acknowledging him, Ferguson continued: “But based on medicine and based on doctors, you come out and you are a man or you’re a woman.”

“That’s not true Ben! Ben, That’s not a fact! Ben, just because you say it’s a fact doesn’t make it true,” Hill hollered.

“You are confusing sex and gender, you should really read a book on this,” Hill told Ferguson.

The conservative radio host went on to accuse Mock of creating a fake outrage in order to sell more books, an allegation that Holmes pushed back against.




Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on February 06, 2014, 11:02:55 am
Offensive? Actually, in the bible, it's called fearing men.

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Kilika on February 06, 2014, 01:32:11 pm
...“You are confusing sex and gender, you should really read a book on this,” Hill told Ferguson...

What a nut job! Sex and gender are the exact same thing.

They are just trying to establish the false idea that people may be born with certain sex organs, but the false claim is that person may be of the opposite "gender". What they call science is actually nothing more than opinions of gay people trying to claim something that just doesn't exist.


1 [jen-der] Show IPA

Grammar .
(in many languages) a set of classes that together include all nouns, membership in a particular class being shown by the form of the noun itself or by the form or choice of words that modify, replace, or otherwise refer to the noun, as, in English, the choice of he  to replace the man,  of she  to replace the woman,  of it  to replace the table,  of it  or she  to replace the ship.  The number of genders in different languages varies from 2 to more than 20; often the classification correlates in part with sex or animateness. The most familiar sets of genders are of three classes (as masculine, feminine, and neuter in Latin and German) or of two (as common and neuter in Dutch, or masculine and feminine in French and Spanish).
one class of such a set.
such classes or sets collectively or in general.
membership of a word or grammatical form, or an inflectional form showing membership, in such a class.

2. sex: the feminine gender.

3. Archaic. kind, sort, or class.

http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/gender (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/gender)

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on February 10, 2014, 03:17:01 pm
Dem Rep: Thanks to Obamacare, You Can Now Cook Dinner or Retire
The spin machine is in full swing to save Obamacare

Sunday on ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos, Representative Keith Ellison (D-Mn) sparred with Representative Tom Cole (R-Ok) over the Congressional Budget Office report which stated that Obamacare will reduce full-time employment by over 2 million jobs by 2024.

Rep. Ellison said this reduction in hours might allow for parents to come home and cook dinner rather than ordering take out. Amazingly, he also said, "People are going to be able to retire" and "start new businesses." Rep. Cole called this out for what it is -- "great spin."

Here is the conversation:

    Cole: What the CBO report does say is that we're going to lose 1-2% of hours worked because of this. And, you know, you can argue that's a good thing -- I've heard that argument; give people some choices and I have no doubt in some cases it is. But discouraging work is not something we need to be doing right now. Making our economy marginally less productive -- not a good thing. It's not like this is the only flaw in Obamacare. We've got a raft of them to talk about.

    Ellison: What the Congressional Budget Office is saying is that we're going to discourage kids from having to have latch key. We're going to have parents be able to come home working reasonable hours. People are going to be able to retire. People might be able to actually cook dinner rather than have to order and get some takeout. I mean, the fact is that if Americans can have more choices to open up a new business they've been wanting to start, this is a good thing…The fact of the matter is, we need a better work-life balance. Ask a working mother, OK, if she could use a few more hours in the day to take care of her family. That's what's really going on.

    Cole: It's great spin, but I don't think it's going to work. [laughs] Good luck.


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on February 10, 2014, 05:33:38 pm
Retire? I thought this word doesn't come up until they're 65? ::)

A better work-life balance and more time from home via telecommunications? I thought mothers given the choice to work at home since the 90's was THE better option? No? ::)

Talk about trying to chase an ambulance!

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Kilika on February 11, 2014, 02:54:41 am
Saying that you can "retire" because there is no jobs is like saying you can be healthy by walking when your car breaks down!  ::)

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on February 19, 2014, 07:53:44 am
Pro-Life Display Offensive but Male Nudity Not on U. of Alabama Campus

At one time in America, something considered offensive went against our conservative Christian norms.  Things like nudity, foul language, graphic violence, the use of blood, urine and feces in art or public displays were all considered to be offensive and generally not tolerated by the American people or the courts.

Then liberals began to challenge our conservative and Christian norms, often citing the First Amendment right to free speech.  They successfully overturned pornography laws which opened the door to many facets of what once was considered to be offensive and still is to many of us.  So-called artists have used the First Amendment to justify using blood, urine and feces in their works, even displaying Jesus in a jar of urine or showing someone crapping on the American flag.

Liberal immorality and perversion has so permeated American culture these days that what is deemed offensive has made a 180 degree turn.  Pornography and other perversions are legally considered to be normal and traditional while Christian conservative values are now commonly ruled to be offensive.

We can’t allow anything Christian in our public schools not only because of the fictitious separation of church of state but also because it might offend someone.  However, the same rule doesn’t apply for anything Muslim or atheist as they are allowed in more and more public schools throughout the nation.

An example of the change in what is offensive can be seen in a recent incident that took place at the University of Alabama.  Bama Students for Life set up a pro-life display on campus with a photo of Dr. Kermit Gosnell, the abortionist convicted of murdering babies born alive and two images of aborted babies.  The display also contained the messages:

    “NOT SAFE, NOT RARE, just legal.”

    “56 million human beings have been aborted since Roe V. Wade”

The Bama Students for Life display was set up on January 17 and then was suddenly gone by February 6.  The pro-life group was not given any notice or explanation for the removal of the display.  Claire Chretien, President of the pro-life group sought out Donna Lake the Event Coordinator on the Alabama campus.  Lake told Chretien:

    “You guys were lucky to get it up there as long as you did.”

Then Lake explained to Chretien that the university policy says that she can remove any display that she deems contains offensive or graphic material.  Chretien argued that they university allows posters to be displayed that showed full frontal male nudity and movie advertisements that were all blood stained and these things are offensive to many.  Chretien then asks:

    “Who defines what is and is not offensive?”

And the answer to that question is easy as the liberals with little to no moral values are the ones that determine what is and is not offensive.  To them, anything Christian and conservative is offensive and won’t be allowed.  They don’t care about the same First Amendment right to free speech that they used to get their perverted ways accepted.  They don’t want equality.  They want superiority and they are getting just that.

Read more at http://godfatherpolitics.com/14391/pro-life-display-offensive-male-nudity-u-alabama-campus/#6pSat5DHQwbViRw8.99

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Kilika on February 20, 2014, 01:34:44 am
We can’t allow anything Christian in our public schools not only because of the fictitious separation of church of state but also because it might offend someone.

There is nothing fictitious about it. There is a "separation" in the US Constitution.

Churchianity.  ::)

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on February 20, 2014, 03:52:44 am
There is nothing fictitious about it. There is a "separation" in the US Constitution.

Churchianity.  ::)

Not the way Liberals apply it there isnt.

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

CONGRESS not your local school board, or the military, or the President of the United States, shall not make a law for or a specific religion, and they cant make one to stop any one worshiping a religion. Thats it, that doesnt mean if the Oklahoma State Senate wants to put a monument of the 10 commandments that they are barred from it by a separation of church and state. There is no such thing as the separation of church and state. 

Its not in the constitution, its not a law anywhere except in the minds of Liberals. Period.

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on February 20, 2014, 05:43:30 am
University of Alabama Apologizes for Removing Pro-Life Display Over Student Offense

The University of Alabama has apologized for removing a pro-life display earlier this month after some students complained that they found it to be “offensive.”

Bama Students for Life had erected the small display behind a glass case that it has reserved last month, and noted earlier this month that the poster was now missing. The display included facts about abortion, photographs of women who had died from abortions, and two photographs of aborted babies. The slogan, “Abortion: Not safe, not rare, just legal,” was also written in the middle of the poster.

According to Bama Students for Life, university officials removed the display without notice after they received complaints from other students. Organization President Claire Chretien then recorded her discussion with campus officials in inquiring why the display had disappeared.

“It’s like I told you from the beginning,” one unidentified woman states. “If we receive complaints about it, we have to take it down.”

When asked what students had complained about, the woman replied that it was the photos of the dead babies and a woman that had died. She said that university policy prohibits offensive or graphic content.

“Just like if somebody put up something that upset you that you felt deeply about,” the official stated. ”We have to keep it happy for everybody.”

Bama Students for Life then contacted the Christian legal organization Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) and sent a letter to the university to express their concerns.

“We believe that the removal of our pro-life display violates our First Amendment right to free speech,” the letter read. “The United States Supreme Court has said that educators cannot ban offensive speech.”

The group outlined that other groups have been allowed to post offensive material without issue.

“The Ferguson Center permits all kinds of speech by other students and student groups that many people would find ‘offensive’ or ‘graphic,’” it noted. “
  • n one bulletin board is an ad for the UA Theatre & Dance program’s presentation of ‘Blood Wedding.’ The poster states that the event is ‘for mature audiences’ and features blood stained glass superimposed on a picture of a bride and groom. A few months ago the Ferguson Center Art Gallery displayed student artwork, and one painting showed male full frontal nudity.”

“Other student groups are also permitted to display information about women’s health, safety issues, and the consequences of sex,” the letter continued. “All of these problems were addressed in our pro-life display that provided facts and information on the harm caused by abortion–both to the infant who is killed and to the mother.”

ADF also noted that the university policy mentions nothing about offensive or graphic material as the official had asserted.

On Monday, Ferguson Center Student Union Director Carl Bacon sent an email to Chretien apologizing for the removal and offering dates for the display to be returned to the glass case.

“Please accept my apology that your display was removed without your knowledge two days before your reserved time expired,” he wrote.

The pro-life display will now return to its place on Thursday.

“Censorship is inconsistent with ‘the marketplace of ideas’ that a public university is supposed to be,” said ADF Legal Counsel Matt Sharp. “We commend the university for its quick response to Bama Students for Life’s free speech concerns.”


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on February 20, 2014, 11:57:25 am
Affleck to Testify Before Senate as Congo Expert...



Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Kilika on February 21, 2014, 03:41:53 am
DUDE! What is with that link? Did you not even check it out?

You get BLASTED with a pop up that demands registration to read the article! There is no decline button, nothing to close the window. You HAVE to close the whole stupid page. Not cool at all.

I guess that's what I get for even trying to read any article about Ben Affleck!  ::)

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on February 21, 2014, 04:53:44 am
DUDE! What is with that link? Did you not even check it out?

You get BLASTED with a pop up that demands registration to read the article! There is no decline button, nothing to close the window. You HAVE to close the whole stupid page. Not cool at all.

I guess that's what I get for even trying to read any article about Ben Affleck!  ::)

 ???  a subscription ad popped up but it has a close button on the upper right side. worked fine for me.

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Kilika on February 21, 2014, 05:04:00 am
Sorry, I hate that stuff. Simply cannot stand it. I just think companies that force me to physically deal with their ads, like a popup that you MUST clear, is a cheap disrespectful way of doing business. It's like hunting a baited field! It's exactly the same as if your walking down the sidewalk and a shop keeper were to grab you by the arm and not let go till you look in his store front window! SAME thing, and I hate it, so I get a bit offended over it. Sorry.

But honestly, there were TWO windows that opened up at my end. The top window was the registration window and had NO close button. I assure you I looked. Not even a means down in the tool bar at the bottom of the screen. It showed as a single browser window open.

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on February 24, 2014, 10:56:44 am
Pennsylvania’s Allegheny College Calls Pro-Life Students “Dangerous”

Allegheny College, a small liberal arts school in Pennsylvania, had an odd reaction to pro-life students who distributed flyers in academic buildings: they issued a campus alert, called the students “dangerous,” and treated it like a major security breach.

From the Daily Caller:

The incident occurred on Feb. 7. Apparently, someone slipped pro-life flyers under the doors of professors’ offices in the Arter, Quigley, Steffee and Arnold buildings. Joseph DiChristina, the dean of students at Allegheny, decided to treat this like a security breach, and wrote in an email to campus that security personnel were investigating it.

    “Promoting a particular point of view through this type of anonymous method is seen as an act that is antithetical to the kind of environment where open dialogue and conversation can take place,” he wrote in the email. “We ask that individuals engage in respectful behavior that promotes a free exchange of ideas. It is important that we value all people and that we not promote behaviors that cause harm and that can be seen as intimidating.”

Allegheny officials had not released what was actually on the flyer, just that it contained pro-life content.

When I was in college, I had flyers advertising everything from community events to cheerleading tryouts slipped anonymously under my door. If the content of the flyer isn’t “threatening,” then the action cannot possibly be construed as such. Something is majorly fishy about this story and Allegheny College’s reaction.


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Kilika on February 24, 2014, 03:42:01 pm
“We ask that individuals engage in respectful behavior that promotes a free exchange of ideas.

 :D They so funny!

Let a person walk around with a bible and some tracts and see what happens. Oh wait, it's already been done by students, and they were summarily banned by these schools for distributing hate speech.

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on February 26, 2014, 09:01:17 am
Harvard writer: Abolish free speech
Woman claims First Amendment threatens liberalism

A student writer at Harvard University is raising eyebrows after publishing her belief that free speech on campus should be abolished and professors with opposing views be fired.

Sandra Korn, a senior who writes a column for the Harvard Crimson newspaper, thinks radical leftism is the only permissible political philosophy, and the First Amendment only hinders colleges from brainwashing students with her viewpoint.

“Let’s give up on academic freedom in favor of justice,” states the subtitle of her Feb. 18 column, in which she insists Harvard stop guaranteeing students and professors the right to hold controversial views and conduct research putting liberalism in a negative light.

“If our university community opposes racism, sexism, and heterosexism, why should we put up with research that counters our goals?” Korn asks.

“It is tempting to decry frustrating restrictions on academic research as violations of academic freedom. Yet I would encourage student and worker organizers to instead use a framework of justice. After all, if we give up our obsessive reliance on the doctrine of academic freedom, we can consider more thoughtfully what is just.”

Korn’s view grabbed the attention of the nation’s top conservative voice, Rush Limbaugh.

“This is not unique. This is not satire. This is not parody,” Limbaugh said on his nationally broadcast radio program Tuesday. “This woman, Sandra Korn, is real, and she’s serious that free speech needs to be abridged because it is threatening liberalism. It means that liberalism cannot hold up to scrutiny. It cannot withstand a challenge.  If liberalism were infallible, if liberalism were so powerful and automatic, they would welcome challenges to it – and they would welcome the attempt to persuade and to convert. But instead they’re threatened by it.”

When asked of he thought her belief was going to become a movement, Limbaugh indicated it already was one.

“This is what the left is,” he explained. “Why do you think they want to get rid of this program? Why do you think they want to get rid of Fox News? Why do they want to silence criticism? What is Obama’s modus operandi? Eliminate the opposition. This is already a movement!”

“This woman has just written a column about it at Harvard with what appears to be an extreme view of eliminating the First Amendment as a way of silencing opposition. But she’s very honest. The First Amendment, free speech, ‘threatens liberalism,’ meaning liberalism cannot thrive in an open society. Liberalism is totalitarianism. Liberalism is statism. It is authoritarianism. It is all of the horrible Isms, and it cannot thrive when there is open debate. It cannot survive challenges.”


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on February 26, 2014, 10:51:02 am
Hate to say it, but even these Babel church buildings have craftily been pushing to abolish free speech as well - no, they don't say it outwardly, and it's not completely b/c of 501c3 - but it's the whole hierarchy set up that's completely unbiblical, with the whole 1 man pastor show, who with his group of "deacons" cannot be questioned on anything.

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on March 12, 2014, 07:24:08 pm
Sheila Jackson Lee Thinks the Constitution is 400 Years Old


Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D., Texas) declared the U.S. Constitution to be 400 years old Wednesday on the House floor, which would mean it was signed in 1614.

“Maybe I should offer a good thanks to the distinguished members of the majority, the Republicans, my chairman and others, for giving us an opportunity to have a deliberative constitutional discussion that reinforces the sanctity of this nation and how well it is that we have lasted some 400 years, operating under a constitution that clearly defines what is constitutional and what is not,” she said.

That would be seven years after Jamestown, Virginia became America’s first permanent English settlement.

Lee is off by only 173 years. It was adopted on Sep. 17, 1787.


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on March 12, 2014, 08:54:59 pm
Well, the King James Bible is approximately 400 years old! ;)

 :D It wouldn't surprise me if Sheila Jackson Lee forgot all about 9/11, and has no idea who the Vice President is.

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Kilika on March 13, 2014, 04:04:07 am
 :D The Vice President doesn't know who the Vice President is!

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on March 28, 2014, 12:04:48 pm

Reid Denies Making Videotaped Claim that Obamacare Horror Stories Are 'Lies'

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on March 29, 2014, 09:41:55 am

Bill Maher Tricks Guests With ‘Racist’ Paul Ryan Quote That Was Actually Said by Michelle Obama — The Reaction He Gets Is Priceless

After his guests thoroughly slammed Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) over his comments on the importance of changing the culture of “inner cities” to emphasize the value of “work,” HBO’s Bill Maher pulled a fast one.

He read another similar quote from Ryan… except it was actually said by first lady Michelle Obama.

“When it comes to getting an education, too many of our young people just can’t be bothered. They’re sitting on couches for hours playing video games, watching TV. Instead of dreaming of being a teacher or a lawyer or a business leader, they’re fantasizing about being a baller or a rapper,” Maher said, quoting the first lady.

When Maher revealed what he had done, comedian W. Kamau Bell was visibly surprised. It took a moment for him to come up with a reply.

The audience was noticeably silent as well.

“Is something less true if a white person says it?” Maher asked the panel.

“I don’t think this a Republican or Democrat issue, this is a people issue,” Bell replied.

“Well, yeah suddenly,” Maher joked. He also said the first lady’s comments sound even more like telling black people not to be “lazy.”

Bell then defended Michelle Obama’s comments, saying “she was talking to black people — we talk to each other differently than we talk in front of you.”


Bill Maher used his Friday night HBO show Real Time to point out a blatant hypocrisy when it comes to racism in the United States. But in order to make his point, Maher had to mislead his panel of guests.

Maher read a recent quote from Paul Ryan about inner city men not valuing work that got Ryan accused of being racist, and two out of three of Maher's panelists agreed with the criticism. Maher then read another quote he said was by Ryan, which stated that most young black men are just sitting around dreaming of becoming a "baller" or "rapper." Again, a majority of panelists cringed at its racist overtones. But then Maher revealed that in fact first lady Michelle Obama said the last quote -- and an uncomfortable hush fell across the entire studio.

At the start of the segment, Maher read the real Paul Ryan quote:

    We have got this tailspin of culture, in our inner cities in particular, of men not working and just generations of men not even thinking about working or learning the value and the culture of work…

Maher asked his panel, "Is this a case where he's just being honest and it's not about race, or are we seeing race here where it shouldn't be? Because that was the criticism -- is that he was talking in code."

Guest comedian W. Kamau Bell, who hosts a show on FX called Totally Biased, responded:

    I'm going to go ahead and say that there was race there -- that he was talking about black people when he said that. He was talking about blacks and Latinos when he said that, absolutely. Because you can't blame the people in the inner city -- blacks and Latinos -- for not having jobs when there's no jobs to get in the inner cities. And you can't blame them when the schools suck, the hospital sucks, there's no grocery store, all their fathers are in jail -- you can't blame them for not doing better when that's the case.

Another panelist, Neera Tanden, president of Center for American Progress, agreed:

    What I think is really abominable about what he said is that he is really blaming people because there are no jobs in these communities and when you look at [Ryan's] budget -- what does his budget do? Cuts all the programs in these communities -- programs that have helped create jobs and takes it, and actually his budget every year until now, has given massive tax cuts to the wealthy.

The only voice of reason came form Rick Lazio, a former Republican congressman from New York, who retorted:

    In fairness, most of these inner cities are run by Democratic mayors, you've got a democratic president, and at one point you had a democratic Congress -- Senate and House -- and I don't see that they did a single thing effectively to help people in inner cities.

Maher continues by reading another quote that he attributes to Ryan only to reveals it is actually from Mrs. Obama:

    'When it comes to getting an education, too many of our young people just can’t be bothered. They’re sitting on couches for hours playing video games, watching TV. Instead of dreaming of being a teacher or a lawyer or a business leader, they’re fantasizing about being a baller or a rapper.'

    Oh, wait! That wasn't him, that was Michelle Obama.

Maher points out the "hushed silence."

Then Bell proves Maher's point. Here is the rest of the conversation:

    Bell: I don't think this is a Republican or Democrat issue, this is a people issue.

    Lazio: But you just called Ryan a racist.

    Bell: Did I actually say he was a racist?

    Lazio: Basically.

    Bell: There's no basically calling somebody a racist. You're either a racist or you're not a racist.

    Maher: C'mon! I just read this and you thought it was from Paul Ryan.

    Bell: Because you told me it was. [laughs]

    Maher: For a reason -- I'm just asking, is something less true if a white person says it about black people?

    Bell: [stuttering] The truth is the truth and a lie is a lie. I'm not here to represent the side of like, 'If black people say it, it's more true because black people said it.'

    Maher: No, but it does sound like Michelle Obama is agreeing with Paul Ryan. This sounds even more like, 'Hey, black people don't be lazy.'

    Bell: First of all, where did she say it? Did she say it in front of black people with no cameras...

    Maher: She said it at Bowie State commencement speech.

    Bell: See, that's black people. She was talking to black people. We talk to each other differently than we talk when we are in front of you.


W. Kamau Bell

Thanx for exposing yourself for the racist that you are.

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Kilika on March 30, 2014, 04:57:45 am
Bell then defended Michelle Obama’s comments, saying “she was talking to black people — we talk to each other differently than we talk in front of you.”

See, THAT is a racist attitude! How can people not see it? Why do they "talk...differently" to each other than to people who are not black?

What have they to hide? Their racist attitude, that's what, under the guise of "cultural differences".

Reasonable people who are not racist want a decent politician in office, most blacks seem to want a black person in office.

Personally, I think that the only people who are pushing the race card is the black community.

By talking differently amongst themselves than what they would around whites, it's rather obvious the black community are their own worst problem.

They have won the race war and it's now clear we all have rights, not just whites, yet the black community is still sitting back whining about racism when everybody else has left the protest!  ::)

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on April 07, 2014, 08:49:26 am
Congressional Candidate Appears to Have One Harsh Message for the NRA & Its Supporters

Anyone who supports Obama hating get off my train. Anyone who supports sucking the tit of the NRA get off my train.
Congressional Candidate Appears to Have One Harsh Message for the NRA & Its SupportersApril 5, 2014 9:47pm via Twitter for iPhoneReplyRetweetFavorite
Congressional Candidate Appears to Have One Harsh Message for the NRA & Its Supporters

Rides at amusement parks say you must be this tall to ride this ride. My campaign says you must be this smart to vote for us.
Congressional Candidate Appears to Have One Harsh Message for the NRA & Its SupportersApril 5, 2014 9:47pm via Twitter for iPhoneReplyRetweetFavorite
Congressional Candidate Appears to Have One Harsh Message for the NRA & Its Supporters

Anti choice, abortion haters are all basically mentally disabled. They cannot see or reason. It's all bible thumping
Congressional Candidate Appears to Have One Harsh Message for the NRA & Its SupportersApril 5, 2014 10:50pm via Twitter for iPhoneReplyRetweetFavorite
Congressional Candidate Appears to Have One Harsh Message for the NRA & Its Supporters

@danieljpayne @HustlerMag @NRA that the NRA is a god awful fear mongering group and those who support the NRA are pure trash
Congressional Candidate Appears to Have One Harsh Message for the NRA & Its SupportersApril 5, 2014 8:52am via Twitter for iPhoneReplyRetweetFavorite
Congressional Candidate Appears to Have One Harsh Message for the NRA & Its Supporters

A Congressional candidate running for the nomination to unseat House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) ignited an Internet firestorm when he appeared to go on a tirade against conservatives and the National Rifle Association Saturday night.

Mike Dickinson rejected support — on a Twitter account appearing to belong to him — from anyone who supports the NRA, is pro-life or participates in “Obama hating.”

Despite the overwhelming reaction to the tweets, the self-described “liberal Democrat” did not appear to issue any apologies. In fact, on Sunday morning he appeared to respond to some criticism by continuing to mock the intelligence of those questioning him.

“I went to engineering school and I support the NRA,” one person tweeted him.

“Went or graduated? RW has large college dropout rate,” a tweet on the Dickinson account replied.


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on April 07, 2014, 10:04:56 am
And the irony of all of this is that GOP-voters don't like Eric Cantor either(b/c he supports immigration reform, the NSA, and supports other Obama initiatives). And for that matter too - the NRA supports some measures of gun control(ie-they support the idea that guns should be taken out of the hands of the "mentally ill" - forget about the part where this same "mentally ill" are getting harmed by these mind-altering pharmaceutical drugs).

Sometimes it's just somewhat fun to sit back and watch this little sideshow.

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on April 11, 2014, 08:51:55 am
Congressional Candidate Appears to Have One Harsh Message for the NRA & Its Supporters

A Congressional candidate running for the nomination to unseat House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) ignited an Internet firestorm when he appeared to go on a tirade against conservatives and the National Rifle Association Saturday night.

Mike ****inson rejected support — on a Twitter account appearing to belong to him — from anyone who supports the NRA, is pro-life or participates in “Obama hating.”

Despite the overwhelming reaction to the tweets, the self-described “liberal Democrat” did not appear to issue any apologies. In fact, on Sunday morning he appeared to respond to some criticism by continuing to mock the intelligence of those questioning him.

“I went to engineering school and I support the NRA,” one person tweeted him.

“Went or graduated? RW has large college dropout rate,” a tweet on the ****inson account replied.


Greta Van Susteren Eviscerates Democrat Who Promises War On FNC and Tea Party
"That wasn't quite true, was it? It was wrong; it was a lie. Little bit of a lie, right? Tiny one, little bit of a lie?"


On her Fox News program Thursday, Greta Van Susteren interviewed Democratic Congressional Candidate Mike Dickinson who has promised “a war on the Tea Party, Fox News, NRA and other trash.” By the time the interview was done, Greta disproved each of his points about the Tea Party and Fox and she showed him to be dishonest in his campaign, arguing, "You don't mention any place in this little paragraph on your web site about working for Larry Flynt and writing stuff for him. You don't write about that at all, do you? You don't write about the strip clubs. You don't write when you lied to the newspaper and bragged you were the CEO of a strip club organization that you are not?"

The interview began with Van Susteren reading Dickinson's tweet "if elected I promise war on the Tea Party, Fox News, NRA and other trash." The host then turned to the guest and asked, "Why do you hate me?"  After a few more questions it was established that Dickinson, who is Eric Cantor's Democratic opponent, doesn't watch On The Record, and as Van Susteren commented, must have potatoes in his ears.

The conversation turned to the Tea Party; Van Susteren asked if anyone in the Tea Party was arrested in his district. After the Virginia Democrat conceded no laws were broken, Van Susteren got him to concede the only problem with the Tea Party was that Dickinson didn't like their message, and that the Tea Party "portray themselves as something that's totally not who they are."

That last phase gave Van Susteren the opening for the coup de grace:

    Van Susteren: Well, that’s really bad to portray yourself as not who you are, right?

    Dickinson: Exactly.

    Van Susteren: All right, then, let's go to this. Speaking of that a letter to the Times-Dispatch you wrote January 29, 2013, you claimed you were the CEO of Mid Atlantic Show Clubs, which is a group of strip clubs and stuff, right?

    Dickinson: That's correct.

    Van Susteren: That wasn't true, was it?

    Dickinson: I worked -- I was a consultant for them.

    Van Susteren: It says CEO of Mid Atlantic, were you the CEO?

    Dickinson:  I was the, I guess, the consulting operations director.

    Van Susteren: That wasn't quite true, was it? It was wrong; it was a lie. Little bit of a lie, right? Tiny one, little bit of a lie?

    Dickinson:  Yes.

    Van Susteren: All right. You like transparency? I went to your campaign website and it talks about how are. It says meet Mike. Okay. Meet Mike and do you know what? You didn't put in here about how you were a lobbyist for strip clubs and you learned from Larry Fyint not to sugarcoat but tell it how it is. But you didn’t tell it like it is here, right?

    Dickinson: If somebody asks me I will tell them what Larry Flynt said to me.

So it went for another few minutes; Van Susteren asking about every inconsistency and lack of transparency, Dickinson having to admit he wasn't being totally honest.

She ended by pointing out:

    You don't mention any place in this little paragraph on your web site about working for Larry Flynt and writing stuff for him. You don't write about that at all, do you? You don't write about the strip clubs. You don't write when you lied to the newspaper and bragged you were the CEO of a strip club organization that you are not?

One thing Van Susteren didn't point out is that for someone who wants to wage war on Fox News, Dickinson sure likes to be seen on their network.  At the end of February he appeared on the Sean Hannity program and had a similarlt embarrassing interview.


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on April 11, 2014, 09:04:54 am
Ahhhh!! Say it isnt so! The REV. Al Sharpton caught lying? whats the world coming too. oh wait, he lies everytime he speaks.

Facts Derail Lying Sharpton's Informant Tale
Former FBI Mafia snitch spins fabricated story

In a desperate effort to explain away his work as a paid government informant, the Rev. Al Sharpton yesterday claimed that he first ran into the FBI’s arms after his life was threatened by gangsters, an incident that prompted him to then record 10 face-to-face encounters with one of those dangerous hoodlums.

That story is a lie.

In fact, Sharpton’s fabricated tale is belied by FBI records that provide a clear account of when and why he began working as a cooperating informant. After unveiling his fable at a morning press conference, Sharpton repeated his claims last night at the close of his “PoliticsNation” show on MSNBC, where fact checkers and bosses alike do not appear concerned with the truthfulness of the host’s off- and on-air pronouncements. well duh, its MSNBC .

By tampering with the chronology of--and motive for--his enlistment as an FBI informant, Sharpton is furiously attempting to cast that cooperation in the most favorable light possible. He was not a rat or a snitch, Sharpton protests. In fact, the reverend contends that he was not even aware the FBI considered him an informant. The money he was paid by his FBI handler? Well, that was just reimbursements for carfare, Sharpton claims. As he explained to MSNBC viewers, Sharpton was just a victim looking for Uncle Sam’s protection and intervention.

Sharpton contends that he first contacted the FBI in early-1984, immediately after his life was threatened by Salvatore Pisello, a wiseguy with music industry connections. As Sharpton tells it, Pisello was incensed that the activist was threatening to stage boycotts and demonstrations unless black promoters were given a piece of the upcoming “Victory Tour” featuring Michael Jackson and his brothers.

At a press conference yesterday at his Harlem headquarters, Sharpton claimed that Gambino soldier Joseph “Joe Bana” Buonanno set up the meeting at which Pisello threatened his life. In his autobiography, Sharpton reported that Pisello traveled from Los Angeles to New York to threaten him. The book, however, makes no mention of Buonanno, who is deceased, or his purported role in facilitating Pisello’s alleged death threat.

Sharpton did not bother to tell reporters how he knew Buonanno in the first place. Buonanno had been involved in the record industry for decades, and was business partners with Robert Curington, a convicted felon who also happened to be a close associate of Sharpton’s (and a vice president of the reverend’s not-for-profit National Youth Movement).

Concerned for his safety, Sharpton claims that he called the FBI in early-1984 and reported the Pisello encounter. In short order, the reverend began cooperating with federal agents. Spurred by the threat, Sharpton says he taped a series of ten face-to-face meetings with Buonanno--but not Pisello, the hoodlum who allegedly threatened the activist’s life.

Those Sharpton recordings--made with an FBI-issued briefcase containing a hidden recording device--spanned a three-month period beginning in April 1984, according to FBI records.

As Sharpton spun out this tale Tuesday, he claimed to have detailed the Mafia death threat in his 1986 book “Go And Tell Pharaoh.” He dismissed TSG’s review of this period of his life as “old news” since he had purportedly already written the story himself years ago.

However, while Sharpton’s book does refer to a menacing gangster named “Sal,” Buonanno does not rate a single mention. Additionally, Sharpton’s problems with “Sal” appear to have been settled quickly--and in the activist’s favor, according to the book.

So, if Pisello was the hood who purportedly threatened Sharpton’s life, why did the FBI direct the reverend to surreptitiously record Buonanno on 10 separate occasions? Because those recordings had nothing to do with the alleged Pisello threat, according to several law enforcement sources. In fact, two investigators said they could recall no connection between Buonanno and Pisello (who was never charged with threatening Sharpton).

Sharpton’s story, built on a narrative conflation, is preposterous. He wants viewers and journalists to believe that the FBI, upon being told about Pisello’s death threat, sent the reverend out wired to record another guy. Ten times.

Here is what actually happened:

Sharpton began cooperating with the FBI in mid-1983. So he had actually been working as a confidential informant for about nine months before Pisello’s purported threat, an encounter that Sharpton now falsely claims prompted him to first contact federal agents (and subsequently begin recording Buonanno).

The reverend was “flipped” by FBI agents three months after he was filmed in March 1983 (during a bureau sting) talking **** with an undercover agent. On a Thursday afternoon in June 1983, Sharpton showed up at a Manhattan apartment expecting to meet again with the undercover agent, who was posing as a former South American druglord seeking to launder money through boxing promotions.

Instead, Sharpton was confronted by FBI agents who showed him the “****” videotape. The panicked reverend agreed--on the spot--to cooperate with federal agents, according to sources familiar with the contents of Sharpton’s FBI informant file.

At the direction of his FBI handlers, Sharpton initially recorded conversations with boxing promoter Don King, who was the principal target of “Crown Royal,” the FBI undercover operation that had ensnared Sharpton in March 1983.

The date that Sharpton began cooperating is further fixed in a July 1984 draft of a wiretap affidavit. That document, sworn by an FBI agent, referred to Sharpton as “CI-7,” short for confidential informant #7. The description of “CI-7” noted that he had been providing information to the bureau for “in excess of one year.” “CI-7,” the document reported, had made a series of surreptitious recordings of Buonanno discussing a variety of Mafia business.

Sharpton wants the public to believe that he used his FBI valise to secretly record a wiseguy---over and over and over again--because another wiseguy threatened his life. Oh, he has also claimed that these mafioso were allegedly oppressing black recording artists, too.

So, that being the case, the FBI summaries of Sharpton’s meetings with Buonanno must be filled with references to threats directed at the civil rights leader. Surely Sharpton would have asked Buonanno something like, “Joe, why does your friend Sal want me dead?” Or even, “Joe, when you set up that meeting with Sal, did you know that he was going to threaten to clip me?” Maybe Sharpton would even take the opportunity to try and extract details of the mob’s pernicious influence on minority performers.

Strangely, though, the bureau summaries contain no such information. In fact, they read as if the two men were old friends, amiably discussing topics like extortion, murder, “made” men, and a guy named “Chin.” Buonanno even told Sharpton about his eighth-grade education and his birthday. Somehow Sharpton--who appeared remarkably comfortable with the wiseguy--was able to hide any signs of duress, despite that supposed death threat hanging over his processed head.

As TSG reported earlier this week, Sharpton’s involvement with Buonanno--a supposed facilitator of Mafia death threats--did not cease after his briefcase was switched off.

In fact, several years later, when Sharpton and Curington were seeking to collect a six-figure consulting fee owed to them by Joe Robinson, founder of Sugar Hill Records, “Joe Bana” was one of several hoodlums who showed up unannounced at the label’s New Jersey office. The hoodlums threatened Robinson over the money owed to Sharpton and Curington, whom the Drug Enforcement Administration once termed a “Class 1” narcotics trafficker.

After Robinson complained to police about the mob muscle pressuring him, a local cop kept an eye out for wiseguys arriving at Sugar Hill’s headquarters. One day, Detective Edward Stempinski of the Englewood Police Department caught Buonanno and a Genovese crime family figure at Sugar Hill. Stempinski, now retired, recalled that the wiseguys “didn’t look like they should be going into a rapper’s studio.”

So while Sharpton now links Buonanno to Pisello, “Joe Bana” was apparently an acceptable debt collector even after supposedly helping expedite a Mafia death threat. Perhaps the reverend consulted the Bible (Colossians 3:13), which advises, “Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”

As he closed his “PoliticsNation” show yesterday, Sharpton claimed that he approached the FBI to “try to protect myself and others,” adding that, “I was an American citizen with every right to call law enforcement.” He also declared, “We must live in a country where people can call law enforcement and not be castigated.” (1 page)


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on April 11, 2014, 01:32:55 pm
Greta Van Susteren Eviscerates Democrat Who Promises War On FNC and Tea Party
"That wasn't quite true, was it? It was wrong; it was a lie. Little bit of a lie, right? Tiny one, little bit of a lie?"

The irony of all this is that even the GOP establishment is warring against the Tea Party too.

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Kilika on April 13, 2014, 02:58:51 am
The established parties needed something to deflect attention off them. So they invented the Tea Party, a "political party" that doesn't even exist.

To my knowledge, there is no place in the country that you can register to vote with the "Tea Party".

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on April 22, 2014, 02:10:20 pm
John Paul Stevens: Rewrite the Constitution to Ban Guns

To the man once known as the "Chief Justice of the Liberal Supreme Court," America's Constitution is an outdated and flawed document that needs fixing.

Retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens says he'd make at least six changes to the Constitution, two of which are (so predictably) related to guns. Of course he'd abolish the death penalty (although not for unborn children), limit spending on elections (especially those mean old Republicans), and end the practice of gerrymandering.

The profound ideas are part of his new book, "Six Amendments: How and Why We Should Change the Constitution." Stevens, 94, uses the tome to rewrite (or eliminate) Supreme Court decisions on which he dissented.

Stevens would alter the Second Amendment to allow  gun control (he was on the losing end of a 5-4 decision, District of Columbia v. Heller, in which the court declared Americans have a right to own guns for self-defense). He would make it clear that only a state's militia, not citizens, has a constitutional right to bear arms. The alteration, he said, would allow lawmakers to ban gun ownership altogether.

But he's not optimistic the idea will go anywhere.

"I'd think the chance of changing the Second Amendment is pretty remote," Stevens told the Associated Press. "The purpose is to cause further reflection over a period of time because it seems to me with ample time and ample reflection, people in the United States would come to the same conclusion that people in other countries have."

Stevens would also have a constitutional amendment to allow Congress to force states to participate in the gun checks (he was again on the losing side of Printz v. United States, in which the court voted 5-4 to ban forced federal gun checks).

Appointed by President Gerald Ford in 1975, Stevens went on to become one of the court's most liberal members. The court ruled contrary to his opinion often, so Stevens came up with the six amendments to fix what he considers mistakes (never mind that the Constitution has been amended just 18 times since the Founding Fathers wrote the charter).

On gerrymandering, Stevens' amendment would require that congressional and state districts be "compact and composed of contiguous territory." And he objects to recent rulings that struck down federal limits on political contributions by wealthy individuals, saying they were "not about electing your representative."

"It's about financing the election of representatives of other people. It's about the influence of out-of-state voters on the election in your district. It sort of exposes a basic flaw in the recent cases," he told the AP.

Stevens predicts that some big issues will soon come before the court, according to USA Today.

    Among the issues to watch for, he said, are a constitutional right to same-sex marriage ('Sooner or later, they'll have to address the question'), gun control ([Justice Antonin] Scalia's 2008 opinion protecting handguns in the home won't be the final word), and government surveillance programs, which Stevens defends as constitutional.


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on May 06, 2014, 04:59:32 am

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on May 07, 2014, 07:46:22 am
6 Times Democrats Demonstrated Their Hatred of the Bible

On Monday, news broke that ubiquitously idiotic Secretary of State John Kerry uttered these immortal lines at a talk with embassy staff in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia:

    This is a time here in Africa where there are a number of different cross-currents of modernity that are coming together to make things even more challenging. Some people believe that people ought to be able to only do what they say they ought to do, or to believe what they say they ought to believe, or live by their interpretation of something that was written down a thousand plus, two thousand years ago. That’s not the way I think most people want to live.

Putting aside the rocky seas and cross-currents of modernity, Kerry’s statement that most people do not want to live based on “something that was written down a thousand plus, two thousand years ago” demonstrates his – and his party’s – enormous hatred for the Bible. They see the Bible as an antiquated document, a dire opponent of the new, modern morality. Kerry makes no distinction between the Koran, the Old Testament, or the New Testament; he makes no distinction between the myriad streams of religious thought throughout history. They are all the same. Anyone who believes in ancient codes of morality is out of step with history.

In this, Kerry is no different from the rest of his party. Today’s Democratic Party has become the enemy of Biblical religion. Not only do they stand for the morality of Biblically-sanctioned behavior including same-sex marriage and abortion, their words and actions prove their distaste for that gauche old document.

Barack Obama’s “Bitter Clingers.” In April 2008, then-Senator Obama was caught on tape at a fundraiser in San Francisco. Obama stated:

    You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton Administration, and the Bush Administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.

Only idiots, racists, xenophobes, and gun-clingers believe in the Bible.

Democrats Attempt to Remove God from the Platform. In 2012, the Democratic National Convention had to overrule its own constituents in order to place God back in the platform. The 2008 platform included this language: “We need a government that stands up for the hopes, values and interests of working people, and gives everyone willing to work hard the chance to make the most of their God-given potential.” That was the only mention. Even that mention was removed, and only approved after DNC Chairman Antonio Villaraigosa violated the rules of the convention and declared over a voice vote that God would be placed back in.

Nancy Pelosi’s Faux-Religious Biblical Ignorance. In 2008, Nancy Pelosi wrote, “The Bible tells us in the Old Testament, ‘To minister to the needs of God’s creation is an act of worship. To ignore those needs is to dishonor the God who made us.’” She said it on Earth Day, Martin Luther King Day, and Christmas. There is no such verse. But Pelosi does think her moral values, including her ardent support for abortion, are the values of Jesus.

Harry Reid Says His Enemies Always Cite The Bible. Those horrible Bible-thumpers just won’t leave the Senate Majority Leader alone. After criticizing rancher Cliven Bundy (and calling his supporters domestic terrorists), Reid said he received “ugly, vile, vulgar” mailed threats. Nearly all, he stated, cited the Bible. Reid has also criticized fellow Mormon Mitt Romney, stating that he is “not the face of Mormonism” and that Romney had “sullied” the religion.

Barney Frank’s Bible Hatred. The self-proclaimed “pot-smoking atheist” said that he was looking forward to his husband swearing him in on the Constitution rather than the Bible.

The general distaste for the Bible so long as it doesn’t back Democratic positions doesn’t stop many Democrats from citing it in cynical fashion. Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY) stated in September that opposing increases to federal welfare would send you to hell: “Anyone that’s familiar with the Bible, anything like that, Jesus said that you’re going straight to hell if you don’t treat the lesser of his brothers and sisters.” That paraphrase, used frequently by Barack Obama, is a favorite of leftists who don’t seem to read Thessalonians 3:10 (“He who is not willing to work, let him not eat”).

But selective Biblical quotation is a favorite of leftists who interpret the Bible the same way they do the Constitution: as a Chinese menu designed to allow picking and choosing. That’s because when many Democrats take the Bible as a whole, they realize how much they despise it. After all, the Bible doesn’t state that Barack Obama and government ought to be given divine power.


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on May 28, 2014, 08:19:10 am
CNN Anchor Thinks Michelle Obama Signs Bills Into Law
Let's just say Ms. Costello is a little confused these days.


CNN anchor Carol Costello thinks the First Lady of the United States is somehow constitutionally empowered to sign bills into law.

Newsbusters noted that the confused anchor at the "most trusted name in news" was reporting on the ongoing fight over the school lunch mandates put in place by Congress in 2010. After showing a clip of Michelle Obama, who championed the effort, Costello informed her audience that Mrs. Obama used non-existent executive authority to sign the act into law:

    That was Mrs. Obama back in 2010 when she signed the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act into law. Well now some members of Congress and the food industry want to roll back that initiative and loosen requirements to cut costs. Today the First Lady takes the unusual step of delivering White House remarks speaking out against that House measure and in another twist, a one-time ally of Mrs. Obama's initiative is now a critic.

Of course, this is the same CNN anchor who proclaimed some sort of biblical basis for global warming last week when she proclaimed "climate change deniers aren't listening to science or they’re not reading the Bible" so let's just say Ms. Costello is a little confused these days. 


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on May 29, 2014, 05:37:11 am
Hillary Frowns On Income Inequality From Atop A Glittering Mountain Of Wealth And Privilege
Let them eat cake. But you know, YOUR cake. Not hers.

Jerome Hudson at The Daily Surge on Wednesday pointed out a glaring, if typical, disconnect between the rhetoric and reality of Hillary Clinton in her new video promoting her new book. In the video, the former Secretary says that we have to make the "hard choices" necessary to fight the "cancer" of inequality.

"I think people will see that we are strong and well-equipped to restore prosperity here at home, to deal with the cancer of inequality," she says, adding that it "doesn’t happen by accident or wishing for it or engaging in ideological and rhetorical battles." This sounds like a precursor to remarking on the value of hard work, entrepreneurial spirit, or American ingenuity. Instead, she makes the assertion that prosperity only happens when "people come together and make a series of choices, including some hard choices to establish a foundation for a strong economy, a strong united society." You know, it takes a village. Or if you prefer "you didn't build that."

Hudson points out the glaring inequity in Clinton's video about inequality.

    Hillary, champion of the middle class, has made more than 90 speeches since leaving her post as Sec. of State. And if you guessed that she has been speaking to your average middle class audience, you’d be dead wrong. Most of Hillary’s high-profile appearances included private equity firms, big investment banks, and a host of colleges and universities. Hillary was recently hammered when her usual speaking fee of $200,000 a speech was revealed by the New York Times.

    Hillary also snagged an $8 million advance for her memoir “Living History” and another $14 million for “Hard Choices.”

That's right, the very book Hillary is promoting in this talk of hard choices and the "cancer" of inequality has brought her a whopping, multi-million dollar payday right off the bat. One would guess that enormous advance isn't going to be "spread around."

Not that this is anything new for the party of the people. Just last month National Review reported on pet Democrat economist Paul Krugman being paid a quarter of a million dollars to study, you guessed it, income inequality. And one can hardly leave the house or go online without hearing some celebrity demanding higher taxes for more social benefits, never mind that they are absolutely free to pay more right this very minute if they chose.

Being wealthy is no bar to helping the middle class prosper. In fact, innovators and achievers are almost always job creators and wealth creators for the middle class. But Democrats don't believe in that. They daily espouse the Robin Hood doctrine of the economy. Hudson concludes that "it’s going to be really hard for a serial-millionaire, one-percenter like Hillary Clinton to put herself up as America’s foremost champion of the middle-class," but that's usually untrue. Above all their other sloganeering and catch phrasing, one motto stands apart as the singular summary of the Democrats: do as I say, not as I do.

In any case, just remember this. Our leadership is not, "somehow, endowed, from birth, of our country." Because sense to make, is that, thought, she has.


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on July 17, 2014, 11:48:24 am
No, you're not watching a Hellywood movie... :o

Senate Republicans paid for Mississippi attack ads painting tea partyers as racist: report

Mississippi attack ads that painted conservative Republicans and tea partyers as racists were funded by Senate Republicans, RedState Editor-in-Chief Erick Erickson has confirmed.

Advertisements by All Citizens for Mississippi, which attacked state Sen. Chris McDaniel and painted conservatives as racists, were partly funded by Sens. Mitch McConnell, John Cornyn, Rob Portman, Bob Corker and Roy Blunt, RedState senate-republican-leaders-paid-for-attacks-against-conservatives/” target=”_blank”>reported.

According to documents filed with the Federal Election Commission, All Citizens for Mississippi received funding from a Haley Barbour-backed group called Mississippi Conservatives.

“Mississippi Conservatives, in turn, was funded in part by Sally Bradshaw of the RNC’s Growth and Opportunity Project, former RNC Chairman and Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, the United States Chamber of Commerce, and the political action committees created for Senators Mitch McConnell ($50,000), John Cornyn ($50,000), Rob Portman ($25,000), Bob Corker ($25,000), and Roy Blunt ($5,000),” the report said.

Mr. McDaniel, who was narrowly defeated by Republican Sen. Thad Cochran after being forced into a runoff, has called on the Mississippi Supreme Court for an emergency order granting him access to original poll books.

He hopes to prove that some people who voted in the June 24 runoff election that killed his Senate chances also cast ballots in the June 3 Democratic primary, CBS News senate-runoff-saga/” target=”_blank”>reported Wednesday.

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on August 07, 2014, 07:27:43 pm
Dem Rep: I Voted Against Funding Israel’s Anti-Missile Program Because We Need A Cease Fire

what??  ???

Yeah, that would have worked.

Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Of course) appeared on Meet The Press yesterday to make it clear that he is as clueless about foreign policy and the nature of Hamas as just about every other Democrat.

When flailing host David Gregory (D-also) pointed out to Ellison that he supported Iron Dome, Israel’s anti-missile system that has effectively and repeatedly thwarted the attempts of Hamas to kill Israeli civilians, Ellison nodded in agreement.

“I always did,” Ellison said.

Then, Gregory asked him why he just voted against additional funding for Iron Dome.

“Because a cease-fire is what we should prioritize now,” was Ellison’s answer.

We would like to express our amazement at the fact that Ellison said that with a straight face, but we’ve long been accustomed to Democrats appearing absolutely bonkers when it comes to understanding the nature of evil around the world.

“A cease-fire protects civilians on both sides,” Ellison continued, apparently willing to double-down on his ignorance on national television. “It doesn’t just say we’re only concerned about people on one side.”

In fact, we should only be concerned about people on one side. Israel is a constitutional democracy. Hamas is a terrorist organization.

So, yeah. Let’s be concerned with the people who promote democracy by giving them protection from the terrorists.

That policy makes sense to everybody except Democratic politicians.

Have  a look at the video below.



Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on September 02, 2014, 06:19:25 am
Politically Correct Liberals finally get a real wake up call to the world around them.

A CNN Host Let a Muslim Cleric Speak Freely. What He Said about Journalism, Terrorism and Sharia Law in America Left the Host Speechless

British Muslim activist Anjam Choudary appeared on CNN’s “Reliable Sources” Sunday morning, and while host Brian Stelter seemed as if he was working hard to give the cleric a fair shake, the veteran journalist couldn’t help but get exasperated as Choudary steadfastly defended his radical Islamic ideology — and joked about 9/11.

Besides saying that he thought he won his epic shouting match with Fox News’ Sean Hannity earlier in the week, Choudary refused to condemn the recent beheading of American journalist James Foley by the Islamic State.

Middle Eastern Muslims don’t see any difference between Western military members and civilians “because the general populace of America have re-voted for people like [President Barack] Obama and [former President George W.] Bush, who continue their policy of tyranny in the area,” Choudary claimed.

Journalists are “the propaganda machine of the Obama administration” in the eyes of Middle Eastern Muslims, Choudary added.

“That’s a crazy thing to say given that the only reason you know about the abuses of Abu Ghraib is because of American journalists,” Stelter interjected. “The only reason why you know about the abuses at Guantanamo Bay are because of American journalists.”

Choudary was outspoken about his beliefs: “I believe that Sharia is the best way of life, and one day it will come to America.”

Choudary argued that no true Muslim interprets the Quran differently from he, and said that so-called “moderate” Muslims are probably paid by Western governments to speak out against “radical” Islam.

“Give me a break, now you’re just making up stuff,” Stelter exclaimed in response.

Later, Stelter confronted Choudary about what the cleric had done during the show’s sound check.

Instead of counting to 10, as guests typically do during a sound check, Choudary rattled off terrorism dates, including 7/7 (the date of the 2005 London bombings) and 9/11.

Choudary didn’t apologize.

“If you had a sense of humor, maybe you would have laughed,” he told Stelter. “It’s not a big deal.”

Stelter seemed disbelieving as he ended the segment saying, “I have nothing more to say.”



I would really love to see all the lying journalists that keep saying Islam is a religion of peace go over and tell that to the real Muslims...

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on September 14, 2014, 10:31:00 am
Building Legacy, Obama Reshapes Appellate Bench

Democrats have reversed the partisan imbalance on the federal appeals courts that long favored conservatives, a little-noticed shift with far-reaching consequences for the law and President Obama’s legacy.

For the first time in more than a decade, judges appointed by Democratic presidents considerably outnumber judges appointed by Republican presidents. The Democrats’ advantage has only grown since late last year when they stripped Republicans of their ability to filibuster the president’s nominees.

Democratic appointees who hear cases full time now hold a majority of seats on nine of the 13 United States Courts of Appeals. When Mr. Obama took office, only one of those courts had more full-time judges nominated by a Democrat.

The shift, one of the most significant but unheralded accomplishments of the Obama era, is likely to have ramifications for how the courts decide the legality of some of the president’s most controversial actions on health care, immigration and clean air. Since today’s Congress has been a graveyard for legislative accomplishment, these judicial confirmations are likely to be among its most enduring acts.


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on September 14, 2014, 08:26:28 pm
The shift, one of the most significant but unheralded accomplishments of the Obama era, is likely to have ramifications for how the courts decide the legality of some of the president’s most controversial actions on health care, immigration and clean air. Since today’s Congress has been a graveyard for legislative accomplishment, these judicial confirmations are likely to be among its most enduring acts.

And the sodomy and abortion issues as well.

Reagan/Bushes justices have been just as liberal - but either way, these Appellate courts have gone from liberal to super liberal now(as this Hegelian Dialectic game seems to be coming to a close now). And don't be surprised if the midterm elections produce big Dem gains(not that it matters one way or another, but again, this Hegelian Dialectic game is coming to a close now, it seems).

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on October 15, 2014, 08:27:44 pm
The only reason this is news is that it is a truthful statement as to how LIBERALS/DEMOCRATS actually see and use the Black population. The Libs at YAHOO are doing the liberal tradition of CHARACTER ASSASSINATION instead of trying to counter the truth, you see this every time in creation/eviloution debates.  This is 100% true and has been since the 1920's. Want proof? Go here and research it.  http://blackgenocide.org/home.html

Fox News host makes extremely racist comment about the Democratic party

Fox news contributor and guest host Stacey Dash says that the Democratic party has a "plantation mentality."

With the 2014 midterm elections less than two weeks away, the news media is pushing hard to appeal to their viewing base in an attempt to get out the vote. On Fox News Tuesday night, one comment might have gone too far.

Despite the crisis with ISIS and the fear of a potential Ebola outbreak on the minds of the American people, the economy is still a major issue. Though the economy has made improvements since the financial crisis of 2008, too many people are still struggling to keep their heads above water. One area where Republicans and Democrats don't see eye to eye is on the social safety net. When it comes to social service programs like welfare, food stamps and unemployment befits, Democrats have supported strengthening these programs, while Republicans have pushed to eliminate them or put them in the hands of the private sector.

On the October 14 edition of "Hannity" on Fox News, the discussion of Democrats and social welfare programs dominated the conversation. Host Sean Hannity spoke with Fox News contributor and often fill in host, Stacey Dash. Asked if voting for Barack Obama and the Democrats have helped the minority community, Dash answered with a quick "no, not at all." "It still keeps them stuck. They are getting money for free. They feel worthless. They are uneducated," Dash said of minority neighborhoods. "I mean, as long as you are that way, they (Democrats) can keep you under their control," Dash noted.

Hannity attempted to clarify Dash's remarks and asked her if she felt like the Democratic party created a sense of dependency. Dash responded that Democrats have a "plantation mentality" and think that if they keep giving services and money to low income voters, they won't want to think for themselves.

Stacey Dash, the actress and star of the hit film "Clueless," has been employed by Fox News for less than six months, but this isn't the first time that she has made controversial remarks. Earlier this week, Dash suggested that each city in America set up Ebola "quarantine" centers to hold patients who could be at risk for virus.


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on October 27, 2014, 03:31:50 pm
Anti-Gun State Senator Arrested In Ferguson Protest Carrying 9mm
Police say she smelled of intoxicants, was carrying extra rounds

Missouri State Senator Jamilah Nasheed was arrested last week during a protest held in front of the Ferguson Police Department. Police claim she smelled of “intoxicants,” but Nasheed refused the breathalyzer. Perhaps the most interesting detail was that the state senator, who has sponsored several anti-gun bills, was found carrying a loaded 9mm and extra rounds.

News 4 reports:

    Missouri State Senator Jamilah Nasheed had a gun in her possession at the time she was arrested Monday night outside the Ferguson Police Department, according to Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson.

    Nasheed declined comment about the having the weapon, but did tell News 4 she has a concealed carry permit. A Ferguson police officer said Nasheed was carrying a fully-loaded 9mm handgun and additional rounds of ammunition.

    Sources also told News 4 Ferguson police requested St. Ann to administer a breathalyzer test at the time of her arrest because she "smelled strongly of intoxicants," but, despite originally agreeing to the test, later refused to do so. Nasheed said Tuesday she was not intoxicated at the time.

    An arrest report, obtained by News 4 Wednesday, states "observation of Nasheed noted that she appeared to be intoxicated while parts of her speech was incoherent and slurred."  The arresting officer went on to say "several officers...smelled the odor of alcohol emitting from her breath and person of Nasheed."

Nasheed, along with other protestors, was charged with "Failure to Obey Lawful Order of Police and Manner of Walking."

"Sometimes you have to break the law," said Nasheed. "Civil disobedience is breaking the law." The arrest, she explained, was supposed to be a symbolic act showing “we can protest peacefully and must protest peacefully” and a means of declaring that they “want justice for Michael Brown."


Just Guess What Ferguson Police Found on Missouri Democrat Who Has Sponsored Several ‘Anti-Gun’ Bills…

Missouri state Senator Jamilah Nasheed, a Democrat who has sponsored several “anti-gun” bills in her state, was arrested Monday night during a protest outside of the Ferguson Police Department. However, it’s what police officers found on her that is raising eyebrows.

Nasheed was carrying a loaded 9mm handgun and extra rounds of ammunition, according to Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson. She also refused to take a breathalyzer test after officers determined she “smelled strongly of intoxicants,” sources told KMOV-TV.

Nasheed claimed on Tuesday that she was not intoxicated at the time of her arrest and emphasized that she is a legal concealed carry permit holder.

Police arrested and charged the state senator with failure to obey lawful order of police and manner of walking in the roadway after she and other protesters refused to get out of the street.

On Tuesday morning, Nasheed said it was a “symbolic arrest” to send a “message to the protesters that we can protest peacefully and that we must protest peacefully and that we want justice for Michael Brown.”

The National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action has dubbed several pieces of legislation sponsored by Nasheed “anti-gun,” including an amendment that would require gun owners to report a firearm stolen within 72 hours.

Nasheed also reportedly pushed for a bill that would have required any “parent or guardian of a child who attends a public, private, or charter school shall notify, in writing, the superintendent of the school district, or the governing body of a private school or charter school, that such parent or guardian owns a firearm within thirty calendar days” of enrollment.


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on November 05, 2014, 08:54:34 am
This is how LIBERALS view the black race in Amerika...

Michelle To Black Voters: Vote Democrat Then 'Eat Some Fried Chicken'
"I give everyone full permission to eat some fried chicken after they vote…"

In an interview with Roland Martin for NewsOne: For Black America, Michelle Obama told black voters that that if they went out and voted Democrat, she gave them “full permission” to go “eat some fried chicken.”

Martin began the interview by calling Michelle the "Campaigner-in-Chief," adding that he thinks she's better on the campaign trail than her husband. Michelle discussed the importance of electing the right "team" for her husband to work with to accomplish his agenda—though she also stressed that this election "isn't about Barack" but "about you."

After she wrapped up most of her talking points, Martin asked her if Democrats successfully got "souls to the polls," could they celebrate with some “soul food.”

    Michelle: Absolutely. I give everyone full permission to eat some fried chicken after they vote. Only after, if you haven’t voted… You make a good point. Because I am, I do talk about health. But I think that a good victory for Democrats on Tuesday, you know, should be rewarded with some fried chicken.

The fried chicken comments begin at around the 7:15 mark. 

video: http://www.truthrevolt.org/news/michelle-black-voters-vote-democrat-then-eat-some-fried-chicken

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on November 05, 2014, 09:00:20 am
Michelle is also a transgender.

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on November 15, 2014, 08:56:07 am
CNN Warns Viewers They're About to Hear National Anthem?


Friday The Daily Caller noted a bizarre viewer warning issued by CNN Thursday prior to a “heartwarming, patriotic and downright tearjerker story” that includes a video of children singing the National Anthem and waving American flags. Prior to shooting the video, the screen went black and the following warning appeared:

“Please be advised you are about to hear an excerpt of the national anthem.”

TheDC reports:

    The video story is entitled “Sailor mom surprises daughter at school.” It first appeared on CNN on Thursday — on loan from an Indianapolis Fox affiliate. […]

    The video itself includes kids singing and waving American flags. There are old, proud veterans. There are hand over hearts. At the end, there are well-deserved tears. You’ll probably blubber right along with mother and daughter — though CNN provides no crying warning.


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on December 08, 2014, 08:22:22 am
Liberalism at its finest...  :D This one was too much

Lesbian Jewish Rabbi Stands Up FOR Sharia Law

If there is one group of people that would be put at the top of the list of Sharia law advocates for punishment, it would almost certainly be lesbian Jewish Rabbis like Robin Nafshi. Yet, in what can only be described as a case of Stockholm Syndrome on steroids, Nafshi is standing up for Sharia law. In so doing, she’s fighting for her own extermination.

In an op-ed that appeared in the Concord Monitor, Nafshi writes:

    As the leader of a religious community with a wide range of political views, I am always cautious when speaking out on partisan issues. But sometimes, I must. Now is that time.

    On Sept. 20, the delegates of the New Hampshire Republican Party adopted a Platform of Republican Principles. It contains 83 bulleted goals. Number 83 reads as follows:

    “Take any and all actions possible to protect against the implementation of any part of Sharia law in New Hampshire, including legislation outlawing Sharia law.”

    Sharia means “the way” in Arabic, and Sharia law guides all aspects of Muslim life, including daily routines, familial and religious obligations, and financial dealings. It is derived primarily from the Quran and the Sunna – the sayings, practices and teachings of the Prophet Mohammed.

    Sharia law for Muslims is quite similar to Halakhah for Jews. Halakhah means “the way” in Hebrew and it guides all aspect of Jewish life, including daily routines, familial and religious obligations, and financial dealings. It is derived primarily from the Hebrew Bible and the Talmud – the sayings, practices, and teachings of the early Jewish Rabbis.

    Why has the Republican Party singled out Sharia law? Why doesn’t it seek to protect against the implementation in New Hampshire of any part of Halakhah, or for that matter, Roman Catholic Canon Law?

    Because the New Hampshire Republican Party and other states that have sought similar bans are playing off of what they believe to be a growing fear in this country. We live in a difficult time, historically. Extremist Muslims – a very small percentage of the overall Muslim population – have hijacked a peaceful religion and perverted it into something narrowly construed and intolerant of the West, Jews, Israel, democracy, women’s education and more.

    The politicians who endorse anti-Sharia laws are exploiting Americans’ legitimate fears of ISIS, al Qaida, Hamas and other extremist groups in order to ostracize and discriminate against the American Muslim community.

As the stealth jihadists no doubt laugh their heads off (pun intended) at the level of sheer ignorance displayed by Nafshi, she fails to understand that not only is she advocating for her own destruction but in so doing, she’s facilitating it. In fact, those whom she chides for being opposed to Sharia law are further down on the list of candidates to be subjected to that law.

To use a fattened calf metaphor, in such a case the farmer has to provide the feed, the facilities, the care and ultimately slaughter said calf, which is an unwilling participant.

In the case of Nafshi, as the figurative calf, she’s doing all that for the farmer while also fighting off predators that would kill her, not to protect herself but to save herself for the farmer.


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on December 15, 2014, 06:09:56 am
Liberalism at its finest...  :D This one was too much

Lesbian Jewish Rabbi Stands Up FOR Sharia Law

If there is one group of people that would be put at the top of the list of Sharia law advocates for punishment, it would almost certainly be lesbian Jewish Rabbis like Robin Nafshi. Yet, in what can only be described as a case of Stockholm Syndrome on steroids, Nafshi is standing up for Sharia law. In so doing, she’s fighting for her own extermination.

In an op-ed that appeared in the Concord Monitor, Nafshi writes:

    As the leader of a religious community with a wide range of political views, I am always cautious when speaking out on partisan issues. But sometimes, I must. Now is that time.

    On Sept. 20, the delegates of the New Hampshire Republican Party adopted a Platform of Republican Principles. It contains 83 bulleted goals. Number 83 reads as follows:

    “Take any and all actions possible to protect against the implementation of any part of Sharia law in New Hampshire, including legislation outlawing Sharia law.”

    Sharia means “the way” in Arabic, and Sharia law guides all aspects of Muslim life, including daily routines, familial and religious obligations, and financial dealings. It is derived primarily from the Quran and the Sunna – the sayings, practices and teachings of the Prophet Mohammed.

    Sharia law for Muslims is quite similar to Halakhah for Jews. Halakhah means “the way” in Hebrew and it guides all aspect of Jewish life, including daily routines, familial and religious obligations, and financial dealings. It is derived primarily from the Hebrew Bible and the Talmud – the sayings, practices, and teachings of the early Jewish Rabbis.

    Why has the Republican Party singled out Sharia law? Why doesn’t it seek to protect against the implementation in New Hampshire of any part of Halakhah, or for that matter, Roman Catholic Canon Law?

    Because the New Hampshire Republican Party and other states that have sought similar bans are playing off of what they believe to be a growing fear in this country. We live in a difficult time, historically. Extremist Muslims – a very small percentage of the overall Muslim population – have hijacked a peaceful religion and perverted it into something narrowly construed and intolerant of the West, Jews, Israel, democracy, women’s education and more.

    The politicians who endorse anti-Sharia laws are exploiting Americans’ legitimate fears of ISIS, al Qaida, Hamas and other extremist groups in order to ostracize and discriminate against the American Muslim community.

As the stealth jihadists no doubt laugh their heads off (pun intended) at the level of sheer ignorance displayed by Nafshi, she fails to understand that not only is she advocating for her own destruction but in so doing, she’s facilitating it. In fact, those whom she chides for being opposed to Sharia law are further down on the list of candidates to be subjected to that law.

To use a fattened calf metaphor, in such a case the farmer has to provide the feed, the facilities, the care and ultimately slaughter said calf, which is an unwilling participant.

In the case of Nafshi, as the figurative calf, she’s doing all that for the farmer while also fighting off predators that would kill her, not to protect herself but to save herself for the farmer.


Hey lady, i thought this was good for all of you rabbi sodomites?   :D

Cairo bathhouse raid spreads fear in Egyptian gay community

Egypt’s government has aggressively cracked down on Islamist and liberal opponents over the past year. Now officials are increasingly targeting another group: gay people. Police raided a public bathhouse in Cairo this month and arrested at least two dozen men, parading them half-naked in front of television cameras before hauling them off to prison.   


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on December 15, 2014, 06:12:01 pm
Dumb Australians want to be murdered by muslims

Sydney Newspaper Urges 'Empathy,' Forgiveness For Hostage-Taker

 In an article published Monday, the Sydney Morning Herald called the hostage situation at the Lundt Café a test of “what sort of nation we want to be.” This latest attack on innocent civilians—conducted by what by all reports appears to be a violent radical with a criminal record including "extremist activity" and charges of **** and accessory to murder—the Sydney Morning Herald argues, requires Australians to "first and foremost" empathize with and forgive the criminal.

    First and foremost, we have faced yet another test of our empathy. Like the Bali bombings and myriad natural disasters, our thoughts are with the innocent victims: those inside the cafe who were caught up in a tragic situation for no other reason than they were going about their daily lives. Our thoughts are with their loved ones, too, for the hard times ahead.

    Perhaps we face an even more difficult test of our empathy as well. How should we feel for the perpetrator so far witnessed and his family? While we do not know his story or his motivation, we know he was once someone just like those people whose lives he has now treated with such disdain. He must have loved ones, too. Forgiving him will be very difficult, and it will take time. Without forgiveness, though, we have to live with destructive hate.

The man the Herald asks Australians to empathize with has a long, sordid rap sheet. The Daily Mail provides the following bio on the self-described “sheik” Man Haron Monis:

    Monis is a 49-year-old man living in southwest Sydney, but is originally from Iran and a self-proclaimed sheik, and also sent hate mail to the families of Australian dead soldiers between 2007 and 2009, according to The Daily Telegraph.

    The siege in the Lindt cafe in Martin Place on Monday follows an unsuccessful attempt to have these charges overturned in the High Court on Friday, The Age reported.

    Monis received 300 community service hours and a two-year good behaviour bond for the correspondence, which he claims were his version of sympathy cards, sent with the help from his girlfriend Amirah Droudis.

    Arriving as a refugee in Australia in 1996, the hostage-taker was charged as an accessory to the murder of his ex-wife - who was allegedly stabbed and set on fire on a flight of stairs in her western Sydney apartment block in November 2013.

    The man's current partner was charged with murder but they both received bail as the case was deemed too weak.

    He was also arrested in April this year for the sexual assault of a 27-year-old woman in 2002 after luring her to his clinic following claims he was as an expert in astrology, meditation and black magic, The Daily Telegraph also reported.

    Monis was slapped with an additional 40 charges in October after more victims to come forward after the alleged incidents that occurred from his spiritual healing clinic in Station Street in Wentworthville - western Sydney.

An "anti-Islamophic" hashtag movement,#IllRideWithYou has sprung up in response to "racist" sentiments reportedly expressed by Australians against Muslims on public transport, gaining global traction and official endorsement by Australia's Race Discrimination Commissioner Tim Soutphommasane.


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on January 14, 2015, 12:19:33 pm
Dems Were Asked to Support the Deportation of Illegal Immigrants Convicted of Violence and Sexual Abuse. Here’s How They Voted.

Dozens of House Democrats on Wednesday voted against a legislative proposal aimed at ensuring that illegal immigrants convicted of domestic violence, sexual abuse or child abuse are a priority for deportation.

The vote suggests that immigration-related issues trump other traditional Democratic priorities, such as efforts to protect people from sex or violence-related crimes, especially against women.

Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) proposed the language as an amendment to the Department of Homeland Security spending bill. He argued it was needed because Obama’s executive action on immigration created different priorities for deportation that need to be adjusted.

For example, illegal immigrants suspected of terrorism or espionage or other felonies are top priorities for deportation. But illegal immigrants who are convicted of three or more misdemeanors, or one “significant” misdemeanor such as sexual abuse or domestic violence, are on a second tier priority for deportation.

On Wednesday, House Republicans put forward the DeSantis amendment to prioritize the deportation of illegal immigrants convicted of domestic violence, sexual abuse or child abuse. But they were met by significant Democratic opposition, including from House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who is widely seen as a champion of women’s issues.

Pelosi explained that she opposed the amendment because it was opposed by the National Catholic Conference of Bishops. That group said generally that it opposed all efforts to stop the Obama administration from implementing its immigration plan, and that it could somehow create obstacles to the reporting of domestic violence among immigrants.

“While presented as a measure that helps domestic violence victims, we fear that it actually would discourage many such victims from reporting abuse,” the group wrote, in a letter Pelosi read on the House floor.

Rep. Donna Edwards (D-Md.) also explained that in many domestic violence cases involving illegal immigrants, police arrest both the abuser and the victim, and both can end up pleading to a misdemeanor just to speed up the process. “This happens all the time, all around the country,” she argued.

As a result, she said the GOP language could end up hurting victims as well as abusers.

Those arguments were met with disbelief from Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.), who sponsored the amendment. DeSantis said he was “perplexed” why anyone would vote against the amendment.

“Why would we have any tolerance for child molesters?” Desalts said. “If you’re not in our country legally, and you get convicted of an offense like that, you should be gone. We shouldn’t even be discussing this.”

“I think the people who are going to vote ‘no’ on this are basically saying, ‘we don’t want a zero-tolerance policy against child molesters and sexual offenders,’ ” he added.

In the end, the House approved the DeSantis amendment 278-149 vote. Thirty-five Democrats voted with Republicans on this measure, and one Republican voted against it.

But that left 148 Democrats voting against it.


Title: Shirley MacLaine: Jews Died in Holocaust Due to Sins in Past Lives
Post by: Mark on February 13, 2015, 12:09:08 pm
Shirley MacLaine: Jews Died in Holocaust Due to Sins in Past Lives

Actress and Democratic Party supporter Shirley MacLaine is under fire for suggesting that the six million Jews slaughtered by the Nazis were paying for their past sins.
According to the Daily Mail the Oscar-winner writes in her new memoir:
    "What if most Holocaust victims were balancing their karma from ages before, when they were Roman soldiers putting Christians to death, the Crusaders who murdered millions in the name of Christianity, soldiers with Hannibal, or those who stormed across the Near East with Alexander? The energy of killing is endless and will be experienced by the killer and the killee."

MacLaine is a longtime supporter of the Democratic Party and left-wing activist.
An ardent abortion activist, she lobbied at the 1972 Democratic Convention for abortion rights in the party platform.
She is the Godmother of liberal icon Rep. Dennis Kucinich.
In 2013, she received the Kennedy Center award from President Barack Obama.
She has suggested an alien may have been responsible for Ronald Reagan's presidency.
And now, apparently, she thinks the Jews had it coming. 


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on February 13, 2015, 12:23:27 pm
CNN’s Cuomo: ‘Our Rights Do Not Come from God’

In a contentious 25-minute interview with Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore on Thursday, CNN “New Day” co-host Chris Cuomo discussed Moore’s refusal to adhere to a federal judge’s ruling on same-sex marriages.

Cuomo and Moore disagreed on whether or not the federal court decision was binding to the point that it required the state of Alabama to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. But they also continued the argument to the point of where certain rights originate, to which Cuomo argued they came from man and law, and not from God.

Exchange as follow:

    MOORE: I believe that’s a matter of law because our rights contained in the Bill of Rights do not come from the Constitution, they come from God. It’s clearly stated –

    CUOMO: Our laws do not come from God, your honor, and you know that. They come from man.

    MOORE: Let me ask you one question. Let me ask you one question, Chris. Is the Declaration of Independence law?

    CUOMO: You would call it organic law as a basis for future laws off of it?

    MOORE: I would call it the organic law because the United States code calls it organic law. It is organic law because the law of this country calls it the organic law of the country means where our rights come from. And if they come from there, men can’t take it away.

    CUOMO: Our rights do not come from God. That’s your faith. That’s my faith, but not our country. Our laws come from the collective agreement and compromise.

    MOORE: It’s not a matter of faith, sir. It’s a matter of organic law, which states, ‘We hold these truths to be held equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.’ And the only role of government is stated in the next sentence is to secure those rights for us. The government starts taking those rights away from us, then it’s not securing and it is defiling the whole purpose of government.

Watch the entire interview:


Just your basic liberal, cant think for themselves are are just hypocrites...

CNN’s Chris Cuomo Gives an Unbelievable Answer on Whether He’d Enforce Dred Scott

I don’t know that I have ever seen this level of unforced error from anyone on television ever. In an interview with Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore over a federal district court’s order on gay marriage, CNN’s Chris Cuomo first asserted that a majority of people support gay marriage, as opposed to a plurality. I’m pretty sure he was just talking about Alabama, which makes it even worse.

Further, Chris Cuomo did not understand the nuances of the case. The probate courts in Alabama issue marriage license. The federal district court enjoined the Alabama Attorney General, who plays no role in issuing marriage licenses. And Chief Justice Moore, for all his faults, was right to point out that the federal court’s order did not apply to probate judges. Chris Cuomo did not understand, or did not want to understand that.

But the most damning part of the interview came with Chief Justice Moore asked Chris Cuomo if Cuomo would have adhered to Dred Scott, which treated black people as inferior to white people, or Plessy v. Ferguson, which established separate but equal as the law of the land.

Cuomo tried to get out of answering the question, but Chief Justice Moore demanded Cuomo answer it. It is safe to say, Cuomo would have enforced both Dred Scott and Plessy based on his answer, which was “You follow the law of the land. You follow the law of the land. That’s what our nation is based on.”

See for yourself and note that earlier in the interview Cuomo said our rights come from people, refuting the Declaration of Independence.

vid: http://www.redstate.com/2015/02/12/cnns-chris-cuomo-gives-an-unbelievable-answer-on-whether-hed-enforce-dred-scott/

Title: Re: Shirley MacLaine: Jews Died in Holocaust Due to Sins in Past Lives
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on February 13, 2015, 01:05:11 pm
Shirley MacLaine: Jews Died in Holocaust Due to Sins in Past Lives

Actress and Democratic Party supporter Shirley MacLaine is under fire for suggesting that the six million Jews slaughtered by the Nazis were paying for their past sins.
According to the Daily Mail the Oscar-winner writes in her new memoir:
    "What if most Holocaust victims were balancing their karma from ages before, when they were Roman soldiers putting Christians to death, the Crusaders who murdered millions in the name of Christianity, soldiers with Hannibal, or those who stormed across the Near East with Alexander? The energy of killing is endless and will be experienced by the killer and the killee."

MacLaine is a longtime supporter of the Democratic Party and left-wing activist.
An ardent abortion activist, she lobbied at the 1972 Democratic Convention for abortion rights in the party platform.
She is the Godmother of liberal icon Rep. Dennis Kucinich.
In 2013, she received the Kennedy Center award from President Barack Obama.
She has suggested an alien may have been responsible for Ronald Reagan's presidency.
And now, apparently, she thinks the Jews had it coming. 


She's a hard-core New Ager - all New Agers(and the New Age Movement) that I've read about just HATE the Jews.

Neale Donald Walsch is another example(who wrote about his hatred for the Jews) - Rick Warren gives out his writings to his youth groups and flock.

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on February 24, 2015, 07:02:09 am
Report: VA Secretary Robert McDonald apologizes for misstating military record

Wow!! Imagine that, another Obama Lib who lies about who he is...

Robert McDonald, the secretary of veterans affairs, misrepresented his military record in a recent TV appearance, falsely stating that he was in an elite special operations division.

McDonald, a West Point grad who served with the 82nd Airborne Division during the late 1970s, has issued an apology for the misstatement, reported the Huffington Post’s David Wood.

There was no suggestion in Wood’s story of any pattern of misstatements by McDonald. The comment in question came while McDonald was being filmed by a CBS News crew as he toured Los Angeles during a count of homeless veterans, one of whom told McDonald he had served in special ops. McDonald replied: “Special forces? What years? I was in special forces.” The segment aired Jan. 30.

In a statement reported by the AP, McDonald said:  “While I was in Los Angeles, engaging a homeless individual to determine his veteran status, I asked the man where he had served in the military. He responded that he had served in special forces. I incorrectly stated that I had been in special forces. That was inaccurate and I apologize to anyone that was offended by my misstatement.”

“We take him at his word and expect that this will not impact the important work he’s doing to promote the health and well-being of our nation’s veterans,” said a statement from the White House, according to the AP.

The special forces claim, which came in the middle of the controversy over NBC news anchor Brian Williams’s honesty, was noticed by some retired military officers.

McDonald told Wood: “I have no excuse. I was not in special forces.”

Special operations forces include the Green Berets, Army Rangers, Delta Force and Navy SEALs. “Special operators are a close-knit community deeply hostile to outsiders who try to claim the coveted mantle of special operations,” wrote Wood, who won a Pulitzer Prize in 2012 for his reporting on the “physical and emotional challenges facing American soldiers severely wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan during a decade of war.”

Wood reported that McDonald, the former chief executive of Procter and **** brought in to shape up the embattled department, completed Army Ranger training but “never served in a Ranger battalion or any other special operations unit.”

Wood quoted retired Army Col. Gary Bloomberg, a former special forces commander, calling McDonald’s claim “a boneheaded statement.” But he said he and other former special ops officers did not consider it as egregious as some other misrepresentations.

“No one got really crazy about the whole thing, compared to some of what we’ve seen,” he told the Huffington Post. “It’s a lot different from guys running around faking their special forces credentials. … I can see [other former special forces soldiers] going, ‘Hey, check out this boneheaded remark,’ but I don’t see the gravitas that I would with a guy wearing medals he didn’t earn.’”


Bet he said he was a NAVY SEAL and a CIA Sniper just to pick up girls 30 years younger than him..

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on February 25, 2015, 10:16:42 am
Writer Argues Abortion is a Good Thing Because It Prevents Infanticide

In a new article on Lancaster Online, writer Liliane Stern argues that abortion is good for society because it prevents infanticide.

She writes, “In the United States, the infanticide rate during the first hour of life dropped from 1.41 per 100,000 from 1963 to 1972 to 0.44 per 100,000 for 1974 to 1983; the rates during the first month of life also declined, whereas those for older infants rose during this time.”

Then Stern cites a study by economists with the National Bureau of Economic Research, which claims that abortion was the most important factor in the decline of neonatal mortality during the period from 1964 to 1977.

She continues, “Screening for psychiatric disorders or risk factors, and providing treatment or assistance to those at risk, may help prevent infanticide. However, in the developed world, significant proportions of neonaticides that are detected occur in young women who deny their pregnancy and avoid outside contacts so they may have limited contact with health care services. In some areas, baby hatches — safe places for a mother to anonymously leave an infant — are offered, in part to reduce the rate of infanticide. In other places, safe-haven laws allow mothers to anonymously give infants to designated officials. Typically such babies are put up for adoption or cared for in orphanages. Unfortunately, many mothers fear being identified.”



She concludes with this question: “Is it not better to make safe, legal, first-trimester abortions easily available than to have unwanted infants and children tortured, abused and killed, as happens much too often in the U.S.?”

Unfortunately, the twisted ideology that is revealed in Stern’s question is surfacing more and more because we live in a world that believes if a person is destined to suffer, they should die. Many say, “We would not want to bring a child into the world only to see her suffer, terminating would be a kind, even humane act.”


However, if Stern’s logic were applied millions of people wouldn’t be here today simply because they would face suffering. Why? Because in reality, Stern is saying that children who are being abused; children born with disabilities; and many children in our foster care system shouldn’t have been born.

Currently, in the United States there are over five million children being abused annually; and eight million children are born each year with some type of birth defect. I don’t know about you, but I don’t believe suffering should justify the genocide of millions of people; rather, it should motivate pro-lifers to push for social change.

Additionally, studies show that the acceptance of abortion has lead to infanticide.

As LifeNews previously reported, in the Journal of Medical Ethics, ethicists argue that parents should have the right to kill their newborn infants because infants are not people. The authors prefer the term ‘after-birth abortion’ as opposed to ‘infanticide’ because the term after-birth abortion emphasizes ‘that the moral status of the individual killed is comparable to that of a fetus . . . rather than to that of a child.’

Here’s an important question we should ask ourselves: if an unborn child’s right to life can be denied based on criteria like the existence of suffering or simply the wishes of the mother, then what’s to stop similar criteria from nullifying the right to life for the elderly, the disabled, or even the very young?


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on March 31, 2015, 11:58:34 am
Apple Bashes Indiana – But Promotes Business in Countries That Execute Gays

Apple CEO Tim Cook attacked Indiana this weekend for passing a religious freedom bill.
Cook said, “There’s something very dangerous happening in states across the country.”


Cook may believe Indiana’s new law is very dangerous towards gays…
But it’s not as dangerous as the several countries Apple does business with where they execute gays.


Four of the ten countries where they kill gays are on this Apple list:
– Uganda
– Nigeria
– Qatar
– Saudi Arabia

If Tim Cook really wanted to help gays, he might want to focus on the Apple customers who execute them.


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on April 18, 2015, 06:30:04 am
UC Santa Cruz Apologizes For Serving Mexican Food

After offering Mexican food during its “Intergalactic” night, Stevenson College at the University of California, Santa Cruz found that some students took offense, calling the action racist because of a perceived link between intergalactic aliens and Mexican illegal immigrants.

Pundit Press, which first reported the incident, reports that the College apologized for its “Mexican food buffet,” as Dr. Carolyn Golz, a College Administrative Officer for Cowell & Stevenson Colleges, stated in a letter to students, “We would never want to make a connection between individuals of Latino heritage or undocumented students and ‘aliens’ and I am so sorry that our College Night appeared to do exactly that.”

In 2013-2014, the undergraduate student population at the University of Santa Cruz was 28% Latino; 11% of graduate students were Latino.

Golz added that the incident “demonstrated a cultural insensitivity on the part of the program planners and, though it was an unintentional mistake, I recognize that this incident caused harm within our community and negatively impacted students.” She insisted that that she “will require cultural competence training for Programs staff, in addition to implementing mechanisms for future program planning that will ensure college programs are culturally sensitive and inclusive.” Golz pointed out that she is “an ally for students of color and, in particular, undocumented students … (and) committed to ensuring that student life staff receive the training necessary to make sure that this type of incident does not happen again at Stevenson.”

Golz asserted, “I am working closing (sic) with Donnae Smith, Coordinator for Diversity and Inclusion for Colleges, Housing and Educational Services (CHES) to continue to increase the cultural intelligence (CQ) of our staff,” and concluded by urging students to report “hate” to http://reporthate.ucsc.edu/.


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on April 19, 2015, 09:58:18 am
DeGrasse Tyson to Journalists: Don't Question Scientists or Climate Change
Would signal "the beginning of the end of an informed democracy."

This from a guy that lies all the time

In an interview with ThinkProgress.org, star scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson said there's no more reason to question climate change than there is to question if the world is flat. He even encouraged journalists not to offer another side to the story because there is no debate when it comes to "emergent scientific truths."

Tyson also stated that when politicians begin denying climate change, it signals "the beginning of the end of an informed democracy."

"If you want to lean in a political way because that’s your politics, you should do that based on an objective truth rather than cherry-picking science before you even land at an objective truth," Tyson stated. "You can’t just cherry-pick data and choose what is true about the world and what isn’t."

He added that basing decisions on these scientific truths "will play a fundamental role in what kind of society we create for ourselves."

When asked what responsibility the media has in all of this, Tyson responded:

    There’s this journalistic ethos saying if I get one opinion then I need to get another opinion that countervails that. So if I say the world is round, are you obligated to say the world is flat, lest someone think you are being biased in your reporting? Well, that’s absurd. You wouldn’t do that, you’re educated. You know that there are certain points of view that have no foundation at all in objective truth.

    So the question arises then at what point should a journalist give equal time to equal points of view that are opposite or in denial of emergent scientific truths. If you allocated column inches in proportion to the scientific consensus of experiments, there would be one sentence talking about people who deny climate change and the rest of the ten columns talking about research that supports it. But that’s not what we see in the public.

    I think journalists are abandoning what would be their sensibility of following the emergent truths and in some cases painting a debate as though there’s a scientific debate when in fact there isn’t one — and that makes for headlines and more clicks.

In fact, Tyson declared that he doesn't even bother participating in debates -- "ever." He reasoned:

    [B ]ecause that implies that we each have opinions and “oh let’s see who can give the best argument for this audience so they can believe my opinion instead of yours.” But if you’re more charismatic than I am or have better word use, or are more articulate, then you’ll win the debate, and that means you’ll be right and I’ll be wrong. This is not how it works.

Tyson is currently promoting his new show StarTalk which begins in April on the National Geographic Channel and hopes to break new ground in becoming the "first late-night science talk show," according to the interview. Guests will include fellow scientist Bill Nye, Richard Dawkins, George Takei, and Ariana Huffington -- undoubtedly, as Think Progress notes, "the science will go down easy."


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on April 25, 2015, 08:53:52 am
April 24, 2015, 11:43 pm
Bruce Jenner comes out as a transgender conservative Republican

In an interview with ABC's Diane Sawyer which aired Friday night, former track and field Olympian Bruce Jenner acknowledged for the first time that he was a transgender American.

"Yes, for all intents and purposes, I'm a woman," Jenner told Sawyer on ABC News’ "20/20."

The more shocking revelation for many, however, was Jenner's ADMISSION that in addition to identifying as a woman, he also identified as a conservative Republican.

"Are you a Republican?" a stunned Sawyer asked the former patriarch of the Jenner-Kardashian household. "Yeah," Jenner reticently responded. "Is that a bad thing?"

"Neither political party has a monopoly on understanding," Jenner told Sawyer, who advised him to ask Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker John Boehner for help championing the cause of transgender people.

"I would do that, in a heartbeat," Jenner retorted. "Yeah, why not?"

At least one Republican group didn't wait for Jenner to reach out to them before welcoming him with open arms: The LOG Cabin Republicans.

Log Cabin Republicans National Executive Director Gregory T. Angelo released this statement following tonight's interview:

As the nation’s only organization representing LGBT conservatives and straight allies, Log Cabin Republicans CONGRATULATES Bruce Jenner in the tremendous courage he demonstrated tonight, being true to himself both in terms of his personal identity as well as his political identity. There is a home for you in Log Cabin Republicans — as there is for all lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, and transgender conservatives and straight allies.

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on July 10, 2015, 09:00:57 am
Democrat Lois Capps Launches Pro-LGBT Bill To Ban The Words “Husband” And “Wife” As Hate Speech

In light of the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry and that states have an obligation to perform same-sex marriages, Rep. Lois Capps (CA-24) introduced a bill to ensure that the United States Code reflects the equality of all marriages.

    EDITOR”S NOTE: No, sadly, this is not satire. All the information in this article was taken directly and in total from the official site of Congresswoman Lois Capps from California. But what it shows is the level of Godless insanity that America is approaching as we flirt with our own destruction. Capp’s bill is proof-positive of what we have been saying all along. The LGBT is not after “marriage equality”, they are after the destruction of heterosexual marriage altogether.

The Amend the Code for Marriage Equality Act of 2015 would strike the use of gendered terms such as “husband” and “wife” from the federal code and replace them with more gender-neutral terms, such as “spouse” or “married couple.”

“The Amend the Code for Marriage Equality Act recognizes that the words in our laws have meaning and can continue to reflect prejudice and discrimination even when rendered null by our highest courts,” Capps said. “Our values as a country are reflected in our laws. I authored this bill because it is imperative that our federal code reflect the equality of all marriages.”

The proposed legislation would not only ensure that the code reflects marriage equality, but it could also make several positive changes to the U.S. Code by removing areas of gender discrimination written into federal law. For instance, it is currently illegal to threaten the President’s wife – but not the President’s husband. Capps’ bill would update the code to make it illegal to threaten the President’s spouse. The bill would correct a number of these types of discrepancies in the code.

The bill currently has 23 original cosponsors. source


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on July 25, 2015, 11:26:26 am

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on August 01, 2015, 01:13:03 pm
A CEO raised his company's minimum wage to $70,000 a year, and some employees quit because of it

When Dan Price, founder and CEO of the Seattle-based credit-card-payment processing firm Gravity Payments, announced he was raising the company's minimum salary to $70,000 a year, he was met with overwhelming enthusiasm.

"Everyone start[ed] screaming and cheering and just going crazy," Price told Business Insider shortly after he broke the news in April.

One employee told him the raise would allow him to fly his mom out from Puerto Rico to visit him in Seattle. Another said the raise would make it possible for him to raise a family with his wife. Overnight, Price became something of a folk hero — a small-business owner taking income inequality into his own hands.

But in the weeks since then, it's become clear that not everyone is equally pleased. Among the critics? Some of Price's own employees.

The New York Times reports that two of Gravity Payments' "most valued" members have left the company, "spurred in part by their view that it was unfair to double the pay of some new hires while the longest-serving staff members got small or no raises."

Maisey McMaster — once a big supporter of the plan — is one of the employees that quit. McMaster, 26, joined the company five years ago, eventually working her way up to financial manager. She put in long hours that "left little time for her husband and extended family," The Times says, but she loved the "special culture" of the place.

But while she was initially on board, helping to calculate whether the company could afford to raise salaries so drastically (the plan is a minimum of $70,000 over the course of three years), McMaster later began to have doubts.

"He gave raises to people who have the least skills and are the least equipped to do the job, and the ones who were taking on the most didn’t get much of a bump," she told The Times. A fairer plan, she told the paper, would give newer employees smaller increases, along with the chance to earn a more substantial raise with more experience.

Gravity's web developer, Grant Moran, 29, had similar concerns. While his own salary saw a bump — to $50,000, up from $41,000, in the first stage of the raise — he worried the new policy didn't reward work ethic. "Now the people who were just clocking in and out were making the same as me," he tells The Times. "It shackles high performers to less motivated team members."

He also didn't like that his salary was now so public, thanks to the media attention, and he worried that if he got used to the salary boost, he might never leave to pursue his ultimate goal of moving to a digital company. Like McMaster, Moran opted to leave.

But according to the Times, even employees who are "exhilarated by the raises" have new concerns, worrying that maybe their performances don't merit the money. (Arguably, this is evidence the increase is actually a good idea, potentially motivating people to achieve more.)

For his part, Price — who's also under fire from other local business owners and his brother, who says Price owes him money — stands by his plan, but doesn't begrudge his critics. "There’s no perfect way to do this and no way to handle complex workplace issues that doesn’t have any downsides or trade-offs," he tells the Times. "I came up with the best solution I could." And certainly, many of his employees agree.

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on August 03, 2015, 02:31:16 pm

Video: Hillary Supporters Call For Repealing Bill of Rights
"You can't have the rules of yesteryear now"


Asked by Mark Dice whether they would advocate Hillary’s ‘primary campaign promise’ to “help with the new world order,” virtually all were in agreement.

“Do you think it’s time we get behind her and support the repeal,” Dice asked one woman, who responded, “I think it is, I think we need change like they’ve been promising us for so many years, I think it’s time to get behind Hillary Clinton and support her.”

Referring to the bill of rights, the woman added, “You can’t have the rules of yesteryear now, so much has changed….we live in a different world now,” before again emphasizing that she supported Hillary’s plan to repeal the freedoms outlined by the founding fathers.

Another woman concurred that it was a “good time to look at” repealing the bill of rights, another young lady agreed that it was necessary to “move America forward.”

Yet another individual remarked that the bill of rights was, “somewhat outdated,” while another two women blithely supported abolishing the founding document to “help America progress.”

An African-American man who said he “agreed with a lot of Hillary’s policies” said he wouldn’t repeal the entire bill of rights, just part of it, namely the ones that “are related to injustices to the blacks.”

Suffice to say, the man couldn’t actually name any of the bill of rights or why they were unjust towards black people. After he implied that the bill of rights itself was racist, the man acknowledged, “this is just coming from a guess.”

Dice’s video once again illustrates not just how profoundly dumb many Americans are when it comes to any political issue, but how ignorant they are of their own country’s history and the hard fought freedoms they now enjoy, as well as how easy it is to attain consent from the general public for the most outrageous things just by using trendy buzzwords.


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on August 25, 2015, 09:09:51 pm
 :o WOW, just wow

Liberal Lunacy: People Who Steal from Wal-Mart Should not be Arrested

You never know what is going to come out of the mouth of a liberal college administrator. Just when you think you've heard it all, some left-wing nut says something even stranger. The latest example comes in the form of a panel discussion in which one participant said that "police should stop prosecuting individuals who shoplift from Wal-Mart and Target."

As reported by MRCtv.org, Everett D. Mitchell, the Director of Community Relations at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, was participating in a discussion titled "Best Policing Practices" when he came up with the profound "logic" that people who steal should not be arrested.


    Everett Mitchell: "I just don’t think they should be prosecuting cases for people who steal from Wal-Mart. I don’t think that. I don’t think that Target, and all them other places – the big boxes that have insurance – they should be using the people that steal from there as justification to start engaging in aggressive police behavior."

To add to the anti-police ideas being pushed at this university, professors Sara L. McKinnon and Karma R. Chavez wrote a letter to the editor in which they call on the police force to stop patrolling certain areas of the city.

    We write this as a white lesbian woman and a light-skinned queer Chicana in solidarity with the Young Gifted and Black Coalition. ... We urge Koval to sincerely consider the demand for no police interaction. It is not an unreasonable request because for many of us in this city, it is already the reality. We also call on other nonblack people in Madison to think about the privilege of living without an occupying force in your neighborhood.

What is going on here? Have these people lost all touch with reality? I'm sure there are plenty of police officers who would rather not patrol certain areas, but that's what they do. They put their lives on the line so that others can be safe... and so others, like these so-called "educators" can point fingers and criticize.


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on October 15, 2015, 06:17:31 am
Reporter Asks DNC Chair Schultz If Her Children Were Human Beings As Fetuses
"They're human beings today."

While Bernie Sanders was sucking up to Queen Hillary at Tuesday night's charade of a debate, MRC TV asked DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz a very up-close and personal question on abortion: whether or not she thought her children were actually human beings while in the womb.

Schultz refused to give a simple "yes" or "no" answer, opting instead to fall back onto Democratic talking points. Based on her answers, it begs the question as to why MRC TV didn't just point-blank ask if she would've aborted her own children if she had been given the opportunity – her answers certainly don't suggest otherwise.  Transcript below:

MRC TV: You have three children, correct?

Wasserman Schultz: I do.

MRC TV: How old are they?

Wasserman Schultz: I have twin 16-year-olds and a 12-year-old.

MRC TV: In your opinion, were they human beings before they were born?

Wasserman Schultz: You know, I believe that every woman has the right to make their own reproductive choices.

MRC TV: But what did you believe about your children?

Wasserman Schultz: That I had the right to make my own reproductive choices, which I was glad to have and which I was proud to have.

MRC TV: So were they human beings? Just yes or no.

Wasserman Schultz: They’re human beings today, and I’m glad I had the opportunity to make my own reproductive choices, as – a right that every woman has and should maintain.


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on October 15, 2015, 01:46:45 pm
The DNC is ran by a bunch of femon@zi,  baby-blood thirsty witches.


The Democratic National Committee's party hierarchy has more women than men in elected positions, and females hold the party's top executive roles.
The organization's chair, three of its five vice chairs, several top communicators and both the CEO and COO are all women:

Chairwoman Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Vice chair Donna Brazile
Vice chair Maria Elena Durazo
Vice chair Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard
Secretary Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake
Chief Executive Officer Amy Dacey
Chief Operating Officer Lindsey Reynolds
National Press Secretary Holly Shulman
Deputy National Press Secretary Miryam Lipper
Research Director Lauren Dillon
Deputy Research Director Lauren Smith
Convention Committee CEO Rev. Leah Daughtry

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3273404/Democratic-National-Committeewoman-says-party-clearing-path-Hillary-women-charge-want-way.html#ixzz3ofDd6iCx

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on October 15, 2015, 01:54:26 pm
The DNC is ran by a bunch of femon@zi,  baby-blood thirsty witches.


The Democratic National Committee's party hierarchy has more women than men in elected positions, and females hold the party's top executive roles.
The organization's chair, three of its five vice chairs, several top communicators and both the CEO and COO are all women:

Chairwoman Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Vice chair Donna Brazile
Vice chair Maria Elena Durazo
Vice chair Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard
Secretary Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake
Chief Executive Officer Amy Dacey
Chief Operating Officer Lindsey Reynolds
National Press Secretary Holly Shulman
Deputy National Press Secretary Miryam Lipper
Research Director Lauren Dillon
Deputy Research Director Lauren Smith
Convention Committee CEO Rev. Leah Daughtry

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3273404/Democratic-National-Committeewoman-says-party-clearing-path-Hillary-women-charge-want-way.html#ixzz3ofDd6iCx

It was an article you posted yesterday - like 60% of people that get college degrees nowdays are females.

They are taking over the GOP too, slowly but surely - I read in January that the Republican lead Congress couldn't get an anti-abortion bill through, b/c 22 GOP Congresswomen lead a revolt.

And not to mention too sadly, Nancy Pelosi is acts more of a man than John Boehner does.

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: RickStudy on October 22, 2015, 08:23:26 pm
It makes little difference. Demommunist or Republicanazi, both parties are two sides of the same coin who have been assigned different tasks to accomplish by the puppeteer. Christian support of the neocon right is a mystery to me.

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on November 04, 2015, 03:14:04 pm

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on November 05, 2015, 12:26:29 pm

Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on November 15, 2015, 06:45:25 pm
Minnesota Democrat's Shocking ISIS Tweet: They're Just Doing What They Think Is Best
Much like the Rotary Club or those guys who wear fezzes at parades.


On Saturday there was plenty to be outraged by on social media in the wake of the attacks in Paris on Friday night, but one Tweet from a Democrat in Minnesota pretty much takes the cake for absurdity from a non-Salon source.

Dan Kimmel is running as a member of the Democrat-Famer-Labor Party for State Representative and is unopposed in the Democratic primary. He also had something to say about ISIS this weekend.


Doing what is best for their community. Well of course, right? Much like the Rotary Club or those guys who wear fezzes at parades.

The worst part is how one can really see how he came to Tweet this. It's a logical extension of the politically correct pronouncements Democrats routinely make. He probably thought he'd be praised for being so open-minded and tolerant. 'One man's terrorist' and all that. He's playing the Democrat game of tolerance one-upsmanship and feeling good and pious and liberal and the next thing you know he's just called murdering 150 people a misguided, good-faith attempt at "improving the community."

But then again, perhaps that's too generous. Maybe Dan's sympathies lie the other way. Maybe, like some liberals you've seen on blogs and social media, he really thinks ISIS has a pretty good point and really, shouldn't they be mad?

If you want to find out which, you can ask him on Twitter. Or go to his website. Or you can ask his Republican opponent Drew Christensen at his website what he thinks about ISIS if you prefer.

Several hours after his terrible Tweet became infamous, he sent a follow-up that we assume he thought was some kind of walk-back, but really didn't help his case that much, saying simply "I deplore the evil acts of ISIS. I do not defend their acts."

Well, yeah, Dan, you did. Just saying you didn't doesn't magic it away. And don't think we didn't notice that you only called the acts evil, not the group. Now what is that you call a group that commits evil acts? Is it good? Do you call that a good group? Hmmm. That's a thinker.

That is, it's a thinker if your name is Dan. And you're from Minnesota. And you're a Democrat.

UPDATE: In response to the backlash on Twitter, Kimmel has ended his campaign.

My tweet last evening was in response to a statement made during the candidate debates, not in response to the activities in Paris. It was poorly worded and did not convey my intent.

I do think the attacks in Paris yesterday, along with other ISIS terrorist actions, are cowardly and despicable. My heart breaks for the people of France, of Paris, the families of those wounded or killed and the casualties themselves. My thoughts are with them. I condemn the attacks, as I condemn all violence.

I am folding up my campaign tent. The campaign website and Facebook page will be down by this afternoon.

I apologize to the volunteers and contributors who have put so much time, effort and money into my campaign.

I am very sorry for “spreading ick” on other candidates and the DFL party. I will do everything I can to help resolve the issue: most likely the best thing for me to do is shut up. The tweet was stupid. I’m sorry.


Title: Re: The Bizzaro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on November 18, 2015, 06:44:40 pm
Bloomberg's Carlson: Maybe Terrorists Here Will Become Americanized and Not Kill Us
Yeah... no. That's not going to happen.

Newsbusters reports that on today's Morning Joe​ on MSNBC, Bloomberg columnist Margaret Carlson suggested that potential terrorists sneaking into the West aren't as much of a problem for the United States because we are better than Europe at assimilating immigrants, and therefore terrorists are likely to change their minds and become loyal, productive citizens here rather than shoot up a mall or set off bombs in crowds.

She gets the Bizarro award for that one  (http://www.oafe.net/rustin/art/dcsh2biz5.jpg)

So there's no problem, you see, with welcoming tens of thousands of Syrian refugees because the ISIS members embedded among them aren't actually going to carry out their mission. Why wouldn't they change their minds about killing us? We're so nice!

Below is a partial transcript of the exchange among host Joe Scarborough and guests Carlson and Gov. Bobby Jindal, whose comment about immigration-as-invasion kicked off Carlson's reality-challenged musing:

JINDAL: The reality is, earlier this year I went abroad and I went to Europe and I gave a speech. I came back here and said Europe has a problem. They're not assimilating many of these Muslims, we must not let that happen here. Now the left hated that. The reality is that we've got to continue to tell the truth. Immigration without integration is not immigration. It's an invasion. We must not let that happen here.

SCARBOROUGH: And that really is, Margaret Carlson, that really is a key, the assimilation, the United States has been so successful at because we've had about 230 years of experience at it.

CARLSON: And a lot of immigrants who built the country. So, we do know how to do it. Europe doesn't know how to do it. France especially doesn't know how to do it. England, not very good at it. And so, we have less of a problem. You know, those people who have snuck in, that, I don't know if they've snuck in, but maybe they become Americanized, maybe the anger goes away. Maybe what they snuck in to do they're not going to do because we do have an acceptance of these people as Congressman Ellison said. They're more patriotic because they're here and they work harder.

So because Americans are so nice to and accepting of Muslim immigrants, the terrorists among them are likely to be won over, become American patriots, forget their religious imperative to wage jihad, and abandon their plots to wreak death and devastation. By contrast, those rude waiters in Paris must have made the Muslim terrorists last Friday feel just too darn alienated and unappreciated.

Two words come to mind for Margaret Carlson: Boston bombers.

How do people like Carlson get through the day without hurting themselves?


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on November 19, 2015, 09:15:03 pm
Mizzou Student Asks Ben Shapiro if Abortion Should Be Legal in Cases of **** — See the Reply He Gets

A University of Missouri college student asked conservative pundit Ben Shapiro Thursday night if abortion should be permitted in cases of **** — and the New York Times bestselling author had a blunt response to the question.

Shapiro, who said that rapists should either be killed or castrated, said the issue of **** and abortion were “unrelated” to one another.

“Killing babies is wrong. Okay, these are two separate questions,” he told the Mizzou student. “They have nothing to do with one another. Connecting these two things is like saying, ‘I was raped, therefore I get to go shoot an unrelated person.’”

Watch the exchange (remarks around 12:48 mark):

The “Bullies” author argued that the political left often asks about **** while discussing abortion to introduce confusion.

“The two are unrelated. It’s an emotional argument to muddy the waters,” he said. “It’s amazing to me because the same people on the left who say, ‘Well, shouldn’t a raped woman be allowed to abort her baby?’ These are the same people who want to release rapists from prison after five years.”

Shapiro told students that the best way to decrease the frequency of **** would be to implement strict punishment for those found guilty of committing the crime.

“If you really want to stop this from happening, here’s a solution: go prosecute, castrate and kill rapists,” he said. “That’s a really good solution.”

“I have another solution,” Shapiro added. “Let women carry guns and teach them how to use them. So any time they are in a position of ****, they shoot the guy. The left’s solution seems to be to stop the baby, my solution is to stop the ****.”

Shapiro’s talk at the University of Missouri was, in part, sponsored by the conservative Young America’s Foundation.


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on November 19, 2015, 09:56:34 pm

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on November 24, 2015, 07:06:02 pm
Say it isnt so!!! MSNBC using real muslim terrorists to complain about ISLAMOPHOBIA  ::)


Man claimed U.S. government's no-fly list 'unfairly' targets Muslims

A man who was used by American leftists as an example of righteous outrage over the U.S. government’s no-fly lists and the supposed biased targeting of innocent Muslims has been arrested and jailed by Turkish authorities who say he’s tied to ISIS.

Saadiq Long and his family members were all arrested near the Turkey-Syria border earlier this month on charges they belonged to an ISIS terrorist cell, PJ Media reported.

What’s most interesting about the arrest is Long was the face chosen by the likes of MSNBC’s Chris Hayes, Mother Jones magazine and author and columnist Glenn Greenwald to use as an example of government surveillance gone wrong.

As PJ Media reported: “His story got considerable media attention when his [Council on American-Islamic Relations] media representatives here pushed the story that Long wanted to return to his native Oklahoma from his current home in Qatar to visit his ailing mother, but couldn’t because he was on the [transportation Security Administration's] no-fly list. They said his case represented institutional ‘Islamophobia.’”

Greenwald, for instance, posted a piece at the Guardian decrying how Long was “effectively exiled from his own country,” while Kevin Drum of Mother Jones likened his plight to a “Kafkaesque World.”

Long did get to return to Oklahoma for a short period, but was watched by FBI officials. He was then prevented from returning to Qatar, and the far left again expressed outrage.

Long finally left America via a bus through Mexico, and then took a plane back to Qatar, PJ Media reported.

Both American and Turkish officials confirmed he’d been arrested, along with eight others.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/11/msnbcs-islamophobia-poster-boy-busted-for-isis-ties/#1tF5bbUp2Y5dFkwr.99

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on November 26, 2015, 05:09:51 pm
Animal rights activists storm the field during Lions-Eagles game

In the final two minutes of the Eagles-Lions game, a couple protesters ran onto the field, immediately after the Lions snapped the ball. For the sake of everyone's safety, the game was on hold while security tried to get them off the field.

The cameras did not have a good glimpse of the banner they were holding. But apparently, it was to promote an end to animal cruelty:



Given that it's Thanksgiving, it seems like an appropriate thing to promote. But it was nevertheless a strange moment in the game.

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on November 29, 2015, 08:16:50 pm
15 Excerpts That Show How Radical, Weird And Out of Touch College Campuses Have Become

How radical, weird and out of touch have liberals on college campuses gotten since Obama came into office? It’s worse than you ever thought and although there is an almost unlimited number of problematic incidents to choose from, these 15 are particularly effective at getting across how bad things have become.

1) “College Students Say Remembering 9/11 Is Offensive to Muslims.... The everything-is-offensive brand of campus activism has struck a new low: Students at the University of Minnesota killed a proposed moment of silence for 9/11 victims due to concerns—insulting, childish concerns—that Muslim students would be offended.”

2) “Portland State University Offers Course Teaching How to 'Make Whiteness Strange'...According to Portland State University Professor Rachel Sanders’ 'White Privilege' course, 'whiteness' must be dismantled if racial justice will ever be achieved. The course description states that 'whiteness is the lynchpin of structures of racial meaning and racial inequality in the United States” and claims that 'to preserve whiteness is to preserve racial injustice.' Students taking the course will 'endeavor to make whiteness strange.' In order to make whiteness strange, the description says students must 'interrogate whiteness as an unstable legal, political, social, and cultural construction.'”

3) "A University in the San Francisco Area Actually Told Students To Call 911 if They Were Offended....Administrators at a Catholic university in the San Francisco Bay Area have rescinded an official school policy instructing students to clog up the regional 9-1-1 emergency reporting system to report 'bias incidents.'

The school is Santa Clara University, reports Campus Reform…Until this month, however, Santa Clara administrators have been instructing students to report 'bias incidents' using the emergency service reserved for dispatching police, firefighters and ambulances.

'If the bias incident is in progress or just occurred: ALWAYS CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY,' the Santa Clara website instructed students in fierce, all-capital letters."

4) “Educators in the Volunteer State are very concerned that students might be offended by the usage of traditional pronouns like she, he, him and hers, according to a document from the University of Tennessee – Knoxville’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion.

…For all you folks who went to school back when there were only him and her – here’s a primer: some of the new gender neutral pronouns are ze, hir, zir, xe, xem and xyr.”

5) “A Professor at Polk State College has allegedly failed a humanities student after she refused to concede that Jesus is a ‘myth’ or that Christianity oppresses women during a series of mandatory assignments at the Florida college. According to a press release from the Liberty Counsel, a non-profit public interest law firm, Humanities Professor Lance ‘Lj’ Russum gave a student a ‘zero’ on four separate papers because the 16-year-old did not ‘conform to his personal worldviews of Marxism, Atheism, Feminism, and homosexuality.’ The law firm has called for a full, private investigation of the professor and the course curriculum.”

6) “College Codes Make ‘Color Blindness’ a Microaggression…wait, what?.... UCLA says "Color Blindness," the idea we shouldn't obsess over people's race, is a microaggression. If you refuse to treat an individual as a ‘racial/cultural being,’ then you're being aggressive.”

7) “The phrase 'politically correct' is now a microaggression according to the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. The university’s 'Just Words' campaign is the work of UWM’s 'Inclusive Excellence Center' and aims to 'raise awareness of microaggressions and their impact'—microaggressions like 'politically correct' or 'PC.'”

8) ) "'American,' 'illegal alien,' 'foreigners,' 'mothering,' and 'fathering' are just a handful of words deemed 'problematic' by the University of New Hampshire’s Bias-Free Language Guide....Saying 'American' to reference Americans is also problematic. The guide encourages the use of the more inclusive substitutes 'U.S. citizen' or 'Resident of the U.S.' The guide also tries to get students to stop saying 'Caucasian,' 'illegal Immigrant,' 'mother,' 'father' and even the word 'healthy' is said to shame those who aren't healthy."

9) “Late yesterday afternoon, ACLJ filed a lawsuit on behalf of Brandon Jenkins against officials of The Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC) in Maryland for denying Brandon admission to its Radiation Therapy Program in part due to his expression of religious beliefs. As one faculty member explained to Brandon, on behalf of CCBC, the ‘field [of radiation therapy] is not the place for religion.’”

10) “A California school co-founded by a firebrand who once called for an ‘intifada’ in the U.S. has become the nation's first accredited Muslim college.”

11) "According to Coastal Carolina University, sex is only consensual if both parties are completely sober and if consent is not only present, but also enthusiastic. This is a troubling standard that converts many ordinary, lawful sexual encounters into sexual assault, and it should frighten any student at CCU.”

12) "Clemson University apologizes for serving Mexican food...Students took to Twitter to call the event culturally insensitive and to question the school's efforts to promote diversity....Clemson Dining issued an apology to 'offended' students after hosting a 'Maximum Mexican' food day."

13) "All-Women’s College Cancels ‘**** Monologues’ Because it Excludes Women Without ****s."

14) "The 'Black Lives Matter' leader who landed a teaching gig at Yale University delivered a lecture this week on the historical merits of looting as a form of protest, backing up his lesson with required reading that puts modern-day marauders on par with the patriots behind the Boston Tea Party."

15) "Assistant Dean (at Cornell) Tells a Project Veritas Investigative Journalist that the University Would Allow an ISIS Terrorist to Hold a 'Training Camp' on Campus, Saying: 'It Would be Like Bringing in a Coach to do a Training on a Sports Team.'"

ALL LINKS: http://townhall.com/columnists/johnhawkins/2015/11/28/15-excerpts-that-show-how-radical-weird-and-out-of-touch-college-campuses-have-become-n2086042?utm_source=thdaily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl&newsletterad=

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on December 06, 2015, 12:40:42 am
After CA Terrorism, New Yorker Cover Targets Smiling White Gun Owners
The leftist media always stay on point.

You have to admire the left's ability to stay on point.

Fresh off an Islamic terror attack carried out in strictly gun-controlled California, the leftist media haven't missed a beat perpetuating their message that guns, not jihadists, are the problem that must be addressed.

For the cover of its upcoming December 14th issue,  The New Yorker magazine chose artist Eric Drooker's depiction not of a Muslim couple like the San Barnardino terrorists, but of a white couple shopping together, happily piling AR-15s and hand grenades into their cart along with a carton of milk.

(Yes, white people can be Muslims too, but let's get real - The New Yorker isn't going after Muslims but after their stereotype of white, undoubtedly Christian and conservative, Constitutionalist gun owners.)

"What would it look like if I took America’s obsession with firearms to its logical extreme?” says Drooker about the cover, according to writer Francoise Mouly, who continues: "The proliferation of guns and the too-easy access to military-grade weapons is not the only story in San Bernardino, but it’s an appalling part of it."

Logical extreme? There's nothing logical about this. White, sane, law-abiding, husband-and-wife gun owners are not carrying out acts of terrorism. They are not waging war against the United States or anyone else. You cannot simply go to a supermarket and pick up an arsenal. Hand grenades have been illegal for citizens since 1968. This artwork is not a "logical extreme" but a grotesque leftist fantasy designed to demonize supporters of the Second Amendment.

"If only Eric Drooker’s image were a fiction," Mouly muses. You can picture her shaking her head in moral indignation. Except that it is a fiction.

What's not fiction is the threat of worldwide jihad, which left 14 dead Wednesday in California. If only Eric Drooker had painted something about that.


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on December 08, 2015, 06:42:57 pm
Hillary Clinton's Right-Hand Woman Takes On Trump: 'I'm a Proud Muslim'

For those who don't know this is Hillary's live in lesbian lover, also the wife of Anthony Weiner. Says it all right there.  :D

Donald Trump revealed his radical plan on Monday to ban all Muslims from entering the U.S., and Hillary Clinton's vice chair, Huma Abedin is taking him head on.

"I'm a proud Muslim – but you don't have to share my faith to share my disgust," Abedin wrote in an email to supporters. "Trump wants to literally write racism into our law books."

MUSLIM isnt a race, thats bizarro.  :D

Trump's recent proposition to impose "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on," is based on research he claims shows that "there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population."

rest: http://www.people.com/article/hillary-clinton-vice-chair-fires-back-at-donald-trump

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on December 08, 2015, 07:14:14 pm
Man Sues Museum over ‘Racist’ Paintings of Jesus


A man who visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art is suing the museum and New York City for violating the Civil Rights Act.
Justin Renel Joseph says in his complaint that the museum is racially insensitive and is violating the Civil Rights Act for displaying paintings with Jesus as a white male.
According to the Christian Examiner, Joseph says he suffered “emotional and psychological harm” when he saw the paintings, which include "The Holy Family with Angels" by Sebastiano Ricci, "The Resurrection" by Perugino, "The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes" by Tintoretto, and "The Crucifixion" by Francesco Granacci.
In his complaint, Joseph writes: “The implication that someone who possesses physical features like the Plaintiff could not be the important historical and public figure of Jesus Christ and that his features were falsified to reinvent Jesus Christ into a blonde haired, fair-skinned and Aryan male, caused the Plaintiff to feel, among other things, rejected and unaccepted by society.”

sorry, this just works for this stupid story, has some language issues NSFW
In response, the museum said: "When they were painted, it was typical for artists to depict subjects with the same identity as the local audience. This phenomenon occurs in many other cultures, as well," the MET's Elyse Topalian told the New York Post.
Joseph said that he went to a local NYPD station to report harassment by a neighbor. The police wouldn’t take his statement, but Joseph was arrested for being “too excited,” he said. He was then sent to Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital.
"The doctors at Bellevue Hospital among other things: forcibly restrained, kidnapped, falsely imprisoned, forcibly drugged (despite being told that it went against the victim's religious beliefs) and denied attorney visitation. The doctors never ran any tests, asked questions about the victim's medical history, or asked what brought him to the hospital before these crimes were committed. They perpetrated these crimes based on what the NYPD (who are not doctors) told them," Joseph alleges on his website.


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on December 09, 2015, 06:28:20 pm
Ed Schultz: Constitution is Totally Outdated Piece of Paper
We need to "get rid of some of these jackasses who live by an old document."

Well Ed, with out that piece of paper YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS! And neither does anyone else. Think on that buddy, that means the ones with the guns are in control. And im quite sure being a liberal you dont have any.  :D

Former MSNBC blowhard Ed Schultz has taken to doing web podcasts since losing his The Ed Show gig on that network, and Newsbusters reports that he recently vented about Republican "jackasses" who still oppose more restrictive gun control in the wake of the San Bernardino terrorist massacre. He may have been reduced to an even smaller audience than he had at the low-rated MSNBC, but in the course of that podcast he stated an article of faith of the radical left - that the Constitution is outdated and has no place in a "progressive" future:

So what has to happen here, folks, and this is political tough talk -- if the Democrats don't want any silence, then they have to speak up and just tell the American people we can't get anything done on gun violence because Republicans are in the way. Put it on the obstructors. Put it on the people who always defend a piece of paper that was two hundred and twenty-five years old or whatever, back in a society that doesn't even exist today, the Second Amendment. There has to be rules and regulations for a contemporary society.

President Obama himself has said that he believes the Constitution is, or should be, a living, breathing document adjustable to the times - meaning that it is an obstacle to the left's agenda for an America remade in their utopian vision.

Schultz continued:

But until the Democrats become not silent and say that we can't do gun violence control in this country or any kind of gun measures because Republicans are in the way. Then maybe you might strike a nerve with the American people to get rid of some of these jackasses who live by an old document that is just totally outdated. We've changed the Constitution before! We've added to the Constitution but we simply cannot do anything about gun violence in America.

Later in the show, during a conversation with guest Jonathan Alter, Schultz pressed the point:

Jonathan, politically, do the Democrats need to become more vocal about this in blaming Republicans? And, you know, it's old-style politics, I know, and vilifying the other side. But the fact is that we can't get anything done on gun violence in America, any measures at all, because of the Republicans.

Translation: darn those Republicans and their insistence on adhering to an old piece of paper that blocks our gun confiscation agenda!


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on December 23, 2015, 04:39:45 am
Lefty website Vox blames Fox News for **** of Yazidi women

Left wing loon, Max Fisher of the much-vaunted website Vox founded by Ezra Klein, has just endorsed a theory about why Islamic State savages are raping Yazidi women. According to Fisher, it’s the fault of Fox News. No kidding. This guy actually pins the blame on Fox.


As Weasel Zippers points out, this assumes ISIS is sitting around all day watching Fox News.  Never mind that Islamic law sanctions **** of non-Muslim women; that **** is endemic throughout the Islamic world and is used as a way to threaten non-believers; that Mohammed was a **** and had sex slaves; that Muslim men marrying little girls is considered normal in the Islamic world; that the Islamic State asserts that if you **** a non-Muslim 10 times, she becomes a Muslim; that as Europe’s Muslim population has increased, Muslim males raping European women, girls, and boys has skyrocketed; or that in Afghanistan, “dancing boys” are kept as sex slaves. (See here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.)

I kept the list relatively short so as not to overwhelm you, Mr. Fisher.

So, no. Fox News has nothing to do with the Islamic State’s barbaric and relentless **** of Yazidi women and girls. Savages in the Islamic State are not sitting around watching Fox News and getting ideas about who to ****. Islamic State barbarians have set about kidnapping, enslaving, raping, torturing, and murdering Yazidi women because these evil sub-humans are devout Muslims and they are doing what the Quran commands them to do.

It wouldn’t have involved much effort (not that that is the point) to figure know this. And while we’ve got 1400 years of history to look back on, you need not be an historian to grasp some basic facts. You could have discovered the truth with a few clicks of your mouse and a mind willing to absorb the awful ugly reality that is raging right before our eyes.

Hat tip: Weasel Zippers

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2015/12/lefty_website_emvoxem_blames_fox_news_for_rape_of_yazidi_women.html#ixzz3v8hCMJwI

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on December 30, 2015, 10:18:12 pm

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on January 05, 2016, 06:24:17 pm
Joy Behar: I'd Vote For A Rapist... So Long As They're Liberal
Refreshingly feminist

Feminists are one insufferable lot to endure, and the catty hosts of The View represent some of the worst, not least of which is Joy Behar, who exclaimed Tuesday she'd vote for a rapist so long as he supported beloved feminist issues like abortion and the free contraception they bicker so much about. 

Behar's comments came during a discussion on whether or not former President Bill Clinton and his well-documented lecherous past would negatively impact Hillary Clinton's campaign, some of which included allegations of **** and sexual harassment – the kind of issues feminists claim to care so much about. Though Behar acknowledged that Bill Clinton was "a dog," she countered that she would still vote for him, "because he votes in my favor."

Bidding to outdo herself, Behar then doubled down on her position by bringing up former Senator Ted Kennedy and his abandoning an innocent woman to drown in a car at Chappaquidick, saying his blatant act of homicidal cowardice matters little so long as he supports her "right" to cut babies into little pieces. Misery loves company, I guess.

Chappaquiddick.  I mean, a girl drowns and he abandons her and she drowned and women still voted for Teddy Kennedy. Why? Because he voted for women's rights. That's why. That's the bottom line of it in my opinion. I mean, I don't like either one of them, to tell you the truth, Teddy or Bill. They're both dogs as far as I'm concerned. But I still will vote for Bill Clinton because he votes in my favor.

This doesn't mark the first ounce of feminist lunacy to spew from the hosts of The View and sure won't be the last. As reported by MRC, co-host Whoopi Goldberg said of child rapist Roman Polanski in 2009: "It wasn't ****-****."


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on January 19, 2016, 06:18:50 pm

nuff said

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on January 20, 2016, 04:22:44 am
2015’s Best Black Actors Won’t Be at the Oscars

Many disgruntled Hollywood black actors have decided to boycott the Oscars this year for not nominating any black actors for its top awards.

Spike Lee, Jada Pinkett-Smith and Michael Moore are boycotting the show this year for its lack of diversity — where everyone is a liberal Democrat.

Progressives Today @ProgsToday
LOVING watching spoiled actors whine about lack of diversity from an academy that demands everyone think like Democrats! #OscarsSoWhite
10:58 AM - 19 Jan 2016
  43 43 Retweets   44 44 likes

The two top black actors of 2015 will also not be in attendance.


Best Actress Rachel Dolezal: Washington NAACP Leader and Black Lives Matter activist Rachel Dolezal admitted to being white this year after her caucasian parents outed her. She lived this lie to garner sympathy and esteem for years until she was caught.

Best Actor Shaun King: #BlackLivesMatter agitator and protest leader Shaun King was also outed this year as a white dude. King misled media icon Oprah Winfrey by pretending to be biracial in order to qualify for an “Oprah scholarship” to historically black Morehouse College. TKing is white and has been lying about his ethnicity for years.

It is truly unfair that these two actors will not be recognized this year at the Academy Awards.


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on February 08, 2016, 04:01:20 am

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on March 01, 2016, 10:46:17 pm
It appears that Chris Matthews has had another "thrill up my leg" religious experience.  :D Liberals man...   

MSNBC Host Compares Hillary Clinton’s Super Tuesday Victory Speech to ‘Responsorial Hymns’

MSNBC host Chris Matthews on Tuesday compared Hillary Clinton’s Super Tuesday victory speech to “responsorial hymns” in Roman Catholicism.

Matthews made the comment during a discussion with MSNBC host Chris Hayes following the former secretary of state’s speech from her campaign’s Miami headquarters.

“Elections are call and response. It’s like stand up comics. They go to clubs, they work the material out, they see what gets laughs,” Hayes said.

“The longer that you do this the more you start to figure out ‘what are the beats? what are the messages that resonate?’ We’ve seen Trump do it very effectively. We’ve also seen Hillary Clinton get much better at it as well,” Hayes added.

Matthews gave a different analogy, instead comparing Clinton’s speech with acts of worship in the Roman Catholic church.

“And you understand from our religion. We read responsorial hymns. It’s a back and forth. It’s an anthem thing,” Matthews said.

vids: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2016/03/01/msnbc-host-compares-hillary-clintons-super-tuesday-victory-speech-to-responsorial-hymns/

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on March 03, 2016, 10:47:57 pm

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on March 16, 2016, 07:34:30 pm
Corrupt Blowhard Chris Matthews Plays Hardball With Guests For Wife’s Campaign

Tingly-legged windbag Chris Matthews got caught in a pay-to-play scandal involving his wife’s campaign and his TV show. The blond blowhard has been soliciting donations for his wife’s congressional campaign in exchange for appearing on his show, enabling the donors to be seen by Hardball’s dozens of viewers. MSNBC should can the tiresome phony right away.

Not even savvy enough to time the donations in a less obvious way, some were made within a few days of the appearances. Matthews’ guests had given Kathleen Matthews’ campaign nearly $80,000 as of December 31, 2015.

This is just the latest evidence Matthews thinks rules and standards don’t apply to him. Back in 2009, he and his wife went to a church to buy a Christmas tree without his wallet. They picked out a tree and had the young man working the tree lot load it into their car, before telling him that he forgot his wallet. Matthews asked the teen volunteer to let him take the tree without paying and come back and pay later. When the teen said he couldn’t allow that, Matthews had a fit and said, “I’m Chris Matthews!” When the church volunteer wasn’t impressed enough to break the rules, Matthews sat in the car while his wife walked back to the house to get his wallet. The fair-haired fop barked, “See what you made her do?” When Matthews’ wife returned with his wallet, they didn’t even leave the poor volunteer a tip. He could have at least booked him as a guest on his show.

Matthews, who has been known to fuss with his hair for hours and terrorize MSNBC staffers, has always tried to be thought of as a regular guy who just happens to be in with the Washington elite. But his use of MSNBC as a cash machine for his wife’s campaign shows us that he’s just another elite deviant, with no regard for his own viewers. He promised full disclosure several times on air, but only said enough to let viewers know his wife was running. Not once did he mention the donations from his guests.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/03/16/corrupt-blowhard-chris-matthews-plays-hardball-with-guests-for-wifes-campaign/#ixzz437FT3egW

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on March 23, 2016, 08:39:56 pm
Panicked Prof Called 911 During ROTC Rifle Drill, Promises to Do It Every Time
“It’s not my job to decide whether people carrying guns at school are an actual threat."

Heidi Czerwiec, an associate professor of English at the University of North Dakota, looked out her window recently and was frightened at seeing "two figures in camo with guns." She immediately hid under her desk and dialed 911. As it turned out, it was two ROTC cadets on their way to drill practice on campus.

Does that fact make the professor feel any better? Absolutely not! She was so rattled by this experience that she has promised to call 911 every time the school's ROTC meets to do its "highly inappropriate" rifle drills.

Czerwiec wrote a letter to the Grand Forks Herald to explain why it is "irresponsible" to do these types of military maneuvers on a college campus, especially when so many students are "stressed" about school shootings:

    Apparently, it's not enough that UND's administration is attacking the quality of education by cutting programs and experienced faculty and jacking class sizes. Now, we must also feel under physical attack as well.

    I look up from my office computer to see two figures in camo with guns outside my window. My first thought is for my students' and my safety: I grab my phone, crawl under my desk and call 911. The dispatcher keeps me on the line until someone can see if ROTC is doing maneuvers.

    I can barely talk—first, with fear, and then with rage when the dispatcher reports back that yes, in fact, I've probably just seen ROTC cadets, though they're going to send an officer to check because no one has cleared it with them. They thank me for reporting it.

Czerwiec said a university officer called her "not to reassure me, but to scold me for calling 911." He told her that the ROTC will be doing the drills for the next few weeks.

"So I reply that I guess I'll be calling 911 for the next couple weeks—and I will. Every time," she promised.

The letter continued:

    It's not my job to decide whether people carrying guns at school are an actual threat. It's my job to teach and to get home to my family.

    It's already highly inappropriate to conduct unnecessary military maneuvers in the middle of the quad. But with school shootings on the increase and tensions at UND running high, it's especially irresponsible.

    We're already under financial and emotional attack. We don't need to feel under physical attack, too.

This overreaction has granted Mrs. Czerwiec a personal notification by the university when a drill is to take place and a promise to also send out a campus-wide notification.

As this story has surfaced, Czerwiec's professional writings for sale on Amazon have received some extra attention, although likely unwanted. Her book of poetry about bondage model Bettie Page has been sacked with negative reviews that have nothing to do with her skills as a writer, but simply to call out her political agenda.


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on March 24, 2016, 09:58:12 pm

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on March 25, 2016, 01:26:41 am
Thousands Pledge to Get Arrested in D.C. Protests Next Month

The leaders of Democracy Spring, a coalition of far-left groups plotting a mass civil disobedience movement to begin next month, told Breitbart News they have already confirmed 2,912 protesters who pledged specifically to risk arrest.

Those protesters signed an option on the coalition’s website explicitly stating, “I pledge to be one among thousands who will risk arrest to save democracy in DC between April 11 – 16.”

Other pledge options for protests include:

*I pledge to come to Washington DC to support the sit in through legal protest but cannot risk arrest.
*I want to join the march from Philadelphia to Washington DC, sometime between April 2 – 11.
*I want to volunteer to help organize this campaign.
Kai Newkirk, Democracy Spring’s campaign director, explained that his team called each of the 2,912 protesters pledging to risk arrest and spent about twenty minutes on the phone expounding on the movement’s goals as well as helping to coordinate travel and logistics.

“People are coming from Montana, Seattle, and other states around the country,” Newkirk told Breitbart News in a phone interview. “They are driving, taking buses, flying, because there are so many people from across the political spectrum that are just tired of the status quo of a democracy that works for the super rich and not for the everyday American. They want to take this stand to say enough.”

Newkirk said he is “confident” that “if Congress doesn’t respond to our demands and they would rather send people to jail, then it will be the largest civil disobedience of the century.”

“We are committed to non-violence,” he stressed. “That is the principle of our campaign.”

Newkirk’s statements were affirmed by Peter James Callahan, communications director for Democracy Spring, who joined Newkirk on the phone for the Breitbart News interview.

Next month’s Democracy Spring chaos is set to begin with a meetup on April 2 at the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia. The group then plans to march across the East Coast and initiate a sit-in in Washington, DC, starting April 11.

Updates to the group’s website stress April 11 as the intended main escalation.

The updated logistics page now states: “We want to make the biggest impact on day one: Monday, April 11th. With massive participation on April 11th, we’ll have the momentum and energy to break through as a national media story and mobilize the support to carry us through the 16th and beyond.”

Newkirk confirmed that the plan is to start with a big splash on April 11.

‘Largest civil disobedience action of the century’

Last week, this reporter penned a widely-read article documenting that with little fanfare and almost no news media attention, some of the same radical groups involved in shutting down Donald Trump’s Chicago rally earlier this month are plotting a mass civil disobedience movement under the banner of Democracy Spring.

They intend to march across the East Coast in order to spark a “fire that transforms the political climate in America.”

Democracy Spring  is threatening “drama in Washington” with the “largest civil disobedience action of the century,” replete with the arrest of thousands of their own activists.

“We will demand that Congress listen to the People and take immediate action to save our democracy. And we won’t leave until they do — or until they send thousands of us to jail,” the Democracy Spring website declares, channelling rhetoric from the Occupy movement.

The group is backed by numerous organizations, including the George Soros-funded groups MoveOn.org, the Institute for Policy Studies, and Demos.

The pro-Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)16%
 MoveOn.org has been playing a prominent role in organizing anti-Trump activism, including in the recent shutdown of the billionaire’s rally at the University of Illinois at Chicago Pavilion.

Another group endorsing Democracy Spring is the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). The DSA’s Chicago branch drove protesters to the nixed Chicago Trump event, as this reporter exposed.

The AFL-CIO, the nation’s largest labor federation, announced in a press release earlier this month it is “all in behind Democracy Spring,” perhaps indicating significant mobilization.

What do the radicals claim to want?

Despite the fact that many of the main groups endorsing Democracy Spring are funded by billionaire Soros, the group complains that “American elections are dominated by billionaires and big money interests who can spend unlimited sums of money on political campaigns to protect their special interests at the general expense.”

But if the status quo goes unchallenged, the 2016 election — already set to be the most billionaire-dominated, secret money-drenched, voter suppression-marred contest in modern American history — will likely yield a President and a Congress more bound to the masters of big money than ever before.

The stage is set for a bold intervention to turn the tinder of passive public frustration into a fire that transforms the political climate in America, that sparks a popular movement that can’t be stopped.

The group continues:

We will demand that Congress listen to the People and take immediate action to save our democracy. And we won’t leave until they do — or until they send thousands of us to jail, along with the unmistakable message that our country needs a new Congress, one that that will end the legalized corruption of our democracy and ensure that every American has an equal voice in government.

The leaders of the group have already held training sessions, the website says. Democracy Spring states it is requiring “mandatory nonviolent civil disobedience trainings twice a day for those risking arrest from April 11th-16th.”

For those arrested, the group says it has already secured the legal aid of an unnamed lawyer “with decades of experience with civil disobedience cases.”

“He is leading a team of pro-bono lawyers who will provide legal counsel and representation for all participants who risk arrest as part of this campaign,” the website continues.

Democracy Spring is threatening “drama in Washington” that cannot be ignored: “With hundreds of patriotic Americans being sent to jail, day after day for at least a week — simply for sitting in to save our democracy — the drama in Washington will rock the business-as-usual cycle of this election and catapult this critical issue on to center stage.”

The group says that it is not plotting violence.

The website posts the following rules for those engaging in civil disobedience:

We will use no violence, verbal or physical, toward any person.

We will maintain an attitude of openness and respect toward all we encounter in our actions.

We will not destroy or damage any property.

We will carry no weapons or any means of physical defense, including shields.

We will not wear masks or otherwise conceal our faces or identities.

We will exercise personal and collective responsibility to ensure that all participants adhere to this agreement.

Despite the involvement of groups active in opposing Trump, Democracy Spring’s website does not mention Trump by name. In December, Newkirk interrupted Trump at a CNN-hosted GOP debate, saying, “The American people deserve free and fair elections, not billionaire auctions.”


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on March 25, 2016, 07:50:05 am
I was watching a video with street preachers in Los Angeles a couple of weeks ago, and they showed people just mocking Trump's "Hollywood Star" thing, and the street preacher just pretty much preached to them the word (and went on to say that even Trump has opportunity to repent and believe).

Pt being that it just amazes me how the "establishment" has been able to brainwash the masses into thinking Trump is this "anti-establishment conservative" - seriously, our most liberal USSC justices were nominated by Republicans. What makes anyone think Trump will do any better if elected?

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on April 11, 2016, 06:24:16 pm

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on May 05, 2016, 06:09:24 pm
Rob Reiner Calls Trump Supporters Racist
Once a Meathead, always a Meathead.

On Thursday's Morning Joe on MSNBC, director Rob Reiner stopped by to call a bunch of Americans racist for supporting Donald Trump's candidacy

This Hollywood leftist's accusation wasn't taken too kindly by host Joe Scarborough, who was quite shocked that Reiner so quickly lumped so many people into that category. Reiner tried to back-peddle a bit, but realized he was in too deep.

Morning Joe co-host Willie Geist posed this question to Reiner:

"How do you explain the millions and millions of people who do not watch this show who actually like what they hear from Donald Trump and aren't taking messages and orders from us in the media, but they listen to what he says for themselves and vote for him? How do you explain that?"

"There are a lot of people who are racist," Reiner retorted.

"Oh, my God. Did you just say that?" Scarborough replied incredulously.

Reiner sputtered, "I'm not, I'm not saying…"

"No, you just said that!" said Scarborough.

"Well, that's true!" Reiner admitted before trying to say "not all" of them.

Watch the entire exchange below:


Earlier in the interview, Reiner pledged his support for someone that isn't a "lunatic," as he called Trump. Hillary Clinton is his man/woman. In fact, Reiner called Clinton the "most qualified candidate in his lifetime."

What does this tell us? Once a Meathead, always a Meathead:




Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on May 10, 2016, 06:33:20 pm
Ladies, Keeping Men Out of Your Bathroom is Jim Crow Style Discrimination

Loretta Lynch, the nation’s Attorney General, has responded to a North Carolina lawsuit over its legislation insisting men use the men’s room by filing her own lawsuit against North Carolina.

In her speech announcing her lawsuit, the Attorney General said, “This is not the first time that we have seen discriminatory responses to historic moments of progress for our nation. We saw it in the Jim Crow laws that followed the Emancipation Proclamation.”

In other words, if you think a man should use the men’s bathroom you are Bull Connor.

The problem with Lynch’s lawsuit, however, is fundamental to the anti-science claims made by the left. The left, you see, has decided that you can pick whether you are a boy or a girl. Basic biology is out the window in their religious doctrines on sexuality and gender. But the law Lynch is using against North Carolina, Title IX, uses the term “sex” in prohibiting discrimination.

The left tells us that sex and gender are two different things. The law, in other words, refers to what one is born as, not what one through mental issues decides he is.

Make no mistake about this, the issue of transgenderism, which affects only three tenths of one percent of the nation, is just the cover for this new front in the culture war. Really, what is at stake here is reality itself. If the left can convince courts and the American people that boys can be girls and girls can be boys, they can convince you that right is wrong, wrong is right, up is down, down is up, and anything else they can get a judge to decide.

Conservatives never wanted to fight about bathrooms. The left has demanded it. And in so doing, the left is declaring common sense is akin to Jim Crow.


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on May 10, 2016, 06:37:54 pm
MIT Asking the Tough Questions: 'Is Islamophobia Accelerating Global Warming?'
"The dominant form of racism today."

This is today's Liberal demon possessed mindset, really. NO! really, this is a true story

On Monday evening, MIT's Ecology and Justice Forum In Global Studies and Languages hosted a talk to examine if there is a link between Islamophobia and global warming, because why wouldn't a really expensive technological school do something so sciency?

Guest speaker Ghassan Hage was invited from the University of Melbourne to speak. He is described as a "Future Generation Professor" at Melbourne's School of Philosophy, Anthropology and Social Inquiry. Hage is also known throughout the world for his studies on multiculturalism, colonialism and nationalism, but especially his work, White Nation: Fantasies of white supremacy in a multicultural society. He is currently working on a book that attempts to link Islamophobia with global warming and that is the reason he was invited to MIT to share his philosophies.

According to an online flyer for the event, here was the topics covered:

This talk examines the relation between Islamophobia as the dominant form of racism today and the ecological crisis. It looks at the three common ways in which the two phenomena are seen to be linked: as an entanglement of two crises, metaphorically related with one being a source of imagery for the other and both originating in colonial forms of capitalist accumulation. The talk proposes a fourth way of linking the two: an argument that they are both emanating from a similar mode of being, or enmeshment, in the world, what is referred to as ‘generalised domestication.’

Nobody knows what any of that means, but no doubt is sounds very plausible to young minds stunted by our leftist-dominated educational system. And all for the low, low price of $45,000 per year!


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: christistruth on May 10, 2016, 08:21:58 pm
MIT Asking the Tough Questions: 'Is Islamophobia Accelerating Global Warming?'
"The dominant form of racism today."

This is today's Liberal demon possessed mindset, really. NO! really, this is a true story

On Monday evening, MIT's Ecology and Justice Forum In Global Studies and Languages hosted a talk to examine if there is a link between Islamophobia and global warming, because why wouldn't a really expensive technological school do something so sciency?

Guest speaker Ghassan Hage was invited from the University of Melbourne to speak. He is described as a "Future Generation Professor" at Melbourne's School of Philosophy, Anthropology and Social Inquiry. Hage is also known throughout the world for his studies on multiculturalism, colonialism and nationalism, but especially his work, White Nation: Fantasies of white supremacy in a multicultural society. He is currently working on a book that attempts to link Islamophobia with global warming and that is the reason he was invited to MIT to share his philosophies.

According to an online flyer for the event, here was the topics covered:

This talk examines the relation between Islamophobia as the dominant form of racism today and the ecological crisis. It looks at the three common ways in which the two phenomena are seen to be linked: as an entanglement of two crises, metaphorically related with one being a source of imagery for the other and both originating in colonial forms of capitalist accumulation. The talk proposes a fourth way of linking the two: an argument that they are both emanating from a similar mode of being, or enmeshment, in the world, what is referred to as ‘generalised domestication.’

Nobody knows what any of that means, but no doubt is sounds very plausible to young minds stunted by our leftist-dominated educational system. And all for the low, low price of $45,000 per year!


In higher learning, can confirm that liberal agendas are pushed.

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on May 14, 2016, 12:31:27 am

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on May 14, 2016, 05:57:26 pm
It Took a Special Emory U Panel to Determine Free Speech... is Protected

"The knowledge that someone supports Trump and is willing to express his feelings in chalk is not a threat."

It takes a village, as the old saying goes and apparently it takes a special panel at Emory University to determine if political messages posted around campus are protected free speech. Thankfully, they determined that students are free to engage... in free speech.

Emory's official university Standing Committee for Open Expression published a LENGTHY executive summary of its opinion on matters related to chalkings and other political expression on campus. Essentially, it was determined that writing "Trump 2016" in chalk is no less acceptable than someone putting up a "Mein Trumpf" poster with Trump wearing a Hitler mustache and a KKK hood. Both are protected free speech under the opinion of the panel.

In addition, the special panel dealt a blow to sensitive snowflakes that the presence of such free expression is not grounds to claim intimidation, threat, or emotional distress:

The knowledge that someone supports Donald Trump and is willing to express his feelings in chalk is not a threat, and is not a reasonable cause for fear in this context...

Expressions of opinion on subjects of social or political interest cannot constitute “mental or emotional injury.”

The summary goes into explicit detail regarding many so-called incidents on campus, from the chalkings, to statements on illegal immigration, and pro- and anti-Israel sentiments -- all protected under the Open Expression Policy.

Legal Insurrection's reaction sums this up perfectly: "Emory needed a special panel to figure this out? What a bizarre turn of events."

Read the entire summary at The Washington Post.


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on May 27, 2016, 06:56:18 pm
State Representatives Attack Declaration of Independence on Louisiana House Floor

Democrat Louisiana state representatives launched an attack against the phrase “all men are created equal” in the Declaration of Independence Wednesday in response to the state House’s consideration of an education bill.


State Rep. Barbara Norton (D) led the charge against HB 1035, a measure that would require local school boards of education to have students in grades four to six recite a specified section of the Declaration of Independence after the current daily period of silent prayer or meditation and the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. The bill, introduced by state Rep. Valarie Hodges (R), would require students in the specified grades to recite the following passage:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

Hodges, however, tabled her bill under pressure from African-American colleagues Norton and state Rep. Pat Smith (D), who argued that school children should not be required to recite words that were written during a time in history when slavery was prevalent.

Norton said directly to Hodges:

One thing I do know is, all men are not created equal. When I think back in 1776, July the 4th, African-Americans were slaves, and for you to bring a bill to request that our children will recite the Declaration, I think is a little bit unfair to us to ask those children to recite something that’s not the truth.

“Then you don’t think all men are created equal?” Hodges asked Norton.

“For you to ask our children to repeat the Declaration stating that all mens [sic] are free – I think that’s unfair,” Norton continued, adding:

In 1776, Dr. King was not even born. African-Americans were in slavery, so since they were in slavery, the Declaration of Independence say we are ‘all created equal,’ we were not created equal because in 1776, July the 4th, I nor you nor any of us were born, nor was Dr. King born, so we were in slavery, and to have our children repeat again and again documents that were not even validated, I don’t think that that’s fair.

Hodges then proceeded to read Norton what King said about the Declaration of Independence:

This is what Martin Luther King said: “When the architects of our great Republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note which every American was to fall heir…” He said this would guarantee freedom for the rest of our posterity.

Quoting African-American orator and abolitionist Frederick Douglass on the Declaration, Hodges continued, “The principles contained in that instrument are saving principles. Stand by those principles, be true to them on all occasions and in all places…”

However, Smith countered, “Are you aware how they were used against races of people?”

“The Declaration of Independence was used against races of people?” Hodges asked.

“Yes, ma’am,” Smith said, continuing:

They had to recite this at a poll place in order to be able to vote. That was unconscionable that individuals could not vote without having to repeat parts of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. That was a requirement by the southern states. It was used against them. So, if that’s a history lesson for you, it is there…and it does concern me that you’ve only chosen a small portion…why only this portion of the Declaration of Independence?

“Well, the preamble is basically the introduction and it’s good, and the third part is the accusations against the king of England, and so that’s not really necessary, but this part…is so rich –“ replied Hodges, who was then cut off by Smith who said, “But I think there is one word in there that concerns me…that you are endowed by your Creator, and Creator is in capital letters. I don’t believe that if you say that to individuals and have them repeat that then you may be attacking religions in schools.”

According to Nola.com, Norton then proposed an amendment to Hodges’ bill that would have elementary school children recite the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, which addresses citizenship rights and was passed as one of the Reconstruction Amendments after the Civil War. Similarly, Smith then proposed an amendment that students recite a text drafted during a Women’s Suffrage conference from the 19th century.

Additionally, state Rep. Ed Price (D) proposed that students recite part of Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech.

Hodges, however, pulled her bill prior to consideration of any of the other amendments.

“It is outrageous that our ELECTED OFFICIALS are unable to discern the difference between a statement of TRUTH…. and past behavior!!!” reads a blog post at the Greater New Orleans Tea Party about the controversy over the Declaration of Independence. “Guess Norton and Smith object to teaching our kids that the earth is round because, in the past, many ignored this truth and acted upon the erroneous belief that the world was flat!!!”


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on June 01, 2016, 07:48:00 pm

warning some language

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on June 08, 2016, 10:19:12 pm

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on June 09, 2016, 08:48:42 pm
Pulitzer Prize-Winning Leftist Wishes Murder on Republican Lawmakers
"Isn’t that what the Romans or Greeks or some other early practitioners of democracy used to do with solicitous and unprincipled public officials?"

In a recent column for the Detroit Free Press, editorial page editor Stephen Henderson wished publicly for the murder of Republican lawmakers in his state for passing "garbage" school bills he doesn't agree with.

This Pulitzer Prize-winner became unhinged after the Michigan State House of Representatives passed legislation recently that keeps charter schools afloat and requires major changes to the Detroit Public School system. Henderson is a strong advocate for teacher's unions and has long written about his disdain for charter schools, which don't always hire union faculty. In his latest article, he made it clear that he's not happy with pro-charter ideas because they've been "thoroughly debunked" as "a free-for-all, market-based approach to public schooling."

And so his disdain boiled over as he asked for these GOP members to be punished like it's AD 99:

    We really ought to round up the lawmakers who took money to protect and perpetuate the failing charter-school experiment in Detroit, sew them into burlap sacks with rabid animals, and toss them into the Straits of Mackinac.

    That’s harsh. Maybe.

    But isn’t that what the Romans or Greeks or some other early practitioners of democracy used to do with solicitous and unprincipled public officials?

As we continue to witness, it's the Left who are truly violent in nature and it's not only coming to light at rallies for Donald Trump, but right here in the press. Their violence is very public and Henderson wasn't afraid to tell the world his innermost thoughts better kept private.

Dan Calabrese at CainTV.com wants to make sure and keep Henderson honest before he goes through with any devious plans:

    I hope those burlap sacks are being stitched by union labor, and that they're hauling the would-be murder victims up to Mackinac in UAW-made cars. Steve can only take so much of this garbage!


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on June 09, 2016, 11:28:13 pm
Meet ‘Generation Snowflake’ – the hysterical young women who can’t cope with being offended

A top British thinker has claimed young women are in the grip of a “hysteria” which has made them unable to cope with being offended.

Claire Fox, head of a thinktank called the Institute of Ideas, has penned a coruscating critique of “Generation Snowflake”, the name given to a growing group of youngsters who “believe it’s their right to be protected from anything they might find unpalatable”.

She said British and American universities are dominated by cabals of young women who are dead set on banning anything they find remotely offensive.

“It makes me sad that these teens and 20-somethings have become so fearful that they believe a dissenting opinion can pose such a serious threat,” Fox wrote in an article for Mail Online.

This hyper-sensitivity has prompted the University of East Anglia to outlaw sombreros in a Mexican restaurant and caused the National Union of Student to ban clapping as “as it might trigger trauma”, asking youngsters to use “jazz hands” instead.

Books containing troublesome material are now slapped with “trigger warnings”, whilst universities and student unions are declared “safe spaces” where young people should not have to encounter anything they disagree with.

Fox described astonishing scenes at an event set up to discuss whether the public outcry against footballer Ched Evans was “social justice or mob rule”.

The academic said her mostly female audience broke down in tears after she “dared suggest (as eminent feminists have before me) that **** wasn’t necessarily the worst thing a woman could experience”.

Fox added: “I expected robust discussion – not for them all to dissolve into outraged gasps of, ‘You can’t say that!’

“Their reaction shocked me. I take no pleasure in making teenagers cry, but it also brought home the contrast to previous generations of young people, who would have relished the chance to argue back.

“It illustrated this generation’s almost belligerent sense of entitlement. They assume their emotional suffering takes precedence. Express a view they disagree with and you must immediately recant and apologise.”

Generation Snowflake has also created a social minefield for young boys and men, who risk being labelled “sex pests” for twanging a girl’s bra at school, Fox continued.

She said women were opting to stay at home and socialise on the internet due to overblown fears about predatory men.

“There is a strand of self-absorption and fragility running through this generation; all too ready to cry ‘victim’ at the first hint of a situation they don’t like,” Fox concluded.

“We need a younger generation that’s prepared to grow a backbone, go out into the world, take risks and make difficult decisions. Otherwise the future doesn’t bode well for any of us.”

Claire Fox has penned a book about Generation Snowflake which is called I Find That Offensive and was published by Biteback in May.


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on June 11, 2016, 06:30:23 pm
The 'Snowflake' Generation Is Completely Out Of Control - Being 'Graded' Is Depressing, Homework Interferes With Activism And More Ridiculous Complaints

Researching the monthly chaos that the "Snowflake" Generation is causing on college campuses across America, we have come to the conclusion these crybullies are completely out of control and it is time for parents to step in and cut them off if they do not straighten up.

When we see a list of the most common complaints registered by students about their colleges, another two professors and one dean sacrificed on the altar of the binkie sucking, diaper wearing, "we need a safe space" children that claim to be "young adults," that seem think that recieving grades for their first semester is depressing and anyone that depresses them should be held "accountable,"  and we have to wonder who is truly to blame. 

Is it the parents that obviously didn't spank their children enough or teach them that the word is full of people with different beliefs and opinions? Is it the school officials themselves that have mollycoddled  and appeased the little brats to the point where they are incapable of dealing with any type of conflict without breaking down in tears of outrage? Or is it society itself where public schools and states have stripped parental rights away and instead has determined they know what is best for our children than we do?


Campus Grotto surveyed over 1,000 college students nationwide to find out what their biggest complaints about their colleges were, listing the top 38 answers, some of which will be shown below. Readers should feel free to check out all 38 most popular answers and offer "helpful" suggestions to the poor little darlings.

Parking and the rates to park, the price for textbooks, having to get up for 7 am classes, and taking mandatory prerequisites and electives, too many other pesky students and a lack of community feel at a big college, all made the top ten complaints.

Others include, but are not limited to; Being homesick; Being forced to abide to the school's meal plan; The time constraint it has on you. College is a lot of work to handle all at once; The Dissertation process; Having a roommate; Too many distractions on a college campus;  Having to walk long distances across campus; All the required reading homework; Being broke all the time; College (in general) places too much of an emphasis on academic success and not enough on professional development AND; My college did not help me to find employment.


Johns Hopkins University realized their practice  which "intended to ease students into university life," where their first semester grades really didn't count actually encouraged laziness, (known as "covered grades")so they decided to abolish the practice and to actually grade the students based on the work they do, or don't do, and make the grades count.

This novel concept has not gone over well with the "snowflake generation" students at Hopkins who started a campaign to "Re-Cover Hopkins."

Erica Taicz, a student and Re-Cover Hopkins organizer, told The Baltimore Sun:

"I've heard a lot of feedback from parents and the administration that kind of makes it feel like we are just trying to be coddled, and it's not it at all," Taicz said. "I'm paying so much, I expect to be able to be critical of that service when it doesn't support me. 

"I'm paying to have a support network, academically and mentally. I can't be expected to do well in class if I'm depressed and have anxiety. If the school is worsening my anxiety, that's their problem and they need to be held accountable for that."

Emphasis mine..... and time out. As Reason Magazine points out, tuition alone at Hopkins costs over $50,000 a year, so is she really paying or or are her parents paying? Secondly, if she cannot stand the stress of college, perhaps she sould seek help rather than blaming someone else for it.

Via Reason:

What Hopkins students are actually paying for is a rigorous education and, eventually, a degree that demonstrates their intellectual competence in some area of study. Making college easier by discounting grades will ultimately cheapen the value of that degree.

It's okay, of course, for the university to make specific accommodations for struggling students who have legitimate issues. But activist students seem to be borrowing the language of trauma to describe mundane discomforts.

John Hopkins University is not the only college dealing with students that believe grades for work completed should be counted as we are reminded of a couple of other recent reports.


At Oberlin college, students unsuccessfully demanded that below-average grades be abolished and midterms should be replaced with "conversations," because... well, life is stressful and there are protests to attend and activsim is much more important than school work..... at college where parents pay to have their children educated!

Of course, some of these students probably feel unsupported because their impractical demands were not realized. Two examples: activist students not only wanted to abolish all grades below a 'C,' they also thought faculty members should proactively offer them alternatives to taking a written, in-class midterm exam. Here is the testimony of Megan Bautista, who identifies as an Afro-Latinx student:

Protest surged again in the fall of 2014, after the killing of Tamir Rice. “A lot of us worked alongside community members in Cleveland who were protesting. But we needed to organize on campus as well—it wasn’t sustainable to keep driving forty minutes away. A lot of us started suffering academically.” In 1970, Oberlin had modified its grading standards to accommodate activism around the Vietnam War and the Kent State shootings, and Bautista had hoped for something similar. More than thirteen hundred students signed a petition calling for the college to eliminate any grade lower than a C for the semester, but to no avail. “Students felt really unsupported in their endeavors to engage with the world outside Oberlin,” she told me.

Another student by the name of Zakiya Acey stated "Because I’m dealing with having been arrested on campus, or having to deal with the things that my family are going through because of larger systems—having to deal with all of that, I can’t produce the work that they want me to do. But I understand the material, and I can give it to you in different ways. There’s professors who have openly been, like, 'Yeah, instead of, you know, writing out this midterm, come in to my office hours, and you can just speak it,' right? But that’s not institutionalized. I have to find that professor."

Oberlin is not alone in examples of college students thinking activism trumps scholastics, as we see students at Brown are upset that the university dares to expect them to keep up with their acedemics amid their protesting.

Sudent activists at Brown University are complaining of emotional stress and poor grades after months of protesting, and blame the school for insisting that they complete their coursework.

“There are people breaking down, dropping out of classes, and failing classes because of the activism work they are taking on,” an undergraduate student going by the pseudonym “David” told The Brown Daily Herald Thursday. “My grades dropped dramatically. My health completely changed. I lost weight. I’m on antidepressants and anti-anxiety pills right now. Counselors called me. I had deans calling me to make sure I was okay.”



The Atlantic reports that two Yale University Professors have been sacrificed at the altar of the crybullies of Yale, stemming from controversy over an email reponse to students last October regarding Holloween costumes, and Down Trend reports the Dean of Matteo Ricci College at Seattle University has been put on administrative leave after the students whine the "curriculum was too white."

A must-read from the Daily Mail from Claire Fox, titled "Why today's young women are just so FEEBLE: They can't cope with ANY ideas that challenge their right-on view of the world, says a top academic," details her personal experience with "Generation Snowflake."


Perhaps it is time for parents to step in before it is too late, yank these spoiled brats out of college, tell them they are not wasting any more money on having them educated when the students want to do anything but study, give them six months to a year to get a job and save up enough for an apartment where they may need those "roommates" they complain about from college to afford it, boot them out and tell them to grow up!


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on June 14, 2016, 05:43:52 pm

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on June 16, 2016, 06:15:48 pm

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on July 08, 2016, 05:43:14 pm
Newt Gingrich: 'If you are a normal white American ... you don’t understand being black in America'

Most white Americans "don't understand being black in America" and the discrimination African Americans face, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, said Friday.

Gingrich, who is among a group of individuals presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump is vetting as a possible running mate, made his remark during a Facebook town hall with Van Jones, a former aide in the Obama administration.

The event had been scheduled to focus on opioid use, but with the nation reacting to two highly publicized shootings of black men by police this week, followed by the killing of at least five Dallas police officers in a gun attack Thursday night, the two shifted to talk about race and ways to bring the nation together.

"It took me a long time, and a number of people talking to me through the years to get a sense of this," said Gingrich, who served as speaker from 1990 until 1995 and who represented an Atlanta-area congressional district for two decades.

"If you are a normal white American, the truth is you don’t understand being black in America," he said.

White Americans "instinctively underestimate the level of discrimination and the level of additional risk," he said.

Gingrich's remarks followed a statement released by Trump on Friday in which he said the nation has become "too divided." Outside of the statement, Trump has not spoken about the shootings. He canceled a campaign rally that had been scheduled for Florida.

Gingrich, known for being blunt -- he initially spoke out against Trump following the candidate's controversial remarks about a Latino judge -- also talked about life in the South and specifically in Georgia, where he moved when he was in high school.

“It was still legally segregated, which meant the local sheriff and National Guard would impose, by force, the taking away of rights of Americans," he said. "We’ve come a fair distance, now we have a black mayor of Atlanta and have had a series of them, in fact. ... But we’ve stalled out on the cultural, economic, practical progress we needed.”

The former House speaker has a history of controversial, racially tinged remarks. He once called President Obama the “food stamp president” and questioned whether he had a "Kenyan, anti-colonial" worldview.

Gingrich has described bilingual education as teaching “the language of living in a ghetto,” and said that poor urban children come from communities that lack a “work ethic.” In 2012, seeking the GOP presidential nomination, he campaigned in the South with a states-rights message that critics called a coded appeal to prejudice.

Trump is expected to select his running mate sometime in the coming week, ahead of the Republican National Convention. He and Gingrich campaigned together earlier this week in Ohio.

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on July 08, 2016, 06:11:31 pm
Dem Congresswoman Indicted After Investigation Reveals She Allegedly Used Charity as ‘Personal Slush Fund’

U.S. Rep. Corrine Brown of Florida and her chief of staff pleaded not guilty Friday to multiple fraud charges and other federal offenses in a grand jury indictment unsealed after an investigation into what prosecutors call a phony charity turned into a personal slush fund.

Brown, a 69-year-old Democrat, and Chief of Staff Elias “Ronnie” Simmons, 50, entered pleas in Jacksonville federal court on charges of mail and wire fraud, conspiracy, obstruction and filing of false tax returns.

She has represented a Jacksonville-based congressional district since 1993 — one of the first three African-Americans elected to Congress from Florida since Reconstruction— and is seeking re-election in a newly redrawn district.

Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA), Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rep. Corrine Brown (D-FL), Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) and Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) rally with fellow members of Congress on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court February 27, 2013 in Washington, DC. Leaders from Congress joined civil rights icons to rally as the court prepared to hear oral arguments in Shelby County v. Holder, a legal challenge to Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

with friends like those its amazing its taken this long to show that she is a crook.  :D


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on July 27, 2016, 07:35:30 pm
Democrat Congressman: Jews Are 'Termites'

U.S. Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) has said some things during his tenure in Congress that have made jaws drop, but his most recent comments about Israeli settlers in the West Bank are just downright repulsive.

"There has been a steady [stream], almost like termites can get into a residence and eat before you know that you've been eaten up and you fall in on yourself," he said, according to The Washington Free Beacon. "There has been settlement activity that has marched forward with impunity and at an ever-increasing rate to the point where it has become alarming.

"It has come to the point that occupation, with highways that cut through Palestinian land, with walls that go up, with the inability or the restriction, with the illegality of Palestinians being able to travel on those roads and those roads cutting off Palestinian neighborhoods from each other. And then with the building of walls and the building of check points that restrict movement of Palestinians.

"We've gotten to the point where the thought of a Palestinian homeland gets further and further removed from reality.

"You see one home after another being appropriated by Jewish people who come in to claim that land just because somebody did not spend the night there. The home their ancestors lived in for generations becomes an Israeli home and a flag goes up, [but] the Palestinians are barred from flying flags in their own neighborhoods.

"The fact is the Israeli government, which is the most right-wing government ever to exist in the state of Israel in its history, the most right-wing government, you got a guy like Trump who is now the minister of defense in Israel calling the shots on defense."

Johnson said he's not the only member of Congress who feels that way. He was speaking at an event sponsored by the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation. That group is one of the leading supporters of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement.

Six years ago, Johnson expressed real concern that the U.S. island territory of Guam could capsize. See the video below.

Pollster James Zogby, who took part in crafting the Democratic Party's 2016 platform, explained how the party wound up with a position statement that is still staunchly pro-Israel. He blames GOP megadonor Sheldon Adelson, saying Democrats are afraid of being on the receiving end of his wrath if they adopt an anti-Israel policy.

The Anti-Defamation League demanded Johnson "apologize and retract this offensive, unhelpful characterization" of Jewish settlers via Twitter. Johnson has since tweeted an apology for his comments:

Poor choice of words—apologies for offense. Point is settlement activity continues slowly undermine 2-state solution.

The congressman's office has now issued a more comprehensive statement, saying his "termites" reference was directed at the Israeli policy, not at the people themselves. It called for a change in course that could lead to a "two-state solution":

"The corrosive settlement policies undermine the ability of all citizens in the region to enjoy healthy, peaceful lives in safe communities. We must work to promote policies that support a two-state solution and encourage trust between both sides."

Jewish donors had played a big role in helping Johnson oust his predecessor, former U.S. Rep. Cynthia McKinney, in the 2006 Democratic primary. McKinney and her father, who was her predecessor, were notoriously anti-Semitic.


How did this guy get elected in the first place? and WHY is he still there?

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on July 27, 2016, 07:59:45 pm
The "truth" movement hates Jews.

The "truth" movement supports Donald Trump.

The Democrats (in particular this guy) hates Jews.

Yeah, lots and lots of chaos and confusion this "election" year.

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on August 10, 2016, 07:34:24 pm
Law Profs Want Juries to Try Accused Campus Rapists Based on Feelings, Not Evidence
They now say **** is a civil rights issue.

Nearly 100 law professors from 50 universities signed on to a new white paper that will fundamentally change how campus **** allegations are tried if adopted. These professors want to treat campus sexual assaults as violations of a person's civil rights under Title IX discrimination laws whether an actual crime was committed or not.

Hosted at FeministLawProfessors.com, the white paper supports the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) “Dear Colleague Letter” issued in 2011 which set the guidelines for schools to use a preponderance of the evidence standard of proof in Title IX proceedings. The preponderance standard is the sole measure in which discrimination cases are tried. It works like this, as noted at The Huffington Post:

    The preponderance standard essentially means an accused person can be found guilty if the adjudicator or panel believes there’s a 51 percent chance the allegations against the individual are true. In other words, a jury would rule based on whose side they believe more.

The Education Department twisted how these cases should be tried to view feelings as more important than evidence and that's in direct conflict with criminal case standards which require “proof beyond a reasonable doubt.” This has gotten the agency sued by men formerly accused of **** and sexual assault whose cases were affected by this stealth change.

But the professor's side with the Education Department and argue that not using the preponderance standard is “incompatible with the agency’s mission to secure gender equality in education:"

    By insisting on such equal treatment of sexual harassment complainants, OCR is ensuring that victims of sexual harassment will be treated no worse than victims of racial and other harassment are when they must prove their allegations.

What this really comes down to is making sure males aren’t presumed innocent so long as there’s a female with a compelling “****” story. One of the organizers of the white paper, Chicago-Kent College of Law professor Katharine Baker, makes this abundantly clear:

    “There is a mistaken tendency to assume that the Department of Education is policing **** on college campuses and should therefore use the background norms of criminal law as an appropriate model for adjudication procedures. In fact, the department is responding to the overwhelming evidence that a culture of male sexual entitlement permeates college campuses and that women suffer disproportionately from having to live, study, and try to learn in that environment.”

Take heed, male college freshmen, your right to a fair trial is slowly evaporating.


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on August 16, 2016, 06:13:09 pm
 :D This is so funny a lesbian wanting to implement sharia law so she will be tossed off a building.

Liberal Commentator Sally Kohn Slammed on Twitter After Calling Shariah Law ‘Progressive’

CNN political commentator and columnist Sally Kohn received immediate backlash on Twitter Tuesday after she posted a controversial tweet about Islamic law.

 Sally Kohn ✔ @sallykohn
Hey @realDonaldTrump, many *progressive Muslims* -- the ones we should support in ideological fight against extremism -- believe in Sharia!!
9:49 AM - 16 Aug 2016
  75 75 Retweets   73 73 likes
The liberal journalist claimed that many peaceful, “progressive Muslims” believe in Shariah law, the legal code that guides members of the Islamic faith and is strictly enforced in fundamentalist Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia.

Many have condemned Shariah as anti-American as it allows for violent forms of punishment and unequal treatment of women in a court of law. Few would call it “progressive.”

For example, according to a leading Shariah law manual, Reliance of the Traveller, the code also demands the killing of apostates, or those who once were Muslim but left the faith.

Given this, the responses that flooded in after Kohn’s Shariah tweet were not surprising:

@sallykohn As a lesbian, you would be put to death under Sharia. Why would you support such an ideology. #HYPOCRITE @realDonaldTrump
10:21 AM - 16 Aug 2016
  95 95 Retweets   354 354 likes
 ZombieHarambe2016 @LilMissRightie
Apparently @sallykohn thinks Sharia is a progressive and forward thinking ideology. Great hire there, @CNN Top notch. 👏👏
10:05 AM - 16 Aug 2016
  125 125 Retweets   134 134 likes
 ZombieHarambe2016 @LilMissRightie
No, but seriously, what? Does she even know what she just said here? https://twitter.com/sallykohn/status/765545967110221824 …
10:03 AM - 16 Aug 2016
  25 25 Retweets   18 18 likes
 Ian McKelvey @mckelvey_ian
There is nothing "progressive" about Sharia Law. That should be readily apparent to any thinking person. https://twitter.com/sallykohn/status/765545967110221824 …
10:03 AM - 16 Aug 2016
  35 35 Retweets   44 44 likes
 Jim Branch @jamesbranch3
Candidate for dumbest tweet of the year. https://twitter.com/sallykohn/status/765545967110221824 …
10:02 AM - 16 Aug 2016
  25 25 Retweets   53 53 likes
 Stacey Lennox @ScotsFyre
That tweet in which a Progressive suggests we should completely abandon Western values to be PC. https://twitter.com/sallykohn/status/765545967110221824 …
9:58 AM - 16 Aug 2016
  54 54 Retweets   44 44 likes
 Blame Big Government @BlameBigGovt
Liberal Muslim intellectuals focused on religious reform have been executed under Shari'a regimes. But whatevs. https://twitter.com/sallykohn/status/765545967110221824 …
9:58 AM - 16 Aug 2016
  20 20 Retweets   17 17 likes

Afterward, however, Kohn defended her comment by posting an Atlantic article and encouraging critics to educate themselves.

 Sally Kohn ✔ @sallykohn
Read a book.

Or maybe at least an article: http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2016/07/gingrich-nice-sharia/491471/ … https://twitter.com/xmolonlabex/status/765554128101793796 …
10:23 AM - 16 Aug 2016
Photo published for Sharia Does Not Mean What Newt Gingrich Thinks It Means
Sharia Does Not Mean What Newt Gingrich Thinks It Means
One country that officially endorses the Muslim legal system is one of the politician’s favorites—Israel.
  14 14 Retweets   45 45 likes
The article, written by Jeffrey Goldberg, slams conservative politician Newt Gingrich’s criticism of Shariah by explaining how Israel has adopted the legal code for certain proceedings:

Israel’s sharia courts, which are supervised by the Ministry of Justice, allow the more than 15 percent of Israel’s population that is Muslim to seek religious recourse for their personal dilemmas. These courts have been in operation since Israel’s founding, and yet the country does not seem to have been fatally undermined by their existence.

Speaking to the Jewish Chronicle in 2008, Dr. Aviad Hacohen, a constitutional law expert from Hebrew University and the head of the Mosiaca Centre on State and Religion, detailed what he sees as the “two main shortcomings” of Israel’s system:

The first is that it creates a twin-track system of religious and civil law that are not always compatible. Over-ruling of the religious courts by the Supreme Court is not uncommon, and in 1992, in the landmark case Bavli v Bavli, the Supreme Court ruled that civil courts take precedence over religious courts.

The second shortcoming is that the system isn’t good for everyone. It can’t deal with mixed marriages, or those who are not recognised as belonging to a religion.

Such arrangements between religious courts and the civil authorities are impossible in countries like the US and France, where there is a strict division between state and religion, but they exist in Germany and Belgium where some religious groups are allowed to rule on such matters.

Germany and Belgium were both devastated by multiple terrorist attacks in 2016 carried out by Islamic extremists.


VIDEO=> Muslims Praise Allah As Gays Are Tossed Off Rooftops


For Sally Kohn... moron

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on August 20, 2016, 09:45:19 pm

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on September 07, 2016, 06:58:09 pm

You know, probably not a bad idea. I could see a reason for this, BUT! This is their reason.

“There’s been a lot of conversation about why pads and tampons are a necessity, not a luxury, but not a lot of action. We wanted to take it into our own hands,” says Nguyen, a senior studying education policy. “Low-income students struggle with having the necessary funding for food, let alone tampons.”

By putting menstrual products in women’s, men’s and gender-inclusive bathrooms, Nguyen’s campaign highlights an often-ignored fact: Not all people who menstruate are women.


Sorry  :P but it is a FACT that ONLY woman can menstruate. PERIOD. A boy or a man or a girl can't. In FACT that is what makes a girl a WOMAN.

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on September 14, 2016, 05:46:04 pm
Katie Couric Sued for $2 Million Over Deceptive Editing of Gun Control Movie
Suit alleges that filmmakers used lighting trickery to make them appear sinister.

Katie Couric and director Stephanie Soechtig are being sued for defamation after they inappropriately edited their gun control documentary to make gun-rights activists look bad.

As the Washington Examiner reports, back in May, Stephen Gutowski of the Washington Free Beacon released audio from Couric's interview with a gun-rights group called the Virginia Citizens Defense League. The VCDL appeared in Couric and Soechtig's documentary, Under the Gun, in which Couric asks the group: "If there are no background checks for gun purchasers, how do you prevent felons or terrorists from purchasing a gun?"

In the movie, the group members appear to sit in awkward silence for nine agonizing seconds afterward, apparently stumped by Couric's brilliant journalistic gotcha! But the audio Gutowski provided proves that the members of the group actually answered Couric question immediately and knowledgeably, discussing background checks, the "classes of people" who are already legally barred from owning a firearm, and various issues pertaining to pre-emptive law enforcement -- because gun rights people aren't stupid, as gun-confiscation media elites like Couric want you to believe.

"So, what we're really asking about is a question of prior restraint," one says:

"How can we prevent future crime by identifying bad guys before they do anything bad? And, the simple answer is you can't. And, particularly, under the legal system we have in the United States, there are a lot of Supreme Court opinions that say, 'No, prior restraint is something that the government does not have the authority to do.' Until there is an overt act that allows us to say, 'That's a bad guy,' then you can't punish him."

Yet the film is cut in such a way that no one in the group seems to have an answer for Couric. Media bias, anyone?

Now VCDL is suing Couric and Soechtig for "false and defamatory footage." VCDL alleges that the two "manipulated the footage in service of an agenda: They wanted to establish that there is no basis for opposing universal background checks by fooling viewers into believing that even a panel of pro-Second Amendment advocates could not provide one."

VCDL also claims that Couric and Soechtig "acted with actual malice" by telling members of the group to sit silently for 10 seconds while they allegedly calibrated recording equipment. It was this clip, the group believes, that was used in the film to make them appear unable to answer the question.

In addition to deceptively editing, the group alleges that filmmakers used lighting trickery to make them appear sinister, while portraying gun-control activists in a more positive light.

"After confirming that the VCDL members oppose background checks, the film cuts to interviews with two anti-gun advocates. In contrast to the dark and shadowy lighting that the Defendants used for the VCDL members, the Defendants filmed the anti-gun advocates in bright light against bright backgrounds and intentionally did not cast shadows on their faces," the lawsuit said.

You messed with the wrong Americans, Katie.


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on September 17, 2016, 05:17:06 pm
Liberals, You Can’t Pretend to Be ‘Pro-Science’ While You Claim That Men Can Have Babies

Sometimes I like to fantasize that I live in a sane country filled with mentally stable people. It’s a nice thing to imagine, but I can never indulge the fantasy for very long. Reality has a tendency to intrude. Just recently I was awoken from such a daydream when I read that Bradley Manning, who is serving a 35-year prison sentence for espionage, will receive taxpayer-funded “gender reassignment surgery.”

To put it plainly, Manning will be castrated so that he can more fully live out the delusion that he’s a woman named Chelsea. Liberals have celebrated the news, declaring that it’s “medically necessary” to mutilate Manning’s genitals because he’s “really a woman inside,” and no woman should be forced to keep the **** that was assigned to her at birth without her consent.

Of course, this news comes only days after Brown University announced it will be putting tampons in the men’s room because, according to the Ivy League school, “not all the people who menstruate are women.”

And that move was made public around the same time that the NCAA decided to pull its championship games out of North Carolina to punish the state for not allowing cross-dressing men to pee in the ladies’ room.

And that news came to us a couple of days after Time published an article titled, “My Brother’s Pregnancy,” which tells the inspiring story of a woman who “became a man” and then decided that “he” still wanted to have a baby. Key passage:

But what if you are born into a female body, know you are a man and still want to participate in the traditionally exclusive rite of womanhood? What kind of man are you then?

Another way of phrasing that: What if you are born a woman, know you are a man, but want to remain a woman after you become a man? What then?

(Answer: intense psychotherapy.)

And all of this happened a few days before the leftist media threw a collective hissy fit because Donald Trump’s proposed maternity leave policy doesn’t include men. This “controversy” led to one of the more bizarre Twitter interactions I’ve ever seen:


Liberals used to whip out their trusty “This isn’t Mad Men” line when shaming conservatives for not demonstrating an appropriate amount of enthusiasm for the feminist agenda. Now they’re using it to mock us for suggesting that men can’t give birth.

They now treat biological facts with utter contempt and hatred, deriding anyone who so much as acknowledges them. It’s only a matter of time before anatomy textbooks are being burned in bonfires and those caught reading them are forced to publicly renounce their heretical belief in the female uterus.

And I suspect that even as liberals are barbecuing science books and dancing around the flames chanting LGBT slogans, they’ll still accuse conservatives of being the “anti-science” ones. “Stop hating science! OK, the fire’s ready. Pass me that science book.”

The funny thing is, I used to think the term “anti-science” was ridiculous. Nobody is literally anti-science, I thought. Some people might be wrong about science, or ignorant of it, or they may disagree about conclusions or methods or whatever, but nobody is actually against science in principle. Science is science, I would say to myself. You can’t be for or against it. It just is. That’s the whole point of science: to figure out what is. Even if you’re wrong about what is, you aren’t anti-science.

In a similar way, I thought, a person isn’t “anti-math” because they think 2 + 2 = 5. They’re wrong about math, but they aren’t against math. They’d be anti-math if they insisted that we shouldn’t try to ascertain the sum of 2 + 2, or if they claimed arithmetic is witchcraft and those who practice it should be scourged and beheaded.

You’re only “anti” something if you are opposed to it in general. So you’re only anti-science if you wish to censor or abolish or punish or discredit an entire field of legitimate scientific inquiry. But who is actually trying to do that nowadays, in this enlightened and modern country of ours?

Leftists often level this charge at conservatives because we believe in God and don’t believe in man-made global warming, but they’re being ridiculous, clearly. We aren’t telling anyone not to study the climate or evolution or whatever else — we’re just giving our view about what you’ll find if you do study those subjects. Even if we’re wrong (we’re not), we aren’t against science. We haven’t denied science or attempted to punish or interfere with it. Nobody is doing that, I used to think.

I was an idiot, obviously. There is indeed an actual anti-science movement in America, and it’s called liberalism. It’s not enough to say that liberals are simply wrong about the basic biological facts surrounding sex and reproduction. If that’s all there was to it, we could sit them down for the bird and the bees talk their parents apparently never gave them — explain that a man has a **** and a woman has a ****, and when a man and a woman love each other very much they can get together and make a little baby, and the baby will grow in mommy’s tummy — and hopefully that would be the end of it. But that’s not the end of it for liberals.

It’s fair to assume that liberals have already encountered these biological facts. After all, they only started with the “transgender” stuff about 15 seconds ago. We were all on the same page until they decided to rip the page out and incinerate it. They know they can’t prove scientifically, biologically, that a man can “be a woman,” so they have decided to reject biology wholesale. They’ve moved to actually abolish biological sex, claiming that nothing can really be known about a person based on their anatomy, chromosomes, reproductive capabilities or DNA. They are trying to throw out centuries of research and scientific discovery because they find it emotionally and politically unappealing. That’s anti-science.

What they are doing is no different from a person who denies that mathematics can tell you anything about numbers, or that archaeology can tell you anything about history, or that astronomy can tell you anything about stars. Or you might say it’s more equivalent to a person who says that numbers don’t exist and outer space is actually a giant mural that someone painted on an invisible ceiling. With their gender theories, they have undermined and denied an entire field of science. They have come out against science itself. They have shown us what being “anti-science” actually looks like, and Lord is it a terrifying and bewildering sight.

To make the whole thing all the more absurd, they frequently claim some mystical ”scientific consensus” confirming that biology isn’t real. Now, I admit it’s true that a fair number of doctors and teachers and scientists have chosen to appease liberal superstitions rather than affirm reality, but that doesn’t change the reality. And besides, not everyone is on board. The American College of Pediatrics released a report not long ago confirming what everyone in the world has known for millennia:

A person’s belief that he or she is something they are not is, at best, a sign of confused thinking. When an otherwise healthy biological boy believes he is a girl, or an otherwise healthy biological girl believes she is a boy, an objective psychological problem exists that lies in the mind not the body, and it should be treated as such.

It’s rather tragic that it’s reached a point where a group of PhDs have to actually come out and say this, and even more tragic that half of the country scoffs at it as if they’d just announced that the Earth’s core is made of gum drops. But here we are. And it should be noted that the most crucial “finding” in their report is not merely biological, but logical. It’s the definition of logic, in fact: A thing cannot be what it is not.

If you make such a radical declaration in front of a liberal these days, they’ll ask you to prove it. And you can prove it. You could tell them to close their eyes and imagine that gasoline is soda pop, and then go to a gas station and spray the nozzle into their mouths to see if their emotions are actually capable of overriding physical realities. Or you could tell them to believe really hard that they can fly, like R. Kelly says, and then jump off the Grand Canyon to test the song’s accuracy. But if you do that, you’ll end up with a lot of liberals choking on gasoline or splattered all over the ground. That doesn’t seem like the most Christian way to win an argument.

And anyway, you really can’t win an argument when you’re standing firmly in the real world and the other side is skipping through the meadows in Candy Land. In order for two sides to come to an understanding, both must basically acknowledge that reality exists and is knowable. Liberals will make no such concessions, and so our society slips ever more rapidly into madness. I’m not sure exactly how to stop it, but at the very least, in the mean time, we should stop letting the crazy ones pretend to be the “pro-science.”


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on September 19, 2016, 08:19:27 pm

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on September 21, 2016, 03:21:44 am

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on September 27, 2016, 07:27:32 pm
Crucifix, Trump chalkings reported as 'hate incidents' at UW-L

More than 1-in-10 "hate incidents" reported to the UW-La Crosse "Hate Response Team" were deemed fake or frivolous.
Among the reports that were considered legitimate were the display of a Crucifix, the mere existence of a Christian student group, and an off-campus blog post about life as a white student.

A report released by the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse’s “Hate Response Team” shows that more than 10 percent of reported hate incidents were determined to be fake or frivolous.

In fact, the report notes that 28 of 192 reports were found to be either completely fake or “not a bias/hate incident,” accounting for 14 percent of all incidents reported.

Meanwhile, of the reports that were legitimate, students complained about everything from images of the crucifix to a blog post about life on campus as a white student.

According to The La Crosse Tribune, one student reported feeling unsafe when discovering a Campus Crusade for Christ poster on campus, claiming that the cross represents “oppression and hate of the LGBT+ community.”

Two other students turned in one of their peers for publishing a blog post about life as a white student, calling his post offensive to students of color, and even saying that the proximity of the author’s off-campus residence made them feel unsafe living on campus.

After the infamous “chalkening” had spread to UW La Crosse’s campus, several students reported the incident to the Hate Response Team, whose report shows a drastic increase in activity over the few days it occurred—18 reports in just three days.

The school had initially responded to the chalkening with a Facebook post that called it “contradictory to our mission as a university,” but later deleted the post after facing national criticism.

In most cases, students who reported instances of bias refused contact with the Hate Response Team, with only 34 of 192 reporters requesting contact from a Hate Response Team advocate.

Of the 192 reports, 56 of them were simply classified as a “statement,” which the Hate Response Team describes as “not only words that are spoken, but also instances where hateful messages are conveyed using sign language, gestures, or similar forms of direct interpersonal communication.”

But the Hate Response Team continues to defend itself as being consistent with the First Amendment rights of students, arguing in its report that “while the First Amendment protects free expression of ideas that are sometimes offensive, that does not mean the university is powerless to respond.”

Indeed, the Hate Response Team claims that its mission is to “assist the victim/target in receiving the appropriate services,” but only 34 students requested such services in the past academic year alone.

The Hate Response Team has been highly criticized by several national institutions, including the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), which awarded the school its February “Speech Code of the Month” award.

“While many of these policies stop short of actually allowing for punishment of protected speech, they nonetheless have a serious and chilling effect on student and faculty expression,” FIRE wrote of the Hate Response Team. “A university cannot be a place of free and open debate when it actively encourages students to report on each other’s perceived wrong-speak in classrooms and living spaces. That is Big Brother at his finest.”


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on October 08, 2016, 04:26:06 pm

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on October 10, 2016, 10:06:52 pm
WaPo’s Chris Cillizza Flabbergasted Trump Used Female Pronouns to Refer to Hillary

 Can you believe the audacity of a presidential candidate referring to a woman as "she"???


In these gender-confused times, the pronouns one uses to describe someone of the other sex -- or rather, gender identification -- have become politically weaponized. Thus, after Sunday evening’s contentious debate between candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, The Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza was surprised and suspicious that Trump used such loaded language as “she” and “her” to refer to his female opponent.

On MSNBC’s Morning Joe Monday, Cillizza argued that using feminine pronouns like that, Trump is not going to win over any pronoun-sensitive women or independents:

    “He needs independents, he needs women. There’s just not much there last night that I think would convince you if you were not for him previously, particularly if you’re a woman. He kept referring to Hillary Clinton as ‘she,’ ‘her,’ which I think was a concerted strategy, I’m not sure why.”

Whaaat? His analysis received no protest or request for clarification from hosts Joe Scarborough or Mika Brzezinski.

WaPo pays this man -- excuse us, person -- to appear in print and on television to provide insightful political commentary, and this is his -- er, sorry again -- takeaway from the debates?

We call media bias on Cillizza, who had nothing to say about Clinton's equally "concerted strategy" of hurling the offensively masculine pronouns "he" and "his" at her -- geez, there we go again -- counterpart Trump.

If Cillizza can indulge in conspiracy theories, so can we. What are we to make of this fly's sexist, concerted strategy of landing on Clinton's face and not on Trump's?


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on October 11, 2016, 08:06:40 am
We're living in the days now where people don't know what they're talking about anymore - it's not so much that we don't know what they're talking about, but it's THEY who have no idea what they're saying.

And yes, that includes pastors and ministries (not all, but you know what I'm talking about).

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: christistruth on October 11, 2016, 09:35:53 am
WaPo’s Chris Cillizza Flabbergasted Trump Used Female Pronouns to Refer to Hillary

 Can you believe the audacity of a presidential candidate referring to a woman as "she"???


In these gender-confused times, the pronouns one uses to describe someone of the other sex -- or rather, gender identification -- have become politically weaponized. Thus, after Sunday evening’s contentious debate between candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, The Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza was surprised and suspicious that Trump used such loaded language as “she” and “her” to refer to his female opponent.

On MSNBC’s Morning Joe Monday, Cillizza argued that using feminine pronouns like that, Trump is not going to win over any pronoun-sensitive women or independents:

    “He needs independents, he needs women. There’s just not much there last night that I think would convince you if you were not for him previously, particularly if you’re a woman. He kept referring to Hillary Clinton as ‘she,’ ‘her,’ which I think was a concerted strategy, I’m not sure why.”

Whaaat? His analysis received no protest or request for clarification from hosts Joe Scarborough or Mika Brzezinski.

WaPo pays this man -- excuse us, person -- to appear in print and on television to provide insightful political commentary, and this is his -- er, sorry again -- takeaway from the debates?

We call media bias on Cillizza, who had nothing to say about Clinton's equally "concerted strategy" of hurling the offensively masculine pronouns "he" and "his" at her -- geez, there we go again -- counterpart Trump.

If Cillizza can indulge in conspiracy theories, so can we. What are we to make of this fly's sexist, concerted strategy of landing on Clinton's face and not on Trump's?


I'm sorry, but this just had me laugh. So goofy.

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on October 11, 2016, 07:00:58 pm
With Our Nation Approaching Madness, What Happens To 'Special Snowflakes' When The Prozac Wears Off And iTune Batteries Die?

- Answer: They are going to curl up in a corner, sucking their thumbs because they cannot handle the real world


By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

After reporting extensively on social justice warriors and the insanity occurring across the country by "special snowflakes," when  I read the headlines both at Fox News and Wall Street Journal, telling us that "College students nationwide flood mental-health centers," I was not surprised in the least to hear that anxiety, depression and other mental health issues have increased exponentially within our nation's college campuses over the last five years.

Ohio State has seen a 43% jump in the past five years in the number of students being treated at the university’s counseling center. At the University of Central Florida in Orlando, the increase has been about 12% each year over the past decade. At the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, demand for counseling-center services has increased by 36% in the last seven years.

Nationwide, 17% of college students were diagnosed with or treated for anxiety problems during the past year, and 13.9% were diagnosed with or treated for depression, according to a spring 2016 survey of 95,761 students by the American College Health Association. That is up from 11.6% for anxiety and 10.7% for depression in the spring 2011 survey. Counseling centers say they are also seeing more serious illnesses, including an uptick in the number of students coming to college with long psychiatric histories.


Those figures are quite disturbing considering the fact that when finished with college, these mentally ill young men and women are then entering the world at large and the workforce, carrying their mindset with them, where the erosion of our constitutional rights is considered by them to be "social justice," and their "nanny-state" mentality can be seen in their need for "safe spaces" and trigger warnings, and these children that think "free tampons" for all (including men's restrooms!) in colleges, will end up joining the ever-growing welfare lists.

The effects can be seen in major headlines every day, where protests and rioting have become the norm and free speech is labeled hate speech because these iTune and prozac babies cannot handle hearing anything that doesn't fit their own ideology, and constantly see themselves as victims.

The cause is often blamed on tuition prices, the economy and other things, but colleges have always been expensive and economic troubles have always existed, so we look to what has been happening in our nation's colleges over the last decades and the correlation cannot be ignored.

In January 2016 it was reported that "Liberal Professors Outnumber Conservative Faculty 5 to 1," and in that report we see the following graph to highlight visually exactly how "academia has shifted dramatically to the left."


Related: Eleven departments at Cornell have zero Republican professors, including government and philosophy

The reason this is important is because college is generally the first time children move away from their parents and have no parental influence in their day to day lives, so the habits they learn, the mindset and actions and reactions, are most likely the ones they bring into the real world with them.

In 2008, a prominent psychiatrist, Dr. Lyle Rossiter, published an extensive study on 'Psychological Causes of Political Madness', where he concluded that liberalism is quite literally a mental disorder. Rossiter had spent 35 years in his field, and had diagnosed and treated more than 1,500 patients as a board-certified clinical psychiatrist and examined more than 2,700 civil and criminal cases as a board-certified forensic psychiatrist. He received his medical and psychiatric training at the University of Chicago, according to WND.

Rossiter stated "Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded. Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."

Rossiter asserted that the liberal agenda preys on weakness and feelings of inferiority in the population using mehtods which include "creating and reinforcing perceptions of victimization, satisfying infantile claims to entitlement, indulgence and compensation, augmenting primitive feelings of envy and rejecting the sovereignty of the individual, subordinating him to the will of the government."

He concluded:

"The roots of liberalism – and its associated madness – can be clearly identified by understanding how children develop from infancy to adulthood and how distorted development produces the irrational beliefs of the liberal mind. When the modern liberal mind whines about imaginary victims, rages against imaginary villains and seeks above all else to run the lives of persons competent to run their own lives, the neurosis of the liberal mind becomes painfully obvious."

In January 2016, a widely dispersed research study issued a "correction" to a three year old paper which claimed "conservatives are more likely to exhibit traits associated with psychoticism, such as authoritarianism and tough-mindedness, and that the supposed “authoritarian” personality of conservatives might even have a genetic basis," finding that their original report had a glaring error, and the results were  "exactly reversed."

Via Washington Free Beacon in June 2016 "In other words, the study actually found that liberals were more associated with being 'more uncooperative, hostile, troublesome, socially withdrawn' and 'manipulative'."

PLEASE NOTE - These findings talk of liberalism, not being a "Democrat," which is an important distinction because while conservatives may disagree with Democrats on most political and social issues, those are ideological differences.... in other words, to put it bluntly, we are not calling Democrats crazy or saying they all have a mental disorder, but we are pointing out that studies and psychiatrists find that "liberals" have a mental disorder and it is predominantly "liberals" teaching in our nation's colleges.

Which is the "cause" of the following headlines and teasers in this week's "Special Snowflake" edition.

Colleges Now Offering ‘Safe Spaces’ for Students to Take Naps - No, it isn't satire, like nursery schools, colleges have been offering "napping stations," spending thousands per "napping pods," rather than making students go back to their own rooms to take a nap if they get tired.

In September, CSU-Fullerton brought a special nap trailer to campus, where students could take a 40-minute snooze in personalized compartments. Last semester, the same campus hosted a “Sleep Eazzy” event, designating a special nap area on campus.

Similarly, students can take a 45-minute nap throughout the day at CSU Northridge’s Oasis Wellness Center. The campus purchased six nap pods, which cost about $9,000 each and are outfitted with soft music and "subtle vibrations on the back."

The University of Michigan took a lower-tech approach a few years ago, installing six vinyl cots in the undergraduate library. To make room for the nap spaces, the university removed a bunch of study tables.



The attacks on free speech have consistenly gotten worse over the years, and this week we see the following headlines froma  variety of sources, including but not limited to; College Fix - "Student attacked by enraged peers upset at his ‘racist white cis male’ free speech campaign,"- "Students call private GroupMe texts ‘hate speech,’ demand authors’ punishment," and "University distributes seven-page speech guide," with 35 phrases that are frowned upon in their guidelines.

One of the most egregious examples is reported by Campus Reform, with the headline "Safe Spaces: Where Free Press Dies."

Organizers at Pomona College prohibited a reporter from The Claremont Independent from taking notes at an open meeting because the event location is a "safe space."


Another ongoing theme I have reported on in the past is the emasculation of men in American society, with the "gender neutral" clothing and men wearing dresses is the "new norm",  where it is hard to even tell a male from a female these days, to which we see outright attacks against men in colleges this week, with one report showing that according to students at Claremont Colleges, "masculinity" is not considered "toxic to our mental health."

Masculinity can be extremely toxic to our mental health, both to the people who are pressured to perform it and the people who are inevitably influenced by it,” the event’s organizers state in the description.

One of the best responses to this comes from an SQ note on the link to the article which states "NEW MOTTO FOR THEM -ABANDON TESTICLES ALL YE WHO ENTER HERE!"

Also from Campus Reform we see that "Cornell students voted overwhelmingly this week to provide free tampons in all bathrooms, including men’s rooms."

I was reminded this morning of scripture that relates to what we are witnessing, specifically Isaiah 3:12 - "As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths."


The issues we are noticing across the country, from people that seem to think welfare is a career and the whole entitlement mindset, to the attacks against free speech by labeling any speech liberals do not like as "hate" speech, and other attacks against our constitutionally guaranteed rights, to the emascualtion of males, are all stemming from the fact that children are being taught all of this mentality from liberal teachers, when studies and psychiatrists have found liberalism to be an actual mental disorders.

No wonder this country is a mess!

In answer to the headline question of "what is going to happen when the prozac wears off and the iTune batteries die?,  is we will have a nation of people hunting for their napping stations so they can curl up in a little ball and suck their thumb because they are incapable of dealing with the real world.

In the video below, from October 10, 2016, there are some great examples of social justice warrior fails, but I would like to highlight a segment at approximately the 4:52 minute mark where we get an inside view of the liberal mindset when a guest explains why she feels Halloween costums should be banned because they may hurt someones "feelings."

The exchange between Kelly, Shapiro and the liberal social justice warrior is definitely a must-see.




Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on October 13, 2016, 06:02:58 pm
People that do this kind of thing are some of the most racist, intolerant people you will ever meet. Oh Liberals... duh

Toronto Blue Jays Announcer Will Not Say ‘Indians’ During ALCS Broadcast

As the Toronto Blue Jays head to Cleveland for Games 1 and 2 of the American League Championship Series (ALCS), one announcer is refusing to say the team’s name on air.
Longtime Blue Jays announcer Jerry Howarth said on The Jeff Blair Show Thursday that he will refrain from saying “Indians” on air during the games against Cleveland, WKYC reports.

Howarth told the radio show he made the decision more than 20 years ago because the term is found offensive by the First Nations people.

Howarth said he also does not refer to the Atlanta Braves during games.

Howarth shared that he was deeply touched by a letter he received in the off-season from a fan who was a member of a First Nation who said he was offended when terms such as “Braves” and “Indians” were used in games.

“For the rest of my career I will not say ‘Indian’ or ‘Brave’ and if I was in the NFL I would not say ‘Redskins,’” Howarth told The Toronto Star, referring to the Washington football team.


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: christistruth on October 13, 2016, 06:08:10 pm
People that do this kind of thing are some of the most racist, intolerant people you will ever meet. Oh Liberals... duh

Toronto Blue Jays Announcer Will Not Say ‘Indians’ During ALCS Broadcast

As the Toronto Blue Jays head to Cleveland for Games 1 and 2 of the American League Championship Series (ALCS), one announcer is refusing to say the team’s name on air.
Longtime Blue Jays announcer Jerry Howarth said on The Jeff Blair Show Thursday that he will refrain from saying “Indians” on air during the games against Cleveland, WKYC reports.

Howarth told the radio show he made the decision more than 20 years ago because the term is found offensive by the First Nations people.

Howarth said he also does not refer to the Atlanta Braves during games.

Howarth shared that he was deeply touched by a letter he received in the off-season from a fan who was a member of a First Nation who said he was offended when terms such as “Braves” and “Indians” were used in games.

“For the rest of my career I will not say ‘Indian’ or ‘Brave’ and if I was in the NFL I would not say ‘Redskins,’” Howarth told The Toronto Star, referring to the Washington football team.


If I were of Indian descent, I would want the history of my people to live on and I would embrace the names.

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on October 13, 2016, 07:48:29 pm
I remember when I took Accounting over 10 years ago, Accounting professors were largely conservative Republican.

I don't know about now though.

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on October 14, 2016, 03:18:03 am
U of Florida offers 24/7 counseling for students ‘troubled’ by Halloween costumes



Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on November 11, 2016, 08:17:57 pm

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on November 11, 2016, 09:01:20 pm
Grubhub CEO Tells Employees Who Agree with Trump to Resign

GrubHub CEO Matt Maloney said that he rejects the “nationalist, anti-immigrant and hateful politics of Donald Trump.”

“While demeaning, insulting and ridiculing minorities, immigrants and the physically/mentally disabled worked for Mr. Trump, I want to be clear that his behavior – and these views, have no place at Grubhub,” he wrote. “Had he worked here, many of his comments would have resulted in his immediate termination.”

“If you do not agree with this statement then please reply to this email with your resignation because you have no place here,” he continued.

    This is full email sent from @Grubhub CEO asking his employees who agree with Trump's rhetoric to resign https://t.co/oPnBQZHZq2 @FoxNews pic.twitter.com/Zdz5F3HFTM

    — Bryan Llenas (@BryanLlenas) November 10, 2016

He also said he would do his best to protect employees from the consequences of a Trump presidency, adding that he will “fight for the dignity of  anyone on our team that is scared or feels personally exposed.”

Maloney’s comments have caused a backlash on social media, with Twitter users calling for people to boycott the company for politically discriminating against its employees.

    More liberal tolerance. Also known as DISCRIMINATION. Which is illegal. https://t.co/TWyuV52s40 #boycottgrubhub

    — Liz Wheeler (@Liz_Wheeler) November 10, 2016


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on November 11, 2016, 10:13:49 pm
Lifeway Foods, Inc Stock Drops 25% After Lib CEO Trashes TRUMP, Accuses Him of ****

Julie Smolyansky is the CEO of Illinois-based dairy company Lifeway Foods.

Smolyansky supported Hillary Clinton.

On Thursday Smolyansky smeared Donald Trump and accused him of ****:

    Julie Smolyansky, President and CEO of Morton Grove-based Lifeway Kefir, had a strong message for shareholders after someone expressed displeasure at Smolyansky’s support of Hillary Clinton.

    “Hey stockholders, if you are a **** apologist, sexist, racist, demagogue, bigot, feel free to no longer own shares,” she tweeted Thursday night.

Here is the Lifeway Foods, Inc stock on Friday– it tanked–

REST: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/11/lifeway-foods-inc-stock-drops-25-lib-ceo-trashes-trump-accuses-****/

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on November 12, 2016, 04:49:01 am
Chris Matthews finally gets it  :D must be another thrill going down his leg..


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on November 12, 2016, 09:55:22 am
Hmmmm...never heard of Lifeway. (although I know who the SBC's Lifeway bookstore is)

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on November 12, 2016, 09:56:17 am
Never heard of Grubhub either...

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on November 12, 2016, 10:03:56 am
Isn't Matthews a liberal?

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on November 12, 2016, 05:59:29 pm
Report: University of Pennsylvania Offers Puppies, Coloring Books to Students Distraught over Trump Win

Administrators at the University of Pennsylvania reportedly provided students upset over the results of Tuesday’s presidential election with emotional support puppies, coloring books, and chocolate.
The news was relayed by Penn student Daniel Tancredi, who told The College Fix that students at the Ivy League university were being coddled by administrators this week in response to Donald Trump’s victory in Tuesday’s presidential election.

“There were actual cats and a puppy there,” Tancredi told The College Fix. “There were sheets of paper available with black and white printed designs on them for students to color in. Essentially they looked like pages from a coloring book that were printed from a computer. They all had positive feel-good messages on them. Students colored them in with colored pencils.”

As a result of being distraught, Tancredi claims that students avoided talking about the election, as many of them were too shaken by the outcome. “For the most part, students just hung out and ate snacks and made small talk,” Tancredi said. “Of course, that was in addition to coloring and playing with the animals. The election was mentioned a few times, though mostly in very timid and fearful tones. The event as a whole seemed to be an escape from the reality of the election results.”

Tancredi claims that many professors at the University of Pennsylvania turned Wednesday’s class sessions into “safe spaces,” where students were invited to express their concerns about America’s future. “Some professors turned Wednesday’s classes into ‘safe spaces’ in which students could freely express their concerns for their futures. On a campus that voted 3612-375 in favor of Hillary Clinton, these open forums were naturally dominated by anti-Trump voices.”

“Obviously the diversity at Penn is not diversity of opinion since the opinion of almost half the country is almost unaccounted for on campus,” Tancredi claimed. “I’m also worried for my fellow students. If the result of an election takes this much of a toll on their well-being, what is going to happen when they directly face difficulties in the real world?”


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on November 12, 2016, 06:08:40 pm
A liberal actually kept his word for once.  :D

Poll expert eats bug after being wrong about Trump


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on November 14, 2016, 09:10:26 am
Rep. Keith Ellison to Announce 'Real Soon' If He'll Run for DNC Chair

Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota, a leading member of the Democratic Party's progressive wing, said today that he’ll announce "real soon” whether he will run to head the party in the wake of its stunning 2016 election losses.

Ellison said on ABC News' "This Week" that the next chair of the Democratic National Committee needs to have “vision” and the ability to mobilize party members at the grassroots level.

Democrats, Ellison said, "need to put the voters first, not the donors first."

"I love the donors and we thank them, but it has to be the guys in the barber shop, the lady at the diner, the folks who are worried about if their plant is going to close -- they’ve got to be our focus," Ellison said. "They have got to be a laser-beam focus on everything we do, and everything we do should animate and empower them at the grassroots level for working people across this country. That’s how we come back."

In 2006, Ellison became the first Muslim elected to Congress and the first black member of Minnesota’s congressional delegation. He co-chairs the Congressional Progressive Caucus, and is a member of the Congressional Black Caucus.

Senators Charles Schumer, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders have stated their support for Ellison to become the new chair of the Democratic National Committee.

Ellison said Sunday that the thousands of people who have protested against Donald Trump since his election on Nov. 8 have every right to demonstrate peacefully in opposition to the president-elect's campaign proposals, such as to deport millions of immigrants and to ban Muslims from entering the country.

"These folks are telling Donald Trump that if he tries to move out on his plan to have a deportation squad, to harm Americans ... we’re going to be there to stand and say no," Ellison said. "We oppose his misogyny. We oppose his picking on people of different ethnic and religious groups. And we want to be making clear that if he tries to deliver on his word, that we will be there to say no."

Ellison said he has been talking with people “all over the country” including city council members, grassroots politicians and other Democratic Party officials in the wake of the Democrats' election losses.

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on November 18, 2016, 04:47:22 pm

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on November 19, 2016, 03:18:39 pm
It Is Now Much More Dangerous In America As 'Snowflakes' Become Deadly

We are seeing encouraging economic news reported, all citing Donald Trump's election win as the cause, while at the same time we are noting that the problem of social justice warrior snowflakes is far more dangerous than they originally appeared to be throughout the last few years.

Two months before President-Elect Donald Trump is sworn in as President we are already seeing reports of his economic plans bearing fruit as Ford Motors has now confirmed that its Lincoln SUV made at the Louisville assembly plant will stay in Kentucky, and they specifically cite Trump in their statement to Bloomberg News.

We are encouraged that President-elect Trump and the new Congress will pursue policies that will improve U.S. competitiveness and make it possible to keep production of this vehicle here in the U.S.,” the automaker said in an e-mailed statement.

Another encouraging sign is reports that Apple is studying the possibility of moving iPhone production to the U.S., once again citing Trump policies.

The person added that one view among the Apple supply chain in Taiwan is that U.S. President-elect Donald Trump may push the Cupertino, California-based tech titan to make a certain number of iPhone components at home.

We also see Bloomberg reporting "Dollar Sees Record Winning Run Versus Euro on Trump Policy View."

When speaking of the little college snowflakes, the ones that need teddy bear hugging classes, play-doh and coloring books, cry-ins and safe spaces because of their inability to handle the fact that the candidate of their choice didn't win the presidential election, one might think the only "danger" from them is getting hit when they throw their binkies or they may nail  you with a rattler..... but we are noting now that "snowflakism" (Yes, I made that word up) is even more prevalent throughout society than we originally gave them credit for and it is dangerous indeed.

For example, these dangerous little snowflakes are now threatening death to members of the Electoral college as reported by WND:

One of Michigan’s 16 electors who will be called upon to cast a vote validating the election of Donald Trump in the Electoral College has testified on video that he and others in the state are receiving “dozens and dozens of death threats” from Hillary Clinton supporters urging them to switch their votes to Clinton. ....[More]

BuzzFeed reported Thursday that the #NotMyPresident Alliance, a national anti-Donald Trump protest group, has released the personal information of dozens of Electoral College members in states that voted Republican.

A spreadsheet distributed to supporters Wednesday included the electors’ personal phone numbers, addresses, religions, races, genders and candidate preference.

The group hopes its members and citizens around the country will contact electors and pressure them to change their vote from Trump to another candidate before Dec. 19.

Put the shoe on the other foot for a minute. Had Clinton won the election and it was Trump supporters publishing personal information about the Electoral College members and supporters were threatening to kill them, would there not be outrage from the left? Wouldn't there be calls going out to Trump to denounce and condemn this type of criminal activity?

For that matter if Trump supporters started rioting, wouldn't more level-headed supporters and Trump himself not speak out against it?

Children are being beaten, attacked, for no other reason that they support Trump as shown in the video below.

rest: http://allnewspipeline.com/Death_Threats_And_Coffee_Cups.php

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on November 21, 2016, 08:11:53 pm
Refusing To Serve Customers You Don’t Agree With Is Suddenly Cool Again

Remember how it was the height of bigotry for religious objectors to decline to participate in a gay wedding? But now it's brave to decline to sell Melania Trump a dress.

To the many things the Trump administration in waiting has made cool again, add private businesses refusing service to customers based on moral objections.

Friday, fashion designer Sophie Theallet, who has dressed the current first lady Michelle Obama, offered a preemptive refusal to hypothetically dress the next first lady, Melania Trump, should she ask for some of her clothes— presumably not the ones available at The Gap. In her unsolicited letter, Theallet informed the world that a person who did not ask for any of her clothes would not be getting them.

“As one who celebrates and strives for diversity, individual freedom and respect for all lifestyles, I will not participate in dressing or associating in any way with the next First Lady,” the letter reads. “The rhetoric of racism, sexism, and xenophobia unleashed by her husband’s presidential campaign are incompatible with the shared values we live by.”

“I encourage my fellow designers to do the same,” it goes on.

In refusing service to Trump, Theallet appealed to “individual freedom” and the idea of her art as an expression of the company’s “artistic and philosophical ideals.” Her announcement was called “noble,” “patriotic,” and “admirable integrity.”

REST: http://thefederalist.com/2016/11/18/refusing-serve-customers-dont-agree-suddenly-cool/

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on November 22, 2016, 04:07:58 am
‘Gender-equal’ snow removal procedures left Stockholm paralyzed


A “feminist” snow removal plan that dictated sidewalks be cleared before streets plunged Sweden’s capital in chaos after a record snowfall.

The biggest snowfall in 111 years proved the first real test for the “feminist” or “gender-equal” snow removal policy brought in by a new municipal council controlled by a Left-Green coalition.

The city government is intent on putting as much civic energy into clearing bike paths and sidewalks used by environmentally- and fitness-minded women as into the roads frequented by male-dominated motor vehicle traffic.

But chaos reportedly was the result for both genders, according to the tabloid Aftonbladet’s headline, “Feministisk snöröjning funkar inte i Stockholm,” (“Feminist Snow Removal Flunks in Stockholm.”)

Buses (also, it turns out,  heavily used by women) were stuck by the hundreds on roads blocked by stalled cars. Light rail trains moved at half speed, forcing  stranded commuters to walk for hours to get home from work, slipping and falling on glasslike sidewalks and bike paths. Others stayed home with children as schools shut down.

Daniel Helldén, a Green Party member who is vice mayor for traffic, was quick to blame the record snowfall (15 inches in a day) rather than the new policy. “Gender-equal snow cleaning is not to blame here,” he told the Expressen newspaper, claiming that the policy had apparently not been followed.

“There is a lack of gender equal snow-clearing now, according to the reports I’m getting,” he said. “It’s still difficult to walk on the pavements — and it is important that snow-clearing prioritizes walkways, public transport and cycle paths.”

He explained the rationale for gender-equal snow removal: “It hurt more when you fall when walking and cycling, while those who drive are comfortable no matter whether it’s snowing. It is about three times as many pedestrians who are injured than motorists in weather like this. … But there is also an accessibility argument that the city should be accessible to all. Snow and ice keeps many at home. Above all, it affects women who increasingly are walking and cycling more than men.”

Fredrik Antonsen complained on his Iotakt blog : “The Green Party's policies — whether it's about energy, security and defense, schools or snow removal — is a policy that does not work when reality intrudes on it. The Green Party is a party that dreams, that is so naive it hurts. Yesterday's snow chaos had been difficult without the Green Party's ideas, but became even harder when the ideas became reality.”

Sweden had an incident in 2012 when a (male) Left Party city councillor in Sormland drew amused comment from around the world for proposing all-male users of city hall washrooms sit to urinate. This would prevent anyone having to walk through the unhygienic puddle created by bad male marksmanship and also ease pressure on the prostate gland.

The idea went further to reportedly include Swedish day care centers teaching young boys to urinate seated, feminists in Belgium and France promoting the concept, and Germans making a talking toilet that ordered men to sit and threatening those who didn’t with fines.


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on November 22, 2016, 04:55:35 pm
Urban League Says Voter ID Laws Are Racist – But Demands ID for Free Turkey

The National Urban League is an organization that advocates on behalf of African Americans. The far left group opposes Voter ID legislation.

The National Urban League claims voter ID laws equate to voter suppression.

This year the St. Louis Urban League is demanding IDs, proof of income and Social Security Cards for their free turkey giveaway.


From the announcement:

Urban League St. Louis will give away 2000 turkeys in its annual turkey giveaway sponsored by TIAA and Schnucks. Participants will need to bring ID, Proof of Income, Residency and Social Security Cards for everyone in the household. November 22, 2016 from 1pm-3pm. James H. Buford Outreach Center 935 Vandeventer Ave St. Louis MO 63108.


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on November 22, 2016, 11:16:03 pm
Liberals are doubling down on ‘comedy news’

There’s been a lot of discussion in the media whether the president-elect of the United States should be “normalized.” I’d say that point became moot when Donald Trump reached 270 electoral votes around 2 a.m. on Nov. 9.

Here’s a more relevant question: When will the media stop normalizing the political musings of Jon Stewart, Larry Wilmore, Trevor Noah and all the other late-night comics?

When will the leading news organizations stop mistaking court jesters for seasoned experts? Implicitly, the members of this crew boast of their lack of interest in understanding political issues every time they try to deflect criticism of their political humor by protesting, “I’m just a comedian.” Why not take them at their word?

Yet here they are, being treated as sober observers of the American scene. Stewart, on “CBS This Morning,” opined that Republicans have a “cynical strategy” to destroy government, then “use its lack of working” as evidence that it doesn’t work. Sure, Jon. Remind me — which party has controlled those notoriously super-functional governments in Baltimore, Chicago and Detroit for the last 50 years or more?

Stewart got no rebuttal for this absurd claim, because Stewart never does. The media give him the same hushed, respectful treatment they once gave church leaders, which is fitting enough in a way, since what Stewart delivers is Church of Liberalism dogma, not informed analysis.

Wilmore, who unlike Stewart doesn’t even have much of a fan base (his Comedy Central program, “The Nightly Show,” was canned after just 18 months because it was drawing only 150,000 viewers in the 18-34 demographic, a bit more than half of what Trevor Noah’s “The Daily Show” drew during that time), was welcomed this week to the pages of The New Yorker, which published his views on the election alongside those of eminent novelists Hilary Mantel, Toni Morrison and Junot Diaz.

Such is Wilmore’s stature at The New Yorker that the magazine’s legendary fact-checking department took the day off and allowed him (in arguing absurdly that Trump channeled the spirit of the Ku Klux Klan) falsely to attribute to Woodrow Wilson the statement that the film “The Birth of a Nation” was “like writing history with lightning.” (The New Yorker ran the quotation using the weasel word “reportedly” — shades of Trump’s “many people are saying.”)

Wilmore also was invited last week to Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, where he gave the Theodore H. White Lecture on Press and Politics. Said Wilmore, “I do find it ironic that we elect a reality-show star as president, and you invite a fake journalist to give the Theodore H. White lecture on it,” Wilmore told the audience. Ha, ha. Here’s one difference between Trump and Wilmore: Trump has proven a huge success.

In his appearance on “CBS This Morning,” Stewart’s “Daily Show” successor, Trevor Noah, sputtered nonsensically, “I acknowledge a white working class that is something we can talk about, but we cannot deny that many of Donald Trump’s supporters were earning large amounts of money and doing great for themselves, but there are people who put two things above everything else — and that is whiteness and that is also sex and misogyny.”

So the majority of white women who voted for Trump did so because they hate women. Sure.

Political comics argue they don’t have to be fair to both sides, and they’re right. They’re not intellectually equipped to consider both sides of any issue. So let’s not ask them for their ideas on politics. How Stewart et al. get laughs is by dealing in hyperbole, selective quotation, special pleading, question-begging and (when all else fails) dismissing an idea’s proponents as hypocrites: in other words, cheap shots.

When you offer insights like, “It’s pretty clear who ruined America: white people” (Samantha Bee) or call the mass murders of French citizens by radical Muslims a “pastry fight” (John Oliver), you’ve forfeited any right to be taken seriously.

The smartest move Stewart ever made was turning down NBC’s pleas that he take over hosting duties on “Meet the Press” in 2014: He knew he’d be an embarrassment to himself and to NBC.

“News and entertainment have melded in a way,” Stewart told Rolling Stone. “But they would be overcompensating on the entertainment side.”

No kidding.


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on November 26, 2016, 03:42:37 pm

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on November 27, 2016, 05:29:21 pm
Do as i say not as i do Liberal Mantra

‘Hamilton’ Cast Lectures VP-Elect While Barring Immigrant Actors from Broadway Roles

Oh how the left rejoiced at the cast of Hamilton’s very public upbraiding of Vice President-elect Mike Pence. “The show’s politics — particularly its celebration of diversity and of the critical role immigrants played in the American Revolution and the early republic — stand in sharp contrast to some of the harsh language about immigrants that Mr. Trump used during the campaign,” The New York Times wrote in the wake of Friday night’s Pence-Hamilton kerfuffle. 


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on December 04, 2016, 12:43:30 am

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on December 05, 2016, 06:14:34 pm

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on December 08, 2016, 03:47:48 pm
‘Boy’s haircut’ gets boy booted from class

A boy in Western Australia was sent home from school because he showed up with a “boy’s haircut,” according to Australia’s News.com.

Jake Fedele, a sophomore, went to school at Corpus Christi College in Perth Monday, but his mother says he was sent home because teachers claimed his hair was too short and could “offend” someone.

“This morning he went to school on his last day to get his exam results … he text[ed] me and said, ‘Mom, I’ve been told to go home. I’m not allowed to be at school. My hair is too short,” his mother, Sandra, told radio host Gary Ashead.

Jake decided to get a haircut because he and his family were invited to attend a wedding.

“He got it cut short on the sides, and he’s got it just a little bit long on the top,” Sandra said. “It’s not even two centimeters long on top, not like it’s a fringe down to his nose or anything like that.

“He’s just got a boy’s haircut, literally a boy’s haircut, and he’s got a side part.”

Jake’s cut is longer than a standard haircut seen on soldiers serving in the U.S. military or sported by many businessmen.

But Sandra claimed the teachers told Jake that students are prohibited from having haircuts shorter than a standard No. 2. So Jake’s barber wrote a note to the school that said the boy did, in fact, have a No. 2 cut “but it could look shorter because he has fine hair.”

The school allowed Jake to go back to class, but reportedly told the student he must wear a hat to cover his head during the school day.

Sandra said the hat requirement was so Jake’s haircut wouldn’t “offend” teachers or students.
“How can that offend anyone? He’s got to wear a hat now,” she said.

“I said, ‘you’re discriminating against my child.’ It’s just wrong.”

As for Jake, he told the news site he believes the school’s actions were “stupid.”

“I thought it was silly,” he said. “I don’t know why they stopped me for my hair, told me I had to go home. I think it was stupid.”

News.com reported that Sandra has received overwhelming support from people on Facebook since she went public with the haircut story.

The school hasn’t responded to the site’s requests for comment.


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on December 14, 2016, 08:29:44 pm

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on December 21, 2016, 05:43:10 pm

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on December 21, 2016, 08:53:18 pm

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on January 21, 2017, 05:48:30 pm

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on January 22, 2017, 04:53:06 pm
CNN Analyst Says Women’s March About Liberalism, Not Women [VIDEO]

 :D someone is out of a job

CNN analyst Bakari Sellers let slip a shocking revelation about the Women’s March Saturday.

“It’s not about women, it’s about liberalism,” he said.

It started when Sellers and Concerned Women for America CEO Penny Nance got in an argument about the inclusiveness of the march. (RELATED: These Are Some Of The Craziest Signs From The Women’s March)

“The Democratic Party is hollowed out. We did lose 1,000 seats. We did lose governor’s mansions, no question about it,” Sellers said. “The fact is that people came out today in something that we haven’t seen in this country or around this world in a very long period of time. This is not anti-Trump. This is pro-America.”

Nance shot back, saying the march was not inclusive to all women and bringing up the March for Life that occurs each year in D.C.

“March for life, been going on for 43 years, will have about, 400,000, 500,000, next weekend,” she said. “ will need all of you back here to have the same conversation next weekend, because that [March for Life] is ignored on a regular basis. This is not new.”

She then brought up the fact that it shouldn’t have been “called a women’s march,” because pro-life women were not included.

That’s when Sellers laughed and corrected Nance, saying it wasn’t about women at all.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2017/01/21/cnn-analyst-says-womens-march-about-liberalism-not-women-video/#ixzz4WXA0O93K

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on January 25, 2017, 07:14:12 pm
Pelosi: Democrats Do 'The Lord's Work,' Republicans 'Dishonor God'

In yet another example of moral narcissism and the liberal inability to understand conservative positions on faith, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi declared that her party, the Democratic Party, does the will of God while Republicans dishonor their Creator.

Of Republicans, the Democrat congresswoman from California declared, "They pray in church on Sunday and they prey on people the rest of the week. And while we're doing the Lord's work, ministering to the needs of God's creation, they are ignoring those needs which is to dishonor the God who made them."

Perhaps emboldened by Pope Francis' encyclical on climate change, Pelosi thus equated the climate alarmism and draconian regulations pushed by her party with a godly care for the environment. In doing so, she failed to understand that there are good reasons to doubt the "scientific consensus" on man-made global warming. She also failed to note that God's care for "the least of these" can justify cutting regulations, which will unleash economic growth which helps the poor as well as the rich.

This is why Pelosi's declaration that Republicans "prey on people" was important. By falsely equating free market policies with the kind of crony capitalism that leads to monopoly, Democrats argue that the Republican agenda enables the rich to harm the poor.

The Democrat added that "we don't wear religion on our sleeve, but maybe we should." When asked by MSNBC's Joe Scarborough how her party can "connect with the middle America who sometimes feel they're looked down on because of their faith or their values," Pelosi admitted that rural Americans "don't think that Democrats are people of faith, when the fact is that we are."

One Twitter user's response to this was powerfully on-point.

The problem is, many Democrat issues fly in the face of traditional Christian attitudes. The alleged misperception that Democrats are not people of faith does not emerge in a vacuum. Pressures on abortion, gay marriage, transgender issues, and dismissal of religious liberty in particular are serious problems for any Democrat outreach to traditional Christians — and conservative members of other religions.

In fact, the candidacy of Hillary Clinton — despite her alleged lifelong Methodism — set the Democrats further back in this regard.

Clinton infamously declared that "deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs, and structural biases have to be changed" in order to make way for abortion and other forms of "reproductive health care." These remarks against the sanctity of traditional religion in favor of "progressive" values were further confirmed by emails released by WikiLeaks, which Clinton and her team never denied to be true.


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on January 26, 2017, 01:54:20 am
Scientists say world safer under this 1 political party

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists will announce on Thursday whether the minute hand on its “Doomsday Clock” will be adjusted, now that President Donald Trump, whose campaign took on the status quo with Russia, China, Mexico and other nations, has been sworn into office.

Since the founding of its clock in 1947, the organization has judged the world moving to a safer place generally whenever Republicans are in the Oval Office.

It’s the Democrats who move the clock closer to “Doomsday.” (http://www.freesmfhosting.com/gallery/endtimesandcurrentevents/1_20_08_12_7_47_52.gif)

The clock is now at three minutes to midnight, where it was placed during Democrat Barack Obama’s tenure.

Factors such as the White House transition, U.S.-Russia relations, North Korea, Iran’s nuclear aspirations and the “uncertain fate of climate solutions” are among the considerations in deciding where to position the minute hand in 2017.

The decision is made by the group’s Science and Security Board, in consultation with the Board of Sponsors, which includes 15 Nobel winners.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2017/01/new-doomsday-prediction-aimed-at-trump/#TKgvRl4AW5DPGJhg.99

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on January 26, 2017, 03:49:51 am

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on January 26, 2017, 04:07:40 am
Democrats Teaching How to Talk to ‘Real Americans’

After losing millions of formerly Democrat voters to Donald J. Trump in November, Democrats are at last figuring out how to talk to regular Americans with seminars to be held at an upcoming retreat, a report reveals.
Democrats may be understanding that they lost the capacity to talk to Americans who live outside a few large cities situated mostly on America’s coasts. As Politico reports, Democrats are meeting to hear from a list of speakers who hope to convince the party that they know the way back to power.

While some of the speakers scheduled to appear at the retreat in Sheperdstown, West Virginia, will offer up the same old liberal ideas, others will be speaking to renew efforts to talk to real Americans.

According to reports, several of the programs will urge Democrats to consider changing their message. Moderate Democrat and West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin, for instance, will moderate a panel designated as a “discussion with Trump voters” in an effort to reach out to the voters the party lost to President Trump.

Another program on the subject of “speaking to those who feel invisible in rural America” will feature Steve Beshear, a former Democrat Kentucky Governor, along with Democrats Michael Bennet, from Colorado, and North Dakotan Heidi Heitkamp.

Other seminars include, “Listening to those feel unheard” and “Rising America — They feel unheard too.”

These topics may be a hard sell to a party contemplating hiring a new party chairperson from among candidates trying to outdo each other with far left talking points.

Candidates for the Party Chair include Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison who is closely connected to anti-Semite and anti-American Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. At a recent candidates forum, Ellison claimed blacks face “mass incarceration” and then made the false claim that Trayvon Martin was “executed.”

Another candidate for the chair, Pete Buttigieg, the white mayor of South Bend, Indiana, far outdid Ellison by claiming he personally fills half a dozen minority slots. “I’m a walking intersectionality. I’m a left-handed, Maltese-American, Episcopalian, gay war veteran,” he claimed during the candidates forum.

Even worse is Idaho Democratic Party Executive Director Sally Boynton Brown, who appears to be working in exactly the opposite direction as those speakers hoping to convince party leaders to reach out to lost white voters. In her bid to win the chairmanship, Brown insisted that she would see her job as chair to “shut down white people” and to tell whites to “shut their mouths.”


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on January 30, 2017, 07:36:03 pm
Leftists Determined to Stop Trump from Defending America

President Trump’s executive orders on the Mexican border and the temporary ban on immigration from seven countries that are hotbeds of jihad terror have the Left in an uproar that increases in hysteria by the minute, proving once again that the Left will be satisfied with national suicide and national suicide only – not anything less....


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on February 01, 2017, 05:55:24 pm

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on February 13, 2017, 07:17:43 pm

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on February 13, 2017, 07:31:19 pm

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on February 19, 2017, 04:56:14 pm
LEFTISTS TRIGGERED & OUTRAGED After Melania Trump Recites Lord’s Prayer at FL Rally

First Lady kicked off the Melbourne, Florida rally Saturday by reciting the Lord’s prayer.
The crowd cheered wildly!

What a beautiful First Lady we have! God Bless Melania Trump!


1Co 1:18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on February 22, 2017, 10:34:33 pm

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on February 27, 2017, 04:52:38 pm

 Bush was asked about the media's role in light of President Donald Trump's recent characterization of the media as "enemies of America." He noted he spent a lot of time during his two terms trying to convince Russian President Vladimir Putin to embrace an independent press.


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on February 27, 2017, 07:53:29 pm
Final Thoughts: Iranian wins Oscar, proceeds to lecture Americans on laws and government

VIDEO: http://www.theblaze.com/video/final-thoughts-iranian-wins-oscar-proceeds-to-lecture-americans-on-laws-and-government/

At the Oscars, the Hollywood elite arrived ready to lecture the rest of America about how bad the president is. Tomi’s “Final Thoughts” are on the Iranian director Asghar Farhadi, who didn’t attend the ceremony in protest against President Donald Trump’s travel ban. Farhadi instead sent a written statement, which was read by Anousheh Ansari after Farhadi was announced as one of the night’s winners.

Tomi finds it interesting to get lectured on tolerance about inhumane laws by an Iranian. She states that it’s rich that an Iranian gets an  award and feels the need to lecture Americans about our laws and government. Tomi exclaims that you know you’re doing something “positive” when the Iranian government applauds your actions — “that would be Iran, a state sponsor of terror.”

To see more from Tomi, visit her channel on TheBlaze and watch full episodes of “Tomi” live weeknights from 7–8pm ET or anytime on-demand at TheBlaze TV.

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on March 05, 2017, 06:57:10 pm
Schumer helped athlete ‘overcome’ Trump’s travel ban — now the athlete is charged with a heinous crime

New York Sen. Chuck Schumer (D) recently helped an Indian snowshoe athlete get a visa to come to the United States to compete in an event. Now that athlete has been charged with a heinous sex crime against a child.

Schumer, the Senate minority leader, along with Clyde Rabideau, mayor of Saranac Lake, New York, petitioned for Tanveer Hussain and his team manager to be granted entry into the U.S. after they were denied a visa in the immediate days after President Donald Trump signed his controversial executive order on immigration and refugees, according to the Washington Post.

Hussian is from India — not one of the countries included in Trump’s travel ban — so it’s not clear why his visa was initially denied.

But after Schumer pulled strings for Hussain to obtain a visa, Hussain and his team manager were welcomed to Saranac Lake with a “hero’s welcome.”

Hussain and team manager Abid Khan arrived Feb. 23 in the bucolic Adirondacks town, which had been following their visa ordeal and extended them a hero’s welcome. Locals offered congratulations and free lodging at an inn that in the snow looked like a “fairy tale scene from a movie,” Khan said in a Facebook post.

Schumer even posted on Facebook about Hussain’s arrival to the U.S.:


But that “fairy tale” quickly ended when Hussain was apprehended by New York authorities on Wednesday after he allegedly sexually assaulted a 12-year-old girl at the hotel pool where he was staying.

According to the Adirondack Daily Enterprise, Hussain, 24, was charged with first-degree felony sexual assault and misdemeanor endangering the welfare of a child.

More from the Post:

The parents of the 12-year-old girl who was allegedly involved said the incident happened Monday, after the three-day snowshoe competition, and reported it to local authorities.

Chief Charles A. Potthast Jr. of the Saranac Lake Village police force said the girl was playing pool Monday afternoon with other young people at the inn where Hussain was staying.

“There was a moment when the two were alone, and that’s when the incident occurred,” Potthast said. The girl told police that there was a “passionate kiss” and that Hussain touched her in an intimate area on top of her clothing.
Hussain remains in jail on a $10,000 bond. However, he has maintained his innocence.

Muddasir Mir, president of the SnowShoe Federation of India, called Hussain’s arrest an “unfortunate situation.”

“It’s an unfortunate situation, both for the community there in the U.S. who supported us and the federation,” Mir told the Post. “We have full faith in the American law, and as there is a court proceeding going on, that is going to be my only comment.”

Mir added that Hussain wouldn’t have been able to come to the U.S. if it weren’t for the “personal efforts” of Schumer and junior New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D).

Schumer and Gillibrand haven’t said much since Hussain was charged earlier this week other than to characterize the charges as “extremely troubling” and “extremely serious,” according to the Post.


Schumer should at least be charged as a co conspirator

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on March 19, 2017, 07:20:38 pm
Senator Who Owns 3 Houses Rails Against Americans Who 'Worship Wealth'

The Socialist senator from Vermont, Bernie Sanders, set off a Twitterstorm yesterday with a tweet that was hard to believe.

Bernie Sanders


We are living in a nation which worships wealth rather than caring for the poor. I don't think that is the nation we should be living in.
11:45 AM - 18 Mar 2017

    12,556 12,556 Retweets

A man who owns three houses -- including the recent purchase of a vacation home for $600K -- and pays a smaller percentage of his income in taxes than most middle class Americans, should not be taking a dump on America in a glass house.

There are two possibilities for Sanders' obvious cluelessness; 1) he knew full well the kind of reaction he would get and was looking for attention; or 2) he really is oblivious to how incredibly hypocritical his words are.

I would think the latter explanation is closer to the truth. Liberals like Sanders -- like most rich liberals in Hollywood and elsewhere -- believe they deserve their wealth by dint of some special talent or brilliance they possess. They feel themselves above the mundane, petty concerns that most Americans have about great wealth. That their hearts are so noble, their intent so pure, and their lives so devoted to the less fortunate -- all this makes these liberals better than the rest of us.

If not the rest of us, certainly better than the run-of-the-mill rich people who don't share their compassion, their love for their brothers and sisters, their tolerance, and their out-and-out goodness.

It's amazing this guy got as close to the nomination of a major party as he did.


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on March 19, 2017, 11:10:01 pm
Common Ingredient For Cereal Now Considered Racist

Yup! You guessed it folks.  Milk is now racist.  A student from the University of California - Long Beach wrote an op-ed arguing milk represents hate.

The Dailey49er reported: When you think of milk, what first comes to your mind? If you’re a millennial, you probably think of strong bones, Got Milk? commercials, or maybe eating your favorite cereal while watching cartoons on a Saturday morning.

What about racism? White nationalism? If you’re having trouble finding the connection between these institutions and milk, you’re not alone. You, along with the rest of the nation, have been so accustomed to hearing the benefits of milk that you probably didn’t even realize the subtle racism hidden in our health facts.

It may not surprise you that the United States was founded on racism. That every institution we uphold has racist roots that are sometimes difficult to catch and even harder to fight against. This phenomenon affects our voter ID laws, state testing and,  yes, even our federal dietary guidelines. But how can our health guidelines, a system meant to be built upon scientific fact alone, have racist messages? Where there is a deep-rooted tradition to suppress an entire race’s existence, there’s a way.

The federal endorsement of milk in American diets contributes to the problem by uncritically pushing people to drink milk, despite the potential detriment it has on non-white people’s health.

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on March 22, 2017, 05:13:05 pm
Study reveals who's behind the violent protests on college campuses, and it might surprise you

Please share and comment if you think these violent protesters should be locked up or kicked out of school. A new study has found that the majority of young people inciting the violent protests at college campuses against conservative speakers and guests, all come from wealthy families. foxnews.com reports: Those who predominantly engage in such violent protests generally fit an identifiable demographic profile, according to the study by the Brookings Institute’s Center on Children and Families. The analysis found that it is predominantly upscale students from liberal institutions who are demonstrating illiberal values by protesting, and at times rioting, to force their schools to disinvite or cancel events featuring conservative thinkers. Since 2014, at the 90 or so colleges that have tried to disinvite conservatives from speaking, the average student comes from a family with an annual income $32,000 higher than that of the overall average student in America, the Brookings study found. “It seems likely that many of the students most offended by the likes of Charles Murray come from the wealthiest families and attend the most expensive universities in the country,” wrote Richard V. Reeves, a senior fellow of economic studies at Brookings. “After all, when Murray spoke at Saint Louis University, where the median income of students’ families is half Middlebury’s, he was received respectfully, with some silent, peaceful protests.” One of the names that appears most frequently on the disinvitation list is former Breitbart editor and controversial public speaker Milo Yiannopoulos. “The quintessentially liberal commitment to free and open dialogue is indispensable for building mutual understanding and respect in a diverse society,” Reeves wrote. “The spectacle of rich, ‘progressive’ protesters refusing to hear a lecture on the roots of their own privilege; well, it tells you how much work there is to do.”


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on March 24, 2017, 12:04:51 pm

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on March 24, 2017, 02:45:03 pm

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on March 24, 2017, 02:48:42 pm
Well, Well, Well, Look What We Just Learned About Starbucks

According to reports, it appears that Starbucks has a lot more inequality going on in their corporation than they would like people to know. HuffPost reported: Starbucks grabbed headlines and accolades earlier this year for giving its hourly workers parental leave, but few people paid attention to the inequality baked into the fine print: The coffee giant is providing vastly better benefits to its already well-paid, white-collar corporate employees. Under the new policy, which takes effect in October, Starbucks white-collar employees who give birth to a baby are eligible for up to 18 weeks paid time off. That’s three times as much as the six weeks a woman working in a Starbucks store would get if she has a baby. All other corporate employees can take 12 weeks paid time off after the arrival of a child, including fathers, adoptive and foster parents. Hourly workers? They get 12 weeks, too. Unpaid. Known for giving generous benefits to the hourly workers that comprise the vast majority of its 180,000 employees in the U.S., Starbucks called this new policy “exceptional” in a press release in January. Now some Starbucks workers are protesting the policy, decrying the unfairness of giving one class of workers more time to spend with their children than another and shining light on a problem that plagues Americans across the country. This week a few Starbucks employees traveled to the company’s annual shareholder meeting in Seattle to deliver three petitions, with more than 80,000 signatures from employees and others, demanding equal parental leave benefits. “I think my baby is just as important as the babies of the parents in the corporate office,” said Kristin Picciolo, who works part-time at a Starbucks in Medina, Ohio, and traveled to Seattle this week to deliver the petition. “We should have equal benefits and time to spend with them.”

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on March 27, 2017, 12:53:16 pm

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on April 04, 2017, 01:49:43 pm
Swiss man faces defamation trial for ‘liking’ Facebook posts
Published time: 4 Apr, 2017 12:24

A Swiss man is on trial for ‘liking’ Facebook posts that accused an animal rights activist of racism and anti-Semitism. The prosecution has accused him of defamation in the landmark case.

The 45-year-old defendant from Zurich is facing charges after becoming involved in an online argument within the animal rights community – by merely ‘liking’ eight Facebook posts.

    Facebook joins $14mn fund to fight fake news https://t.co/U58wxeK9Xv
    — RT (@RT_com) April 4, 2017

Those posts accused Erwin Kessler, the president of the animal protection association Vereins gegen Tierfabriken, of racism and anti-Semitism.

Kessler has now pressed charges against the ‘liker’, citing defamation, Swiss newspaper Tages Anzeiger reported on Monday.

The prosecution claims that by ‘liking’ the posts, the defendant spread their content by making them visible to a larger audience. It also claims that the 45-year-old acted with intent to harm without justifiable cause.

However, the defendant’s attorney is expected to argue that Kessler has, in fact, been convicted of racial discrimination in the past and is currently pursuing eight other people in five similar cases.

The case was due to be heard in court on Monday, but was postponed until a later date.

If found guilty, the defendant could face a heavy fine and court costs.

Although the defamation case is a first for Switzerland, this is not the first time Facebook users have found themselves in court for clicking on the ‘like’ button.

In 2015, a Thai man was arrested for ‘liking’ a photoshopped image of the country’s king and sharing an infographic about a Thai corruption scandal.

Six years earlier, a former US prison guard in the state of Virginia alleged that he was terminated because he had ‘liked’ the page of the sheriff’s opponent in a political race. He filed a suit stating that Facebook ‘likes’ should be protected as free speech.

The judge ruled against the plaintiff, however, finding that ‘liking’ a Facebook page is insufficient to merit constitutional protection because it doesn’t “involve actual statements,” but the plaintiff took the case to appeals court, where a different judge ruled that ‘likes’ should enjoy the same protection as other forms of expression.

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on April 15, 2017, 07:50:56 pm
This just blows my mind to how stupid liberals are. This is about the special election in Georgia on Tuesday

 In March, Anjali Enjeti attended a panel discussion with Democrats vying to represent Georgia’s sixth congressional district in Congress. She had heard the most social media buzz about one contender: Jon Ossoff, a documentary filmmaker whose bona fides includes degrees from Georgetown and the London School of Economics and a few years as an aide to Georgia Rep. Hank Johnson. Oh, and he also had an endorsement from civil rights legend John Lewis and national fundraising pouring in via the Daily Kos and other liberal sources.


Seriously? Hank Johnson? The guy who thinks islands are connected by chains to the ocean floor and they will turn over if you put to many people on them.  ::)


Democrat Congressman: Jews Are 'Termites'

Why do people like this get elected? This is whats wrong with our government!

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on April 24, 2017, 11:35:34 pm
More proof that liberals are demon possessed

Democrat Party Chair: No Place for Pro-Life Democrats, Get in Line With Abortion or Get Out

The Democratic Party chairman made it clear late last week that pro-lifers are not welcome in his party anymore.

DNC Chair Tom Perez described abortion as a “fundamental value” Friday in response to a backlash from abortion activists, according to the Daily Caller. The pro-abortion group NARAL attacked DNC leaders last week for supporting a candidate with a pro-life voting record.

“Every Democrat, like every American, should support a woman’s right to make her own choices about her body and her health,” Perez said Friday in a statement. “That is not negotiable and should not change city by city or state by state.  That is why I will be convening women leaders from across the country in the next week on how we can make sure our Democratic candidates and elected leaders are living up to these fundamental values.”

The Democratic Party has not always been so extreme on abortion. The party, which prides itself in fighting for the vulnerable, once welcomed strong pro-life politicians who fought for the rights of unborn babies. Recently, however, it has been increasingly aligning itself with the abortion industry.

Last year, the DNC adopted a platform calling for taxpayers to fund abortions and support Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider. Just a few pro-life Democrats remain in office.

The most recent uproar began with Heath Mello, a Democratic mayoral candidate in Omaha, Nebraska. As a state legislator, Mello supported several pro-life measures, including a bill to require that abortion facilities inform women of their right to request an ultrasound and a 20-week abortion ban.

Last week, several Democratic leaders, including former presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, supported Mello at a sold-out “unity tour.” But when abortion activists found out that Mello has a pro-life voting record, they slammed him and the DNC.

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“The actions today by the DNC to embrace and support a candidate for office who will strip women — one of the most critical constituencies for the party — of our basic rights [abortion] and freedom is not only disappointing, it is politically stupid,” NARAL President Ilyse Hogue said in a statement.

Mello quickly backtracked on his pro-life position.

Claiming that he remains “personally pro-life,” Mello told The Huffington Post Thursday that he will “never do anything to restrict access to reproductive health care,” including abortions.

On Friday, Perez called Mello’s flip-flop “promising,” and urged all Democrats running for office to support abortion.

“It is a promising step that Mello now shares the Democratic Party’s position on women’s fundamental rights,” Perez said. “Every candidate who runs as a Democrat should do the same … Period.”

A few leading Democrats contradicted Perez, including Sanders and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. Both Sanders and Pelosi strongly support the party’s pro-abortion position, but they also told news outlets this week that Democrats can be pro-life.

“The truth is that in some conservative states there will be candidates that are popular candidates who may not agree with me on every issue. I understand it. That’s what politics is about,” Sanders told NPR on Thursday.

Meanwhile, Illinois U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin backed up Perez, saying Democratic candidates must support Roe v. Wade and abortion, CNN reports.

The party’s allegiance to the abortion industry could hurt it even more as it continues to struggle with major losses in the November election.

Last summer, Democrats for Life Director Kristen Day said the party is potentially losing voters because it has shut out pro-life Democrats. Democrats for Life has been urging the party to “open the big tent” to pro-life Democrats. They estimate more than 23 million Democrats in the U.S. are pro-life.

According to The Daily Caller:

    Pew Research Center found last year that 28 percent of Democrats say abortion should be illegal in most or all cases. Hispanic voters — a key voting bloc for the Democratic party — are deeply divided on the subject of abortion. Pew found that 49 percent of Hispanics say abortion should be illegal in most or all cases, while 48 percent say it should be legal in most or all cases.


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on April 26, 2017, 08:24:40 pm

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on April 28, 2017, 12:22:10 am

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on May 03, 2017, 11:00:13 pm
HORROR! Woman Debates Tucker Carlson – Defends Female Genital Mutilation on Little Girls (VIDEO)

Cristina Laila May 3rd, 2017 9:07 pm 65 Comments

Anthropologist, Fuambai Ahmadu appeared on Tucker Carlson Wednesday evening to discuss ‘female circumcision’. Instead of denouncing the practice, she defended it and actually tried to redefine it.

Ahmadu:”I don’t identify with the term FGM with the term mutilation, I don’t know anybody in my family that does or my community. And from over 25 years of research I’ve done in the field, I would say the great majority of women who are affected by what I call female circumcision practices do not see themselves as mutilated.”

This woman went on to defend the doctor in Michigan who was arrested for performing genital mutilation procedures on young girls. Tucker Carlson brought up the point that little girls shouldn’t be subjected to such barbaric practices because they are too young to consent for something that leaves them with permanent damage.

How could anyone defend harming innocent girls like this? This woman is pure evil.


Anthropologist defends “female circumcision” pic.twitter.com/kyz97mDZuj

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) May 4, 2017

FULL VIDEO: (Content warning)



Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on May 08, 2017, 06:20:03 pm
Judge Rules in Favor of School Forcing Conservative Prof to Apologize for Political Views
Everyone, this is happening in America.

A judjudge in Wisconsin voted in favor of the suspension of a Marquette University conservative professor who was asked to confess his guilt and apologize for his political views.

Here's some background from a previous TruthRevolt report:

Because one of its professors defended a student's view of traditional marriage against a leftist philosophy instructor deeming it homophobic, Marquette University has threatened the conservative professor's job unless he confesses "guilt" for being "reckless" and causing "harm" to the offended instructor.

This incident dates back to November of 2014, when Professor John McAdams wrote a blog post chiding instructor Cheryl Abbate for trying to silence one of her students by telling him "some opinions are not appropriate." The exchange was secretly recorded by the student and McAdams was able to hear what was said and included those quotes in his blog…

“Abbate, of course, was just using a tactic typical among liberals now. Opinions with which they disagree are not merely wrong, and are not to be argued against on their merits, but are deemed ‘offensive’ and need to be shut up.”

McAdams was put on paid suspension over the blog post, and has so far refused to comply with the university’s demands to get his job back. He has filed a lawsuit against his employer. Campus Reform states that “Milwaukee County Circuit Court Judge David Hansher ruled Thursday that the Faculty Hearing Committee was justified in suspending McAdams, despite evidence of clear bias among its members.”

“This is another example of the increasing unwillingness of colleges to stand up for free speech,” McAdams said after the ruling. “Hardly a day passes without an example of a speaker being shouted down, or disinvited, or a student being punished for some innocuous (but politically incorrect) comment on social media.”

The organization representing the professor, the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty (WILL), sent out a press release condemning the judge’s decision:

If a professor can be held responsible for the actions of every person who reads or even hears about what the professor writes, then they have no protections at all. By that standard, every professor who was publicly critical of McAdams should be fired too.

But alas, the Left has no standards, only hypocrisy, as exemplified by WILL’s statement which noted how the court ignored the professor on the Faculty Hearing Committee which is demanding McAdams apologize who signed an open letter harshly critical of the professor.

“Like the rest of academia, Marquette is less and less a real university,” McAdams said about the ordeal. “And when gay marriage cannot be discussed, certainly not a Catholic university.”


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on May 21, 2017, 06:17:41 pm
After 146 Years, Ringling Brothers Circus Finally Driven Out Of Business By Crazed PETA Attackers
Although it retired its elephants, Ringling Bros continued to showcase tigers, lions, horses, dogs and camels until the end, despite fierce criticism from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). The animal rights group tied Ringling's demise to its long-standing resistance to demands that it stop using animals.


The clowns, animal acts and acrobats of the storied Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Circus are taking their final bow at an arena outside New York City on Sunday in the farewell performance of the “Greatest Show on Earth” after nearly 150 years

EDITOR’S NOTE: In 2017, there is no bigger bully than the rabid liberal who, while they preach ‘tolerance and diversity’, seek to destroy anyone and everyone who won’t align with their distorted view of the world. If you don’t vote for their candidate, they smash store windows and set cars on fire. If you don’t agree with their gospel of ‘climate change‘, they say you should be put in prison. And if you think that animals should be treated like, well, animals, they drive you out of business. The dirty truth about PETA is that they have put 36,000 animals to death since 1998.

Capping a legacy that stretches back to the legendary 19th century showman P.T. Barnum, the circus bids adieu at a series of shows this weekend at newly refurbished Nassau Coliseum in Uniondale on New York’s Long Island.

The final show on Sunday evening was a sell-out and a worldwide audience can watch the event via a live stream on the Ringling website. The finale, announced by parent Feld Entertainment Inc in January, comes a year after the company bowed to pressure from animal rights activists and agreed to stop using elephants in its performances. A featured attraction for more than a century, the elephants had come to symbolize the Ringling Bros brand.

Feld decided to fold up the tent as a result of high operating costs combined with lower ticket sales, it said in a statement at the time. After phasing out the elephants, the owner said, the decline in attendance was “greater than could have been anticipated.”
PETA Protests Ringling Brothers At Bridgestone Arena:


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on May 24, 2017, 08:37:34 pm
This just takes the cake, better not be white cake though..

Restaurants Targeted for 'Cultural Appropriation'

Talk to anyone who has tried to run a business and ask them how hard it is. I can speak from experience when I tell you that it isn't easy. Long hours, sleepless nights, and concerns you never even thought about as an employee are the norm. Add in the fact that you get paid last, which can mean some very lean times, and the challenges of owning a business become rather obvious.

Now, you may also have to consider the idea that Social Justice Warriors think you have the wrong DNA for your line of work, because they're horrible.

Reason.com reports that some have put together a spreadsheet of Portland, Oregon, restaurants that allegedly engage in "cultural appropriation":

    The list, a Google Docs spreadsheet, includes about 60 Portland-area restaurants, the names of their white owners, and the kind of cuisine they serve. (For example, the list informs us that Burmasphere "was founded by a white man who ate Burmese food in San Francisco.") The spreadsheet also lists competing restaurants that are owned by people of color and urges customers to try them instead.

    "This is NOT about cooking at home or historical influences on cuisines; it's about profit, ownership, and wealth in a white supremacist culture," wrote the spreadsheet's authors. "These white-owned businesses hamper the ability for POC [people of color] to run successful businesses of their own (cooking their own cuisines) by either consuming market share with their attempt at authenticity or by modifying foods to market to white palates. Their success further perpetuates the problems stated above. It's a cyclical pattern that will require intentional behavior change to break."

    The spreadsheet seems to be a response to the controversy over Kooks Burritos, a Portland-area pop-up food truck run by two white women. In an interview with Williamette Week, Kooks owners Kali Wilgus and Liz Connelly explained how they fell in love with authentic Mexican tortillas during a visit to Puerto Nuevo, Mexico.

It's funny that these oh-so-caring and tolerant individuals fail to understand how outright insulting they are to everyone, whether white or minority.

Restaurants open and close all the time for a variety of reasons. To say that minorities can't compete simply because white people are cooking the same type of food? That implies that minorities are incapable of succeeding without these benevolent white knights who compiled the listing.

They are literally saying that "people of color" can't possibly make it without a group of SJWs to clear the road for them.

Sounds like this is about the SJWs own self-esteem more than anything else.

Reason also offers this thought on the cultural appropriation charge against Kooks Burritos:

    When people criticize cultural appropriation, they are often irritated that a non-ethnic person has pilfered an ethnic tradition in an insufficiently authentic manner. That's not exactly the case here. Say what you will about Wilgus and Connelly -- peeking into windows was certainly rude -- but it sounds like their burritos were pretty darn accurate. They went to the trouble of learning how a native Mexican would cook them. The same may well be true of some of the restaurants on the spreadsheet. Who knows: Some of them might even employ nonwhite cooks who are in fact preparing their own traditional cuisines.

As an interesting aside, my all-time favorite Chinese food place was owned by a Chinese family. You know what they cooked? Americanized Chinese cuisine.

So, which is more "authentic"? A place owned by a Chinese family that prepares Americanized dishes, or a place owned by a white family that cooks authentic dishes?

More to the point, who cares?

Just racist SJWs, that's who.

Eat where you want to eat, do what you want to do, and stop trying to bully people because your personal sensibilities were offended.



Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on June 04, 2017, 05:00:14 pm
CNN’s Sally Kohn Wants To Fight Terrorism With ‘Tolerance’ And ‘Political Correctness’
because that has worked so well over the last 20 years  ::) maybe she could go over to a muslim country and see if she can avoid NOT being tossed off a building

Liberal CNN contributor Sally Kohn wants to fight terrorism with “tolerance” and “political correctness.”

President Trump demanded an end to political correctness in counterterrorism following the London terror attacks that left seven people dead and dozens more wounded. Kohn took offense at the president’s tweets and fired back, saying that political correctness are, according to her, the solutions to terrorism.

“Political correctness is simple idea everyone should be treated with equal dignity [and] respect. It’s not cause of terrorism. It’s antidote,” Kohn wrote in a series of tweets. “When we make political correctness the scapegoat, we undermine values of tolerance and equality that are ALWAYS our best weapon against hate.”

“Of course we can’t snap our fingers make all current terrorists just become more tolerant and respectful,” she conceded. “But long term, do we help future would-be terrorists turn toward respect, tolerance, away [from] hate? Or do we become more hateful ourselves? Our values of pluralism and inclusion and equality are under attack. The answer to terrorism CANNOT be to throw away our values.”


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on June 04, 2017, 05:38:43 pm
MSNBC Host: Could London Police 'Overreact' To Terror?
 ??? Liberalism is a mental disorder

Following the London terror attacks this weekend, MSNBC host Richard Lui wanted to know if police were overreacting to the attacks.

“What is the risk–there certainly is a risk of under reaction–but is there any risk of overreaction?” Lui asked Jim Cavanaugh, an NBC News law enforcement analyst.

London faced multiple terror attacks Saturday evening when a van plowed into pedestrians and attackers at Borough Market stabbed passersby. The attacks caused six civilian deaths.

“You know as we’ve been watching all of this live coverage…is there ever a point where you go, ‘well, that’s too much’ or ‘you shouldn’t be applying that amount of force there?'” he continued.

Cavanaugh dismissed Lui’s question, saying, “the response cannot be too large.”

“Well in the city that’s experiencing the attacks–multiple attacks–really I don’t think the response can be too large,” Cavanaugh said.



Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on June 14, 2017, 05:18:45 pm
The Progressive Left Has Now Replaced Islamic Terrorism As The #1 Threat To The Safety Of Americans
A few weeks ago, Kathy Griffin infamously posted a photo of a dangling Trump head, dripping with blood. Last week, Shakespeare In The Park simulated the violent stabbing death of President Trump in the play 'Julius Caesar'. Today, a Bernie Sanders supporter lies dead after opening fire on Congressman Steve Scalise, and wounding others. What does the Left call all that? Performance art.


The Left in America – Progressives, Democrats and Liberals of all stripes – have gone from being snowflakes needing safe spaces to blood-thirsty peddlers of violence that today has led to the death of one of their own who died while attempting to “destroy Trump & Co”.

As news of the the shooting of Rep. Steve Scalise hit the Internet today, Left-wing Democrats and Progressives celebrated with unfettered abandon. Not only did they display absolutely no compassion of any kind for the wounded congressman, they called him every kind of vile name and insult you could think of. In short, they said, he had it coming. Steve Scalise deserved to get shot at the baseball game this morning.

It not hard to understand why this is happening when Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and other Progressive leaders issue around-the-clock calls for people to “resist” the Trump administration at any cost. What is the cost of “at any cost”? It is measured in blood.
Liberals do not allow anyone to have free speech if it is speech they don’t agree with:

Remember Michelle Obama saying “when they go low, we go high”? Lol, remember that as you watch this video.

The Left’s rising tide of incitement has now led to horrific violence

A few weeks ago, Kathy Griffin infamously posted a photo of a dangling Trump head, dripping with blood. Last week, Shakespeare In The Park simulated the violent stabbing death of President Trump in the play ‘Julius Caesar’. Today, a Bernie Sanders supporter lies dead after opening fire on Congressman Steve Scalise, and wounding others.

What does the Left call all that? Performance art.

Marxist propaganda site thedailybeast.com in an article asking if America is in a new civil war, wistfully gushes “hard-hitting” questions like these:

    Was the election of 2016 stolen by a foreign power in league with a troublesome prince?
    Is the legitimate chief executive the candidate who won the popular vote by 2.8 million ballots?
    Is the Constitution in peril of failure because of Russian meddling, Congressional chicanery, an illegitimate sovereign?

It is the narrative that will not die, but already people are dying. Every day calls for Trump’s impeachment are given, but no grounds are ever provided. To say that Hillary Clinton should be president because she got 2.8 million more of the popular votes is moronic in the extreme. People uttering such nonsense have no knowledge of our electoral process at all. To put it in terms that even Liberals should be able to grasp, football games are not won on stats, no matter how impressive those stats may be. Football games are won on points. Popular votes are stats, Electoral College votes are points.
“Crazy Auntie” Maxine Waters leads impeach Trump chant:

Then she lies about calling for Trump’s impeachment:

The Left in America – Progressives, Democrats and Liberals of all stripes – have gone from being snowflakes needing safe spaces to blood-thirsty peddlers of violence that today has led to the death of one of their own who died while attempting to “destroy Trump & Co”.
Give a listen Bernie Sanders inciting his followers to violence:

Sanders said today that he was “sickened” by the fact that one of his supporters was the Congressional Shooter. Oh really? Could have fooled me when I listened to him calling for “fighting and resisting” as in this tweet below.

    It’s easy to see how a Bernie Sander’s supporter could have taken the “Resist” & “Fight Back” rhetoric literally. #Alexandria pic.twitter.com/Ih83vbnWUo

    — Corryn 🇺🇸 (@Corrynmb) June 14, 2017

They have smashed store windows, hurled rocks at police, set vehicles on fire, and now they are armed and ready for anything.
Progressives and Democrats smash windows at Trump inauguration:

The Progressive Left is clamoring for a new civil war, and at the rate they’re going, they are surely going to get it.

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on June 21, 2017, 09:11:49 pm
SAD: You Won't Believe The Group Gay Pride Parades Are Trying To Remove From Parades

Gay pride parade organizers are trying to remove gay pro-Trump attendees from their parades.

From Newsweek:

Gay pride parades are generally celebratory affairs, but they've also almost always had a political side too.

"I'm here and want to have fun!" had an inherent political edge to it when the right to be openly gay or transgender was still being litigated in courts of both law and public opinion.

The right to be gay is all but settled as a legal matter these days, and transgender acceptance has been dramatically increasing. One might expect, then, that the pride parades of summer might start to grow less political and more like other cultural celebrations.

Apparently not. LGBT leaders' opposition to President Donald Trump has made the parades more political. In at least one case, parade organizers have rejected a float.

Even though Brian Talbert is gay, the organizers of Charlotte, North Carolina's pride event have told him he can't participate with a float touting his support for Trump.

Talbert's story is picking up national attention. From The Washington Post:

Reached by email, Charlotte Pride released a statement saying the organization "reserves the right to decline participation" at events to groups that do not reflect the mission and values of the organization.

The statement said that policy is acknowledged in its parade rules and regulations, and noted that in the past, organizers have made "similar decisions" to decline participation from "other organizations espousing anti-LGBTQ religious or public policy stances."

"Charlotte Pride envisions a world in which LGBTQ people are affirmed, respected, and included in the full social and civic life of their local communities, free from fear of any discrimination, rejection, and prejudice," the statement added.

But Trump has notably not espoused anti-gay policy stances and has, in fact, resisted efforts to do so within his administration. So far, Trump is probably the most LGBT-friendly Republican president we've had.

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on June 22, 2017, 11:09:23 am

Spike Lee’s BOLD Prediction – World Ends in 2020 Because of Trump
Breaking News By Amy Moreno June 22, 2017

Actor and director Spike Lee just made a bold prediction.

The world will not be around in 2020 because of President Trump.

Lee, who is a rabid, anti-Trump #Resistance, clueless Hollywood celeb, also blames Putin (of course) and Kim Jong-un for the untimely demise of the earth as we know it.

Lee is not even thinking about 2020 politics because according to him, none of us will be here.

FYI: The reference to “Agent Orange” below is about President Trump.

From Breitbart

Film director Spike Lee made an alarming prediction about the future of the planet when asked if he thinks Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders should launch another bid for president in 2020.

“Shoot, I hope this nuclear code doesn’t get punched. I’m not thinking about 2020,” Lee, who endorsed Sanders’s 2016 run, told Variety in an interview.

“Look, you got Putin. You got the other crazy guy in North Korea and this other crazy guy, Agent Orange. That’s not a good trio for me, my children, for the world.”

“With this administration now which has no regard for the arts and wants to get rid of any National Endowment for the Arts all that stuff, it’s going to be more difficult for arts,” Lee added.

“Also, artists are going to start thinking , ‘If I do this, I won’t get money.’ That affects art too. It’s a very dangerous time we live in today. I don’t think this present administration has any idea what humanity is.”

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on June 23, 2017, 12:01:59 pm
Johnny Depp jokes about a Trump assassination

Paul Sandle

GLASTONBURY, England — Reuters

Published Friday, Jun. 23, 2017 7:29AM EDT

Last updated Friday, Jun. 23, 2017 7:47AM EDT

Johnny Depp courted controversy at Britain’s Glastonbury music festival with a joke about assassinating Donald Trump, pondering how long it had been since an actor had killed a U.S. president.

Depp, 54, was speaking to a crowd on Thursday evening as he introduced a screening of his 2004 film “The Libertine” at the music and performing arts festival. Discussion turned to the topic of U.S. President Trump.
Johnny Depp jokes about killing Trump (Reuters)

“It is just a question, I’m not insinuating anything... When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?” Depp asked the audience, in a possible reference to actor John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated President Abraham Lincoln in 1865.

“Now I want to clarify, I’m not an actor. I lie for a living. However, it’s been a while, and maybe it’s time.”

Depp’s comments come less than a month after comedian Kathy Griffin drew strong criticism for posing in photographs holding up the likeness of a bloody, severed head resembling Trump. CNN ultimately fired Griffin from its annual New Year’s Eve broadcast over the controversy.

Last week, a gunman shot at Republican lawmakers who were practicing for a charity baseball game.

The Secret Service said in a statement to ABC that it actively monitored open source reporting, including social media networks and evaluates potential threats.

“For security reasons, we cannot discuss specifically nor in general terms the means and methods of how we perform our protective responsibilities,” the Secret Service said.

Depp, the face of the Pirates of the Caribbean movie franchise, seemed aware his comments might spur controversy.

“This is going to be in the press,” he said before making the comments. “It will be horrible.”

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on June 23, 2017, 06:03:20 pm

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on July 10, 2017, 08:03:12 pm
Marco Rubio Mocks Politico for Saying Proverbs Is Republican

GOP Senator Marco Rubio of Florida blasted left-leaning media, Politico, which published an article commenting that he was tweeting "the most Republican part of the bible," referring to his use of verses from the book of Proverbs in the Old Testament.

"Proverbs is the Republican part of the bible? I don't think Solomon had yet joined the GOP when he wrote the first 29 chapters of Proverbs," Rubio wrote, after an article in Politico said, "Each day, the Florida senator is quoting a verse from Proverbs, the GOP's favorite part of the book."

The article couldn't stop Rubio from quoting Proverbs.

Hours after commenting on the Politico article, the senator's tweet read, "Where words are many, sin is not wanting; but those who restrain their lips do well. Proverbs 10:19."

The article quoted Rubio's tweet from last month: "As dogs return to their vomit, so fools repeat their folly. Proverbs 26:11."

The author, Joel B. Baden, professor of Hebrew Bible at Yale Divinity School, wrote that the senator had been tweeting bible verses since May 16.

"He has tweeted a biblical verse almost every day since then. Almost all of them come from the Old Testament, and specifically the book of Proverbs," Baden wrote, remarking that "Proverbs is probably the most Republican book of the entire Bible."

The author said other Republicans also like to quote Proverbs, citing Ben Carson as an example.

During the 2016 presidential campaign, Carson "compared himself favorably to the blustery style of then-candidate Donald Trump by quoting Proverbs 22:4: 'By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches and honor and life.'"

Gerald Ford's favorite Bible passage was Proverbs 3:5-6: "Trust wholeheartedly in Yahweh [the Lord], put no faith in your own perception; in every course you take, have him in mind: He will see that your paths are smooth," Baden added. "Ford repeated this when he served in the Navy during World War II, throughout his presidency and in his swearing-in."

President Trump also likes the idea of Proverbs, the author went on to say, quoting from a September 2015 interview on CBN. Trump claimed in that interview that some of his most appreciated verses were from Proverbs, however, he said his favorite verse in Proverbs was "never bend to envy," which doesn't appear in Proverbs or anywhere else in the Bible.

"There is surely nothing wrong with a politician turning to the Bible for spiritual, ethical and moral guidance," Baden wrote. "The Bible is the foundational text of Western civilization, after all. But concentrating exclusively on the parts of it that affirm one's own perspective is a form of confirmation bias."

Baden suggested Rubio should read and tweet from Ecclesiastes or from prophets such as Amos: "Because you trample on the poor and take from them levies of grain, you have built houses of stone — but you shall not live in them" (Amos 5:11).

The author also quoted Leviticus 19:33–34, "When a stranger resides with you in your land, you shall not wrong him. The stranger who resides with you shall be to you as one of your citizens; you shall love him as yourself."

When Rubio first started posting Bible verses to Twitter, there were some negative reactions, which Rubio described as a "Twitter freak out." One political blogger called the Bible verses "oddly terrifying."


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on July 10, 2017, 09:46:43 pm


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on July 14, 2017, 04:05:27 pm

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on July 14, 2017, 06:05:41 pm

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on July 14, 2017, 11:39:04 pm

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on July 26, 2017, 08:12:31 am

College That Endorsed “Day Without White People” Hit With $3.8 Million Dollar Lawsuit
Breaking News By TruthFeedNews July 26, 2017

Evergreen College, who famously caved to radical social justice warrior students who chose to BAN any whites from campus, is now in hot financial water.

Their hostile message has landed them in the midst of a $3.8 million tort lawsuit from a faculty member who spoke out against the insanity.

From CampusReform

Bret Weinstein, the Evergreen State College professor who was driven from campus by a mob of students earlier this year, is preparing to file a $3.8 million claim against the public institution.

According to documents obtained by Campus Reform, Weinstein and his wife, Heather Heying, have filed a standard Tort Claim form against Evergreen State for a sum of $3,850,000.

“The College has refused to protect its employees from…verbal and written hostility based on race.”   Tweet This

The legal document was signed by the couple’s attorney and received by Washington’s Department of Enterprise Services Office of Risk Management on July 5.

The official claim follows a litigation hold request sent out in early June, asking the school’s employees to retain and preserve all evidence that relates to the 2017 “Day of Absence;” the student-led protests on campus that took place during the last school year; and any records that relate to Weinstein, his wife, activist professor Naima Lowe, and administrator Rashida Love.

“Please be on notice that this demand covers not only those records covered by any public records acts but those which are or were communicated by private means of any type including but not limited to email and photography. This demand should be immediately distributed campus-wide to all faculty and staff,” Weinstein and Heying wrote on June 4.

“Take note that the destruction or alteration of evidence is a felony,” the document added. “This demand is made in contemplation of litigation. Please promptly acknowledge receipt of this communication and confirm that you will comply.”


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on August 07, 2017, 06:32:01 pm

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on August 18, 2017, 01:28:14 am
'Leftist' Meltdowns Continue: Therapists Report Huge Spike In Patients Suffering From "President Trump Stress Disorder"

 :D This proves beyond a shadow of doubt that liberalism is a mental disorder

There’s only one thing that has been constant throughout the duration of Trump’s presidency, and that is the reaction of the people who oppose him.

Time after time the Left has responded to Trump’s actions and words with unfettered fear, paranoia, and highly publicized meltdowns. His mere presence in the White House seems to leave them hyperventilating, sobbing, and lashing out at anyone dares to support him, or even refuses to denounce him.

Believe it or not, the emotional vulnerability of these people hasn’t improved since he took office earlier this year. The New York Daily News recently interviewed several doctors and therapists around the country, and found that they’ve seen a huge spike in patients who have been freaking out about President Trump. Apparently, these medical professionals are referring to their anxiety as “President Trump Stress Disorder.”

    Therapists report that their practices are more robust than ever. Deborah Cooper, a California-based therapist said she can hardly accommodate all of her patients. “I have people I have not seen in literally 30 years that have called me to come back in because of trauma,” she said. “I am more than full. I am overworking.”

    She cited Trump’s lackluster condemnation of the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville as one in a string of anxiety-inducing events that are “coming too fast and furious” for her patients — and her practice — to handle.

    Clinical psychologist Scott Christnelly said President Trump’s remarks Tuesday serve as confirmation that his patients’ anxiety is well founded. “This is more evidence they should be anxious. There is evidence the anxiety is real, and it’s not just something they are making up,” he said.

The question isn’t whether their pain is real or not. It’s clearly real. It’s a matter of whether or not it’s justified. When Obama was in office, we didn’t see countless conservatives breaking down mentally and losing the ability to function, despite the fact that they were probably just as outraged with Obama as the Left has been with Trump. But what we’re seeing on the Left is an epidemic of mental distress since Trump took office.

    “I don’t think I have a patient that has never mentioned it. It’s remarkable,” said Sue Elias, a New York-based psychotherapist.

    Elias described a patient raised in a dysfunctional, alcoholic household whose past traumas have been brought to the surface by Trump. Her worries and fears now interfere with her day-to-day functioning.

    “This is so triggering for her, the feeling of every day, what is going to happen next,” Elias said. “It has interfered with her work and she is really struggling…”

    …Talkspace, an online therapy service, also reported three times more traffic than usual in January. Demand for its services remains about one and a half times higher than usual, its founder and CEO Oren Frank told the Daily News.“

The article then goes on to give five recommendations from these therapists, for people who are having trouble coping with Trump. They include unplugging from the 24 hour news cycle, getting involved in organizations and political movements they support so that they don’t feel so helpless, exercising, and trying to understand Trump supporters rather than vilifying them. And if all else fails, they recommend therapy.

So in other words, the solution these therapists provided to Leftists who are losing their minds over Trump amount to the following: Get a life, get off your ass, and stop being so close-minded.


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on August 28, 2017, 12:03:06 pm

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on August 28, 2017, 01:45:04 pm

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on August 31, 2017, 03:48:06 pm

Beheaded statue of Christopher Columbus found in New York town
by Mandy Mayfield | Aug 30, 2017, 3:13 PM

A statue of Christopher Columbus was found beheaded in Yonkers, New York on Wednesday, according to a report.

Yonkers resident Pat Gamberdella found the beheaded statue and immediately reported it to the police, NBC New York reported.

"It's very upsetting that American values have sunken to the level they are today," Gamberdella said. "It's unfortunate because I did go up there and I did see it all smashed."

The head to the statue was reportedly found later in Columbus Memorial Park.

Police are investigating the vandalization but told the network they believe it could have been the work of juveniles overnight. The police are also saying it may be fallout from the demonstrations over a Confederate statue in Charlottesville, Va., in early August.

"We can't just desecrate a monument to them just because you don't like what they did," Gamberdella said.

A Christopher Columbus statue was also vandalized with a sledgehammer in Baltimore last week.

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on September 14, 2017, 03:45:50 pm
THE ALT-LEFT FOLLIES: Superman Protects Illegal Immigrants From Armed White Supremacist in Latest Comic Propaganda
In the recent issue of Action Comics #987, "The Oz Effect," released Wednesday, Superman arrives in the nick of time to protect a group of undocumented immigrants from a white man sporting an American flag bandanna, wielding a machine gun, who is going to shoot them for taking his job.


The moment in the book released Wednesday comes a week after President Trump ended DACA. Perhaps it is just a coincidence, but perhaps not.

EDITOR’S NOTE: The message could not be more clear. If you are in favor of border security and stopping illegal immigration to the United States, you are a white supremacist. Of course, the American flag, bandanna wearing “bad guy” that Superman stops is, naturally, a white supremacist.  You can’t be pro-American without be a white supremacist, right? Just when you think things can’t get any more stupid or idiotic, they do. This is what it means to be a Progressive Liberal in the Alt-Left in 2017. 

In the recent issue of Action Comics #987, “The Oz Effect,” released Wednesday, Superman arrives in the nick of time to protect a group of illegal immigrants from a white man sporting an American flag bandanna, wielding a machine gun, who is going to shoot them for taking his job.

Superman blocks the bullets before they hit the terrified people.

“Stop this!” Superman orders the gunman.

“Why?!” he responds. “They ruined me! Stole from me!”

Grabbing the gunman by the collar and pulling him in close, Superman says, “The only person responsible for the blackness smothering your soul — is you!”

Police arrive, and Superman hands over the gunman and tells officers to make sure the victims are “safe and cared for.” An officer responds, “Anything you say, Superman!”


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on September 17, 2017, 09:34:17 pm

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on September 20, 2017, 09:15:08 am

3rd Graders Kneel for Anthem as NFL’s Negative Influence Continues
Politics By Just In September 20, 2017

In the past year, we’ve seen the NFL, much like Hollywood and the media, become entirely politicized, and it’s set a terrible influence for America’s youth.

No longer are sports stars providing a good example for the kids of America, now, “heroes” like Colin Kaepernick use their positions to teach our kids to hate everything about this great country.

Sadly, the negative influence by the NFL is evident in youth sports at all levels now, and the recent video clip of a team of third graders kneeling for the national anthem is no exception.

These kids, who have been given bad examples by professional athletes and their own coach, are being taught to hate America from an early age, a dangerous and disheartening thing.

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on September 22, 2017, 01:08:44 pm
Amazon Called ‘Terrorist’s Best Friend’ Selling All Parts Needed To Make Nail Bombs For $128 With No Safety Checks
Amazon has been labelled “the terrorist’s best friend” after selling all the parts required to build a deadly nail bomb — without proper security checks. The ingredients, which could make an IED like the one that killed 22 people at the Manchester Arena, were purchased by The Sun in a single order for $128.


Amazon has been labelled “the terrorist’s best friend” after selling all the parts required to build a deadly nail bomb — without proper security checks. The ingredients, which could make an IED like the one that killed 22 people at the Manchester Arena, were purchased by The Sun in a single order for $128.

EDITOR’S NOTE: You would think that when someone goes on Amazon and orders all the ingredients necessary to make a TATP explosive in a single order, that a security measure of some kind would be triggered. However, you’d be wrong. Looks like Amazon has no issues with supplying the would-be jihadists with all the tools necessary to ply their trade. Jeff Bezos should spend less time bashing Trump, and more time looking over the details of his own house.

Amazon did nothing to halt the purchase or alert officials. Tory MP Alec Shelbrooke said: “It shows once again that internet firms aren’t playing by the rules. I would go as far as to say that Amazon is aiding and abetting terrorism.”

The Sun has decided not to detail the components for the “Mother of Satan”-style IED in full. Similar bombs, with a TATP explosive favoured by ISIS, were used in attacks at Parsons Green Tube station and the Manchester Arena.

Yet Amazon did nothing to alert authorities or halt our transaction. Former Military Intelligence explosives expert Major Chris Hunter said: “The fact that The Sun has managed to buy all of this in one go is truly terrifying.


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on September 24, 2017, 09:27:30 am

BREAKING!! Another Team Opts Out of the Visit to the White House!!

University of North Carolina's men's basketball team will not visit the White House to celebrate their championship win due to scheduling conflicts.

From The Hill:

University of North Carolina's championship-winning men's basketball team won't visit the White House this year to celebrate their victory, citing scheduling issues.

The Raleigh News and Observer reported Saturday afternoon that the team tried to make several possible dates work with the Trump administration's schedule after receiving the invitation, but were unable to find a date that worked.

“We couldn't find a date that worked for both parties,” a spokesman for the team said. “We tried about eight or nine dates and between they couldn't work out that date, we couldn't work out that date, so – we would have liked to have gone, but not going.”

The spokesman added that the team members “were fine with going.”

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on October 05, 2017, 05:57:27 pm

Liberals Don’t Care That Nearly 50 People are Shot EVERY WEEKEND in Chicago
Culture By Amy Moreno October 5, 2017

Does anyone think it’s odd that Democrats don’t give a rip about all the blacks who are dying every day in Chicago?

You never hear a peep out of Dems about those Americans, who are dying in the streets of a liberal city, run by a mayor who cares more about illegals and refugees.

Nearly 50 people are shot EVERY WEEKEND in Chicago, yet do you hear celebrities and Democrats demanding gun control laws?

Oh, that’s because Chicago has some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation, and it doesn’t work.

So, liberals will grandstand and politicize a national tragedy in order to push a failed progressive ideology.

It would be nice if Democrats started caring for the blacks who vote for them, instead of ignoring them and sitting back silent, while they are slaughtered in the streets.

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on October 06, 2017, 06:12:40 pm
Breaking: Dr. Seuss museum to ban Dr. Seuss mural because it's racist

The first national museum dedicated to author and illustrator Dr. Seuss plans to remove controversial political illustrations such as one depicted a Chinese character.

From USA Today:

A Massachusetts museum dedicated to Dr. Seuss says it will replace a mural featuring a Chinese character from one of his books after three authors said they would boycott an event due to the "jarring racial stereotype."

The mural features illustrations from the author's first children's book, And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street.

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on October 07, 2017, 05:43:55 pm
Breaking: Christians Were Just Kicked Out Of Gay Coffee Shop!!!

In a surprising turn of events, a group of Christian activists have been kicked out of a coffe shop owned by a gay owner.

Washington Times reported: A Christian pro-life group that was recently ejected from a Seattle coffee shop over its local activism is attracting hundreds of thousands of Facebook views after footage of the encounter was posted online.

Members of Abolish Human Abortion recently decided to order drinks in Seattle’s Bedlam coffee shop after posting and distributing pro-life pamphlets in the local community. Activists who joined Caleb Head and Caytie Davis on Oct. 1 were soon berated and told the leave when they were identified.

“I’m gay. You have to leave,” owner Ben Borgman said in the video.

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on October 07, 2017, 10:02:43 pm

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on October 08, 2017, 10:07:29 pm
Liberals Just Lost Their Minds Over “Racist” Dove Ad and You Won’t Believe It!!

Dove has now apologized for an ad they ran on facebook that depicted a black woman turning into a white woman and then into an Asian woman.

NBC News reported: Soap company Dove has apologized for a racially insensitive Facebook ad it said "missed the mark in representing women of color thoughtfully."

The advertisement, apparently for some sort of soap but which has since been deleted, showed a black woman wearing a brown shirt removing her top to reveal a white woman in a lighter top. A third image shows the white woman removing her shirt to show a woman of apparently Asian descent.

On Saturday, Dove, which is owned by Dutch-British transnational consumer goods company Unilever, issued an apology on its Twitter page for the advertisement.

"An image we recently posted on Facebook missed the mark in representing women of color thoughtfully," the apology read. "We deeply regret the offense it caused."

On Facebook, Dove posted a similar statement, saying the feedback the company received from the image would help guide their decisions in the future.

“Dove is committed to representing the beauty of diversity. In an image we posted this week, we missed the mark in thoughtfully representing women of color and we deeply regret the offense that it has caused. The feedback that has been shared is important to us and we’ll use it to guide us in the future,” the statement read.

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Psalm 51:17 on October 11, 2017, 10:31:52 am
Look which Professional Sport is being sued!!!

Please share and comment.

A man is suing Major League Baseball, and the Chicago Cubs, after being blinded by a foul ball.

cnn.com reports: A man who was blinded in one eye by a foul ball during a game at Wrigley Field is suing Major League Baseball and the Chicago Cubs.

"I am trying to protect others from going through what I and my family are going through," John Loos said at a news conference in Chicago on Monday.

During a Chicago Cubs-Pittsburgh Pirates game on August 29, Loos was hit by a ball traveling at high speed. The incident left him blind in his left eye he said. The vision loss may be permanent and he might need a prosthetic eye, he added.

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on November 08, 2017, 08:52:39 pm
Liberal Lunatics Scream at the Sky to Mark One Year Anniversary of Trump’s Election (VIDEO)

Liberals suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome gathered in New York City on Wednesday night to scream at the sky to mark the one year anniversary of Trump’s election.

The liberals screamed at the top of their lungs at the sky.
This was pure insanity.


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on February 04, 2018, 08:22:49 pm
more proof liberals are demon possessed

"Comedian" Sarah Silverman Says Pro-Life Laws "Make Me Want to Eat an Aborted Fetus"

If you ever wonder what the crazed feminists in Hollywood are up to these days, wonder no more. They’re raising money for abortions.

On February 1, the Lady Parts Justice League, (founded by Daily Show creator Lizz Winstead) held a “telethon,” called Life Is a Living Nightmare: A Telethon to Fix It. The fundraiser, hosted by Winstead herself, along with comedian Sarah Silverman, featured almost 4 hours of bizarre content, including abortion charades, an interview with abortionist Willie Parker, and political rants. During one of the charades, Silverman announced that a conscience clause law that prevented aborted fetuses from being used in manufactured food products would be something that “would make her want to eat an aborted fetus.”

The charades were called “shitty law charades” and were introduced by a woman wearing a female genitalia costume. Two of the laws that were meant to be acted out by volunteers were “You cannot use aborted fetuses as ingredients in the manufacture of food products,” and “Clinics are mandated by law to cremate or bury every aborted fetus.”

When the concept of conscience clause laws was explained, Silverman summed up her feelings on religious freedom: “Religious freedom used to be such a beautiful thing cuz it was like this big inclusive thing in the country, and now it’s just this shroud to legalize hate and **** like that.”

After the first law charade was acted out in horrifying detail, with one of the volunteers yelling “kill the baby!”, Winstead explained, “This is **** batshit. A lot of times they will create laws to make you think that this is some epidemic that needs to be addressed.” Sarah Silverman blurted out, “if anything has ever made me want to eat an aborted fetus, it’s this law.” The law in question, legislated in Oklahoma, was created in response to a claim that a food lab was considering using stem cells to create artificial flavors.

The second charade brought on another ghoulish rant about aborted fetuses from Silverman: “**** funerals for **** aborted fetuses? I would like to speak at those funerals. He lived the way he died. He died the way he lived. The size of a sesame seed with no discerning brain function.”

Mark Hamill was also present. The Star Wars actor spent most of the live-stream creating two pieces of art to be auctioned off, which were presented at the end of the show. Hamill also announced that, “Disney gave us a Last Jedi poster, and when we figure out who wins, I’ll personalize it. I’ll write something obscene and dirty if you want.” Wait, Disney donated to Lady Parts Justice League?

Winstead laughed and announced, jokingly, “Mark Hamill is actually going to become an abortion provider.  He’ll give you an abortion with a Jedi wand. It’s going to be awesome.”

Towards the end of the live-stream, Winstead started to cry as she spoke about abortion providers: “These people that provide this amazing care for people are demonized and shunned and they provide literally a pathway to somebody’s life every single day. And if we let them have to provide the care and defend what they do, when we’ve all used it to become better people, we’re doing a disservice to our society. And so that’s why we do the work.”


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on March 05, 2018, 05:48:30 pm
Saying ‘God Bless You’ When Someone Sneezes is Islamophobic, According to Librarians at a Massachusetts College

In the latest absurd news to come from liberal college campuses, a group of librarians at Simmons College in Boston have declared that saying “God bless you” when someone sneezes is Islamophobic.

The group has created the Anti-Oppression Library Guide, which also dictates that saying “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Easter” is an act of “Islamomisic microaggression.”

    “Islamomisic Microaggressions are commonplace verbal or behavioral indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, which communicates hostile, derogatory, or negative slights in relation to the beliefs and religious practices of Muslims,” the librarians argue. “They are structurally based and invoke oppressive systems of religious/Christian hierarchy.”

The group claims that “Christian fragility” is to blame for these “microaggressions.”

“They also argue that Christians suffer from ‘Christian fragility’ and may become angry, hostile, or defensive during conversations about religion, speculating that this happens because Christians lack ‘skills for constructive engagement with [religious] difference’ due to the fact they are the dominant religious group,” Campus Reform reports.

Perhaps someone should ask the librarians about the last time that a Christian shot someone for drawing their prophet or drove a truck into a non-Christian holiday market — since they want to talk about religious-based anger and hostility.

The “guide” also contains a TED Talk in which Melissa Boigon argues that there is nothing “violent or anti-American” about Sharia law.


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on March 25, 2018, 04:42:46 pm
San Francisco Bans Fur Sales to Protect Animals, But Killing Unborn Babies is Perfectly Fine

Distorted worldviews lead to distorted priorities.

San Francisco politicians recently examined the fur coat industry and determined that it was a shame that the city was killing animals for profit.

This occurred a mere eight months after San Francisco city leaders examined an old auto shop and determined that it was the perfect place for Planned Parenthood to systematically kill unborn babies for profit.

On Tuesday, San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors banned the sale of all fur items, including souvenirs and accessories, and prohibited fur items purchased online from being delivered to any San Francisco address, CBS Local reports.

Retailers who profit mostly from fur items are frustrated. Karen Flood, Union Square Business Improvement District’s executive director, stated: “This is big business for us in Union Square. This will seriously impact us.” She spoke for the at least 50 retailers in Union Square that bring $40 million in profit to San Francisco.

Wesley J. Smith, writing for the National Review, also saw this policy as economically imprudent.

“If people don’t like fur — which I totally get — the marketplace will handle it,” he stated, adding, “It should be unconstitutional for [San Francisco] to put such a legal restraint on interstate commerce.”

But San Francisco’s Supervisor Katy Tang, who wrote the ban, is more concerned about morals than economics.

“It is estimated that around the world some 50 million animals are slaughtered in gruesome ways so that we can wear their fur and look fashionable,” she told the San Francisco Chronicle.

She added, “My hope is that it will send a strong message to the rest of the world.”

But San Francisco does not seem to have a problem with the more than 60 million babies who have been killed in the womb since Roe v. Wade in the United States alone, many of whom were slaughtered in gruesome ways – namely, dismemberment abortions, in which the baby is torn apart limb by limb.

This widespread massacre did not prevent San Francisco’s city leaders from allowing Planned Parenthood to install a surgical and medical abortion clinic in a former auto body shop in July 2017. The clinic was estimated to generate 20 percent more business than Planned Parenthood’s two existing San Francisco clinics combined. In this instance, perhaps San Francisco was more concerned about economics than morals.

When have animals become more valuable than human beings? While animal abuse is wrong, it is problematic when human abuse is not given the attention it deserves. This imbalance stems from the worldview that prompted Professor David P. Barash to state that “abuse of non-human animals” is caused by “the most hurtful theologically-driven myth of all times: that human beings are discontinuous from the rest of the natural world, since we were specially created and endowed with souls, whereas ‘they’—all other creatures—were not.”

When society sees the truth that human beings are separately and intrinsically valuable as “mythology,” it becomes natural to consider fur coats to be more heinous than aborted babies.


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on April 30, 2018, 06:09:59 pm
What Leftists Stand For

Historically, both sides of the political spectrum in America have supported the rule of law and the Constitution.  Additionally, other than the Democrats' longstanding racist oppression of black people, the positions held by both sides were generally differences that people of goodwill could hold.  For example, good people can disagree on just what the tax rates should be.

Since Roe v. Wade, that has changed, and the change has accelerated rapidly in the last eight years.  The left in America has openly embraced evil, rejected the rule of law, and denied that Americans they disagree with have constitutional rights.

That's why 2016 was a Flight 93 election: the political fight in America is no longer among people of good will, but between evil fascists and the American people.  Most of the people who vote for the Democrats have no idea what the left actually stands for due to the actions of the media, who hide the truth.

Here are some of the evils perpetrated or supported by large numbers of leftists so you can convince those Democrat voters to switch sides:

    They support the right of the British government to use force to prevent parents from taking their child to see doctors who might be able to save their child's life if the British courts decide that it's in the best interest of the child to die.
    They support killing the unborn who can feel pain by literally cutting them to pieces, but they demand prison time for someone who mistreats animals.

    They want to kill unborn babies with Down syndrome.

    They want to kill the elderly, who are no longer a benefit to society in the minds of leftists.

    They deny the settled science that human life begins at conception.

    They spend their money on themselves by having fewer children and condemn those who have more kids even when they pay for them.

    They don't care that black women are three times as likely to abort as white women.

    They don't care that cheap illegal labor hurts black people by denying them jobs.

    They don't care that their fake climate crisis will drive up energy costs and hurt the poor, who are disproportionately people of color.

    They declare that giving inner-city black parents the choice of sending their kids to a school where they will get a good education is "racist."

    They don't care that thousands of blacks are shot each year in Democratic-run cities.

    They deny witness reports by black crime victims that show that blacks are more likely to commit crimes, though most blacks are law-abiding, and demand that blacks be incarcerated at the same rate as all other groups, ensuring that blacks continue to suffer from black-on-black crime.

    They want to take money from people who never owned slaves and give it to people who never were slaves.

    They refuse to accept any election result that doesn't favor them.

    They approve of Hillary colluding with Russia to get fake news on Trump and use that fake news during the election campaign.

    They believe that illegals should be counted along with Americans when apportioning House seats.

    They can't win elections, so they import immigrants and illegal aliens who will vote for them.

    They want to give convicted child-molesters, murderers, rapists, and major drug-dealers the right to vote.

    They work hard to keep the folks in the military from voting.

    They support policies that increase people's dependence on government in order to get more votes, even though that subjects people to miserable lives.

    They believe they should be able to use the full power of the government to spy on their political opponents.

    They believe that the judiciary can make up laws, and they reject the idea of separation of powers by endorsing "resistance" by the judiciary.

    They believe that our rights flow from the government and that the government can change our rights as it sees fit.

    They support discriminating against Asian-Americans based on their race.

    They support discriminating against whites based on their race so long as leftist kids aren't discriminated against.

    They reject equality of opportunity and embrace equality of result.

    They think it's fine for politicians to decide not to enforce laws they don't like so long as leftists don't like those laws, but they would throw a fit if Texas ignored the Supreme Court ruling, not a law, that makes abortion legal.

    They believe that the if the president is a leftist, he can ignore the Constitution, but if he's conservative, he can be prevented from doing anything leftist judges don't personally like.

    They believe that the Constitution is whatever they want it to be, and they directly reject the idea that it should be interpreted in light of the intent of those who wrote and ratified it.

     They believe that the press should be a propaganda machine that ignores stories that are bad for leftists and makes up fake news to endorse leftist views.

    They believe that speech they don't like is not protected by the First Amendment but that pornography is.

    They believe that using violence to shut down free speech is perfectly fine so long as they disagree with the speech.

    They use the shooting of white kids by nutcases that their policies have left running free to attempt to disarm the people and repeal the 2nd Amendment while rejecting policies that would actually have a chance of saving lives.

    They believe that unelected, unfireable bureaucrats should be able to run our lives.

    They believe that leftists like Comey, McCabe, Lynch, and Hillary are above the law.

    They believe that Trump is guilty until proven innocent and Democrats are innocent after proven guilty.

    They believe in denying men due process when they're accused of sexual harassment.

    They defended sexual harassment for decades before suddenly changing their minds.

    They believe that a woman can decide she was "raped" days after she said yes even when she was not being threatened with violence.

    They believe that exposing very young children to their perverse views on human sexuality should be mandated.

    They deny the settled science that there are two sexes and that one's sex is determined by one's DNA.

    They say it's impossible that any male sex offender will say he feels he's really a woman in order to use the women's bathroom at a grade school.

    They believe that the government has the right to prevent people who are suffering from unwanted same-sex attraction from seeking medical help.

    They believe that Trump's consensual sexual escapades disqualify him from being president, but Bill Clinton's non-consensual sexual harassment of women was irrelevant to his role as president.

    They constantly defend Islam and all the violence committed by radical Muslims while condemning Christianity.

    They demand that Christians go against their deeply held religious beliefs when those beliefs conflict with what leftists believe today.  They simultaneously demand that leftists not have to go against their deeply held beliefs.

    They demand that Christians change their religious beliefs to conform to leftist hedonism.

    They want to force Catholic nuns to cooperate in abortions and Catholic hospitals to commit abortions.  But they demand that workplaces accommodate Muslim beliefs.

    They believe that illegals are entitled to the money of Americans, and not just for emergency lifesaving medical care.

    They rant about how enforcing immigration laws breaks up families, which it doesn't, but don't care that no-fault divorce laws do in fact lead to more family breakups.

    They believe that it's philanthropy to force others to give their money to the "charities" leftists endorse.

    They believe that our money is their money and that they have the right to tax us as much as they want in order to further their objectives.

    They believe that coddling regimes like those in North Korea and Iran will actually work, as though the Munich Pact never happened.

    They care more about the Delta Smelt than the livelihoods of millions of Californians.

    They ignore victims and constantly work to ensure that criminals are harder to convict and serve shorter sentences.

    They hate the police and demand that cops be perfect or face jail time.

This is a short and partial list, but it's a reminder of who leftists are and what they stand for.

Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2018/04/what_leftists_stand_for.html#ixzz5ECTZrkIW

Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on May 10, 2018, 03:30:57 pm
Bizarre Leftist Claims Parents Need Consent From Babies Before Changing Diapers

Leftists just continue to get stranger in their ideology and quest towards a completely totalitarian/government-controlled society.  But now, one bizarre woman claims that parents need consent from their babies before a diaper can be changed.

A fiction novel could never do justice to the ridiculousness of the modern liberal. This is evidenced in an interview conducted by ABC with a terrifyingly serious woman who claims parents should have to get consent from their babies before removing fecal matter from their behinds.  The woman who made the ridiculous claim is now under fire.

Deanne Carson, who describes herself as a “sexuality educator, speaker, and author” on Twitter says asking the babies permission would set up an atmosphere of “consent” from birth.

Don’t believe us? Have a look at the video:

 Not kidding – look:

She even admits the baby can’t actually respond with consent, but it’s the thought that counts.  “Of course the baby is not going to respond, ‘Yes mum, that’s awesome. I’d love to have my nappy changed.’ But if you leave a space, and wait for body language and wait to make eye contact, then you’re letting that child know that their response matters,” Carson says.

What kind of body language are we waiting for here? A different response than a baby screaming because the feces stuck to their sensitive skin is irritating?  This woman is a lunatic and we aren’t the only ones who thought so.

LAD Bible reported that many people who saw the segment were completely in amazement at the level of irrationality displayed. People were left feeling pretty confused, shocked and annoyed by her comments, with one writing on Twitter: “If parents are getting advice from this woman about raising a baby then the baby should be removed from parents care.”

Another wrote: “What in the hell is WRONG with these people?”

Someone else said: “Must admit I was watching the whole interview open-mouthed and shaking my head when it was broadcast, and couldn’t believe the interviewer wasn’t remotely questioning some of the nonsense this lady was coming out with.

Sky News commentator Rowan Dean heard about Carson’s comments and was not happy, accurately slamming the segment as “lefty lunacy” on air. “Here we go, Ross,” Dean said to his co-presenter. But he seemed pretty lost for words by the segment, adding: “A consent for changing nappies – I think that might get a bit, uh… Anyway, I won’t go there.”


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on June 11, 2018, 07:19:54 pm
This just blows my mind to how stupid liberals are. This is about the special election in Georgia on Tuesday

 In March, Anjali Enjeti attended a panel discussion with Democrats vying to represent Georgia’s sixth congressional district in Congress. She had heard the most social media buzz about one contender: Jon Ossoff, a documentary filmmaker whose bona fides includes degrees from Georgetown and the London School of Economics and a few years as an aide to Georgia Rep. Hank Johnson. Oh, and he also had an endorsement from civil rights legend John Lewis and national fundraising pouring in via the Daily Kos and other liberal sources.


Seriously? Hank Johnson? The guy who thinks islands are connected by chains to the ocean floor and they will turn over if you put to many people on them.  ::)


Democrat Congressman: Jews Are 'Termites'

Why do people like this get elected? This is whats wrong with our government!

Do Islands Float? Rep. Hank Johnson Investigates
A special in-depth report on capsizing islands

In a special report from Hawaii, Alex Jones channels Rep. Hank Johnson who once suggested an island would capsize if it became overpopulated.


 :D ;D :D


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on July 10, 2018, 08:37:57 pm
Jimmy Carter: Jesus Would ‘Approve’ of Gay Marriage, Some Abortions

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter said Sunday that Jesus would approve of gay marriage and certain abortions in an interview with HuffPost Live.


Title: Re: The Bizarro World of Liberalism
Post by: Mark on July 04, 2020, 05:00:01 pm
Democrats Are Using Americas Younger Generations Like Hitler Did His Nazi Youth
10-13 minutes

July 3, 2020

 Democrats Are Using America's Younger Generations Like Hitler Did His Nazi Youth: So The Carnage Across America Now Hints Of Total Destruction Ahead If We Stay On The Same Path We're On

- Their ultimate goal is to control the lives, speech, and actions of everyone

By John C. Velisek, Retired, US Navy - All News Pipeline

There are certain aspects of the ongoing Black Lives Matter/Antifa uprising that must be made evident to our country's citizens. The leftist rioters do not understand that what they are doing to destroy our country will not work. The rioting and burning of local businesses, many minorities owned, the overtaking of city property, the tearing down of statues that are a part of our history will do nothing to improve our country.

All the efforts that they feel will intimidate people will only anger those who believe in our country. No amount of indoctrinating our children in academia will keep them from understanding that there is no option for a way of life that has made America the envy of the world. They want to use our children, much like it was done in Nazi Germany.

There are similarities to the Nazi Regime of Hitler and Black lives Matter today. In Hitlers Germany, there was talk of reparations, the monies of those who earned it were taken away and given to those who fomented the revolution. Looting and the destruction of business was also a part of the Nazi regime. Morality and the moral norms that are in any civilized culture were broken down. Freedom of speech and thought were curtailed in the media and everyday discussion if they did not conform to the party line or the "struggle of the people."

Not mentioned is the struggle of the people in our inner cities with rampant violence and murders. Black Lives Matter never mentions it, the media won't cover it, and the leftists in the Democrat party ignore it. Why? It doesn't fit the narrative that they are trying to push on the American people. They can't virtue signal to defund the police if they discuss that constant murders in the significant cites run by the Democrats. They need to set a narrative where they can make law enforcement the villain, even though they coddle criminals with policies like "no bail" bond to put criminals back on the street.

The same words used by the Nazis, such as “social justice” was an integral part of the Nazi doctrine. The next step recently begun is to have the children tattle of their parents. All of these were the agenda forced on the German people as part of Nazi Germany. It is also a significant part of the plan of Black lives Matter. In essence, the final goal is intended to be to control the lives, speech, and actions of those they do not agree with in any aspect.

In today's case, those who do not agree have made it clear that with the help of the progressive socialists and media, they intend to negate those who disagree, conservatives, white, and those who still believe in religion to kneel and treat them as our overlords. They have come up with another mindless bumper slogan – “silence is violence.” It is just a way to force those of our country to blare mindless Marxist slogans to get their approval. They will continue to use mob rule to stifle anyone who may dissent or criticize the Marxist Black lives Matter and globalists who intend to rule.

This will occur because groups like Black Lives Matter intend to do the best they can to break up the nuclear family. In this country, we have an equality of opportunity and equality of effort and not equality of outcome. They want to use Marxist doctrine to nullify the rights of everyday Americans of every color and religion. A little secret is that those on social media and the progressive socialists in the Democrat party do not understand that Americans will fight for their rights.

One of those rights is the freedom of speech that will come forth in condemning their attempt to force Americans to bow to such leftists as Black Lives Matter and Antifa. Black lives Matter is nothing more than the violent army that Obama called a national army. It was founded by three Marxist agitators for the purpose of silencing any dissent that could disavow the radical socialist agenda they have enshrined as part of their attempt to demoralize and destroy the law-abiding Americans that they so despise.

Every day, Americans are starting to get fed up with the terrorism, destruction of property, and condescension of the elites trying to pull the strings of our country to force the American people into something they do not want and will not consent to in their lives.

This agenda of the progressive socialists have already led to civilians using firearms to protect the property they have worked so hard to build. In Provo, Utah, a man who was attempting to evade a swarm of these animals was shot in his car. Does it need to come to the point where everyday Americans need to leave their homes armed to protect themselves from these animals? Can they not understand that no matter how many Marxist celebrities, universities, now nothing more than Marxist Workemen’s circles, or global organizations kowtow to the virtue-signaling they require, the American people will fight back.

Are there any explanations of Black Lives Matter taking in millions of dollars and funneling through ActBlue to the progressive socialists. Is there any explanation for the $33 million funneled to BLM by the anti-American globalist George Soros to incite the violence they feel they need to transform our country into the laughingly corrupt socialist utopia that they need? The staged pre-programmed riots will not make a difference to ordinary Americans, and in the end, will create animosity and anger leading to the civil war they so desperately need. It will do nothing for the inner city groups they say they want to help. And honestly, black lives do not matter to BLM. If they did, the money they have would be used to assist the inner city, particularly the youth, to help them move forward instead of 60% of it going to the leadership and travel.

Today, the word "racist" is meaningless. It's offshoots "systemic racism," "institutional racism," and “white privilege” is nothing more than bumper stickers with no meaning used to attempt to silence those who disagree. But let’s take an honest look at who are the real racists. Antifa is nothing more than rich white liberal kids playing at revolution by using violence to silence their critics. BLM, with the support of the progressive socialist of the Democrat party plan to fulfill the totalitarian agenda of the globalists. They won’t speak of the agenda because they would have to admit that they are the racists. The media is complicit in furthering the plans to blame white America for the challenges faced in Democrat-run cities.

The rioters, with help from the media, celebrities, and academia can not explain that the party they endorse, has been responsible for the destruction of big cities that the Democrats have run for decades. They can’t explain why they have such members as Irami Osei-Frimpong, a University of Georgia teaching assistant, feels free to write that some white people may have to die before black communities are made whole. They can't explain why the party they endorse has to keep minorities weak and on the plantation for so long. They can't explain why a father, as head of the household, is a detriment to the people they claim to be helping. The party that they endorse keeps their children from freedom of choice when choosing a school. They support abortion, a procedure started by a eugenist trying to wipe out the "defective" black race and claimed backs were inferior. They endorse the party that at a convention in 1932 called the KKK “righteous and for the betterment of humanity.

The progressive socialist Democrats use "systemic racism," a platitude with no truth in reality. To further divide our country without stipulating that the systemic racism inherent in this country is part of the history of their own party. The false promises they have made over the past 50 years are damaging to the people of color they claim to support. But they virtue signal to show how they are much better than middle-class white folk who have no power to change things. Defunding the police is fine with them because the progressive socialist Democrats have their gated homes and private security. Even the Minneapolis City Council have received taxpayer funder security, but still, demand that law enforcement be disbanded. And it appears that law enforcement in that city will be replaced with a sharia/BLM contingent to keep the community safe. What is not mentioned is that it will then become a sharia-compliant city.

The BLM today shows many of the same characteristics of the KKK in the 1930s and 1940s. Both the KKK and the BLM/Antifa socialists' goals are much the same. They plan to tear America away from the God-given rights given to us in the Constitution through tactics of terror and fear. They will never realize that the terror and fear they are attempting to force on the American people will become determination and anger to stop the destruction of all that American hold dear.

The post-truth era that we find ourselves in will not end well. And the American people will rise up and demand that the intellectual and indoctrinated social activists admit that America is not on their side. The community agreement that they seek through force and violence will not change the hard-working Americans that love this country. They will soon realize that the patriots of this country will not take anymore. It is not the province of the progressive socialists, globalists, or elites who think they know better than the American people to declare community agreement of policies that the American people disagree with.
