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The Truth About Margaret Sanger!

March 27, 2024, 12:55:24 pm Mark says: Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked  When Hamas spokesman Abu Ubaida began a speech marking the 100th day of the war in Gaza, one confounding yet eye-opening proclamation escaped the headlines. Listing the motives for the Palestinian militant group's Oct. 7 massacre in Israel, he accused Jews of "bringing red cows" to the Holy Land.
December 31, 2022, 10:08:58 am NilsFor1611 says: blessings
August 08, 2018, 02:38:10 am suzytr says: Hello, any good churches in the Sacto, CA area, also looking in Reno NV, thanks in advance and God Bless you Smiley
January 29, 2018, 01:21:57 am Christian40 says: It will be interesting to see what happens this year Israel being 70 years as a modern nation may 14 2018
October 17, 2017, 01:25:20 am Christian40 says: It is good to type Mark is here again!  Smiley
October 16, 2017, 03:28:18 am Christian40 says: anyone else thinking that time is accelerating now? it seems im doing days in shorter time now is time being affected in some way?
September 24, 2017, 10:45:16 pm Psalm 51:17 says: The specific rule pertaining to the national anthem is found on pages A62-63 of the league rulebook. It states: “The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem. “During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.”
September 20, 2017, 04:32:32 am Christian40 says: "The most popular Hepatitis B vaccine is nothing short of a witch’s brew including aluminum, formaldehyde, yeast, amino acids, and soy. Aluminum is a known neurotoxin that destroys cellular metabolism and function. Hundreds of studies link to the ravaging effects of aluminum. The other proteins and formaldehyde serve to activate the immune system and open up the blood-brain barrier. This is NOT a good thing."
September 19, 2017, 03:59:21 am Christian40 says: bbc international did a video about there street preaching they are good witnesses
September 14, 2017, 08:06:04 am Psalm 51:17 says: bro Mark Hunter on YT has some good, edifying stuff too.
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« on: April 04, 2011, 11:31:11 am »

The Truth About Margaret Sanger!

(This article first appeared in the January 20, 1992 edition of Citizen magazine)

"No Gods - No Masters" -Margaret Sanger

How Planned Parenthood Duped America

At a March 1925 international birth control gathering in New York City, a speaker warned of the menace posed by the "black" and "yellow" peril. The man was not a n.azi or Klansman; he was Dr. S. Adolphus Knopf, a member of Margaret Sanger's American Birth Control League (ABCL), which along with other groups eventually became known as Planned Parenthood.

Sanger's other colleagues included avowed and sophisticated racists. One, Lothrop Stoddard, was a Harvard graduate and the author of The Rising Tide of Color against White Supremacy. Stoddard was something of a n.azi enthusiast who described the eugenic practices of the Third Reich as "scientific" and "humanitarian." And Dr. Harry Laughlin, another Sanger associate and board member for her group, spoke of purifying America's human "breeding stock" and purging America's "bad strains." These "strains" included the "shiftless, ignorant, and worthless class of antisocial whites of the South."

Not to be outdone by her followers, Margaret Sanger spoke of sterilizing those she designated as "unfit," a plan she said would be the "salvation of American civilization.: And she also spoke of those who were "irresponsible and reckless," among whom she included those " whose religious scruples prevent their exercising control over their numbers." She further contended that "there is no doubt in the minds of all thinking people that the procreation of this group should be stopped." That many Americans of African origin constituted a segment of Sanger considered "unfit" cannot be easily refuted.

While Planned Parenthood's current apologists try to place some distance between the eugenics and birth control movements, history definitively says otherwise. The eugenic theme figured prominently in the Birth Control Review, which Sanger founded in 1917. She published such articles as "Some Moral Aspects of Eugenics" (June 1920), "The Eugenic Conscience" (February 1921), "The purpose of Eugenics" (December 1924), "Birth Control and Positive Eugenics" (July 1925), "Birth Control: The True Eugenics" (August 1928), and many others.

These eugenic and racial origins are hardly what most people associate with the modern Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), which gave its Margaret Sanger award to the late Dr. Martin Luther King in 1966, and whose current president, Faye Wattleton, is black, a former nurse, and attractive.

Though once a social pariah group, routinely castigated by religious and government leaders, the PPFA is now an established, high-profile, well-funded organization with ample organizational and ideological support in high places of American society and government. Its statistics are accepted by major media and public health officials as "gospel"; its full-page ads appear in major newspapers; its spokespeople are called upon to give authoritative analyses of what America's family policies should be and to prescribe official answers that congressmen, state legislator and Supreme Court justices all accept as "social orthodoxy."

Blaming Families

Sanger's obsession with eugenics can be traced back to her own family. One of 11 children, she wrote in the autobiographical book, My Fight for Birth Control, that "I associated poverty, toil, unemployment, drunkenness, cruelty, quarreling, fighting, debts, jails with large families." Just as important was the impression in her childhood of an inferior family status, exacerbated by the iconoclastic, "free-thinking" views of her father, whose "anti-Catholic attitudes did not make for his popularity" in a predominantly Irish community.

The fact that the wealthy families in her hometown of Corning, N.Y., had relatively few children, Sanger took as prima facie evidence of the impoverishing effect of larger families. The personal impact of this belief was heightened 1899, at the age of 48. Sanger was convinced that the "ordeals of motherhood" had caused the death of her mother. The lingering consumption (tuberculosis) that took her mother's life visited Sanger at the birth of her own first child on Nov. 18, 1905. The diagnosis forced her to seek refuge in the Adirondacks to strengthen her for the impending birth. Despite the precautions, the birth of baby Grant was "agonizing," the mere memory of which Sanger described as "mental torture" more than 25 years later. She once described the experience as a factor "to be reckoned with" in her zealous campaign for birth control.

From the beginning, Sanger advocacy of sex education reflected her interest in population control and birth prevention among the "unfit." Her first handbook, published for adolescents in 1915 and entitled, What Every Boy and Girl Should Know, featured a jarring afterward:

It is a vicious cycle; ignorance breeds poverty and poverty breeds ignorance.  There is only one cure for both, and that is to stop breeding these things.  Stop bringing to birth children whose inheritance cannot be one of health or intelligence.  Stop bringing into the world children whose parents cannot provide for them.

To Sanger, the ebbing away of moral and religious codes over sexual conduct was a natural consequence of the worthlessness of such codes in the individual's search for self-fulfillment. "Instead of laying down hard and fast rules of sexual conduct," Sanger wrote in her 1922 book Pivot of Civilization, "sex can be rendered effective and valuable only as it meets and satisfies the interests and demands of the pupil himself." Her attitude is appropriately described as libertinism, but sex knowledge was not the same as individual liberty, as her writings on procreation emphasized.

The second edition of Sanger's life story, An Autobiography, appeared in 1938. There Sanger described her first cross-country lecture tour in 1916. Her standard speech asserted seven conditions of life that "mandated" the use of birth control: the third was "when parents, though normal, had subnormal children"; the fourth, "when husband and wife were adolescent"; the fifth, "when the earning capacity of the father was inadequate." No right existed to exercise sex knowledge to advance procreation. Sanger described the fact that "anyone, no matter how ignorant, how diseased mentally or physically, how lacking in all knowledge of children, seemed to consider he or she had the right to become a parent."

Religious Bigotry

In the 1910's and 1920's, the entire social order–religion, law, politics, medicine, and the media–was arrayed against the idea and practice of birth control. This opposition began in 1873 when an overwhelmingly Protestant Congress passed, and a Protestant president signed into law, a bill that became known as the Comstock Law, named after its main proponent, Anthony Comstock. The U.S. Congress classified obscene writing, along with drugs, and devices and articles that prevented conception or caused abortion, under the same net of criminality and forbade their importation or mailing.

Sanger set out to have such legislation abolished or amended. Her initial efforts were directed at the Congress with the opening of a Washington, D.C., office of her American Birth Control League in 1926. Sanger wanted to amend section 211 of the U.S. criminal code to allow the interstate shipment and mailing of contraceptives among physicians, druggists and drug manufacturers.

During January and February of 1926, Sanger and her co-workers personally interviewed 40 senators and 14 representatives. None agreed to introduce a bill to amend the Comstock Act. Fresh from this unanimous rejection, Sanger issued an update to her followers: Everywhere there is general acceptance of the idea, except in religious circles. . .The National Catholic Welfare Council [sic] (NCWC) has a special legislative committee organized to block and defeat our legislation. They frankly state that they intend to legislate for non-Catholics according to the dictates of the church.

There was no such committee. But 20 non-Catholic lay or religious organizations joined NCWC in opposition to amending the Comstock Act. This was not the first time, nor was it to be the last, that Sanger sought to stir up sectarian strife by blaming Catholics for her legislative failures. Catholic-bashing was a standard tactic (one that Planned Parenthood still finds useful to this day), although other Christian groups now also come in for criticism.

Eight years later, in 1934, Sanger went to Congress again.  Reporting on the first day of the hearings, the New York Times noted:
... the almost solidly Catholic opposition to the measure. This is now, according to Margaret Sanger. . . the only organized opposition to the proposal.

Sanger wrote a letter to her "Friends, Co-workers, and Endorsers" that portrayed the opposing testimony as the work of Catholics determined ... not to present facts to the committee but to intimidate them by showing a Catholic block of voters who (though in the minority in the United States) want to dictate to the majority of non-Catholics as directed from the Vatican in social and moral legislation ... American men and women, are we going to allow this insulting arrogance to bluff the American people?

For Sanger, the proper attitude toward her religious critics featured character assassination, personal vilification and old-fashioned bigotry. Her Birth Control Review printed an article that noted: "Today by the Roman Catholic clergy and their allies . . . Public opinion in America, I fear, is too willing to condone in the officials of the Roman Catholic Church what it condemns in the Ku Klux Klan.

A favorite Catholic-baiter of Sanger's was Norman E. Himes, who contributed articles to Sanger's journal. Himes claimed there were genetic differences between Catholics and non-Catholics.

Are Catholic stocks . . . genetically inferior to such non-Catholic libertarian stocks and Unitarians and Universal . . . Freethinkers? Inferior to non-Catholics in general? . . . my guess is that the answer will someday be made in the affirmative. . . and if the supposed differentials in net productivity are also genuine, the situation is anti-social, perhaps gravely so.

Sanger sought to isolate Catholics by creating a schism between them and Protestants, who had held parallel views of birth control and abortion for centuries. She welcomed a report from a majority of the Committee on Marriage and the Home of the General Council of Churches (later the National Council of Churches) advocating birth control. This committee was composed largely of social elite Protestants, including Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. A number of Protestant church bodies publicly repudiated the committee's endorsement.

The Rev. Worth Tippy, council executive secretary and author of the report, told Sanger in April 1931 that: ... the statement on Moral Aspects of Birth Control has aroused more opposition within the Protestant churches than we expected. Under the circumstances, and since we plan to carry on a steady work for liberalizing laws and to stimulate the establishment of clinics, it is necessary that we make good these losses and also increase our resources.  Could you help me quietly by giving me the names of people of means who are interested in the birth control movement and might help us if I wrote them.

Sanger immediately wrote Tippy that she would be "glad to select names of persons from our lists whom I think might be able to subscribe." Tippy replied to Sanger a week later, offering to give her some names for fund raising and thanking her for the offer of "names of people who are able to contribute to generous causes and who are favorable to birth control." He also related that they had expected some reaction from the "fundamentalist groups," but nothing like what had happened.

Protestants repeatedly stated their unity with Catholics in opposing Planned Parenthood's initiatives. During Sanger's attempts to reform New York state law, another Protestant stood with Catholics. The Rev. John R. Straton, Pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church of New York City, said: "This bill is subversive of the human family . . . It is revolting, monstrous, against God's word and contradicts American traditions."

Sanger's attack on Catholics appeared to be an attempt to divert attention from the class politics of Planned Parenthood. The Rev. John A. Ryan wrote: ... their main objective is to increase the practice of birth-prevention among the poor . . . It is said that the present birth-prevention movement is to some extent financed by wealthy, albeit philanthropic persons. As far as I am aware , none of these is conspicuous in the movement for economic justice. None of them is crying out for a scale of wages which would enable workers to take care of a normal number of children.

Sanger's sexual license was another motivation for her Anti-Catholic sniping. A Sanger biographer, David M. Kennedy, said her primary goal was to "increase the quantity and quality of sexual relationships." The birth control movement, she said, freed the mind from "sexual prejudice and taboo, by demanding the frankest and most unflinching re-examination of sex in its relation to human nature and the basis of human society.

Sannger's ****

It was in 1939 that Sanger's larger vision for dealing with the reproductive practices of black Americans emerged. After the January 1939 merger of her Clinical Research Bureau and the ABCL to form the Birth Control Federation of America, Dr. Clarence J. **** was selected to become the BCFA regional director for the South. Dr. ****, of the soap-manufacturing Procter and **** company, was no newcomer to Sanger's organization. He had previously served as director at large to the predecessor ABCL.

**** lost no time and drew up a memorandum in November 1939 entitled "Suggestion for Negro Project." Acknowledging that black leaders might regard birth control as an extermination plot, he suggested that black leaders be place in positions where it would appear that they were in charge as it was at an Atlanta conference.

It is evident from the rest of the memo that **** conceived the project almost as a traveling road show. A charismatic black minister was to start a revival, with "contributions" to come from other local cooperating ministers. A "colored nurse" would follow, supported by a subsidized "colored doctor." **** even suggested that music might be a useful lure to bring the prospects to a meeting.

Sanger answered **** on Dec. 10. 1939, agreeing with the assessment. She wrote: "We do not want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten that idea out if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." In 1940, money for two "Negro Project" demonstration programs in southern states was donated by advertising magnate Albert D. Lasker and his wife, Mary.

Birth control was presented both as an economic betterment vehicle and as a health measure that could lower the incidence of infant mortality. At the 1942 BCFA annual meeting, BCFA Negro Council board member Dr. Dorothy B. Ferebee–a cum laude graduate of Tufts and also president of Alpha Kappa Alpha, the nation's largest black sorority–addressed the delegates regarding Planned Parenthood's minority outreach efforts : With the Negro group some of the most difficult obstacles . . . to overcome are: (1) the concept that when birth control is proposed to them, it is motivated by a clever bit of machination to persuade them to commit race suicide; (2) the so-called "husband rejection" . . . (3) the fact that birth control is confused with abortion, and (4) the belief that is inherently immoral. However, as formidable as these objections may seem, when thrown against the total picture of the awareness on the part of the Negro leaders of the improved condition under Planned Parenthood, or the genuine interest and eagerness of the families themselves to secure the services which will give them a fair chance for health and happiness, the obstacles to the program are greatly outweighed.

Birth control as an economic improvement measure had some appeal to those lowest on the income ladder. In the black Chicago Defender for Jan. 10, 1942, a long three-column women's interest article discussed the endorsement of the Sanger program by prominent black women. There were at lease six express references, such as the following example, to birth control as a remedy for economic woes:" . . . it raises the standard of living by enabling parents to adjust the family size to the family income." Readers were also told that birth control" . . . is no operation. It is no abortion. Abortion kills life after it has begun. . . Birth Control is neither harmful nor immoral."

But the moral stumbling block could only be surmounted by Afro-American religious leaders, so black ministers were solicited. Florence Rose, long-time Sanger secretary, prepared an activities report during March 1942 detailing the progress of the "Negro Project." She recounted a recent meeting with a Planned Parenthood Negro Division board member, Bishop David H. Sims (African Methodist Episcopal Church), who appreciated Planned Parenthood's recognition of the extent of black opposition to birth control and its efforts to build up support among black leaders. He offered whatever assistance he could give.

Bishop Sims offered to begin the "softening process" among the representatives of different Negro denominations attending the monthly meetings of the Federal Council of Churches and its Division of Race Relations.

These and other efforts paid off handsomely after World War II. By 1949, virtually the entire black leadership network of religious, social, professional, and academic organizations had endorsed Planned Parenthood's program.

National Scandal

More than a decade later, Planned Parenthood continued targeting minority communities, but without much success.

In 1940, nonwhite women aged 18 to 19 experienced 61 births per 1,000 unmarried women. In 1968, the corresponding figure was 112 per 1,000, a 100 percent jump. What other factor could account for the increased rate of sexual activity than wider access to birth control, with its promise of sex without tears and consequences?

Alan Guttmacher, then president of Planned Parenthood, was desperate to show policy-makers that birth control would produce a situation whereby "minority groups who constantly outbreed the majority will no longer persist in doing so. . . "

Despite claims that racial or ethnic groups were not being "targeted," American blacks, among whose ranks a greater proportion of the poor were numbered, received a high priority in Planned Parenthood's nationwide efforts. Donald B. Strauss, chairman of Planned Parenthood World Population, urged the 1964 Democratic national Convention to liberalize the party's stated policies on birth control, and to adopt domestic and foreign policy platform resolutions to conform with long-sought San gerite goals: [While almost one-fourth of nonwhite parents have four or more children under 18 living with them, only 8% of the white couples have that many children living at home. For the Negro parent in particular, the denial of access to family planning professional guidance forecloses one more avenue to family advancement and well-being..

Unwanted children would not get the job training and educational skills they needed to compete in a shrinking labor market; moreover, unwanted children are a product and a cause of poverty.

Surveying the "successes" of tax-subsidized birth control programs, Guttmacher noted in 1970 that "[Birth control services are proliferating in areas adjacent to concentrations of black population." (In the 1980's, targeting the inner-city black communities for school based sex clinics became more sensitive than expected.)

Guttmacher thought that as long as the birth rate continued to fall or remained at a low level, Planned Parenthood should certainly be introduced before family size by coercion is attempted."

Reaching this goal, he thought, would best be accomplished by having groups other than the PPFA preach the doctrine of a normative 2.1-child family, as doing this would offend Planned Parenthood's minority clients. He suggested that family size would decrease if abortion were liberalized nationwide and received government support. In this prediction he was right on target.

But Guttmacher did not completely reject forced population control: Predicting 20 critical years ahead in the struggle to control the population explosion, Dr. Alan Guttmacher, president of Planned parenthood World Population, continues to urge the use of all voluntary means to hold down on the world birthrate. But he foresees the possibility that eventual coercion may become necessary, particularly in areas where the pressure is greatest, possibly India and China. "Each country," he says, "will have to decide its own form of coercion, and determine when and how it should be employed. At Present, the means are compulsory sterilization and compulsory abortion. Perhaps some day a way of enforcing compulsory birth control will be feasible.

Coerced abortion is already practiced in China, with the International Planned Parenthood Federation's approval.

Extreme Irony

Despite its past, Planned Parenthood has managed to present the image of toleration and minority participation through the vehicle of its divorced, telegenic, African American president, Ms. Faye Wattleton, appointed titular head of the PPFA in 1978, a post she still holds. Though paid in the six-figure range, she has impeccable minority credentials that would have fit the public relations criteria for both Margaret Sanger and Dr. Clarence ****.

Wattleton's PPFA biography touts her as a friend of the "Poor and the young"; a nurse at Harlem Hospital; and the recipient of the 1989 Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Humanitarian Award and the World Institute of Black Communicators' 1986 Excellence in Black Communications Award. It further states she was featured in a national photography exhibit, "I Dream A World: Portraits of Black Women Who Changed America"; interviewed in Ebony; and was the cover story in Black Enterprise magazine. (Time published a profile of Wattleton in 1990 entitled "Nothing Less Than Perfect.")

Her ideological orientation has received certification in the form of the Better World Society's 1989 Population Model, the 1986 American Humanist Award, and others. But surely, the spectacle of the Congressional Black Caucus awarding its humanitarian award to the black woman who presides over the organization that has hastened and justified the death of almost eight million black children since 1973 and facilitates the demise of the black family is ironic in the extreme.

Killer Angel

In his book, Killer Angel, George Grant says: "Myths, according to theologian J. l. packer, are stories made up to sanctify social patterns.' They are lies, carefully designed to reinforce a particular philosophy or morality within a culture. They are instruments of manipulation and control.

Killer Angel tells the real story behind one of the biggest myths that controls our culture today the life and legacy of Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood. Grant exposes "the Big Lie" perpetuated by Sanger's followers and the organization she started.

Through detailed research and concise writing, Grant unveils Sanger's true character and ideology, which included blatant racism, revolutionary socialism, sexual perversion and insatiable avarice. Grant includes direct quotes from sources such as Sanger's Birth Control Review to support his findings. His biography spans Sanger's disturbed and unhappy upbringing which Sanger said contributed to her agitation and bitterness later in life to her eventual fixation with drugs, alcohol and the occult.

Particularly shocking was Sanger's involvement in the Eugenics movement. Grant says: "[Sanger] was thoroughly convinced that the inferior races' were in fact human weeds' and a menace to civilization.' . . . She was a true believer, not simply someone who assimilated the jargon of the times as Planned Parenthood officials would have us believe."

Sanger died September 6, 1966, a week before her eighty-seventh birthday. Grant says: "[She] had nearly fulfilled her early boast that she would spend every last penny of Slee's [her second husband] fortune. In the process, though, she had lost everything else: love, happiness, satisfaction, fulfillment, family, and friends. In the end, her struggle was her naught."

The truth uncovered in grant's book has proven to be a threat to those who follow the cult of :Planned Parenthood. In fact, Killer Angel was recently banned from a public library in Toledo, Ohio. A library manager stated in a letter that, "The author's political and social agenda, which is strongly exposed throughout the book, is not appropriate even in a critical biography of its subject."

In response, Grant pointed out that "The question at hand is whether librarians should be making subjective judgments about my political beliefs and the beliefs of other authors."

By censoring Killer Angel, the library appears to be violating its own policies, which state that, "the Library collection shall include representative materials of all races and nationalities, and all political, religious, economic and social views." Except Christian views, apparently.

While the Toledo public library may not be interested in the information put forth in Grant's book, pro-lifers will find this biography useful and enlightening. It serves as a powerful tool in dispelling the myths surrounding a woman considered a ****e by many who began an organization that is responsible for the deaths of millions of unborn children.

Grant states that, "Margaret Sanger and her heirs at Planned Parenthood . . . have thus far been able to parlay the deception into a substantial empire. But now the truth must be told. The illusion must be exposed." Killer Angel does an outstanding job in doing that.

Sanger's Legacy is Reproductive Freedom and Racism

Despite Margaret Sanger's contributions to birth control and hence women's freedom and empowerment, her legacy is diminished by her sympathies with eugenics. This writer says that, like many modern feminists, Sanger ignored class and race.

(WOMEN'S NEWS)--Margaret Sanger opened the nation's first birth control clinic in 1916. For the rest of her life she worked to establish a woman's right to control her body and to decide when or whether to have a child. In 1921, she founded the American Birth Control league, the forerunner of Planned Parenthood.

Her impact on contemporary society is tremendous. Enabling women to control their fertility and giving them access to contraception, as advocated by Sanger, makes it possible for women to have a broader set of life options, especially in the areas of education and employment, than if their lives are dominated by unrelieved childbearing.

A recent reminder of Sanger's impact on our society came when the Equal employment Opportunity Commission found that it is illegal sex discrimination to exclude prescription contraceptives from an otherwise comprehensive health benefits plan. Sanger's efforts to provide access to contraception are at the foundation of decisions to provide equal access to prescription contraceptives and other prescriptions.

Still, especially with the Bush administration, activists will have to fight to maintain access to contraception and to abortion. In April, the House of Representatives passed legislation that would establish criminal penalties for harming a fetus during the commission of a crime. While proponents of the bill say it does not include abortion, some see fetal protection legislation as an attempt to undermine abortion rights. The passage of this legislation is a reminder that the rights Margaret Sanger worked so hard to establish are tenuous rights that many would challenge.

For all her positive influence, I see Sanger as a tarnished ****e whose embrace of the eugenics movement showed racial insensitivity, at best. From her associates, as well as from some of the articles that were published in Sanger's magazine, the Birth Control review, it is possible to conclude that "racially insensitive" is too mild a description. Indeed, some of her statements, taken in or out of context, are simply racist. And she never rebuked eugenicists who believed in improving the hereditary qualities of a race or breed by controlling mating in order to eliminate "undesirable" characteristics and promote "desirable" traits.

Sanger: We Must Limit the Over-Fertility of Mentally, Physically Defective

"Our failure to segregate morons who are increasing and multiplying . . . demonstrates our foolhardy and extravagant sentimentalism," she wrote in the recently republished "The Pivot of Civilization." This book, written in 1922, was published at a time when scientific racism had been used to assert black inferiority. Who determines who is a moron? How would these morons be segregated? The ramifications of such statements are bone chilling.

In a 1921 article in the Birth Control Review, Sanger wrote, "The most urgent problem today is how to limit and discourage the over-fertility of the mentally and physically defective." Reviewers of one of her 1919 articles interpreted her objectives as "More children from the fit, less from the unfit." Again, the question of who decides fitness is important, and it was an issue that Sanger only partly addressed. "The undeniably feebleminded should indeed, not only be discouraged but prevented from propagating their kind," she wrote.

Sanger advocated the mandatory sterilization of the insane and feebleminded." Although this does not diminish her legacy as the key force in the birth control movement, it raises questions much like those now being raised about our nation's slaveholding founders. How do we judge historical figures? How are their contributions placed in context?

It is easy to see why there is some antipathy toward Sanger among people of color, considering that, given our nation's history, we are the people most frequently described as "unfit" and "feebleminded."

Many African American women have been subject to nonconsensual forced sterilization. Some did not even know that they were sterilized until they tried, unsuccessfully, to have children. In 1973, Essence Magazine published an expose of forced sterilization practices in the rural South, where racist physicians felt they were performing a service by sterilizing black women without telling them. While one cannot blame Margaret Sanger for the actions of these physician, one can certainly see why Sanger's words are especially repugnant in a racial context.

The Planned Parenthood Federation of America has been protective of Margaret Sanger's reputation and defensive of allegations that she was a racist. They correctly point out that many of the attacks on Sanger come from anti-choice activists who have an interest in distorting both Sanger's work and that of Planned Parenthood. While it is understandable that Planned Parenthood would be protective of their founder's reputation, it cannot ignore the fact that Sanger edited the Birth Control review from its inception until 1929. Under her leadership, the magazine featured articles that embraced the eugenicist position. If Sanger were as anti-eugenics as Planned Parenthood says she was, she would not have printed as many articles sympathetic to eugenics as she did.

Like Many Modern Feminists, Sanger Ignored Race and Class

Would the NAACP's house organ, Crisis Magazine, print articles by members of the Ku Klux Klan? Would Planned Parenthood publish articles penned by fetal protectionist South Carolina republican Lindsey Graham?

The articled published in the Birth Control Review showed Sanger's empathy with some eugenicist views. Margaret Sanger worked closely with W. E. B. DuBois on her "Negro Project," an effort to expose Southern black women to birth control. Mary McLeod Bethune and Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. were also involved in the effort. Much later, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. accepted an award from Planned Parenthood and complimented the organization's efforts. It is entirely possible that Sanger Ôs views evolved over time. Certainly, by the late 1940s, she spoke about ways to solve the "Negro problem" in the United States. This evolution, however commendable, does not eradicate the impact of her earlier statements.

What, then, is Sanger's legacy?

The Planned Parenthood Federation of America has grown to an organization with 129 affiliates. It operates 875 health centers and serves about 5 million women each year. Planned Parenthood has been a leader in the fight for women's right to choose and in providing access to affordable reproductive health care for a cross-section of women. Planned Parenthood has not supported forced sterilization or restricted immigration and has gently rejected the most extreme of Sanger's views.

In many ways, Sanger is no different from contemporary feminists who, after making the customary acknowledgement of issues dealing with race and class, return to analysis that focuses exclusively on gender. These are the feminists who feel that women should come together around "women's issues" and battle out our differences later. In failing to acknowledge differences and the differential impact of a set of policies, these feminists make it difficult for women to come together.

Sanger published the Birth Control Review at the same time that black men, returning from World War I, were lynched in uniform. That she did not see the harm in embracing exclusionary jargon about sterilization and immigration suggests that she was, at best, socially myopic.

That's reason enough to suggest that her leadership was flawed and her legacy crippled by her insensitivity.
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« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2011, 11:34:25 am »

Margaret Sanger's nation of 'morons'
By Jack Cashill | June 29, 2005

Although Planned Parenthood has tried desperately to shred the files of its founding mother, Margaret Sanger herself has left a detailed record of how she lived and how she thought. The most unimpeachable source of the former is her autobiography, written in 1938, and of the latter, her landmark book, "The Pivot of Civilization," written in 1922.

"A religion without a name was spreading over the country," Sanger enthuses about those heady days before World War I. "The converts were liberals, socialists, anarchists, revolutionists of all shades." Then living in New York, Sanger wanted part of the action.

Sanger found her own calling quite by chance. One evening, a scheduled lecturer at a meeting of socialists had to cancel, and the organizer asked Sanger to fill in. Knowing little about politics, she spoke about what she did know: health. And she made a great hit with the women present.

In 1914, Sanger launched her own publication, the Woman Rebel. Never one for subtlety, Sanger adopted the altogether revealing slogan: "No Gods. No Masters." In the first issue, the increasingly radical Sanger argued that women had a duty "to look the world in the eyes; to have an idea; to speak and act in defiance of convention." For the rest of her career, Sanger did just that.

Curiously, Sanger admits to having no great sense of compassion for the less fortunate, a seeming drawback for their would-be liberator. "I hated the wretchedness and hopelessness of the poor," she writes, "and never experienced that satisfaction in working among them that so many noble women have found."

Sanger saw the poor not as a people to be helped, but as a problem to be solved, and birth control offered the perfect solution. If "The Pivot of Civilization" is as loud and clear as a bell about this solution, "The Autobiography of Margaret Sanger" is almost entirely silent. It is not hard to understand the silence. The autobiography was published in 1938, the same year that Joseph Goebbels made the following declaration about his fellow National Socialists:

Our starting point is not the individual, and we do not subscribe to the view that one should feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, or clothe the naked ... Our objectives are entirely different: We must have a healthy people in order to prevail in the world.

Now consider the following declaration from Sanger's "The Pivot of Civilization," one that makes Goebbels' proclamation seem, by comparison, a model of restraint:

... the most urgent problem today is how to limit and discourage the over-fertility of the mentally and physically defective. Possibly drastic and Spartan methods may be forced upon American society if it continues complacently to encourage the chance and chaotic breeding that has resulted from our stupid, cruel sentimentalism.

Planned Parenthood is forever chastising pro-life advocates for quoting Margaret Sanger out of context, but "Pivot" is all context. Sanger posits two primary reasons why birth control is necessary. The first, the one that has endured in progressive mythology, is "the liberation of the spirit of woman and through woman of the child." The second, the one that has been cleansed from the record, is "to prevent the sexual and racial chaos into which the world has drifted."

Sanger reviews the remedies for dealing with a nation half filled with "morons" and finds them all wanting. She reserves her greatest scorn, of course, for the traditional. The Catholic Church's claim that even deformed children have souls, she argues, has had "the practical effect of making this world a vale of tears." To "open-minded" individuals – presumably, like herself – such orthodoxy appears "crude and cruel" and a "menace to civilization."

Traditional philanthropy, if anything, is crueler still. "Organized charity," writes Sanger, "itself is the symptom of a malignant social disease." By keeping so many "defectives, delinquents and dependents" alive and breeding, charity at some point becomes an injustice for the self-supporting citizen and a "positive injury to the future of the race." Indeed, students of Sanger could not have been surprised by the massive progressive indifference to the torture and death of Terri Schiavo. The seed of that indifference has been deeply planted.

Sanger's American Birth Control League and its allies had enormous influence in their day. In 1927, in a now notorious case known as Buck v. Bell, the U.S. Supreme Court accepted the state of Virginia's ruling that Carrie Buck and her infant daughter were mentally defective and thus deserving of forced sterilization.

"It is better for all the world," wrote famed progressive jurist Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., "if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind." Sanger could not have said it better herself.

In 1946, with the full horrors of the Holocaust revealed, the American Birth Control League quietly changed its name to the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. In a memory purge impressive even by Soviet standards, Planned Parenthood and its friends in the cultural establishment proceeded to cleanse all trace of eugenics, positive or negative, from Sanger's record.

By the time Sanger died in 1966, the cultural establishment had transformed her into the Mother Teresa of birth control. "Eugenics" does not appear among the 2,200 glowing words in that ultimate arbitrator of establishment worth, the New York Times obituary.

The Margaret Sanger that the Times reader is asked to remember is a "dynamic, titian-haired woman whose Irish ancestry also endowed her with unfailing charm and persuasive wit." The only quibble that the Times raises is that her opposition to the Catholic Church led her to oppose the election of president John F. Kennedy.

In fact, so strong was Sanger's opposition to the Church that she had threatened – a threat then novel among the elite – to leave the country if Kennedy were elected. The Times, however, offers this tidbit not as a criticism, but as proof of her tenacity. Indeed, Sanger's "years of birth-control advocacy appeared to be making an inroad in Rome" enthuses the obituary writer. What is more, a papal commission was about to propose "leaving the matter of specific birth-control techniques to the individual Catholic conscience." In short, the wonder-working Sanger was about to save the Catholic Church from its own follies.

Two years later, of course, Pope Paul VI issued the encyclical "Humanae Vitae" reaffirming the church's position in spades and revealing, even then, how the Times was passing off fantasy as news.
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The Man from George Street
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« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2011, 11:36:11 am »

Mass Murderer Margaret Sanger

Margaret Sanger is No Hero to Black America

"We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population." - Margaret Sanger
       NBC's Today show recently brought tears to my eyes. In disbelief, I watched our nation's mainstream media honor Margaret Sanger, the woman who single-handedly gave birth to Planned Parenthood and the abortion movement. The movement that is responsible for literally millions of terminated souls, including more than 1,200 abortions of African-American children each day!

As Katie Couric heralded this bigoted, racist woman as a heroine for the millennium, my jaw hit the floor. Sanger was described as vivacious, warm, healing and powerfully driven. Ellen Chesler, a Sanger biographer, said Sanger wanted simply to liberate "women to experience their sexuality free of consequence."

While noting Sanger wrote for a socialist weekly and published her own newsletter called The Women Rebel, No Gods, No Masters, NBC failed to mention that she proposed in some writings that Negroes like my parents and grandparents be given the choice of segregation or sterilization. NBC told of Sanger's battles with the Catholic Church, her arrests and self-imposed exile to escape further imprisonment. It was further revealed that she abandoned her husband and three small children "for the cause."

Sanger's grandson said she was so devoted to her "cause" that she was seldom home to care for her own children. One daughter died of pneumonia at the age of four. The report claimed Sanger never recovered from the loss even though they already said "her children were neglected" and "her marriage fell apart" and "she remarried and went on." Is this the behavior of an American hero?

NBC said some of Sanger's supporters objected to her more controversial beliefs regarding population control. But that's all they said. After it was over, I saw blood red through a veil of tears and uncontrollable emotion.

"The Negro Project," which Sanger established to ensure that the African-American population did not outgrow the white population, was never mentioned. To add insult to injury, the segment implied that Sanger should have been honored by this country but never was.

NBC mentioned Sanger's founding of Planned Parenthood and her legacy in the Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion as well as her role in the development of the birth control pill. But they failed to mention her writings concerning the creation of, in her words, "government-run farms and homesteads" for "illiterates, paupers, unemployables, criminals, prostitutes, dope-fiends, morons, mental defectives and epileptics." Witness the misery and anguish massed in the communities we now call ghettos and government housing - where a Planned Parenthood office is readily accessible to encourage abortion and sexual freedom. Compare those communities to non-minority suburbs and tell me that Sanger's undermining of the minority family structure has not been achieved. Why was this not covered?

According to NBC, Sanger "improved the lives of billions of people." I suspect they weren't referring to all the dead and neglected babies. But, then again, babies were dispensable to Sanger - even her own.

Nancy Stevenson, Sanger's great-granddaughter, claimed Sanger made it so that "women today can have it all." I wonder if she is referring to the cold callousness by which women and young girls choose to terminate life in their wombs? Or perhaps that have it all by tossing away their virtue, dignity and innocence on the altar of sexual freedom? Maybe it is because they can now leave their kids with strangers to challenge men to a duel on the battlefield of money, sex and power?

Whatever Stevenson means, there is no question Sanger's efforts changed our society. She succeeded in keeping the population of the Negro down. And she succeeded in influencing both white and black leaders and their followers to adopt philosophies that directly oppose their own religious beliefs.

Sanger also succeeded in corralling the human misery she wanted to isolate. She succeeded in persuading the government to assist her Planned Parenthood clinics in the murder of millions by legalizing and sanctioning a woman's "choice" to determine the fate of her unborn baby. Sanger achieved success by convincing society that being both a career woman and mother was a noble cause, despite her inability to do so. She successfully divided our nation over the issues of birth control, abortion, religion and family.

America's mainstream media has crowned Margaret Sanger a hero to women. I am asking you to make your own stand. Will you ignore the facts and pretend you don't know the truth? Or will you act?

Will you use your own influence and stature and power to combat the evil that has been held up and honored by others. As we observe the 27th anniversary of legal abortion this January 22, will you stand with me and others as we speak out fervently and frequently regarding the humiliation and shame brought upon this country by Margaret Sanger? Will you stand up for what you believe or deny having the knowledge?

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The Man from George Street
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« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2011, 11:42:18 am »

Big Money and Population Control


Illuminati/ Rockefeller Support Planned Parenthood

Some of America’s richest men are supporters of Planned Parenthood and its allies.

George Soros, worth a measly $4 billion, established the Program on Reproductive Health and Rights, which has given millions to pro-abortion causes.

Ellen Chesler, author of Woman of Valor: Margaret Sanger and the Birth Control Movement in America, is director of the Soros-­backed program.

Bill Gates, valued at $76 billion, has given $57 million to the United Nations Population Fund; almost $14 million to International Planned Parenthood; $4 million to the Population Council and millions more to other related causes.

Ted Turner, valued at $7­9 billion, earmarked $1 billion from 1997 to 2007 for UN health and population control efforts and is reportedly “close to creating a new film and television production company committed to making documentaries about…ecological responsibility and population control.”

The David and Lucille Packard Foundation, possessing assets of $13 billion, is almost exclusively concerned with population control and similar issues.

SOURCE: Conspiracy Planet - Abortion Industry/ Human Organ Trade - Illuminati/ Rockefeller Support Planned Parenthood


The Population Control Agenda
Stanley K. Monteith, M.D.
One of the most difficult concepts for Americans to accept is that there are human beings dedicated to coercive population control and genocide. Many readers will acknowledge that our government is helping to finance the Red Chinese program of forced abortion, forced sterilization, infanticide, and control of the numbers of live births. Most readers will accept the fact that our nation is helping to finance the United Nations' world-wide "family planning program," a form of population control. Most rational men and women, however, find it impossible to believe that such programs are really part of a "master plan" to kill off large segments of the world's population.
I shall have to admit that I studied the politics of AIDS (HIV disease) for over a decade before I finally came to a horrifying conclusion. The real motivation behind efforts to block utilization of standard public health measures to control further spread of the HIV epidemic was "population control." That was not an easy concept for me to acknowledge, despite the fact that I had long recognized that the twentieth century has been the bloodiest hundred-year period in all recorded human history.

It was not until I journeyed to Elberton, Georgia, stood within the dark shadows of the great Druid-like monument built there, and read the words engraved on the massive stone pillars of that structure that I finally came to accept the truth. At that point it became obvious that just as our Lord has given mankind Ten Commandments to guide our lives, so, too, those from "the dark side" have been given their instructions from the "one" they worship. The ten programs of the "guides" are inscribed in eight different languages on the four great granite pillars of the American Stonehenge. That message foretells a terrifying future for humanity, and explains why efforts to approach the AIDS epidemic from a logical point of view have been consistently thwarted.1

Before you scoff, and reject my suggestion as some sort of madness, check out my references, then try to disprove my conclusions. If my allegations are unfounded, you will soon recognize the deception and return to your daily activities, certain that there is no cause for concern. On the other hand, should you determine that my assessment is correct, or even partially correct, then you have a moral obligation to decide just what part you intend to play in response to the unfolding world genocide - how you will protect yourself, your loved ones, and the countless millions of helpless human beings throughout the world who have been marked for destruction.

You must never forget the warning recorded for posterity by Martin Niemoeller, the Lutheran minister who lived in Hitler's Germany during the 1930s and 1940s. His words echo down to us over succeeding decades:
"In Germany they came first for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up." 2

You will note that Reverend Niemoeller warned that after coming for the Jews the Nazis came for both Catholics and Protestants. Why is that fact never mentioned? The question that I am most frequently asked is, "How can you possibly believe that there are people who intend to kill off large segments of the world's population?" My answer is really quite simple. I hold that belief because I have read their writings. I believe they are telling the truth. Just as Adolf Hitler wrote of his plans for Europe in "Mein Kampf" (My Plan), so, too, those who intend to depopulate large segments of the earth have written of the necessity of limiting the world's population. They fully intend to "exterminate" a significant portion of the world's population. The fact that the vast majority of Americans have never heard of their intent, of The Georgia Guidestones in Elberton, or of "The Plan" and "The Hierarchy" attests to the degree of control that exists over what the American people have been allowed to know about the occultic forces which are working within our society today.

Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood
As you read on you will soon discover that I have primarily relied on material which can be readily found in books, audio-taped interviews, and public news sources. If you take the time to check my references, you will soon discover that there really are those who have publicly advocated the elimination of "human weeds" and "the cleansing of society." Indeed, to this very day your tax money is used to finance Planned Parenthood, an organization founded by Margaret Sanger. During the 1930s Margaret Sanger openly supported the Nazi plan for genetic engineering of the German population, and the propagation of a "super race."
In Planned Parenthood's 1985 "Annual Report" leaders of that organization proclaimed that they were, "Proud of our past, and planning for our future." 3

How could anyone possibly claim to be proud of the organization founded by Margaret Sanger when history records that she wrote of the necessity of: "the extermination of 'human weeds' ...the 'cessation of charity,' ... the segregation of 'morons, misfits, and the maladjusted,' and ... the sterilization of 'genetically inferior races.'"4

Margaret Sanger published "The Birth Control Review." In that magazine she openly supported the "infanticide program" promoted by Nazi Germany in the 1930s, and publicly championed Adolf Hitler's goal of Aryan white supremacy. In the years prior to World War II Margaret Sanger commissioned Ernst Rudin, a member of the Nazi Party, and director of the dreaded German Medical Experimentation Programs, to serve as an advisor to her organization. In his excellent book "Killer Angel," George Grant chronicles the life and writings of Margaret Sanger, and painstakingly documents Sanger's plans for the genetic engineering of the human race. George Grant noted that in the 1920s Margaret Sanger wrote "The Pivot of Civilization" in which she called for:

"The 'elimination of 'human weeds,' for the 'cessation of charity' because it prolonged the lives of the unfit, for the segregation of 'morons, misfits, and the maladjusted,' and for the sterilization of genetically inferior races.'"5

According to George Grant, Margaret Sanger believed that the unfit should not be allowed to reproduce. Accordingly, she opened a birth control clinic in: "The Brownsville section of New York, an area populated by newly immigrated Slavs, Latins, Italians, and Jews. She targeted the 'unfit' for her crusade to 'save the planet.'" 6

Nineteen years later, in 1939, Margaret Sanger organized her "Negro project," a program designed to eliminate members of what she believed to be an "inferior race." Margaret Sanger justified her proposal because she believed that: "The masses of Negroes ...particularly in the South, still breed carelessly and disastrously, with the result that the increase among Negroes, even more than among whites, is from that portion of the population least intelligent and fit..." 7
Margaret Sanger then went on to reveal that she intended to hire three or four Colored Ministers "to travel to various black enclaves to propagandize for birth control." She wrote: "The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the Minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." (emphasis added-Ed.) 8

As Margaret Sanger's organization grew in power, influence, and acceptance, she began to write of the necessity of targeting religious groups for destruction as well, believing that the "dysgenic races" should include "Fundamentalists and Catholics" in addition to "blacks, Hispanics, (and) American Indians." 9

As the years went by, Margaret Sanger became increasingly obsessed with her occultic beliefs. Along with her acceptance of the occult, she became increasingly hostile to both Christianity and the American precepts of individual freedom under God. Her distaste for America can be seen in her writings when she wrote: "Birth control appeals to the advanced radical because it is calculated to undermine the authority of the Christian churches. I look forward to seeing humanity free someday of the tyranny of Christianity no less than Capitalism." 10 Margaret Sanger eventually embraced not only communism but theosophy as well. What is theosophy? It is a covert, occultic religion based upon the repudiation of God and the worship of Lucifer. In modern-day America, theosophy is one of the most powerful hidden (occult) forces working behind the scenes in New York City, Washington D.C., and across our nation today. 11

How many times have you been told that Adolf Hitler killed 6 million Jews in the Holocaust? What you probably have never been told, however, is the segment of the Holocaust tragedy recorded by Professor Norman Cohn in his historical account of the Jewish Holocaust, "Warrant for Genocide." Professor Cohn chronicled the dark days of World War II, noting: Only about a third of the civilians killed by the Nazis and their accomplices were Jews ...Other peoples were marked out for decimation, subjugation, and enslavement, and the civilian losses of some of these (countries - Ed.) amounted to 11 per cent to 12 per cent of the total population." 12

If Professor Cohn's figures are accurate - and I feel certain that they are, because other Jewish researchers have come up with similar figures - then why haven't the Christians of America been allowed to learn the fact that in addition to the 6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis, somewhere between 7 and 12 million non-Jews were also ruthlessly liquidated in Hitler's Germany?

I believe this information has been intentionally suppressed because those who were killed were largely Christians, and the covert forces which control the reality of the American public today do not want the followers of Jesus Christ in our nation to awaken to their peril ...until it is far too late. Hitler hated not only Jews and Judaism, he also hated Christians and Christianity as well. Why was that? Because Adolf Hitler, just like Margaret Sanger, was a disciple of theosophy and of Madame Blavatsky, the founder of a religion that worshipped Lucifer. Accordingly, both Margaret Sanger and Adolf Hitler were energized by the same "dark, spiritual forces." The fact that most of our citizens have never heard of Madame Blavatsky, theosophy, or that two of theosophy's most ardent disciples were Adolf Hitler and Margaret Sanger clearly reflects the degree of control that exists over what the American people have been allowed to learn about the occultic forces at work in our nation today.

As a researcher on the subject of the occult, I regularly receive letters and publications from the Lucis Trust. The Lucis Trust of today is the modern-day extension of the "Lucifer Publishing Company," an organization founded by Alice Bailey during the early years of the twentieth century. Alice Bailey was a disciple of Madame Blavatsky and the nominal leader of the Theosophical Society between the early 1900s and the late 1920s. Because the name "Lucifer" had such a bad connotation in those days, Alice Bailey changed the name of her organization from "The Lucifer Publishing Company" to "The Lucis Trust." The nature and beliefs of her organization, however, have always remained the same. The Lucis Trust of today is one of the major front groups through which theosophy works to influence life here in America. The supernatural powers that still energize The Lucis Trust today certainly come from the same dark, spiritual forces that energized Madame Blavatsky, Adolf Hitler, and Margaret Sanger in generations past.

Publications from The Lucis Trust regularly refer to "The Plan" for humanity that has been established by "The Hierarchy." Part of that plan is inscribed on the great granite pillars of the American Stonehenge in Elberton, Georgia ... "The Georgia Guidestones." 13

A full discussion on the subjects of population control and occultism is far beyond the scope of this short monograph. Full documentation on these subjects will be found in my soon-to-be-published book, "None Dare Call It Genocide." At this point let me simply offer a few examples of the views expressed by those who publicly advocate population reduction and/or genocide.

David Graber, a research biologist with the National Park Service, was quoted in the Los Angeles Times Book Review Section, October 22, 1989, as saying: "Human happiness and certainly human fecundity are not as important as a wild and healthy planet. I know social scientists who remind me that people are part of nature, but it isn't true ... We have become a plague upon ourselves and upon the Earth ...Until such time as homo sapiens should decide to rejoin nature, some of us can only hope for the right virus to come along." 14

Michael Fox, when he was the vice-president of The Humane Society of the United States wrote, "Mankind is the most dangerous, destructive, selfish and unethical animal on the earth." 15

In "The First Global Revolution," published by The Council of the Club of Rome, an international elitist organization, the authors note that: "In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine, and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention ...The real enemy, then, is humanity itself." 16

The Los Angeles Times of April 5, 1994 quoted Cornell University Professor David Pimentel, speaking before the American Association for the Advancement of Science, as saying that, "The total world population should be no more than 2 billion rather than the current 5.6 billion."

In the UNESCO Courier of November 1991, Jacques Cousteau wrote: "The damage people cause to the planet is a function of demographics - it is equal to the degree of development. One American burdens the earth much more than twenty Bangladeshes ... This is a terrible thing to say. In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it's just as bad not to say it."17

Bertrand Russell, in his book, "The Impact of Science on Society," wrote, "At present the population of the world is increasing ... War so far has had no great effect on this increase ... I do not pretend that birth control is the only way in which population can be kept from increasing. There are others ... If a Black Death could be spread throughout the world once in every generation, survivors could procreate freely without making the world too full ... the state of affairs might be somewhat unpleasant, but what of it? Really high-minded people are indifferent to suffering, especially that of others." 18

Negative Population Growth Inc. of Teaneck, New Jersey recently circulated a letter stating their long-range goal. "We believe that our goal for the United States should be no more than 150 million, our size in 1950. For the world, we believe our goal should be a population of not more than two billion, its size shortly after the turn of the century." 19
n the Global Assessment Report of UNEP (a United Nations sponsored study group), Phase One Draft, Section 9, the authors quoted an expert who suggested that: "A reasonable estimate for an industrialized world society at the present North American material standard of living would be 1 billion. At the more frugal European standard of living, 2 to 3 billion would be possible." 20

More New Age Influence
Speaking at a round-table discussion group at the Gorbachev Conference held in San Francisco in the fall of 1996, Dr. Sam Keen, a New Age writer and philosopher stated that there was strong agreement that religious institutions have to take a primary responsibility for the population explosion. He went on to say that, "We must speak far more clearly about sexuality, contraception, about abortion, about values that control the population, because the ecological crisis, in short, is the population crisis. Cut the population by 90% and there aren't enough people left to do a great deal of ecological damage."
Mr. Keen's remarks were met with applause from the assembled audience made up largely of New Age adherents, Socialists, Internationalists and occultists. Many of the leading occultists of our modern world attended that meeting in San Francisco, a meeting organized by Mikhail Gorbachev, former Director of the Soviet KGB, and later President of Russia. 21
What is the message found on The Georgia Guidestones? What is the plan of the "guides"? If you read occultic literature, you will soon find that those who worship Lucifer today refer to a "Hierarchy" that guides both their actions and the affairs of the world. Who are the "Hierarchy"? The Lucis Trust, formerly The Lucifer Publishing Company, recently sent a letter to their supporters stating, "The spiritual Hierarchy makes definite use of the twelve spiritual Festival periods. We can learn to cooperate with the members of the Hierarchy as they work to bring the divine Plan to the attention of men and women of goodwill and spiritual aspiration everywhere throughout the world. The idea of spiritual approach - of Hierarchy to humanity and humanity to Hierarchy - is the primary principle underlying meditation ...understanding of how the spiritual energies which flow through each zodiacal sign can illumine and inspire right human relations." 22

The ancient Druids were members of an occultic religion; the circle of monuments at Stonehenge in England is occultic; and the message engraved on the American Stonehenge in Elberton is occultic. Yoko Ono is the widow of John Lennon, a man who was deeply involved in the occult. Yoko Ono has written a musical score with three movements dedicated to the message of The Georgia Guidestones. She was recently quoted as saying, "I want people to know about the stones ...We're headed toward a world where we might blow ourselves up and maybe the globe will not exist ... it's a nice time to reaffirm ourselves, knowing all the beautiful things that are in this country, and The Georgia Stones symbolize that." 23

What is the message to modern-day man which is engraved on the great stone pillars of the Druid-like monument in Elberton? The first of the "guides" reads: "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. (This-Ed.) Means the entire human race at its climax level for permanent balance with nature."

The Infamous Tuskegee Study
In recent history, we have seen the influence of occultic population control advocates here in America. Nowhere is that influence better demonstrated than in the Tuskegee Study, a scientific research program in which 400 syphilis-infected black men were recruited by the U.S. Public Health Service back in 1932. The participants were all told that they would be treated for their infections, but instead of treating their illness, all medicines were withheld. The black men were then actively prevented from obtaining treatment elsewhere as their bodies, and the bodies of their wives and children, were systematically ravaged by disease.
The evil men who conceived that Nazi-style study justified their atrocity by alleging that scientists needed to learn how untreated syphilis progressed in the human body. For a period of forty years, between 1932 and 1972, the genocidal Tuskegee Study continued. It was not until 1972, when one newspaper finally had the courage to break the story to the public, that the Tuskegee Study was finally terminated. By that time, only 125 of the original 400 black men had survived.
To this very day, 24 years after the end of that grotesque human experiment, none of the perpetrators of that atrocity have ever been either accused or indicted for their crimes. Back in 1932, when the Tuskegee Study began, Margaret Sanger's ideas had already begun to infect the minds and souls of physicians and scientists here in America. According to Margaret Sanger's sense of morality, experiments on "human weeds" were fully justified in the name of "science." Do you honestly believe for one moment that such an experiment would have been tolerated here in America had the participants been white men? 24

Another far more effective method of reducing the world population was devised in the early 1960s by a group of environmentalists and population-control adherents. They set out to block the use of DDT for mosquito and malaria control after it had been found that the insecticide was extremely effective in saving human lives.

Alexander King, president of the Club of Rome, wrote, "My own doubts came when DDT was introduced. In Guyana, within two years, it had almost eliminated malaria. So my chief quarrel with DDT,in hindsight, is that it has greatly added to the population problem." 25

In 1970 The National Academy of Sciences, in their book "Life Sciences," stated that, "In little more than two decades DDT has prevented 500 million deaths due to malaria."

To population-control advocates, this irresponsible preservation of human life was unconscionable, so they set out to outlaw further use of the pesticide. Up until 1970 all reliable scientific data had consistently demonstrated that DDT was completely safe for both humans and animals. Indeed, DDT was the safest pesticide ever known to mankind. Furthermore, it was inexpensive and could be widely used in third-world countries to control the spread of insect-borne diseases. Accordingly, population-control adherents set out to have DDT banned in the name of saving the environment.

You have probably read the contrived stories alleging that DDT caused softening of eggshells, interfered with the balance of nature, and endangered humanity by entering into the food chain. In truth, all of those stories were fabricated, and were simply part of a carefully coordinated program to block further use of the life-saving pesticide. If you are interested in learning the truth concerning the deceitful campaign waged against DDT, I suggest that you order a copy of my audio-taped interviews with Dr. J. Gordon Edwards. Dr. Edwards is a world-renowned biologist who led the fight in the 1960s to counter the propaganda program waged by environmentalists and population-control advocates to ban further use of DDT. You can also order a copy of Dr. Edward's excellent monograph, "Remembering Silent Spring and its Consequences."
William Ruckelshaus was a long-time member of the Environmental Defense Fund, and the Director of the EPA. He outlawed further use of DDT in 1972 despite the recommendation of the chairman of the EPA investigating committee which had heard six months of testimony on use of the pesticide, and had determined that DDT was completely safe. When Ruckelshaus outlawed further use of DDT, he signed the death warrant for hundreds of millions of helpless human beings living in third-world countries. To those energized by the dark side, however, the loss of hundreds of millions of human lives was relatively inconsequential.

In his excellent monograph, "Remembering Silent Spring and its Consequences," Professor J. Gordon Edwards quoted from a speech delivered by Victor Yanconne, founder of the Environmental Defense Fund. In that talk, Mr. Yanconne related a story told to him by a reporter who had asked Dr. Charles Wurster, one of the major opponents of DDT, whether a ban on DDT wouldn't actually result in far greater use of much more toxic pesticides. Dr. Wurster is reported to have replied: "So what? People are the cause of all the problems. We have too many of them. We need to get rid of some of them and this is as good a way as any." hen asked by the same reporter, "Doctor, how do you square the killing of people with the mere loss of some birds?" Dr. Wurster is reported to have replied, "It doesn't really make a lot of difference, because organo phosphate acts locally and only kills farmworkers and most of them are Mexicans and Negroes." 26

 How many people have died in the past 25 years since the use of DDT was outlawed? If the National Academy of Sciences was correct in their 1970 assessment that 500 million lives had been saved by DDT over a twenty-year period, then we have probably lost well over 600 million human lives during the past twenty-five years since advocates of population control succeeded in outlawing DDT. 27

The Relationship Between Abortion, Breast Carcinoma, and Population Control
Let me offer another example of a population control program which is being promoted here in the United States today. Many physicians have expressed their concern about the dramatic increase in breast carcinoma seen in women in recent years.
Despite the fact that 18 scientific studies published in both domestic and foreign medical journals have clearly demonstrated the direct causal relationship between first-trimester abortion and breast cancer, all efforts to disseminate that information here in the United States have been consistently blocked by those who favor abortion and population control. In the fall of 1996 a new scientific paper dealing with a meta-analysis of 23 different scientific studies on the relationship between first-trimester abortions and breast cancer was published in a British medical journal.
That study clearly demonstrated a higher incidence of breast cancer in women who had had first-trimester abortions. In response to that publication, the American Medical Association (AMA), the American Cancer Society (ACS), and pro-abortion/population-control advocates joined together in an unholy alliance to attack the conclusions of the authors, and to block all efforts to disseminate that information to American physicians. All of the organizations mentioned above continue to oppose efforts to have physicians warn women of the risk they face when they submit themselves to first-trimester abortions. Before carrying out all surgical procedures in America "advised consent" is required, except for abortion.

The AMA. the ACS, and the pro-death lobby continue to insist that women must not be advised of the risk they incur when they destroy the life of their unborn child. Why is there such inconsistency? Current abortion policies in America are absolutely necessary to reduce our population. That is why a minor child can be taken from school to an abortion clinic without parental notification, yet that same child cannot be given an aspirin without parental consent. It all has to do with population control. 28

Population Control in Russia Today
Another dramatic example of population control is the tragedy being played out in the "former" Soviet Union today in regard to male longevity. In Russia, the life span of the average Russian male has dropped precipitously over the past several decades. The average life expectancy of an American male is 74-78 years of age, and in Japan the average life span is 78 years, but the average life span of Russian men has fallen from 68 years in the 1970s to 63.8 years in 1985, to 57.7 years in 1994. It is estimated that, if current trends continue, the average life span of a Russian male will be 53 years shortly after the turn of the century. Do you really believe that this shocking reduction in life span is happening simply by "accident"? The true cause of this dramatic reduction in life span in Russia will be detailed in my coming book, "None Dare Call It Genocide." 29
The Massacres in Africa
One has only to learn what really happened to the Christians in Rwanda between April and July of 1994 to imagine what may lie in store for Christians here in America at some time in the not-too-distant future.
After the Christian Tutsis had been disarmed by governmental decree in the early 1990s, Hutu-led military forces began to systematically massacre the defenseless Christians. The massacre began in April 1994 and continued until July 1994. Using machetes rather than bullets, the Hutu forces were able to create a state of abject fear and terror within the helpless Christian population as they systematically butchered hundreds of thousands of them. The United Nations immediately convened hearings on the genocide taking place in Rwanda, but Madeline Albright, the American Ambassador to the United Nations, argued strenuously that neighboring African nations should not be allowed to intervene until the "civil war had come to an end." In reality, of course, there was no civil war since those being slaughtered had no weapons with which to defend themselves; it was simply a matter of mass murder.

In addition to blocking intervention by neighboring nations, Madeline Albright also insisted that the word "genocide" must not be used, and that the United Nations forces stationed in Rwanda were not to be allowed to intervene. In the three months that followed, between one-half and three-quarters of a million Christians were systematically dismembered, hacked to death, and slaughtered in the bloody carnage that ensued. Tens of thousands of Christians were murdered in their churches; tens of thousands more were murdered in their hospitals and in their schools. On several occasions, United Nations soldiers stationed in Rwanda actually handed over helpless Christians under their protection to members of the Hutu militia. They then stood by as their screaming charges were unceremoniously hacked to pieces.
At the end of the carnage, in late July 1994, the American government rewarded the Hutu murderers with millions of dollars in foreign aid. Strangely, the American press has remained silent about the fact that almost all of those who were slaughtered were Christians, and it was the policies of our government that were primarily responsible for blocking efforts by neighboring African countries to intervene. 30

 There are literally dozens of other examples of population- control programs which have been implemented throughout our world by modern-day "Malthusians" in their effort to ensure that the world population is dramatically curtailed. To date it is estimated that far more than one billion human lives have been terminated as a result of the world-wide abortion programs financed by the United States. In addition, we are beginning to see the devastating effects of the AIDS epidemic as this modern-day plague begins to depopulate large areas of both Asia and Africa. Because of the influence of occultic population controllers, however, all logical efforts to address the HIV epidemic throughout the world continue to be blocked. Rather than utilizing the proven public health methods used with all other illnesses, advocates of population control continue to promote both hedonistic sex education and condom distribution.

In the May 1996 issue of "Special Warfare," a publication of the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School, it was noted that: "The immediate future may present other daunting challenges to Civil Affairs units. Because of complicated social and cultural reasons, AIDS already infects a high proportion of the military and civilian officials of Zaire, Uganda, Kenya, Zambia, and other central Africa countries. In some or all of these countries, government establishments may collapse in the next 10-15 years. If this pattern is repeated in other areas where AIDS is spreading at an alarming rate, then civil rule may also erode or break down in parts of North Africa, the Middle East, India, and Southeast Asia." 31

Let me assure you that there really are hundreds of thousands of occultly energized people throughout the world today who honestly believe that human compassion is outmoded, and that the inferior peoples of the world must either be allowed to die or be actively exterminated. I will conclude this monograph by quoting from the writings of the English Churchman, Thomas Robert Malthus (1766-1834). In his "An Essay on the Principle of Population," Malthus wrote: "All children born, beyond what would be required to keep up the population to a desired level, must necessarily perish, unless room may be made for them by the deaths of grown persons ...Therefore ...we should facilitate, instead of foolishly and vainly endeavoring to impede, the operations of nature in producing this mortality..." 32

I personally believe that God expects each and every of us to become involved in the affairs of this world until He returns. Furthermore, I believe that all human life is sacred. We are told that Christians are to be the "salt and light of the world," the preservative that keeps humanity from rotting. What is the Christian Church doing today to preserve the lives of the inhabitants of God's earth; what are you doing to protect the lives of those who have been targeted by the forces of darkness? Today, the AIDS epidemic is beginning to depopulate both Africa and the non-Communist countries of Asia?

What can you do?
A. Order my taped interview with Peter Hammond which tells the story of the murder of the Christian population of Rwanda.
B. Order my four-tape set on Population Control which includes information on The Georgia Guidestones and the plan of the "guides." You have my permission to copy and distribute my audio tapes and this monograph, in order to disseminate this information as far and wide as possible.
C. Get involved in local political organizations. Speak out on these matters on talk-radio, in your church, and to your friends. The life you save could well be that of a loved one ...a friend ...or your own.
D. Finally, pray that our Lord will intervene, and that our nation can be returned to Godly leadership.
Always remember the words of St. Paul from Ephesians 6:11-12 - "For we struggle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the forces of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."
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« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2011, 11:42:53 am »

Outrage over Planned Parenthood Christmas 'gift' cards
'It is difficult to think of a more tasteless, ghoulish thing to give anyone'

Planned Parenthood's "gift" certificates

Planned Parenthood, which in past years has promoted a "Choice on Earth" abortion campaign during the Christmas season, has a new outreach, offering Christmas gift certificates to be used for abortions.

"It is difficult to think of a more tasteless, ghoulish thing to give anyone. I refuse to refer to these financial instruments as gifts as they are nothing more than a legal way to put a hit out on someone," said a participant in a forum at the online Lone Star Times, where the plan was reported.

"Planned Parenthood, this generation's King Herod, you know, the guy who ordered the mass slaughter of babies when Jesus was born," added WND columnist Jill Stanek, who also documented the plan on her blog.

According to the Lone Star Times, the nation's leading player in the abortion industry is "celebrating the most important crisis pregnancy of all time by selling gift certificates, perfect for the woman who has everything but moral fiber … And it's so much easier than finding the perfect 'Baby's First Christmas' ornament."

According to WISH-TV in Indianapolis, the controversial plan has people talking.

"People are making really tough decisions about putting gas in their car and food on their table, so we know that many women especially put healthcare at the bottom of their list to do," Chrystal Struben-Hall, an official for the abortion business, told the station.

The report said the certificates come in $25 increments and can be used for everything from birth control to $58 examinations that include breast exams and pap tests.

"They can be seen for sexually transmitted disease screenings, HIV tests and general prostate exams and those kinds of things," said Struben-Hall.

But can they be used for abortions?

Of course, Struben-Hall said. "We decided not to put restrictions on."

Stanek has campaigned to alert the American public of President-elect Barack Obama's extreme pro-abortion position. In fact, Obama considered partial birth abortion a "legitimate medical procedure" and opposed a requirement that abortionists provide life-preserving care for infants who survive abortion attempts, because of the burden it would impose on the abortionist.

On the Lone Star Times forums page, the reactions ranged from horror, to, well, horror:

"A gift for those who only want to kill the very innocent."

"Good for one dead baby."

"Redeem this at Planned Parenthood. No other redemption possible. Ever."

"I cannot think of a more evil organization."

"What a marvelous way for the donor as well as the recipient-user to have blood on their hands."

"No matter what you believe about abortions this has GOT to disgust people that you would 'give' that kind of thing as a gift to someone!?? I mean WHO would you give it to??? 'Here best friend in case you ever need an abortion.'"

"I met a woman once who CELEBRATED her abortion because she was 'happy that no MAN could tell her what to do with her body.' It was all I could do to walk away silently without puking in her face. She's the kind of person that would give all the women she knew one of these gift death certificates.
WND has reported Planned Parenthood's various "Choice on Earth" campaigns at Christmas.

One promotion included a "holiday" card that said, "'Tis the season to share with family, friends, colleagues and loved ones the message of 'choice on earth.'"

At that time Jim Sedlak, executive director of American Life League's STOPP International, slammed Planned Parenthood.

"In its continual attempt to 'normalize' abortion, Planned Parenthood has once again chosen to offend the Christian community by releasing the latest edition of its 'Choice on Earth' holiday cards," said Sedlak in a statement. "Contrary to the open-minded image the abortion organization aims to present for itself, Planned Parenthood has zero tolerance for anyone – or any religious group – that recognizes abortion as an evil act that kills a pre-born baby."

The controversial theme is derived from a passage in the Gospel of Luke, where an angel announces to shepherds the birth of their savior in Bethlehem.

The King James version of the Bible states: "And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.'"

"By replacing 'peace' with 'choice,' or more accurately, 'killing the innocent on earth,' Planned Parenthood is essentially saying 'abortion on earth,'" Sedlak said. "This blatant mockery of Christian values – and of Christ Himself – truly demonstrates the bigoted, anti-religion, anti-God nature of Planned Parenthood."

WND reported during the 2008 presidential election campaign when Obama's team struck out at an abortion survivor.

It happened when an Obama advertisement implied the abortion survivor was part of a "sleazy" campaign for promoting a "despicable lie" about the senator's voting record.

Abortion survivor Gianna Jessen's responded, "I've dealt with worse; I survived an abortion."

As WND reported, the 31-year-old Jessen, who was born alive following her mother's botched abortion, made a television advertisement highlighting Obama's votes against born-alive infant protection bills while he was serving as a state senator in Illinois.

The Obama campaign responded with an advertisement of its own labeling Sen. John McCain's campaign ads as "sleazy" and "truly vile," while showing clips from Jessen's ad in the background, including a photo of Jessen.

Jessen then created another commercial in response, opening with clips of the Obama campaign's ad, which she says amounted to a personal attack.

"Seen this ad? In it, Senator Obama personally attacks me," Jessen says in the commercial. "I've dealt with worse; I survived an abortion."

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« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2011, 11:43:34 am »

Hillary Clinton Compares Margaret Sanger to Thomas Jefferson

At 4 minutes 25 seconds into this video, the Secretary of States compares the eugenics advocate and racist Margaret Sanger to Thomas Jefferson. In fact, she seems to think Jefferson was a lesser person than Sanger because he held slaves.

Fortenberry Dialogues with Secretary Clinton

Are we to assume Hillary wants to kill Africans and African-Americans?

In 1939, Clinton’s heroine said:

“We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social service backgrounds and with engaging personalities … We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.”

There is a straight line from Sanger and the eugenicists and the Nazis.

“Several prominent families are responsible for funding and promoting eugenics in America, namely the Rockefeller, Carnegie, Harriman, and Osborn families,” writes Daniel Taylor. “Two families, the Rockefellers and the Osborns, are particularly significant. John D. Rockefeller Sr. contributed a large amount of money to build the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in the early 1900’s, which housed the Eugenics Records Office from 1910-1944. Rockefeller influence also spread overseas to Germany, where the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatry, and the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Eugenics, Anthropology and Human Heredity resided. Much of the money used to run these facilities came from Rockefeller. These institutes became centers for Nazi eugenics programs during the reign of Adolf Hitler.”

Martin Barillas wrote for Spero News on March 27, 2009:

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is set to receive the highest award given by Planned Parenthood Federation of America — the Margaret Sanger Award, named for the organization’s founder, a noted eugenicist. The award will be presented at a gala event in Houston, Texas this evening. Co-hosting the event will be America Ferreira, the lead on the “Ugly Betty” television show, and PPFA President Cecile Richards.

Margaret Sanger, a former Catholic, founded Planned Parenthood in 1916 and was notable during the eugenics movement that with its pseudo-science influenced state legislature and local jurisdictions to neuter young people deemed racially unfit. Nazi Germany’s racial policies and extermination of Jews and so-called “life not fit for life” were also influenced by the movement and the lead organization – the American Eugenics Society.

Marjorie Dannenfelser, President of the Susan B. Anthony List, a prolife organization spoke about Secretary Clinton and her acceptance of the Sanger Award. Said Dannenfelser, “If Secretary Clinton were fully aware of the eugenicist past of Margaret Sanger, I cannot believe that she would be accepting an award in her name. It is in fact shocking that the award still bear’s Sanger’s name.”

Sanger broadly supported the Eugenics movement, advocating for a superior race that was free of poor, immigrant, and minority citizens. She even spoke at a rally of the Klu Klux Klan. Despite this evidence, Planned Parenthood, the nation’s leading abortion provider, has done little to distance itself from Sanger’s legacy.”

Last year’s controversy involving a Planned Parenthood employee accepting donations earmarked specifically for the abortion of African American children draws attention to an important reality for the nation’s largest abortion provider. Planned Parenthood Federation of America needs to be very careful to steer clear of any appearance of adhering to Sanger’s pro-eugenics philosophy. And this ought to begin by renaming their highest award.”

Some quotes of Margaret Sanger illustrate her attitudes towards race and eugenics,

“We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members” (Sanger’s letter to Clarence J. ****, 1939, December)

Margaret Sanger referred to immigrants and Catholics as reckless breeders, writing in her book, Pivot of Civilization, “[They're] an unceasingly spawning class of human beings who never should have been born at all.” (Sanger, p.187).

“The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it,” Margaret Sanger wrote in her 1920 book Women and the New Race (Sanger, p. 63).

Last year an Idaho Planned Parenthood employee was disciplined for accepting a donation earmarked for the abortion of African Americans. According to a transcript of the call, Autumn Kersey, vice president of development and marketing for Planned Parenthood of Idaho, took a call from an actor saying he wanted his money to be used to eliminate unborn black babies because “the less black kids out there the better.” Kersey responded: “Understandable, understandable. … Excuse my hesitation, this is the first time I’ve had a donor call and make this kind of request, so I’m excited and want to make sure I don’t leave anything out.”

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« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2011, 11:45:09 am »

Carrying on her legacy.

Holdren: Sterilize welfare recipients
Obama boss suggested ways to save planet, said fetus not a person

Obama science czar John Holdren stated in a college textbook that compulsory, government-mandated "green abortions" would be a constitutionally acceptable way to control population growth and prevent ecological disasters, including global warming, because a fetus was most likely not a "person" under the terms of the 14th Amendment.

Holdren further suggested government-mandated population control measures might be inflicted in the United States against welfare recipients, writing on page 840: "There has been considerable talk in some quarters at times of forcibly suppressing reproduction among welfare recipients (perhaps by requiring the use of contraceptives or even by involuntary sterilizations). This may sadly foreshadow what our society might do if the human predicament gets out of hand." (Parenthesis in original text.)

As previously reported, WND has obtained a copy of the 1970s college textbook "Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment" that Holdren co-authored with Malthusian population alarmist Paul R. Ehrlich and Ehrlich's wife, Ann. The authors argued involuntary birth-control measures, including forced sterilization, may be necessary and morally acceptable under extreme conditions, such as widespread famine brought about by "climate change."

Writing on page 839 of the textbook, the authors state: "The common law and drafters of the U.S. Constitution did not consider a fetus a human being. Feticide was not murder in common law because the fetus was not considered to be a human being, and for purposes of the Constitution a fetus is probably not a 'person' within the meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment. Thus under the constitution, abortion is apparently not unlawful, although infanticide obviously is."

In the next sentence, the authors continued to insist that this "is a very important distinction, particularly since most rights, privileges, and duties in our society are dated from birth and not from some earlier point in time."

On page 760, the authors categorically state that from the point of view of biology, "a fetus is only a potential human being, with no particular rights." (Italics in the original text.)

And, again: "To most biologists, an embryo or a fetus is no more a complete human being than a blueprint is a complete building."

The authors further insist that because "the moment of birth is easier to ascertain than the moment of conception, implantation, or quickening," constitutional rights should begin only at birth: "Such an easily ascertainable point in time [the moment of birth] is a sensible point from which to date Constitutional rights, which should not depend on imprecisions."

As WND has previously reported, Holdren has argued the U.S. Constitution would permit compulsory birth control methods, including involuntary abortions, government-imposed sterilizations and laws limiting the number of children permitted to be born as steps justified under the banner of "sustainable well-being."

State-funded sterilizations

On page 715, the authors stated a central thesis of the textbook: "The maximum size the human population can attain is determined by the physical capacity of the Earth to support people."

The authors argued that a federal statute should be enacted to prohibit "any restrictions on safe, voluntary contraception, sterilization, and abortion, and the dissemination of information about them" because "legalized abortions can contribute to a reduction in birth rates."

To advance the population control agenda, the authors also suggested the following measures:

State and federal governments should subsidize voluntary contraception, sterilization and abortion; laws should require birth-control clinics be opened at public expense in "all suitable locations";

Group and individual health insurance policies should cover the costs of abortion and sterilization; tax laws should provide incentives for late marriage;

Tax disadvantages for single, childless persons should be eliminated; state and federal laws should make sex education, including instruction about contraception, mandatory in schools;

Government should sponsor public education programs designed to encourage people to want fewer children;

Federal support and encouragement should be increased to provide for the development of more effective birth-control drugs and devices.
Still, the authors acknowledged, even these measures may not be enough to prevent ecological disaster resulting from over-population.

"If these relatively uncoercive policies should fail to maintain a low American birth rate, more coercive laws might well be written," the authors wrote on page 840.

Population growth and global warming

In a 2001 article entitled "The Energy Climate Challenge: Issues for the New U.S. Administration," Holdren noted world population estimates for 2100 ranged between 7 billion to 11 billion people.

He argued it was important to strive for "a result near the low end of these possibilities" because the difference between these two figures in terms of the ease or difficulty of achieving a low-carbon-emission future "is immense."

To make sure global population remained near the low end of the 2100 estimates, Holdren once again returned to the theme of manipulating human fertility through a variety of methods, including "government incentives for small families."

As WND previously reported, a worldwide scientific agenda is emerging to link global population growth with global warming, arguing that climate change is such a severe crisis that the U.S. must participate in a United Nations mandate to implement global birth control to reduce carbon emissions.

A series of papers recently published by the Royal Society in Great Britain and by the United Nations have directly made the link between global population growth and anthropomorphic, or man-made global warming.

The Economist summed up the current argument, writing on Monday, "A world with fewer people would emit less greenhouse gas."

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« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2011, 11:45:53 am »

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« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2011, 10:46:12 pm »

Didn't Martin Luther King, Jr support Sanger?
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« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2014, 08:09:58 am »

House overwhelmingly passes bill for National Women’s History Museum that honors Margaret Sanger

Pro-life groups and several Members of Congress are in the minority in opposing a bill that would honor Margaret Sanger, among others, in a National Women's History Museum.
Margaret Sanger

Yesterday, the passage of H.R. 863, which created a "Commission to Study the Potential Creation of a National Women’s History Museum," passed the House 383-33, with 15 representatives not voting. One of those who opposed the bill was Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-MN, who spoke against the bill on the House floor.

"A 'No' vote on the current legislation ... very simply is a vote for the pro-life movement, a vote to stand up for traditional marriage, and a vote to stand up for the traditional family," Bachmann said. She also pointed to how 20 women's museums exist in America, "including one affiliated with the Smithsonian Museum."

Specifically, Bachmann said that while "a few of the museum's proposed exhibits are worthy," including one highlighting Bachmann's five natural children and "our 23 foster children," there is "an overwhelming bias" in favor of "radical feminism" and "liberal ideology." She criticized the Museum proposal to honor Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, a eugenicist, saying the exhibits attempt to "whitewash her abhorrent views."

H.R. 863, the text of which can be seen here, is the first of several steps towards building the proposed museum. Specifically, it calls for a Commission to be created that has eight people, including a chairman, and timelines for when certain recommendations -- including where the museum should be built along the National Mall -- are due. Assuming H.R. 863 passes through the Senate and is signed by President Obama, a second piece of legislation would have to be passed and signed in order for the museum to actually be constructed on the land recommended by the Commission.

Bachmann is not the only critic of the bill. Rep. Tim Huelskamp, R-KS, told LifeSiteNews.com that "women have no doubt been crucial to the history of this country. What I and many of my Conservative colleagues are concerned about is celebrating racists and leftists like Margaret Sanger. Her racist, pro-eugenics and anti-Catholic platform should not be given tribute of any kind—not a single dime of money, nor any congressional seal of approval."

Huelskamp said opposing an honor to Sanger goes "beyond politics," saying that "it is about honoring the dignity of life in this country -- not promoters of abortion, supporters of Hitler eugenics, and other assaults on human rights."

Concerned Women for America CEO and President Penny Nance likewise critiqued the legislation because "the proposed museum’s website references Margaret Sanger nine times and Victoria Woodhull over 20, while referencing Phyllis Schlafly only once and not mentioning Beverly LaHaye at all. It also highlights Sandra Fluke, while ignoring Jeane Kirkpatrick." One section of the non-profit organization dedicated to building the museum's website (seen here) references Sanger's efforts to create and spread birth control, but mentions none of her beliefs and efforts for eugenics.

The site notes Sanger's fight "for the right of women to access birth control information and devices."

According to National Women's History Museum spokesperson Susan Murphy, Bachmann's comments are "unfortunate." She told LifeSiteNews.com that "there is so much more" to "women's history" than "being about abortion," noting that "this organization, in no way, is looking to promote leftist ideologies." She said that her group "believe[s ] women from every political party should be represented, but when you think about people like Clara Barton or Sybil Luddington -- a 16-year old who rode further than Paul Revere to warn that the British were coming, but nobody's ever heard of her -- or other women people have never heard of, that's what this museum is for."

"It's unfortunate that women's history is being politicized," said Murphy, who also said that "the website is NOT necessarily reflective of what will be in a physical museum."

An original cosponsor of the legislation was Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-TN, who earlier this year received an award from the SBA List for her pro-life work. In a comment to LifeSiteNews.com and other media, Blackburn said "H.R. 863 provides the way forward to ensure that a national women’s history museum honors the contribution from conservative women without spending one dime of taxpayer money."

"This is not a new issue," continued the Congresswoman. "Conservatives like Congresswoman Michele Bachmann were praising the museum’s online content back in 2011. Despite the museum’s support we went ahead and included additional conservative safeguards in the legislation."

Those safeguards include a requirement that the Commission would recommend a way for only private funds to be used for the museum's construction "in perpetuity," and an "independent review" of the plan to see "whether the plan is likely to achieve the level of resources necessary to fund the construction, operations and maintenance of the Museum in perpetuity without reliance on appropriations of federal funds."

Blackburn said that the bill would not "create a museum that would portray women as monolithic in their views on abortion as well as other issues of concern to women." She indicated she wants many women involved, noting that "the best way to have the work of conservative women recognized is to have strong conservatives at the table as active participants when a potential museum is being considered, which is exactly why I asked Penny Nance to serve as a member of the commission.”

Previous, but different, versions of H.R. 863 passed the 108th Senate and 109th Senate, and the 111th House. Both Senate passages took place under GOP control of the chamber, and the House passage took place under Democratic leadership. CWA House Legislative Director Shari Randall told LifeSiteNews.com that "the legislation that passed yesterday is different than what passed the House in 2010. Yesterday, the House passed legislation which would establish a commission to consider the creation of a National Women’s History Museum. The legislation in 2010 was to get the property (a specific location) to create the museum."

The 2010 version passed by a voice vote, unlike Wednesday's vote.

Despite Democratic control of the House and Senate, the 2010 legislation did not become law because Sens. Coburn, R-OK, and DeMint, R-SC, halted it in their chamber. Coburn Communications Director John Hart directed LifeSiteNews.com to a July 29, 2010 letter from Coburn and DeMint citing the potential costs to the taxpayer if the non-profit overseeing the museum's construction was unable to raise the total funds needed for construction and continuation of the museum's existence. When asked about H.R. 863, Hart told LifeSiteNews.com that Coburn's "position hasn't changed."

One of the concerns cited in the Coburn/DeMint letter was that only five million dollars had been raised from 1996 to 2006. According to Murphy, however, "we are far ahead of other museums that were at this stage." She said that the non-profit has raised $14 million since its creation 16 years ago, and that "once the site is identified, designs are done that fit the space, and Congress has passed a bill approving the Committee's recommendations, etc." a ‘capital campaign’ would then be engaged."

"It's hard to get people to donate to an idea," she said.

H.R. 863 was opposed and "scored" by CWA, Heritage Action, and other groups that opposed its passage. According to Heritage Action spokesperson Katherine Rosario, "we are concerned the museum will become a shrine to the liberal movement, radical feminism, and abortion. The museum's current website mentions liberal, feminist women leaders more frequently and more favorably than their conservative counterparts. As such, it is very likely that the museum would present a one-sided, liberal view of women's history in America."

When asked how such a bill got through the GOP-dominated House, Rosario said "politics loomed large in yesterday's vote." It has been thought by some critics that the bill was passed to dilute the "War on Women" messaging from Democrats ahead of the 2014 election.

Live Action Communications Director Drew Belsky said that "for the eugenicist Margaret Sanger to be featured in a women's history museum once, as a cautionary tale, might make sense. But to commemorate this woman in nine mentions is not only absurd, but insulting to men and women both."

"Sanger, in founding America's largest abortion corporation, laid the groundwork for the deaths and the degradation of millions of women," continued Belsky. "Planned Parenthood takes a macabre 'no judgment' stance on sex-selective abortion against baby girls, even helping expectant mothers to destroy their girls in the womb in the hope of conceiving boys. It peddles a horrific procedure that is strongly linked to various cancers, depression, and suicidality in mothers – and that is undeniably connected to the gruesome dismemberment of those mothers' defenseless children."

"In 1973, our judicial branch sponsored abortion, a black mark on the history of America. Now, in 2014, our legislative branch has sponsored Margaret Sanger, whose legacy is a black mark on the history of women," Belsky concluded.

A spokesperson for House Speaker John Boehner, R-OH, told LifeSiteNews.com that it "is not the intent or effect of this legislation" to honor pro-abortion women.

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« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2015, 06:33:42 am »

Group Seeks To Put Margaret Sanger's Face On $20 Bill


Fans of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger are calling to have her face on the $20 bill in replacement of Andrew Jackson.

LifeNews reports that a group called Women on 20's have asked people to vote what influential woman from history they want to replace Mr. Jackson. Margaret Sanger was listed among the options, along with such influential figures as Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman, and Sojourner Truth. They describe the woman as follows:

    One of 11 children in a working class family, Margaret Sanger grew up in the time of the Comstock Act, a federal law that defined contraceptives as obscene and criminalized their use and dissemination. While working as a visiting nurse on the Lower East Side of New York City and caring for women who suffered from botched illegal abortions, Sanger decided to fight for legal access to contraceptives for women so they could decide if and when to have children in order to lead healthier, more empowered lives. “Birth control,” she called it.

Women on 20's of course fails to mention Margaret Sanger's racial animus towards black people and eugenicist outlook on humanity, which fueled much of her desire to push birth control. In her book Pivot of Civilization, Sanger describes African Americans and immigrants as “human weeds,” “reckless breeders,” and “spawning… human beings who never should have been born.”

In Woman and the New Race, Sanger argues “[We should] apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.”

Joining Margaret Sanger on the list was feminists' second favorite hero, Betty Friedan, who said women who willingly get married are like Jews willingly going to a concentration camp.

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« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2015, 10:59:28 pm »

Sermon starts at the 14 minute mark.

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« Reply #12 on: October 28, 2016, 08:39:05 pm »

Virginia High School Opens Planned Parenthood Club

Abortion conglomerate Planned Parenthood has moved beyond pushing their death agenda on Girl Scouts and college students, and have now begun phase 1 of their incursion into high schools.

According to LifeSiteNews, Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School for Government and International Studies in Virginia, a public high school, has allowed students to form the “Planned Parenthood Generation Action” club, whose stated purpose is to evangelize the organization's cause.

"The purpose of this club is to provide education, outreach, and advocacy opportunities at Maggie Walker to support the goals of Planned Parenthood," says the club's constitution and bylaws. "It is meant to let students learn more about the issues that affect their lives, create a network with other students who support Planned Parenthood, and engage in the political process to win elections and pass pro reproductive freedom legislation."

Employing a regular round table, the new club comes with three vice presidents — one for education, one for advocacy and the third for outreach – and faculty monitor Janet Spencer, an English teacher at the school. Seniors Kiera Goddu, Amanda Mier, and Naomi Vickers advocated the club's founding

The school has also gotten in on the action of promoting the club as well, posting on their Facebook page: "Whether you are interested in health, education, or getting community service hours this election season this club is for you."

From the school student news website:

    Goddu, Mier, and Vickers are more than enthused to bring a new experience to the student body of Maggie Walker. Goddu explained that Generation Action chapters operate by advocating for reproductive rights, keeping Planned Parenthood clinics open, offering a wide range of publicly available education services, and lobbying to remove targeted restrictions such as those imposed on abortion providers. Maggie Walker’s Generation Action club plans to meet the goals of its founders and of the Planned Parenthood organization through three primary branches.

Senior Goddu has worked with Planned Parenthood in the past and rejects all abstinence-only sex education, which she said was useless at her middle-school.

"They said that the only definition of abstinence was that it was abstaining from sex until marriage between a man and a woman," she said. "And I was like — abstinence can be applied to many things — like abstaining from doing basically anything!”

Mier promised the new club will also be "LGBTQ inclusive" beyond "what’s between a man and a woman."

Vickers just threw around the word choice a lot when referring to abortion as she promised to make that one of the club's cornerstones.

"A choice in any type of good society should be … the choice to abort if she wants to or [the woman] should have the choice to have the child if she wants to and feel like the government places enough value on the life of all people that they will support her and her child in every way possible," she stated. "That is a choice, and that’s what I want people to know."

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« Reply #13 on: October 28, 2016, 09:42:11 pm »

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« Reply #14 on: December 05, 2016, 09:00:37 pm »

Exposing Margaret Sanger: The Racist Roots of Planned Parenthood

 Planned Parenthood hails its founder, Margaret Sanger, as a champion of civil rights, but one thing they don't talk about is the racism behind her fight to legalize abortion.

A group of African-American leaders want to focus attention on her ideology and how it affected black birth rates.

Sanger strived for a society that limited births to those she deemed fit to have children.

"I think the greatest sin in the world is bringing children into the world that have disease from their parents, that have no chance in the world to be a human being practically – delinquents, prisoners, all sorts of things – just marked when they're born. That to me is the greatest sin," Sanger said in a 1957 interview with Mike Wallace.

Many pro-choice advocates see her as a heroine, but critics call her a racist eugenics promoter who targeted black communities with her Planned Parenthood clinics.

"Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, once said colored (sic) people are like weeds; they need to be exterminated," Dr. Alveda King, director of Civil Rights for the Unborn, said.

"People don't understand that 79 percent of abortion clinics are located in minority communities and that minority communities shoulder a disproportionate number of abortions," said Penny Nance, president and CEO of Concerned Women of America.

King says while African-Americans make up only 13 percent of the U.S. population, more than 30 percent of aborted babies are from black mothers.

"Under the veil of secrecy and deception, 60 million plus babies have not been born because they were aborted legally since '73 – one-third of that population belong to the African-American community," King said.

Planned Parenthood recently celebrated its 100th anniversary, prompting pro-life leaders to unite under the banner "100 No More," to educate the public on the devastating impact Planned Parenthood has had on the black community.

"100 No More" hopes rallies like a recent one in Washington, D.C., will spread countrywide to enlighten people about Sanger and her tragic legacy.

"I have a serious concern about the number of abortions taking place in the minority communities, particularly the black community," Pastor Nate Thomas said. "I see this as a form of genocide. It's something we need to take a serious look at."

Planned Parenthood receives about $500 million each year from taxpayers.

"Ninety-six percent of the time if a pregnant woman walks into their clinic, she will have an abortion," Nance said.

Pro-life advocates want Congress to move that money to women's clinics that do not perform abortions.

"They outnumber, around the country, Planned Parenthood clinics 20 to 1," Nance said. "They truly help poor women. They truly help 'the least of these,' but they don't do abortions."

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« Reply #15 on: June 02, 2017, 11:18:04 am »

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« Reply #16 on: October 10, 2017, 06:14:32 pm »

The Evil Fruit Of Feminism: Eugenics, Abortion, Fornication & Manly Women
Series:  The Menace of Feminism  · 2 of 2
10/9/2017 (MON)
Audio: http://www.sermonaudio.com/playpopup.asp?SID=109172218441
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