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The coming U.S. civil war

March 27, 2024, 12:55:24 pm Mark says: Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked  When Hamas spokesman Abu Ubaida began a speech marking the 100th day of the war in Gaza, one confounding yet eye-opening proclamation escaped the headlines. Listing the motives for the Palestinian militant group's Oct. 7 massacre in Israel, he accused Jews of "bringing red cows" to the Holy Land.
December 31, 2022, 10:08:58 am NilsFor1611 says: blessings
August 08, 2018, 02:38:10 am suzytr says: Hello, any good churches in the Sacto, CA area, also looking in Reno NV, thanks in advance and God Bless you Smiley
January 29, 2018, 01:21:57 am Christian40 says: It will be interesting to see what happens this year Israel being 70 years as a modern nation may 14 2018
October 17, 2017, 01:25:20 am Christian40 says: It is good to type Mark is here again!  Smiley
October 16, 2017, 03:28:18 am Christian40 says: anyone else thinking that time is accelerating now? it seems im doing days in shorter time now is time being affected in some way?
September 24, 2017, 10:45:16 pm Psalm 51:17 says: The specific rule pertaining to the national anthem is found on pages A62-63 of the league rulebook. It states: “The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem. “During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.”
September 20, 2017, 04:32:32 am Christian40 says: "The most popular Hepatitis B vaccine is nothing short of a witch’s brew including aluminum, formaldehyde, yeast, amino acids, and soy. Aluminum is a known neurotoxin that destroys cellular metabolism and function. Hundreds of studies link to the ravaging effects of aluminum. The other proteins and formaldehyde serve to activate the immune system and open up the blood-brain barrier. This is NOT a good thing."
September 19, 2017, 03:59:21 am Christian40 says: bbc international did a video about there street preaching they are good witnesses
September 14, 2017, 08:06:04 am Psalm 51:17 says: bro Mark Hunter on YT has some good, edifying stuff too.
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« on: February 04, 2017, 06:29:18 pm »

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« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2017, 06:36:16 pm »

Leftist Magazine Shows Trump In Crosshairs: 'Why Not'
"It’s not an incitement to anything." Riiight.


Leftists LOVE New German Mag Cover of Jihadi Trump


De Niro: We Need to Bully Trump Back


NYU Prof's Psychotic Break: Verbally Abuses Police Officers, Calls For Them to 'Kick Nazi As*'


Marc Lamont Hill Claims the Right Riots on Campus Too, Can't Name One Example


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« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2017, 06:36:40 pm »

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« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2017, 06:44:00 pm »

UC Berkeley Thug Who Beat Conservative and Bragged About It Online – Is University Staff Member!


Former Nazi and Democrat Donor George Soros Now Connected to Every Major Protest Since November Election


‘Born In The USA’ Singer Bruce Springsteen Tells Australian Fans He’s Embarrassed To Be American (VIDEO)
Just want to say real quick. Bruce Springsteen is anti American, always has been. His song Born in the USA is ANTI AMERICAN!! just look at the lyrics.

Leftist Anti-Trump Protesters Clash with Pro-Travel-Ban Demonstrators at LAX

Bureaucrats Attempting to Sabotage Trump with Leaks

Minutes of the Deep State Executive Committee on the Permanent Campaign Against Trump

MILO: The Left’s Excuses for Berkeley Riot Tells Us How They Feel About Free Speech

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« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2017, 06:48:34 pm »

CNN lists schedule of anti-Trump protests, brings journalistic integrity into question

Chuck Schumer gloats over judge’s ruling on Trump’s executive order: ‘Trump should heed this ruling’

Trump rebukes Seattle federal judge who ruled against his immigration and refugee executive order

Watch liberal ‘professor’ absolutely lose it in explosive rant at cops during ‘neo-Nazi’ protest

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« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2017, 12:15:57 am »

Trump threatens to defund ‘out of control’ California

President Donald Trump is threatening to withhold federal funds from “out of control” California if the state declares itself a sanctuary state.

“If we have to, we’ll defund,” Trump said in an interview with Fox News host Bill O’Reilly before the Super Bowl. “We give tremendous amounts of money to California, California in many ways is out of control, as you know.”

Trump was responding to a question from O’Reilly about efforts by Democratic state legislators to make California a de-facto “sanctuary state” that would restrict state and local law enforcement, including school police and security departments, from using their resources to aid federal authorities in immigration enforcement.

“I think it’s ridiculous. Sanctuary cities, as you know, I’m very much opposed to sanctuary cities. They breed crime, there’s a lot of problems,” Trump said.

Sacramento, Los Angeles and San Francisco are sanctuary cities and have said they will will challenge in court any attempt by Trump to withhold federal funds from them. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said he doubted the 10th amendment to the Constitution, which reserves power to the states, would allow Trump to defund.

Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg has said he would "join, if not lead, any effort to fight (the sanctuary city threat) with litigation."

Trump told O’Reilly that he didn’t want to defund a state or a city and would like to give them “the money they need to properly operate.”

But the president added that “if they’re going to have sanctuary cities, we may have to do that. Certainly that would be a weapon.”

Californa Gov. Jerry Brown pledged in his State of the State address last month to defend everybody who has come to the state "for a better life and has contributed to the well-being of our state."

“I recognize that under the Constitution, federal law is supreme and that Washington determines immigration policy. But as a state we can and have had a role to play. California has enacted several protective measures for the undocumented: the Trust Act, lawful driver's licenses, basic employment rights and non-discriminatory access to higher education,” Brown said in his State of the State. “We may be called upon to defend those laws and defend them we will.”

Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/white-house/article130934804.html#storylink=cpy
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« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2017, 12:27:36 am »

How Washington state became the epicenter of resistance to Trump’s agenda

As President Trump weathered his first two weeks in office, a surprising number of roadblocks to his agenda cropped up from another Washington, more than 2,500 miles away.

Acting swiftly and with a united front, leaders from the Evergreen State have marshaled a powerful resistance to Trump's administration — the combination of a left-leaning populace, outspoken Democratic lawmakers, legal efforts spearheaded by a resolute attorney general and support from several Seattle-area tech companies wary of Trump's policies.

On Jan. 27, Trump signed orders not only to suspend admission of all refugees into the United States for 120 days but also to implement “new vetting measures” to screen out “radical Islamic terrorists.” Refugee entry from Syria, however, would be suspended indefinitely, and all travel by citizens of Syria and six other nations — Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen — would be suspended for 90 days. Trump also said he would give priority to Christian refugees over those of other religions, according to the Christian Broadcasting Network.

The ban triggered massive protests at airports around the country, including at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. On the afternoon of Jan. 28, Washington's governor, Jay Inslee, and several other elected officials blasted the hastily implemented travel ban in a news conference held at the airport, before thousands descended upon it in protest.

“The manifest and unjustifiable chaos and cruelty caused by President Trump's executive order is now on full display at Sea-Tac,” Inslee said. “It is religious discrimination in its barest and [most] obvious form. … It clearly is religiously discriminatory when the president himself said: We're going to say Muslims are at the bottom of the barrel, other religions are at the top.”

The ban had touched a personal nerve, said Inslee, a resident of Bainbridge Island, just off the coast of Seattle. He recounted how in 1942 the U.S. government corralled citizens of Japanese ancestry and sent them to internment camps; those on Bainbridge Island were the first to be ordered to leave.

“Listen, I've seen this movie,” he said. “I know from Bainbridge Island what fear can do, and I know that Americans need to stand up against this today, across America.”

The Seattle Times quoted Inslee espousing a less polished review of the new White House administration that afternoon: “These people couldn’t run a two-car funeral,” Inslee said, according to the paper. “It is a train wreck. It can’t stand. We’re drawing the line here at Sea-Tac.”

Inslee's comments were echoed not only by Democratic leaders around the country, but by his colleagues in the state.

rest: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/02/05/how-washington-state-became-the-epicenter-of-resistance-to-trumps-agenda/?utm_term=.6d2dc124d0db
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« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2017, 05:09:03 am »

In Their Own Words: Anti-Trump ‘Resistance’ Leaders Say They Want To Make America ‘Ungovernable’ Via @dailycaller

Behind the mass protests, choreographed chants and acts of violence, leaders of anti-Trump “resistance” efforts are communicating the same simple but dark message: they want to make America “ungovernable” for the president of the United States.

These protesters say they will do whatever it takes to keep Trump from enacting his agenda, and many of them have shown a willingness to destroy public property, assault law enforcement officers and inflict violence upon their fellow citizens.

Inauguration Day provided a hint of what to expect from the far left during Trump’s presidency: well-organized protests that feature alarmist rhetoric and have a proclivity to devolve into anarchic violence. Rioters smashed storefront windows, assaulted innocent bystanders and torched a limo all in the name of opposing Trump.

D.C.’s inauguration weekend violence was believed to be mostly the work of a group calling themselves DisruptJ20, which began planning to disrupt the inauguration and destroy property weeks in advance.

In the days and weeks leading up to the inauguration, DisruptJ20 publicly advertised an invitation to “Join us in refusing to normalize Trump’s presidency, smashing his facade of legitimacy.”

DisruptJ20 advocates using “direct action” tactics, which the group describes as taking “collective action to make social change without giving power over to an authority or middle person.”

“We don’t ask permission or put our faith in electoral politics, instead, we use our bodies to stop the smooth operation of the system we oppose,” the group’s website states, citing Black Lives Matter’s efforts to shut down highways as an example of the kind of disruption they have in mind. The group is open about its aim to become “an ungovernable force this winter.”

A website called Ungovernable 2017 helped coordinate DisruptJ20’s DC efforts with anti-Trump protests around the country. Some groups endorsed a pledge to never give Trump the “chance to govern.”

“As we resist, we will create new governing institutions, new economic relationships, and new ways of being human,” the pledge reads.

The pledge was endorsed by a number of left-wing figures including: the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, a black nationalist organization with chapters in eight cities across the country; activist and 2008 Green Party vice presidential nominee Rosa Clemente; and Lamis Deek, lawyer and a New York board member for the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR).

Mass demonstrations against Trump have continued around the country in the weeks since his inauguration. (RELATED: Leader Of Portland Anti-Trump Protests Charged With Sexually Abusing Minor)

An anti-Trump protest in Seattle a little over a week ago featured an activist calling for murder over a megaphone. The activist, reportedly associated with the Black Lives Matter movement, said that protesters “need to start killing people” and “start killing the White House.”

Milo Yiannopoulos, an editor at pro-Trump website Breitbart, was forced to cancel a speech at UC Berkeley last week after mobs of protesters started fires, assaulted bystanders and pepper sprayed suspected Trump supporters as part of an organized effort to shut down the speech.

    Protests against Milo at UC Berkeley. Protesters chanting “This is what community looks like.” pic.twitter.com/a0YIZ3epIc

    — Shane Bauer (@shane_bauer) February 2, 2017

Those protests were spear-headed by a national group calling themselves Refuse Fascism. The group is open about its apparent alliance with Princeton professor and DNC platform committee member Cornel West, who is listed as one of Refuse Fascism’s “initiators.” A spokesperson for West did not return a request for comment.

Video posted to Refuse Fascism’s Facebook page last week features one of the group’s leaders whipping a throng of protesters into a frenzy with calls of revolution. “We need to make this country ungovernable,” she declares. “We need to do what the German people should have done when Hitler was elected.”

Far-left activist group Occupy Oakland also took part in last week’s Berkeley riots. The group, a local spinoff from the 2011 Occupy Wall Street protests, declared victory after Milo’s speech was cancelled due to their mob-like tactics. The group circulated a picture on Twitter of two of its banners from the protest reading, “Become ungovernable” and “This is war.”

    We won this night. We will control the streets. We will liberate the land. We will fight fascists. We will dismantle the state. This is war. pic.twitter.com/JnlJMUtgCj

    — Occupy Oakland (@OccupyOakland) February 2, 2017

“We won this night. We will control the streets. We will liberate the land. We will fight fascists. We will dismantle the state,” Occupy Oakland captioned the photo. “This is war.”

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« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2017, 05:12:11 am »

Maxine Waters: ‘Eventually,’ We’ll Have To Impeach Trump [VIDEO] Via

Rep. Maxine Waters reiterated calls for President Trump’s impeachment during House Democrats’ Monday morning press conference.

WATCH: http://dailycaller.com/2017/02/06/maxine-waters-eventually-well-have-to-impeach-trump-video/

When pressed by a reporter, the California Democrat stated she isn’t calling for POTUS’ impeachment, but “he is doing it himself.”

“I have not called for his impeachment,” she claimed. “The statement I made was a statement in response to questions and pleas that I’m getting from many citizens across this country. What are we going to do?” (VIDEO: Waters Struggles To Explain Why Trump Should Be Impeached)

Waters then embarked on a lengthy rant about Trump, devoid of any semblance of traditional grammatical structure.

“How can a president, who is acting in the manner that he is acting, whether he is talking about the travel ban, the way he is talking Muslims, or whether he’s talking about his relationship to Putin and the Kremlin — knowing that they have hacked our DCCC and DNC and knowing that he is responsible for supplying the bombs that killed innocent children and families in Aleppo — the fact that he is wrapping his arms around Putin while Putin is continuing to advance into Korea?”  Huh  Huh  Grin

“I think that he is leading himself into that ind of position where folks begin to ask, ‘what are we we going to do?’ and the answer is going to be, eventually, we’ve got to do something about him,” she continued.

“We cannot continue to have a president who is acting in this manner. It is dangerous to the United States of America.”

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« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2017, 06:11:18 pm »

University stops formation of conservative group due to campus leftists feeling ‘unsafe’

According to the Daily Caller, Santa Clara University student senate has turned down a petition for the formation of a Turning Point USA chapter at their college, and all because leftist students and faculty said the formation of such a group would make them feel “unsafe.”…50 students and school employees took up an hour to explain why such a group should not exist on their campus right after a lengthy powerpoint presentation that attempted to tie Turning Point USA to white supremacist groups.

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« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2017, 06:20:24 pm »

Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie Launches Bill to Abolish Federal Education Department
personally i think this is a great idea. We need to get the UN and the Fed Gov and especially thew Libs out of education

The bill, H.R.899, is only one sentence and states: “The Department of Education Shall Terminate on December 31, 2018.”

Massie introduces the measure as Betsy DeVos is confirmed as the next secretary of the U.S. Education Department. Grassroots parent activists had urged that the federal department be dismantled.

“Neither Congress nor the President, through his appointees, has the constitutional authority to dictate how and what our children must learn,” Massie said in a press release announcing the bill.

    Neither Congress nor the Pres, thru his appointees, has the const. auth. to dictate how/what our children must learn https://t.co/T87DXtY0Xd

    — Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) February 7, 2017

The congressman added:

    Unelected bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. should not be in charge of our children’s intellectual and moral development. States and local communities are best positioned to shape curricula that meet the needs of their students. Schools should be accountable. Parents have the right to choose the most appropriate educational opportunity for their children, including home school, public school, or private school.

“For years, I have advocated returning education policy to where it belongs — the state and local level,” said Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC), an original co-sponsor of the legislation. “D.C. bureaucrats cannot begin to understand the needs of schools and its students on an individual basis. It is time that we get the feds out of the classroom, and terminate the Department of Education.”

Massie’s office lists other original co-sponsors of the bill, including Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI), Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Rep. Jody Hice (R-GA), and Rep. Raul Labrador (R-ID).

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« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2017, 06:05:48 pm »

UC Berkeley Op-Eds Pour In to Student Paper Confirming Violence Will Continue
“Violence as self-defense” against words they don’t like.

A string of opinion pieces were published in The Daily Californian, the school paper for UC Berkeley, in the wake of the riots started by violent leftist fascists who believe free speech rights apply only to them. The takeaway from reading these pieces? Expect more of the same in the future. Violence is the only way in their eyes and they will show no mercy; they will sweep the leg.

Senior staff writer Haruka Senju published five pieces under the single title, “Violence as self-defense,” which he said argues “in favor of the use of violence in protests” such as the kind that broke out at the canceled Milo Yiannopoulos event.

One piece was submitted by an illegal immigrant student, Juan Prieto, titled “Violence helped ensure safety of students.” This “undocumented student” is a-okay with the violence because it only affected “replaceable property at my school." In essence, his was a thank-you letter:

Arguments on campus, on the other hand, revolve around students defying the acts the AntiFas — an anarchist and anti-fascist group that uses black bloc techniques to meet its ends — took that night. They want to ensure that there is a distinction between the rioters and the students who were there to protest peacefully.

Well, I’m here to thank the radical measures the AntiFas took to ensure my safety…

My campus did nothing to stand between my undocumented community and the hateful hands of radicalized white men — the AntiFas did. A peaceful protest was not going to cancel that event, just like numerous letters from faculty, staff, Free Speech Movement veterans and even donors did not cancel the event. Only the destruction of glass and shooting of fireworks did that. The so-called “violence” against private property that the media seems so concerned with stopped white supremacy from organizing itself against my community.

Neil Lawrence wrote in his piece, “Black bloc did what campus should have,” how he and his friends donned face masks and mingled with the Antifa to become a part of the confusion:

We were not, as the news, the chancellor and concerned progressives have alleged, “unaffiliated white anarchists.” Behind those bandanas and black T-shirts were the faces of your fellow UC Berkeley and Berkeley City College students, of women, of people of color, of queer and trans people.

The bloc was made up of people with the most to fight for and the most to lose.

Now, personally, I prefer to attend protests in cocktail dresses and eyeliner… [but] when I went out to make good on my promise to revoke Yiannopoulos’ gay card, I wore black and covered my face…

Antifa was there to protect UC Berkeley students when the administration was not. Within 15 minutes of the bloc’s arrival on Sproul Plaza, Yiannopoulos was being rushed from the building. These were not acts of violence.

They were acts of self defense.

And to Yiannopoulos and all your friends who invited you and hosted you and defended your “right” to speak: I recommend you learn your lesson.

Our shields are raised against you. No one will protect us? We will protect ourselves.

Alumna Nisa Dang told everyone to “Check your privilege when speaking of protests” in her piece. She believes that the very definition of a protest includes an expectation of violence. She defined what happened as “a routine Berkeley protest” and said to hell with the idea of “peaceful dialogue:”

In light of recent events, there has been a resurgence of the belief that in order for a protest to be effective, it must also be nonviolent. This belief especially plagues liberals, who are talented in drafting long Facebook posts about how they are down with the cause, but not really because windows were broken and some white nationalists got their asses beat. Here’s looking at you, Berkeley.

I’m here to explain to this particular segment of the “jolted from a coma, but went back to bed” crowd that they are wrong. Listen closely, because if I have to hear this flawed, problematic and deeply cowardly line of reasoning the next time some people invite a violent fascist-endorsing hate monger to UC Berkeley, we’re fighting.

“I put my safety and my freedom on the line because letting Yiannopoulos speak was more terrifying to me than potential injury or arrest,” wrote Desmond Meagley, warning campus Republicans who invited Yiannopoulos to “prepare to get attacked” if anything like this happens again.

Meagley also clarified that the participants, “these so-called militants are campus students, Berkeley residents and Bay Area locals; teachers, journalists, musicians, parents and athletes, united by love and concern for their peers.”

And on and on these op-eds go, saying the physical injuries and property damage and threats to “kill Trump” were infinitely less violent than the words coming out of a person’s mouth. They also made clear that going through the proper, peaceful channels on campus to urge the cancelation of a conservative speech didn't work and that violence is the only way to shut  them down. This is the Left’s literal war on free speech. Berkeley set the standard of expectation of what’s to come and these op-eds confirm that conformity to progressive politics is the only solution, or else get a bat to your face.

Apparently, there's no need for these anymore: #Tolerance, #LoveTrumpsHate.

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« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2017, 06:08:20 pm »

‘Leftist Fight Club’ trains people to fight fascists, Republicans not invited to attend

The University of Central Florida “Knights for Socialism” held a training event Sunday intended to teach left-wing students how to “BASH THE FASH”  in a “Leftist Fight Club,” but Republicans were not invited, according to a report by Campus Reform.

The group called the event, “Leftist Fight Club: The Rumbles at Lake Claire,” and hired a local amateur boxer to lead the workshop. The group claims the workshop was primarily a self-defense course — targeted mainly toward women —  to teach basic hand-to-hand combat techniques. According to the group’s website, the course was designed to help  socialist students protect themselves from potential hate crimes performed by those sympathetic to “[President] Donald Trump and other Alt-Right Neo-Nazis,” the site said.

The Facebook event described the training as a “response to the record number of hate crimes against Latinos, Immigrants, Muslims, Women, the LGBTQIA+ community, Jews, African Americans and other minorities since the rise of Donald Trump and other Alt-Right Neo-Nazis, Knights for Socialism.” The group’s website was not clear about the source for their claim that such hate crimes have, in fact, risen since Trump’s inauguration.

“This event is open to everyone and anyone, EXCEPT REPUBLICANS,” the description read.

According to event organizers, the event was aimed at females because of a the group’s belief that the incidence of sexual violence will rise in America due to the election of Trump. It is unclear why the group felt that Republican women would either be exempt from this alleged forthcoming wave of violence or shouldn’t be trained to defend themselves from it.

“Ladies: The Commander in thief is a sexual predator and rapist,” the description theatrically notes. “He has normalized sexual assault and it is expected that sexual violence against women is going to skyrocket in the next 12 months. Please join us! There will be other women there for you to spar against!”

A UCF College Republican named Scott Benton told “Campus Reform” that the left’s “impulse toward violence” as exemplified by the event is a result of the intellectual indefensibility of their arguments. “If you can’t hang with someone on a debate stage, then you resort to other means to try and justify your cause,” he said. Other UCF Republicans told the media outlet they felt the exclusion of Republicans was simply a way for group to “whine” rather than hold an intellectual or educational discussion of the issues facing the nation.


“Knights for Socialism” sounds like a KKK group
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« Reply #13 on: February 08, 2017, 08:55:14 pm »

he Spirit of America: Conservative Grassroots Leaders Plan Massive Pro-Trump Demonstrations Nationwide

On Feb. 27 and March 4, the rallies—dubbed the Spirit of America Rallies—will spring up nationwide in cities and towns across America.

“These rallies are inclusive, non-partisan, and open to anyone supporting President Trump in his efforts to bring back manufacturing jobs to America, put the security of our nation ahead of political correctness, improve our infrastructure, revitalize the inner cities and secure our nation’s borders,” Debbie Dooley, a national co-founder of the Tea Party movement and a key organizer of the Spirit of America rallies, says in a press release obtained by Breitbart News ahead of its public release.

Since President Trump’s election, during his time as president-elect and since his inauguration on Jan. 20, **** progressive leftists have been repeatedly protesting him in a sometimes violent manner. These rallies, organizers say, are meant to be a peaceful show of force from the “silent majority” that delivered Trump a landslide electoral college victory over failed Democratic president Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Dooley told Breitbart News that since the anti-Trump women’s march in D.C. after the president’s inauguration, she has received so many calls from Trump supporters–including many, many women Trump supporters–urging her to organize a show of force among the silent majority nationwide in response–that she had to turn off her cell phone so she could get work done. The Spirit of America rallies are not Tea Party rallies, she adds, and she hopes that Democrat groups backing Trump–there were many of them nationwide, forming a collective called the “Trumpocrats”–will get involved and step up to help the president, too. She also notes that the selection of Feb. 27 as the kickoff date of these pro-Trump rallies is significant, since that was the first day of the Tea Party movement back in 2009.

“I am proud to lead the charge here in Louisiana to get supporters of President Trump to show their support of his policy agenda through these Spirit of America rallies,” Col. Rob Maness, a retired Air Force colonel, founder of GatorPAC and two-time conservative Senate candidate in Louisiana who’s also involved in helping the rallies in his home state, added in the release. “Average citizens from across the political spectrum and all walks of life elected Mr. Trump and we at GatorPAC are especially pleased to help him with his national effort to Make America Great Again and #DrainTheSwamp priorities in Washington D.C.”

Ralph King, an elector for President Trump from Ohio and the co-founder of Main Street Patriots, added that he believes “the American electorate spoke loud and clear this past November.”

“These Spirit of America Rallies are a continuation of the collective voice of Americans that embrace President Trump’s policies to put the American workers and citizens first once again,” King said.

Rallies are in the works in states as far-flung as Arizona, Georgia, Colorado, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, New Jersey, Ohio, South Carolina, and Washington state—as well as other states, organizers say. More information is available on the Spirit of America rallies website.

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« Reply #14 on: February 08, 2017, 09:06:30 pm »

Report: Republicans Fear for Their Safety as Obamacare Protests Grow Violent

According to Politico, Rep. David Reichert (R-WA), a former county sheriff, presented lawmakers with protective measures they should have in place. These included such things as an exit strategy at town halls, backdoor exits in congressional offices, local police monitoring town halls, and replacing glass office doors with heavy doors and deadbolts.

“It is toxic out there right now,” Republican Study Committee Chairman Mark Walker (R-NC) reportedly said. “Even some of the guys who have been around here a lot longer than I have, have never seen it to this level.” Walker reportedly reiterated the importance of honoring the First Amendment rights granted to all citizens, remaining engaged and being “nice,” but he warned the Republicans who gathered to “watch your back. And two, be receptive.”

According to Politico, Walker later added, “For those of us who have children in grade school and that kind of thing, there’s a factor in all of this, saying: How far will the progressive movement go to try to intimidate us?”

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) was reportedly also present at Saturday’s meeting and expressed hope that demonstrations remain civilized. “Peaceful protests are something we honor in this country,” he said, according to Politico. “I just hope people keep it peaceful.”

On Saturday, Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA) was escorted out of a town hall meeting in Roseville. He told the Los Angeles Times an “anarchist” group caused security concerns and the crowd turned angry against him.

However, some Democrats have reportedly downplayed and even dismissed violence targeting Republicans. “I think what you’re seeing is Republicans trying to use security to try to hide themselves from their constituents because they have no plan for a replacement and very little support from Donald Trump,” Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) told Politico. “They’re going to use so-called security to keep people away.”

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« Reply #15 on: February 08, 2017, 09:41:36 pm »

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« Reply #16 on: February 13, 2017, 05:55:45 pm »

This army has already been heavily involved in many of the protests and riots

Throughout American history, most ex-presidents have chosen to move away from Washington D.C. once their terms have ended, and the vast majority of them have tried very hard not to interfere with their successors.

Unfortunately, Barack Obama has opted for the exact opposite approach. His new home is less than two miles from the White House, and from this “command center” he will be directing the activities of an army of more than 30,000 anti-Trump activists. In fact, as you will see below, this army has already been heavily involved in many of the protests and riots that have been popping up around the nation in recent days. “Sabotage” is a very strong word, but it is becoming apparent that Obama intends to do all that he can to sabotage the Trump administration, and that is very bad news for the American people.

On Saturday, the New York Post ran an excellent article by author Paul Sperry that was entitled “How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trump’s presidency”. In that piece, Sperry actually accuses Obama of setting up “a shadow government” to oppose Trump…

When former President Barack Obama said he was “heartened” by anti-Trump protests, he was sending a message of approval to his troops. Troops? Yes, Obama has an army of agitators — numbering more than 30,000 — who will fight his Republican successor at every turn of his historic presidency. And Obama will command them from a bunker less than two miles from the White House.

In what’s shaping up to be a highly unusual post-presidency, Obama isn’t just staying behind in Washington. He’s working behind the scenes to set up what will effectively be a shadow government to not only protect his threatened legacy, but to sabotage the incoming administration and its popular “America First” agenda.

The “army of agitators” that Sperry is talking about is actually a nationwide network of “community organizers” known as “Organizing for Action”.

If you go to the official website of Organizing for Action, you will see that there is a big picture of Obama right in the background of the homepage. Organizing for Action “grew out of Barack Obama’s first presidential campaign”, and it claims to have 250 local chapters around the nation.

If Hillary Clinton had won the election, Organizing for Action would almost certainly have faded from the spotlight, but now that Trump is in the White House they are rapidly raising money and gearing up for war.

And one of the first things the organization is trying to do is to save Obamacare. The following comes from NBC News…

To defend Obamacare, the group says it has planned 400 health care-focused events in 42 states this year with partners that include mainline liberal groups, like the Center for American Progress and Planned Parenthood, as well those from the progressive wing, like MoveOn.org.

OFA says 20,000 people have used their tool to call senators’ offices to urge them not to repeal Obamacare and says one million supporters have already taken action with OFA.
The goal is to further hinder the already stalling momentum around repeal the Affordable Care Act.

But Organizing for Action is not just about peaceful political action. In fact, according to Sperry some of the anti-Trump marches that Organizing for Action helped put together actually “turned into riots”…

Far from sulking, OFA activists helped organize anti-Trump marches across US cities, some of which turned into riots. After Trump issued a temporary ban on immigration from seven terror-prone Muslim nations, the demonstrators jammed airports, chanting: “No ban, no wall, sanctuary for all!”

Run by old Obama aides and campaign workers, federal tax records show “nonpartisan” OFA marshals 32,525 volunteers nationwide. Registered as a 501(c)(4), it doesn’t have to disclose its donors, but they’ve been generous. OFA has raised more than $40 million in contributions and grants since evolving from Obama’s campaign organization Obama for America in 2013.

So many people have been pointing the finger at George Soros for funding and organizing anti-Trump activists, but the truth is that Organizing for Action is perhaps even more involved than Soros is.

And Barack Obama is guiding and directing Organizing for Action from his brand new compound less than two miles from the White House.

The ironic thing about all of this is that Obama is currently building a very tall brick wall around his compound while at the same time his army of activists is highly criticizing Trump for wanting to build a border wall to protect the United States from unwanted intruders.

If Obama doesn’t like walls, he should tear down his own wall first.

Another form of sabotage against the Trump administration is coming from Obama loyalists that are still embedded within various government agencies.

According to Trump, those loyalists are responsible for the very disturbing leaks that have been happening…

President Donald Trump pointed the finger at Obama administration holdovers at the White House and National Security Council for leaking information about private phone conversations he had with leaders of Australia and Mexico.

“It’s a disgrace that they leaked because it’s very much against our country,” Trump told Fox News Sunday, accusing “Obama people” in civil service positions for the leaks. “It’s a very dangerous thing for this country,” he added noting that these individuals were still being sought out and replaced.

Needless to say, after eight years under Obama many government agencies are absolutely crawling with people that are still very loyal to him. Trump needs to do a major housecleaning, and that is going to take some time.

What is going on between Obama and Trump is a microcosm of what is happening to society as a whole.

Obama and his loyalists have totally bought into the radical progressive agenda of the global elite, and Donald Trump and his followers are very much against it.

I don’t know that it is possible for there to be much compromise between the two sides, and so that means that more conflict is ahead.

The election of Donald Trump has fired up the radical left like never before, and I believe that the protests and riots that we have seen so far are only just the beginning.

And if things go really bad under Trump, it is very easy to imagine widespread civil unrest erupting all over the nation.

Unfortunately, throughout all of this we are going to be having an ex-president sitting less than two miles from the White House guiding and directing the anti-Trump forces every step of the way.

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« Reply #17 on: February 14, 2017, 11:32:57 pm »

Charlie Daniels: It’s Only a Matter of Time Before There Is Blood on the Streets

Over a century ago, the United States of America went through a divisive and bloody Civil War that separated the people of this nation bone from marrow. It split friends, families and eventually the nation itself as a line was drawn dividing the Union States of the North from the newly formed Confederacy of the Southern States.

Ostensibly, the war that followed was fought over the abolition of slavery, a devilish practice that never should have been allowed in the first place, and although it was the basic issue for the conflict – as is the case so much of the time – there were a myriad of other issues involved.

One – in my opinion – was just plain stubbornness and pride and the dogged determination that the South would not let itself be told what to do by the other half of the country, but trade, tariffs and different attitudes and beliefs about just how far a federal government could go in setting the tone and making laws to be obeyed by all the states were also involved.

The point I'm trying to make is that the feelings festered so long and ran so deep that men whose fathers had stood shoulder to shoulder in the war for independence faced off across fields of battle and killed each other.

The Civil War never should have happened, and had cooler heads prevailed on both sides, never would have. Southerners had to know that slavery was an abomination to the principles they had fought and died for in the Revolution.

No man has the right to own another man, to reap the fruits of his labor for nothing, to consider his children nothing more than commodities to be sold off or traded away on a whim, separating
families and breeding human beings like livestock.

But instead of acknowledging the very obvious evil of this situation, politicians from the South, convinced that the economy of the Southern States was dependent on slavery, chose to become a separate nation and soon after over six hundred thousand Americans lost their lives in a senseless war that would set the Southern States back a half century.

Surely, had it been approached by fair, level-headed men on both sides of the issue, abolition could have been achieved without war. But the rhetoric grew ever hotter. Brash young men on both sides, who had never fired a gun in anger, viewed a war as the pinnacle of romanticism, and implacable politicians refused to give an inch.

Is this not the same attitude we see on the streets of America today?

I see young people interviewed on television who can't even articulate the reason they are protesting. Others bent on destruction who probably espouse no cause but chaos.

I've seen hysterical protestors screaming about First Amendment rights which they seem to think only protects them and those who think like them and that the opposition has no first amendment protection and should be shouted down at all costs.

The rhetoric is becoming hotter and more nonsensical, the radical element more apparent, the violence and destruction of property more common place.

The pot is boiling and it’s only a matter of time before there will be blood on the streets.

Americans have the right to civil disobedience, a right to gather and demonstrate against some policy they feel is unfair or harmful to the country at large, but they do not have the right to interrupt commerce, break windows, burn cars or do bodily harm to those who disagree with them.

People who won't listen to reason, who ignore the law of the land and who try to stifle the opinions of others tend to forget that there is an element of violence on the other side as well, a side that, thankfully, so far has not yet come forth.

But, should these conditions continue, someday soon the violent elements of both persuasions will find themselves on the same streets, and what will ensue will not be pretty.

Learn from history, or repeat it.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

— Charlie Daniels

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« Reply #18 on: February 27, 2017, 07:35:16 pm »

Radical Leftists Are Warning That The Trump Years Will Be ‘Apocalyptic’ – And They Just Might Be Right

Is the United States about to plunge into an apocalyptic nightmare from which it may never recover? During the Obama era conservatives often warned of such scenarios, but now things have completely shifted. At the moment, conservatives are generally more optimistic than they have been in many years, but quite a few liberals are warning that the Trump years could have absolutely disastrous consequences for this country. They are concerned that Trump’s policies could burst the giant debt bubble that we have been living in and trigger economic collapse, they are concerned that widespread civil unrest could soon erupt in our cities, they are concerned that our rapidly deteriorating environment and major natural disasters could soon kill millions, and they are also concerned that faltering relationships with other nations could lead us into World War III.

Of course leftists are generally wrong about just about everything, but in this case they might be exactly correct.

The truth is that our world is becoming increasingly unstable with each passing week, and this time around it is conservatives that are guilty of reckless optimism.

Just because Donald Trump has been elected does not mean that everything around us is going to be transformed into some sort of utopia. Anyone that is guilty of this kind of thinking is simply delusional.

So as much as it pains me to say it, these days it is often liberals that have a more accurate assessment of what the times immediately ahead of us are going to be like. And while many conservatives have totally given up on preparing for the difficult times that are coming, many liberals have suddenly become extraordinarily interested in emergency food, water filters and guns. They are extremely concerned about what America is going to look like in a few years, and the mainstream media is starting to do stories about their rising anxiety. The following is an excerpt from a Christian Science Monitor article entitled “In age of Trump, apocalyptic rhetoric becomes mainstream“…

    The longer President Trump is in office, the more Cat Deakins worries about the future – for herself and her children.

    With every executive order and cabinet appointment, she envisions another scenario: an America that rejects immigrants, that succumbs to climate change, that erupts in war.

    “It’s scary to me that [people within the administration] are promoting this idea of, ‘We are at war with Islam.’ That’s the kind of thinking that leads to World War III,” says Ms. Deakins, a cinematographer in Los Angeles. “I don’t think we can be alarmed enough.”

To many conservatives that may sound like nonsense, but the truth is that we are on a road that could potentially lead us to World War III. Anti-Russian hysteria has reached a fever pitch in Washington, and our relationship with China is the worst that it has been in decades. Of course the Middle East continues to be a tinderbox, and one false move could cause a major war to erupt in the region.

Meanwhile, the ground under our feet continues to shake with increasing regularity. In fact, an enormous magnitude 6.9 earthquake struck along the “Ring of Fire” just this weekend…

    A HUGE earthquake measuring 6.9 magnitude struck off the coast of New Britain island in Papua New Guinea this morning, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said.

    The quake was so powerful that it was felt as far away as the capital Port Moresby, 750 km (460 miles) away on the country’s south coast.

    Papua New Guinea is on the Pacific “Ring of Fire” which has frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

And our environment continues to deteriorate all around us as well. According to one recent study, half of the species on our entire planet could be facing extinction by the end of this century unless something is done…

    One in five species on Earth now faces extinction, and that will rise to 50% by the end of the century unless urgent action is taken. That is the stark view of the world’s leading biologists, ecologists and economists who will gather on Monday to determine the social and economic changes needed to save the planet’s biosphere.

    “The living fabric of the world is slipping through our fingers without our showing much sign of caring,” say the organisers of the Biological Extinction conference held at the Vatican this week.

But of more immediate concern is our very serious economic problems. For much more on this, please see the article that I published on Sunday entitled “Retail Apocalypse Gains Momentum As David Stockman Warns ‘Everything Will Grind To A Halt’ After March 15th“.

We have already seen very angry protests and riots from coast to coast during the first month of Trump’s presidency, and it wouldn’t take much to push the millions upon millions of Americans that completely hate Trump entirely over the edge. If we do see a severe economic downturn or a major natural disaster (remember Katrina?) or the U.S. enters a new war, any of those things could potentially be enough to spark widespread civil unrest in cities all over America.

A lot of people can see what is coming, and many wealthy elitsts are securing adequate accommodations to ride out the “Trumpocalypse” while they still can. For example, a former nuclear missile silo in Kansas has been transformed into a series of luxury survival condos…

    The door to the Survival Condo closes slowly, sending a resounding thud through the concrete parking garage.

    Those inside have surrounded themselves with walls up to 9 feet thick, ready to withstand a nuclear explosion, the eruption of Yellowstone’s supervolcano or an outbreak of avian flu.

    Larry Hall, project manager and owner of the Luxury Survival Condo Project, says he feels safer with the doors closed.

    He says he’s sold all 12 luxury condos in the former Atlas missile silo — which once housed a nuclear warhead — not far from Concordia, about two hours north of Wichita. He’s working on a second silo.

The condos are all sold out at this point, but the vast majority of us could have never afforded one anyway. According to the article quoted above, an 1,820 square foot unit costs three million dollars.


In the end, the truth is that America was headed for disaster whether Trump or Clinton won the election. And actually, many of the apocalyptic scenarios that I lay out in my novel are much more likely to happen with a Republican in the White House. For instance, radical leftists are far more likely to go wild in the streets if someone that they hate with all of their might is leading the nation.

And instead of trying to bring peace, the top Democrats in Washington are now calling for “total war” against Donald Trump. The following comes from the Daily Caller…

    Democrat Party leaders are planning to agree on a strategy of all-out war against President Donald Trump at meetings this weekend, rather than work to achieve their policy goals through compromise.

    Following the election that devastated the party’s power at every level of government, some in the party were considering a strategy of working with the Trump administration to get things done. Indeed, Trump has signaled he would be willing to cross the aisle to achieve some less-than-conservative policy changes he has taken up. But senior party officials told The New York Times that option is likely off the table, and those inside the party who favor an aggressively confrontational strategy will win out.

The left is not just going to lay down and die just because Donald Trump won the election.

They are absolutely determined to fight Trump every step of the way, even if that means causing more division in a nation that is more deeply divided than it has been in decades.

I know that there is a lot of optimism out there among conservatives right now, but the truth is that the elements for a “perfect storm” are coming together very rapidly, and it is very easy to see how all of this could end very, very badly.

So when liberals say that the coming years could be “apocalyptic”, they may not actually understand what they are talking about, but they might end up being precisely correct.

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« Reply #19 on: February 27, 2017, 07:45:56 pm »

All Hell Is Breaking Loose: Will We Survive the Soros Led American Spring?

As the old saying goes, when one thing happens, it is a coincidence. When something happens twice, it is a trend. When the event/action gets repeated for a third time, it is a pattern. And a pattern is what Trevor Louden, Doug Hagmann and myself has uncovered. What are we talking about?
The Overthrow of the United States Government

Trevor Louden, the author of Enemies Within, Doug Hagmann and myself are all saying the same thing. We are in the early stages of a civil war that is designed to take down the United States. The New World Order must destroy the US because there is no place in the New World Orer for liberty and freedom. The idea of a nation state will go by the wayside and the planet will be governed corporate style, such as in the 1975 movie, Rollerball.

Prior to the election of Trump, the globalists were in the final phase of extracting as much material wealth from the people of the United States before collapsing the system. Now the globalists must fight to get back what ground they have lost due to the election of Trump.

The Democrats and the Republicans are united on the need to takedown Donald Trump. Trump is not their enemy, but rather the symbol that will be used to usher in the New World Order. President Trump is the convenient fall-guy from which to target so the globalists can squash, once and for all, the populist spirit of the American people prior to the nation’s destruction.

The Congress and the Senate are united on two fronts:

    They both support free trade agreements and these “representatives of the people” have been handsomely rewarded for falling into line with the corporate takeover of the US government.

    The globalists are promoting mass immigration in all major western nations. Why? The answer is simple, they seek to decultralize the major nations prior to establishing global governance. When the dominant language and the mores and the customs of the modern nations are gone, all that is left is globalism.

All, in all, this process can best be understood from 3 perspectives. The three perspectives, as I mentioned, comes from Trevor Louden, Doug Hagmann and myself.
Part One: The Enemies Within-Trevor Louden

In both his book and his documentary by the same name, Louden identifes 80 elected representatives of the American people who have been elected to the the House and the Senate who belong to front groups for either the Communist Party or the world’s biggest terrorist organization, the Muslim Brotherhood, or both at the same time. Largely, these representatives, such as Elizabeth Warren and John McCain have been recruited from the ranks of those who enthusiastically supported free trade and the subsequent loss of millions of American jobs. McCain was a co-sponsor of CAFTA, a free trade agreement.

Louden detais how these associations impacts the American people as it alters Congressional policies and laws that are passed.

Louden’s documentary is available on Amazon Prime.  Also, I should mention that former Congressman West makes the exact same claims as does Louden and he names the same people. Am I talking about treason, you are damn right I am.

Part Two: The Subversive Groups of Obama and Soros-Doug Hagmann

In the follwing video, Doug Hagmann described, in detail, the emerging and covert army that is emerging in American designed to overthrow the government. As I said, Donald Trump is just a convenient target, the real objective is the subjugation of, the depopulation of, and the destruction of the US Constitution and all of American civil liberties.

At the heart of the subversive takedown of America is Obama’s Organizing for America. It is run by former President Obama and it has 250 nationwide chapters. Emanting from this parent group are other Obama/Soros organizations such as Indivisble. Indivisible receives their funding from Soros groups such  as Moveon.org and the ACLU. It is interesting to note that last night Oscars, the looney left that dominates the Hollywood contingent were wea0ring blue ribbons to support the ACLU. Doug singles out Angela Padilla as one of the leaders in this movement. She is connected with the Soros funded La Raza which seeks to break up the United States through movements like CALEXIT of which Padilla, along with the Mexican Consulate and the drug cartel leadership compromise an intimate part of CALEXIT as are former Attorney Generals Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch.

Doug  also points out that the group Indivisible has published  “A Practical Guide for Resisting the Trump Agenda” (ie how to destroy the Constitution, the economy and the social fabric of America).

Doug also identifes the Weather Underground, which is run through the man who launched Obama’s political career, Bill Ayers, has reared its ugly head, once agai, to terroize America. The social networking and planned rioting from Soros funded groups like the Center for Popular Democracy, the thugs from Acorn, which are funded by Ford Foundation and the Democracy Alliance will wreak havoc on the American people this Spring.

Doug notes that Twitter and Facebook are facilitating the revolution.  As expected, the media is part of this and this is why President Trump labled the media “the enemy of the people”.

The reader should get the idea, but this is only the tip of the iceberg. More detail is available in the following video produced by Doug Hagmann.

Part Three: The Implementation of Soros’ Led Takedown of America-Dave Hodges

I have previously stated that America is at a very dangerous time in her history. The enemy (e.g. George Soros and his puppetiers) are already inside the gates wreaking havoc.
The Arab Spring (2017) Comes to America

George Soros is following a script that he all too familiar with. Soros is implementing the Arab Spring strategies in very similar fashion to what he did over five years ago in the Middle East.

    His playbook is a combination of Hillary Clinton’s hero, S. Alinsky and his book, Rules for Radicals.

It is becoming clear that Soros is implementing the strategies associated with the first three stages listed below. However, we can be certain that the globalists are going all the way.

The Final Solution

There will become a bifurcation point where soft kill methods, and diluting the native population through massive immigration will not be enough to ensure total dictatorial control over the planet by the globalists because its methods of replacement are not expeditious enough. That is when soft kill will need to become the Final Solution of hard kill.

economic collapse

Step One

Perpetrate an economic collapse that will put millions of desperate people on the street. It is better if this can happen in the midst of some other social chaos to take fully advantage of the magnification effect.

The plan calls for the complete disintegration of law order. Soros has his excuse, the election of Donald Trump . Soros has properly engineered group think in which some groups, collectively, have manufactured enough fear based upon lies, that people are striking out. We are seeing this with riots in our major cities. Soros is perpetrating a race war and when it spreads to other segments of our population, not only will safety be imperiled but so will the distribution of goods and services.

Step Two

Combine the economic collapse with the creation of a false flag series of events which necessitates the need for martial law and extreme measures of subjugation.

It would appear that a mass casualty event is in the works, but the rioting of groups like Obama’s OFA will do quite nicely in the meantime.

Step 3

Cordon people off for their own protection by eliminating travel.

fema check in

Step Four

Exploit whatever free labor can be extracted from this doomed group while they are being protected and this means the implementation of a Congressionally backed “New Deal like programs” which will promise to put people back to work. You can call them labor camps, I will call them FEMA Camps. This is precisely what Weatherman Underground leader, Bill Ayers, talked about doing.

uk fema camps

Step Five

Systematically exterminate the undesirable group as a move to promote national unity against a contrived common enemy (e.g. Christians). By this time, Trump will be gone from power. The new radicalls will impose the use of the NDAA will come into full view and we will witness unparalleled persecution of averge citizens that “don’t fit in.


 Step Six

World War III will evolve out of the turmoil as was the case with World War II-Serfdom will re-emerge

einstein and world war III

Step Seven

This is when global depopulation will begin in earnest. When the smoke clears and  the bulk of humanity has been buried, the New World Order will truly be born.


These seven steps are all supported by past history. What makes Americans think that we are immune to established historical precedent?

Sometimes it is good to be reminded of who we are fighting and what their Agenda (2030) consists of.

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« Reply #20 on: February 27, 2017, 08:25:49 pm »

Recording: 'Town Hall Outrage' was Scripted by Liberal Activists

They want your elected representatives to believe they're out of touch with the people who elected them.

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« Reply #21 on: March 02, 2017, 08:50:54 pm »


On the surface, it looks like the left has simply gone insane since losing November’s election.

Pop singer Madonna boasts to millions she has “thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House” and a Black Lives Matter activist with a bullhorn exhorts protesters to “start killing people” and “start killing the White House.” Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters, calling President Donald Trump’s Cabinet picks a “bunch of scumbags,” demands impeachment proceedings begin immediately. Leftist comedians call 10-year-old Barron Trump a “rapist” and “homeschool shooter.” Hysterical comparisons of Trump to genocidal monster Adolf Hitler occur daily. Hillary Clinton’s VP running mate, Tim Kaine, encourages anti-Trumpers to “fight in the streets,” while left-wing thugs – viciously destroying storefronts like Nazi Stormtroopers and preventing political opponents from exercising their constitutional right to free speech – ironically accuse the law-abiding people they attack of being “fascists.”

All rage, all the time – an entire political party gone mad.

However, the drama of the left’s delusional frenzy masks something far more malevolent: Americans are witnessing an attempted coup d’etat – a widespread, concerted, well-funded effort to sabotage the presidency of Donald Trump.

As Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Michael Goodwin puts it, what the nation is experiencing goes far beyond mere “Trump Derangement Syndrome.” “It’s not a temporarily insane reaction,” explains Goodwin. “It’s a calculated plan to wreck the presidency, whatever the cost to the country.”

While the most obvious players in this new civil war are Democratic politicians (and even a few Republicans), the absurdly partisan establishment news media and panic-stricken left-wing entertainment celebrities who threaten to kill the president and leave the country, much more is going on behind the scenes.

Other more hidden players in what has been described as a “rolling coup attempt” against Trump include parts of the Obama administration’s intelligence community – including the NSA and CIA – as well as rogue elements in the Justice Department and many other departments of the entrenched government establishment, popularly dubbed the “deep state.”

Even more shocking: Whereas virtually all past presidents whether Republican or Democrat have gracefully stepped aside in favor of Americans’ newly elected commander in chief, Barack Obama has become a prime leader of “the Resistance.” As Whistleblower documents, Obama has mobilized over 30,000 agitators to fight Trump at every turn – an “army” Obama intends to command from a bunker less than two miles from the White House.

Highlights of “CIVIL WAR II” include:

    “America’s 2nd Civil War” by Dennis Prager, on why in today’s America, “There will be unity only when the left vanquishes the right or the right vanquishes the left”
    “Gaslighting and the left’s war on reality” by former clinical psychologist Timothy Daughtry, on “the left’s efforts to push a false view of reality and to convince mainstream Americans that their common-sense views are somehow extreme”
    “What makes them mad? Trump’s delivering” by Joseph Farah, who concludes, hopefully: “I have never seen a president with a clearer agenda and more determination to follow it”
    “How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trump’s presidency” by Paul Sperry, who reveals that more than 30,000 of Barack Obama’s “troops” are “gearing up for battle” against the new commander in chief
    “Anti-Trump ‘resistance’ leaders: Make America ‘ungovernable’” by Peter Hasson, on the dangerously seditious attacks on the new president, such as the anti-Trump group Refuse Fascism whose spokeswoman said: “We need to do what the German people should have done when Hitler was elected”
    “How Trump can win Democrats’ war on him” by Garth Kant. As one Pulitzer-winning writer explains: “It’s not a temporarily insane reaction. It’s a calculated plan to wreck the presidency” of Donald Trump
    “The deep state targets Trump” by Patrick J. Buchanan, who reveals how a media-connected criminal conspiracy destroyed Gen. Michael Flynn’s career – but that’s just the beginning
    “The root cause of America’s new civil war” by David Kupelian, who explains: “What we’re looking at is nothing less than a spiritual polarization of Americans”
    “Comedians call Trump’s son Barron a ‘rapist,’ ‘homeschool shooter'” by Chelsea Schilling, on the shameless targeting of the president’s children, including one comic’s tweet that Trump’s 10-year-old boy is “wandering around White House right now looking for stuff to burn”
    “Why the left is more violent” by Jesse Lee Peterson, revealing the deep, dark secret behind today’s riots and mayhem
    “Lower conduct standards for leftists” by Walter E. Williams, who concludes: “If we were to examine criminality in America … it would be dominated by people who would be described as liberals”
    “Trump must break judicial power” by Patrick J. Buchanan, on why, “when politicians don black robes and seize powers they do not have, they should be called out for what they are – usurpers and petty tyrants”
    “Trump supporters warned it’s time for self-defense” – an eye-opening warning, in light of the fact that “the left now feels violence against the right is both effective and morally justified”
    “Hey leftists, conservatives handle despair like adults” by Dennis Prager. “They think they embody kindheartedness, when in fact the further left you go, the greater the meanness.”

“The left, having turned its back on traditional American Judeo-Christian values, derives its illusion of righteousness from being pathologically angry at everything it disagrees with,” commented Whistleblower Editor David Kupelian, who added: “Being very angry creates counterfeit feelings of both righteousness and strength.”

“Unfortunately,” said Kupelian, “there’s a really good reason the word ‘mad’ means both angry and crazy. Being super angry eventually just makes you crazy. That’s what has happened to the left. Not only have they gone mad, but since November, they’re now big-time losers as well. So now they’re both mad and desperate – and obsessed with revenge.”

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« Reply #22 on: March 02, 2017, 09:36:20 pm »

'It's Coming' - Deep State Escalates Attacks Against Trump Admin As Obama Sets Up Shadow Government Insurgency

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« Reply #23 on: March 05, 2017, 12:18:34 am »

Loretta Lynch: Need more 'marching, blood, death on streets'
Senate Dems post her impassioned plea on Facebook page as 'words of inspiration'

The Obama administration’s former Attorney General Loretta Lynch has made an impassioned video plea for more “blood” and “death” on the streets – a video that was later posted on the Facebook page of Senate Democrats as “words of inspiration.”

The video is less than a minute long and begins by stating that people are experiencing “great fear and uncertainty,” with the unstated implication it is due to Donald Trump’s takeover of the White House.

Without offering any specifics, Lynch goes on to say that “our rights” are “being assailed, being trampled on and even being rolled back.”

But the strongest words come in a statement that seems to suggest the answer is street action that will inevitably turn bloody and deadly.

“I know that this is a time of great fear and uncertainty for so many people,” Lynch says. “I know it’s a time of concern for people, who see our rights being assailed, being trampled on and even being rolled back. I know that this is difficult, but I remind you that this has never been easy. We have always had to work to move this country forward to achieve the great ideals of our Founding Fathers.”

Lynch, who is scheduled to receive the Thomas Jefferson Foundation Medal of Law from the University of Virginia, goes on to say: “It has been people, individuals who have banded together, ordinary people who simply saw what needed to be done and came together and supported those ideals who have made the difference. They’ve marched, they’ve bled and yes, some of them died. This is hard. Every good thing is. We have done this before. We can do this again.”

Lynch succeeded Eric Holder as Barack Obama’s attorney general in 2014.

Lynch is most well-remembered for her famous private meeting with Bill Clinton, her former boss, on her airplane while a federal investigation into his wife, Hillary Clinton, and the private email server she maintained as secretary of state was under way. Obama stood behind her when the news leaked out about the secret meeting on her plane sitting on the tarmac of Phoenix airport.

Lynch said her conversation with Bill Clinton did not touch on the FBI’s investigation into his wife’s private email setup at State.

Lesser known about Lynch’s history is that she was the prosecutor assigned to the biggest bank scandal in history – the probe of HSBC’s involvement in money laundering for terrorists and drug cartels lodged in 2012 and a scandal revealed first in WND, long before she was nominated for the post of attorney general.

While large fines were levied against the biggest bank in the world, no officials were charged or prosecuted by Lynch. While the subject was raised in Senate confirmation hearings, 10 Republicans approved her nomination — Kelly Ayotte, Ron Johnson, Mark Kirk, Rob Portman, Thad Cochran, Susan Collins, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch and Mitch McConnell.

When WND revealed the evidence provided by a whistleblower inside the giant global bank, HSBC used its immense power to persuade bandwidth providers to take WND offline – a situation that was remediated within hours.

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« Reply #24 on: March 05, 2017, 12:20:41 am »

In day of pro-Trump rallies, California march turns violent

BERKELEY, Calif./LANSING, Mich. Supporters of Donald Trump clashed with counter-protesters at a rally in the famously left-leaning city of Berkeley, California, on a day of mostly peaceful gatherings in support of the U.S. president across the country.

At a park in Berkeley, across the bay from San Francisco, protesters from both sides struck one another over the head with wooden sticks and Trump supporters fired pepper spray as police in riot gear stood at a distance.

Some in the pro-Trump crowd, holding American flags, faced off against black-clad opponents. An elderly Trump supporter was struck in the head and kicked on the ground.

Organizers of the so-called Spirit of America rallies in at least 28 the country's 50 states had said they expected smaller turn-outs than the huge crowds of anti-Trump protesters that clogged the streets of Washington and other cities the day after the Republican's inauguration on Jan. 20.

"There are a lot of angry groups protesting and we thought it was important to show our support," said Peter Boykin, president of Gays for Trump, who helped organize Saturday's rally in Washington.

In many towns and cities, the rallies did not draw more than a few hundred people. At some, supporters of the president were at risk of being outnumbered by small groups of anti-Trump protesters who gathered to shout against the rallies.

In Berkeley, the total crowd of both supporters and detractors numbered 200 to 300 people, police spokesman Byron White said. Three people were injured in the clash, including one who had teeth knocked out, and police made five arrests.

One Trump supporter who took part in the violence came equipped with a baton, a gas mask and a shield emblazoned with the American flag.

White said police did break up fights between the two sides.

"We've made a number of arrests, it's one of those things where we monitor the situation and take action as necessary," he said.

The violence comes a month after mask-wearing protesters at the University of California, Berkeley, shut down a planned speech by a provocative far-right commentator by lighting fires and smashing windows.

On Saturday, smaller skirmishes broke out in other parts of the country.

In Minnesota, 400 Trump supporters packed the state capitol rotunda in St. Paul and were met by a smaller group of counter-demonstrators, according to the Star Tribune. Scuffles erupted and six counter-protesters were arrested, the newspaper reported.

In Nashville, Tennessee, Trump supporters and counter-protesters cursed at each other and occasionally made physical contact, but state troopers broke up the fighting, according to the city's public radio station.

Most rallies appeared to take place without any disruption or violence, like one outside the Michigan State Capitol in Lansing.

"How can anyone be disappointed with bringing back jobs? And he promised he would secure our borders, and that's exactly what he's doing," said Meshawn Maddock, one of the organizers of the rally which drew about 200 people.

Brandon Blanchard, 24, among a small group of anti-Trump protesters, said he had come in support of immigrants, Muslims and transgender people, groups that have been negatively targeted by Trump's rhetoric and policies.

"I feel that every American that voted for Trump has been deceived," Blanchard said.

More than 200 supporters of the president rallied in downtown San Diego.

"After this, I think people will take the hint," said former U.S. Marine David Moore, 42, a participant in the rally. "It’s okay to voice support for the president and the country."

In Palm Beach, Florida, where Trump is staying this weekend at his Mar-a-Lago resort, the president's motorcade stopped and Trump stepped outside his car to wave at a crowd of dozens of supporters. A smaller group of protesters stood across the street.

In New York, about 200 people demonstrated their support for the president in front of Trump Tower in midtown Manhattan. In Washington, about 150 people marched from the Washington Monument to Lafayette Square in front of the White House to show their support for the president.

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« Reply #25 on: March 05, 2017, 06:08:26 pm »

Exclusive: David Kupelian examines 'Bizarro' spiritual polarization of Americans

Editor’s note: The Age of Trump is characterized by extreme polarization of the American populace, increasing violence and growing accusations of “fascism,” “white supremacism” and even “Nazism” – especially directed at the president himself, many even comparing him with Hitler. Tens of millions of everyday Americans are thought of as “racist,” “bigoted,” “woman-hating,” “homophobic” and “anti-immigrant,” not to mention (in Hillary Clinton’s words) “deplorable” and “irredeemable.”

Yet, as David Kupelian reveals below in the opening chapter of his latest book, “The Snapping of the American Mind,” America’s extreme polarization started well before Trump. In fact, the nation has been reeling under a full-scale revolutionary attack for many years, leading to the extreme level of anger and division currently gripping the country. And he reveals the true nature of this division, which at core is neither political nor even ideological.

As part of my well-rounded childhood, I read “Superman” comic books.

That’s right. Also “Superboy,” “Batman and Robin,” “Aquaman,” “The Flash,” “Green Arrow,” “Green Lantern” and others – but my favorite was Superman. And one of the most memorable characters in those adventures was a guy named Bizarro.

Created when Superman was exposed to a “duplicate ray,” Bizarro was essentially a defective clone of the “man of steel.” Ugly, surly and speaking broken English like Tonto in “The Lone Ranger” (“Me hate Superman! Him bad!”), Bizarro’s defining characteristic was his total rebellion against everything normal, everything sensible, everything Superman stood for. Indeed, he took pride in being the exact opposite of Superman in every way.

Thus, Bizarro eventually relocated to Bizarro World, a cube-shaped planet called Htrae (“Earth” backward). Life on Htrae followed “Bizarro logic” – meaning it was wrong to act in a right or normal way – and a legal system based on the “Bizarro Code,” which decreed it “a crime to do anything well or to make anything perfect or beautiful.” For example, I remember reading, as a 9- or 10-year-old Superman fanatic, how on Bizarro World, when the street-sweeping truck came down the road, instead of sweeping up dirt and debris, the Bizarro street-sweeper would actually throw dust and dirt onto the streets to make them dirtier! In every area of life, Bizarro folk did the opposite of whatever was logical.

Got the picture?

Now, let’s look at today’s USA, which increasingly resembles a “Bizarro” version of traditional America – not just different, not just “transformed,” but morphed in so many ways into the opposite of what it was in previous generations.

First, for those who weren’t around during the 1950s, let me just say that the America of my youth, despite its many shortcomings, was basically confident, prosperous and overflowing with life, hope and unlimited opportunity. People were patriotic, and our culture was strong and essentially moral. America was the undisputed leader of the world – not just militarily and economically, but in terms of freedom and generosity. (To my liberal friends: Do me a favor and don’t tell me, “But the ’50s had racial segregation.” Yes, and today we dismember, poison, vacuum, crush the skulls of, chemically burn or decapitate 3,000 beautiful human babies every single day. So just drop it.)

Compared with the shining and vibrant nation it once was, today’s America has become a different country: deeply and angrily divided, unable to deal with crises foreign or domestic, the world’s greatest debtor nation with 50 million people on food stamps, rampant divorce and family breakdown, unprecedented sexual anarchy with 110 million with STDs, almost 60 million abusing alcohol and 70 million taking mood-altering drugs. On so many levels, America is becoming ever more “bizarro” – diametrically opposed to logic and common sense.

To really understand what’s happening, we need to transcend the usual left-right paradigm and dive deep into the heart of the matter.

Get David Kupelian’s culture-war blockbusters: “The Marketing of Evil,” “How Evil Works” and his latest, “The Snapping of the American Mind” – signed and personalized – at the WND Superstore.

Although America’s bizarro transformation has been in progress for decades, it burst into full bloom in the age of Obama.

Let’s take a quick trip back in time to the 2008 presidential election. While much of the public was electrified by the soaring rhetoric of a little-known freshman Illinois senator named Barack Obama, just out of view was his astonishingly disturbing background, replete with communists (Frank Marshall Davis), terrorists (William Ayers), criminals (Tony Rezko) and rabid, anti-American racists (Jeremiah Wright) – not to mention his Islamic education as a boy in Indonesia and his hard-core Marxist orientation in college. But somehow, mesmerized by the prospect of heralding the nation’s first black president, the establishment media couldn’t be bothered to investigate Obama’s qualifications to lead the free world. Just the opposite: He was the object of near-unanimous worship by the major media.

Now, for comparison, bring to mind the same media’s treatment of Sarah Palin, the junior half of the GOP ticket opposing Obama in ’08.

Essentially a very normal American with strongly held Judeo-Christian values, Sarah Palin had grown up bold and outspoken enough to challenge local political corruption, get herself elected mayor, and later become a popular governor of Alaska.

But once she was tapped by Sen. John McCain to become the Republican vice presidential candidate, an extraordinary phenomenon started to unfold: While studiously ignoring Obama’s obviously subversive background, the media instead sent hordes of journalists to Wasilla, Alaska, dumpster-diving for dirt on Palin – investigating who paid for the tanning bed she had installed in the governor’s mansion (she did), and whether she is actually the mother of her youngest son, Trig (she is).

The story took on even more bizarre proportions once Election Day arrived and the Republicans lost. One would think the attacks would have ended, especially after Palin resigned the governorship in mid-2009 (in the face of nonstop harassment) and no longer wielded any official power.

Instead, the hatred grew. Consider the following 2011 Twitter comments made about Palin:

“Join us in praying to God that Sarah Palin contracts cancer and dies.”

“My hatred for Sarah Palin continues to grow. I think this woman should be assassinated.”

“I hope Sarah Palin dies a slow and painful death.”

“I hope she dies gnashing her teeth.”

“Sarah Palin is the single most dangerous threat to the future of the human race. Thick venomous cretin she is. Someone bloody shoot her.”

Mind you, these are only five out of dozens of similar Twitter messages, all equally horrendous, calling for an agonizing death for the former governor and VP candidate. They came after a deranged young man named Jared Loughner tried to assassinate Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in downtown Tucson – and many people, for some incomprehensible reason, blamed Sarah Palin.

This is not political. Politics cannot account for such dark, otherworldly expressions as “I hope she dies gnashing her teeth,” and death threats against the Palins’ children.

For years, the left and the major media continued the vilification, with both the Washington Post and New York Times in 2011 begging readers to join in a new witch hunt to find something – anything – incriminating or embarrassing in 24,000 newly released Palin e-mails. Again, they found nothing.

What explains such bizarrely extreme hatred – reprised in late 2013 when MSNBC host Martin Bashir angrily ranted, on the air, that justice would be well served if someone would defecate in Sarah Palin’s mouth?

Shortly after the ’08 election, I took a passing stab at this question in my book, “How Evil Works”:

Haven’t you ever wondered why, when someone on the public stage radiates noble character, common sense and natural grace – like Ronald Reagan did, or more recently Sarah Palin – he or she is regarded by the “big media” with an inexplicable revulsion? Hatred is almost too soft a word. It’s because Reagan and Palin manifest the very qualities of character that the jaded media elite lost long ago, and since being thus reminded of their lost innocence is painful and unwelcome, they feel compelled to attack the “reminder.”

Later, “Robin of Berkeley” – literary pseudonym for a licensed therapist in Berkeley, California – wrote a perceptive column reaching the same conclusion: “Leftists loathe Palin because she has retained something that was stripped from them years ago: a wholesomeness, a purity of heart. People on the left despise Palin because she shines a bright light on their shame and unworthiness, which they try desperately to deny.”

This phenomenon obviously extends far beyond Sarah Palin. Indeed, what we are looking at here is actually the defining phenomenon of modern American life. It capsulizes the underlying reason today’s secular-left news media, government, school system, and popular culture mysteriously tend to side with the subversive and perverse, and to demonize traditional Judeo-Christian values – even, as “Robin of Berkeley” put it, to be offended by “wholesomeness” and “purity of heart.”

Consider the case of 13-year-old Taryn Hathaway of Salinas, California, who, according to news reports, was told by a teacher at her middle school that her drawing of the American flag with the words “God Bless America” inscribed on it was “offensive.” How, one wonders, is this possible or even conceivable? What is there about a child’s lovely drawing of an American flag, with that reverent three-word phrase added, that could be considered even remotely offensive? What exactly is disturbing about a little girl’s innocent expression of love for God and country?

Or how do we explain the high-profile Lisa Miller custody case? After childhood abuse led her into a dysfunctional life of addictions and homosexuality, eventually Lisa found the Christian faith, freedom from her former bondage, and real hope. She left behind the lesbian lifestyle in which she had lived as “spouse” to another woman in a same-sex civil union. And she dedicated her life to raising her little daughter, Isabella, conceived through artificial insemination and born during her brief homosexual cohabitation. Only one problem: The judge demanded that Lisa allow her former lesbian partner to have unsupervised visits with little Isabella, which according to multiple experts and eyewitness testimony, were so traumatizing to the child that Lisa discontinued allowing the visitations. In response, another judge ruled that Lisa Miller must give up her daughter entirely – her own legal and biological daughter – to her former lesbian lover, who had no biological connection to the child. As a result of such legal perversity, Lisa “kidnapped” her own daughter and left the country, rendering her a fugitive and sending a pastor who helped her to prison.

What would possess a judge to rip a daughter away from her own loving, biological, Christian mother and give the child totally over to a former lesbian partner?

As a working journalist, I can testify that such examples as these are a daily occurrence in today’s bizarro America. Let’s look at a big one.

A new kind of extremist

In the early months of Barack Obama’s first term, the Department of Homeland Security produced a report warning about the threat of homegrown, radicalized, militant and potentially violent extremists. And who exactly were these scary people? If you were pro-life, your car had an NRA bumper sticker, you were concerned about illegal immigration or government debt, or especially if you were a returning military veteran – just home after having defended America with your very life – you were potentially a dangerous “extremist” and threat to the country, according to the Obama administration.

Here’s how retired Marine Lt. Col. Oliver North responded, in a column headlined, “I am an extremist”:

According to the U.S. government, I am an extremist.

I am a Christian and meet regularly with other Christians to study God’s word. My faith convinces me the prophecies in the Holy Bible are true. I believe in the sanctity of human life, oppose abortion and want to preserve marriage as the union of a man and a woman.

I am a veteran with skills and knowledge derived from military training and combat. I own several firearms, frequently shoot them, buy ammunition and consider efforts to infringe on my Second Amendment rights to be wrong and unconstitutional.

I fervently support the sovereignty of the United States, am deeply concerned about our economy, increasingly higher taxes, illegal immigration, soaring unemployment and actions by our government that will bury my children beneath a mountain of debt.

Apparently, all this makes me a “right-wing extremist.” At least that’s what it says in the April 7, 2009, “assessment” issued by the Office of Intelligence and Analysis at the Department of Homeland Security.

Fast-forward a couple of years. After one of several debt-ceiling melodramas in Washington, D.C., during which the tea party demonstrated the most sanity of any of the main players, the New York Times’ Maureen Dowd – in a column headlined “Washington Chain Saw Massacre” – characterized tea partiers as “cannibals,” “zombies” and “vampires.” She wrote:

They were like cannibals, eating their own party and leaders alive. They were like vampires, draining the country’s reputation, credit rating and compassion. They were like zombies, relentlessly and mindlessly coming back again and again to assault their unnerved victims, Boehner and President Obama. They were like the metallic beasts in “Alien” flashing mouths of teeth inside other mouths of teeth, bursting out of Boehner’s stomach every time he came to a bouquet of microphones.

Let’s be crystal clear as to who is being talked about. “Tea-party members” is just a contemporary label for people who in previous generations would have been described as normal patriotic Americans.

Normal people – regular, fair-minded, live-and-let-live, law-abiding citizens with traditional values: work hard, save your money, play by the rules, help other people, don’t spend more than you have. These are the people being labeled “cannibals,” “vampires” and “terrorists.”

On cable news, pundit after pundit could be heard parroting the day’s talking points, likening tea-party folk to terrorists.

MSNBC’s Steven Rattner: “It’s a form of economic terrorism. These Tea Party guys are like strapped with dynamite, standing in the middle of Times Square at rush hour, and saying, ‘You do it my way or we’ll blow you up.'”
Bloomberg’s Margaret Carlson: “They strapped explosives to the Capitol.”
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews: “The GOP has become the Wahhabis of American government, willing to risk bringing down the whole country in the service of their anti-tax ideology.”
Ironically, as former CBS newsman Bernie Goldberg observed during an “O’Reilly Factor” broadcast, “These are people who don’t call real terrorists ‘terrorists.'”

Of course, before tea partiers were maligned as “terrorists,” “zombies,” “cannibals” and “vampires,” they were “racists.” And before that – even before the name “tea party” came into vogue – the same normal American people were maligned as “right-wing extremists” by the likes of the Obama Department of Homeland Security.

Is the picture becoming clearer?

There is a growing and highly influential segment of our society that regards normal, “Ozzie and Harriet,” traditional-minded Americans as evil.

Get David Kupelian’s culture-war blockbusters: “The Marketing of Evil,” “How Evil Works” and his latest, “The Snapping of the American Mind” – signed and personalized – at the WND Superstore.

The picture of ‘normal’

The early years of the Obama presidency witnessed many tea-party events colorfully evoking classic Americana, with patriots dressing up as George Washington or Thomas Paine, moms with their kids holding homemade “God bless America” signs, people praying together, a grandmother thoughtfully picking up litter after a rally so the city’s maintenance crew wouldn’t have too much to do, and so on. The Americans attending these events frequently reminded me of characters out of a patriotic Norman Rockwell painting.

You remember Norman Rockwell: He was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom for painting “vivid and affectionate portraits of our country” – like the man standing up at a town hall meeting to exercise his freedom of speech or the family saying grace before a meal or the crowd pledging allegiance to the flag.

Norman Rockwell painted the country most Americans have long loved and revered.

But did you know there are influential people who hate Norman Rockwell paintings?

One of the more vocal is Blake Gopnik, the Washington Post’s chief art critic for a decade, and now a contributor to Newsweek and the Daily Beast. Gopnik has written about how much he is “offended” by and even “hated [Rockwell’s] art”: “I can’t stand the view of America that he presents, which I feel insults a huge number of us non-mainstream folks.”

“Non-mainstream”? What exactly does that signify? Or maybe a better question is, if Gopnik hates Norman Rockwell’s vision of America, what vision does he love?

Here’s a possible clue. Gopnik came to the defense of a taxpayer-funded exhibit at Washington’s National Portrait Gallery by homosexual artist David Wojnarowicz of a film featuring a crucifix with ants crawling on Jesus’ body.

The Wojnarowicz exhibit also featured male sex organs, naked brothers kissing, men in chains and other offensive stuff the Washington Post’s chief art critic defended. But he hated Norman Rockwell’s work because of the image of America his art portrays – which many “mainstream” Americans would probably describe as love, affection and respect for their country. The ants-crawling-on-Jesus video is so incredibly creepy that it makes “mainstream” people want to run screaming from the room. But apparently to some, art that is sacrilegious and nausea-inducing is somehow laudable.

What we’re looking at is nothing less than a spiritual polarization of Americans – a divided population fighting on behalf of warring values.

Author Dinesh D’Souza describes the phenomenon this way:

Contrary to what we frequently read and hear, the great American divide is not a clash between conservatives who advocate liberty versus progressives who oppose liberty. Rather, the two sides each affirm a certain type of liberty.

One side, for example, cherishes economic liberty while the other champions liberty in the sexual and social domain. Nor is it a clash between patriots and anti-patriots. Both sides love America, but they love a different type of America. One side loves the America of Columbus and the Fourth of July, of innovation and work and the “animal spirit” of capitalism, of the Boy Scouts and parochial schools, of traditional families and flag-saluting veterans. The other side loves the America of tolerance and social entitlements, of income and wealth redistribution, of slave-revolts and the civil rights movement, of Indian rights and women’s rights, of sexual liberation and abortion, of gay rights and gay marriage.

How did we get to this point?

On one level, it’s simple to understand: All of us are shaped by other people – first parents and family, later friends, school, college and work, as well as culture, which today is wildly immoral and corrupting. When we go to school, our common sense and innocence are under attack. The government education system (which we prefer to call “public school”) is, just like most of our colleges, dominated by the political and cultural left. For example, a central feature of modern university life, something leveraged across every area – from curriculum to campus culture – is the mainstreaming and forced acceptance and celebration of sexual perversion and debauchery, glorified as though it were enlightened and liberating. And all for only $60,000 a year!

Unfortunately, once we’ve had our innocence and integrity ripped off and have mysteriously oozed into a darker, more conflicted version of our former self, now when somebody comes along who simply radiates the wholesome qualities we left behind, we feel uncomfortable in his or her presence. In fact, we feel positively threatened, as though there’s something malevolent about that person. At the same time, we are attracted to, and feel comfortable around, people who (like us) have been seduced to the “dark side.”

Barack Obama is no exception. He has a serious case of this syndrome, sympathizing and identifying with subversive characters while being mysteriously repelled by genuine virtue. Seen at public events with leftists radicals, LGBT groups, or pro-abortion outfits like Planned Parenthood, Obama’s smile is broad and animated; he obviously feels comfortable and at home there. Yet he displays a palpable aversion to all that is emblematic of the success of Western Judeo-Christian civilization.

Thus, no sooner was Obama sworn in as president than he immediately got rid of the long-cherished White House bust of Winston Churchill, his aides finally admitting the act after initially denouncing the claim as “100 percent false.” Far worse, from the start of his presidency, Obama manifested a mystifying coldness and incomprehension in the presence of Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu. That attitude shockingly escalated during Obama’s second term into an all-out effort to defeat the Jewish state’s prime minister, complete with Obama’s campaign team setting up shop in Tel Aviv to try to turn the election against the sitting leader of a trusted American ally.

Following the Bizarro Code

Although an increasingly toxic culture has negatively impacted Americans for decades, this society’s degeneration has undeniably accelerated during Barack Obama’s presidency.

Incredibly, Obama has made an annual habit of releasing onto America’s streets tens of thousands of criminal illegal aliens – people who entered this nation illegally, then were convicted in U.S. courts of serious crimes, like murder, **** and assault – but who, rather than being deported or incarcerated, have been released back into America’s communities! The specific crime breakdown for the 30,000 such criminal illegals released in 2014 wasn’t publicly disclosed, but the Washington Times reported that “among the 36,000 released in 2013 were 193 homicide convictions, 426 sexual assault convictions, 303 kidnapping convictions and 16,070 convictions for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.”

Remember my description of the comic-book Bizarro World, where the Bizarro street sweeper would actually throw dirt and debris back onto the streets to make them dirtier, rather than cleaning them up?

Isn’t the Obama administration’s annual release of at least 30,000 illegal-alien convicted criminals back onto America’s streets, rather than endeavoring to clean up our neighborhoods’ violent crime problem, even more bizarre? Personally, I’d prefer the dirt.

Recall likewise the Bizarro Code, which banned doing “anything well” or making something “perfect or beautiful.” I still vividly remember, like most Americans who were around in 1981, the thrillingly perfect three-point landing of NASA’s original space shuttle Columbia as it touched down after its maiden voyage in outer space. It made everyone proud to be an American.

But in the age of Obama, with the space shuttle program mothballed, NASA has a new mission, to inspire a new kind of pride – the pride of Muslim nations for being so great at math and science.


Hard to believe, but here’s how NASA chief Charles Bolden explains it:

When I became the NASA administrator, [President Obama] charged me with three things. … One, he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math; he wanted me to expand our international relationships; and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math and engineering.

Not bizarre enough for you? How about this?

There are now calls by environmentalists for punishment, even imprisonment, for “global-warming deniers” (now renamed “climate-change deniers,” a label that still works even if the temperature goes down). One professor actually called for the death penalty for such intolerable “denial,” but this increasingly totalitarian mindset has been encouraged by the likes of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who laments, “I wish there were a law you could punish [deniers] with,” and Al Gore, who agrees, “We need to put a price on denial in politics.”

Wow. But then, what do you expect from someone who insists we should spend $90 trillion to ban cars from every major city in the world?

Of course, the problem with Al Gore’s brilliant plan to eliminate the automobile’s fossil-fuel carbon footprint is that the gross world product for 2014 – that’s the combined gross national product of every country on the planet – was $77 trillion. So, Gore wants us to spend more money than the entire world earns annually to ban cars.

I don’t think “bizarro” comes even close to describing Mr. Gore.

(And remember, all you Democrat voters, this is the candidate who came within a hair’s breadth of the presidency in 2000, winning the popular vote against George W. Bush but losing the needed electoral majority.)

So goes the bizarre transformation of America in the age of Obama. Today we have summer camps for children whose parents want to encourage their little ones to change to the opposite gender. We allow Satanic “black masses,” featuring denunciations of Jesus Christ, spitting in holy water, and rituals that include urine, nudity and sex to be publicized and held in public in the American heartland. Four-year-olds who misbehave in preschool are now handcuffed and carted off to the police station. Oh, and speaking of handcuffs, good old family friendly Walmart and Target have taken to promoting and selling sadomasochistic sex toys to cash in on the “Fifty Shades of Grey” craze.

And, let us not forget same-sex “marriage.” It seems so familiar to us now, doesn’t it? So warmly accepted and celebrated – and since the Supreme Court’s decision, “the law of the land.” But take a deep breath and consider that just a few short years ago, the idea of two men, or two women, marrying each other was regarded almost universally as not merely bizarre, but insane. Yet today, dare express disapproval of same-sex marriage and you risk being branded a bigot, an extremist and a hater akin to a Ku Klux Klansman. Worse, for many Christian business owners, politely declining to actively participate in celebrating a homosexual wedding ceremony has exposed them to lawsuits, criminal prosecutions, huge fines, mandatory pro-LGBT “reeducation,” death threats and the loss of their businesses and homes.

In many ways, today’s America makes Bizarro World of the “Superman” saga seem both tame and sane by comparison.

Yes, I know it all sounds very bleak, prompting the question, Is there a way back?

Of course there’s a way back, and that’s what this book is ultimately all about. Exploring the problems we’ve gotten ourselves into is not an end in itself, but rather a necessary step in arriving at genuinely enlightened solutions, which become apparent only when we’ve understood in a profound way what on earth has really happened to our beloved country – and to us.

Thus, in the next chapter, we’ll explore exactly how and why America has so dramatically been morphing into a freakish version of its former self. But we will also discover, as we progress through that chapter and those that follow, that vital clues are coming into view, so that by the time we reach the end of our journey together, the way back – both for us as individuals and for our great nation – will be clear.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2017/03/the-root-cause-of-americas-new-civil-war/#omi2djDBu8hKBGG3.99
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« Reply #26 on: March 15, 2017, 08:26:49 pm »

Federal judge in Hawaii puts Trump travel ban on hold

Hours before it was to take effect, President Donald Trump's revised travel ban was put on hold Wednesday by a federal judge in Hawaii who questioned whether the administration was motivated by national security concerns.

U.S. District Judge Derrick Watson also said Hawaii would suffer financially if the executive order blocked the flow of students and tourists to the state, and he concluded that Hawaii was likely to succeed on a claim that the ban violates First Amendment protections against religious discrimination.

"The illogic of the government's contentions is palpable," Watson wrote. "The notion that one can demonstrate animus toward any group of people only by targeting all of them at once is fundamentally flawed."

Trump called the ruling an example of "unprecedented judicial overreach" and said his administration would appeal it to the U.S. Supreme Court.

"We're going to win. We're going to keep our citizens safe," the president said at a rally in Nashville. "The danger is clear. The law is clear. The need for my executive order is clear."

The judge issued his 43-page ruling less than two hours after hearing Hawaii's request for a temporary restraining order to stop the ban from being put into practice.

The ruling came as opponents renewed their legal challenges across the country, asking judges in three states to block the executive order that targets people from six predominantly Muslim countries. Federal courts in Maryland, Washington state and Hawaii heard arguments Wednesday about whether it should be allowed to take effect early Thursday as scheduled.

In all, more than half a dozen states are trying to stop the ban.

Watson made it clear that his decision applied nationwide, ruling that the ban could not be enforced at any U.S. borders or ports of entry or in the issuance of visas.

Nominated to the federal bench by President Barack Obama in 2012, he is currently the only Native Hawaiian judge serving on the federal bench and the fourth in U.S. history. He received his law degree from Harvard in 1991.

In Maryland, attorneys told a federal judge that the measure still discriminates against Muslims.

Government attorneys argued that the ban was revised substantially to address legal concerns, including the removal of an exemption for religious minorities from the affected countries.

"It doesn't say anything about religion. It doesn't draw any religious distinctions," said Jeffrey Wall, who argued for the Justice Department.

Attorneys for the ACLU and other groups said that Trump's statements on the campaign trail and statements from his advisers since he took office make clear that the intent of the ban is to ban Muslims. Trump policy adviser Stephen Miller has said the revised order was designed to have "the same basic policy outcome" as the first.

The new version of the ban details more of a national security rationale. It is narrower and eases some concerns about violating the due-process rights of travelers.

It applies only to new visas from Somalia, Iran, Syria, Sudan, Libya and Yemen and temporarily shuts down the U.S. refugee program. It does not apply to travelers who already have visas.

"Generally, courts defer on national security to the government," said U.S. District Judge Theodore Chuang. "Do I need to conclude that the national security purpose is a sham and false?"

In response, ACLU attorney Omar Jadwat pointed to Miller's statement and said the government had put out misleading and contradictory information about whether banning travel from six specific countries would make the nation safer.

The Maryland lawsuit also argues that it's against federal law for the Trump administration to reduce the number of refugees allowed into the United States this year by more than half, from 110,000 to 50,000. Attorneys argued that if that aspect of the ban takes effect, 60,000 people would be stranded in war-torn countries with nowhere else to go.

Chuang made no immediate ruling.

In the Hawaii case, the federal government said there was no need to issue an emergency restraining order because Hawaii officials offered only "generalized allegations" of harm.

Jeffrey Wall of the Office of the Solicitor General challenged Hawaii's claim that the order violates due-process rights of Ismail Elshikh as a U.S. citizen who wants his mother-in-law to visit his family from Syria. He says courts have not extended due-process rights outside of a spousal relationship.

Neal Katyal, a Washington, D.C., attorney representing Hawaii, called the story of Elshiskh, an Egyptian immigrant and naturalized U.S. citizen, "the story of America."

In Washington state, U.S. District Judge James Robart - who halted the original ban last month - heard arguments in a lawsuit brought by the Northwest Immigrant Rights Project, which is making arguments similar to the ACLU's in the Maryland case.

Robart said he is most interested in two questions presented by the group's challenge to the ban: whether the ban violates federal immigration law, and whether the affected immigrants would be "irreparably harmed" should the ban go into effect.

He spent much of Wednesday's hearing grilling the lawyers about two seeming conflicting federal laws on immigration - one that gives the president the authority to keep "any class of aliens" out of the country, and another that forbids the government from discriminating on the basis of nationality when it comes to issuing immigrant visas.

Robart said he would issue a written order, but he did not say when. He is also overseeing the challenge brought by Washington state.

Attorney General Bob Ferguson argues that the new order harms residents, universities and businesses, especially tech companies such as Washington state-based Microsoft and Amazon, which rely on foreign workers. California, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York and Oregon have joined the claim.

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« Reply #27 on: March 15, 2017, 08:32:13 pm »

Michael Savage left bloodied, shaken in public assault
Talk-radio star pursuing felony hate-crime charges arising from political views

On the day he launched his new book about the fierce, sometimes violent, opposition to Donald Trump, radio talk-show host Michael Savage was assaulted by a stranger at a San Francisco Bay Area restaurant.

Savage, with his dog, Teddy, was finishing up dinner Tuesday night at Servino Restaurant in Tiburon, California, north of San Francisco, when the unnamed assailant charged up to Savage and began yelling, reported local media blogger Rich Lieberman.

The attacker kicked the poodle out of the way, grabbed Savage and threw him to the ground, according to an eyewitness.

Savage was not seriously hurt, but the incident left him bloodied and shaken, Lieberman said.

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Savage’s attorney, Dan Horowitz, told the blogger he will seek criminal charges.

“We’re going to seek felony charges against the man, and we’re going to investigate this as a hate crime because of Michael’s political views,” Horowitz said.

In a statement to Lieberman, Savage said he was leaving the restaurant “when a total stranger followed me out of the restaurant and confronted me.”

The man said, “Are you Michael Weeeeener?” mocking the radio host’s legal name, Weiner.

Savage said: “I turned to him and said, ‘Go away, I don’t know who you are.’ I turned to leave and he pushed me and I fell down. He moved toward me to push me down and he shoved my 10-pound poodle out of the way to get to me.

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“He has lied and said I pushed him,” Savage said. “That is absurd. Both of my hands were holding onto things!”

Savage’s new book, “Trump’s War: His Battle for America,” launched Tuesday.

As WND reported, Savage’s new book offers a “battle plan” for restoring America after Obama, recognizing opposition Trump faces from the left that sometimes becomes violent.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2017/03/talk-radio-superstar-left-bloodied-shaken-in-public-assault/#RiF3TluZ22KlyBlp.99
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« Reply #28 on: March 27, 2017, 12:58:38 am »

How America Will End
Dave Hodges

The following is an analysis of what has been learned about the pattern America will follow on the path to its demise and final resting place. But America isn’t just going to end, it will, and already is, morphing into a new entity which will be complete divorced from its original founding principles and culture.

The Foundations of God, Family, Country

The three virtues listed in the subtitle is what America used to aspire to be. Because of our sinful nature, America never achieved great heights with regard to the attainment of our ideals, but at least the ideals were in place.

These three goals dominated our goals. This is no longer true as witchcraft now occupies an equal position to Christianity. Over half of our children grow up in a broken home and our children attend schools who no longer teach or aspire to the ideal of American execellence. America is no longer a nation of rules. It is a nation of power, greed and avarice. Every perversion is embraced and those that still aspire to traditional values (e.g. Christian, pro-Constitution) are labeled as domestic terrorists in such government documents as the 2008 MIAC Report. Up is down and down is up.

Russian defectors warned us this would be coming as the Communist/Muslim Brotherhood influence dominate the national agenda and in particular, the Democractic party that has been selected to complete the takedown of America.

America has become a rudderless ship of amoral and immoral people cast adrift in a sea depravity and Satanic principles.

Control of the Media

Where a 1968 Brady Bunch TV episode was the FIRST ever TV show to display a husband and wife sleeping in the same bed, today’s displays on TV regarding language, sexual behavior and adherence to the rule of law are virtually non-existent. We make fun of classic TV shows such as Leave It to Beaver, yet, this used to be the Happy Days norm.

Instead of entertainment that reflected a consensus of moral values being displayed in our TV shows, literature and movies, these entities are now the trend setters. The smug concept of Hollywood is on full display as they  continue to take America to new depths of depravity and I am speaking about Breeder Babies, trafficking and far left attitudes that are hypercritical of anything representing God, family and country. A nation that follows the values of Hollywood is a lost nation.

The News Media

For a nation to lose its way and descend into traditional one-world globalism that is decidedly Satanic in nature, the flow of information must be controlled. And thanks to Bill Clinton, the FCC broadcast regulations had to be changed and they were in the mid 1990’s when Bill Clinton permitted regulations to be struck down that prevented unlimited media ownership by a select few. It used to be illegal to own a newspaper and a radio station in the same market, or one TV station and one radio station. TODAY, SIX MEN CONTROL 95%+ OF THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA. And again, anything that represents traditional American values is cast in a negative light as the people are bombarded with the relentless brainwashing of messages that promote Godless behavior and the acceptance of the New World Order agenda and America, for the most part, has become “Dumb unto death” as Steve Quayle likes to call it.

Most of America does not even know that their country is being destroyed along with their collective futures. This is not about riding out a bad economic cycle while waiting for the good ‘ole days to return. This is not about American downturn, this is about an American takedown.

In the course of my life, I have witnessed many a dying person rally and almost appear to be on the road to recovery, only to give in to the deadly onslaught brought about by a failed immune system. This is what America just encountered with the election of Donald Trump. For one shining moment, America threw off the propaganda shackles and did just enough to get Donald Trump elected and then they went back to sleep. The role of the Independent Media (IM) cannot be overstated when it came to getting Trump elected. The IM gave the previously ignorant and downtrodden a gathering place as Trump’s the America first message was repeated over and over.

Lapsed Into a Coma

Trump was elected and then America went back to sleep. The politically ignorant just assumed that Donald Trump would ride in on his white horse and save the day.

Trump faces a hostile Congress that is owned by the corporations that are sponsoring the American-job-killing free trade agreements and espouse totally open borders no matter what the cost. The only way that the Trump agenda could be implemented was to change Congress (2016), or have the public intimidate Congress with unelection (2016-2018). To accomplish the latter, if just half the people that voted for Trump would send a daily email, or make a daily call to one of their elected representatives, these so-called representatives of the people would be afraid to come out of their Congressional offices. They could be intimidated by the public. If that strategy failed, and it wouldn’t, then voting out all incumbents in 2018 could produce the same result in that we could find a willing Congress to implement fair trade deals and enforce reasonable immigration laws that protect and benefit the citizens of this nation. But most Americans probably don’t even know who the incumbent is and we are slipping back to step one as the country goes back to sleep. America just went through the phase where it rallied from death’s doorstep only to slip into its final coma.

The Globalists Are Taking Out the Eyes and Ears of the People

The globalists rightfully blame the IM for getting Trump elected and delaying their takeover of the country. Now the social media giants of Facebook, Youtube and Twitter are dismantling the IM one broadcaster, one writer, one activist at a time. Trump gave the country a chance to become a nation of activists and instead we are a nation of slacktivists.

With the ongoing take down of the IM (e.g. Alex Jones, Paul Watson, Lisa Haven and myself to name a few), the Rip Van Winkles’ of this country will nobody to awaken them from their slumber for the final battle. Within 6 months, the eyes and ears of the people will likely be all but gone. The people will never know what hit them and they certainly will not have a centralized rallying point from which to organize against this planned and final takeover.

Some have asked me why don’t the globalists just takeover right now all at once. The main answer to that question is that the globalists are not plundering the resources and the labor of the people. When the last bit of blood has been squeezed from the last turnip, the end will come swiftly.

When the final resources are gone and the citizen journalists are out of the way, the path to national Armageddon will continue at breakneck speed.

Jade Helm 15 and UWEX 16

During Jade Helm 15, I warned the country that these were drills designed to eliminate any vestige of resistance against the New World Order takedown of the country. This is where the country will come to understand the reasons for the NDAA and the FEMA camps. We will soon enter America’s darkest hour.

What is standing in the way? The answer is Donald Trump. However, the Deep State has managed to create such a quagmire that Trump can get nothing done. And America’s political fickleness will rear its ugly head to give the Democrats control of the House in 2018. And when that happens, Donald Trump will be impeached. Today’s Russian allegations are laying the framework for impeachment. November of 2018 will become the D-Day to destruction. The globalists have tipped their hand. They will use the Russian threat to impose virtual martial law. All opposition to the coming war of depopulation will be silenced. As Bill Ayers, Obama’s political benefactor, predicted, millions will disappear.

The Great War of Depopulation

America has one last task to perform before it is laid to rest. It must start the great war of depopulation. Remember, the globalists have repeatedly stated that they want to reduce the population by 90% and by any means possible. Out of the ashes will arise the Phoenix of the New World Order.

What Lies Ahead?

Christianity will be outlawed and every perversion including pedophilia will be openly practiced. The world will embrace the new religion of GAIA. A new servant class, drawn from the small number of “deplorables” will service the new elite who will have morphed into some form of existence which will be the result of transhumanism. Satan will firmly be in control of planet.

Could these be the “final days”, I am not sure, but I would not bet against it.

Cognitive dissonance and bystander apathy have their hidden price. Just think how history could have been different if America had seized the opportunity to support Trump, but that door is quickly closing and it is closing for the final time. God gave us one final chance to get it right and we are collectively slapping away the hand of God and embracing Satanism by default. There is no third option. If you can’t get on board with saving America, at least get on board with saving your soul.

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« Reply #29 on: March 27, 2017, 06:22:29 pm »

Are 'Left Wing Death Camps' In America's Future If The Global-Left Is Successful At 'Taking Down' President Trump?

As The Threats Grow Against Trump, So Do The Dangers To Every Day, Freedom-Loving Americans

In this new story from Jack Burns over at the Free Thought Project he reports that according to JFK researchers, President Donald Trump is at the greatest risk of assassination of any US president since JFK. An obvious thorn in the side of globalists from Barack Obama to Hillary and Bill to Soros and down the line, we've witnessed what's amounted to a full-fledged rebellion against him by the shadow govt, the US court system, liberal Congress, 'Hellywood' and the Rino's in Congress led by John McCain and Lindsey Graham ever since he got into office just over two months ago.

And while this 'rebellion' has partially remained legal and within the bounds of US law, we're getting more and more indications that if the sore losers don't get their way by 'getting rid of Trump' via impeachment or the court system, attempting to pull off something absolutely fanatical and downright diabolical is still within their realm of possibility. As this new story from Kit Daniels over at Infowars asks, are the 'global elite' trying to kill President Trump?

As we hear in the 1st video below featuring Stefan Molyneux and Mike Cernovich, 'the left' has a long history of going outside the rules of human law that has left the world a body count that dwarfs that which follows Bill and Hillary around. Having a lengthy discussion in their video of the history of leftist ideology that we'll never hear on college campuses or in universities across America nor via the msm, they inform us the history of socialism is absolutely littered with left-wing violence, forced labor camps and mass murder.

If the globalists get their way and are successful at 'taking down' President Trump, might such leftist death camps Molyneux and Cernovich speak of be in our future? All we need to do is take a look at many of the actions and listen to the rhetoric being spewed by those who supported Hillary to see they've already gone off the deep end with many acting out or calling for violence against Trump supporters. Also claiming that independent, alternative websites such as Infowars are 'Russian agents' and have 'committed espionage', every day we see more and more indications that something huge might soon happen that could change everything. 

The website Global Incident Map now has an ongoing list of threats to the White House and the Presidency and as you can see by the screenshots we've taken of it, the threats against President Trump come in from all across America and the world. With all of these threats once again leading Steve Quayle to put out a call to Trump supporters to please keep Trump and his family's safety in our prayers, we're reminded that those who are working to harm President Trump are also working to harm America and working against more than a hundred millions Americans who love this country.

As even former Green Party presidential candidate and Trump-supporting TV star Roseanne Barr recently tweeted, "every single attack on @POTUS is really a disguised attack on American voters who rejected Obama-Clinton-Bush's bleeding of R treasury." Whether or not you agree with Roseanne on everything, on this issue, she gets it.

While we here at ANP were never 'fans' of Barack Obama nor his and the globalists drive to 'neuter' America, we'd never tolerate our readers making threats against him nor should anyone be making threats against President Donald Trump. The sheer volume of them illustrated in these two screenshots shows the gravity of the situation. Yet what these screenshots don't show are all of the possible 'enemies of America within' who are still hidden away in the shadows of the 'halls of power' in Washington DC just waiting to do Trump and America harm.

In this March 23rd story by Paul Joseph Watson over at Infowars he reports film maker Michael Moore has called upon Democrats in Congress to declare a 'national emergency'. Accusing President Donald Trump himself of committing espionage, Moore's outburst was just one of the latest that prove to us the 4 to 8 years of Trump's presidency will be frought with danger with completely clueless sjw's being programmed into possible terrorists while even globalist-Rino's in Congress do everything in their power to take Trump and America down. We see Molyneux and Cernovich's warnings coming true before our eyes.

Warning us in their video that the body-count left in the wake of Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Lenin and Mao Zedong illustrates the dangers of communism, socialism and totalitarian leftist ideology overall, the two have a great discussion about Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's book "The Gulag Archipelago" and the lessons Americans need to learn from it though many never will.

As Molyneux tells us in the opening minute of this video, there are two kinds of people in this world - those who understand the deadly dangers which socialism will bring to the world and those who don't. Warning us that 'those who don't' are being programmed to do the bidding of totalitarianism and the globalists, they hope this discussion helps to stop the spread of insanity and violence coming from many on the left, partially due to the globalists push for socialism and world govt.

While the war upon free speech is alive and well at US college campuses across America, we've also documented the war upon independent journalism happening now via globalist outfits such as Google, Twitter, and Facebook. Think that all of this happening at once is all not related? As we learn from Molyneux and Cernovich, it's a very well-practiced plan being played out before our very eyes.

As the threats grow against President Donald Trump, so do the dangers to every day, ordinary Americans who find themselves the victims of random attacks by anarchists simply for wearing MAGA hats. If we're already witnessing this kind of violence against President Trump supporters and these kinds of threats against President Trump, what might happen in America if the SHTF here and the globalists somehow 'remove' President Trump?

The Federalist Papers recently reported that one leftist group is ready to shell out big bucks to activists to fight against Trump. Reeking of George Soros, some Antifa terrorists recently announced their plans to wear Islamic veils while they're going up against Trump supporters so they can file hate-crime charges against them...proving  once again how truly vile and 'truth-hating' most of them are.

In the 2nd video below, Alex Jones from Infowars reports upon all of the attacks upon President Trump coming from all directions and ponders upon the unthinkable, what might happen to America should the globalists attempt to pull a JFK against President Trump. Reminding us of why we should all be praying for President Trump and his family, why would anybody ever wish such violence upon any human being, much less the President of the US who quite literally has put his life on the line to help save America?

In the 3rd video, former US Army Ranger Kris Paronto (hero of the Benghazi attack) joins Infowars and warns Democrats against attempting to impose any kind of 'martial law plan' in America that lands Donald Trump supporters, Christians, Conservatives and those who support the US Constitution in the kind of left-wing death camps that Molyneux and Cernovich talk about in the 1st video below.

As we see in the 4th and final video below from ANP reader Deplorable Patriotgames777, one recent 'Antifa action' against Trump supporters n California didn't go quite the way they had planned it with Trump supporters quite literally stomping them down.  As DPG777 also stated in a comment on ANP left with the video, "there is no trying to talk to the brainwashed Commies...they would rather see you dead."

We pray for the safety and God's protection of President Donald Trump, his family, and America. 

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