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The Islamic Apocalypse!!

March 27, 2024, 12:55:24 pm Mark says: Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked  When Hamas spokesman Abu Ubaida began a speech marking the 100th day of the war in Gaza, one confounding yet eye-opening proclamation escaped the headlines. Listing the motives for the Palestinian militant group's Oct. 7 massacre in Israel, he accused Jews of "bringing red cows" to the Holy Land.
December 31, 2022, 10:08:58 am NilsFor1611 says: blessings
August 08, 2018, 02:38:10 am suzytr says: Hello, any good churches in the Sacto, CA area, also looking in Reno NV, thanks in advance and God Bless you Smiley
January 29, 2018, 01:21:57 am Christian40 says: It will be interesting to see what happens this year Israel being 70 years as a modern nation may 14 2018
October 17, 2017, 01:25:20 am Christian40 says: It is good to type Mark is here again!  Smiley
October 16, 2017, 03:28:18 am Christian40 says: anyone else thinking that time is accelerating now? it seems im doing days in shorter time now is time being affected in some way?
September 24, 2017, 10:45:16 pm Psalm 51:17 says: The specific rule pertaining to the national anthem is found on pages A62-63 of the league rulebook. It states: “The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem. “During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.”
September 20, 2017, 04:32:32 am Christian40 says: "The most popular Hepatitis B vaccine is nothing short of a witch’s brew including aluminum, formaldehyde, yeast, amino acids, and soy. Aluminum is a known neurotoxin that destroys cellular metabolism and function. Hundreds of studies link to the ravaging effects of aluminum. The other proteins and formaldehyde serve to activate the immune system and open up the blood-brain barrier. This is NOT a good thing."
September 19, 2017, 03:59:21 am Christian40 says: bbc international did a video about there street preaching they are good witnesses
September 14, 2017, 08:06:04 am Psalm 51:17 says: bro Mark Hunter on YT has some good, edifying stuff too.
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« Reply #150 on: August 29, 2016, 07:18:42 pm »

Ayatollah: Mahdi coming back in spaceship!

A prominent Iranian ayatollah says the Mahdi, the end-times Muslim savior, will come back in a spaceship with the sound “of thunder and its power and speed is that of lightning.”

Actually, his recent explanation wasn’t completely clear.

“It is like a spaceship and like other swift and amazing space vessels that are found [only] in stories today, but nobody knows how close [these vessels] come to truth and reality. Maybe it will be like [a spaceship] but in any case it is not a spaceship,” he said.

His description was discovered in an Iranian news report by the Middle East Media Research Institute, which monitors and analyzes media reports in the region.

The comments came from Grand Ayatollah Naser Makarem Shirazi, who operates his own website to promote his views.

He was respoinding  to a question about the “arrival of the Mahdi – the Hidden Imam who is the equivalent of the Messiah in Shiite Islam,” MEMRI reported.

“He explained at length how the Mahdi’s arrival will be high-tech, as befits the modern age,” MEMRI said.

His comments included:

    “It was said by Imam Sadegh [the sixth Shiite imam, circa. 700–765 C.E.]: ‘When our Lord arrives, the land will be illuminated by divine light, and [God’s] creations will no longer require sunlight.’ The interpretation of this saying is that the issue of light and energy is expressed in that both in daytime and nighttime powerful lights can replace sunlight.”

    “Today we use satellites [and by means of them] cover extensive areas, so that anyone with a receiver can use them… In the time of the Mahdi’s arrival, there will be a powerful apparatus, that may be difficult for us to imagine today, for transmitting images so that the entire world is visible like the palm of a hand. Without worldwide control by an intelligence [apparatus], there can be no unified global regime [as foretold that there will be when the Mahdi arrives], and no peace, security, and decency… Therefore, God grants him this tool… Once again I stress that this is a routine matter, and that it is inconceivable that it will come about based on a miracle; rather [it will come about] by means of ordinary tools that are based on scientific and industrial advances.”

    “Another hadith states: ‘A bestial vessel is reserved for your Lord and Friend [the Mahdi]. What is the meaning of ‘bestial vessel’? A cloud that is loud as thunder and fast as lightning, upon which he rides. Be aware that soon he will [appear] riding on clouds, and ascending to seven heavens and seven lands.’ This does not refer to an ordinary cloud, as clouds are not vessels that can be sailed upon in outer space. [Clouds] travel near the atmosphere that is close to the earth, and they cannot attain great altitudes. Therefore, the meaning here is an extraordinary and very swift vessel that looks like a dense cloud in the sky; its sound is that of thunder and its power and speed is that of lightning. When it moves, it slashes the heart of the sky with extraordinary force, and in this way it can advance to any point in the firmament. Therefore, this is a super-modern vessel, and there is none like it today. It is like a spaceship and like other swift and amazing space vessels that are found [only] in stories today, but nobody knows how close [these vessels] come to truth and reality. Maybe it will be like [a spaceship] but in any case it is not a spaceship… “

    “When the Mahdi rules, the pure will have the height of freedom, and the criminals will be monitored – maybe so much so that sound waves will be detected from the walls of their houses, and when necessary it will be possible to understand what they say at home.”

    “Perhaps a century ago, this statement [about detecting sound waves] would have seemed like an unimaginable miracle. Yet today, some countries monitor traffic on the roads using radar, with no police present. Therefore, it is clear that during the global revolution of the Mahdi… there will be an unprecedented expansion of industry and technology.”

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The Man from George Street
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« Reply #151 on: September 10, 2016, 04:19:56 pm »

French President Calls For France To ‘Embrace Islam’ After Devastating Islamic Terror Attacks

Asking whether Islam could co-exist with secularism, like Christianity and Judaism, he insisted: 'My answer is yes, certainly.' 'The question the Republic must answer is: Is it really ready to embrace a religion that it did not expect to be this big over a century ago? There too, my answer is yes, certainly.'


Islam can co-exist with secularism, President Francois Hollande said Thursday, warning in a speech seen as preparing the ground for a re-election bid that the anti-terror fight should not undermine French values.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Like Angela Merkel in Germany, French president Francois Hollande is on a crusade to destroy his country. After repeated Islamic terror attacks that have wreaked havoc in France, killing hundreds and wounding hundreds more, Hollande said yesterday that “yes, of course, we can peacefully coexist with Islam”. Speechless, honestly.

The deeply unpopular Hollande has yet to announce whether he will run for a second term next year, but is widely expected to be a candidate. In a passionate plea for tolerance, he defended the country’s Muslim minority following a vitriolic debate on the banning of the Islamic burkini swimsuit.
Paris terror attacks: why is France particularly targeted by the Islamic state group?

‘Nothing in the idea of secularism opposes the practice of Islam in France, provided it respects the law,’ Hollande said. Secularism was not a ‘state religion’ to be used against other religions, he said in the speech in Paris, denouncing the ‘stigmatisation of Muslims’.

Mayors in around 30 towns this summer cited France’s century-old secular laws in banning head-to-toe swimwear on their beaches, unleashing a furore. Several of the towns later revoked the bans after France’s highest administrative court ruled they were a ‘serious’ violation of basic freedoms.

Hollande rejected calls by conservatives, including his arch-rival, former president Nicolas Sarkozy, for the state to ban the burkini, saying it would be ‘unconstitutional’.
Asking whether Islam could co-exist with secularism, like Christianity and Judaism, he insisted: ‘My answer is yes, certainly.’

‘The question the Republic must answer is: Is it really ready to embrace a religion that it did not expect to be this big over a century ago? There too, my answer is yes, certainly.’

In a wide-ranging address Hollande cast himself as a guardian of democracy, resisting calls for more repressive laws following a string of jihadist attacks that have left over 230 people dead in France since January 2015.
Donald Trump declares World War after France Terror Attack

The authorities this week launched another anti-terror investigation, following the discovery of six gas cylinders in an abandoned car near Paris’ Notre Dame cathedral.

Seven people are being held over the find, which comes two months after a Tunisian radical slammed a lorry into a crowd of Bastille Day revellers in Nice, killing 86 people. Hollande said attack plots had been foiled ‘in recent days’ but did not elaborate.

The government has responded to the threat by deploying thousands of troops to patrol the streets, enacting a raft of anti-terror laws and repeatedly extending a state of emergency – measures deemed insufficient by the conservative opposition.

Sarkozy, who has announced a bid to try to win back the presidency in next year’s election, has called for suspected radicals to be interned in camps.

The former president responded late Thursday to Hollande’s comments, saying that ‘democracy can’t be weak. We are France, we cannot accept impotence.’ source
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« Reply #152 on: September 19, 2016, 04:04:27 pm »

Clinton stresses U.S. 'resolve' in terrorism fight; warns Trump policies aid militant recruitment

NEW YORK — Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said Monday that the United States is up to the challenge of combating terrorism on its shores, and warned that anti-Muslim rhetoric by opponent Donald Trump is “giving aid and comfort” to the Islamic State.

“We know that a lot of the rhetoric that we’ve heard from Donald Trump has been seized on by terrorists, including ISIS, because they are looking to make this a war against Islam,” Clinton said, using an acronym for the Islamic State.

“They want to use that to recruit more fighters to their cause by turning it into a religious conflict,” Clinton said, adding that the right approach is to go after “the bad guys” but not their religion.

Her comments came while a manhunt was underway for Ahmad Khan Rahami, 28, a naturalized U.S. citizen born in Afghanistan, a suspect in connection with bombings Saturday in Manhattan and Seaside Park, N.J. He was reportedly taken into custody several hours after his name was made public.

Earlier Monday, Trump said current anti-terrorism efforts are insufficient at home and abroad, for which he blames President Obama and Clinton, who served as Obama’s first-term secretary of state.

The United States is too tentative in its targeting efforts against terrorism overseas, Trump said in an interview, adding that the better approach would be to “knock the hell out of ‘em” and possibly introduce “racial profiling” as a counterterrorism tactic.

“We have to lead for a change. Because we’re not knocking them, we’re hitting them once in awhile, we’re hitting them in certain places. We’re being very gentle about it. We’re going to have to be very tough,” Trump told Fox News Channel.

A week before the first presidential debate between Clinton and Trump, bombings and an investigation in New York and New Jersey at least temporarily refocused the presidential race on concerns about domestic terrorism and national security.

“This threat is real, but so is our resolve. Americans will not cower. We will prevail,” Clinton said. “We will defend our country, and we will defeat the evil, twisted ideology of the terrorists.”

Clinton, who also served as a U.S. senator from New York, quickly pointed to her own experience, in direct contrast to Trump. The New York businessman has never held elected office. Clinton sought to reassure Americans that law enforcement and other authorities are up to the task — a clear message to voters worried about how the next administration will confront security challenges.

Polling suggests voters often trust Republicans over Democrats when it comes to dealing with terrorism, although in this election voters also say Clinton is more qualified to be commander in chief.

“I am the only candidate in this race who has been part of the hard decisions to take terrorists off the battlefield,” Clinton said.

She added that she had laid out “a comprehensive plan to meet the evolving nature of this threat and take the fight to ISIS everywhere they threaten us, including online.”

Trump, she insisted, has no real plan.

In touting her credentials, Clinton also pointed to the endorsements she has received from Republican national security leaders, who have voiced graved concerns about the prospect of Trump as commander in chief.

“I’m grateful to have support and advice from a wide range of bipartisan national security leaders, who worked with both Democratic and Republican presidents,” Clinton said.

Clinton spoke at a hastily called news conference held in an airplane hangar, with her campaign plane behind her. She was headed to Philadelphia for a speech aimed at young voters, many of whom are cool toward her candidacy and are helping buoy the third-party run of libertarian Gary Johnson.

Trump said authorities may have to engage in racial profiling to more effectively fight the threat of terrorist attacks in the United States.

“Our local police, they know who a lot of these people are. They are afraid to do anything about it because they don’t want to be accused of, uh, profiling. And they don’t want to be accused of all sorts of things,” Trump said in the Fox interview.

He concluded: “Do we have a choice? Look what’s going on. Do we really have a choice? We’re tying to be so politically correct in our country.”

It’s not the first time Trump has suggested that racial profiling could be an effective tactic.

“But look, we have — whether it’s racial profiling or politically correct, we’d better get smart,” he said at a Fox News town hall meeting in August. “We are letting tens of thousands of people into our country. We don’t know what the hell we’re doing.”

On Saturday night, as initial reports about an explosion in Manhattan were still coming in and before the authorities had announced the details, Trump told supporters at a rally that a “bomb” had gone off in New York. On Monday, he bragged about his choice of words.

“What I said is exactly correct. I should be a newscaster because I called it before the news,” Trump said.

“I must tell you that just before I got off the plane, a bomb went off in New York and nobody knows exactly what’s going on,” Trump said shortly after he left his plane at a rally in Colorado Springs on Saturday night.

Law enforcement officials said they are investigating whether Rahami could have been influenced by international militant groups or the ongoing conflict in his homeland.

John Wagner in White Plains, N.Y. contributed to this report.
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« Reply #153 on: September 19, 2016, 07:47:55 pm »

The United States is too tentative in its targeting efforts against terrorism overseas, Trump said in an interview, adding that the better approach would be to “knock the hell out of ‘em” and possibly introduce “racial profiling” as a counterterrorism tactic.

if your looking for muslim terrorist's then you need to look at muslims.
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« Reply #154 on: October 06, 2016, 05:51:42 pm »

ISIS Prepares for Armageddon Battle Against US Special Forces

While God’s judgement of the world hangs in balance during the Days of Awe between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, a battle is being fought in a small, dusty town in Syria that ISIS and many of the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims believe will usher in Mahdi, the Islamic concept of Messiah.

ISIS believes Mahdi will come after the final apocalyptic battle between “Rome” (or America, in its modern incarnation) and Islam is fought in Dabiq, Syria. Though the current has little strategic military importance and the outcome seems certain, as a small group of ISIS fighters face off against American-led troops, the Koran prophesies that this battle, win or lose, will set off a process resulting in all infidels choosing between conversion and death.

One expert sees this battle as a catalyst setting off intensified ISIS terror attacks around the world in an attempt by the Islamic State to fulfill the prophecy.

“ISIS believes quite strongly that the primary eschatological battle between the Muslims and the Christian forces will be fought there,” Dr. Timothy Furnish, an international media commentator and author on radical Islam, explained to Breaking Israel News. “They have been trying to goad the West, primarily the US, into inserting ground forces at that locale.”

Dr. Furnish cited a hadith (Islamic teaching attributed to Mohammed) which states that the “Last Hour would not come” until a vastly superior Roman army composed of “the best soldiers of the people of the earth at that time” came to battle Islam in Dabiq.

Islam’s vision of Messiah is the resurrection of a Muslim Jesus, who will convert all Christians to Islam. Those who do not convert will be killed.

Dabiq is a small Syrian town with a population of 3,000, about 10 miles from the border with Turkey. Rebel troops, including 300 US Special Forces, are currently moving to take the town back from ISIS. Fighting has been fierce and casualties are already high on both sides. Despite its relative unimportance, Islamic State has been focusing all of its efforts on the city.

The battle began on Monday, when the Free Syrian Army – Syrian rebel forces supported by America and Turkey – captured Turkman Bareh, four miles east of Dabiq. The anti-ISIS forces predicted they would capture Dabiq within 48 hours, but their advance slowed after they encountered extensively mined areas, mortars, and explosive devices in their path. Fighting was reported to be especially fierce as ISIS reinforcements poured into the region.

ISIS has put great effort into attracting American attention to the backwater of Dabiq, naming its online propaganda magazine after the town of Muslim armageddon. The magazine’s front cover quotes former terrorist leader and killer Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who proclaimed in 2004, “The spark has been lit here in Iraq, and its heat will continue to intensify – by Allah’s permission – until it burns the crusader armies in Dabiq.”

The small town was prominently featured in a video of Mohammed Emwazi, a British citizen dubbed “Jihadi John“, who joined ISIS and murdered five Western hostages in 2014. He taunted American viewers with the severed head of American aid worker Abdul-Rahman Kassig, a former US Army Ranger, at his feet.

“Here we are, burying the first American Crusader in Dabiq, eagerly waiting for the remainder of your armies to arrive,” Emwazi said in the video.

Their efforts to attract America’s attention seems to have succeeded, as the US-led coalition brings “the best soldiers of the people of the earth” directly to Dabiq. Nonetheless, it is not holding onto the city or even winning the battle that is significant to ISIS, but the fact of the battle itself.

Dr. Mordechai Kedar, an Israeli scholar of Arabic literature and a lecturer at Bar-Ilan University, believes that ISIS will not relinquish its twisted version of Messiah, even if it is defeated in the prophesied Battle of Dabiq.

“No doubt, Dabiq carries a very heavy Islamic meaning,” Dr. Kedar told Breaking Israel News. “I think that the Islamic State will not turn Dabiq into a fight for eternity, and will withdraw eventually from Dabiq as well as from other parts of Syria.”

But Dr. Khedar believes an ISIS defeat in Dabiq will be even more catastrophic for the West than an ISIS victory.

“They will claim that the war on Dabiq can be carried out in the streets of Paris, London, Berlin, Washington DC and Jerusalem,” Dr. Kedar warned. “Meanwhile we can see a war between Russia and the US on Syria. Put simply, Gog and Magog.”

Read more at http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/76735/isis-fighting-end-days-battle-dabiq-bring-muslim-messiah/#uXaaU0U3rb1wyrfS.99
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« Reply #155 on: November 05, 2016, 06:55:38 am »

A hijab-wearing Muslim is now one of the beautiful faces of CoverGirl

(CNN)A Muslim, hijab-wearing woman is now one of the easy, breezy and beautiful faces of CoverGirl.

The cosmetics company announced beauty blogger Nura Afia as one of the latest brand ambassadors for its "So Lashy" mascara, meaning she, along with a diverse lineup of other models, will appear in CoverGirl commercials and on a billboard in Times Square.

For Afia, a Muslim woman in hijab representing a mainstream US cosmetics brand, is a milestone for the Muslim community.

"It's a big accomplishment for all of us," Afia told CNN. "It means that little girls that grew up like me have something to look up to. I grew up feeling like hijab would hold me back."

If that was ever the case, it seems like the hijab certainly isn't holding Afia back now. She has more than 200,000 subscribers on her YouTube channel, where she posts video tutorials on how to recreate various makeup looks, and more than 300,000 followers on Instagram.

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« Reply #156 on: November 09, 2016, 03:01:19 pm »

Islamist extremists celebrate Trump’s election win

Donald Trump's presidential election victory has already been cheered by Russian President Vladimir Putin, a constellation of right-wing European populists, a former Ku Klux Klan leader and a Middle Eastern strongman. But there's another curious constituency that seems to be happy about the new American president-elect.

Shortly after Trump was declared the victor, a number of prominent Salafist ideologues linked to jihadist outfits in the Middle East took to social media to cheer the prospect of a Trump presidency. Now News, a Lebanese English-language website, aggregated their comments.

The remarks signaled the militants' apparent belief that the victory of a candidate like Trump, who has suggested potentially unconstitutional blocks on Muslim immigration and advocated torture, undermines the United States' moral standing in the world.

"Trump’s victory is a powerful slap to those promoting the benefits of democratic mechanisms,” tweeted Hamza al-Karibi, a media spokesman for Syrian jihadist group Jabhat Fatah al-Sham, which was formerly affiliated with al-Qaeda before rebranding itself this year in a bid to avoid being targeted by both Russian and American airstrikes.

Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi, a jihadist ideologue linked to al-Qaeda who has close to 60,000 followers on Twitter, gloated about Trump's victory, suggesting that it "may be the beginning of America’s fragmentation and the era of its breakup." In a second tweet, he said that Trump "reveals the true mentality of the Americans, and their racism toward Muslims and Arabs and everything. He reveals what his predecessors used to conceal. So his victory further exposes America and its appendages.”

“Have you seen how pleasant a society it is!” tweeted another Salafist-jihadist mainstay, Abu Qatada al-Filastini, who was deported from Britain in 2014, to tens of thousands of followers. “This is the American society that [supposedly] opposes its leaders’ policies by not hating or disdaining the world, and then it votes by the millions for Trump!”

The reaction of these extremists is the reverse of some of the consternation aired in the United States by Trump's critics, who see in his demagogic rise the unraveling of the American republic and the collapse of the myth of American exceptionalism.

Farther east, in Afghanistan, a spokesman for the Taliban used language not out of place among the ultra-nationalist, populist movements in Europe that aligned themselves with Trump's campaign, oppose immigration and, sometimes, agitate against intervening in conflicts elsewhere.

“Our message is that the Americans should draft a policy not to take away the independence and sovereignty of other nations,” the militant group said in a statement Wednesday. “Most importantly, they should withdraw all their troops from Afghanistan.”
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« Reply #157 on: November 09, 2016, 05:22:17 pm »

Canada prepares welcome mat for American 'asylum seekers'

Predictions of an American exodus under a Donald Trump presidency were largely viewed as tongue in cheek during the campaign.

Canadians greeted the prospect of American refugees with their typical quirky humor, eagerly touting the country's healthcare system, poutine, maple syrup and "the good side of the Niagara Falls."

But as it became clear late Tuesday that Trump was on a sure path to the White House, interest in moving to Canada spiked and crashed the country's immigration website.

"I think it's an emotional reaction. I don't know if they'll follow through," Ottawa immigration lawyer Julie Taub told AFP on Wednesday, hours after Trump was declared the president-elect.

"It's unlikely that a flood of Americans would arrive at the border seeking asylum."

However, Taub and other immigration lawyers said they received several inquiries from Americans as they arrived at the office in the morning.

Over the past year, Canadian real estate agencies and regions with sparse populations used the US election to launch marketing campaigns to attract newcomers.

"Move to beautiful Nunavut," said a Twitter message on Wednesday, hyping the Arctic territory's pristine environment and "10 months of winter each year."

The island of Cape Breton in Nova Scotia on Canada's east coast welcomed Americans under the slogan, "Cape Breton if Donald Trump wins."

It offered jobs and cheap homes just 250 miles (400 kilometers) from the US border.

The immigration website explains what steps to take and the criteria necessary to be eligible for Canadian residency.

Access to the site became progressively slower as Trump picked up key states, before finally displaying an error message at 11 pm Tuesday (0400 GMT Wednesday) when Trump clinched the swing state of Florida.

Canada takes in about 300,000 immigrants and refugees annually.

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« Reply #158 on: November 18, 2016, 02:58:20 pm »

Burqa Ban Scrapped Following Outcry

On Tuesday, Georgia state Rep. Jason Spencer proposed a bill to bar women in the state from wearing burqas, hijabs, or other forms of veiling on public property, including roads and highways, and for any public identification cards, such as driver’s licenses. By Thursday, however, the legislation had been withdrawn as a result of intense scrutiny and criticism it had received for its discriminatory tone.

Spencer’s bill did not explicitly mention Muslim women and religious veiling but rather sought to expand upon a law already on the books in Georgia aimed at members of the Ku Klux Klan by preventing them from wearing ceremonial hoods in public places and IDs for the sake of public safety. Yet the Republican politician’s bill did seek to revise the existing law by explicitly including women in the mandated ban on the public wearing of masks, hoods, or other devices that in any way cover or obscure the face. The bill, if approved, would have kept Muslim women from wearing religious veils not only while driving but also while walking on sidewalks and in parks or other public recreation areas.

“We suspect it’s motivated by a desire to discriminate against Georgia Muslims,” Edward Ahmed Mitchell, executive director for CAIR-Georgia, told the Washington Post. “The bill is a bad solution to a nonexistent problem.”

Aisha Yaqoob of the Georgia Muslim Voter Project told Atlanta’s ABC affiliate WSB-TV that she believed the bill was rooted in bigotry and she couldn’t understand the need for a state law that specifically targets Muslim women. The practice of veiling is one utilized by some Muslim women as a sign of modesty, in accord with their religious beliefs. (Orthodox Jewish women also often cover their hair by wearing wigs or hats because of religious standards of modesty.) Civil rights experts insist that the ability to veil — whether wearing a hijab, burqa, or other form of religious veil — is a constitutionally guaranteed right, inherent in the ability of individuals to freely and safely practice their religion.

Just last year, the Supreme Court ruled against retailer Abercrombie & Fitch after the brand had refused to hire a Muslim American woman who interviewed while wearing a hijab, insisting that the wearing of a hijab was a violation of the company’s dress code policy. The court determined that this move constituted religious discrimination.

On Wednesday, Spencer told WSB-TV, “This bill is simply a response to constituents that do have concerns of the rise of Islamic terrorism, and we in the state of Georgia do not want our laws used against us.”

Then, in a statement released the next day, Spencer adjusted his message: “While this bill does not contain language that specifically targets any group, I am mindful of the perception that it has created. My objective was to address radical elements that could pose a threat to public safety. However, further consideration dictates that other solutions will need to be considered. In conclusion, anti-masking statutes have been upheld as constitutional (State v Miller, 1990), and HB 3 would withstand legal scrutiny, but not political scrutiny.”
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« Reply #159 on: November 21, 2016, 08:15:20 am »

Reince Priebus: ‘We’re not going to have a registry based on a religion’

Incoming White House chief of staff Reince Priebus says President-elect Donald Trump’s administration is “not going to rule out anything” when it comes to immigration. But Priebus appeared to suggest the creation of a Muslim registry is not in Trump’s plans.

“Where systematic terrorism is taking place, where countries are harboring or in places where countries are harboring and training terrorists,” Priebus said on CNN’s “State of the Union” Sunday, “we’re going to temporarily suspend immigration from that country, or region, until a better vetting system is put in place.”

Trump told Yahoo News last year that he was open to the possibility of a database for Muslim Americans. The proposal was met with swift backlash and Trump distanced himself from the idea. But last week, a Trump policy adviser, Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, said Trump was mulling a registry for immigrants from Muslim countries.

Kobach met with Trump at his golf course in Bedminster, N.J., on Sunday afternoon.

During his interview on CNN, Priebus was asked whether he agreed with retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn — Trump’s choice for national security adviser — who once tweeted that Americans’ “fear of Muslims is rational.”

“There are some people within that particular religion that we do fear,” Priebus said of Islam. “We don’t believe in religious tests and we are not blanketly judging an entire religion, but in fact we will try to pinpoint the problems and temporarily suspend [people from] those areas from coming into the United States until a better vetting system is in place.”

On ABC’s “This Week,” Priebus said that “clearly there are some aspects of that faith that are problematic, and we know them; we’ve seen it.”

On NBC’s “Meet The Press,” Priebus said Trump “believes that no faith in and of itself should be judged as a whole” but that “there are some people that need to be prevented from coming into this country.”

Asked by “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd whether he can “equivocally rule out a registry for Muslims,” Priebus responded: “Look, I’m not going to rule out anything. But, but I wouldn’t — we’re not going to have a registry based on a religion.”

“What we’re trying to do is say that there are some people, certainly not all people, Chuck, there are some people that are radicalized and there are some people that have to be prevented from coming into this country,” Priebus continued. “And Donald Trump’s position, President Trump’s position is consistent with bills in the House and the Senate that say the following: If you come, if you want to come from a place or an area around the world that harbors and trains terrorists, we have to temporarily suspend that operation until a better, better vetting system is put in place.”

He continued: “And when that happens, when a better vetting system is put in place, then those radical folks, or excuse me, they’ll be, they will not be allowed in, but then others will be allowed in. But only until that is done.”

Trump’s pick for attorney general, Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, argued in favor of a religious test for immigrants on the Senate floor. “Many people are radicalized after they enter,” Sessions said last December.

“How do we screen for that possibility, if we cannot even ask about an applicant’s views on religion? Would we forbid questions about politics? Or theology?”

The same month, Trump ignited a firestorm of controversy by calling for “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.”

The proposal, which came in the wake of the deadly mass shooting in San Bernardino, Calif., by a pair of suspected ISIS sympathizers, was altered by Trump at the Republican National Convention to a temporary suspension of “immigration from any nation that has been compromised by terrorism.”

Trump later called it an “expansion” of his original plan.

“I’m looking now at territory,” Trump said on “Meet the Press” on July 24. “People were so upset when I used the word ‘Muslim.’ ‘Oh, you can’t use the word ‘Muslim.’ Remember this. And I’m OK with that, because I’m talking territory instead of ‘Muslim.’”
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« Reply #160 on: November 29, 2016, 06:50:02 pm »

ISIS IN OHIO: Islamic State Claims Responsibility For Abdul Razak Ali Artan’s Terror Attack
The Islamic State news agency AMAQ posted a photo of Abdul Razak Ali Artan wearing a blue shirt and sitting with greenery in the background. It described him as a soldier of the group. "Brother Abdul Razak Ali Artan, God accept him, implementer of the Ohio attack, a student in his third year in university," the caption read.


The Islamic State group ISIS claimed responsibility on Tuesday for an attack at Ohio State University in which a man ran down pedestrians in a car and stabbed others with a butcher’s knife.

The attacker, a Somali immigrant student at the university, injured 11 people in Monday’s attack before he was shot dead by a police officer.

The Islamic State news agency AMAQ posted a photo of Abdul Razak Ali Artan wearing a blue shirt and sitting with greenery in the background. It described him as a soldier of the group.

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« Reply #161 on: February 17, 2017, 09:02:20 pm »

Def Jam Records co-founder Russell Simmons will host a rally dubbed ‘I Am a Muslim Too’ on Sunday in Times Square to protest President Donald Trump’s recent executive action on immigration.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Race baiter Russell Simmons wants you to “be a Muslim” this weekend, and make a stand for “African Americans, women, Latinos, Asians and LGBTQ”. But what he does not want you to do is to support our president, and he calls white males “the oppressor”, which leads me to believe that at least part of his rally is an incitement against white males.

Women’s March on Washington organizer Linda Sarsour and MuslimGirl founder Amani al-Khatahtbeh will speak at the event, along with Rabbi Marc Schneier of the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding and Imam Shamsi Ali of the Jamaica Muslim Center.

“Everyone except white privileged males are in immediate danger,” Simmons said in a statement. “African Americans, women, Latinos, Asians and LGBTQ are all at risk, but there is no freedom in that privileged status either because the spirit of the oppressor is oppressed as well.”

“We are living in a time when unity will make America great,” he added. “This is a special moment for all Americans of good will to band together to promote the kind of compassion and equality for others that we want for ourselves.”

The rally is scheduled to run from noon until 4 p.m. on Sunday.

    61 degrees in NY, this Sunday 02/29. No excuses. JOIN US!! #todayiamamuslimtoo pic.twitter.com/I9FTnLuZCH

    — FFEU (@FFEUnyc) February 16, 2017

Earlier this month, President Trump introduced an executive order that temporarily prohibited immigration from seven Middle Eastern countries known to be hotbeds of terrorism. The order was later blocked by judges from the 9th Circuit Court.

In a blog post on GlobalCitizen.org on Thursday, Simmons described Trump’s order as “morally, politically, economically, and ethically unconstitutional.”

“As a yogi, I feel and believe all Americans should feel personally threatened by Trump’s choices to target Muslims,” the 59-year-old rap mogul and entrepreneur said. “Targeting any one of us is in fact targeting all of us.”

“The people united cannot be divided,” he added. “See you there.” source
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« Reply #162 on: March 23, 2017, 04:42:17 pm »

George Soros Has Infiltrated The Southern Baptist Convention And Suing To Build A Mosque In NJ
The International Mission Board (IMB) and Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) were 2 of 18 religious groups that filed an amicus brief decrying the Township of Bernards’ zoning board decision that required the proposed mosque to have more parking spaces than Christian or Jewish places of worship.

Pastor Dean Haun called the amicus brief an “unholy alliance” with a false religion, and accused the SBC agencies of overstepping their bounds, reported Baptist Press.

“But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.” 2 Peter 2:1 (KJV)

EDITOR’S NOTE: Some of you may know that for over a year now, the SBC (Southern Baptist Convention) has been backing a lawsuit demanding that a mosque in NJ be allowed to be built. But what you may not know is that George Soros has donated over $25 million dollars to this effort through Russell Moore, who serves on Soros’ Evangelical Immigration Table. Who is Russell Moore? He is the president of the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, and a mole for George Soros.

The trouble started last May, when several arms of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) reached out a legal hand to a Muslim community in New Jersey, publicly supporting their right to build a mosque.

The International Mission Board (IMB) and Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) were 2 of 18 religious groups that filed an amicus brief decrying the Township of Bernards’ zoning board decision that required the proposed mosque to have more parking spaces than Christian or Jewish places of worship.
Meet George Soros’ Mole Inside The Southern Baptist Convention:

The town’s reasoning: since Muslim services are held on Fridays, people would be coming after work instead of together as families, and therefore more spots would be needed. But when the Muslim community offered to split the services, or use ride-sharing or overflow arrangements, the board still denied their application.
Southern Baptist Convention Supports Mosques:

The amicus brief, which was also signed by the National Association of Evangelicals and the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, argued that “such unequal treatment of the mosque in this case represents a potential threat to the free exercise rights of each of the amici represented here and is a affront to our nation’s commitment to religious liberty for all.”

On New Year’s Eve, a judge agreed.

Less than a month later, IMB trustee and Tennessee megachurch pastor Dean Haun resigned with a year left on his term.

“I love our IMB leadership and our missionaries and their work across the globe. I am not a rabble rouser and my heart is not to take down the IMB,” Haun told the Baptist and Reflector, the newspaper of the Tennessee Baptist Convention and one of the SBC’s oldest state papers.

“[But] if we defend the rights of people to construct places of false worship, are we not helping them speed down the highway to hell?” he said. “I want no part in supporting a false religion, even if it is in the name of religious freedom.”

He called the amicus brief an “unholy alliance” with a false religion, and accused the SBC agencies of overstepping their bounds, reported Baptist Press. source
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« Reply #163 on: March 24, 2017, 04:29:05 pm »

It's Happening Folks!! Barbie Is Getting A Makeover

According to reports, a group of liberal woman wants to promote diversity by adding barbie dolls with Hijabs. RT Reported: Three Pittsburg moms are taking on Islamophobia with “Barbie-compatible” headscarves in an effort to teach children to be more inclusive by exposing them to doll-sized hijabs. Gisele Fetterman, Safaa Bokhari and Kristen Michaels created Hello Hijab to encourage inclusivity among the next generation. “They will see it as a kind memory from their playtime, and then they will grow into a kinder generation, being used to playing with dolls that look different to them.” Fetterman explained. Fetterman came up with the idea when she noticed none of her five-year old daughter’s dolls looked like many of her Muslim friends. Enlisting the help of her friend Safaa Bokhari and Pittsburg non-profit For Good, Hello Hijab was born. The $6 handmade hijabs come with a card explaining what a hijab is, and will be available from April 1, with the proceeds going to non-profits which serve multicultural communities. The women have received “dozens of hijabs from women who want them to be repurposed for this purpose.” The hijabs will be made from both new materials and hijabs that are donated to the cause.

Fetterman and Michaels say they have experienced some negativity, but “it just continues to validate the need for a project like this,” Fetterman said. “It’s allowed for a lot of conversations, it’s allowed for an education, a lot of folks aren’t familiar with so much of it.”
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« Reply #164 on: March 27, 2017, 01:20:35 pm »

Canada Passes Motion M103 Leading Shocked Citizenry To Believe Sharia Law Courts Are Coming
Motion M103 was tabled by Iqra Khalid, a Muslim member of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party. It states the government must “condemn Islamophobia and all forms of systemic racism and religious discrimination”, was taken to vote on Thursday evening where a total of 201 MPs voted for it and only 91 voted against, Canadian broadcaster Global News reports.


The Canadian House of Commons has passed motion M103 which singles out the criticism of Islam as a form of “Islamophobia”. Critics condemn it as an attack on free speech.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Canada just made it a crime to say anything critical of Islam with the passage of Motion M103, effectively chipping away another huge chunk of what remains of free speech in that nation. Conservatives are rightly afraid that they may soon see the establishment of Sharia Courts in Canada.

Motion M103 was tabled by Iqra Khalid, a Muslim member of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party. It states the government must “condemn Islamophobia and all forms of systemic racism and religious discrimination”, was taken to vote on Thursday evening where a total of 201 MPs voted for it and only 91 voted against, Canadian broadcaster Global News reports.

The text of the motion does not clarify what constitutes “Islamophobia” and has led many to speculate what that may mean in the future, with some critics fearing it could lead to Shariah law courts. This concern has led to the circulation of an anti-Shariah petition on the Parliament of Canada website, which has so far been signed by over 24,000 people.

Ms. Khalid, who was born in Pakistan and moved to the UK and then to Canada, said the definition of Islamophobia was: “The irrational hate of Muslims that leads to discrimination.”

When Conservatives asked her to remove Islamophobia from the motion, she said: “I will not do so, any more than I would speak to the Holocaust and not mention that the overwhelming majority of victims were six million followers of the Jewish faith and that anti-Semitism was the root cause of the Holocaust.”

Another part of the bill that has stirred controversy is the passage that asks the government to “recognise the need to quell the increasing public climate of hate and fear”. It is currently unknown what measures the government will take to “quell” “hate and fear” as the motion is not classified as a law and has no effect on current criminal law.

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« Reply #165 on: March 30, 2017, 05:02:10 pm »


Poop-filled Coke cans are a real mystery

Police have launched an investigation after human waste was discovered in a shipment of Coke cans.

Coca-Cola have confirmed none of the products on sale is affected following the gross find.

We reveal all.
Where was the human waste in Coca-Cola found?

The discovery was made at the Knockmore Hill facility in Lisburn, Ireland.

The affected cans arrived from a German supplier that hadn’t been used previously.

The night shift at the factory was disrupted when stunned workers peeked into the cans and saw the waste after the machines became clogged.

A source told the Irish Independent: “It was absolutely horrible, and the machines had to be turned off for about 15 hours to be cleaned.

“It was unusual because normally the cans come from somewhere else in the UK, but this time they apparently came from Germany.”
How did human waste get into Coca-Cola?

The source told the paper: “The rumor is that some poor immigrants could have made that long journey in the [truck] and that in their desperation were forced to use the cans instead of a toilet.
“It’s really shocking — and beyond the shock of finding something pretty disgusting in the cans is the thought there could have been poor people in that situation.

“And if they did make that journey, where are they now?”

According to the Belfast Telegraph, the cans arrive at the factory without tops on, and are then filled with drink before being sealed and sold across Northern Ireland.
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« Reply #166 on: March 31, 2017, 04:02:56 pm »

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« Reply #167 on: May 23, 2017, 10:10:09 pm »

As Muslim Immigration To United States Increases, So Does Female Genital Mutilation Brutality Against Women
In a report last year, the CDC says the surge in female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) is “wholly a result of rapid growth in the number of immigrants from FGM/C-practicing countries living in the United States.” It then went on to list those countries, and virtually all of them have large Muslim populations.


If you think the cases of little-girl genital mutilation that made national headlines last month after a flurry of arrests in Detroit is a one-off event, think again.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Female Genital Mutilation is a disgusting and barbaric custom practiced by Muslim-dominated countries around the world to enslave and dominate young Islamic women. Islamic butchers like to call it “female circumcision”, but in reality it is more in line with female castration. As Muslims immigrate to the United States in ever-larger numbers, incidences of this illegal act grow exponentially. Mohammed told his followers in the hadith to do this to their young girls.

The CDC estimates that more than 513,000 girls and women — most of them living in New York, DC and Minneapolis — are now at risk of such disfigurement across the country, a threefold increase since 1990. What’s behind the sickening trend? Muslim immigration.

If it’s “Islamophobic” to say that, blame the US government.

In a report last year, the CDC says the surge in female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) is “wholly a result of rapid growth in the number of immigrants from FGM/C-practicing countries living in the United States.” It then went on to list those countries, and virtually all of them have large Muslim populations.
Female Genital Mutilation Comes to America:

Immigrants from Indonesia, the largest Muslim nation, are not factored into the government’s 513,000 figure. If they were, the size of the CDC estimate would likely grow by “several tens of thousands,” the 2016 study’s lead author says.

“Indonesian figures became available after we wrote our paper, but it turns out that FGM was much more common in Indonesia than had been thought,” recently retired CDC researcher Howard Goldberg told The Post.
Another CDC report singles out Syrian refugees, warning the barbaric practice may be widespread among these immigrants seeking asylum in the US.

It’s not just Muslim parents performing the religious — albeit illegal — ritual. It’s also licensed doctors at respected hospitals, who also happen to be Muslim. And they have the blessing of some of the most eminent Muslim scholars in America.

While Islamic apologists insist FGM has nothing to do with Islam, that it’s a pagan African custom, such arguments appear to be disinformation designed to protect the faith at the expense of little girls. Consider that the Assembly of Muslim Jurists in America, which renders official religious rulings for Muslims living in the US, promotes clitoris cutting as beneficial for women.

Senior AMJA official Dr. Hatem Elhagaly has ruled that the practice was endorsed by the Muslim prophet Muhammad in a hadith, or sacred supplement to the Koran. “A very small portion of the clitoris may be removed in the procedure,” he wrote in a recent fatwa.

An American Academy of Pediatrics fellow and Mayo Clinic pediatrician until 2012, Elhagaly acknowledges the practice is controversial, but advises American Muslims to ignore criticism: “We, however, should never doubt anything in our religion because of the bad publicity the media creates about it. Would it have been sensible for Muslims 50 years ago to doubt male circumcision because it was not yet shown by science to be of benefit?

“The same could be true with female circumcision,” he added. “They may figure out the benefits of the practice in 50 or 500 years.”

The World Health Organization, however, says the painful practice has no known health benefits. In fact, it can cause complications during childbirth, make intercourse painful and remove any pleasure a woman can get from sex.

Lawyers for the two Muslim doctors who federal authorities recently arrested in Detroit for mutilating two 7-year-old girls — and possibly 70 others — also claim they were doing it for health reasons. But the prosecutor argued, “This brutal practice is conducted on girls for one reason — to control them as women.” Forcing them to have all or part of their clitoris removed, the criminal complaint explains, ensures they remain chaste and don’t cheat on their future husbands. source
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« Reply #168 on: June 06, 2017, 03:03:47 pm »

4,000 Muslim refugees hit U.S. in May alone
'Capable of some horrendous attacks,' and children just as threatening

In the wake of deadly Islamic terrorist attacks in Manchester and London, President Trump on Monday took to Twitter to decry the “slow and political” courts that have blocked his travel ban.

Executive Order 13780, signed by Trump in March, suspends the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program for 120 days, restricts admissions and halts visa applications of citizens from Muslim-majority Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for 90 days. It includes other provisions designed to hinder the movement of terrorists to the United States.

Parts of the order were subsequently blocked by judges on the notoriously left-leaning 4th and 9th Circuit Courts. Last week, the Trump administration appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court to allow the order to go into effect.

Trump tweeted early Monday morning, “People, the lawyers and the courts can call it whatever they want, but I am calling it what we need and what it is, a TRAVEL BAN!”

He continued: “The Justice Dept. should have stayed with the original travel ban, not the watered down, politically correct version they submitted to [Supreme Court]. The Justice Dept. should ask for an expedited hearing of the watered down Travel Ban before the Supreme Court – & seek much tougher version! In any event we are EXTREME VETTING people coming into the U.S. in order to help keep our country safe. The courts are slow and political!”

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« Reply #169 on: June 07, 2017, 04:57:47 pm »

Ramadan 2017 On Track For Breaking Record For Number Of Killings By Islamic Terrorists Around The World
Ramadan 2016 featured 1,150 casualties — both death and injuries. This year, terrorists – namely the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL), Taliban, and al-Qaeda, among other jihadists – have already killed or wounded more than 1,500 people across about 15 countries and there are still about 20 days left in the month. During the first 12 days of Ramadan 2017 period, there have been an estimated 60 terror attacks carried out in the name of Allah (by Islamic extremists) resulting in the death of 832 people and injury of 912.



The estimated 832 deaths and 912 injuries from the estimated 60 attacks that have taken place across about 19 countries during the first 12 days of this year’s holy Muslim month of Ramadan have already marked the bloodiest Ramadan in recent years for adherents of Islam.
“I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them” Qu’ran 8:12

EDITOR’S NOTE: The Muslim month-long-holiday of Ramadan means a lot of things to a lot of people. And for nearly 1,000 people during the first 12 days of the “celebration”, it means death. Why? Because they were killed by Muslims celebrating Ramadan. Wouldn’t it be great if we lived in a world where, instead of “fasting and praying” for 30 days, Muslims simply refrained from killing innocent people? Keep dreaming…

Jihadists believe martyrdom is doubly rewarded in paradise during Ramadan. Jihadist groups encourage martyrdom among their sympathizers and followers, promoting the belief that they will be doubly rewarded if they fatally castigate infidels during Ramadan. The holy month this year is on track to surpass the deadliest and bloodiest Ramadan in the modern record: Ramadan 2016.

Ramadan 2016 featured 1,150 casualties — both death and injuries. This year, terrorists – namely the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL), Taliban, and al-Qaeda, among other jihadists – have already killed or wounded more than 1,500 people across about 15 countries and there are still about 20 days left in the month.

During the first 12 days of Ramadan 2017 period, there have been an estimated 60 terror attacks carried out in the name of Allah (by Islamic extremists) resulting in the death of 832 people and injury of 912.

The death toll for the first few days of Ramadan this year has already surpassed the fatalities that occurred during the entire holy month last year — 421 deaths and 729 injuries. Among the 2016 fatalities are women, children, and members of the Christian minority. This year is no exception.

Ramadan-Bombathon-2017There are members of a wide variety of ethnic and religious groups among the victims: Westerners, Christians, Asians, Sunnis, Shias, and Arabs. Muslims of all sects made up the majority. As recent attacks in England, Germany, and France show, the West is not immune to the Islamic extremists’ call to attack during Ramadan.

This year, the first full day of Ramadan fell on May 27. Muslims follow the tradition of abstaining from eating, drinking, smoking, having sex, and other physical needs each day, starting from before the break of dawn until sunset during the holy month.

Breitbart News’ count, gleaned from the Religion of Peace website in coordination with news reports, excludes the number of casualties directly linked to battles between U.S.-led coalition troops and jihadists groups, as well as Iranian- and Russian-backed troops loyal to dictator Bashar al-Assad.

If all of the deaths from the ongoing conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan had been included, the total number would be much higher. The Religion of Peace website acknowledges their estimate is an undercount, so the number of Ramadan deaths and injuries could be higher.
Some of the terrorist attacks during Ramadan 2017 include:

May 27 — Charchino, Afghanistan — Group fighting in favor of imposing Islamic law ambushes checkpoint, kills 11.
May 27 — Qadis, Afghanistan — Taliban kills 14, injures 17.
May 27 — Khost, Afghanistan — Taliban suicide bomber targets U.S-backed National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF), which includes army and police units, killing 18, woundin six others, including children.
May 27 — Kacha Khuh, Pakistan — “Honor Killing” — Brother hacks 18-year-old sister with axe to death for denying to abide by pre-arrange marriage.
May 27 — Marawi, Philippines — Jihadists kill 19 including women and a child.
May 28 — Marawi, Philippines — Jihadists murder 8 for “having betrayed their faith.”
May 28 — Ramo Adey, Somalia — Jihadists bury man to his neck, stone to death for adultery
May 28 — Mosul, Iraq — ISIS sets hospital ablaze and kills a dozen young people inside.
May 28 — Mosul, Iraq — ISIS kills at least 40 women and children trying to flee besieged city.
May 28 — Shirqat, Iraq — ISIS rocket attack kills three children and their parents.
May 28 — Gumsri, Nigeria — Boko Haram kills at least seven villagers.
May 28 — Shakhil Abad, Afghanistan — Islamic extremists kill district governor and his son inside their home.
May 28 — Baqubah, Iraq — Suicide bomber kills 3, injures up to 16 others outside court.
May 29 — Nguro, Nigeria — Boko Haram beheads five people.
May 29 — Ghat, Libya, — Suspected Islamic terrorists kill 1, injure 4.
May 29 — Shirqat, Iraq — Islamic shrapnel dismembers a child, injures 7.
May 29 — Baghdad, Iraq — 17 killed, 32 wounded — ISIS launches suicide attack against ice cream parlor frequented by families who were breaking their Ramadan fast.
May 29 — Baghdad, Iraq — 14 killed, 37 injured. ISIS attacked Shiites.
May 30 — Mattani, Pakistan — Islamist gun down four peace committee members.
May 30 — Peshawar, Pakistan — Suspected jihadist shoots leader of Afghan warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar’s Hezb-i-Islami group while he was leaving a mosque.
May 30 — Shifa, Iraq — Mass grave found with 60 ISIS torture victims, including women, elderly.
May 30 — al-Joura, Syria — ISIS mortar kills 14, including children.
May 30 — Bay Hassan, Iraq — ISIS kills 3 Iraqi guards, wounds six others.
May 30 — Baghdad, Iraq — Jihadists kill 7, injure 19 in a blast.
May 30 — Baqubah, Iraq — A bomb explosion at mosque kills 7, wounds 6.
May 30 — Hit, Iraq — Fedayeen suicide bomber kills 8, injures 10.
May 31 — Kaya, Nigeria —Boko Haram kills 14.
May 31 — Fafi, Kenya — Suspected al-Qaeda affiliate al-Shabaab burns down school, kills one teacher.
May 31 — Bab el-Beid, Iraq — Suicide bombers kill 3 civilians, including a child.
May 31 — Hit, Iraq — Shahid suicide bomber kills 3, injures 7.
May 31 — Mosul, Iraq — ISIS kills 34 for trying to leave the city.
May 31 — Mangai, Kenya — al-Qaeda-linked bombers kill 8.
May 31 — Kabul, Afghanistan — Suspected Haqqani Network kills at least 150, Wounds more than 460, including 11 Americans.
May 31 — Sinjar, Iraq — ISIS kills 2, injures 2.
June 01 — Abala, Niger — Jihadists kill 6 guards.
June 01 — Al-Hazm, Yemen — Terrorists kill 6, wound 15.
June 01 — Behsud, Afghanistan — Suicide bomber kills 1, wounds 4.
June 01 — Oldenburg, Germany — Muslim kills one for smoking during Ramadan and refusing to fast.
June 01 — Zanjili, Iraq — ISIS kills 7 for trying to flee caliphate.
June 02 — Kolofota, Cameroon — Islamist use two girls as suicide bombers killing 9 and wounding 30.
June 02 — Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia — Jihadist beheads one man.
June 03 — Marawi, Philippines — Islamic sniper kills 70-year-old man.
June 03 — Halabsah, Iraq — Four suicide bombers kill 1, injure 3
June 03 — London, England — Three Jihadists plow into pedestrians, then stab people, killing 7, injuring 48.
June 03 — Zanjili, Iraq — ISIS kills 43 for trying to flee caliphate.
June 03 — Lower Munda, India — Hizb-ul-Mujahideen kill 2 security troops, injure 4
June 03 — Nawabshah, Pakistan — Alleged victim’s brother-in-law kills two people for alleged adultery.
June 03 — Kabul, Afghanistan — Suicide bombers kill 20, injure 87
June 04 — Kandahar, Afghanistan — Afghan police insider attack leaves six dead, one injured
June 04 — Spini, Pakistan — Two Shiites from Hazara minority group killed.
June 04 — Talibul, Moula, Pakistan — “Honor Killing” — Father kills 18-year-old daughter for allegedly “having an affair.”
June 04 — Zanjili, Iraq — Wave of suicide bombers kills 32, injures 24.
June 04 — Quaidabad, Pakistan — Jihadis kill 1 barber.
June 05 — Melbourne, Australia — ISIS-linked migrant from Somalia kills man, takes prostitute hostage, an injures 4.
June 05 — Baghdad, Iraq — Terrorist mortar fired into family home dismembers 10-year-old boy, injures 4.
June 06 — Lower Munda, India — Hizb-ul-Mujahideen kill 2 security troops, injure 4
June 06 — Paris, France — Jihadist wounds cop with a hammer outside Notre Dame cathedral.
June 06 — Herat, Afghanistan — Terrorist kill 7, injure another 16 near the northern gate of the Great Mosque of Herat.
June 06 — Garissa, Kenya — Suspected al-Qaeda affiliate al-Shabaab jihadists kill 4 aid workers with land mine.
June 07 — Mosul, Iraq — Islamic State massacres 160 civilians trying to flee city, according to United Nations.
June 07 — Tehran, Iran — Sunni ISIS gunmen, suicide bombers attack Shiite country’s parliament and shrine to its revolutionary leader, kills 12, wounding up to 42. source
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« Reply #170 on: June 21, 2017, 04:12:44 pm »


TERROR ATTACK : “Allahu Akbar” Officer Stabbed at Flint, Michigan Airport
Breaking News By Amy Moreno June 21, 2017

FLINT TOWNSHIP, Mich. – Police say an airport officer was stabbed in the neck Wednesday morning at Bishop International Airport in Flint.

The officer was taken to the hospital. Michigan State Police said the officer is in critical condition. However, his condition has been upgraded to stable.

Police identified the injured officer as Lt. Jeff Neville. Bishop International Airport was evacuated and is closed.

NBC News: The Canadian born suspect shouted "Allahu Akbar" before stabbing the officer multiple law enforcement sources say. W/ @anblanx https://t.co/TYSZIgmFQE

— Tom Winter (@Tom_Winter) June 21, 2017

Police said a suspect has been taken into custody. The airport released the following statement:

“All passengers are safe and are being evacuated at this time. Please check with your airline for potential cancellations or delays.”

The FBI is leading the investigation. The Flint City Hall began operating under heightened security in an abundance of caution after the incident.

“Right now we are still awaiting more information about the situation at Bishop Airport this morning,” Flint Mayor Karen Weaver said. “My thoughts and prayers are with all of our law enforcement officers who work to service and protect us each and every day. I want the public to know that several agencies are involved and working to ensure the situation is under control. However, at this time we are taking extra precautions just to be safe.”
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« Reply #171 on: July 14, 2017, 01:52:06 pm »

Madness In Australia - Accommodating Islam
News Image By Judith Bergman/Gatestone Institute July 06, 2017
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During the month of Ramadan alone, the world witnessed 160 Islamic attacks in 29 countries, in which 1627 people were murdered and 1824 injured.

Nevertheless, the dual efforts to deny any links between Islamic terrorism and Islam on the one hand, and the efforts to accommodate Islam to the greatest extent possible on the other, seem to continue unaffected by the realities of Islamic terrorism -- in Australia, as well, which is experiencing its own share of sharia and jihad.

At the end of May, the Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) called on the Australian Parliament's Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade to:

"...include a recommendation in its report that disavows the notion that there is any inherent link between Islam and terrorism... The Committee should condemn any politician who refers divisively (expressly or implied) to any religious or ethnic group for the purpose of political gain."

PHAA Chief Executive Michael Moore said that there is no inherent link between any religion and acts of terror:

"When you look at terrorism and the IRA, I don't think many people blamed Christianity for terrorism when clearly there was an overlay. In fact there's nothing ­inherent in Christianity that links to terrorism".

Since when are public health officials qualified to make authoritative statements on the theology of Islam or its linkage to Islamic terrorism?

Muslim psychiatrist Tanveer Ahmed, would disagree. Speaking in June about the Australian media's disproportionate focus on "Islamophobia" he said:

"While terrorism's origins have many factors, Islamic terrorists, as heinous as their acts are, they are often merely doing what the scriptures are telling them."

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« Reply #172 on: July 31, 2017, 12:04:08 pm »


Colin Kaepernick Just Got BAD NEWS!
Breaking News By TruthFeedNews July 30, 2017

BAD NEWS for Colin Kaepernick.

Earlier rumors that he might get signed by the Baltimore Ravens have become much less likely because they just signed a quarterback and it’s NOT him.

Ravens fans were furious when reports that Kaepernick was being considered surfaced.

One poll showed 48% of Ravens fans planned to boycott if he was signed.

From NBCSports

The Baltimore Ravens have added a quarterback.

No, it’s not Colin Kaepernick.

According to multiple reports, the Ravens are signing former Clemons and Stanford quarterback David Olson, who most recently placed with the Kansas City Phantoms of the Champions Indoor Football League. It was first reported by Damond Talbot of DraftDiamonds.com.

The Ravens found themselves in need of another quarterback with Joe Flacco expected to miss time with a disc issue in his back.
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« Reply #173 on: September 22, 2017, 08:09:26 pm »

BREAKING: Muhammad Is Taking Over!!

According to a new report, the name Muhammad just overtook William in the top 10 most popular baby name in England.

Timeinc.net reported: Muhammad cracked the top 10 list of the most popular baby names in England and Wales, surpassing William, James, Daniel, and other historically common names in the country, according to data from the U.K.’s national statistics agency.

Baby names can give a glimpse of pop culture influences and the changing demographics of a nation. In this case, it shows diversity within the 696,271 live births in England and Wales last year. The name has moved from 43rd to 8th in one decade.

Over the years, some reports have argued that if you were to look at all the different spellings of Muhammad than it would actually be the most popular name. And that’s true; There are numerous spellings of Muhammad, including “Mohammed” and “Mohammad,” in the top 100 list.
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« Reply #174 on: October 02, 2017, 11:10:15 am »

ISIS Now Claims Responsibility For Mass Shooting Says That Las Vegas Shooter Was Recent Convert To Islam
“The Las Vegas attack was carried out by a soldier of the Islamic State and he carried it out in response to calls to target states of the coalition,” the terror group’s news agency Amaq said in reference to the US-led coalition fighting the group in the Middle East. “The Las Vegas attacker converted to Islam a few months ago,” Amaq added, according to Reuters.


ISIS has claimed responsibility for the Las Vegas rampage, saying without offering evidence that the shooter had converted to Islam a few months ago, according to reports.

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is no surprise, and I am also guessing that not only was the shooter a convert to Islam, that he was also associated with ANTIFA. ISIS has no history of making completely false claims about associations to global terror attacks, so there is no reason to doubt this breaking development. NTEB will keep you updated as story develops.

“The Las Vegas attack was carried out by a soldier of the Islamic State and he carried it out in response to calls to target states of the coalition,” the terror group’s news agency Amaq said in reference to the US-led coalition fighting the group in the Middle East.
ISIS claims responsibility for Las Vegas shooting massacre:

“The Las Vegas attacker converted to Islam a few months ago,” Amaq added, according to Reuters.

The group’s Aamaq news agency released two brief statements hours after the shooting at a country music concert that killed at least 50 people and wounded at least 400. It was the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history.
ISIS did not name the suspected shooter, but said he had “executed the operation in response to calls to target countries of the coalition” battling the extremist group in Iraq and Syria.

Police have identified the shooter as Stephen Craig Paddock, 64, of Mesquite, Nevada, and have said he killed himself after the shooting. Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said authorities believe it was a “lone wolf” attack, and the U.S. Homeland Security Department said there was no “specific credible threat” involving other public venues in the U.S.

The IS group often claims attacks by individuals inspired by its message but with no known links to the group. However, it is not known to have claimed any attacks that were not at least loosely linked to it.

Before Sunday, the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history took place in June 2016, when a gunman opened fire at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, killing 49 people. The gunman, Omar Mateen, had pledged allegiance to IS and it claimed the attack. source
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« Reply #175 on: October 07, 2017, 05:29:50 pm »



Breaking News By Amy Moreno October 7, 2017

There’s been yet another attack in London.

This time a car plowed into a crowd of pedestrians outside of London’s famous “Natural History Musem.”

This story is developing.

Several people are injured after a car mounted the pavement outside the Natural History Museum in London.

A man has been arrested at the scene after several pedestrians were mowed down by a vehicle.

He was pinned to the ground by police in front of stunned tourists shortly after 2.20pm this afternoon.

One shocked onlooker wrote on Twitter: ‘Just witnessed a car drive into people in London. Safe for now please message your friends if they’re here near the national museum.’

Another user posted: ‘Looks like a guy tried to mow people down at the natural history museum.’
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« Reply #176 on: January 17, 2018, 07:08:40 pm »

The Antichrist as a Muslim?
January 17, 2018

This report is available as a free eBook from www.wayoflife.org.

There is a small movement today that sees the Antichrist as a Muslim who will arise from the Muslim nations.

The chief proponent and promoter of this view is Joel Richardson (b. 1971), author of Islamic Antichrist, Mideast Beast, and other books and video presentations.

Richardson has extremely dangerous associates, including Glenn Beck, who holds to the false gospel of Mormonism and yet has promoted Richardson’s teaching heavily. Beck has published Richardson’s “History of the Caliphate” and “The Emerging Leftist-Islamist Revolutionary Alliance,” and Richardson appeared in Beck’s video Rumors of War.

Even if Richardson is personally sound in the Christian faith, which we do not know, he is acting in open disobedience to God’s commands to separate from error (e.g., Romans 16:17; 1 Corinthians 15:33; 2 Corinthians 6:14-18; Ephesians 4:14; 2 Timothy 3:5; 2 John 8-11). Richardson’s association with Beck is only one example of this disobedience.

Richardson told one reporter, “I do not agree with various tenets of Mormon theology,” but he went on to say, “Glenn Beck is one of the most genuinely prophetic voices to have emerged in this nation in many years” (“Together at Last: Joel Richardson and Glenn Beck,” Feb. 18, 2011, Barthsnotes.com).

That statement alone would inform me that Mr. Richardson is the blind leading the blind. (See “Beck’s Restoring Love Program,” July 30, 2012, www.wayoflife.org.)

We have not been able to find out exactly what Richardson’s doctrinal position is or what church he attends, but he embraces the heresy of Pentecostal prophesying. On the talk show It’s Supernatural, Sid Roth declared that Richardson is “hand-picked literally by God to give revelation of the end time.” In his reply, Richardson agreed. He told of how that “a prophetess” prophesied over his wife-to-be and said, “Your husband, you will marry someone that will have significant insight into the end times, and he’ll release new prophetic understanding concerning the end times to the church and to the world.” Richardson then claimed that he and his wife were in a meeting when the speaker shared “a prophetic word” and called them out by name and “spoke things to us that no man could know ... he said that the Lord was gonna bring me into a season of divine revelation, which I knew intuitively was tied into this word about understanding the end times” (“Who Is Joel Richardson, Beck’s End Time Prophet,” Feb. 17, 2011, Mediamatters.org).

This is gross heresy. Instead of renouncing the female prophetess and the public soothsaying, Richardson embraces it and uses it to authenticate his ministry.

Friends, we would urge you in the most forceful way to be careful about what you read. God’s people should be studious, but you must know who an author is and what he believes and what his biases might be. God’s Word warns us to stay away from men that are unsound. “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them” (Ro. 16:17).

In the age of the Internet, it is a simple matter to find some basic information about an author. To fail to do this is very dangerous. The previous information about Richardson was obtained in a very short time.

Knowing these things about Richardson, I would never read him for personal profit. The reason that I have made the effort to read some of his works is to critique them biblically and to sound a warning to those who have been confused by his teaching.

And if you are not a serious Bible student with a good Bible education and a serious grasp of Bible doctrine; if you are “unskiful in the word of righteousness” and do not have your “senses exercised to discern both good and evil” (Hebrews 5:12-14); then you aren’t prepared to browse the Internet and use the books in a typical Christian bookstore safely. If you are the “babe” described in Hebrews 5, you can easily be “tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness” (Ephesians 4:14).

The Internet is a two-edged sword. On one side it has made it possible for sound Bible teaching to be disseminated to an extent previously unprecedented, but on the other side it has made it possible for heretics to disseminate their teachings to anyone with a laptop or tablet or smart phone.

To be able to use Christian writings effectively and safely, you must first become skillful in God’s Word and adept in spiritual and doctrinal discernment.

I would also warn that when it is difficult to find information about a speaker or author, such as his testimony of salvation, church affiliation, and doctrinal beliefs, that should be a loud warning in itself. This is the case with Joel Richardson. His web site gives no information along this line. We are told that he “travels globally teaching on the gospel,” but we are not told what gospel. Compare 2 Corinthians 11:1-4. Why doesn’t he have the gospel on his web site? Why doesn’t he tell us what church he attends and what he believes? Before I will allow a man to speak to me on Bible prophecy, I must know these things.

True Bible believers know that they are pilgrims in a dark world and that they have an enemy who wants to deceive them, and they walk in great caution. “The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going” (Proverbs 14:15).

An almost endless number of things could be said on this issue, because Bible prophecy itself is a very large matter and Richardson has said and written many things. We have no intention of writing a comprehensive refutation of all of his teaching, but following are some fundamental reasons why we reject his position and why we warn God’s people to stay away from it:

1. The Muslim Antichrist position feeds on ignorance.

Even Joel Richardson, its chief proponent, says,

“I find myself presented with the interesting challenge of introducing much of the readership to more than one subject that most people are largely uninformed of. Certainly most people have some vague ideas about what the Bible says about the “last-days” – the difficult times that will encompass the earth, the plagues, the ecological disasters, the eventual return of Jesus. But even many Christians – those who read the Bible regularly – are not exactly sure what they believe about many of the specifics of the last-days. And if it can be said that ignorance of biblical eschatology is common, then consider how many people – particularly in the West – have any knowledge at all about what Islam teaches about the Last-days” (Will Islam Be Our Future?, chapter one).

Richardson is absolutely correct about the widespread ignorance. While he would not say that he is misusing this ignorance in order to promote false doctrine, that is exactly what we believe he is doing, whether wittingly or unwittingly.

It is the pastors of Bible-believing churches who are guilty in this matter, because they are the ones who have not properly educated the people. Even children in Sunday School should have a basic understanding of what the Bible says about the future. And God’s people should be educated about Islam because it is a major influence in the world today.

For such education, we suggest the following resources from www.wayoflife.org:

Understanding Bible Prophecy (an Advanced Bible Studies Series course)

The Future According to the Bible (a thorough study of Bible prophecy)

The Bible and Islam (available in print or as a free eBook)

2. The Muslim Antichrist position leans heavily on a study of current history and Muslim prophecy, instead of being developed directly from a right interpretation of the Bible prophecies themselves.

Joel Richardson says, “This book is first and foremost a study of Islamic eschatology” (Will Islam Be Our Future?, chapter one).

This is a major problem. Islamic eschatology is a hodgepodge of doctrine. Islamic has no one authoritative, clear doctrine of eschatology. There is a general belief in the coming of a Mahdi (God-guided one), but beyond that there are great differences in eschatology among the major branches of Islam.

In chapter four of Will Islam Be Our Future?, Richard lists the following 21 Islamic teachings about the Mahdi:

- The Mahdi is Islam’s primary messiah figure.

- He will be a descendant of Muhammad and will bear Muhammad’s name (Muhammad bin Abdullah).

- He will be a very devout Muslim.

- He will be an unparalleled spiritual, political and military world leader.

- He will emerge after a period of great turmoil and suffering upon the earth.

- He will establish justice and righteousness throughout the world and eradicate tyranny and oppression.

- He will be the Caliph and Imam (vice-regent and leader) of Muslims worldwide.

- He will lead a world revolution and establish a new world order.

- He will lead military action against all those who oppose him.

- He will invade many countries.

- He will make a seven year peace treaty with a Jew of priestly lineage.

- He will conquer Israel for Islam and lead the “faithful Muslims” in a final slaughter/battle against Jews.

- He will establish the new Islamic world headquarters from Jerusalem.

- He will rule for seven years (possibly as much as eight or nine).

- He will cause Islam to be the only religion practiced on the earth.

- He will appear riding a white horse (possibly symbolic).

- He will discover some previously undiscovered biblical manuscripts that he will use to argue with the Jews and cause some Jews to convert to Islam.

- He will also re-discover the Ark of the Covenant from the Sea of Galilee, which he will bring to Jerusalem.

- He will have supernatural power from Allah over the wind and the rain and crops.

- He will possess and distribute enormous amounts of wealth.

- He will be loved by all the people of the earth.

This list appears to be a clear, authoritative Islamic doctrine of the end times, but it is a myth. There is no consensus within Islam about most of these points. And the original language upon which these points are established is often vague in the extreme.

In reality, there is very little that can be presented as a solid, established Islamic doctrine of eschatology.

While it might be interesting to study Islamic beliefs about the end times, to use such a hodgepodge to interpret Scripture in any way whatsoever is wrongheaded in the extreme.

Richardson says, “So in conclusion, we see that several of the most unique and distinguishing aspects of the biblical Antichrist’s person, mission and actions are matched to quite an amazing degree by the descriptions of the Mahdi as found in the Islamic traditions. And now, even further, we see that Muslim scholars actually apply Bible verses about the Antichrist to their awaited savior, the Mahdi. This must be seen as quite ironic, if not entirely prophetic” (Will Islam Be Our Future?, chapter five).

We could not disagree with this statement more fervently. The fact that some Muslims are looking for a “Mahdi” and the fact that some are even applying the Bible’s teaching about the Antichrist to the Mahdi amount to nothing of substance. It is most certainly not “prophetic.”

3. The prophecies in Daniel are clear on the fact that the Antichrist will arise from the ancient Roman Empire, and the efforts to interpret these prophecies in a manner different from traditional dispensationalism have been entirely unsuccessful.

First, the chronology of the image in Daniel 2 points to the Roman Empire. The four kingdoms of Daniel 2 follow one another chronologically. The image is one, and each subsequent aspect connects with the previous one. We are specifically told the identity of the first three kingdoms (Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece), and they followed one another chronologically. The reasonable conclusion is that the fourth kingdom is the Roman Empire, since it conquered Greece.

Gold Head: Babylonian Empire (626 BC - 539 BC)

Silver Chest/Arms: Medo-Persian Empire (539 BC - 330 BC)

Bronze Belly and Thighs: Grecian Empire (330 BC - 63 BC)

Iron Legs: Roman Empire (conquered Greece in 63 BC)

The earliest Muslim empires were founded in the eighth and ninth centuries AD, a millennium after the fall of the Grecian kingdoms to Rome. As for the Ottoman Empire, it was founded by Osman I in the early 1300s AD, nearly 1,400 years after Grecian kingdoms fell.

It is important to understand that Daniel 2 pertains to Gentile kingdoms that had direct dealings with the nation Israel. Babylon conquered Israel and destroyed the first temple. Persia returned Israel to the land and allowed the building of the second temple. The Greeks persecuted Israel (e.g., Antiochus Epiphanes). Rome ruled Israel and destroyed the second temple. Some of the Muslim empires, including the Ottoman, ruled “Palestine” and had dealings with the Jewish people, but Israel as a nation in the land had ceased to exist before Islam arose.

Second, the Antichrist is depicted as rising out of a revived Roman Empire in Daniel 7:19-20. The fourth beast corresponds to the fourth kingdom of Daniel 2, and the Antichrist will arise after the 10 kings of an end-time Roman Empire. The 10 horns of Daniel 7 correspond to the 10 toes of Daniel 2, signifying 10 kings or rulers in the end times.

Third, in the prophecy of the 70 Weeks, Daniel identifies the Antichrist as the prince of the people that “shall destroy the city and the sanctuary” (Da. 9:26). This “people” was the Romans, who in AD 70 destroyed Jerusalem and the Jewish temple under the leadership of Titus, who soon became the Roman emperor. This key prophecy tells us that the Antichrist will arise from Europe and the old Roman Empire and not from a Muslim kingdom. Though the Muslims captured Jerusalem in 637 from the Byzantines, they never destroyed a Jewish temple. It had ceased to exist more than 550 years earlier.

The Roman Empire fits the prophecy of Daniel perfectly. It is the kingdom that conquered Greece, was divided into two major portions (the two legs of Daniel 2), and it is the kingdom that continues until the time of the Antichrist. It has continued in the Holy Roman Empire and in modern Europe.

Joel Richardson, in Mideast Beast, gives the following reasons for rejecting Rome as the fourth kingdom of Daniel’s prophecies:

Richardson says the Roman Empire did not conquer all portions of the land holdings of the previous empires (Babylon, Persia, Greece). “Although the Roman Empire did conquer portions of the land holdings of the other empires, it clearly did not conquer all of them, not even a majority of them” (Richardson, p. 59).

Answer: This is a non-issue. The Bible doesn’t say the fourth empire would conquer every part of the territory of the former empires, only that it would conquer and replace those empires, which it did. In fact, the Roman Empire occupied much of the territory occupied by Babylon, Greece, and Medo-Persia, plus far more territory toward the west than they ever occupied.

Richardson claims that the Roman Empire was not a crushing empire as described in Daniel 2:40; 7:7, 23. He says, “Rather than being a crushing force, the Roman Empire was often a positive influence to its conquered peoples. ... The Islamic Caliphat absolutely crushed all of the Babylonian, MedoPersian, and Greek Empires” (Richardson, Mideast Beast, pp. 60, 76).

Answer: This depiction of Rome is skewed. Rome was somewhat benevolent to people who submitted to her, but she was incredibly brutal toward those who resisted. Consider Rome’s treatment of Israel during the first and second Roman-Jewish wars. Rome’s cities and towns were ruined. Her temple was destroyed. Her religion was outlawed. Millions of Jews were killed and sold into slavery. Her wealth was robbed and used to build the Coliseum in Rome. Her capital city was razed and an idolatrous Roman city built over its ruins. The very name of her capital city was changed to the name of a Roman emperor, and the name of her country was changed to Palestina Syria. Rome did this type of thing to many people, including the Greeks and the Brits and various German tribes. To say that Rome wasn’t “a crushing force” is nonsense.

Richardson says that the Roman Empire does not fit the two divisions signified by the legs. He writes, “There was the Eastern Empire with its capital in Constantinople and the Western Empire with its capital in Rome. Two legs you see. All right. But wait a minute! To begin with, the division occurs before you get to the iron! The two legs begin under the copper, unless this image was a freak. ... So you see, you cannot do anything with these two legs” (Geoffrey King, cited by Richardson, Mideast Beast, p. 71).

Answer: This error is caused by trying to press every detail of the statue. It is the same error that is made by those who try to press all details of parables. These things are given to emphasize one particular point. The significance of the two legs is simply that the fourth empire would have two major divisions, and that was certainly true of the Roman Empire.

Richardson says the Roman legions that destroyed Jerusalem were composed of a mixed multitude, including many men from the Middle East.

Answer: While this is true, it is meaningless, since the legions were Roman legions, led by Romans and controlled by Rome. The head of the legions, Titus, became an emperor soon thereafter and the artifacts taken from the temple, together with Jewish captives, were paraded through the streets of Rome in the Triumph of Vespasian and Titus as a sign of Rome’s power. The Arch of Titus was built in Rome to commemorate Rome’s destruction of Jerusalem. It was Rome that minted the coins celebrating the defeat of Israel. The words Ivdaea Capta (“Judea has been conquered”) or Ivdaea Devicta (“Judea has been defeated”) were engraved around the rim. Israel was usually depicted as a weeping woman sitting by a palm tree with her hands tied. On some coins she is guarded by the Roman emperor clothed in his military gear and striking a victory pose. The coins continued to be issued by two other emperors (Vespasian’s sons) until AD 96. Another Roman coin depicted the execution of the Jewish revolt leader, Simon son of Giora, who was taken to Rome, publicly displayed, then executed. The coin features the Roman emperor Vespasian’s head on one side and a triumphal Roman procession on the other, with Vespasian standing in a four-horse chariot and Simon being led to his death. It was Rome that gave Roman names to Jerusalem and Judea.

It was the Roman Empire headquartered in Europe that destroyed Israel in fulfillment of Daniel’s prophecy, not the Ottoman Empire or any other Islamic kingdom.

4. The Muslim Antichrist position is frequently based on the more obscure prophecies.

A proper interpretation of the Bible uses the clearest passages of Scripture to interpret the less clear, but false teachers typically reverse this methodology. They use the more obscure to “explain” the clear.

This is what Richardson does. He will use prophecies such as Revelation 17:10, which is difficult to interpret by any “scheme” and possibly will not be perfectly clear until its fulfillment (as is the case with many prophecies), to build his doctrine of the Ottoman Empire as Daniel’s fourth kingdom.

One preacher wrote to me as follow:

“I have one question, which is how would Revelation 17:10-11 be interpreted? ‘And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.’ One of the things I gleaned from your book was about the Anti-christ being called ‘The Assyrian’ and Assyria was also a world empire based in Turkey, north of Israel. For myself, I understand the five are fallen world kingdoms as: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome (the world kingdom that is, at the time of John). Then Richardson proposes that the other that is not yet come is the Ottoman Empire. So the beast that is the eighth, he is of the seventh (Ottoman).”

I replied,

“As for Revelation 17:10-11, that is somewhat obscure and not clear cut, in my estimation. There are lots of different views. Some things in prophecy cannot be interpreted with exactness until the time of the fulfillment. That particular one will be clear in the Tribulation. A very important principle of interpretation is that you base doctrine on the clear teaching of Scripture, not on the less clear. There are things ‘hard to be understood,’ Peter said (2 Pe. 3:16), and though we seek to understand everything in Scripture, we don’t use the ‘hard to be understood’ to overthrow the clearer, more easy to be understood Scriptures. A false teacher will always turn this principle on its head. I think that is exactly what Richardson has done with his Muslim empire thing.”

5. The Antichrist will find a solution to the age-old animosity between Israel and the Muslims, but the Bible does not say where the Muslims might fit into these things.

The Bible doesn’t tell us exactly where the Muslims might fit into the end times, and it is dangerous to try to fill in the Bible’s silence with human speculation. “The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law” (Deuteronomy 29:29).

We do know that the Antichrist will operate in the wisdom and power of the devil (Revelation 13:2, 4), and since the world’s false religions are creations of the devil and since he operates in “the children of disobedience” (Ephesians 2:2), he will have no problem manipulating the religions and their adherents as he pleases when God gives him permission to do so.

We know that at the beginning of his reign, the Antichrist will be acclaimed as a great problem solver and a man who will bring peace to earth. We know that the Antichrist will make a seven-year peace covenant “with many” in Israel at the beginning of his reign (Daniel 9:27). He is depicted as coming on the scene on a white horse and an empty bow (Revelation 6). This signifies that the Antichrist will have the capability to make war but initially he will come as a man of peace. Five times in Daniel the Antichrist is called a liar and a flatterer (Da. 11:21, 23, 27, 32, 34). Daniel says by peace he will destroy many (Da. 8:25).

We know that the Antichrist will make it possible for the third Jewish temple to be built. We see the temple being measured in Revelation 11 at the beginning of the ministry of the two prophets who will preach in Jerusalem for three and a half years (Revelation 11:7). This is the first half of the Antichrist’s seven-year peace covenant. Daniel 9:27 says he will break the covenant at the mid-point of the seven years, and set up the abomination of desolation. Other prophecies fill in the details of this event. Christ taught that this marks the Antichrist’s desecration of the temple (Matthew 24:15). Paul taught that this is when the Antichrist will set himself up as God (2 Thessalonians 2:4). At this point, the Antichrist will require that all people worship him on pain of death and will take control of the world economy toward that end (Revelation 13:15-17).

Though it is not possible that the Jews would accept a Muslim antichrist or a Muslim prophet, there could be a Muslim messiah of some sort who will be associated with the Antichrist in some way. Again, the Bible simply does not speak to this issue.

Who knows, Islam might effectively be destroyed before then or at that time. There could be a nuclear bombing of Mecca and Medina and an effectual beheading of the religion. I’m not saying that will happen. I’m saying that the Bible is silent on the matter of Islam and the end times.

The bottom line is that there are many details of end-time events that are not spelled out in Bible prophecy, and the wise will be content with the light that we have and not speculate beyond this, and they will not allow anyone’s extra-biblical speculation to become an authority in their lives.

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