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Target Syria NWO's next acquisition The Middle East- WW III - Muslim Civil War

March 27, 2024, 12:55:24 pm Mark says: Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked  When Hamas spokesman Abu Ubaida began a speech marking the 100th day of the war in Gaza, one confounding yet eye-opening proclamation escaped the headlines. Listing the motives for the Palestinian militant group's Oct. 7 massacre in Israel, he accused Jews of "bringing red cows" to the Holy Land.
December 31, 2022, 10:08:58 am NilsFor1611 says: blessings
August 08, 2018, 02:38:10 am suzytr says: Hello, any good churches in the Sacto, CA area, also looking in Reno NV, thanks in advance and God Bless you Smiley
January 29, 2018, 01:21:57 am Christian40 says: It will be interesting to see what happens this year Israel being 70 years as a modern nation may 14 2018
October 17, 2017, 01:25:20 am Christian40 says: It is good to type Mark is here again!  Smiley
October 16, 2017, 03:28:18 am Christian40 says: anyone else thinking that time is accelerating now? it seems im doing days in shorter time now is time being affected in some way?
September 24, 2017, 10:45:16 pm Psalm 51:17 says: The specific rule pertaining to the national anthem is found on pages A62-63 of the league rulebook. It states: “The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem. “During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.”
September 20, 2017, 04:32:32 am Christian40 says: "The most popular Hepatitis B vaccine is nothing short of a witch’s brew including aluminum, formaldehyde, yeast, amino acids, and soy. Aluminum is a known neurotoxin that destroys cellular metabolism and function. Hundreds of studies link to the ravaging effects of aluminum. The other proteins and formaldehyde serve to activate the immune system and open up the blood-brain barrier. This is NOT a good thing."
September 19, 2017, 03:59:21 am Christian40 says: bbc international did a video about there street preaching they are good witnesses
September 14, 2017, 08:06:04 am Psalm 51:17 says: bro Mark Hunter on YT has some good, edifying stuff too.
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« Reply #30 on: November 23, 2011, 08:15:36 pm »



Syrian activists say 2-day death toll is 34

BEIRUT (AP) — Syrian security carried out raids in rebellious areas in the center and the south of the country Wednesday, and at least six people died, raising the death toll in the past two days to 34, activists said, as the U.S. and Turkey took unusual steps to protect their citizens.

Syrian President Bashar Assad was under increasing international pressure to stop the brutal crackdown, but no effects were apparent on the ground.

The U.S. Embassy in Damascus urged its citizens in Syria to depart "immediately," and Turkey's foreign ministry urged Turkish pilgrims to opt for flights to return home from Saudi Arabia to avoid traveling through Syria.

"The U.S. Embassy continues to urge U.S. citizens in Syria to depart immediately while commercial transportation is available," said a statement issued to the American community in Syria Wednesday. It was posted on the embassy's website.

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« Reply #31 on: November 24, 2011, 06:53:55 am »

November 23, 2011 12:33 PM
U.S. urges Americans to leave Syria "immediately"(CBS/AP)

BEIRUT - The U.S. Embassy in Damascus urged its citizens in Syria to depart "immediately," and Turkey's foreign ministry urged Turkish pilgrims to opt for flights to return home from Saudi Arabia to avoid traveling through Syria.

"The U.S. Embassy continues to urge U.S. citizens in Syria to depart immediately while commercial transportation is available," said a statement issued to the American community in Syria Wednesday and posted on the Embassy's website. "The number of airlines serving Syria has decreased significantly since the summer, while many of those airlines remaining have reduced their number of flights."

The warning followed an announcement in Washington this week that Ambassador Robert Ford would not return to Syria this month as planned, indicating concerns over his safety.

The Obama administration quietly pulled Ford out of Syria last month, citing credible personal threats against him.

More: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-201_162-57330452/u.s-urges-americans-to-leave-syria-immediately/
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The Man from George Street
« Reply #32 on: November 24, 2011, 10:16:57 pm »

The “Free Syria Army”: Placard-Waving Protesters are actually Machine Gun-Wielding Terrorists

November 24, 2011

November 15, 2011 – The “Free Syria Army” is literally an army of militant extremists, many drawn not from Syria’s military ranks, but from the Muslim Brotherhood, carrying heavy weapons back and forth over the Turkish and Lebanese borders, funded, supported, and armed by the United States, Israel, and Turkey.

The latest evidence confirming this comes in the form of a report out of the International Institute for Strategic Studies where Senior Fellow for Regional Security at IISS-Middle East Emile Hokayem openly admits Syria’s opposition is armed and prepared to drag Syria’s violence into even bloodier depths.

This report comes in sharp contrast to the propaganda fed via the corporate-media and the West’s foreign ministers on a daily basis, where the violence is portrayed as one-sided, with Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad “gunning down” throngs of peaceful, placard waving protesters.

Just as in Libya where these so-called “peaceful protesters” turned out to be hordes of genocidal racist Al Qaeda mercenaries, led by big-oil representatives, fighting their cause upon a verified pack of lies, so too is Syria’s “pro-democracy” movement which is slowly being revealed as yet another militant brand of extremists long cultivated by Anglo-American intelligence agencies, whose leadership is harbored in London and Washington and their foot soldiers supplied a steady stream of covert military support and overt rhetorical support throughout the compromised corporate media.

The unrest in Syria from the beginning was entirely backed by Western corporate-financier interests and part of a long-planned agenda for region-wide regime change. Syria has been slated for regime change since as early as 1991. In 2002, then US Under Secretary of State John Bolton added Syria to the growing “Axis of Evil.”

It would be later revealed that Bolton’s threats against Syria manifested themselves as covert funding and support for opposition groups inside of Syria spanning both the Bush and Obama administrations.

In an April 2011 CNN article, acting State Department spokesman Mark Toner stated, “We’re not working to undermine that [Syrian] government.

What we are trying to do in Syria, through our civil society support, is to build the kind of democratic institutions, frankly, that we’re trying to do in countries around the globe. What’s different, I think, in this situation is that the Syrian government perceives this kind of assistance as a threat to its control over the Syrian people.”

Toner’s remarks came after the Washington Post released cables indicating the US has been funding Syrian opposition groups since at least 2005 and continued until today.

In an April AFP report, Michael Posner, the assistant US Secretary of State for Human Rights and Labor, stated that the “US government has budgeted $50 million in the last two years to develop new technologies to help activists protect themselves from arrest and prosecution by authoritarian governments.”

The report went on to explain that the US “organized training sessions for 5,000 activists in different parts of the world. A session held in the Middle East about six weeks ago gathered activists from Tunisia, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon who returned to their countries with the aim of training their colleagues there.”

Posner would add, “They went back and there’s a ripple effect.” That ripple effect of course is the “Arab Spring,” and in Syria’s case, the impetus for the current unrest threatening to unhinge the nation and invite in foreign intervention.

With planted “speculation” running through the corporate media that a recent explosion, amongst several other “incidents” in Iran, were the work of Western covert operations, and the Jerusalem Post all but admitting the entire Western-backed destabilization in Syria aims not at ushering in “democracy” or upholding “human rights,” but to weaken Iran by proxy, it is clear that everything within Wall Street and London’s power is being done to provoke Iran. Iran has downplayed the recent explosion at their military base as an accident and has thus far maintained a persistent patience in the face of criminal provocations and overt acts of war by an alarmingly and increasingly depraved West.

It is quite clear that the stratagems spelled out in the corporate-funded Brookings Institute report “Which Path to Persia?” have been read and understood by both sides and that Iran realizes that any act of retaliation not expertly played, only gives the West what it has stated it wants – an excuse to go to war with the Islamic Republic.

Should the public in Syria, Iran, and throughout the West also read “Which Path to Persia?” and realize that the only threat Iran and its allies pose to the West is toward the extraterritorial ambitions of Wall Street and London, perhaps a bloody, entirely unnecessary war can be avoided, and the first steps taken toward dismantling the parasitic corporate-financier oligarchy that has misled the world for the past several decades.

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« Reply #33 on: November 24, 2011, 10:19:09 pm »

Public Relations Campaign for Military Intervention in Syria Begins

November 24, 2011

France’s foreign minister, Alain Juppé, has raised the prospect of Syrian intervention.

After a meeting in Paris with Burhan Ghalioun of the Syrian national council, Juppé said “humanitarian corridors or humanitarian zones” should be established to protect civilians from the alleged abuses of the al-Assad regime.

The effort mirrors an earlier one in Libya. In February, the Libyan League, the National Endowment for Democracy (established to do the dirty work of the CIA abroad) and various NGOs petitioned the United Nations to suspend Libya from the UN Human Rights Council.

The effort was based on unsubstantiated reports of human rights abuses made by Soliman Bouchuiguir, director of the Swiss-based Libyan League for Human Rights.

“Bouchuiguir provided the UN with lurid tales of Gaddafi’s ‘scorched earth policy’ and his militia’s ‘massive attacks against civilians.’

These acts are ‘crimes against humanity,’ he testified to the UN.

On May 31, Bouchuiguir’s NGO reported a staggering 18,000 murdered, 46,000 wounded, 28,000 missing, 1,600 rapes, and 150,000 refugees at the hands of the Gaddafi regime, writes Daniel McAdams.

McAdams notes that Bouchuiguir got his figures from the National Transitional Council, in other words the NATO contrived rebels that included al-Qaeda.

“It was this petition and Bouchuiguir’s claims that were the basis for everything that was to come, culminating in the NATO destruction of Libya and today’s bloody murder of Gaddafi and his entourage,” writes McAdams.

“The United Nations did not investigate Bouchuiguir’s claims before they were used by the UN Security Council to bolster their efforts to pass UN Security Council Resolution 1973, opening the door to NATO bombs!”

In French filmmaker Julien Teil’s documentary “The Humanitarian War in Libya: There is no Evidence,” Bouchuiguir is asked repeatedly for evidence of humanitarian crimes perpetuated by Gaddafi in Libya.

He eventually admits “there is no evidence.”

The fingerprints of the CIA and western intelligence were all over the move to oust Gaddafi.

In March, CIA collaborator Khalifa Haftar was appointed chief commander of the al-Qaeda rebels.

Prior to this, Haftar was a member of the CIA sponsored National Salvation Front, the principle anti-Gaddafi operating in Libya in the late 1980s.

Similar events are now unfolding in Syria. Journalist and historian Webster Tarpley reported from Damascus this week and said that the CIA, Mossad and MI6 are orchestrating much of the violence in Syria (see Tarpley’s interview with Alex Jones below).

“What average Syrians of all ethnic groups say about this is that they are being shot at by snipers.

People complained that there are terrorist snipers who are shooting at civilians, blind terrorism simply for the purpose of destabilizing the country.

I would not call this civil war – it is a very misleading term.

What you are dealing with here are death squads, you are dealing with terror commandos; this is a typical CIA method.

In this case it’s a joint production of CIA, MI6, Mossad, it’s got money coming from Saudi Arabia, The United Arab Emirates and Qatar,” Tarpley told RT.

Alain Juppé’s comment will now be amplified by the establishment media and there will be a call for “international action,” in short a repeat of the process that undermined Gaddafi in Libya.

Juppé said the Syrian national council has become “the legitimate interlocutor with whom we will continue to work.”

The Syrian national council is supported by the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization infiltrated by British intelligence and used to counter Arab nationalism.

The Muslim Brotherhood supported the al-Qaeda rebels in Libya and is now working with the NATO installed government to turn the country into another impoverished Arab vassal state indebted to the IMF and the bankers.

The process will be repeated in Syria.

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« Reply #34 on: November 26, 2011, 08:13:44 am »

Arab League prepares for Syria sanctions

Arab officials will prepare plans for sanctions against Syria on Saturday over its failure to let Arab League monitors oversee an initiative aimed at ending a violent crackdown on protesters seeking an end to President Bashar al-Assad's rule.

Damascus missed a Friday deadline to sign an agreement under which the Arab League planned to send observers to Syria, where the United Nations says 3,500 people have been killed since the start of the uprising in March.

Despite Syria's pledge this month to withdraw its army from urban areas and let in the monitors, the violence has continued, prompting reprisals from the Arab League, stinging rebukes from Turkey and French proposals for humanitarian intervention.

Damascus, where the Assad family has ruled for 41 years, says regional powers helped incite the violence, which it blames on armed groups targeting civilians and its security forces.

The opposition Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Saturday at least 30 people were killed the day before including 13 members of Assad's security forces, most of them killed in a clash with army deserters in the eastern Deir al-Zor province.

Activists said government forces shot dead at least four demonstrators in Damascus on Friday who were appealing for foreign intervention to stop the crackdown. Two other civilians were killed in raids on their homes, they said.

Arab ministers had warned that unless Syria agreed to let monitors in, they could consider imposing sanctions including suspending flights to Syria, stopping dealings with the central bank, freezing Syrian government bank accounts and halting financial dealings.

They could also decide to stop commercial trade with the Syrian government "with the exception of strategic commodities so as not to impact the Syrian people," the ministers said.

The League's economic and social council, which can comprise officials or ministers, will meet on Saturday to prepare recommendations for a meeting of foreign ministers the next day.

Syria's economy is already reeling from months of unrest, aggravated by U.S. and European sanctions on oil exports and several state businesses.


rest: http://news.yahoo.com/arab-league-prepares-syria-sanctions-123557850.html
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« Reply #35 on: November 26, 2011, 02:13:02 pm »

Syria buries security forces as sanctions loom

Syria buried 22 members of the armed forces Saturday, including six elite pilots, as the government reinforced its message that the 8-month-old revolt against President Bashar Assad is the work of terrorists and foreign agents, not patriotic Syrians seeking reform.

rest: http://www.ajc.com/news/nation-world/syria-buries-security-forces-1241351.html
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« Reply #36 on: November 26, 2011, 03:31:26 pm »

Arab League draws up sanctions on Syria, as fresh violence kills scores

Arab finance ministers gathered in Cairo on Saturday drew up a list of sanctions against Syria that they will present to foreign ministers for adoption as fresh violence killed 24 civilians and members of the security forces.

The recommendation of the Arab economic and social council - which includes a ban on Syrian officials visiting any Arab country and the freezing of government assets - comes after President Bashar al-Assad’s regime defied an ultimatum to allow in observers amid a lethal crackdown on protest.

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem earlier accused the Arab League on Saturday of “internationalizing” the deadly crisis hitting the country since pro-democracy protests began more than eight months ago.

The list of punitive measures also included the suspension of flights and a halt to any transactions with the Syrian government and its central bank.

Arab states are also called to freeze any investments for projects in Syria.

The Arab League had set a Friday deadline for Damascus to agree to the details of the observers’ mission, part of a reform deal Syria had previously said it accepted.

If adopted, the sanctions are likely to have a crippling effect on Syria which relies on its Arab neighbors for half of its exports and a quarter of its imports.

On the ground, at least 24 civilians and members of the security forces were killed in attacks in Syria on Saturday.

Deserters killed eight soldiers and members of the security forces and wounded 40 more in an attack in Idlib in northwest Syria, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

“A group of deserters attacked a squad of soldiers and security agents in a convoy of seven vehicles, including three all-terrain vehicles, on the road from Ghadka to Maaret Numan,” the Britain-based watchdog said.

“Eight were killed and at least 40 more were wounded. The deserters were able to withdraw without suffering any casualties,” it added.

The rebel Free Syrian Army said in a statement it was behind the attack.

Elsewhere, 16 civilians, including two children aged nine and 10, were shot dead by security forces - 15 in Homs and Qussayr in central Syria and another in Deir Ezzor in the east, the Observatory said.

It added that the bodies of three men arrested several days ago in Homs and Idlib were returned to their families.


BREAKING: Also Arab League votes to ban funding any projects in #Syria

Reuters: Arab League plans to freeze assets of Syrian government, dealings with Syrian Central Bank - draft document
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« Reply #37 on: November 27, 2011, 06:23:27 pm »

Arab League Approves Sanctions Against Syria

Arab League foreign ministers, meeting in Cairo, agreed Sunday to impose a series of biting economic sanctions on Syria, after Damascus failed to accept an Arab plan to send monitors in response to its deadly crackdown on an opposition uprising. The ministers will meet again next Saturday to review the effects of their action.

Nineteen of 22 Arab League foreign ministers voted to impose the sanctions on Syria. It was an extraordinary action against a member state.

The sanctions include a freeze on the assets of Syrian leaders in Arab states, an end to Arab investment and trade with Syria, a halt to dealings with Syria's central bank, and a ban on travel by Syrian officials to Arab states.

The Arab League's point-man for Syria, Qatari Foreign Minister Hamad bin Jassem bin Jaber al Thani, said the vote to impose sanctions will have its desired effect, even if the sanctions are never applied, so long as Syria ultimately agrees to stop targeting civilians:

Arab foreign ministers will hold a follow-up meeting in one week to re-evaluate the effects of the sanctions and whether they need to be prolonged.

Observers say that Syria could still decide to agree to the Arab League plan within the coming week to have sanctions lifted.

Sheikh Hamad expressed frustration over the long political discussions, stressing that the Arab League could “keep discussing the matter for another year, and issuing new decrees,” but that “the Syrian people would continue to die.”

Arab League head Nabil al Arabi told journalists that extra care would be taken to see that the new economic sanctions would not hurt the Syrian people or neighboring states:

The Syrian economy is already reeling from the convulsions of the eight-month old popular uprising, along with economic sanctions imposed by the European Union and the United States.

Al Arabiya TV reported that the league's decision to freeze the assets of Syrian officials in the Gulf states is the sanction mostly likely to pressure Damascus. Syrian leaders reportedly have few assets in either Europe or the U.S., but large sums invested in the Gulf.

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« Reply #38 on: November 28, 2011, 06:40:36 am »

Syrian Economy Minister Blasts Arab League Sanctions

Syria's economy minister says economic sanctions approved by the Arab League against Syria are "a dangerous precedent" that will harm the Syrian people.

Mohammed Nidal al-Shaar added in remarks published Monday in the Syrian pro-government daily Al-Watan that once the sanctions are put in force Damascus' "sources of foreign currency would be affected.

The Arab League overwhelmingly approved sanctions Sunday against Syria to pressure Damascus to end its deadly eight-month crackdown on dissent, an unprecedented move by the League against an Arab state.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2011/11/27/arab-league-set-to-vote-on-sweeping-sanctions-against-syria/#ixzz1f0GJzRZ5
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The Man from George Street
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« Reply #39 on: November 28, 2011, 04:08:05 pm »



Syrian FM calls Arab sanctions 'economic war'
BEIRUT (AP) — The Arab League's newly approved sanctions against Damascus amount to "a declaration of economic war," Syria's foreign minister said Monday, betraying deep concern about the effects of the measures on the embattled regime.

But in a clear sign of defiance, Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem insisted that the Syrian people will be the ones to suffer — and the regime will survive.

"Let them study the history of Syria very well," al-Moallem told reporters at a televised news conference. "Neither warnings nor sanctions will work with us."

In an unprecedented move against a fellow Arab state, the 22-member Arab League approved sanctions Sunday to pressure the regime to end its suppression of an 8-month-old revolt. The crackdown has killed more than 3,500 people and deepened Syria's international isolation.

The sanctions by Syria's Arab neighbors include cutting off transactions with the Syria's central bank, and are expected to squeeze an ailing economy that already is under sanction by the U.S. and the European Union.

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« Reply #40 on: November 29, 2011, 05:18:09 am »

NATO-Gulf military officers in Turkey prepare for intervention in Syria

A group of military officers from NATO and Persian Gulf nations have quietly established a mixed operational command at Iskenderun in the Turkish Hatay province on the border of North Syria, debkafile's military sources report. Hailing from the United States, France, Canada, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, with Turkish officers providing liaison, they do not represent NATO but are self-designated "monitors." Their mission is to set up "humanitarian corridors" inside Syria to serve the victims of Bashar Assad's crackdown. Commanded by ground, naval, air force and engineering officers, the task force aims to move into most of northern Syria.

Laying the groundwork for the legitimacy of the combined NATO-Arab intervention in Syria, the UN Independent International Commission set up to assess the situation in Syria published a horrendous report Monday, Nov. 28 on the Assad regime's brutalities. It documented "gross violations of human rights" and "patterns of summary execution, arbitrary arrest, enforced disappearance, torture including sexual violence, as well as violations of children's rights."

Syrian foreign minister Walid al-Moallem fought back by showing a press conference Monday photos of dismembered bodies of Syrian soldiers as proof of the atrocities he claimed were perpetrated by the anti-Assad opposition. He also complained that "the Arab League and others refuse to believe that there is a foreign conspiracy targeting Syria."

debkafile military sources report exclusively that the Western-Arab intervention in the Syrian crisis is in an advanced state of operational planning. It entails a buffer zone in northern Syria encompassing beleaguered towns, primarily Idlib, Rastan and Homs - but also Aleppo, Syria's largest city (2.5 million mostly Sunni and Kurdish inhabitants).

The protest movement never caught on in Aleppo, home to the moneyed classes who run the country's financial and trading sectors, and it was confined to the highway network feeding the city. Therefore, for the Assad regime, bringing Aleppo into the "humanitarian corridor" system under foreign military control will round of the damage caused by the economic sanctions approved this week by the Arab League. Losing Aleppo will fatally hammer the economy into the ground and rob the Syrian ruler of funding for sustaining his military crackdown to wipe out the unrest in the areas remaining under his control.

Aware of this threat, Foreign Minister al-Moallem accused the Arab League of declaring economic war on Syria.

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« Reply #41 on: November 30, 2011, 10:21:52 pm »



EU to blacklist Syrian oil firm: diplomatic sources

LONDON/BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union plans to add Syria's General Petroleum Corporation (GPC) to its list of sanctioned companies, diplomatic sources told Reuters on Wednesday, in a move designed to starve the government of President Bashar al-Assad of vital oil revenues.

World powers are imposing tough economic sanctions on the Syrian government over a violent crackdown on anti-government protests.

The diplomatic sources said Germany had reached a preliminary agreement with other EU powers to add state-owned GPC, along with several other Syrian firms, to its blacklist, ahead of a formal decision expected on Thursday.

GPC - already blacklisted by the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control - is responsible for supervising joint venture companies in Syria, according to its website.

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« Reply #42 on: November 30, 2011, 10:40:09 pm »



Analysis: Syrian civil war drags in Mideast, global powers

LONDON (Reuters) - As Syria's uprising escalates into outright civil war and begins to drag in other states, it risks fuelling not only wider regional confrontation but also growing antagonism between the world's great powers.

After months of largely peaceful demonstrations in the face of a bloody government crackdown, Syrian opposition fighters look to be behind an ever rising number of attacks on forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad.

That in itself could mark the beginning of a long, bloody, open-ended civil war. And speculation about foreign military intervention could even spark a Cold War-style face-off between Russia and the United States.

Analysts and foreign governments have long said they believed Iran was providing military and logistics support to Damascus, and some now suspect the opposition too is now receiving foreign weapons.

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« Reply #43 on: December 01, 2011, 03:47:39 pm »



UN rights chief says Syria death toll over 4,000

..GENEVA (AP) — The U.N.'s top human rights official says her office estimates the death toll in Syria's nine-month uprising is now "much more" than 4,000.

Navi Pillay, the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, gave the latest figure a day before the global body is due to hold an emergency meeting on the crisis in the country.

Pillay told reporters in Geneva on Thursday that evidence emerging of abuses committed by Syrian security forces affirms her call that the country's leadership should be prosecuted for "crimes against humanity."

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« Reply #44 on: December 02, 2011, 09:50:29 pm »



What’s in a name? Why the international community is divided on calling Syrian unrest a ‘civil war’


Is Syria in a civil war?

On Thursday, Navi Pillay, the UN's high commissioner for human rights, said that the nation's political unrest has indeed approached the level of a civil war. Pillay said her assessment stems in part from recognition that elements of the opposition to the Bashar al-Assad regime are increasingly calling for armed resistance. She added that UN estimates of the conflict's death toll--4,000 killed in the past nine months--are likely understated.

"I have said that as soon as there were more and more defectors threatening to take up arms--I said this in August before the Security Council --there was going to be a civil war," Pillay told a news conference in Geneva Thursday, according to a Reuters report. "At the moment, that's how I am characterizing this."

However, it appears that Pillay's is not yet the official UN line. Shortly after she delivered her remarks, her spokesman walked back the characterization, asserting that Syria is, rather, on the "cusp" of civil war, and "heading" in that direction.

"It is definitely heading that way, with more and more reports of armed resistance to the government forces," Pillay's spokesman Rupert Colville told Reuters. "It is on the cusp, but in these circumstances it is hard to say definitively at what point it becomes civil war."

So what prompted the walk-back? And what determines whether the Syrian bloodshed constitutes a civil war?

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« Reply #45 on: December 05, 2011, 07:59:17 pm »



Syria says it accepts Arab League observer request

DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) — Syria has accepted an Arab League request to send observers to the country in an effort to end its eight-month crisis, a move that could ease Arab sanctions on Damascus, the Foreign Ministry said Monday.

The Syrian statement came after Damascus announced it conducted mass military maneuvers over the weekend in an apparent show of force as President Bashar Assad's regime defies pressures over its deadly crackdown on opponents.

The ministry's spokesman, Jihad Makdissi, told reporters that Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem "responded positively" to the League demand and sent a letter to the organization's chief Nabil Elaraby on Sunday night.

There was no immediate reaction from the Arab League, which has already suspended Syria, to Damascus' announcement.

But Makdissi said that al-Moallem's message to the League combined some "minor amendments that won't affect the essence of the plan," stressing that Damascus is still insisting that the protocol be signed in Damascus rather than at the League's headquarters in Cairo.

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« Reply #46 on: December 08, 2011, 08:26:19 pm »



..Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad Lies to Barbara WaltersWed, Dec 7, 2011

COMMENTARY | Syrian President Bashar al-Assad claims he hasn't killed anyone and denounces the United Nations' report claiming crimes against his own people. What reality is he living in?

ABC News correspondent Barbara Walters had an exclusive interview with Assad -- the first by a Western reporter since violence erupted on the streets earlier this year. Walters didn't back down in her questioning either, and the highly educated Assad stated true to form with equally mild-mannered denials. So, what's the true story here?

According to Walters, life is a contrast inside Damascus. There are riots in the streets, but just a couple blocks away, people are peacefully enjoying coffee at sidewalk cafes. But NPR reported 25 civilians were killed Saturday. Assad claimed to still have the support of his people and denied the validity of child torture claims. He even challenged the respected journalist to prove her allegations.

Wake up Assad, the press is full of reports of child ****, torture and executions at the hands of the Syrian military. The Arab League has suspended relations because of a litany of crimes by Assad's forces against the Syrian people. And the United Nations issued a damaging report that corroborated the Arab Leagues allegations. Assad is attempting to draw a distinction between being a head of government and allegations of being brutal dictator. In the case of Syria, they are one and the same.

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« Reply #47 on: December 11, 2011, 08:58:29 am »



Syrians attack their embassy in Jordan

AMMAN, Jordan (AP) — The Syrian Embassy in Jordan says a dozen of its nationals have attacked consulate employees, wounding at least two diplomats and four other people.

An Embassy statement says its guards arrested one of the attackers, identified as Syrian refugee Ahmed al-Shureiqi.

It says Jordanian police arrested eight others — all Syrians allegedly involved in the Sunday morning attack.

The attack was linked to the uprising against Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Police spokesmen did not answer repeated calls to confirm the arrest.

The group entered the embassy claiming they had paperwork to finish. They then beat up a security guard, the consul and another diplomat and several others.

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« Reply #48 on: December 13, 2011, 06:50:52 pm »

Looming War plans on Syria?
Israel and Syria expect imminent war?
Iraq troops SHIFTED to Syrian border?
US media Censoring this?

This is HUGE!


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« Reply #49 on: December 14, 2011, 03:59:15 pm »

US Troops Surround Syria On The Eve Of Invasion?

13 December, 2011

A former official from within the ranks of the Federal Bureau of Investigation is reporting that US and NATO forces have landed outside of Syria and are training militants to overthrow the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.

Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, formerly a translator with the FBI, wrote over the weekend that American soldiers are among the NATO troops that have mysteriously and suddenly landed on the Jordanian and Syrian border. According to her, several sources internationally have confirmed the news, although the US media has been instructed to temporarily censor itself from reporting the news.

Additionally, Edmonds says that American and NATO forces are training Turkish troops as well, to possibly launch a strike from the north of Syria.

Edmonds writes that an Iraqi journalist based out of London has confirmed that US forces that vacated the Ain al-Assad Air Base in Iraq last week did in fact leave the country as part of President Obama’s drawdown of troops, but rather than return home, the soldiers were transferred into Jordan during the late hours of Thursday evening. Another source, writes Edmonds, informs her that “soldiers who speak languages other than Arabic” have been moving through Jordan mere miles from the country’s border with Syria. Troops believed to be NATO/American-affiliated have been spotted between the King Hussein Air Base in al-Mafraq and the Jordanian village of Albaej and its vicinity.

Nizar Nayouf, a correspondent for Edmond’s Boiling Frog Post whistleblower site, says an employee of the London-based offices of Royal Jordanian Airlines has further confirmed that at least one US aircraft transporting military personnel has brought American troops into Jordan in recent days. Nayouf, the former editor-in-chief of Sawt al-Democratiyya (Democracy's Vote), had previously been sentenced to a decade behind bars for critiquing the Syrian government. He later won several human rights awards and the 2000 UNISCO prize for press freedom.

Since the uprising of rebel forces opposing al-Assad’s regime over Syria nearly a year ago, American officials have been critical of the country’s government but insist that they have otherwise distanced themselves from becoming involved in the protests. Following the deaths of dozens of protesters in the spring of 2011, the United States imposed strict sanctions against the official government of Syria.

Navi Pillay, the United Nations’ high commissioner for human rights, revealed this week that the uprising in Syria has caused over 5,000 deaths since it began in early 2011. In the case of the crackdown against former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi’s regime, NATO involvement began only one month into the uprising. Nine months later, the total death toll of the Libyan Civil War is estimated to be close to 30,000.

In her report, Edmonds says that NATO troops have been training soldiers just outside of Syria since as early as May, and that US media is prohibited from reporting on it until today. The Turkish paper Milliyet also reports that defected Syrian colonel Riad al-Assad is preparing troops to take over the Syrian government as well.

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« Reply #50 on: December 15, 2011, 08:38:31 pm »



U.S. lowers flag, marking official end to Iraq war

The United States lowered its flag in Baghdad as the American military mission in Iraq was officially declared over Thursday.

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and the top U.S. military commander in Iraq Gen. Lloyd Austin (pictured above) presided over a low-key ceremony at Baghdad International airport Thursday, to mark the end of the almost nine year war, and thank the one million American troops who have served there. "The muted ceremony stood in contrast to the start of the war in 2003 when an America both frightened and emboldened by the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, sent columns of tanks north from Kuwait to overthrow Saddam Hussein," the New York Times' Thom Shanker and Michael Schmidt write.

In the run-up to this week's ceremonies marking the war's close, Schmidt, the Times' Baghdad correspondent, got word that an Iraqi businessman had purchased trailers from a closing American base, he recounted in a first-person dispatch Wednesday.

As he kicked around the Baghdad junkyard where the purchased trailers were in storage a few weeks back, Schmidt came upon a strikingly different legacy of the invasion: several stray documents, maps, and binders, some marked classified, that turned out to document one of the darkest episodes of the war.

The abandoned trove contained some "400 pages of interrogations" that "form part of the military's internal investigation, and confirm much of what happened at Haditha, a Euphrates River town where Marines killed 24 Iraqis, including a 76-old man in a wheelchair, women and children, some just toddlers," Schmidt wrote in his Wednesday article, "Junkyard Gives up Secret Accounts of Massacre in Iraq."

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« Reply #51 on: December 15, 2011, 09:42:07 pm »



Syrian defectors kill 27 soldiers, police in south

BEIRUT (AP) — In one of their deadliest attacks, Syrian army defectors killed at least 27 government soldiers and police Thursday in clashes in the south, activists said. The escalating political unrest prompted Canada to become the latest country to urge its citizens to leave Syria.

The fighting took place around daybreak in the southern province of Daraa, where the uprising against President Bashar Assad's authoritarian regime began in March.

Attacks by army defectors have been escalating in recent weeks, raising concerns the country is headed toward civil war. Sanctions by Western powers and the Arab League have added to the growing pressure on Assad from within Syria.

Defectors from the Free Syrian Army, whose leaders are based in exile in neighboring Turkey, fired a rocket-propelled grenade at a bus carrying policemen into the town of Busra al-Harir, killing 12 of the officers, said an activist based nearby.

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« Reply #52 on: December 16, 2011, 06:48:04 pm »


Analysis: Russia's Syria shift a bid to guard image, interests


MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia's offer of a new U.N. Security Council resolution on the violence in Syria is a pragmatic step by a country increasingly isolated in its support for a widely discredited leader.

The shift allows Russia to look less recalcitrant without giving ground on its opposition to sanctions or foreign military interference, which it has vociferously opposed since the NATO operation in Libya.

With the death toll mounting in bloodshed the world blames mostly on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, the Kremlin is under increasing pressure to abandon a government that has given Moscow one of its firmest footholds in the Middle East.

It took a small step in that direction on Thursday, circulating a draft resolution that refers to "disproportionate use of force" by the Syrian authorities and urges them to stop "the suppression of those exercising their rights."

In the short term, analysts said, Russia sees that it must distance itself from Assad in the eyes of the world.

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« Reply #53 on: December 17, 2011, 03:07:34 am »

Yeah, they'll fall in line, or the NWO will come to Moscow and do some smacking around of Putin and Medvedev till they too fall in line.
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« Reply #54 on: December 17, 2011, 11:47:43 am »



Arabs may take Syria peace plan to United Nations

BEIRUT (Reuters) - Arab states may take their proposals for ending Syria's crackdown on protests to the U.N. Security Council next week unless Damascus agrees to implement the initiative, Qatar's foreign minister said on Saturday.

Expressing frustration that Syria had not carried out the plan, six weeks after it was first agreed, Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim al-Thani said the window for an Arab solution to the crisis was closing.

"If this matter is not solved in the weeks ahead, or couple of months, it will no longer be in Arab control," he told journalists after an Arab ministerial committee meeting in Qatar. "That is what we told the Syrians from the beginning."

Arab ministers would vote on Wednesday on whether to ask the Security Council to approve the initiative. "I believe that December 21 will be decisive, and we hope that the brothers in Syria will sign (the deal) before this date," Sheikh Hamad said.

Syria has conditionally approved a plan to send monitors to oversee implementation of the November 2 Arab League initiative, which calls on Assad to withdraw the army from urban areas, release political prisoners and hold talks with opponents.

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« Reply #55 on: December 18, 2011, 02:56:17 am »

Same Old Spring: 'US training & arming rebels in Syria'
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« Reply #56 on: December 19, 2011, 02:31:32 am »

« Last Edit: December 19, 2011, 02:35:38 am by Christian40 » Report Spam   Logged
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« Reply #57 on: December 23, 2011, 10:46:15 am »


Syria government says 40 killed in suicide blasts


DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) — A Syrian military official says the death toll from twin suicide car bombings in Damascus is now more than 40.

The military official says more than a hundred people were wounded in the explosions targeting security and intelligence headquarters in the Syrian capital.

He spoke to reporters on condition of anonymity because he was not allowed to give official statements.

He declined to say how many civilians and military personnel were among the deaths.

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« Reply #58 on: December 23, 2011, 10:52:50 am »



Philippines offers to fly all citizens out of Syria

The Philippines on Thursday offered to fly its 5,000 citizens in Syria home for free as it again urged them to leave immediately to escape escalating violence, the foreign department said.
Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario said the government would help all Filipinos arrange passage out of the Middle East country, which has been torn by deadly protests against President Bashar al-Assad's regime.
"In view of the escalating violence in Syria, the Department of Foreign Affairs will be raising alert level 4 for the entire country of Syria effective today," he said in a statement.
That alert status meant all Filipinos would be repatriated at Philippine government expense, the ministry said.
About nine million Filipinos work around the world, earning more money in a wide range of skilled and unskilled jobs abroad than they could in their impoverished homeland.
Last week, the Philippine embassy in Damascus sent home 51 of an estimated 5,000 Filipinos in Syria, the ministry said.

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« Reply #59 on: December 23, 2011, 04:13:49 pm »

Free ticket? I think if I were a Filipino, I'd be headed for the airport!
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