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The Occupy Movement

March 27, 2024, 12:55:24 pm Mark says: Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked  When Hamas spokesman Abu Ubaida began a speech marking the 100th day of the war in Gaza, one confounding yet eye-opening proclamation escaped the headlines. Listing the motives for the Palestinian militant group's Oct. 7 massacre in Israel, he accused Jews of "bringing red cows" to the Holy Land.
December 31, 2022, 10:08:58 am NilsFor1611 says: blessings
August 08, 2018, 02:38:10 am suzytr says: Hello, any good churches in the Sacto, CA area, also looking in Reno NV, thanks in advance and God Bless you Smiley
January 29, 2018, 01:21:57 am Christian40 says: It will be interesting to see what happens this year Israel being 70 years as a modern nation may 14 2018
October 17, 2017, 01:25:20 am Christian40 says: It is good to type Mark is here again!  Smiley
October 16, 2017, 03:28:18 am Christian40 says: anyone else thinking that time is accelerating now? it seems im doing days in shorter time now is time being affected in some way?
September 24, 2017, 10:45:16 pm Psalm 51:17 says: The specific rule pertaining to the national anthem is found on pages A62-63 of the league rulebook. It states: “The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem. “During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.”
September 20, 2017, 04:32:32 am Christian40 says: "The most popular Hepatitis B vaccine is nothing short of a witch’s brew including aluminum, formaldehyde, yeast, amino acids, and soy. Aluminum is a known neurotoxin that destroys cellular metabolism and function. Hundreds of studies link to the ravaging effects of aluminum. The other proteins and formaldehyde serve to activate the immune system and open up the blood-brain barrier. This is NOT a good thing."
September 19, 2017, 03:59:21 am Christian40 says: bbc international did a video about there street preaching they are good witnesses
September 14, 2017, 08:06:04 am Psalm 51:17 says: bro Mark Hunter on YT has some good, edifying stuff too.
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« Reply #30 on: October 26, 2011, 08:31:04 am »

Supermarkets Freeze Sales of Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream

Ben & Jerry’s new flavor of ice cream is getting a chilly response from retailers. Some supermarkets are now refusing to carry its latest spoon bender, “Schweddy Balls.”
The Vermont-based company, known for carrying ice cream flavors with unusual names released the product in September and has been met with broad criticism. The name is a reference to a Saturday Night Live skit featuring Alec Baldwin.

Suggestive names are nothing new for Ben & Jerry’s. Along with hippie-like names such as Cherry Garcia, Half Baked and Whirled Peace, the company offers flavors such as Karamel Sutra and What a Cluster as well. But the release of Schweddy Balls was the final impetus for One Million Moms to begin pressuring Ben & Jerry’s to discontinue the flavor, the Associated Press reported. In September, the conservative Christian group, an offshoot of the American Family Association, called on supporters to boycott the product.

"The vulgar new flavor has turned something as innocent as ice cream into something repulsive. Not exactly what you want a child asking for at the supermarket," the organization’s website states. “In the past, Ben & Jerry's has released controversial ice creams, like a special edition of Chubby Hubby called Hubby Hubby last year, which celebrated gay marriage. It seems that offending customers has become an annual tradition for Ben & Jerry's.”

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The Man from George Street
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« Reply #31 on: October 26, 2011, 09:59:47 am »

Tacky... just glad there are choices at this point and it's not all government ice cream.

For now.
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... knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.”  (2 Peter 3)
Psalm 51:17
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« Reply #32 on: October 26, 2011, 03:01:14 pm »

Poll: More agree than disagree with Occupy Wall Street goals

Substantially more Americans agree than disagree with the goals of the Occupy Wall Street movement, according to a new poll. And nearly two-thirds say wealth should be distributed more equitably.

Forty-three percent of respondents to a new CBS/New York Times survey said they agree with Occupy Wall Street's goals, while, 27 percent said they disagree. Thirty percent were unsure.

And 46 percent said Occupy Wall street represents the views of most Americans, while 34 percent said it doesn't.

Younger Americans, those with more education, and those who describe themselves as liberal were most likely to support the protests.

The movement, which began with demonstrations in lower Manhattan last month and has since spread to cities across the country, has inveighed against growing inequality and corporate influence in the political system.

Meanwhile, just 26 percent said that money and wealth are distributed fairly in America, while 66 percent say they aren't.


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« Reply #33 on: October 26, 2011, 03:10:08 pm »

just what are the goals?
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The Man from George Street
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« Reply #34 on: October 26, 2011, 05:31:35 pm »

just what are the goals?

Dunno, but I think it's saying alot that the MAJORITY of this country SUPPORTS this Communist movement. I mean it's as if this movement is against EVERYTHING. Not just the "banksters", but somehow Israel is put in this heap as well. What's next? Are they going to target Christians?

It's became incredibly irrational now.
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« Reply #35 on: October 31, 2011, 03:04:18 pm »

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« Reply #36 on: October 31, 2011, 03:38:32 pm »

Arizonans do excercise their right to bear arms!

Saw a guy in the grocery store the other day with a side arm. Usually people think they are like detective cops or something I'd guess. I've never noticed people freaking out or pointing fingers, so most people here seem to understand basic secular constitutional rights like the 2nd Amendment.

If a person is secular and follows the Constitution, Arizona is one of the best states to live in, at least for now. There's other big problems here, but at least it's much easier for one to bear arms if that's what they believe in.

The biggest problems we have here with guns, outside of the ATF providing them to the Mexican cartels and their street urchins, is with people shooting people at parties and gatherings, and you guessed it, the majority of the time it's a Hispanic crowd. We have illegals come here with that wild west attitude from down in Mexico, and start shooting each other here over drugs or they are coyotes wanting to get paid, so it's pretty isolated, as far as gun incidents.

"Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence." John 18:36 (KJB)

3   For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: 
4   (For the weapons of our warfare [are] not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 
5   Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; 
6   And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.
2 Corinthians 10:3-6 (KJB)

"No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of [this] life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier." 2 Timothy 2:4 (KJB)
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« Reply #37 on: October 31, 2011, 11:29:57 pm »

Guess what, now Louis Fahrakhan is getting into the act calling out the Federal Reserve(and before this he's made comments saying how "Zionist Jews" are controlling the banks, yada, yada, yada)...

Yeah, the "truth movement" is buying into him hook, line, and sinker.
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« Reply #38 on: November 01, 2011, 08:57:51 pm »

The Lucis Trust behind Occupy Wall street [UPDATED]

I know it sounds crazy, but what i found out about this movement it's just unbelievable.
I will try to make this short.

On the 15th October 2011 begun the worldwide action. For the first time in history, upwards of 15 million people in sixty countries marched together for a "global change". Their official website is: http://15october.net/
Someone decided to find out who owns that domain name by visiting this site: http://who.godaddy.com/ (This is a database with a searchable list of every single domain currently registered in the world).
As you can see from the printscreen i took, before the 18th October the registrant was
"Paulina Arcos
866 United Nations Plaza
Suite 516
New York, New York 10017
United States"

Well... Who the hell is she? I googled her name and i couldn't find many infos, but i found out that she is Francisco Carrion Mena (permanent representative of Ecuador, chairman of the special committee at the UN) 's wife. Okay. I thought i had no more things to discover. The UN were behind this movement, that's it.
Well, i was wrong... While reading a book ("Freemasonry and Secret Societies" by Epiphanius, edition "Controcorrente" April 2008, page 620 ), i found out that the unofficial Lucis Trust's address is: 866 United Nations Plaza New York, and this information appears just on two books: the one i was reading, and on "Die Netzwerke der Insider" by Peter Blackwood.
Wait a minute.... This must be a joke.
...but here it comes the unbelievable part: On the 19th October, the WHOIS Information is been changed!!! In fact the registrant now is:
15111 N. Hayden Rd., Ste 160, PMB 353
Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
United States
...as you can check here: http://who.godaddy.com/whois.aspx?domain=15october.net&prog_id=GoDadd

New infos about this "global movement": Let's see WHO support them...

George Soros expressed sympathy with OWS (Occupy Wall Street).
Let's read something about him: George Soros is a member of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), the Trilateral Commission (a super-elite cabal of 300 international power brokers who practically rule the world), the Bilderberg Group and he is founder and chairman of the Open Society Foundations. He is known as "the Man Who Broke the Bank of England" because of his US$1 billion in investment profits earned in a single day (16th Sept 1992).


Mikhail Gorbachev says "Occupy Wall Street" signals an emerging New World Order.
Don't forgeto who is Gorbachev: a premier world Leader and boasts members at the highest levels of the United Nations bureaucracy, a member of the Lucis Trust (as reported by the EIR, Executive Intelligence Review di Washington).
..and guess what? His "Millennium Forum" is located in 866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 120, New York (as you can see here).
Here’s what Gorbachev said during on October 20th at Lafayette College. Exactly! The same address of the Lucis Trust...

“We are reaping the consequences of a strategy that is not conducive to cooperation and partnership, to living in a new global situation. The world needs goals that will bring people together. Some people in the United States were pushing the idea of creating a global American empire, and that was a mistake from the start. Other people in America are now giving thought to the future of their country. The big banks, the big corporations, are still paying the same big bonuses to their bosses. Was there ever a crisis for them? . . . I believe America needs its own perestroika. The entire world situation did not develop properly. We saw deterioration where there should have been positive movement.

My friend the late Pope John Paul II said it best. He said, ‘We need a new world order, one that is more stable, more humane, and more just.’ Others, including myself, have spoken about a new world order, but we are still facing the problem of building such a world order…problems of the environment, of backwardness and poverty, food shortages…all because we do not have a system of global governance. We cannot leave things as they were before, when we are seeing that these protests are moving to even new countries, that almost all countries are now witnessing such protests, that the people want change. As we are addressing these challenges, these problems raised by these protest movements, we will gradually find our way towards a new world order.”

Even economists support protesters (LOL). An anti-banks protest supported by big economists? Let's report some of them:

Mario Draghi: an Italian banker and economist who has been governor of the Bank of Italy since 16 January 2006. He has been designated to succeed Jean-Claude Trichet as President of the European Central Bank by November 2011.

Richard D. Wolff: an American economist, well-known for his work on Marxian economics, economic methodology, and class analysis.

Paul Robin Krugman: an American economist, professor of Economics and International Affairs at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University, Centenary Professor at the London School of Economics, and an op-ed columnist for The New York Times. In 2008, Krugman won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his contributions to New Trade Theory and New Economic Geography.

Jeff Madrick: a journalist, economic policy consultant and analyst. He is director of policy research at the Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis, The New School. He was formerly finance editor of Business Week Magazine and an NBC News reporter and commentator.

Joseph Eugene Stiglitz: an American economist and a professor at Columbia University. He is a recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences (2001) and the John Bates Clark Medal (1979). He is also the former Senior Vice President and Chief Economist of the World Bank. He is known for his critical view of the management of globalization, free-market economists (whom he calls "free market fundamentalists") and some international institutions like the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. He is one of the most frequently cited economists in the world.

One more thing: the participants' slogan is "We are the 99%" (referred to the difference in wealth between the top 1% and the other citizens of the United States).
Isn't it ironic that they have "rich supporters"? I list two more "supporters":

Russell Simmons: an American business magnate as the co-founder, with Rick Rubin, of the pioneering hip-hop label Def Jam, and creator of the clothing fashion lines Phat Farm, Argyleculture, and American Classics. He is the third richest figure in hip-hop, having a net-worth estimate of $340 million as of April 2011.

Jimmy Wales: a co-founder and promoter of the online non-profit encyclopedia Wikipedia and the Wikia company. He is a member of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School and the advisory board of the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence, the Board of Directors at Creative Commons, Socialtext, and Hunch.com, and former co-chair of the World Economic Forum on the Middle East 2008. By the World Economic Forum he is one of the "Young Global Leaders" of 2007.

Occupy Wall Street is now on wikipedia (what a coincidence).

Well... do you need more evidence?

ADDENDUM: Let's take a look at our protest against the Pope and the New World Order in Assisi, Italy (27th October 2011).
Only 6 guys with some banners at the second ecumenic meeting with the Pope... and we couldn't even protest!

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« Reply #39 on: November 02, 2011, 09:44:12 am »



Many “Occupy Wall Street” protesters arrested in New York City “occupy” more luxurious homes than their “99 percent” rhetoric might suggest, a Daily Caller investigation has found.

For each of the 984 Occupy Wall Street protesters arrested in New York City between September 18 and October 15, police collected and filed an information sheet recording the arrestee’s name, age, sex, criminal charge, home address and — in most cases — race. The Daily Caller has obtained all of this information from a source in the New York City government.

Among addresses for which information is available, single-family homes listed on those police intake forms have a median value of $305,000 — a far higher number than the $185,400 median value of owner-occupied housing units in the United States.

Some of the homes where “Occupy” arrestees reside, viewed through Google Maps and the Multiple Listing Service real estate database, are the definition of opulence.

Using county assessors and online resources such as Zillow.com, TheDC estimated property values and rents for 87 percent of the homes and 59 percent of the apartments listed in the arrest records.

Even in the nation’s currently depressed housing market, at least 95 of the protesters’ residences are worth approximately $500,000 or more. (RELATED SLIDESHOW: Opulent homes of the ’99 percent’)

The median monthly rent for those living in apartments whose information is readily available is $1,850.

Of the 984 protesters arrested, at least 797 are white. The median age of “Occupy” protesters taken into custody is 27 years.

Ten demonstrators were arrested more than once. Most of the arrests, it should be noted, were for nonviolent offenses.

The arrest intake documents show that arrestees came to New York from all over the country but particularly from the Northeast.

Criminal charges ranged from “loitering while wearing a mask” and “failure to move along” to “violent behavior” and other more serious charges such as “assault 2 [second-degree assault] caus[ing] physical injury to police [or] firemen.” There was also one charge of “sex abuse 3 [third-degree].” Hundreds were arrested on October 1 for obstructing traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge.

While it would not be fair to conclude that the arrested protesters are fully representative of a movement that is not completely understood, this information forms the most complete snapshot yet of the demonstrations’ more militant participants.

It also reinforces the persistent critique of protesters as entitled, upper-class agitators with few legitimate grievances.

London’s Daily Mail newspaper, for example, recently highlighted signs of wealth among the throngs in Zuccotti Park.

“Sleeping beside the **** activists are increasing numbers of wealthy students turning up to make the most of the party atmosphere, drugs and free food,” reporters Paul Bentley and Micela McLucas wrote in October. “While they dress down to blend in, the youngsters’ privileged backgrounds are revealed by glimpses of expensive gadgetry or the absent minded mention of their private schools during heated political debates.”

“I think that it’s accurate to say that our supporters come from all backgrounds,” Patrick Bruner, the operator of OccupyWallStreet.org, a website dedicated to help organize and spread information about the protests, told TheDC when asked about participants from wealthier backgrounds. “That said, a (non-random) survey on our site revealed that our visitors literally are the 99% in regards to economic realities.”

The national median home value of $185,400 reflects U.S. Census statistics from the years 2005 through 2009, the last year data were available.

TheDC was able to estimate home values and apartment rents for 659 of the 972 residences. Thirteen were in university dormitories; six were post office boxes; four were addresses in foreign countries. Many addresses proved to be nonexistent, and a few were not provided to police.

TheDC has elected not to publish personally identifying information.

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« Reply #40 on: November 04, 2011, 06:12:33 pm »

Obama adviser urges 'militancy' in nationwide Occupy protests
Boardmember of groups that crafted laws for health care, 'stimulus' says 'we've got to start a resistance movement'

Leo Gerard at an Obama campaign rally in 2008
NEW YORK – Three days before an Occupy Oakland protest turned violent, United Steelworkers international president Leo Gerard, an adviser to President Obama, called for "more militancy" in Occupy movements across the U.S.

Gerard serves on the board of a number of groups funded by billionaire George Soros, including organizations that reportedly helped to craft Obama's "stimulus" and health-care laws.

In an interview with progressive radio host Ed Schultz on Monday, Gerard stated, "I think what we need is, we need more militancy."

"Red Army: The Radical Network that must be defeated to save America" exposes the extremists behind Occupy Wall Street along with the radical socialist network that seized political power in Washington over decades, shaped Obama's presidential agenda and threatens the very future of the U.S.

"I think we've got to start a resistance movement. If Wall Street occupation doesn't get the message, I think we've got to start blocking bridges and doing that kind of stuff," stated Gerard, according to a transcript provided by Newsbusters.org.

As WND was first to report, the tactic of blocking bridges, already used by Occupy Wall Street to hold up the Brooklyn Bridge last month, was institutionalized by Stephen Lerner, a controversial anti-capitalist SEIU organizer.

Lerner has visited the White House four times, while his former boss, Andy Stern, SEIU's recently retired president, was the most frequent White House visitor in 2009, according to presidential visitors logs. Obama himself once trained SEIU in the 1990s.

Gerard has a history of direct-action protests. During the 1999 World Trade Organization protests in Seattle that turned violent, Gerard and United Steelworkers Vice President Tom Conway were caught on film dragging two large concrete planters into an intersection near the Washington State Convention and Trade Center in an attempt to help protesters block access to the WTO meetings.

A WND review of Gerard's rhetoric during the past year finds scores of statements implying an Occupy onslaught against U.S. capitalism.

In February 2010, the People's Weekly World, the official newspaper of the Communist Party USA, quoted Gerard and another United Steelworkers leader, Fred Redmond, as stating, "It's time to stand up and be heard," they said. "It's time to mobilize online and in the streets. Together, let's tweet, facebook and text. Let's rally, vote and, where necessary, sit-in."

In an August posting on the Firedoglake website, Gerard calling for an "uprising of hope and anger. There's plenty of anger out there."

He went on to quote Frances Fox Piven, writing that the radical professor "counsels in her book ... that hope is crucial, that constructive change arises from the mix of hope and anger."

Pivin, a member of the Progressives for Obama group, is co-author of the Cloward–Piven strategy, which calls for overloading the U.S. economy to precipitate a crisis that would lead to a replacement of the welfare system with a national system of "a guaranteed annual income and thus an end to poverty."

Gerard, meanwhile, was appointed in September 2010 to Obama's Advisory Committee on Trade Policy and Negotiations.

He also serves as a vice president of the AFL-CIO, the nation's largest union.

Gerard further serves as co-chairman of the BlueGreen Alliance, whose partner is the Apollo Alliance. Gerard is also an Apollo board member.

The Apollo Alliance is run by a slew of radicals, including Obama's former "green jobs" czar, Van Jones; Jeff Jones, who heads Apollo's New York branch and is a former top leader of the Weather Underground terrorist organization; and Joel Rogers, a founder of the socialist New Party.

WND previously reported Apollo helped to craft portions of Obama's "stimulus" bill.

Gerard is also on the board of two major Soros-funded groups, the Campaign for America's Future and the Economic Policy Institute.

WND reported last week Health Care for America, the centerpiece of the Economic Policy Institute's Agenda for Shared Prosperity, is the foundation for Obama's health-care plan.

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« Reply #41 on: November 06, 2011, 06:48:16 pm »

No JOKE! Be ye not deceived...


September 11, 2001: the day the 1% hijacked our country from the 99% and launched a permanent war that will not end in our lifetimes unless we stop it.

Ten years later the War on Terrorism has diverted trillions of dollars from more important uses and sunken our country into debt.

Building 7, which most people don’t know about, came crashing to the ground at 5:20pm on September 11th. Today, millions of citizens and 1,600 courageous architects and engineers are demanding an investigation into the obvious demolition of this skyscraper.

The government's absurd story that "normal office fires" felled this 47-story skyscraper is only the tip of the iceberg of the lies we’ve been fed about 9/11.

Today we are taking our country back. We will not rest until the perpetrators who demolished World Trade Center Building 7 and the Twin Towers, killing 3,000 innocent people, are brought to justice, and the war dollars are brought home.

Occupy Building 7 - November 19-20
12PM march from Liberty Plaza to WTC 7.
Occupy WTC 7 park until 6pm each day
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« Reply #42 on: November 10, 2011, 03:38:35 pm »

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« Reply #43 on: November 10, 2011, 03:51:26 pm »

hey those masks in the beginning of the video, are those the ones chris pinto talk's about in his radio show on occupy wallstreet?
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« Reply #44 on: November 10, 2011, 06:12:22 pm »

hey those masks in the beginning of the video, are those the ones chris pinto talk's about in his radio show on occupy wallstreet?

Yes, the "Guy Fawkes" character in the film "V for Vendetta" wore it(and the film portrayed him as the protaganist). As you know, Guy Fawkes was a real life Jesuit who tried to conspire against King James with the gunpowder plot, and praise the Lord Jesus it failed, as our English speaking King James Version was made published!
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« Reply #45 on: November 13, 2011, 05:06:43 pm »

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« Reply #46 on: November 13, 2011, 05:07:44 pm »

The truth about Anonymous (cointelpro)

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« Reply #47 on: November 15, 2011, 01:29:38 pm »


Massive chaos, gridlock to be unleashed on NYC
'Menu' includes shutting down Wall Street, subways, bridges


NEW YORK – Watch out New York City. The Occupy anti-capitalist movement is preparing to serve a three-course meal of so-called direct action that apparently includes the blocking of subways and bridges as well as shutting down the stock market.

The attempt to cause mass chaos, slated for Thursday, is tied to the Tides Center, the George Soros-financed group that funds far-left causes. Tides grantees have been helping to direct Occupy from the onset of the anti-Wall Street movement.

Occupy Wall Street is currently holding "Direct Action Preparation and Training" courses today and tomorrow in downtown Manhattan to gear up for Thursday's round of riots.

The Occupy site announces: "Action Preparation & Training for November 17th, November 30th and Beyond."

"Red Army: The Radical Network that must be defeated to save America" exposes the extremists behind Occupy Wall Street

The training plan states it aims to "build affinity team, train to do actions and civil disobediences, meet new allies and friends and have some fun with us."

The Take the Square website, a partner of Occupy, has posted Thursday's agenda, outlining the radical plan as a three course meal of chaos.

"Breakfast," slated for 7 a.m. Eastern, aims to "shut down Wall Street."

The site says: "It's time we put an end to Wall Street's reign of terror and begin building an economy that works for all. We will gather in Liberty Square at 7 a.m., before the ring of the Trading Floor Bell, to prepare to confront Wall Street with the stories of people on the frontlines of economic injustice. There, before the Stock Exchange, we will exchange stories rather than stocks."

(Story continues below)

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« Reply #48 on: November 17, 2011, 12:13:08 am »

Semper Fi: Occupy Marines Bringing Reinforcements To Occupy The Nation

(HigginsBlog) – The gathering of just a few US Marines has become a major organized movement to get Marines, police and all branches of military personnel to Occupy America nationwide

United States Marines Joining Occupy Wall Street Nationwide  United States Marines Joining Occupy Wall Street Nationwide

What began as the gathering of just a few US Marines has now become a major organized movement to get Marines and military personnel of all branches to Occupy America nationwide. You can thank Marine Sgt. Shamar Thomas for that. His actions last week have inspired service men and women across the country to take a stand for the American people and join the Occupy protests.

Sgt. Thomas, as you’ll recall, stood up to the NYPD during the protests in Times Square and told the officers that hurting peacefully protesting American citizens is wrong. His message seemed to work on the officers present since they backed down. Now more members of the military are joining the movement in a strong organizing effort to help the protests get through the winter and beyond.

“#OccupyMARINES Are Currently Assessing The Current Situation To Ascertain What Is Currently Needed To Support OWS America. We Are Humbled At The Substantial Support OWS America Has Provided And Ask That Everyone Continue As You All Do While We Implement Organization Nationwide. As We All Know, ‘Occupy’ Groups Are Being Established Even Now And Would Like To See This Trend Continue. “

Their website OccupyMarines.org, is calling for “Non-Active ‘Occupy’ Military Supporters Only” and they are organizing a dress code which will help identify their branch affiliation. So we should be seeing Marines, Army, Navy, and Air Force personnel dressed to impress at Occupy events across the country. Their goal will be to talk sense into police officers and recruit them into supporting the cause.

#OrganizeMarines states, “Security forces/police should be seen as potential recruits to our cause and message, not as adversaries. Ultimately, they are accountable to the people. Defensive strategies never win. Do not respond to verbal attacks or hostile propaganda from Nay-Sayers by using the language of the opponent. Reframe.”

One Veteran, Alex Limkin said:

“There is nothing more central to a free and democratic people than the right to dissent, the right to disagree, the right to stand up in the town square and be heard… I feel quite sure that in standing in solidarity with the peaceful Occupy Wall Street movement, I am doing no less than upholding my oath as an American soldier.”

Marines were already beginning to support the Occupy Wall Street movement. Now they are bring reinforcements from the Marine Corps and other branches of the United States military, to put their organizational skills, patriotism, and resilience to good use in the effort to give more weight to the protests and help them continue the fight to change America indefinitely. For years, they have fought for us in countries far away. Now, they fight beside us in America.

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« Reply #49 on: November 17, 2011, 12:18:52 am »

Occupy Wall St. Plans To Shut Down Stock Exchange On Thursday, Nov. 17

Occupy Wall Street has targeted opposition events, interrupted a presidential candidate and shut down a major port. Now they want to shut down the New York Stock Exchange on Nov. 17 to mark the two-month anniversary of their protest. Protesters vow “a block party the 1% will never forget.”

According to a post on Facebook, “On the morning of November 17, we will shut down Wall Street. We will ring the People’s Bell, and initiate a street carnival in which we rebuild and celebrate the neighborhoods that the Wall Street economy has destroyed.”

This comes on the heels over several aggressive actions by the socialist/communist/anarchist movement. Occupy Oakland protests turned to riots with vandalism, burnings, attacks on police and the shutdown of the port of Oakland. In Washington, Occupy DC surrounded Americans for Prosperity’s Defending the Dream Summit, blocked exits, even using young children to do so.

GOP Presidential candidate Rep. Michele Bachman was shouted down at one event, as were Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker andHouse Majority Leader Eric Cantor. Over the weekend, protesters also invaded a meeting of conservative bloggers in Denver, trying to interrupt BlocCon 11.

On Nov. 14, just three days before the planned shutdown of the stock exchange, Occupy Wall Street went after a major Chamber of Commerce event. “Occupy Wall Street protesters disrupted a U.S. Chamber of Commerce luncheon featuring the President and CEO of Blue Cross Blue Shield,” reported liberal Politico.
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« Reply #50 on: November 19, 2011, 02:29:27 pm »

Protesters in the pews? Church offers 'sanctuary'
Obama spiritual adviser seeks shelter for rioters during cold weather months

A recent member of President Obama's controversial faith council has offered his parish as sanctuary to Occupy protesters and has called on churches nationwide to similarly open their doors to activists from the anti-capitalist movement.

"It's time to invite the Occupy Movement to church!" wrote Jim Wallis, founder of Sojourners, a ministry professing a devotion to the pursuit of "social justice."

Wallis penned an article in his church's magazine, also called Sojourners, calling for a "church sanctuary for the Occupy movement."

Wallis was appointed in February 2009 to the Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, a White House group replete with advocates for using religion to advance "social justice." Each council appointee serves a one-year term

"Red Army: The Radical Network that must be defeated to save America" exposes the extremists behind Occupy Wall Street

Wallis reportedly is a spiritual adviser to Obama and has known the president for years.

Writing in his magazine, Wallis suggested that Thanksgiving is the "perfect occasion" for churches to aid the Occupy movement.

"Open our church basements and parish halls as safe places to sleep — shelter and sanctuary as cold weather descends upon many of our cities," he wrote.

(Story continues below)

"The Occupy movement needs a sanctuary. And what better safe and welcome place could these young people find than with communities of faith?

"As we provide that safe sanctuary for a new generation of protesters who dream of a better world, let us also engage them in the spirituality of the change they seek."

Continued Wallis: "Concentrations of wealth and power, unfairness in our political process, the loss of opportunity – especially for the next generation – and the alarming rise of poverty in the world's richest nation are all fundamental concerns for people of faith.

"So let's invite the young occupiers into our churches and ministries for good conversation and a great meal," he added.

Wallis recommended churches provide turkey dinner to the occupiers, remarking that the protesters are likely sick of pizza.

He blasted New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg for clearing out Zuccotti Park of protesters earlier this week.

"Bloomberg is the poster child for the '1 percent,''' wrote Wallis. "He is the archetypal wealthy man who bought political power, and the uprising in his city to challenge what he himself stands for has made the mayor uncomfortable about the protests since the beginning."

Obama's controversial pastor

Wallis is a socialist activist who has championed communist causes and previously labeled the U.S. "the great captor and destroyer of human life."

The Associated Baptist Press described Wallis as a "politically progressive evangelical and longtime advocate for the poor." The Huffington Post identified him as a "Christian author and social-justice advocate."

Wallis, however, is a longtime socialist advocate whose Sojourners magazine has championed communist causes.

Wallis began his activism as a protester and then later Michigan leader of the Students for a Democratic Society, the 1960s anti-war group from which Bill Ayers' Weather Underground domestic terrorist organization splintered.

Discover the Networks documented that as a theology student, Wallis founded an anti-capitalism magazine called the Post-American, which identified wealth redistribution and government-managed economies as the keys to achieving "social justice."

In 1971, Wallis renamed his magazine Sojourners. He has since served as editor of the publication.

Sojourners' official "statement of faith" urges readers to "refuse to accept [capitalist] structures and assumptions that normalize poverty and segregate the world by class."

Sojourners has published a slew of radicals, including socialist activist Cornel West and James Cone, considered the founder of Black Liberation Theology, which spawned the likes of Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Obama's pastor of nearly 20 years.

Wallis' magazine actively lobbied for communist regimes that seized power in Latin America in the late 1970s, including the Sandinista dictatorship in Nicaragua. Sojourners in the 1980s was a fierce opponent of the U.S. nuclear buildup, claiming the policy was "an intolerable evil" irreconcilably at odds with Christianity.

Discover the Networks notes how Sojourners originally formed a socialist commune in Washington, D.C., where members shared finances and launched anti-capitalist activism.

In his 1976 book, "Agenda for Biblical People," Wallis called the U.S. "the great power, the great seducer, the great captor and destroyer of human life, the great master of humanity and history in its totalitarian claims and designs."

Wallis continues to openly support socialism. Along with socialist activist West, Wallis in 1995 founded Call to Renewal, a coalition of religious groups demanding the spread of U.S. wealth to promote "social justice."

White House pushing churches to be 'green'?

Other members of Obama's faith council write for Wallis' Sojourners magazine.

In January, Obama named to his faith council Lynne Hybels, a leader of Willow Creek Church, an inter-denominational, multi-generational megachurch located in a Chicago suburb.

The church is led by Hybels' husband, Bill, a social justice advocate who created the Global Leadership Summit, an international Christian group.

Lynne Hybels' official title at Willow Creek Church is advocate for global engagement. She is also a regular contributor to Sojourners magazine.

She has advocated for the "greenest" church on the planet, while discussing Scripture as it relates to the Palestinians and calling for a fight against American "racial injustice."

Also writing at Sojourners, as WND reported, is Eboo Patel, another member of the White House faith council.

Patel declared that everything he was taught about Christopher Columbus, Thomas Jefferson and American "fairness" and "equality" was wrong.

WND also reported Patel, a Muslim activist from Chicago, compared al-Qaida to what he called Christian "totalitarians" in the U.S. and Jewish "totalitarians" in Israel.

Earlier, WND reported Patel is deeply tied to Weather Underground founder Ayers. Also, Patel has blasted what he calls the "myths" of America – describing them as beliefs that the country is "a land of freedom and equality and justice."

Obama church sanctuary for draft dodgers

Obama himself is not unfamiliar with churches serving as sanctuary for radical protesters.

As WND previously reported, the Hawaii church where Obama attended Sunday school as a boy, First Unitarian, was a far-left activist congregation that may have helped provide the president's initial political education.

While Obama's membership as an adult in the controversial Trinity United Church of Christ has received widespread media attention, almost nothing has been reported about his Sunday school attendance at the Hawaii church.

First Unitarian, a member of the Unitarian Universalist denomination, served as a sanctuary for draft dodgers and was strongly tied to the Students for a Democratic Society, or SDS, during the time Ayers was a leader in that organization. The Weathermen was an offshoot of the SDS.

Andrew Walden, publisher and editor of the Hawaii Free Press, dug up newspaper clippings from that period as well as print editions of "The Roach," an SDS publication describing the group's draft-dodging activism, including at the Unitarian church.

After living from age 7 with his mother and step-father in Indonesia, where he was enrolled as a Muslim in public schools, Obama was sent back to Hawaii at age 11 in 1971 to reside with his grandmother. His mother moved back to Hawaii in 1972 and stayed there until 1977, when she relocated again to Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim nation.

In his autobiography, "Dreams from My Father," Obama recounts on page 17 moving to Hawaii and being enrolled in the Unitarian church.

When Obama's maternal grandmother died in November 2008, the memorial service, attended by the then-presidential candidate, was held in Honolulu's Unitarian church.

According to an account in the Tampa Tribune, when Obama was reminded at his grandmother's memorial service that he attended the church's Sunday school as a child, his eyes lit up, and he turned to his wife, Michelle, and said, "Hey, that's right. This is where I went to Sunday school."

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Psalm 51:17
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« Reply #51 on: November 20, 2011, 02:48:28 pm »


Occupy Wall Street shifts gears, turns for the worse
NYC (Nov 20) – Following a General Assembly meeting this evening that lasted into early Sunday morning, the Occupy Wall Street originals, voted to become involved with members of the Egyptian movement approving funding to send 20 members to Cairo for, ‘training’ and ‘obervation’ of elections at the end of the month.

This arrangement was made against the objections to nearly 700 members that joined the General Assembly via the chat room and was decided by fewer than 50 OWS members ‘on the ground’ in Zuccotti Park.

The decision immediately caused a backlash which sent nearly 150 members to the other side of the park prior to the final approval to use an estimated $29,000 from the general fund donated from the community along with many members within the chat room.

WorldNewsVine finds this move a major mistake, and was misleading to those that have donated to the cause in the past.

WorldNewsVine also released this statement to their journalists via email in the early hours of Sunday morning.

Moving forward, I am sad to say that neither paper can come out in direct support following the OWS NYC GA decision tonight to send 20 people to Egypt to learn “tactics” Egyptians used and to “monitor” their elections.

Firstly, let me say this is a foolish and dangerous move. Secondly, although a little anarchy in everyone’s life is okay as far as I go however, I will not place myself nor anyone else that writes for our sites in a situation that may reflect that we support a group that takes advise from another violent group that has known ties to terrorism.

I have pulled ALL news articles in Support of the movement from the web site. General news will be accepted however, it will be balanced coverage lacking any direct statements that support the movement.

These people DO NOT know what they are doing, and with any luck will not be issued visas. I almost take it a responsibility to all of us to inform the State Department of their intentions as stated, this now moves this from a “movement” to a group that can now be labeled as having direct ties to terrorist organizations.

For the 20 that go, and if they are allowed into Egypt I pray they all come home safely and swiftly and not in body bags.

The political situation in Northern Africa (Libya and Egypt) has gone from bad to worse. These folks haven’t a clue as to what they are getting themselves into, and are delusional if they think because they faced down a teargas canister here in the US they stand a chance against AK-47′s and tanks well, I can honestly state that I do not, nor would I ever ask anyone to do so…

It is late, I am signing off and almost embarrassed to say, Bloomberg, you were right about this one…

Thank you and good night/morning/day….

The group that made this decision was misguided and refused to take the input from the several hundred in the chat room opposing the ‘mutual agreement’.

The General Assembly this evening resembled the Senate Republican actions over the past three years, stalling long enough to alienate enough members on the ground in Zuccotti Park until the numbers whittled down to provide the 90 percent approval from their clique to pass.

At least one member angry over the decision that held out for the final vote tore up the amendment, and walked away from the group.

Once again, WorldNewsVine feels this was an irreversible mistake made by a group of misguided individuals that lack both the diplomatic training, and/or skills to deal with militants in an area of the world which is currently under military leadership that adheres to the harsh laws of Shiria.

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« Reply #52 on: November 21, 2011, 03:53:40 pm »

New Occupy plot: Flash mobs
'Alternative forms of protest' put cities, cops at disadvantage
 November 20, 2011

The Occupy movement is stepping up its confrontational tactics, plotting "alternative forms of protest," including flash mobs that can be deployed nationwide.

Citing the success of last week's so-called Day of Action protests, Take to the Square, one of Occupy's main online planning forums, has devised an "Alternative Day of Action" to coincide with international Human Rights Day on Dec. 10.

"Our freedom and dignity are under attack as a result of market dynamics and corrupt government institutions that are turning our local and global societies into increasingly unjust places," the site complains.

The Occupy forum calls for "alternative forms of protest" and "new forms of action with a creative spirit."

Among the proposed actions: "We can organize public forums, workshops and flash mobs; we can promote the movement at local schools and neighborhoods or get in contact with humanitarian organizations working with the same goals."

A flash mob refers to a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place to perform a collective act and then disperse.

While flash mobs have been organized in the past for entertainment purposes, such as for satire or live television shows, recently the concept has also been used for criminal intent.

(Story continues below)


Flash mobs of mostly teenagers have reportedly attacked random targets in Philadelphia, Maryland, Cleveland, Chicago and Washington, D.C. Philadelphia's recently reelected mayor, Michael Nutter, imposed strict curfews in response to the incidents.

While the exact nature of any future Occupy flash mob was not immediately clear, already one Occupy site – Occupy Oakland – did host a dancing flash mob yesterday.

Dancing Without Borders, an Oakland nonprofit, teamed up with the radical antiwar outfit, Code Pink, and the National Organization for Women, to attempt a "dance flash."

The dancing group's Facebook page advertised: "What better way to breathe new life into the Occupy demonstrations and perhaps show the 1 percent that the 99 percent can do more than just occupy – they can dance, too."

"This unique flash mob will include choreography that evokes the dying system, the awakening of a new society and the necessary reconciliation between the 99 percent and the 1 percent," the group said in a statement.

The deployment of Occupy flash mobs could provide the anti-Wall Street movement with a tactical advantage. Occupy mobs appearing at sites without warning could damper the planning of countermeasures by cities, citizens and law enforcement.

The Dec. 10 scheduled Action day follows last Thursday's Day of Action mayhem nationwide, a three-course meal of in-your-face tactics that aimed to block subways and bridges as well as shut down the stock market.

That day, too was preplanned. Last week, Occupy Wall Street held a three-day "Direct Action Preparation and Training" course in downtown Manhattan to gear up for the latest round of riots.

A look at the official resources provided on the Occupy site as part of the planning for the most recent chaos shows several manuals from the Ruckus Society, whose mission is to provide "environmental, human rights and social justice organizers with the tools, training and support needed to achieve their goals," including training radical activists in direct action techniques.

The same Ruckus Society that helped to spark the 1999 World Trade Organization protests in Seattle, which devolved into violent unrest, was listed as a "friend and partner" for last week's Day of Action.

The Ruckus training manuals provided at the Occupy site leave little to the imagination.

Titles include: "Blockading for Beginners," "Anonymous Riot Guide," "Define White Supremacy," "Uncle Sam the Pusher Man" and, of course, the Communist Party-connected National Lawyers Guild's "Legal Observer Manual."

Occupy, meanwhile, shows no signs of relenting any time soon.

Besides the Dec. 10 protests, a forum on the Occupy Wall Street website is calling for protesters to "occupy" the malls on Black Friday.

The Occupy the Jobs subgroup of the anti-Wall Street movement has called for "actions" on the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend of Jan. 14-16.

If Occupy can simmer along for a few months, the most ambitious escalation seems set to coincide with major NATO and G-8 summits in Chicago next May, when world leaders convene to focus on global economic issues.

KleinOnline has learned that a list of radical groups, including those behind the 1999 WTO riots, have already petitioned Chicago for permits to demonstrate.

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« Reply #53 on: November 21, 2011, 03:56:31 pm »

Outcry over 'chilling' campus pepper spray use

A police officer saunters up to a group of young protestors who are sat in a line on the ground, with their arms linked. Then he removes a canister of pepper spray from his belt, with a flourish, before casually proceeding to unload its contents into their faces.

The demonstrators remain silent and motionless, with their heads bowed. So the policeman carries on, methodically covering them, from point blank range. By the time he’s finished, their heads and faces are covered in a thick layer of the toxic red liquid.

This was the scene on the campus of UC Davis in northern California at around 4pm on Thursday, as 35 officers - armed with batons and guns, and dressed in riot gear - attempted to break-up a peaceful protest by roughly 200 left-wing students sympathetic to the Occupy movement.

Video of proceedings was uploaded to the internet at the weekend, placing the policeman, Lieutenant John Pike, and his superiors, on the front line of a simmering debate over the policing of the protests which began on Wall Street in September and have since spread across both America and the developed world.

To some, the casual use of extreme force against what appear to be peaceful demonstrators has crystallised anger at the alleged brutality with which the forces of law and order are going about their dealings with the so-called "99 percenters." To others, Lt Pike is simply a regular guy, trying to do his job in tricky circumstances.

Annette Spicuzza, the head of the UC Davis Campus Police, who were responsible for Friday’s incident, sits firmly in the latter camp. She yesterday told reporters that her officers had been “forced” to use the pepper spray, after demonstrators surrounded them. Lt Pike gave his victims sufficient warning of the impending attack, she added, and emptied the canister with a sweeping motion, in keeping with official procedures.

“When you are encircled by 200 individuals, I don’t know if I want to say ‘afraid,’ but I think they were quite concerned about their safety,” she said, regarding the circumstances her officers faced. “There was no way out of that circle... It's a very volatile situation."

Bearing the brunt of public criticism, however, was Linda Katehi, the Chancellor of UC Davis who had asked the police to clear demonstrators from her campus, a couple of hours north of San Francisco. In the aftermath of the incident, she had initially joined Spicuzza in defending the force's methods, saying that they had “no option” but to adopt a hard line.

That sparked immediate outrage, and within hours, the university’s Faculty Association, representing Ms Katehi’s employees, issued a statement called for her resignation, saying that her authorisation of “excessive” force had amounted to a “gross failure of leadership.”

Nathan Brown, an assistant English professor who witnessed the incident, wrote in an open letter: “Several of these students were hospitalized. Others are seriously injured. One of them, forty-five minutes after being pepper-sprayed down his throat, was still coughing up blood... You are responsible.”

In a press conference late on Saturday, Katehi performed a minor volte face, announcing a formal investigation into the affair, and saying that footage of the attack was “chilling.”

She claimed that she had “absolutely not” authorised the use of pepper spray in the manner. But although what the video showed was “sad and really very inappropriate,” Katehi insisted that she had no plans to resign.

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« Reply #54 on: November 21, 2011, 08:23:05 pm »

Tampa Police Roll Out A TANK To Deal With A Few Dozen Protesters
 Nov. 19, 2011

According to The Daily, the Tampa police produced this vehicle to deal with some protesters.

Overkill, much?

(As many folks have observed on Twitter, these sorts of responses are playing right into the protesters' hands.)

UPDATE: It's not actually a "tank," of course, though it certainly looks like one. It's a "12-ton armored personnel carrier." It is supposedly for "rescue" operations, though why it needs to be armored to do that is not clear.

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« Reply #55 on: November 21, 2011, 11:26:40 pm »

Yeah, to rescue their own when the evil peasant hordes overrun them.  Roll Eyes

I wonder how many they have actually rescued with that thing, and what they paid for it.
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« Reply #56 on: November 23, 2011, 12:51:27 am »

Occupy CUNY’: NYC Students Drop Books on Police in Chaotic Tuition-Hike Protest

November 22, 2011

Chaos erupted yesterday when students at the City University of New York (CUNY) engaged in a daylong protest rally against tuition increases. While some protesters claimed that the uproar, which ended in 15 arrests, was totally unrelated to the Occupy Wall Street movement, the tactics and chants employed seemed oddly reminiscent.

In a student-led protest during the day on Monday, students chanted, “Banks got bailed out, students got sold out” — a line that was taken almost word-for-word from the Occupy playbook. Denise Romero, a junior who helped organize the event, though, claims that the student protest is different from the Occupy movement. “We support them and they support us, but we are not affiliated,” she explained.

The protest began with some organizers from Students United for a Free CUNY, a group that believes that free education is a right. The coalition stands opposed to the city and state’s plans to raise tuition by $300 each year for the next five years.

On Monday evening, the situation elevated when protesters ignored police officers’ requests to clear out the lobby of a building at Baruch College, part of the CUNY system. The students arrived at the scene to protest a CUNY Board of Trustees meeting that was being held to address proposed tuition hikes. The official vote on the measure will take place next Monday.

The New York Times has more about the incident:

    Carlos Pazmino, 21, a City College student who helped organize the protest, said that after students began opening doors to the auditorium where the CUNY trustees were to hold a public hearing at 5 p.m., CUNY police officers surrounded the entrances and pushed back, using their batons, and that when students formed a line to push past, the officers began hitting the students with the batons.

    “I saw two people knocked down by cops,” Mr. Pazmino said. “They were arrested and one guy’s head was bleeding.”

From higher floors, the Times reports that students dropped books on police, as 200 to 300 protesters stood outside of the lobby and shouted “Shame!,” while pounding on the outside of the building.

To prevent further chaos inside of the trustees meeting, campus police restricted access and told the protesters that they would be arrested for trespassing.

Watch the chaos below:


Already, the CUNY system is among the most affordable public education systems around. This chart showcases the current annual rates within the system:

CUNY spokesman Michael Arena addressed the First Amendment issues surrounding the incident.

“There’s been plenty of exercise of free speech tonight, both on the street and in the room, but there comes a point where if our students can’t attend the classes that they need to get, that‘s something that’s going beyond the opportunity of free speech,” he explained.

Here’s a report from Russia Today entitled, “Police Attack Occupy CUNY Students:”

Students are likely to continue their protests, as the Occupy movement rages on.

« Last Edit: November 23, 2011, 12:55:56 am by Jim » Report Spam   Logged
« Reply #57 on: November 23, 2011, 01:47:01 am »

Desecration, defecation and class A drugs: Children found living in squalor at St Paul's protest camp

    'Several' children, one as young as 9, thought to be living on the site
    Graffiti scratched and painted on great west doors
    Class A drugs seized by police as camp requests official sharps bin to dispose of hypodermic needles
    Dogs roam freely among the tents, heavily fouling the area
    Growing threats of violence amid reports two women had to hide in a portable toilet to escape attack
    Half of school parties cancel trips to the cathedral and the number of drop-in visitors has plummeted

St Paul’s Cathedral has been desecrated by vandalism, human waste and discarded drug needles since the arrival of anti-capitalist protesters outside, court papers allege.

Children as young as nine have been living among drink and drug abusers in squalor at the camp.

Police have arrested a sex offender on the site which has become a ‘magnet’ for addicts and those with mental health issues, it is alleged.

This image, which makes up part of the 88-page report submitted to the High Court yesterday reveals a dog tethered close to a tent, surrounded by mess

A bottle of wine and empty beer and whiskey cans litter the grounds of the cathedral

Cathedral staff have also been subjected to foul abuse from the protesters. The shocking allegations were made in legal papers lodged at the High Court by the Corporation of London at the start of its battle to evict the camp.

It includes a letter from the registrar of St Paul’s, Nicholas Cottam, cataloguing the problems since protesters arrived on October 15.

He said graffiti, including a sacrilegious message, had been scratched and painted on the building and human waste had even been found inside it.

He said services had frequently been interrupted by the noise from the protesters.

Police have reported a string of arrests at the site. Legal experts say the battle to move the camp could drag on for months.

Joy Hollister, the director of community and children's services for the Corporation, provided a witness statement to say she had observed a 'very strong smell of cannabis in several parts of the camp' and the presence of several children - two of whom appeared to be living there',

She said: 'There was one boy who looked to be between 11 and 13 there with his father. He was spending a lot of time with a group of people who were exhibiting signs of stronger drugs, I observed tracks in people's arms and stomachs relating to injecting drug use.

Empty cups and rubbish are strewn throughout the site outside the cathedral

'The boy was playing with musical instruments in their tent. I was concerned about him and asked if he was staying there. He told me he had stayed the night before and there had been some trouble as his father had his tobacco "nicked".

'He was then moved away from me by his father. I did not see the second child later and assume he had left the camp.'

Ms Hollister's statement then reveals that during a follow-up visit the father refused to divulge the age of the boy and claimed he was staying at the camp with his mother's permission.

She also quoted Homeless charity Broadway's concerns about a child 'who they said was nine, living in this environment'.

It also emerged that police have arrested a convicted sex offender on the site.

Anti-capitalist protesters were served with an eviction notice by the City of London Corporation last week

Ms Hollister raises concerns about the growing numbers of 'vulnerable' people at the camp.

She said: 'By which I mean people who were exhibiting behaviour that was indicative of poor mental health, people who were exhibiting signs of drug use including stumbling and compulsive behaviour, people who had body odour arising from significant periods without washing or change of clothing and a number of people who were clearly under the influence of drugs and alcohol.'

Ms Hollister also outlined concerns about a 'growing threat of violence' with reports of two women having to hide in a portable toilet for fear of being attacked by some of the men in the camp.

The 'Occupy' camp at the Cathedral is part of a series of protests in cities across the globe which aim to highlight the inequalities caused by mismanagement of the economy.

Demonstrators have been camped outside St Paul’s since October 15 after an attempt to occupy the nearby London Stock Exchange failed.

Although there are portable toilets at the site, there have been reports of protesters defecating in the cathedral grounds and the building itself

Since then the camp has become littered with human waste and graffiti, while alcohol and drug use are rife, according to the 88-page report.

Parts of the dossier come from registrar of St Paul’s, Nicholas Cottam, who wrote to a Corporation official outlining the disruptions faced by the cathedral.

Mr Cottam wrote: ‘Desecration: - graffiti have been scratched and painted on to the great west doors of the cathedral, the chapter house door and most notably a sacrilegious message painted on the restored pillars of the west portico.

‘Human defecation has occurred in the west portico entrance and inside the cathedral on several occasions.’

He also made reference to noisy interruptions during services, foul language directed at staff and the use of alcohol and ‘other stimulants’ that appeared to ‘fuel the noise levels day and night'.

'666', 'ACDC' and a heart were some of the symbols spray-painted onto the walls by the front entrance to the cathedral

Mr Cottam revealed more than half of schools scheduled to visit the cathedral had cancelled since the occupation began.

He wrote: 'The reason for the cancellations is directly as a result of their own risk assessments... that entry and exit to the cathedral is in their opinion too difficult due to the camp's presence.'

Drop-in visitor numbers were also down by half, leaving the cathedral's café, shop and restaurant 'faltering'. 

Unchained dogs roam freely on the site, fouling the area, as litter including cigarettes and beer cans pile up, the report says.

A further witness statement from temporary police inspector John Zuber expressed ‘mounting concern of drugs within the camp’ including the arrest of a man in possession of ‘what is currently believed to be a liquid class A drug'.

He added: 'A camp member handed police drug paraphernalia, which included needles and residue of drugs which they found around the tents. The camp has made a request for an official sharps container for needles to be put into.'

Designer Vivienne Westwood speaks to demonstrators in front of St Paul's Cathedral this weekend

Last month, Daily Mail reporter Tom Rawstorne went undercover at the camp and reported widespread drug and alcohol use.

During a meeting, one activist complained of being harassed by someone who was drunk, adding: ‘I have reason to be a little bit afraid for our safety.’

Another activist admitted there had been problems with protesters urinating on each other’s tents, and called for a ban on drink and drugs, telling the group: ‘Recreational drinking isn’t something we should passionately support — this is a movement trying to overthrow capitalism.'

She added that anyone wanting to have a drink or 'do a few lines’ (presumably of ****) could go off-site.

A member of the so-called Tranquillity Team, a roster of protesters who spend the nights trying to quell trouble, says they have been rushed off their feet dealing with problems, and that people carousing on the cathedral steps have been keeping everyone awake until dawn.

Police patrol the site this weekend. Drug and alcohol use have been widespread at the camp

Meanwhile, a member of the camp's finance team implored people to stop asking for money that has been donated to the camp. 'We won’t give out money for cigarettes or booze,’ he said, clearly exasperated. 'Please don’t even bother asking.’

Legal notice was served on the camp on Thursday, a day after U.S. police cleared the Occupy Wall Street camp in New York.

The Corporation had halted earlier court action to hold talks with protesters, but policy chairman Stuart Fraser said the negotiations went ‘nowhere’.

Naomi Colvin, for Occupy London, insisted the threat of eviction ‘was not something we need to be remotely worried about’.

She added: ‘It could take months. We will contest it.’

You've been served: A bailiff pins an eviction notice to a tent outside St Paul's Cathedral

Time to leave: Bailiffs acting for the Corporation of London handed out eviction notices to the tents at the City Of London site

The Mail revealed last month how thermal imaging cameras showed the camp virtually empty at night.

Even if the court action succeeds, the protest is likely to continue in the churchyard during the day as long as nobody pitches tents.

Adam Chapman, head of public law at Kingsley Napley, said the Human Rights Act would make evicting London protesters a far more complex affair than in New York.

St Paul’s Cathedral decided not to join the legal action against the protesters after a humiliating internal row within the church which led to two high-profile resignations.

Legal threat: The warning notice handed out to protesters
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« Reply #58 on: November 23, 2011, 03:05:46 pm »

Occupy L.A. receives offer to decamp
Protesters could get downtown office space and farmland if they leave City Hall.


November 22, 2011
Los Angeles officials have offered Occupy L.A. protesters a package of incentives that includes downtown office space and farmland in an attempt to persuade them to abandon their camp outside of City Hall, according to several demonstrators who have been in negotiations with the city.

The details of the proposal were revealed Monday during the demonstration's nightly general assembly meeting by Jim Lafferty, an attorney with the National Lawyers Guild who has been advocating on behalf of the protest since it began seven weeks ago.

Lafferty said city officials have offered protesters a $1-a-year lease on a 10,000-square-foot office space near City Hall. He said officials also promised land elsewhere for protesters who wish to farm, as well as additional housing for the contingent of homeless people who joined the camp.

A spokesman for the mayor would not comment on the proposal, saying only: "We are in negotiations with organizers of Occupy L.A."

Los Angeles has been one of the most accommodating cities in the nation for its Occupy encampment.

Officials here said they do not want the demonstration to end violently and have steered away from police raids like those in New York, Oakland and other cities.

It is unclear whether the protesters will give up their camp.

The proposals were received with a mix of excitement, anger and disbelief among protesters, many of whom did not know that members of the camp were in negotiations with city officials.

"I don't appreciate people appointing themselves to represent me, to represent us," one woman called out during the assembly. "Who was in those meetings?"

"It's divide and conquer," another protester said.

Mario Brito, a protester who helped organize the demonstration and has been in the city meetings, said the office space could be an opportunity to expand the protest.

Protesters have begun organizing a general strike in Los Angeles.

But Brito told the crowd, "It's not going to happen if we spend 90% of our time arguing about camp issues."

Lafferty said he told city officials that protesters may not agree to the proposed exit strategy.

"I have made it clear that there are some people who would want to stay and others who want to take that offer," he said, adding that the offer of office space will remain even if some "stay here and decide to get arrested."

Lafferty, who said he talks regularly to Los Angeles Police Department Chief Charlie Beck, said police "have said that the day is growing near when they will not allow the occupation in its present form to continue."

After Lafferty announced the proposal, the protesters discussed it and other alternatives.

Protesters planned to meet again Tuesday to talk about their options.

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« Reply #59 on: November 23, 2011, 03:08:52 pm »

'Occupy Student Debt' emerges in US
Tue Nov 22, 2011 11:1AM
A number of student organizers in the US have unveiled what they call an 'Occupy Student Debt' campaign, urging borrowers across the country to default on their college loans.

The campaign was made public Monday afternoon in New York's Zuccotti Park, where the national Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement emerged, the Huffington Post reported.

“Since the first days of the Occupy movement, the agony of student debt has been a constant refrain,” said Andrew Ross, a professor at New York University and an active OWS member, while addressing a crowd in the park

“We've heard the harrowing personal testimony about the suffering and humiliation of people who believe their debts will be unplayable in their lifetime,” Ross said.

Meanwhile, the campaigns “beliefs” or objectives were announced during the rally.

The student movement has four major objectives, apart from convincing all students to default on their loans, a move for which they have collected one million signatures in a petition.

They want student loans to be interest-free, tuitions at public institutions to be federally funded, students' debt to be written off and financial records of for-profit and private institutions to be made public.

“I see my students who have to work not only one but two jobs just to afford our relatively reasonable tuition rates,” said Ashley Dawson, an associate professor at the City University of New York.

“For students faced with debt, this campaign is important because it will help provide them with a collective organizing vehicle,” Dawson said.

The campaign emerged as an offshoot of the OWS, which has now spread across major US cities as well as many capitalist countries in the world.

Members of the OWS movement have for the past two months been protesting against corporate greed, unemployment, corruption and poverty in the United States.

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