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The Occupy Movement

March 27, 2024, 12:55:24 pm Mark says: Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked  When Hamas spokesman Abu Ubaida began a speech marking the 100th day of the war in Gaza, one confounding yet eye-opening proclamation escaped the headlines. Listing the motives for the Palestinian militant group's Oct. 7 massacre in Israel, he accused Jews of "bringing red cows" to the Holy Land.
December 31, 2022, 10:08:58 am NilsFor1611 says: blessings
August 08, 2018, 02:38:10 am suzytr says: Hello, any good churches in the Sacto, CA area, also looking in Reno NV, thanks in advance and God Bless you Smiley
January 29, 2018, 01:21:57 am Christian40 says: It will be interesting to see what happens this year Israel being 70 years as a modern nation may 14 2018
October 17, 2017, 01:25:20 am Christian40 says: It is good to type Mark is here again!  Smiley
October 16, 2017, 03:28:18 am Christian40 says: anyone else thinking that time is accelerating now? it seems im doing days in shorter time now is time being affected in some way?
September 24, 2017, 10:45:16 pm Psalm 51:17 says: The specific rule pertaining to the national anthem is found on pages A62-63 of the league rulebook. It states: “The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem. “During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.”
September 20, 2017, 04:32:32 am Christian40 says: "The most popular Hepatitis B vaccine is nothing short of a witch’s brew including aluminum, formaldehyde, yeast, amino acids, and soy. Aluminum is a known neurotoxin that destroys cellular metabolism and function. Hundreds of studies link to the ravaging effects of aluminum. The other proteins and formaldehyde serve to activate the immune system and open up the blood-brain barrier. This is NOT a good thing."
September 19, 2017, 03:59:21 am Christian40 says: bbc international did a video about there street preaching they are good witnesses
September 14, 2017, 08:06:04 am Psalm 51:17 says: bro Mark Hunter on YT has some good, edifying stuff too.
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« Reply #60 on: November 23, 2011, 03:21:35 pm »

Occupy Fairbanks tent remains in park despite borough ban

FAIRBANKS -- The Occupy Fairbanks protesters and borough officials can't agree about the tents.

The protesters put up a tent more than a week ago, but the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner reported Wednesday that the tent is still up at Veterans Memorial Park despite instructions from borough officials to take it down.

The group says it needs a warming tent to continue to exercise its First Amendment rights of free speech and assembly. But borough officials say the tent violates park rules.

Mayor Luke Hopkins and Borough Attorney Renee Broker are apprehensive about the legal implications of taking a hard line with the protesters. Hopkins says enforcing the regulations could mean stepping "strongly on First Amendment rights."



Spell of unseasonable cold keeps icy grip on Fairbanks

Readings expected well below zero for rest of week.

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« Reply #61 on: November 23, 2011, 06:53:41 pm »

The group says it needs a warming tent to continue to exercise its First Amendment rights of free speech and assembly.

The Constitution doesn't guarantee a person the right to be warm while speaking! It just says you have the right to speak.
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« Reply #62 on: November 24, 2011, 10:23:31 pm »

WS Protestors Plan Black Friday Demonstration

November 24, 2011

PORTLAND, Ore. — Occupy protesters want shoppers to occupy something besides door-buster sales and crowded mall parking lots on Black Friday.

Some don’t want people to shop at all. Others just want to divert shoppers from big chains to local mom-and-pops. And although the actions don’t appear coordinated, they have similar themes: supporting small businesses while criticizing the day’s dedication to consumption and the shopping frenzy that fuels big corporations.

Nearly each one promises some kind of surprise action on the day after Thanksgiving, the traditional start of the holiday shopping season.

In Seattle, protesters are carpooling to Walmart stores to protest with other Occupy groups from around Washington state. Washington, D.C., is offering a “really, really free market,” where people can donate items so others can go gift shopping for free.

Others plan to hit the mall, but not for shopping. The 75-person encampment in Boise, Idaho, will send “consumer zombies” to wander in silent protest of what they view as unnecessary spending. In Chicago, protesters will serenade shoppers with revamped Christmas carols about buying local. The Des Moines, Iowa, group plans flash mobs at three malls in an attempt to get people to think about what they’re buying.

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« Reply #63 on: November 25, 2011, 02:23:51 pm »

Gay **** Movie Filmed At Occupy Oakland

By Noel Sheppard | November 25, 2011 | 09:37

You can now add the filming of gay pornography to the growing list of reprehensible things happening at Occupy encampments around the country.

The New York Observer reported Tuesday:

New York-based **** company Dirty Boy Video has just released “Occupy My Throat,” a homoerotic caper through the tents of Oakland’s Occupation. (Hopefully, the stars escaped unscathed during the police raid.)

But now Dirty Boy Video is expanding their repertoire back on their home turf. Remember Brendan Watts, the protester who lost his virginity in Zuccotti before having his head bashed in and pants pulled off by the NYPD during OWS’ Day of Action?

The men behind Dirty Boy are reaching out to Mr. Watts, writing an open letter appealing to his sense of social injustice as a reason why he should star in their porno.

According to the Huffington Post, this movie was filmed in the middle of the Occupy Oakland encampment.

Next time you hear some liberal media member claim the Occupy movement is the same as the Tea Party, try to recall if **** films were ever videotaped at events sponsored by the latter.

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« Reply #64 on: November 25, 2011, 02:25:05 pm »

Occupy Protest Costs Cities at least $13 Million

During the first two months of the nationwide Occupy protests, the movement that is demanding more out of the wealthiest Americans cost local taxpayers at least $13 million in police overtime and other municipal services, according to a survey by The Associated Press.

The heaviest financial burden has fallen upon law enforcement agencies tasked with monitoring marches and evicting protesters from outdoor camps. And the steepest costs by far piled up in New York City and Oakland, Calif., where police clashed with protesters on several occasions.

The AP gathered figures from government agencies in 18 cities with active protests and focused on costs through Nov. 15, the day protesters were evicted from New York City’s Zuccotti Park, where the protests began Sept. 17 before spreading nationwide. The survey did not attempt to tally the price of all protests but provides a glimpse into costs to cities large and small.

Broken down city by city, the numbers are more or less in line with the cost of policing major public events and emergencies. In Los Angeles, for example, the Michael Jackson memorial concert cost the city $1.4 million. And Atlanta spent several million dollars after a major snow and ice storm this year.

But the price of the protests is rising by the day—along with taxpayer ire in some places.

Read more here. Keep in mind, the true economic cost of the Occupy protests in probably many factors greater than this. This “cocktail napkin” report only looked at 18 cities, and only at direct costs that are easily documented. A more complete fixture would need to tally sanitation costs, economic losses suffered by local businesses, lost tax revenue from the lower economic activity and the lost productivity from workers who have suffered longer commutes to and from work, to name just a few.

Still, the report goes a long way in showing that the #Occupy crowd really is the new Entitlement Generation. They can have their drum circles, and we are left to pick up the tab.
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« Reply #65 on: November 25, 2011, 02:28:44 pm »

The entire Occupy movement summarized in one sign

Photojournalist El Marco has returned from a trip to New York during which he documented the final days of the Occupy Wall Street encampment in Zuccotti Park. His newly published collection of Zuccotti Park portraits contains many unforgettable images (one of which we already featured here), but one particular image summarizes the entire Occupy movement — and the entire entitlement mentality as well.

I hereby present the photo I have titled “JFK’s Greatest Nightmare:”

Alternate title: Cloward-Piven’s Revenge.

Winning the Most Clueless “Useful Idiot” of the Decade award is “Colleen, age 20, from Johnston State College in Vermont,” a Zuccotti Park Occupier who informs us that…

…because, y’know, that first Cultural Revolution worked out so well.

Look deep into her eyes: Is she the stupidest person on Earth, or does she actually know what she’s advocating? The brainwashing of our modern educational system goes deep, my friend, deeper than we can even fathom.

Want more? Because these two pictures are just a sampling of El Marco’s amazing Zuccotti Park portait gallery. Click this link to see the whole thing:
Zuccotti Utopia: Portraits of The New Revolutionaries


To clarify matters for those few folks who think the question mark at the end of the “Ask not…” sign means the guy holding it is being sarcastic and is secretly a Tea Party counter-protester, or something along those lines: Sorry, no dice. As you can see at the bottom left of his sign, his name is “Marvin Knight” and he’s made plenty of other appearances at Occupy Wall Street carrying other indisputably left-leaning signs. He’s even been quoted in MSM articles about OWS saying things like this:

    Marvin Knight, a 68-year-old pensioner who lives in Brooklyn, joined the Wall Street protests on October 3. Holding a large, handmade poster that read, “Jesus is not for corporate greed,” he said he lives on Social Security retirement benefits of less than $800 a month.

    “I am here to protest this capitalist system we have here, where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and there’s no end in sight,” Knight said.

There’s no way to wriggle out of this one: He’s an authentic and sincere Occupy Wall Street protester, and he’s completely serious about his sign.


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« Reply #66 on: December 05, 2011, 07:38:11 pm »



Occupy Denton Moves Out After 23-year-old is Found Dead in Tent

A member of Occupy Denton found Darwin Cox, 23, dead in his tent Saturday afternoon. A university spokesperson says they do not expect foul play. It will be weeks before there is an official cause of death.

Sunday, most of the occupiers broke down their tents and moved out. The organizers say the decision was made before the tragedy Saturday, because of safety concerns.

"We are constantly harassed by drunk and hostile people," said spokesman Garrett Graham.
There were also safety concerns within the organization.

"It has always been the position of Occupy Denton that this would be a no drugs and no alcohol space, but there are no walls. There are no doors. It's an open space. So, some people choose to violate that," said Graham.

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« Reply #67 on: December 18, 2011, 08:25:56 pm »



NYC protesters scale fence at vacant lot

NEW YORK (AP) — Dozens of Occupy Wall Street protesters were arrested Saturday after they scaled a chain-link fence or crawled under it to get to a church-owned lot they want to use for a new camp site.

Protesters used a wooden ladder to scale the fence or lifted it from below while others cheered them on. A man wearing a Santa suit stood on the ladder among others, as they ignored red "Private Property" signs.

As officers made arrests, protesters shouted obscenities and hollered: "Make them catch you!" The group was inside the lot for a short time before being led out by police in single file through a space in the fence. About 50 people were arrested, police said.

"We're just trying to say that this country has gone in the wrong direction, and we need spaces that we can control and we can decide our future in, and that's what this is about," said David Suker, who was among those who scaled the fence.

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« Reply #68 on: December 29, 2011, 09:54:28 pm »

LulzXmas goes on: ‘Robin Hood hackers’ rob military retailer



Hacktivists from Anonymous have allegedly gained access to thousands of passwords and credit card numbers from Specialforces.com, an online military and law enforcement equipment retailer.
­Fourteen thousand passwords and 8,000 credit card numbers were stolen several months ago and posted online right after Christmas, a statement purportedly by Anonymous on pastebin.com explained.

A Twitter account associated with secretive Anonymous has also posted a screenshot of an email from Specialforces.com admitting to the data breach. The email, dated December 15, advises customers to block all the passwords as a security precaution.

The alleged hackers explained they were trying to punish SpecialForces.com for selling equipment used against civilians. “You get a kick out of pepper-spraying peaceful protesters in public parks? You have a fetish for putting people in plastic zip ties?” they wrote.

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« Reply #69 on: December 29, 2011, 09:58:31 pm »

Anonymous to publish Stratfor emails

29 December, 2011, 22:58

A treasure-trove of top secret correspondence between security firm Stratfor and millions of contacts is about to be published, a move that hackers say will serve as a smoking gun for several committed crimes.
Activists belonging to the loose-knit online collective Anonymous infiltrated the internal servers of Strategic Forecasting Inc., or Stratfor, earlier this month and published an array of information on the company’s clients, including credit card data, log-ins and passwords. Less than a week after the first bits and pieces were put online, those close to the hack say that millions of emails linking the firm to high-profile customers will soon be made publically available.

Since news of the hack made it to the Web on Christmas Eve, the number of emails obtained has rose from nearly 3 million to now around 5.5 million.

In preparation for the dump of data, Stratfor has said that they will continue to keep their website offline while they look into the hack. The company has repeatedly reached out to its customers, who subscribe to analysis reports on the Web, to apologize for the breach of information. Though they have downplayed the incident and apologized incessantly, a further delay in launching the site suggests that the hack could have been more severe than first though.

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« Reply #70 on: January 17, 2012, 03:17:10 pm »

Occupy protesters rally against Congress at Capitol

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Demonstrators from the Occupy movement rallied outside the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday to protest against the influence of money on Congress.
In a sign of renewed vigor for the Occupy movement, which staged protests in many U.S. cities last fall, several hundred protesters gathered on the Capitol's West Front Lawn to greet members of Congress returning from a holiday break with a day of rallies and protests they said would include attempts to occupy lawmakers' offices.
Occupy protesters from around the country who gathered on the rain-soaked lawn carried signs saying, "Face it liberals, the Dems sold us out," "Congress for sale" and "Congress is not for sale."
"It's important to let people know we're not going to take it anymore. People are really mad about the way things are going and we want Congress to understand that," said protester James Cullen, a 30-year-old unemployed social worker from Greenbelt, Maryland.

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« Reply #71 on: January 18, 2012, 03:42:50 pm »

Occupy Congress' Shuts Down White House with Smoke Bomb


An Occupy Congress movement shut down the White House for one hour late Tuesday night with a smoke bomb thrown over the Pennsylvania Avenue fence.

No one was injured, but White House personnel and reporters were prohibited from leaving the building for nearly an hour and then through a side entrance while security personnel investigated the incident. Robots were deployed to check for other devices.

President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle were outside the White House facility at the time and returned under tight guard as the investigation was under way.

No arrests were made, but further away from the White House, police took four people into custody after a scuffle near the Capitol.

An estimated 1,000 protesters had gathered on the main artery to demonstrate against corporate influence in the government. Rally organizers had secured a permit that allowed up to 10,000 people to attend the rally.
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« Reply #72 on: January 28, 2012, 07:57:11 pm »


Protesters march through Super Bowl Village
By CARRIE SCHEDLER, Associated Press 2 hours, 0 minutes ago
INDIANAPOLIS (AP)—A mix of union members and Occupy protesters from across Indiana marched through Super Bowl Village on Saturday in opposition to the state’s proposed right-to-work legislation.
About 75 marchers weaved through packed crowds at the pre-game street fair in downtown Indianapolis in the first of what could be several such protests before the big game Feb. 5 at Lucas Oil Stadium. The protesters chanted “Occupy the Super Bowl” and carried signs that read “Fight the Lie” and “Workers United Will Prevail.”
Saturday was the second straight day of right-to-work protests in the Super Bowl Village. About 40 people picketed the opening of a zip line in the Village. The 800-foot zip line allows participants to clip onto a wire about 100 feet off the ground and glide almost two blocks.

Most onlookers stared in silence as the protesters walked past them, but some like Jason Leibowitz of Jamestown were upset about their outing being interrupted. “There’s a place and a time for this,” Leibowitz said. “This isn’t it.”
Organizers of the march say the protests will likely continue if Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels signs the divisive bill into law this week.
Supporters of the legislation, mostly Republicans, insist the measure helps create a pro-business climate that attracts employers and increases jobs. Opponents say the measure only leads to lower wages and poorer quality jobs.
Before Saturday’s march, Occupy Purdue organizer Tithi Bhattacharya, a professor at Purdue University, led a rally in front of the Statehouse that included union workers, Occupy protesters, two representatives and a state senator among the speakers.
Most emphasized that while the right-to-work legislation appears likely to pass following Wednesday’s House vote approving the bill, that doesn’t mean an end to protests.
“If the governor signs, I want to shame him out of this state,” said Heath Hensley of Occupy Anderson. “He doesn’t want us screwing up this Super Bowl.”
State Senator Jean Breaux, D-Indianapolis, called the bill evidence that Republican legislators are not in touch with the needs of working-class voters. “If you voted Republican in the past, stop,” Breaux said.
Hensley, Breaux and other speakers urged protesters to convince their friends and family members to vote out anyone who decided in favor of the bill.
Another Statehouse protest is planned for Monday’s Senate hearing on the bill, and Bhattacharya said that if the bill passes, there will be plenty of angry people who may keep protesting through game day.
The Super Bowl between the New York Giants and New England Patriots is expected to draw more than 150,000 visitors to Indianapolis.
“Upsetting the Super Bowl—I couldn’t care less,” protester Lou Feldman of Lafayette said. “This is about my life and my family. Maybe it will make some people notice.”
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« Reply #73 on: March 24, 2012, 07:56:18 pm »



Several hundred Occupy Wall Street activists marched through Manhattan on Saturday to protest against what they say is police repression as they try to revive their movement.

Several demonstrators were arrested along the route of the march in scuffles with New York police, who deployed in large numbers to keep activists on sidewalks.

"There were a few arrests, but we don't have a final number yet," an NYPD spokeswoman said.

Skirmishes between police and Occupy protesters, who say they represent America's "99 percent" against a ruling "one percent," have become near daily occurrences in New York since the spring weather turned warm in recent days.

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« Reply #74 on: April 05, 2012, 06:53:35 pm »

The Occupy Protesters Have Launched a Website to Help You Dodge Taxes



Two former Wall Streeters with sympathies for the Occupy Movement have launched a website to help people dodge taxes. They describe their mission to "Occupy The IRS" in patriotic terms, using a picture of Thomas Jefferson as their Twitter avatar.
The site, called taxKilla, walks users through the simplest way to dodge taxes: filing Schedule C deductions for a business entity.
"Anybody can do it, that's the beauty of it," said Jen Powers , who graduated from Columbia University and began a career in social work after leaving Wall Street in the 80s.  "We thought the 1 percent have so many different loopholes and opportunities to take advantage of when it comes to taxes, but the everyday person doesn't."


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« Reply #75 on: April 25, 2012, 01:10:26 pm »

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« Reply #76 on: April 30, 2012, 11:13:50 pm »



Occupy Wall Street Plans Protests for May Day

Occupy Wall Street demonstrators, whose anti-greed message spread worldwide during an eight-week encampment in Lower Manhattan last year, plan marches across the globe today calling attention to what they say are abuses of power and wealth.

Organizers say they hope the coordinated events will mark a spring resurgence of the movement after a quiet winter. Calls for a general strike with no work, no school, no banking and no shopping have sprung up on websites in Toronto, Barcelona, London, Kuala Lumpur and Sydney, among hundreds of cities in North America, Europe and Asia.

In New York, Occupy Wall Street will join scores of labor organizations observing May 1, traditionally recognized as International Workers’ Day. They plan marches from Union Square to Lower Manhattan and a “pop-up occupation” of Bryant Park on Sixth Avenue, across the street from Bank of America’s Corp.’s (BAC) 55-story tower.

“We call upon people to refrain from shopping, walk out of class, take the day off of work and other creative forms of resistance disrupting the status quo,” organizers said in an April 26 e-mail.

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« Reply #77 on: May 01, 2012, 10:44:41 am »


May Day Eve Quickly Turns Ugly In San Francisco


A day that is expected to be filled with anti-establishment protests all around the globe began early last night with a roving band of "anarchists" smashing car windows and store fronts in San Francisco's Mission District. The mini-riot (which was technically on April 30, but still) may have started as a "ruckus street party" organized by Occupy Oakland protesters who invaded their sister city last night, but whoever was responsible appeared to show little regard for the property of either the 1% or the other 99.

Various witness accounts say a group of between 50 and 100 people moved down Valencia St. smashing windows, throwing paint balls, and even attacking an unsuspecting police station. The cops were apparently not prepared to make mass arrests and were slow to respond to the chaos, though it quickly broke up. The blog, Mission Local, has a good round up of the scene from last night.

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« Reply #78 on: May 01, 2012, 11:28:46 am »



5 arrested for allegedly trying to blow up Ohio bridge

URGENT: Five people described as anarchists were arrested Monday in a Cleveland-area park for allegedly trying to blow up a bridge, sources tell Fox News.     
The public was never in danger from the explosive devices, which were inoperable and controlled by an undercover FBI employee, according to sources close to the investigation.
A criminal complaint was filed Tuesday morning in U.S. District Court in Cleveland. Court documents say three of the suspects are self-proclaimed anarchists who formed a small group and considered a series of plots over several months.
U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Ohio, Steven M. Dettelbach, said Tuesday that the defendants "took numerous and repeated acts that demonstrated a commitment to violent, terrorist acts."

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/05/01/5-arrested-for-allegedly-trying-to-blow-up-ohio-bridge/#ixzz1tdUwIrQw
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« Reply #79 on: May 01, 2012, 11:31:03 am »


Europe focus of global May Day labour protests


Labour activists have been holding marches and rallies in Europe and around the world to mark May Day, at a time of austerity and social unrest.

Politics coloured events in France - one of the eurozone's dominant states - which elects a new president on Sunday.

In Greece, which elects a new parliament the same day, a march through Athens passed off peacefully.

Thousands of Spaniards took to the streets of Madrid and Barcelona to protest against cuts and unemployment.

Scuffles broke out at a rally in the Italian city of Turin and there was some friction in the Greek capital Athens but, in general, the demonstrations appeared to pass off peacefully in Europe.

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« Reply #80 on: May 01, 2012, 11:35:22 am »


Threatening Letters Containing White Powder Sent To Manhattan Banks

Given Reference To 'May Day,' NYPD Suspects Possible 'Occupy' Involvement

April 30, 2012 11:59 PM

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — Envelopes containing white powder turned up at multiple banks in Manhattan on Monday, police told 1010 WINS.
Five of the envelopes were sent to Wells Fargo banks, one was sent to JP Morgan Chase headquarters and another was sent to Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s Office and ended up in a mailroom on Gold Street.
The powder was determined to be cornstarch, police said.

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« Reply #81 on: May 01, 2012, 11:45:43 am »



A Look at the Leaked NYPD Memo Prepping for May Day: ‘Wildcat March’ & Violent ‘Black Bloc’ Tactics

In what appears to be a genuine NYPD memo, police are seemingly bracing for violent “Black Bloc” tactics in New York City on May Day.
According to Buzzfeed, NYPD representative Paul Browne has confirmed that the memo is genuine, and said the police have even distributed it to private sector security directors in preparation.
For those unfamiliar with the term, “Black Bloc” protesters often dress in all black and mask their faces so it’s harder for the police to identify them.  They have tended to embrace violence, smash windows, and target both major corporations and law enforcement internationally, and in the United States as recently as this month.
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« Reply #82 on: May 01, 2012, 12:09:32 pm »


Occupy May Day mostly quiet

By Pueng Vongs | The Lookout – 59 mins ago.

The Occupy movement has targeted May 1, May Day, to disrupt "business as usual." Organizers are encouraging the 99 percent across the country to take off on this day and march:  "NO WORK - NO SCHOOL - NO SHOPPING - NO BANKING - NO TRADING. THE PEOPLE OF THE PLANETS WILL TAKE TO THE STREETS" is plastered on its Facebook page.
Despite the fact that nearly 60 general assemblies have agreed to participate in the general strike, things have been fairly quiet so far. Protests have been mostly peaceful. There are reports, however, that the arrest toll will soon rise in New York City, and things got going early in San Francisco.
San Francisco
On the eve of May Day, hundreds gathered in Dolores Park in the Mission District to plan for the following day and groove to a little music. As the group began to march through the streets, some protesters began breaking car windows, spray-painting anarchist symbols on restaurants and attacking a police station.
One Occupy SF protester disavowed the violence.  "I know Occupiers," Jesse Smith told KTVU. "None of us have any idea who they were."
There was one arrest made. Earlier plans to shut down the Golden Gate Bridge have been scaled back, and traffic is flowing smoothly on the span.
New York City
Rain may have kept protesters away in the morning hours, but a band of about 100 is making its way up Sixth Avenue and police are calling in arrest wagons, according to a New York emergency dispatchers Twitter feed.
The New York Daily News has confirmed one arrest: Vietnam vet Bill Steyert—but there promise to be more as the day wears on and the  march heads to Wall Street.
Five people, claiming to be anarchists, have been arrested in Cleveland for trying to blow up a four-lane bridge across the Cuyahoga Valley National Park. The local Occupy crowd said they were a part of their operation, but have now distanced themselves.
The suspects had bought fake explosives and placed them near the bridge Monday. The suspects were arrested after 9 p.m. Monday, according to WEWS.
The public was never in danger from the devices, according to Fox News. The explosive devices were inoperable and controlled by an undercover FBI agent. Charges against the suspects were filed Tuesday morning.
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« Reply #83 on: May 01, 2012, 02:25:04 pm »



NEW YORK (Reuters) - Three new envelopes containing suspicious white powder were sent to New York City banks and news organizations on Tuesday, along with notes suggesting the sender sympathizes with the Occupy Wall Street's Day of May 1 protests, police said.
A total of ten letter-sized envelopes were sent over the last two days, and at least some contained an identical note saying "This is a reminder that you are not in control" and "Happy May Day," police spokesman Paul Browne said.
In all ten cases, the substance turned out to be non toxic and in several cases the powder was identified as corn starch, Browne said.
The letters appeared intended to coordinate with a planned day of May 1 protests organized by the Occupy Wall Street movement and labor groups across the country.

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« Reply #84 on: May 02, 2012, 09:21:00 pm »


Seattle mayor issues emergency order after May Day mayhem

Published May 01, 2012

Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn says he's making an emergency declaration allowing police to confiscate items that can be used as weapons following violent May Day protests that left storefronts and car windows shattered.
Police said officers made at least three arrests after hundreds of people marched through downtown Tuesday afternoon. A 23-year-old man was arrested for vandalism and a 19-year-old man with a knife was also arrested.
Protestors dressed in black clothing smashed windows of retail stores and banks, and spray-painted parked cars, reported Q13 FOX News. NikeTown, American Apparel, HSBC, and Wells Fargo were among the businesses protesters vandalized.
McGinn said protesters were using items that looked like flagpoles as weapons. He said his order would enable police to take those items away from people before they are used to cause damage. McGinn said his action would help protect public safety as protests continued into Tuesday evening.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/05/01/seattle-mayor-issues-emergency-order-after-may-day-mayhem/?test=latestnews#ixzz1tll9MEHr
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« Reply #85 on: May 04, 2012, 10:17:53 pm »

Caveat:  I don’t buy 99.9% of conspiracy theories, but this is very damning. This video documents—rather effectively—how the Minnesota State Troopers are picking up protesters from the Occupy movement, getting them high, sometimes bribing them, and returning them back to the base camp. 

Normally I side with Hanlon’s Razor on this one (never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity), but this is really compelling evidence that there is an organized movement acting to undermine the Occupy movement.  Merits of the Occupy Movement aside, this is kind of disturbing to me. 

Long 35 minute video below:


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« Reply #86 on: May 04, 2012, 10:22:30 pm »

Not a fan of the Occupy movement, but nonetheless this is very, very wicked.

BTW - summer is right around the corner now. 2012 College graduates have student loan debt through the roof + over 1/2 of them can't find employment. The economy continues to get worse as our national debt continues to go out of control. Who knows when the euro will collapse, but it's imminent. We have this OWS movement. And on and on...

Not trying to predict anything this summer, but again, temperatures ARE heating up now, and with everything else going on, it could take that one little spark to trigger everything off. From what I understand, this is exactly what the NWO minions want - massive riots. I believe Bill Cooper once said that "He that fires the first shot loses"(when he warned how the NWO wants to trigger these riots).
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« Reply #87 on: May 20, 2012, 08:44:09 pm »

Under cover of the night around twelve police cars stopped five journalists when they were heading back to where they are staying in Chicago during the NATO summit. All five have been covering protests against the NATO summit for the past few days.

The five journalists included Luke Rudkowksi, who streams as @Lukewearechange, Tim Pool, who streams as @Timcast, Jeoff Shively (@Jiraffa), Dustin & Jess. They are known for their work livestreaming and tweeting out regular coverage of Occupy protests.

Rudkowski of We Are Change managed to record the Chicago police approaching the journalists in the car. The police have their guns drawn. They shout, “Hands! Hands! Get your hands up!” And then, “Fuckin’ hands!” Then Pool’s voice can be heard saying, “We’re being raided. For folks who are watching, we are being raided by the CPD right now as we speak.”

There is some trouble with the door. The door is locked and the police are knocking on the windows of the car. The door is opened. A police officer can be heard telling one of the journalists, “Put your coffee down so you don’t burn your crotch.”

Police officers ask a journalist, who I presume is Rudkowski, if he has anything on him. He then is told to leave the camera on the seat of the car.

The video cuts and then we see Shively and Rudkowski recounting what happened. They say police are following them. They add the police would not explain why they were stopped, they were pulled over by unmarked police cars and Rudkowski and Dustin were cuffed together.

During the stop, search and interrogation, Chicago PD took the journalists’ hard drives and slammed them against “running boards four or five times.” They took Pool’s alternate batteries and slammed them too. Content recorded by the journalists was deleted from Ustream.

The stop happened about midnight or just after. And, according to Pool’s Twitter stream, the police were still following them on the police scanner around 2 am. They allegedly wanted the targeted journalists to announce where they were staying for the night so they could raid where the journalists were staying.

Pool released a YouTube clip that included audio of the stop.


The stop was another episode of preemptive policing. No person was told why they were being searched. They were put in cuffs and interrogated because police wanted to stop them and put them in cuffs and interrogate them. They know that these people are involved in reporting and livestreaming protests and that made them susceptible to targeting. They know that these journalists also, unlike many of the establishment press, have an interest in calling out the police when they engage in repression or commit violence against protesters.

On May 19, there were reports in the daytime of an alarm going off where these journalists have been staying. The National Lawyers Guild was called. That seemed like a raid. It was widely reported on Twitter. It was not a raid, although the location where these journalists are staying in Chicago was still swarmed.

This surveillance by police has led Pool and Rudkowksi to not want to announce where they are sleeping at night.

The episode was not an isolated incident. @Ghostpickles and @Korgasm who have both been covering Occupy since the early days, reported being interrogated by CPD with others in the middle of the night.

“Ghostpickles” and “Korgasm” (and another person) were sitting by a fence on the side of the road. They were waiting for a ride when a police SUV crept up.

Earlier in the day, something similar but much worse happened. According to “Ghostpickles,” the police “jumped” them. When they went to park their car, they got out and two SUVs full of cops jumped out. The police pushed the group against the vehicles. The police would not identify themselves. They would not explain why they were being cuffed or detained. Their vehicle, including all the property inside, was impounded by the cops.

There appears to have been a conscious targeting of bloggers and livestreamers. The Chicago police, possibly with help from the Department of Homeland Security, FBI or other federal agencies, appear to be working off a list of “suspected” people or spaces where they must go “check in” on what is happening simply to ensure all is safe. Of course, this is illegal. Without a warrant or probable cause, rights are being clearly violated.

In each of these instances, the police did not inform those detained why they were being detained. The police stopped them to find criminal activity that they could then use against the journalists to make arrests. And so far they have not been able to find any justification for arresting any of these people, but they have been able to briefly frighten and infuriate these journalists and also to impound a vehicle.

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« Reply #88 on: May 23, 2012, 05:21:47 pm »



A handful of student activists are expressing their displeasure at the rising cost of college by wearing inflatable ball and chain accessories over their graduation robes. The props state the amount of debt with which they're graduating. The silent commencement protest, dubbed "Occupy Graduation" by its organizers, is taking place at seven universities around the country.
Ben Cohen, the co-founder of Ben & Jerry's ice cream, is helping pay for the protest and has raised about $400,000 to fund Occupy-related projects.
"A college education is so important and now it's only available to people who have a lot of money or to people who end up going into debt for the rest of their lives," Cohen told Yahoo News. The entrepreneur never completed college, but he thinks it's crucial to job success today.
Everardo Gonzalez, a 23-year-old criminal justice graduate of San Francisco State University, said he received "a bunch of positive feedback" from parents and fellow students for his participation in the quiet protest last Saturday at the graduation ceremony.
Gonzalez is graduating with $26,490 in federal loans and another $10,000 in credit card debt that he racked up while trying to make ends meet. His parents couldn't afford to help him pay for college, so he worked at a local Ikea, struggling to balance his class schedule with his job.
During Gonzalez's college career, San Francisco State University cut faculty salaries across the board, laid off staff, dramatically reduced the number of classes offered, hiked tuition and trimmed enrollment, all in response to the reduction in California's higher education budget. Gonzalez was forced to spend another year at school—and take out more loans to do so—after he couldn't find a way into the classes he needed for his major to graduate. (The crowded classes would fill up online within seconds.) The experience spurred him to join a group of student protesters linked with the Occupy Wall Street movement, who demonstrated against the cuts and other issues this year.
Gonzalez has landed a paid internship for next year, and plans to get a master's degree in political theory after that to become a teacher. Gonzalez's debt load is actually about average for graduating college students who took out loans. By attending an in-state school, qualifying for grants and relying solely on federal—not private—loans, Gonzalez has a manageable amount of loans with comparatively low interest rates.
"I'm not the poster child of student debt," he says, but adds that many of his friends are in a worse position. He believes college education should be free, and that existing student loans should be forgiven. Seeing his parents lose their home after the recession hit also made him passionate about advocating for more opportunities for middle-class and poor people. "The entire system is set up for people to fail unless they're privileged," he says.
Ivonne Quiroz, another San Francisco State University protester who graduated with a degree in biology last weekend, was also forced to stay at college for an extra semester after the immunology class she needed to graduate filled up. She's now walking down the aisle with about $21,000 in federal loans. Quiroz said the budget cuts also fueled her protest. "We're paying so much more, but we're getting so much less," she said.
Various Occupy movements have advocated for changing the law so that student debt can be discharged in bankruptcy, forgiving student loans altogether, and having zero percent interest loans for education. Interest rates on subsidized federal student loans are expected to double to 6.8 percent this year, unless Congress passes a law to extend the grace period. (Private loans have higher interest rates.) Still, on average, college graduates make far more money and enjoy lower unemployment rates than their peers who have only a high school diploma.
Another protest is planned for Hunter College in New York at the graduation ceremony on Tuesday. Monica Johnson, a 35-year-old Hunter College graduate student who's helping to organize the demonstration, borrowed about $15,000 in federally secured loans 15 years ago to pay for college. But in 2007, she decided to move to New York to get a master of fine arts degree at Pratt, a private school. She took out an additional $60,000 in loans, which ballooned to $88,000 after she dropped out of the program, dissatisfied. She now has a full-time job at an arts nonprofit and is enrolled at the much cheaper Hunter College, where she'll receive her MFA in December.
Johnson recently paid off $18,000 of her debt over a period of eight months, by subsisting on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and paying for things only in cash, which she said helped her resist buying anything unnecessary. She's encouraging indebted graduates to form a union and negotiate with lenders to get lower rates or income-based repayment.
"What really pisses me off is I should never have been given those loans," Johnson said. "It honestly was the worst money I ever spent."
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« Reply #89 on: June 04, 2012, 11:42:14 am »


Ben and Jerry’s co-founder wants to rubber-stamp dollar bills with Occupy messages


Ben Cohen, co-founder of Ben & Jerry's ice cream and one of the deep pockets behind the Occupy movement, says he is helping launch a campaign this summer to highlight the influence of corporate money in American politics.
Cohen and the Move to Amend advocacy group will distribute rubber stamps with anti-corporate election spending messages so that the politically minded can mark their dollar bills. The end goal: To secure a constitutional amendment saying corporations do not enjoy the same protected rights as individuals and that money is not a form of speech.
Cohen plans to put a giant stamping machine on a national tour in August to encourage "thousands of people to buy rubber stamps and stamp any currency that comes into their possession," he tells Yahoo News. According to his attorney, this is legal, as long as the bills are still legible after the stamping. The Occupy movement tried the stamp tactic last October, defacing dollar bills with infographics that showed the income distribution in American society.
This round of stamps will include "Corporations are not people," "Money is not speech" and "Not to be used for bribing politicians," among other slogans.
The amendment for which Cohen is advocating would reverse decades of Supreme Court decisions, which have extended free speech and other rights to corporations and have ruled that spending money is a form of protected speech. The Citizens United Supreme Court decision in 2010 held that corporations and unions can spend unlimited amounts of money during elections as long as they are not directly funding individual candidates. (This led to the rise of independent super PACs, which have poured millions of dollars into this election cycle alone.) The decision overturned existing campaign finance laws.
Cohen expects this iteration of the Occupy campaign to be tougher than its first, when thousands of people "occupied" public spaces in cities around the country. "In some ways, it's kind of a more difficult and certainly a more time consuming task than occupying parks," he said. Nearly all of the Occupy encampments were gone by the winter, when local police and cold weather drove the protesters away.
Cohen announced in February that he had raised $300,000—some of it, surprisingly, from wealthy businessmen—to fund Occupy-related projects, and that he hoped to reach $1.8 million. Cohen's group, the Movement Resource Group, has raised only $100,000 since then, however, and he's not optimistic that it will hit the original goal.
Nevertheless, other Occupy operatives say they plan to launch new projects this summer. Adam Nelson, who has tried to hone Occupy's message through his public relations firm, tells Yahoo News that protesters plan to disrupt the Republican convention in Tampa in August, when the party will officially choose its presidential nominee. The group will try to project protest messages on nearby buildings from the rooms of hotel rooms and enlist local high school marching bands to circle the convention in a "massive Occupy marching unit."
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