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The Occupy Movement

March 27, 2024, 12:55:24 pm Mark says: Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked  When Hamas spokesman Abu Ubaida began a speech marking the 100th day of the war in Gaza, one confounding yet eye-opening proclamation escaped the headlines. Listing the motives for the Palestinian militant group's Oct. 7 massacre in Israel, he accused Jews of "bringing red cows" to the Holy Land.
December 31, 2022, 10:08:58 am NilsFor1611 says: blessings
August 08, 2018, 02:38:10 am suzytr says: Hello, any good churches in the Sacto, CA area, also looking in Reno NV, thanks in advance and God Bless you Smiley
January 29, 2018, 01:21:57 am Christian40 says: It will be interesting to see what happens this year Israel being 70 years as a modern nation may 14 2018
October 17, 2017, 01:25:20 am Christian40 says: It is good to type Mark is here again!  Smiley
October 16, 2017, 03:28:18 am Christian40 says: anyone else thinking that time is accelerating now? it seems im doing days in shorter time now is time being affected in some way?
September 24, 2017, 10:45:16 pm Psalm 51:17 says: The specific rule pertaining to the national anthem is found on pages A62-63 of the league rulebook. It states: “The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem. “During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.”
September 20, 2017, 04:32:32 am Christian40 says: "The most popular Hepatitis B vaccine is nothing short of a witch’s brew including aluminum, formaldehyde, yeast, amino acids, and soy. Aluminum is a known neurotoxin that destroys cellular metabolism and function. Hundreds of studies link to the ravaging effects of aluminum. The other proteins and formaldehyde serve to activate the immune system and open up the blood-brain barrier. This is NOT a good thing."
September 19, 2017, 03:59:21 am Christian40 says: bbc international did a video about there street preaching they are good witnesses
September 14, 2017, 08:06:04 am Psalm 51:17 says: bro Mark Hunter on YT has some good, edifying stuff too.
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« on: October 10, 2011, 11:16:23 am »

Obama pastor: Occupiers on Wall Street 'stand with Jesus'
Suggests church members have 'potluck' at protests

member of President Obama's controversial faith council has implied the Occupy Wall Street movement stands with Jesus, while asking church members to bring pizza and casseroles to the protesters.

"The occupiers' desire for change and willingness to take action to do something about it should be an inspiration to us all," wrote Jim Wallis, founder of Sojourners, a ministry professing a devotion to the pursuit of "social justice."

Wallis was appointed to in February 2009 to the Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, a White House group replete with advocates for using religion to advance "social justice."

Wallis reportedly is a spiritual adviser to Obama and has known the president for years.

Writing in the Huffington Post this week, Wallis compared the Wall Street protesters to Jesus.

Wrote Wallis: "Here are a few things I do know about the Occupy Wall Street protesters:

"When they stand with the poor, they stand with Jesus.

When they stand with the hungry, they stand with Jesus.

When they stand for those without a job or a home, they stand with Jesus.

When they are peaceful, non-violent and love their neighbors (even the ones they don't agree with and who don't agree with them), they are walking as Jesus walked.

When they talk about holding banks and corporations accountable, they sound like Jesus and the biblical prophets before him who all spoke about holding the wealthy and powerful accountable."
Wallis asked readers to "think of ways that you or your church can be Jesus to them."

(Column continues below)

Read more: Obama pastor: Occupiers on Wall Street like Jesus http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=353857#ixzz1aOcHpHLS

When they accept Jesus as their personal savior is the only time they stand with Jesus.
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The Man from George Street

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« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2011, 03:01:41 pm »

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Psalm 51:17
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« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2011, 03:05:15 pm »

These clergy should know very well that Jesus said his kingdom is NOT of this world, otherwise his servants would fight.

These clergy should know that we are fast approaching the end of times, and our redemption draweth nigh.
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Psalm 51:17
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« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2011, 03:07:08 pm »

Interesting here...

You have Jim Wallis/Emergent Church supporting these Wall Street protests...

The so-called "truth" movement supports these Wall Street protests...

Satan is the god of this world...
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« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2011, 03:30:47 pm »

truth movement supports the communist/socialist view of the Wall Street protesters....

The communist belief was started by the Jesuits of the Catholic church....

Most truth leaders are closet catholics....

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The Man from George Street
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2011, 03:00:57 pm »

A very privileged protest: Wearing $300 jeans and from some of the most exclusive schools, the children of the one per cent out for a good time at Occupy Wall Street

They have branded themselves the 99 per cent, camping out in New York's financial district to protest against corporate greed and financial inequality.

But on the ground at the epicentre of the Occupy Wall Street demonstration, a closer look at some of the impassioned protesters is starting to suggest that while many of them have genuine grievances, all may not be completely as advertised.

The flash of a designer belt, a watch or even, in one case, a huge wad of cash reveals many activists are not quite so hard done by.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2047664/Occupy-Wall-Street-Children-1-good-time-protests.html#ixzz1aVNxV3i0
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« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2011, 03:06:05 pm »

Glenn Beck calls them "Animals"

A story today revealed the Occupy Wall Street protests have devolved into a shameless display of moral depravity – with shocking (or perhaps not) interviews of protesters claiming to be getting high every day and having sex ‘in a tarp’ and out in plain view. For all the ‘tea bagger’ jokes the media couldn’t resist telling, perhaps they could come up with something this time around?

The NY Post reports:

    Lured by cheap drugs and free food, creepy thugs have infiltrated the crowd of protesters camped out in Zuccotti Park for Occupy Wall Street, The Post has learned.

    “I got warrants. I’m running from the law,” boasted Dave, 24, a scrawny, unshaven miscreant in filthy clothes from Stamford, Conn. “I’m not even supposed to be here, but it’s as good a spot as any to hide.”

    Wanted for burglary, the drug-addled fugitive said some of his hard-partying pals clued him in that the protest was a good place to be fed, get wasted and crash.

    Drugs can be easy to score — a Post reporter was offered pot for $15 and heroin for $10.
    They’ve already fueled at least one violent incident, when a wasted nut job socked a medical volunteer in the face before others hauled the attacker away.

“ It’s very classy. Your parents must be so proud,” Glenn said of the protest.

“Zuccotti Park smells now like an open sewer with people urinating and defecating in public,” Glenn said.

“Let’s just be honest. They’re animals,” Glenn said.  Shocked

The post added that some protestors were there for free food – like the $16/lb salmon and cream cheese that was handed out the other day.

“Listen to that oppression. The oppression of these poor protestors only eating $16 per pound salmon with cream cheese,” Stu said.

“We are entering the days of Weimar. Remember when I told you when TARP was coming down, I said read about Weimar. You have to know about Weimar Republic. That is what preceded Nazi Germany, and it became vile. It became exactly what we’re doing now. And it got so far out of control that the people begged for it to stop. And when they put it all back together, it didn’t resemble anything, anything like what it was. That’s why the purity of the race and the purity of the children and, you know, the Hitler youth, why that was also popular because they had gone so far off the rails. Exactly where we’re going now,” Glenn warned.

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« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2011, 02:53:44 pm »

“Occupy Wallstreet” Protesters Chant Transhumanism Bromides

Good grief.  At about 48 seconds in, the embedded video shows OWS anti-capitalist protest zombie chanters channeling their inner transhumanism:

    Everything seems to be possible. [Crowd Parrot Chant] You can travel to the moon.  [CPC] You can become immortal [CPC] by biogenetics.  You can have sex with animals, or whatever. [CPC]

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The Man from George Street
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2011, 05:44:03 pm »

Communist Party USA and Rep. Jan Schakowsky March at Occupy Chicago (Video)

Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, October 14, 2011, 5:18 AM

Far left Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) marched in the Occupy Chicago rally this week with members of the Communist Party USA.

Rebel Pundit

Schakowsky, a Chicago representative, said she was out marching with ordinary Americans… But, if you take a closer look at the crowd you see they are Mao supporters, open Marxists, anarchists, SEIU goons and young street thugs.
This is an amazing video.
An Andrew Marcus production:

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« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2011, 05:47:32 pm »

Park Owner Received ‘Threatening’ Calls from Politicians Over Cleanup

The Occupy Wall Street protest has managed to keep its base of operations in New York‘s Zuccotti Park despite the Mayor’s proclamation that they must leave, and it looks like political pressure played a decisive role.

Mayor Bloomberg said on his weekly radio show that  the park’s owner, Brookfield Office Properties, “Got lots of calls from many elected officials threatening them and saying … ‘We’re going to make your life more difficult.’”

f it wasn’t clear enough before, it now appears obvious there are heavy-hitter politicos at work behind the scenes that want Occupy Wall Street to continue.

While there have been no further specifics yet on the “elected officials” Bloomberg mentioned, the occupiers are getting support from across the political, financial, and media worlds.

Read More:  http://www.theblaze.com/stories/did-political-pressure-keep-occupy-wall-streets-park-open/
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Psalm 51:17
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« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2011, 06:02:36 pm »

FYI, Jesse Ventura attended the Occupy Wall Street one in his home state of Minnesota.

Who knows how deep this conspiracy is, but apparently TPTB are playing both sides, and who knows if this is THE false flag(or whatever you want to call it) that breaks the straw off the camel's back.(ie-Russ Dizzdar has been warning about "Satanic Supersoldiers" being unleashed which would bring about the antichrist/OWG)

Paul said in Romans 13 that do NOT riot in the daytime.
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« Reply #11 on: October 15, 2011, 09:02:29 pm »

Occupy Chicago Joins ‘Destroy Israel’ Anti-war, Anti-America ‘Peace’ March
by Rebel Pundit

In our continuing coverage from last Saturday’s anti-war protest and march organized by the left-wing ANSWER Coalition, Code Pink, and the Gay Liberation Network, we have more alarming video to share. Alarming, but not surprising, given our footage of the same groups’ joint demonstration last March.

Organizers and protesters from Occupy Chicago joined these groups and provided support to last Saturday’s anti-war gathering. The protest carried a strong anti-Israel/anti-America message, a theme that both served as a rallying cry for the day and, more ominously, a call to action for the organization of massive demonstrations in Chicago next May during the G-8 and Nato summit. Bringing more socialist economics to the United States, was also high on the agenda for the day.

Hatem Abudayyeh, a local pro-Palestinian agitator, rose to stage to address the crowd regarding Israel and American imperialism. He referred to Benjamin Netanyahu as a “fool” for his recent address to the U.N. General Assembly, and cheered the effectiveness of the global boycott and divestment in Israel, which he said was successfully putting a “dent in Israel’s indemnity over Palestine and the Arab world.” During the speech, members of the radical left-wing Jewish Voice for Peace, an organization on which noted socialist Noam Chomsky happens to sit on the board, passed out flyers that read at the top, “Be a Passivist (sic), be a Nonviolent Activist, Refuse to Pay Taxes, Destroy Israel!”


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« Reply #12 on: October 15, 2011, 09:10:20 pm »

More Anti-Semitism at Occupy Los Angeles

While there have been intense arguments in the media recently about hints of anti-Semitism which have erupted at New York’s Occupy Wall Street protest, very little attention has been paid to similar problems cropping up at other “Occupy” events around the country.

Below you will find some photographs and a video taken at the Occupy Los Angeles encampment which reveal how there is a growing encroachment of anti-Semitic “Jewish bankers” conspiracy theories becoming more and more evident at these events. Obviously not everyone at the “Occupy” protests is an anti-Semite, but the fact that these statements and views fit so neatly into the whole anti-banker milieu, and often go completely unchallenged by fellow protesters, should give everyone cause for concern about where this whole movement is heading.

The first four pictures show the signs close up. The second four pictures show the same signs in context as they appeared at the Occupy Los Angeles protest, to prove beyond any doubt that these are authentic. Below them is a video of an Occupy Los Angeles speaker spinning more conspiracy theories.

All Los Angeles photos and video here were taken by Ringo, and will appear in future reports at Ringo’s Pictures. This is the first time any of them have been shown online.

(Below the Los Angeles images there is a gallery of videos [many already well-known] of anti-Semitic protesters at the New York Occupation, along with transcriptions.)

First, at Occupy Los Angeles:

“End the Fed. Turn off the spigot!!!”, with an illustration showing Stars of David (containing the word “Zion”), missiles, and dollar signs, implying either that Jewish influence in the Federal government is what causes war funding, or that Jews pressure the government to send military aid to Israel, or both.

“Bizarre and incredible as it sounds, humanity has been colonized by a satanic cult called the ILLUMINATI…This cult represents Masonic and Jewish bankers who finagled a monopoly over government credit which allows them to charge interest on funds they create out of nothing. Thus, the people who control our purse strings are conspiring against us…They have orchestrated TWO WORLD WARS and are planning a THIRD.”

This ancient stereotype of the evil and greedy “Jewish bankers” is the precursor to the “greedy Wall Street bankers” so hated by the Occupiers.

“It’s Yom Kippur: Banks should atone!” Hmmmm…why would the banks and bankers engage in a Jewish ritual practice (atonement on Yom Kippur) if they weren’t Jewish? Again, we return to the “Jewish bankers” theme.

“Humanity vs. the Rothschlds” [sic -- he means "Rothschilds.]

In earlier centuries up through WWII, anti-Semitic “Jewish banker” conspiracy theories frequently focused on the Rothschilds, a prominent European Jewish family which owned many financial institutions.

Speaking of the Rothschilds conspiracy theories, and the belief that the Jews “funded WWII,” this video by Ringo of a speaker at the Occupy L.A. protest shows that the anti-Semitism is creeping into standard anti-capitalist speeches:

Here’s a transcript of what she said starting at 0:39 into the video:

    Occupy L.A. speaker: “How many people know that the wars, in WWII, both sides, were funded by the Rothschilds? Those are the bankers. So banking and war is very intertwined.”

Just to be complete, here is a gallery of videos taken at the New York Occupy Wall Street protest.

First up is the now-infamous “Lotion Man,” arguing with a Jewish passerby:

    Lotion Man: “I got a job, Mo. I do have a job. You’re a bum, Jew. Man, I’m a Jew. Why are you fighting with us? You got the money, that’s why you’re fighting, you Jewish man. My father worked 40 years, and we have a foreclosed house, my mother’s dead, she had a heart attack from stress. You tell the corporations to stop calling my mother.”

    Jewish passerby: “What?”

    Lotion Man: “What? [Mocking] Uh? Uh? Duhduhduhduhduh. You can’t even speak English? Are you Israeli? Go back to Israel. Israel. Go back to Shalom Israel. … I have a job. I’m a college graduate. I’m in the Local 1 Plumbers’ Union. Who are you to tell me I need a job? Look at you, you short little man. Go away. I don’t wanna argue. Bye! Keep it moving. Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Wall Street.”

Also note that the person who took the video said (about Lotion Man’s statement that he too is Jewish) “By the way, during the course of his performance, he told me that he was white, Puerto Rican, Jewish, and African-American.”

Next up is a guy who’s been standing at the protest for weeks, holding up blatantly anti-Semitic signs and ranting about Jews, to the consternation of Jews in the vicinity:

    “Blame the Jews.”

    That’s the message one Wall Street protester was trying to spread in Lower Manhattan to anyone that would listen.

    A new video posted to YouTube shows the protester loudly and aggressively proclaiming “the Jews control Wall Street.”

    In the nearly 6-minute video, the man is seen standing in Zuccotti Park ranting against Israel and Jews while holding a sign reading “Hitler’s Bankers – Wall St.”

    The protestor, who would not give his name to those gathered around him, is also seen arguing with members of the public who took offense to his choice of words.

    A number of others also ask the protester if Fox News had paid him to stand and display his sign to which he responded: “[expletive] Fox News, that’s [expletive]. [Expletive] Jew made that up.”

Here’s the video:

The Occupiers, completely unable to accept that their arguments have attracted kooks with similar and overlapping beliefs, begin to formulate their own ridiculous conspiracy theory that he is an agent hired by Fox News — as you will see in this transcript, starting at 1:30:

    Anti-Semitic Occupy Wall Street protester: “The Jews control Wall Street! These are the Jews! The Jews control Wall Street. Google it! Google Wall Street Jews. Wall Street Jews! Their names are Jewish — do the homework, do the research. The Jews control Wall Street!”

    Bystander: “Hey, didn’t I see you getting out of that Fox News truck parked over there by the corner?”

    [Later, starting at 3:24]

    Blogger: “Tell me something: Know what? People are saying that Fox News gave you $50. Did you get paid $50 to hold that sign?”

    Anti-Semitic Occupy Wall Street protester: “**** Fox News and that bullshit.”

    Blogger: “Did anyone pay you to hold that sign?”

    Anti-Semitic Occupy Wall Street protester: “No! A **** Jew made that up.”

    Blogger: “No one paid you to hold that sign?”

    Anti-Semitic Occupy Wall Street protester: “No.”

Here’s another video of the same guy, with a transcript starting at 1:14:

    Anti-Semitic Occupy Wall Street protester: “Google ‘Jews control Wall Street.’ Google “Jewish billionaires.’ Google ‘Jews and the Federal Reserve Bank.’ The small ethnic Jewish population in the country, they have a firm grip on America’s media, finances, and other areas of production.”

    Interviewer: “So what would you say to people who say you’re anti-Semitic or don’t like Jews?”

    Anti-Semitic Occupy Wall Street protester: “I would tell them that Jesus in the Gospel according to St. John, Jesus referred to certain elements in the Jewish community as ‘children of the devil,’ Chapter 8 I believe. But, having said that, the fact of the matter is that there is clear, the fingerprints of these Jewish billionaires and hedge fund managers and bankers is clear and convincing.”

    Interviewer: “So are you against all Jews, or just…?”

    Anti-Semitic Occupy Wall Street protester: “I’m against the Jews who are robbing America, or who are silent about their brethren robbing America. Google ‘Jewish billionaires.’ Half the billionaires in this country are Jewish. Jews represent 2% of the population, but they are that 1% that seems to control America. And you can also Google ‘Jews control America.’ There’s a lot of research that’s been done to prove that there appears to be some kind of ethnic grip on the American economy.”


The interviewer wrote an article on The Blaze to accompany these videos, in which he also includes an interview with a “non-leader” of the Occupy Wall Street group saying the the anti-Semite doesn’t represent the rest of the protesters.

Here is yet another video of the same guy, with a transcript starting at 0:33:

    Anti-Semitic Occupy Wall Street protester: “I have to say that Jews have usurped the authority of the majority of the people of this country. And they’re doing it in a conspiratorial manner. And everyone is afraid, everyone is shaking in their boots to admit that one ethnic group is dominating America.”

This article in the Chabad Lubavitch Headquarters News discusses how some observant Jews at the New York Occupy Wall Street protest are becoming increasingly upset at the incipient anti-Semitism in the protest messages, and are trying to counter it:

    Daniel Sieradski, a new media activist and participant in the protests, says he is reaching out to Jewish participants at the protest.

    Sieradski has also found a small, fringe element that has “chosen to co-opt the protests as an opportunity” to spread hatred and anti-Semitic rhetoric, among participants, and hopes to dispel negative Jewish stereotypes and to “fight those using Jew-hatred,” by his presence there.

Leftists at the protest are hyper-senstitive to accusations of anti-Semitism, and have struck back with counterattacks.

This article in New Voices, the National Jewish Student Magazine, downplays the sign-holder as “the entire anti-Semite community of the Occupy Wall Street protest,” claiming there are no other anti-Semites there.

And the left-leaning pro-Occupy PoliticsUSA site published articles entitled Nazi Obsessed Fox News Attacks Occupy Wall Street As Anti-Semitic and A Terrified Rush Limbaugh Mines the Gutter Of Anti-Semitism To Attack the 99% which go to great lengths to dismiss the charges of anti-Semitism.

But with the emergence of the new evidence from Los Angeles presented above, the charges are getting harder to ignore.

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« Reply #13 on: October 15, 2011, 10:01:24 pm »

Oh yeah...another one of those "It's ALL the Jews' faults!".

The big problem with this "It's JUST the Zionists" camp is that this group thinks it's ONLY Zionism/Israel/Jews that are running the Illuminati, therefore its ONLY MAN-MADE. But en yet, they refuse to see the evils of the Roman Catholic Church, for example.

I mean come on...is Israel responsible for the Emergent Church infiltrating churches with their devil doctrines? Rick Warren, Bill Hybels, and Brian McLaren are PRO-ISLAM.
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Psalm 51:17
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« Reply #14 on: October 15, 2011, 10:13:35 pm »

I know I've beaten a dead horse with this, but it really sickens me when I see self-professed Christians on these "truther" message boards act like Zionism/Jews are the ONLY chain in the Illuminati, and how they themselves have it ALL figured out.

I know I shouldn't be angry, but I will admit people like Brandon Dean, Raven, trixl, CSM, etc just make my blood boil. trixl claims to be a true born again and KJV-only, but en yet somehow believes ISLAM is somehow *demonized by the MSM*. CSM claims to come from a Christian college, but en yet claims all these Muslims that came to his Christian college were willing to learn about Christianity.Yeah, right...CSM should know the TRUE shephard lays down his life for the sheep and watches out for the wolves infiltrating.

Sorry about the rant - please keep posting these related news stories, ak, b/c we really need to be watching in these last days.
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« Reply #15 on: October 15, 2011, 11:06:37 pm »

These people are so blind - where is all the outrage by Occupy[insert city] over the Vatican/Roman Catholic church warring against the gospel of Jesus Christ and everyone in the body of Jesus Christ?

Where is all the outrage by Occupy[insert city] over Satan's minions using Hellywood to corrupt our youth's minds?

Where is all the outrage by Occupy[insert city] over the Vatican committing genocide in Rwanda?

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« Reply #16 on: October 16, 2011, 01:17:57 pm »

Meet the Guy Who Snitched on Occupy Wall Street to the FBI and NYPD
October 16th, 2011

My guess is that we would all be taken aback if we could know the complete list of agencies working that thing. Huh

The Occupy Wall Street protests have been going on for a month. And it seems the FBI and NYPD have had help tracking protesters’ moves thanks to a conservative computer security expert who gained access to one of the group’s internal mailing lists, and then handed over information on the group’s plans to authorities and corporations targeted by protesters.

Since the Occupy Wall Street protest began on September 17, New York security consultant Thomas Ryan has been waging a campaign to infiltrate and discredit the movement. Ryan says he’s done contract work for the U.S. Army and he brags on his blog that he leads “a team called Black Cell, a team of the most-highly trained and capable physical, threat and cyber security professionals in the world.” But over the past few weeks, he and his computer security buddies have been spending time covertly attending Occupy Wall Street meetings, monitoring organizers’ social media accounts, and hanging out with protesters in Lower Manhattan.

As part of their intelligence-gathering operation, the group gained access to a listserv used by Occupy Wall Street organizers called September17discuss. On September17discuss, organizers hash out tactics and plan events, conduct post-mortems of media appearances, and trade the latest protest gossip. On Friday, Ryan leaked thousands of September17discuss emails to conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart, who is now using them to try to smear Occupy Wall Street as an anarchist conspiracy to disrupt global markets.

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« Reply #17 on: October 16, 2011, 10:55:59 pm »

Operation Earnest Voice & Occupy Wall Street – A Trojan Horse?

October 15, 2011

It is becoming increasingly clear that we are witnessing the development of a crisis situation. The Occupy Wall Street Movement is now reaching 1000 cities worldwide [1]. Is this a modern Trojan Horse?

First, there is a growing awareness that the Banking Industry is the focus of our current economic crisis and pending collapse – and rightly so.

Other issues are part of the OWS movement although the Official Manifesto of the Occupy Wall Street Group is considered by many to be short-sighted and Socialistic – perhaps even Communistic.

The police have responded in most cases in a typical way – provoking the crowds by denying them their right to freely assemble, which is a Constitutional Right in case anyone forgot.

In fact, the violence that was inflicted on the New York protesters was in large part the reason the protests grew and got the corporate media coverage.

Rewind to the Greece and Egyptian Protests and subsequent riots that started on Twitter and one can see a pattern of using social media to spark anonymous action by hundreds and thousands of individuals. Monitoring and using social media is now part and parcel of the Intelligence Community as these two excepts demonstrate. [2]

    “We have to remember the government is a different participant than other people in social media,” said James Carafano, a senior fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation who recently published Social Networking and National Security: How to Harness Web 2.0 to Protect the Country. “We also have to remember that there are downsides to the technology just like anything else.” – Gen. Ray Odierno, USAF

    “It’s all about the exchange of information,” said Hugo Teufel, III., former chief privacy officer for the Department of Homeland Security.

    Next month a conference, entitled “Social Media Strategies for DOD and Government,” will take place in Mclean, Va. The three-day conference was organized by the Institute for Defense and Government Advancement. Officials said most of those attending will be involved in marketing, public affairs and communication with the U.S. military. [3]

    The Pentagon is looking towards the use of social networking services like Facebook and Twitter as a resource for intelligence gathering during conflicts. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is offering $42 million in funding to anyone that can help it detect and track ideas being shared by other forces as they are spread on social networks. [4]

Videos from yesterday’s so called Day of Rage:




In a recent Guardian article titled, Revealed: US spy operation that manipulates social media, the capabilities of the government are evident.

What guarantee is there that the use of these technologies has any oversight? In fact, it is now common knowledge that these technologies have been successfully implemented in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. [5]

Here is where the Hegelian Dialectic comes into play. Create a crisis, then offer a solution – meaning, create a Global Economic Crisis and a Global Occupy Movement that turns violent, then offer the objective of the operation which is Martial Law and Military Occupation.

Cui Bono – the Military Industrial Complex and the New World Order or Global Government – a Fascist Corporate Dictatorship leading to World Government.

To demonstrate the nature of Operation Earnest Voice, the contract was awarded to Ntrepid which operates in Tysons Corner, Virginia.
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    From Abraxas to Ntrepid: Tracking the Pentagon’s “sock puppet” operation contractor

    Posted on Thu, 17 Mar 2011

    A piece in today’s Guardian reveals a US military “sock puppet” operation that involves “using fake online personas to influence internet conversations and spread pro-American propaganda.” The article name the California-registered Ntrepid Corporation as a recipient of a contract for the project. The California corporate registry lists an office in Tysons Corner, Virginia as the physical location of the company. A search for the company’s name on Virginia’s corporate registry turns up an entry (ID: F184248-5) with a listing of its director and officers (screenshot here). The names are as follows:

    Richard H. Helms (director and officer)
    Wesley R. Husted (officer)
    Margaret A. Lee (officer)

    As it turns out, Richard Helms was previously the founder and CEO of the Virginia-based Abraxas Corporation. Wesley Husted was at one point its CFO. So, what is the Abraxas Corporation and what do they do? Its web site declares itself to be primarily concerned with a information security and risk assessment. A June 2004 article in the International Herald Tribune identified it as a “small compan[y] made up almost entirely of former senior CIA officers [...] in McLean, Virginia.” […]

    The article also noted that Abraxas was declared in 2005 to be “one of the nation’s fastest growing young companies” by the Deloitte & Touche accounting firm. Apparently, it enjoyed 714% in revenue growth over three years. Naturally, 90% of this revenue was from government contracts.

We also see the possibility that these movements are being used to distract from a potential war in Iran.

Alex also talks with Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer about the Iran op and the move toward war. Shaffer is the author of the government censored book Operation Dark Heart.


  Operation Earnest Voice


    “CENTCOM Activities in the Information Environment: Consistent with the guidance provided by Secretary Gates last December, we conduct Operation Earnest Voice (OEV), which synchronizes and oversees all of our Information Operations activities. OEV seeks to disrupt recruitment and training of suicide bombers; deny safe havens for our adversaries; and counter extremist ideology and propaganda. Full funding of OEV supports all activities associated with degrading the enemy narrative, including web engagement and web-based product distribution capabilities. The effective engagement of our enemies in cyberspace requires the ability for us to conduct a full-spectrum of traditional military activities against them in that domain, including all aspects of Information Operations and Strategic Communication. We coordinate with the Joint Staff, the Interagency, the Intelligence Community, and our coalition partners to examine the adversary’s use of cyberspace and identify techniques, tactics and procedures we can use to counter the adversary in the cyber domain.”

« Last Edit: October 16, 2011, 10:58:57 pm by akfools » Report Spam   Logged
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« Reply #18 on: October 16, 2011, 11:47:55 pm »

You bet it is - I'm not saying the leaders of the so-called "truth" movement are responsible for igniting this, but at the same time, you can't deny how the so-called "alternative truth" media has controlled the "truth" and pretty much narrowed the NWO minions down to the so-called "banking elite". It's not just Alex Jones, but Jeff Rense, Mike Rivero, and a slew of others who just obsess daily over the "banking cartel", that they ultimately fail to pin the tail on the REAL donkey(our SPIRITUAL battles, Rome, Emergent Church, and pretty much all the wolves in sheep's clothing at the top, with Satan at the very top). Ie-Mike Rivero became a hero in the "truth" movement when he ranted against "Zionism", but the facts are that this man is a FORMER NASA employee(and he even denied chemtrails exist).

I guess it shouldn't come as a surprise that there is a big outrage against the "elite bankers"(or whatever you want to call them). Even the mods over at PPF like Geolibertarian focuses and obsesses primarily on this.

For the record, the "elite banker" minions are MERELY BEING USED by the Illuminati to help usher in this OWG.
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« Reply #19 on: October 18, 2011, 11:42:33 pm »

Solid Evidence That Occupy Wall Street Is A Communist Movement Run By Socialists Who Wish To Bring Down The Free Enterprise System
October 18, 2011

Is Occupy Wall Street a communist movement?  Is it being run by socialists who wish to bring down the free enterprise system?  As you will see in this article, the answer to both questions is yes.

Of course many of the people participating in these protests want nothing to do with either socialism or communism.

Many of the protesters are simply angry at the big banks or they just want something to be done about the economy.  But the truth is that when you take a close look at the “organizers”, the literature and the stated goals of this movement, you see socialism and communism everywhere.

As our economic system crumbles, an increasing number of Americans are coming out of the woodwork and are proudly declaring that they are socialists or communists.

An increasing number of Americans truly believe that the free enterprise system needs to be brought down and that the answer to our problems is to fully embrace socialism and/or communism.  Sadly, this puts Occupy Wall Street in direct opposition to what our founding fathers intended.

If you want to know what these protests are all about, just go down and visit one of them.  The following is what Charles Gasparino of the New York Post found when he recently took a trip down to Zuccotti Park….

    It’s not an overstatement to describe Zuccotti Park as New York’s Marxist epicenter. Flags with the iconic face of the Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara are everywhere; the only American flag I saw was hanging upside down. The “occupiers” openly refer to each other as “comrade,” and just about every piece of literature on offer (free or for sale) advocated socialism in the Marxist tradition as a cure-all for the inequalities of the American economic system.


Yes, there are millions upon millions of Americans that are upset with the big banks and with the rampant corruption down on Wall Street.

But is “socialism in the Marxist tradition” the answer to all of our problems?

Of course not.

During his visit, Gasparino also picked up some very interesting literature….

    Maybe the worse-spent dollar I have ever spent in my life was on a propaganda broadsheet titled “Justice,” which advocates “Struggle, Solidarity, Socialism.” On the front page of the newspaper-like document, beneath the headline “Capitalism: System Failure,” was a tease for a story on the economy and how “influential business economist Nouriel Roubini” recently said how “Karl Marx had it right. At some point, capitalism can destroy itself.”

But it is not just in New York where you find this sort of thing.

For example, a stunning report from a visitor to Occupy Charlotte was recently posted on the Economic Policy Journal blog….

    An organizer began reading a script in the way that a minister reads wedding vows, with pauses for the audience to repeat each phrase. The first order of business was an agreement that organizing committee names would be drawn from a hat. The inner circle were known to each other in advance. I could not see the hat, or the people drawing the names, so I can’t say exactly what happened, but I can conjecture.

    In any case, organizers were selected from the hat. The very next order of business, I kid you not, was “All socialists will huddle at such-and-such area.”

    Silence. The rest of us are wondering, OK, are they going to suggest any other groups? Next announcement: organize in small groups any way you want.

    The self-identified socialists huddle. By some miraculous coincidence, the anointed leaders are all socialists.

This is what you will find in city after city.  Most of the “leaders” somehow happen to be socialists of one sort or another.

It should be no surprise that Communist Party USA  has officially endorsed the Occupy Wall Street protests.

In fact, communist leaders have been speaking at many of the protests.  For example, a spokesperson for the national board of Communist Party USA spoke to Occupy Chicago the other day.  As you can see from the video posted below, his remarks were greeted with tremendous enthusiasm….

In the video, you can also see protesters marching with Occupy Chicago that are carrying communist flags and that are wearing shirts promoting Communist Party USA.

In this next video, an “organizer” of the Occupy Greensboro protests explains what this “movement” is really all about….

    ***”We’re the International Socialists Organization… Our goal is to raise political consciousness to build a revolutionary party and work for a revolution here in the United States.”***

    ***”The problem is capitalism… We need a new system that’s going to put people first and put profit back to the wasteland of history.”***

    ***”Socialism is the solution. We need a society where everything is produced to meet human needs and wants rather than to make money off of them.”***

The following is video of her comments….
The truth is that the goals of the Occupy Wall Street movement are not some great mystery.  They have put them out there for everyone to see.

Yesterday, I reported on “The 99 Percent Declaration“, which details the tentative demands of this protest movement.

The following are some of the things that they want….

*Much higher taxes on the wealthy

*The government to provide health care for all Americans

*The EPA to be given the power to shut down any corporation or organization that is damaging the environment

*Student loan debt relief

*Immediate passage of the Dream Act

*Mortgage debt relief and for all underwater and foreclosed mortgages to be bought and refinanced at interest rates of less than one percent

*An immediate one year freeze on all foreclosures

Basically, what the protesters are demanding is a much larger federal government that takes from the wealthy and that gives lots of stuff to them for free.

An increasing number of Americans believe that things such as housing, college education and health care are “rights” that the government should be required to provide for them.

This is especially true among our young people.  We have trained them to have an “entitlement mindset”, but we have not trained them to work hard for what they want out of life.

Yes, our economy is a complete and total mess, but the answer is not socialism.

Our nation once had an economy that was the envy of the entire globe.  Our free enterprise system was at the heart of that economic boom.

We need to get back to what once made this country great.  We don’t want to go down the path that so many other nations have gone down in the past.

One more thing about the Occupy Wall Street protests….

It is curious that approximately three months ago a high level CIA operative began working inside the New York Police Department.

Nobody seems to know exactly why he is there.

His job title with the NYPD is “special assistant to the deputy commissioner of intelligence“.

The timing of all of this is more than a little unusual.

Does this have any connection to the Occupy Wall Street protests?

Did the CIA know that the protests were coming?

It all just seems a little too convenient.

We live in a very strange world.

As the economy falls apart even more, America is going to become very angry.  Millions of Americans are going to be searching for a way to express their frustrations.

Many of them will be pulled into protest movements that are run by socialists and communists without even realizing it.

We are a nation that has already been highly socialized, and yet we are going to see protests all over the nation calling for even more socialism.

Today, U.S. households receive more money directly from the U.S. government than they are paying to the government in taxes.

How much farther do we want to go?

Socialism is not the answer.

Communism is not the answer.

Hopefully America will wake up and will remember what once made us so great.


For those of you that would defend this movement, I hope that you are aware of some of the things that are going on at these protests.  For example, I love my country and I would never utter the words that some crazed lunatics from Occupy Portland are singing in this video.

Is there anyone out there that wants to defend what those idiots are singing?

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« Reply #20 on: October 18, 2011, 11:48:03 pm »

Was in the LBJ Library Museum today in Austin - the 60's as you all know was probably the most turbulant decade in the 20th century, largely b/c of all these so-called "movements" that got formed, and they were plenty(from exhibits we saw in there). Yes, even the "environmental" and "feminist" movements started then. And these exhibits pretty much gave away that they were either infiltrated and started internally.

I guess it shouldn't come as a surprise that Occupy Wall Street is started by the devil himself.
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« Reply #21 on: October 19, 2011, 07:42:41 pm »

Egypt’s Top ‘Facebook Revolutionary’ Now Advising Occupy Wall Street
October 19th, 2011

One of the key activists behind Egypt’s “Facebook Revolution” is now giving advice to a new group of protesters: the Occupy Wall Street movement.

The protesters in New York’s Zuccotti Park — and their offshoots around the country — often cite the mass demonstrations earlier this year in Cairo’s Tahrir Square as their inspiration. So maybe it shouldn’t be much of a surprise that Ahmed Maher, one of the leading figures in those Egyptian protests, has been corresponding for weeks with the Occupy Wall Streeters, whom he calls “our brothers.”

Maher is one of the founders of the April 6 Youth, which used Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to galvanize Egyptians against President Hosni Mubarak. Recently, however, his attention has turned toward America, where he’s been chatting online with Occupy activists. Those conversations center around practical advice from a successful Egyptian revolutionary. Usually, they occur through Facebook. On Tuesday, for the first time, they happened face to face.

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« Reply #22 on: October 21, 2011, 11:10:33 am »

No, I don't endorse the FDA either, but first we've had Occupy Wall Street/Fed, now this, so what's next? Pretty soon, it could be Occupy the EVERYTHING?

“Don’t Turn Us Into Criminals over Milk!” Demand Moms

What: —A group of mothers from across the country who feed their children raw milk plan to hold a demonstration to protest the FDA’s crackdown on raw milk production and distribution, arguing that the government campaign not only criminalizes raw milk, but criminalizes the American citizens who buy and consume it.

Prior to their peaceful demonstration, a caravan of mothers will cross state lines with raw milk and invite the FDA to witness what the agency wrongly considers to be a criminal act.  Media are invited to ride along as embedded reporters to report on how the FDA responds to what it wrongly terms a violation of the law.

Where: Across from FDA HQ 10903 New Hampshire Ave., Silver Spring, MD

When: November 1, 2011, 12pm – 3pm EST

Who: Liz Reitzig and Karine Bouis-Towe of the Farm Food Freedom Coalition

Other Speakers Include: Joel Salatin, Polyface Farm which was featured in Food, Inc.
Mark McAfee, Organic Pastures dairy, largest raw dairy company in the U.S.
David Gumpert, Journalist and Author Raw Milk Revolution
Max Kane, Currently fighting the state of Wisconsin for right to private contracts
Michael Schmidt, Farmer currently staging a hunger strike in Canada re: raw milk access

Visuals: Cars decorated with pro-raw milk slogans, protest signs, moms and children drinking raw milk, moms handcuffed to gallons of milk, Federal law enforcers will be meeting the protesters.


FDA has engaged in several long undercover sting operations and raids against peaceful farmers and buying clubs. FDA is also pressuring states to restrict raw dairy access.

Under FDA regulations [21 CFR § 1240.61] implemented in 1987, it is illegal for anyone to transport raw milk intended for human consumption across state lines. That includes individuals purchasing it legally in one state and crossing into their home state.

Info about farm raids www.FarmFoodFreedomCoalition.com For additional information on raw milk www.westonaprice.org

Contact: Liz Reitzig, Founder, Farm Food Freedom Coalition

301-807-5063, lizreitzig@gmail.com

www.RawMilkFreedomRiders.com & realmilk.com
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« Reply #23 on: October 23, 2011, 10:56:47 pm »

Ben & Jerry's Supports Wall Street Protesters as Parent Company Unilever Endures Union Fight


Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/10/10/ben-jerrys-stand-with-protesters-as-parent-company-unilever-endures-union-fight/#ixzz1bfU9fMOB
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« Reply #24 on: October 24, 2011, 12:22:58 am »

Unmasked! 'Occupy' protests sending sharp anti-Jew message
GOP criticizes Democrats who line up with 'They need to be run out' comments

Oct 21, 2011

The dark scourge of anti-Semitism has reared up at many "Occupy" protests across the country, and the subject could well become a campaign 2012 issue as Republicans have been quick to point out to voters that many Democrats, including the president, are aligning themselves with the protests.

The protesters generally are expressing a viewpoint that rich people need to pay much more in taxes and they, the protesters, need more from government; big banks need the heavy hand of Washington to help spread their wealth and make things "fair" and they have a "message" or want to "make a point" for the wealthy.

But there's also a current of targeting Jews.

Protesters have proclaimed that "Zionist Jews" still "need to be run out of the country," and they condemn "Nazi Bankers Wall Street."  And Barack Obama's perspective?

"I think that it [the movement] expresses the frustrations that the American people feel," he said.

And the ranking Democrat in the U.S. House, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said "I support the message."

Statements such as those opened the door for Republicans to launch their criticism of the Democrats' endorsement of the encompassing message of the "Occupy" protests – going on across the country now – that includes anti-Semitism.

According to a statement from the Republican National Committee, to all "interested parties," the Democrats have been "silent" in the face of "protesters' extreme anti-Semitic, anti-Israel comments."

"Where's the outrage?" asked the statement from Sean Spicer. "While protesters are seen spewing hate against Jewish Americans, President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz have declared their support for the demonstrations. Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chair Steve Israel even circulated a petition saying he's 'standing with' Occupy Wall Street."

Spicer continued, "Is Steve Israel standing with those calling for the killing of Jews. Does Debbie Wasserman Schultz agree with the various calls for Jews to be 'run out of this country' and to oppose and 'destroy' the state of Israel?"

One ad that targets Democratic Congressman Steve Israel is especially sharp:

It was released by the SteveIsraelStandsWithThem website and has angered Democrats.

Israel told supporters the attack was "outrageous" and intended to "distract" from "their reckless economic policies."

The Republicans didn't back down, wondering just exactly why Democrats would be upset over revelations of "their support for the Occupy Wall Street movement and the extreme anti-Semitic and incendiary rhetoric" involved, said a statement from the Republican congressional committee.

The Committee for Israel posted another video blasting Democrats for their support for the movement over its anti-Semitic component:
One teacher from Los Angeles appeared on reason.tv and said, "These Zionist Jews who are running these big banks and our Federal Reserve, which is not run by the federal government, they need to be run out of this country."

There were reports she was dismissed from her position in the school district after taking such a public stand on anti-Semitism.
The controversy grabbed the attention of columnist Charlie Wolf in the United Kingdom.

"The movement is anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic. There has been no shortage of vile anti-Semitic slogans at the occupy Wall Street protest. These are more than just insinuations, but signs equating Jews with banks and the rich, protesting U.S. foreign relations with Israel (especially defense funding), mention of the Rothschild family and asking people to Google 'Jewish Billionaires,'" he wrote.

"Many Jews should be shocked to join any movement that has received endorsement from both the Communist Party and the Nazis," he said.

In addition to the support from Communists and Nazis, WND reported this week that one of the key organizers behind the Occupy protests in Orlando is a Muslim activist linked through the Council on American Islamic Relations to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Added Wolf, "The Jewish community around the world – and all successful assimilated ethnic minority communities in Britain – should watch this 'Occupy' movement carefully and prepare for the worst. With the financial crisis as deep and long lasting as it has been, an environment of fear is spreading and these anarchists are using that fear and steering it towards their own ends. The feeling is not too dissimilar to the thirties and the rise of fascism and anti-Semitism."

The Anti-Defamation League listed a number of anti-Semitic statements that have appeared already, including:

    " In America, a small ethnic group consists of almost all the bankers and hedge fund managers on Wall Street are Jewish. There is a conspiracy in this country in which Jews control the media, finances. If you Google 'Wall Street Jews,' Google 'Jewish Billionaires,' if you Google 'Jews and the Federal Reserve bank.' The Jews who represent two percent of the population… a small ethnic minority, they have pooled their money together, amassed their money to take control of America's finances…. Jews dominate American politics.…Jewish billionaires in Russia are already attempting to take over Russia like they've taken over America. America is dominated by one group. Almost all the federal judges in America on the East Coast and the West Coast, almost all the federal judges are Jewish, almost all the city judges are Jewish, all the state judges are Jewish. There's a Jewish group in this country and it's a conspiracy that everyone's afraid to talk about."

    In one video, a demonstrator arguing with an older man wearing a yarmulke says, "You got the money, that's why you're fighting, Jewish man….You can't even speak English? You Israeli? Go back to Israel."

"While there is no evidence that these incidents are widespread, history reveals how economic downturns can embolden anti-Semites to spread malicious conspiracy theories about Jews and money," the group said.

In an opinion piece on al Jazeera, M.J. Rosenberg of the Media Matters Action Network, defended the movement.

"Exploiting anti-Semitism to break the backs of popular movements that threaten the power of the wealthiest one per cent of our population," Rosenberg wrote. "It is being used to undermine the Occupy Wall Street movement, which has conservatives in a state of near panic."

The al Jazeera commentary also blasted the work of the Committee for Israel.

"The Emergency Committee for Isreal is not concerned about anti-Semitism or Israel. It is, rather, dedicated to defeating Democrats and promoting its billionaire donors' economic interests. … It used Israel and Jews as devices to direct money and votes toward the Republicans."
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« Reply #25 on: October 24, 2011, 06:11:51 am »

well duh!! Im quite sure that company would support the hanging of Christians at Times Square.

p.s.: coming soon
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« Reply #26 on: October 24, 2011, 08:52:47 am »

Like mentioned in other threads, the "truth" movement has been deceived into thinking these "Zionist" Jews are in control of the NWO and everything else.

You can bet they will fall head over heels when the Rev 13 beast "comes in peace" and gives the Palestineans the kitchen sink.
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« Reply #27 on: October 25, 2011, 12:01:24 am »

Who knows how many Occupy[fill in the blank] movements there will be from here on out - it seems like everything the "truth" movement has been "waking up to" in recent years are the agendas on these Occupy[whatever](ie-the "truth" movement has been calling out the elite bankers in recent years, and now Occupy Wall Street is openly calling out the "Zionist" Jews/bankers).
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« Reply #28 on: October 25, 2011, 06:09:39 am »

NY 'Occupy' Protester Invokes Google In Anti-Semitic Rant

MRCTV's Joe Schoffstall asked a Occupy Wall Street supporter at Zuccotti Park in Manhattan, “What are your thoughts on Israel?”

In response, the protester launched into a tirade, blaming the Jews and Israel for white collar crime, nuclear proliferation and, yes, even for being prosperous.

He also called on listeners to use Google to substantiate his claims, telling them to Google "Jewish billionaires," "Jews in the Federal Reserve," and "Jews on Wall Street."

"Whenever there’s a billion dollar fraud, there’s a Jew involved," he ranted.

rest + Video: http://cnsnews.com/blog/craig-bannister/ny-occupy-protester-invokes-google-anti-semitic-rant
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« Reply #29 on: October 25, 2011, 07:57:56 am »

one thing my wife mentioned to me the other day, with all these "protests" going on was the lack of Liberal/Socialist commentators on news stories.
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