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When Will Black America Wake Up on Abortion?

March 27, 2024, 12:55:24 pm Mark says: Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked  When Hamas spokesman Abu Ubaida began a speech marking the 100th day of the war in Gaza, one confounding yet eye-opening proclamation escaped the headlines. Listing the motives for the Palestinian militant group's Oct. 7 massacre in Israel, he accused Jews of "bringing red cows" to the Holy Land.
December 31, 2022, 10:08:58 am NilsFor1611 says: blessings
August 08, 2018, 02:38:10 am suzytr says: Hello, any good churches in the Sacto, CA area, also looking in Reno NV, thanks in advance and God Bless you Smiley
January 29, 2018, 01:21:57 am Christian40 says: It will be interesting to see what happens this year Israel being 70 years as a modern nation may 14 2018
October 17, 2017, 01:25:20 am Christian40 says: It is good to type Mark is here again!  Smiley
October 16, 2017, 03:28:18 am Christian40 says: anyone else thinking that time is accelerating now? it seems im doing days in shorter time now is time being affected in some way?
September 24, 2017, 10:45:16 pm Psalm 51:17 says: The specific rule pertaining to the national anthem is found on pages A62-63 of the league rulebook. It states: “The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem. “During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.”
September 20, 2017, 04:32:32 am Christian40 says: "The most popular Hepatitis B vaccine is nothing short of a witch’s brew including aluminum, formaldehyde, yeast, amino acids, and soy. Aluminum is a known neurotoxin that destroys cellular metabolism and function. Hundreds of studies link to the ravaging effects of aluminum. The other proteins and formaldehyde serve to activate the immune system and open up the blood-brain barrier. This is NOT a good thing."
September 19, 2017, 03:59:21 am Christian40 says: bbc international did a video about there street preaching they are good witnesses
September 14, 2017, 08:06:04 am Psalm 51:17 says: bro Mark Hunter on YT has some good, edifying stuff too.
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« Reply #30 on: October 27, 2014, 07:40:56 am »

Justice Department claims black and Hispanic voters are dumb and unsophisticated

For reasons that can only be ascribed to politics (my gosh, I’m getting so tired of prefacing every single thing this bunch of clowns does with the same phrase), Eric Holder and the wannabe-fascists in his Justice Department are carrying out a jihad on behalf of vote theft. They are doing this by contesting Voter ID laws that are being passed in many states despite a nearly unbroken string of defeats in appeals courts.

To make their case that Voter ID laws are discriminatory the Justice Department has testified time and again that black and Hispanic voters are less capable that white voters of obtaining the necessary ID and in understanding the candidates and issues. Via Heritage’s The Daily Signal:

    At the preliminary injunction hearing in July, before Judge Thomas D. Schroeder in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina, the government produced Professor Charles Stewart of MIT’s political-science department. According to the transcript of that proceeding, when Stewart was asked why he believed that eliminating same-day registration (which only eleven states have) was discriminatory, he said that same-day registration provides “a mechanism and a time that’s well situated for less sophisticated voters, and therefore, it’s less likely to imagine that these voters would — can figure out or would avail themselves of other forms of registering and voting” (emphasis mine).

    And who are those “less sophisticated voters” who can’t “figure out” how to register to vote? They “tend to be African Americans,” according to Stewart. He added that “people who register to vote the closer and closer one gets to Election Day tend to be . . . less-educated voters, tend to be voters who are less attuned to public affairs.” Stewart said that these voters “tend to be African Americans.” Of course, the voter-registration data in North Carolina directly contradicts this, since Stewart was forced to admit that blacks in North Carolina actually “were registered at a higher rate than whites” before Election Day in the 2012 election.

    Stewart leveled the same type of criticism at a measure to reduce the number of early-voting days. African Americans would be deterred from voting, he said again, because they are “less sophisticated voters.” He denied that he was racially stereotyping blacks — even when he said that they have a harder time figuring out how “to navigate the rules of the game.” He admitted that he did not survey black voters in North Carolina to ask them “directly about understanding the rules of registering and voting.”


    The NAACP’s expert was another professor, Barry Burden, of the University of Wisconsin. Burden claimed that blacks and Hispanics are less able “to pay the costs of voting” because of the “stark differences between whites, on the one hand, in North Carolina and those of blacks and Latinos in North Carolina.” By costs, Burden was referring to “the time and effort that a voter has to put in in order to participate.” That includes “locating the polling place, getting the right paperwork, understanding who the candidates are, becoming informed.” From his testimony, it was clear that Burden did not think that blacks and Hispanics have the same ability as whites to accomplish basic tasks such as locating a polling place, filling out a one-page voter-registration form, and learning what issues candidates support or oppose.

In fact, North Carolina Democrats  go so far as to argue that women are very stupid,too:

    Women are 54% of active voters, but 66% of those without a NC photo ID.

Really? Two thirds of women who vote in North Carolina have no photo ID and therefore cannot legally drive a car? I could agree that two thirds probably shouldn’t be allowed to drive, but that isn’t the case being made here. Is anyone so mentally deficient that they can actually believe this?

The objective of Holder’s Justice Department has nothing to do with ensuring access to the ballot box for legal voters, rather it is simply a scam whereby the Justice Department, ever liberal, is now an active component of the DNC. This is the same Justice Department that went to court to prevent Kinston, NC (Nix v. Holder) from conducting non-partisan elections because the lack of party ID deprived blacks, who were in a majority, from choosing the candidate of their choice because there were no partisan labels.

This is really an incredible argument to be made at any time, but particularly today. If this were true then blacks and Hispanics — and women — would find it difficult to cash a check, buy cigarettes or liquor, have a bank account, drive a car, or do most anything other than, presumably, send their welfare checks to the DNC. Conversely, if someone is unable to acquire an ID and can’t comprehend the issues should we really be in court fighting to allow them to vote?

The Obama administration has utterly corrupted every part of the federal government that it has touched. If we win in 2016, the first order of business has to be a ruthless purge of the federal bureaucracy, particularly the Justice Department, and get it back in the role of enforcing laws and not being an enforcer for a political party.

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The Man from George Street
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« Reply #31 on: November 07, 2014, 07:34:00 am »

Black Chicago Pastor Received Death Threats for Supporting Republican Candidates
South side native forced into safe house after church burglarized

A Chicago pastor attempting to break the Democrat Party’s choke hold over his South Side community says he received threats on his life for supporting Republican candidates.

Rev. Corey Brooks, pastor of the New Beginnings Church and noted community activist, says his decision to break party ranks came at a high cost.

“I took a beating, but it was all worth it,” Brooks told CBS Chicago. “I’ve discovered that… when you go against the status quo, and you go against what people have been doing for years, everybody is not going to be pleased with it.

Tired of decades of failed Democrat policies destroying his community, Brooks publicly announced his support of several Republican candidates including Bruce Rauner, Illinois’ newly elected governor.

“I decided to take a stand for the black community in the upcoming election by publicly supporting Bruce Rauner to be our next governor,” Brooks said on social media.

Brooks’ announcement spawned an almost instantaneous backlash from Democrat operatives, resulting in an onslaught of violent, homophobic and racist phone calls, all of which were turned over to police.

“We own you and you ain’t got nobody that can stop us. Nobody!” one voicemail said.

Shortly after receiving the threats, burglars broke in and vandalized his church, stealing more than $8,000 worth of donations in the process.

Brooks was moved into a temporary safe house for several days as police investigated the matter.

“I’ve been standing up to this type of violence and intimidation tactics for years – and not once have I ever been threatened or our church damaged,” Brooks said in response. “This is a sad day for our community when we get intimidated for speaking from our hearts, but this much is for sure – no matter how many threats they make or how much damage they do, they’re not going to shut me up.”

Despite the hateful bombardment from purveyors of the “tolerant left,” whose monopoly on politics in Chicago has plunged black male teen unemployment to 92 percent, Brooks and a growing number of black Americans have begun to reject the Democrat party.

Sen. Tim Scott, the first black senator to be elected in the south since the Reconstruction era, also received similar treatment from Democrats for his historic win in South Carolina.

“Tim Scott is a damn Uncle Tom,” one Twitter user said.

Scott responded by pointing out the Democrat Party’s tired and endless use of “race-baiting” in politics.

“The lowest common denominator of fear and race-baiting is something that the other party has tried to do, and the voters said ‘No.’ They rejected this,” Scott said.

Although both parties have clear issues with corruption, Americans should be free to choose who they support without fear of violence.

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The Man from George Street
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« Reply #32 on: November 07, 2014, 11:07:14 am »

Rev. Corey Brooks, pastor of the New Beginnings Church and noted community activist, says his decision to break party ranks came at a high cost.

“I took a beating, but it was all worth it,” Brooks told CBS Chicago. “I’ve discovered that… when you go against the status quo, and you go against what people have been doing for years, everybody is not going to be pleased with it.

Tired of decades of failed Democrat policies destroying his community, Brooks publicly announced his support of several Republican candidates including Bruce Rauner, Illinois’ newly elected governor.

Well first off, I'm rather surprised Infowars is playing the false Repub/Dem Hegelian Dialectic(as they write in this article).

With that being said - "Reverend" Brooks needs to be going out and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, instead of supporting any of these wicked candidates.

As for the Republican governor he endorsed - Bruce Rauner has made a career of pushing earthly materialism and "philathropy". Not that I endorse the whole "culture wars" deception, but not once has he ever spoken out against abortion, SSM, birth control pills, etc(as written in this wiki link).

There hirelings amaze me sometimes.
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« Reply #33 on: January 25, 2015, 12:04:49 am »

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« Reply #34 on: January 25, 2015, 09:09:44 pm »

And suicides(which the MSM goes overboard with) are not even 1% of the entire US population.
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« Reply #35 on: March 03, 2015, 11:31:57 am »

‘God Is a Forgiving God': Alabama Pastor’s Wife Defends Work at Abortion Facility in Bible Belt

 A pastor’s wife who works as an exit counselor at an abortion facility in the Bible Belt is defending her employment at the location, stating that she believes that women have a right to an abortion and that “God is a forgiving God.”

“I feel that we have all sinned. None of us are perfect. No sin is greater than any sin,” Callie Chatman, wife of Louis Chatman of New Elam Baptist Church in Montgomery, told the Christian Post this weekend following an initial report by Christian News Network. “That’s her right to make that decision because that’s her body.”

As previously reported, David Day, Sr., a Mission Service Corps (MSC) missionary with the North American Mission Board (NAMB), told Christian News Network on Friday that Chatman has worked at Reproductive Health Services for years, along with her son Jerome, who is employed as a security guard at the location. He said that he first had been informed of her employment two to three years ago when he began preaching the gospel to women outside the facility.

“I was stunned that there is actually a pastor’s wife that works there,” Day said.

But then, he met Chatman and spoke with her.

“I’ve spoken to her one-on-one, and she tells me that women know what they’re doing—they know what [abortion] is—but she says that there’s no sin greater [than God’s forgiveness], that we’re not to judge and that God forgives,” he outlined. “It’s always the same thing: We’re not to judge and God forgives. There’s none of us without sin, is what she says.”

But Day believes that Chatman’s logic is faulty in believing that one should commit sin just because you can ask for forgiveness later.

“I love my wife. I don’t go cheat on her because she’ll forgive me,” he said.

Day said that he has advised Chatman that she should be turning women away from abortion, not simply consoling them after-the-fact.

“We told her, ‘You need to tell these women that God’s word says that you shall not kill innocent children, [and that] He hates the hands that shed innocent blood,’” he explained. “[Tell them,] ‘You shouldn’t do it.’”

Day said that he believes Chatman’s husband, a pastor, drove her to work this past Wednesday. He captured her on camera being dropped off at the abortion facility in a Mercedes Benz and later posted it to Facebook to share his concern.

“Sadly, this is a Montgomery pastor dropping off his wife who works at the abortuary,” he wrote. “Pray for her soul and the sheep of this pastor.”

On Sunday, Chatman confirmed to reporters that she indeed works at Reproductive Health Services, making similar statements to what she had told Day. The facility additionally noted that the pastor’s wife “comes in one day a week when we have procedures (abortions).”

“I’m not there to judge anybody,” she said. “I’m there to let them know that God is a forgiving God and that He will forgive them of their sin, just like He forgives us every day for sin.”

Chatman said that those who take issue with her employment at the facility shouldn’t speak against her work until they themselves become perfect.

“You know what? The activists need to get their lives together,” she stated. “When they become sin-free, then you call me back.”

Chatman also advised that her husband has “no objections” to her work.

The pastor’s wife was featured in a 2014 Esquire article, which centered on Willie Parker, a professing Christian abortionist in Mississippi.

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« Reply #36 on: July 22, 2015, 06:07:09 am »

SHOCK: More black babies aborted than born in New York City

Black lives matter? Apparently not in New York City.

A “Pregnancy Outcomes” report from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene reveals in 2013, more black babies were aborted than born in the city.

A chart on page 7 shows 24,108 “non-Hispanic black” babies were born while 29,007 faced “induced terminations” — or abortions.

Abortions among the “non-Hispanic black” demographic were by far the highest among any racial group, according to a chart on page 25 of the report:

Many lay the guilt at the feet of Planned Parenthood.

“Planned Parenthood is an organization with racist roots in their founder Margaret Sanger,” Hawaii State Rep. Bob McDermott tells EAGnews. “They continue to target poor minorities – to wit, more black babies were aborted in New York City than born last year.

“They claim to be providers of reproductive health care. I’m not sure how the little babies whose parts are being sold would feel about that statement,” he says, referring to the undercover videos that have been published.

“To Planned Parenthood, this was a business decision. Instead of throwing the baby parts in the trash as normal, they chose to make a buck!

“Planned Parenthood is simply an evil organization driven by greed, sex, and immorality. It is utterly without value. Nothing surprises me when it comes to an organization whose main purpose is killing the unborn.”

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« Reply #37 on: July 24, 2015, 05:25:40 pm »

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« Reply #38 on: August 13, 2015, 04:49:36 am »

Ben Carson: Planned Parenthood Clinics Put in Black Neighborhoods to ‘Control That Population’

Wednesday on Fox News Channel’s “Your World,” former Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson, a candidate for the 2016 Republican nomination, sounded off on Planned Parenthood, as the so-called women’s health organization has been under fire in recent weeks for a series of videos suggesting they were open to selling aborted fetal tissue for profit.

Carson referred to the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger and her position on eugenics, particularly as it pertained to blacks, which he said may not allow for him to be objective when it comes to Planned Parenthood.

“Well, maybe I’m not objective when it comes to Planned Parenthood. But you know, I know who Margaret Sanger is, and I know that she believed in eugenics, and that she was not particularly enamored with black people,” Carson said. “And one of the reasons that you find most of their clinics in black neighborhoods is so that you can find way to control that population. And I think people should go back and read about Margaret Sanger, who founded this place — a woman who Hillary Clinton by the say says she admires. Look and see what many people in Nazi Germany thought about her.”

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« Reply #39 on: November 03, 2015, 09:33:48 pm »

Yet another psych drug shooter: Oregon gunman Christopher Mercer was taking five types of medication, likely vaccine-damaged with autism spectrum disorder

Tuesday, October 06, 2015

(NaturalNews) New information is now emerging about Christopher Mercer, the now-deceased shooter who recently killed and injured numerous victims at the Oregon community college (Umpqua Community College). While the mainstream media follows the predictable script of blaming guns for the violence, we now know that Mercer was almost certainly damaged by vaccines and medications, altering his mind and leading to the violent behavior that we see so often when psychiatric medications are involved.

We now know that Harper was possibly vaccine-damaged because he suffered from Asperger's syndrome, an autism spectrum disorder. As printed in The New York Times:

[Mercer's mother] opened up about her difficulties raising a son who used to bang his head against the wall, and said that both she and her son struggled with Asperger’s syndrome, an autism spectrum disorder...

In addition to talking about guns, Ms. Harper, 64, was a prolific commenter in online forums dealing with medical issues, frequently answering questions from strangers with a tone of empathy and concern. She expressed having expertise in autism, saying that both she and her son — whom she never identified by name — had Asperger’s syndrome.

Vaccines cause autism in young black men, admitted top CDC scientist

While the entire state-controlled media continue to deny any link between vaccines and autism, a top CDC scientist admitted last year to taking part in a massive science fraud cover-up to destroy evidence in the CDC's possession that linked vaccines to autism in African-American boys.

Christopher Mercer's mother is black and his father is white, making him a mixed race person with susceptibility to precisely the kind of autism risk described by CDC scientist Dr. William Thompson. Most people don't fully realize this because some in the media have gone to extraordinary lengths to try to paint Mercer as "white," even altering photographs of him to change his skin tone to a more whitish hue.

ADHD and psychiatric medications

Also from the New York Times:

Consoling another parent seeking help with disruptive behavior by an autistic child, Ms. Harper said that her own son “was, among other things, a head-banger” when he was younger and was initially given a misdiagnosis of attention deficit disorder...

This last line is crucial to note because we now know that Christopher Harper was also taking at least "five types of pills" (medications), and that those medications almost certainly included psychiatric drugs to treat his misdiagnosed ADHD.

Here's the screen shot of a Facebook post from Chris Harper:

In this post, he says, "I have a pill bottle with like five types of pills mixed in. I don't know which ones are the sleep aids, so I just took four of each."

Overmedication often leads to violence

Notice that Harper was abusing prescription medications by taking "four of each" without knowing what the pills were.

Because many of these drugs are mind-altering medications, the consequences of combining them in large simultaneous doses is bound to be catastrophic.

Nearly every school shooting in recent memory has been linked to psychiatric drugs. Click here for the full list on Natural News, or check out PsychDrugShooters.com for an even more comprehensive list.

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« Reply #40 on: November 19, 2015, 07:09:09 pm »


Ernst Haeckel: Evolution’s Greatest Forger

 Ernst Haeckel, a German biologist who Darwin leaned on to prove evolution in the development of embryos, is remembered today for his forged illustrations of embryos. He also helped to make the case for legalized abortion by stating incorrectly that newborn infants are born deaf and without a conscience—which led to the idea that the newborn baby has no soul. So what about the child inside the womb? Based on his logic, Haeckel said that abortion could not be considered murder.

Ernst Haeckel was much more than just a fabricator of evidence in support of Darwin’s new Theory of Evolution, he was a zealous disciple of Darwin who himself has placed on record the conviction that Haeckel's enthusiastic propagandizing of the doctrine (of evolution) was the chief factor of its success in Germany.

Haeckel, again, was the first to attempt to draw up a genealogical tree exhibiting the relationship between the various orders of animals with regard both to one another and their common origin. These phylogenetic trees have become popular tools for the presentation of the theory of common decent from common ancestry or drawings that connect one life form to another allegedly related life form. The only problem with these fanciful illustrations is that they are completely imaginary.

Dr. Stephen Jay Gould, the late professor of Geology and Paleontology at Harvard University is quoted as making the following startling admission concerning these popular evolutionary trees.

"The extreme rarity of transitional forms in the fossil record persists as the trade secret of paleontology. The evolutionary trees that adorn our textbooks have data only at the tips and nodes of their branches; the rest is inference, however reasonable, not the evidence of fossils." "http://www.creationists.org/quote003.html" (Gould, Stephen Jay, "Evolution's Erratic Pace," Natural History, vol. 86.May 1977, page 14)

Haeckel’s unreserved promotion of Darwinian Theory helped to lay the foundation of the modern eugenics movement. Haeckel wrote and promoted his Monism theory of life. This theory rejected a dualistic view of man e.g. physical and spiritual, and embraced a purely biological view of all living things. A movement that used Darwinian Theory to justify the murder of those deemed “unfit” to continue living, while focusing on personal, individual fulfillment, self-love and a love for nature, sans any inference of God or biblical revelation.

Some of the forward looking social programs that Haeckel’s newly established religion endorsed included placing natural selection on a high pedestal, and seeing some human ethical codes as interfering with the process. Nature selects by killing the unfit so, Haeckel argued, humans should not only not interfere with this process by keeping the unfit alive, but help it along by eliminating them.

Of course many of his contemporaries were also racist and in favor of eugenics, but as the most eminent German biologist and theoretician of evolution of his day, Haeckel, bears a grave responsibility in giving racism and eugenics the facade of scientific legitimacy. The modern-day activities of the eugenics movement can be seen in the work of Planned Parenthood. A group who today promote themselves as a family planning organization, but whose roots go right back to Haeckel and the false religion of monism he established and promoted. Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger, was a devout follower of the eugenics movement and a racist.

This religion, where the strong (adults) suppress and eliminate the weak, the unwanted and the possibly unfit with the approval of the government in modern abortion clinics all over the world is the continuation of the ancient practice of child sacrifice. Mankind is not evolving, they are devolving. Going backwards and practicing primitive atrocities in the state-of-the-art doctor’s offices and clinics around the world.
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« Reply #41 on: January 13, 2016, 10:26:04 pm »

Black Lawmakers Call White Congressman Racist Because He Condemned Aborting Black Babies

Black pro-abortion lawmakers cannot refute the facts about abortion that pro-life U.S. Rep. Sean Duffy presented last week, so they are seeking to formally condemn him instead.

Last week, Duffy angered U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore from Wisconsin and her fellow pro-abortion members of the Congressional Black Caucus when he pointed out the disproportionately high number of African American babies who are aborted, LifeNews reports.

Duffy, who also represents Wisconsin, asked members of the Congressional Black Caucus why they were not being more vocal about “how their communities are targeted in abortion,” The Huffington Post reports. Duffy cited the fact that African Americans are 15 percent of the U.S. population but have 40 percent of the abortions. He added that more black babies are killed in abortions in New York City than are born.

Politico reports that Moore and the Congressional Black Caucus responded this week by considering a resolution that would allow them to formally condemn Duffy for what they say were racially insensitive remarks. According to the news outlet:

    Offering a privileged resolution to criticize a colleague is highly unusual, but CBC members say the abortion comments amounted to an attack on the black caucus making a formal criticism of Duffy fair game. But Duffy — who said Tuesday he stands by his comments — said the resolution talk is a distraction and he was the one who suffered a character attack.

    Rep. G.K. Butterfield, the chairman of the black caucus, said the CBC will discuss options in the coming weeks. The North Carolina Democrat said he found the comments “disgusting.” The effort is being pushed by Wisconsin Rep. Gwen Moore, multiple sources confirmed.

    “How dare this man stand out and lecture us and to call us out. He said CBC members. That was personal,” Moore told POLITICO. “He did make it personal.”

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    The resolution would unlikely be voted on if the CBC opts to move forward with it. Because Republicans control the House it would fall on them to decide if the resolution gets a vote. Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) could also opt to send the resolution to committee, table it or hold a full House vote.

After Duffy’s initial remarks, Moore responded by calling Duffy a “hypocrite” and saying she did not expect him “to understand why his comments are offensive,” The Blaze reports.

“Rep. Duffy’s hypocrisy on this issue is as predictable as it is offensive. If he truly, truly wants to fight for the hopeless and voiceless, he should join us,” Moore said, adding that Duffy should support the abortion business Planned Parenthood.

Then, U.S. Rep. Dave Brat from Virginia, who was presiding over House proceedings Friday, told Moore that House rules prohibit personal attacks between members, according to The Hill. Moore reportedly left and “did not stop or look back.”

Duffy told reporters that he never meant to attack Moore or anyone else. He said he used statistics to defend the lives of unborn babies and their mothers, and to encourage legislators to work together “against a powerful industry that targets them and preys on their vulnerability.”

“It is worth noting that Rep. Moore did not refute the harrowing statistics – more African American abortions than live births in NYC – because they are irrefutable,” Duffy said.

On the House floor last week, Duffy said he wants to work with Moore and other legislators to offer hope and non-violent solutions to black families who face difficult or unplanned pregnancies.

“My liberal friends, Congressional Black Caucus members, talk about fighting for the defenseless, the hopeless, and the downtrodden,” Duffy said. “There is no one more hopeless and voiceless than an unborn baby, but their silence is deafening. I can’t hear them. Where are they standing up for their communities, advocating and fighting for their right to life?”

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« Reply #42 on: July 13, 2016, 11:16:11 am »

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« Reply #43 on: August 05, 2016, 05:24:58 pm »

NFL Star Ben Watson: Planned Parenthood Was Created to 'Exterminate Blacks' and 'It's Working'

Christian NFL player Benjamin Watson has opened up about his views on abortion and how it factors into race relations in America today.

In an hour-long interview for the San Diego-based Turning Point Pregnancy Resource Center's blog interview series, Watson, a devout Christian who often speaks out publicly on a wide range of racial and political issues, answered questions on whether race plays into the abortion debate, whether men should have any say over whether women get an abortion, and why he is pro-life.

Watson, the author of the book Under Our Skin, has frequently discussed the racial divide in America, whether in his book, Facebook posts or in media interviews.

In the second part of the interview, Watson gave great detail on how race factors into the issue of abortion. He pointed out that the abortion agenda seems to be focused primarily on minorities and how the nation's largest abortion business was founded by Margaret Sanger, who has often been accused of being a racist and a eugenicist.

"I do know that blacks kind of represent a large portion of the abortions, and I do know that honestly the whole idea with Planned Parenthood and Sanger in the past was to exterminate blacks, and it's kind of ironic that it's working," Watson said. "We [as minorities] support candidates, and overwhelmingly support the idea of having Planned Parenthood and the like, and yet, that is why she created it."

Watson criticized minorities for buying into the abortion agenda and suggested that black and hispanic pregnant teens are encouraged to get abortions rather than keep their babies.

"We are buying it hook, line, and sinker, like it's a great thing. It's just amazing to me and abortion saddens me, period. But it seems to be something that is really pushed on minorities and provided to minorities especially as something that they should do," Watson asserted. "In the public, it seems to be painted that when minorities get pregnant they need to get abortions, especially when it comes to teen pregnancy.

"It's like when black girls are pregnant, it's like a statistic, but when white girls get pregnant, they get a TV show," he added.

Watson explained that his book mentions how many political ideas, such as minorities should get abortions, are "forced into our heads" through "reinforced culture."

"We sit here and talk about advancing the black agenda, whatever that means, we talk about our interests, and what's important to us — like having political power and advancement and all those things — and then we are turning around and we are killing our children," Watson said. "And we are buying the lie that it's our personal decision to make."

"Honestly, I am sympathetic, I am. Because I know it's a hard decision," Watson continued. "I don't know exactly what it's like to be pregnant and to be a single mom, or even to be a married mom and not want the child. I would never assume people are having abortions flippantly. I know people have them for convenience, but that doesn't mean it's not a tough choice for the mothers to make, so I always want to be sympathetic to that."

Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/nfl-star-ben-watson-planned-parenthood-created-exterminate-blacks-its-working-167509/#St8mjJvAvRRj7FPP.99
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« Reply #44 on: October 16, 2016, 06:54:35 pm »

One of Margaret Sanger’s Pals Ran a Concentration Camp That Killed Black People
If Black Genocide were shown on BET, Black Lives Matter would be attacking abortion clinics.

It’s a pro-life commonplace that The American Birth Control League, founded by Margaret Sanger 100 years ago and later rechristened Planned Parenthood, had ties to eugenicists and racists. This is not quite right. It’s like saying that the NBA has ties to professional sports. The birth control movement and the eugenics movement were the same movement — to the point where Margaret Sanger twice tried to merge her organization with major eugenics groups.

One eugenics expert, Eugen Fischer, whom Sanger featured as a speaker at a population conference she organized, had already run a concentration camp — in German-ruled Southwest Africa, before World War I, where he murdered, starved and experimented on helpless native Africans. It was Fischer’s book on eugenics, which Hitler had read in prison, that convinced Hitler of its central importance. Another longtime official of Planned Parenthood, Garrett Hardin, had a decades-long track record of serving in eugenics organizations, and as late as the 1980s was calling for mass forced sterilization of Americans as a necessary solution to the “population problem.”

The same people served on the boards of the American Eugenics Society and Sanger’s organizations for decades, and they worked closely together on countless projects — ranging from researching the birth control pill as a means of diminishing the African-American birth rate (they tested the early, hazardous versions of the Pill on impoverished rural women in Puerto Rico), to passing forced sterilization or castration laws in more than a dozen states that targeted blacks and other poor people accused of “feeble mindedness” or “shiftlessness” and diagnosed as “unfit” parents. Today, Planned Parenthood sets up its centers in America’s poorest neighborhoods, and continues to target the same populations via abortion.

Maafa 21: Black Genocide

That’s the appalling truth uncovered in a neglected 2014 documentary which we feature here at The Stream as part of our #100forLife campaign. Maafa 21: Black Genocide gets its odd title from the Swahili word for slavery, and it is this film’s contention that the eugenics movement in America began in the panic which white racists felt at the end of slavery over what should be done to solve what some called the “Negro problem.” It’s a long, harrowing film, which you should watch in small doses — treating it as a miniseries. And keep a box of Kleenex handy, because you will weep.

Produced by the pro-life apostolate Life Dynamics with a mostly black cast of narrators and commentators, this film claims that Planned Parenthood and other organizations and government programs that target the poor and try to block their reproduction are the 21st century’s answer to the Ku Klux Klan — which was founded by white Southern elites to keep down the “unruly” ranks of freed black slaves.

It’s a shocking assertion, but one that the filmmakers prove beyond the shadow of a reasonable doubt, citing name after name, giving racist quote after racist quote, showing that Sanger personally approved the publication of outrageous and cruel claims of the genetic inferiority of millions of Americans, especially blacks, and calling for their forced sterilization, and the cut-off of welfare benefits and even private charity, to stop the “unfit” from reproducing themselves. Then she took part in promoting policies that turned this evil, utopian program of social engineering into binding American laws. One of the leading advocates for the legalization of abortion in the 1960s and 70s was Planned Parenthood, run by her appointees and later by her grandson, Alexander Sanger.

Margaret Sanger Worked with White Supremacists for Decades

The board of Margaret Sanger’s organization and others where she served as an officer, the authors she published in The Birth Control Review, the conferences she sponsored, and the people to whom Planned Parenthood gave awards well into the 1960s and 70s, are a Who’s Who of the ugliest, most paranoid misanthropic elitists and white racists of the 20th century — apart from those who were thankfully hanged at Nuremburg. After those trials, when “eugenics” had acquired a well-deserved taint, these same American elitists used the exaggerated threat of “overpopulation” to peddle the desperate need to control other people’s fertility, if need be by forced sterilization — a policy which Sanger had advocated since 1934.

The eugenicists, self-appointed experts on human quality of life, had peddled their theories not just in Britain and America but in Germany, where they helped to directly inspire Nazi sterilization and extermination programs aimed at the handicapped, Jews, and the small population of black or mixed race Germans — children of French colonial troops whom Hitler considered a grave menace to “Aryan” racial “hygiene.” One of Sanger’s regular authors in The Birth Control Review wrote in a U.S. newspaper in the 1930s defending the forced sterilization of such mixed-race children, for the sake of Germany’s “health.”

Hitler’s Bible, by Sanger’s Friend

Friends and associates of Sanger (such as Harry Laughlin) accepted awards from Nazi-controlled universities, visited with Hitler and Himmler, and boasted that the forced sterilization programs which they had instituted in America were used as models by the Germans. One author who served on Sanger’s board and published regularly in The Birth Control Review was Lothrop Stoddard, a high official of the Massachusetts Ku Klux Klan, whose book The Rising Tide of Color Against White World Supremacy, Adolf Hitler cited in Mein Kampf as “my bible.”

Nor were the eugenicists isolated cranks. Their ranks include Harvard professors, mainline Protestant clergymen, prominent conservationists for whom entire animal species are named, and Gilded Age plutocrats. Much of the funding for eugenics organizations came from the Carnegie Corporation and the Rockefeller Foundation.

Supreme Court justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, writing his opinion that the forced sterilization of a supposedly “feeble-minded” woman in Virginia was constitutional, infamously said that “three generations of imbeciles are enough.” His views were echoed by President Teddy Roosevelt, as the film proves with quotations. It also recounts how a Sanger ally Madison Grant, a prominent Darwin apostle and eugenicist, helped to exhibit Ota Benga, an African pygmy, in a cage with an orangutan for ten days at New York City’s Bronx Zoo, to “illustrate evolution.” Mr. Benga took his own life ten years later.

The eugenicists’ arrogant certainty that, because they had inherited money and power, they were genetically superior to the rest of the human race, found in Charles Darwin’s theories an ideal pretext and a program: to take the survival of the fittest and make it happen faster, by stopping the “unfit” from breeding. The goal, in Margaret Sanger’s own words, was “More Children from the Fit, Fewer from the Unfit.” Instead of seeing the poor as victims of injustice or targets for Christian charity, the materialism these elitists took from Darwin assured them that the poor were themselves the problem — that they were inferior, deficient and dangerous down to the marrow of their bones.

“Feeble-Minded” and “Shiftless” Blacks

The targets of this campaign in America were poor people, the unemployed, non-English-speaking immigrants, but most of all African-Americans. This vulnerable population, composed largely of ex-slaves and their children, was identified in the 1880s as a “threat” to the “racial health” and progress of the United States, by followers of Francis Galton — first cousin of Charles Darwin, heir to a slave-trading fortune, and inventor of the “science” of eugenics. These people had been exploited for centuries as free labor, denied education for fear of fomenting rebellion, and excluded from most of the economy. Now the eugenicists blamed the victims, black Americans, for their desperate social conditions, claiming that they were the natural result of blacks’ “defective germ plasm,” which posed a threat to America akin to a deadly virus.

The forced sterilization laws which Sanger and her allies passed were used to sterilize at least 60,000 Americans, but perhaps as many as 200,000, on the pretext that young women who became pregnant out of wedlock were “feeble-minded,” “immoral” or “socially useless” parasites — all rhetoric that Sanger personally used in her books, articles, and at least one speech before a Ku Klux Klan rally, as she recounts in her memoir.

Maafa 21 interviews Elaine Riddick, who was raped at age 13 and became pregnant. As she lay in the hospital waiting to deliver the baby, welfare officials from the state of North Carolina warned her illiterate grandparents that if they didn’t sign the consent form to have her irreversibly sterilized, the state would cut off their welfare benefits. They scrawled an “X” on the government form, and Elaine was sterilized without her knowledge. She only learned what had been done to her five years later, when welfare officials explained that she was too “feeble-minded” to care for a child “or even tie my own shoes,” as she recounts. Elaine was sterilized in 1968. The last such “eugenic” forced sterilization in the U.S. took place in 1983.

While Elaine never went to high school, she went on and finished college, and the one child which the United States government had permitted her to have — Tony Riddick, a child of **** — now runs his own successful company. Harry Laughlin, the eugenicist who helped pass the law that sterilized Elaine, died without any children.

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« Reply #45 on: November 27, 2016, 04:41:17 pm »

'It's population control': Nick Cannon stands by his statements that Planned Parenthood is about 'eugenics' as he lands at LAX

In a recent interview with The Breakfast Club radio show he called Planned Parenthood 'real genocide' against black Americans.
And as he made his way through LAX on Friday, Nick Cannon stood firm on his statements against the organization while talking to TMZ.
'It's population control,' the 36-year-old said of Planned Parenthood, adding that it is 'modern day eugenics.'
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Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3974472/Nick-Cannon-stands-statements-Planned-Parenthood-eugenics-lands-LAX.html#ixzz4RFfY86DS
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« Reply #46 on: February 05, 2017, 04:36:49 am »

Planned Parenthood was founded to ‘destroy the African-American community’: black leader
Claire Chretien

WASHINGTON, D.C., February 1, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) – We are at a "divine moment in history" when "God is raising up abolitionists" to fight abortion "just like in the times of slavery," an African-American pro-life leader said at a rally during the 2017 March for Life.

Christina Marie Bennett shared the story of how she was almost aborted, but a janitor spoke with her mother and assured her God would give her the strength to have her baby. Because of this heroic janitor's words, Bennett is still alive and uses her powerful testimony to spread the pro-life message and expose how the abortion industry targets minorities.

"The doctor hadn’t even cleaned up the blood from the last abortion," Bennett explained. "And [my mother] said, ‘I’m leaving.’ And he said, ‘no, you’ve already paid for this'...But my mother was, I believe, empowered by God. God gave her the strength and she said, ‘no.’ And she walked out of that hospital room and she walked down the stairs and she saved my life."

Bennett told the enthusiastic crowd that she lived in Washington, D.C. for several years praying outside the Supreme Court to end abortion as part of the Bound4Life movement.

"God is raising up voices in the African-American community to expose the truth that Planned Parenthood is an organization that was founded by racist eugenicists to destroy the African-American community," said Bennett. "The slaughter of our black brothers and sisters in the womb will end."

She encouraged the many students in attendance to be voices for the voiceless "no matter what society says, no matter what the media says." Just as God raised up activists during the civil rights movement, He's now equipping pro-life activists "to end the bloodshed" of abortion, Bennett said. "Never quit! Never stop! It’s a civil rights issue! No other right matters unless we have the right to life!"

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« Reply #47 on: April 24, 2017, 07:36:00 pm »

Planned Parenthood behind High Abortion Rate of Black Babies

 In a column for The Washington Times, Rebecca Hagelin reports on Planned Parenthood’s ties to racism and the alarming rate at which black babies are aborted at their clinics.

Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger, who is celebrated today by the organization, advocated for implementing eugenics.

In an article called “A Plan for Peace,” Sanger advocated for “a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is already tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.”

It is also known that Sanger did not want these views to become public knowledge--something that Planned Parenthood supporters seem to be continuing today.

In a 1939 letter to a supporter, Sanger wrote, “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.”

Hagelin notes that Planned Parenthood erects clinics particularly in poor neighborhoods or on college campuses where women, and particularly women of color, are most vulnerable.

Statistics show that black babies are aborted in America three times more often than white babies. Additionally, Hispanic babies are killed 1.5 times more often than white babies.

Also, according to a study done by LiveAction.org, 92 out of 97 Planned Parenthood clinics contacted said they do not provide prenatal care. Organizations like the Center for Medical Progress have also revealed in undercover videos allegedly showing Planned Parenthood officials negotiating the sale of fetal tissue that Planned Parenthood cares much more about profit than they do about providing necessary health care for women.

Hagelin ends her article with a call to action: “It’s time for Congress to cut off funding to this shameful organization and direct our tax dollars to other clinics that offer life-giving health care services. Add your voice to the call to defund Planned Parenthood at www.LiveAction.org/petition/.”

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« Reply #48 on: July 15, 2017, 11:10:58 am »

Coca-Cola gets served a lawsuit by 2 pastors

Two pastors from Washington, D.C., have filed a lawsuit against Coca-Cola and the American Beverage Association saying the organizations have purposely deceived the public about sugar-sweetened beverages and their impact on health.

"The background of this lawsuit is that there's an epidemic of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and a range of other degenerative diseases in the black and Latino communities, and really throughout America. For me, as a pastor, I see the toll it takes on families and children when they lose their parents much too soon," Delman Coates, the pastor at Mt. Ennon Baptist Church, in Clinton, Maryland, told CBS News.

The lawsuit was filed Thursday in D.C. Superior Court on behalf of Coates and William Lamar, the senior pastor at the Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church in Washington, DC.

"It is a matter of life and death in our communities," Lamar told CBS News.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012 research showed daily regular soda and fruit drink consumption was most common among black and Hispanic Americans.

Other studies have linked drinking sugary beverages to diabetes, heart disease, and higher death rates.

What's more, half of all African-Americans and 42 percent of Latinos are obese, compared to just over a third of whites in the U.S. Drinking soda from a young age was also found to be "a particularly strong predictor" of a future higher body mass index (BMI) for young black children, a 2016 study in the Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities reported.

"It breaks my heart and I'm saddened by the way in which we're losing so many people. I'm losing more people to the sweets than to the streets," Coates told CBS News.

Coke commercials often feature young, slender people gulping the fizzy beverage, smiling and sharing good times, but the pastors say those images are misleading.

"Marketing for Coca-Cola is focused around health and fun and showing very sexy bodies in their advertising. You never see an obese person. If the people are consuming Coca-Cola at this rate, there is no way those bodies would look like that," said Lamar.

"It's almost as if they are selling joy. They are equating this product with the things that people are hoping for – joy, smiles, family. But this product will not deliver that. It delivers the exact opposite. Silence around this issue is violence," Lamar said.

In addition to deceptive marketing, the lawsuit claims the soda maker and beverage trade association have "sought deceptively to switch the focus from sugar-sweetened beverages to inactivity as the key driver of obesity and related epidemics, including through their expenditure of hundreds of millions of dollars on research and programs that almost exclusively highlight exercise."

Maia Kats, a lawyer with the Center for Science in the Pubic Interest, told CBS News, "Their advertising campaigns do indicate that light exercise enables you to reward yourself with a Coca-Cola, but that's deceptive."

She said the company also pays bloggers to compare the calories in their sweetened soda to a similar number of calories in a serving of almonds, but that the nutritional comparison is also misleading because nuts are more nutritionally dense.

"That muddies the science," Kats said.

Coates said the fight against the beverage company resonates for him in a deeper way.

"As a person of African-American descent in this country and with a knowledge of the history, I'm deeply saddened by the way African-American slaves were used for the production of sugar and now African-Americans are dying because of sugar," he said.

As church leaders, Lamar and Coates said they're fighting an uphill battle in their efforts to encourage people in their communities — including an increasing number of African-American adults and children with prediabetes and diabetes — to live a healthier lifestyle.

"We are challenged by the messages they're receiving from the beverage industry and companies like Coca-Cola," said Coates.

Lamar added, "Our hope is that Coca-Cola will discontinue marketing these drinks as something that is healthful and healthy."

CBS News reached out to Coca-Cola and the American Beverage Association for their response but has yet to hear back.

In a statement to the Washington Post, Coca-Cola dismissed the pastors' charges and denied the merits a previous lawsuit they filed and then withdrew in California, but plan to refile:

"The allegations here are likewise legally and factually meritless, and we will vigorously defend against them," the statement said. "The Coca-Cola Company understands that we have a role to play in helping people reduce their sugar consumption."

The American Beverage Association also defended the industry's conduct.

"America's beverage companies know we have an important role to play in addressing our nation's health challenges. That's why we're engaging with health groups and community organizations to drive a reduction in the sugar and calories Americans get from beverages," the ABA said in a statement to the Washington Post. "Unfounded accusations like these won't do anything to address health concerns, but the actions we're taking, particularly in areas where obesity rates are among the highest, can make a difference."
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« Reply #49 on: November 02, 2017, 11:11:11 pm »

Planned Parenthood group tweets that black women are safer getting abortions than giving birth

A community action branch of Planned Parenthood chose a controversial way to make a point about maternal mortality among black women, creating a Twitter firestorm in the process.
The tweets

Planned Parenthood Black Community sent this tweet out Tuesday:

The group followed the tweet with some statistics.

“Between 1988-2015, 16.1 mil women accessed abortion care, 108 died. Btw 2011-’13, BW accounted for 43.5 deaths of every 100,000 live births,” the tweet read.
Conflating the issues

The tweets appeared to try to make two points at once, and in doing so, ignited controversy.

One point the tweets were making: Abortions are medically safe. Second point: Black women face high maternal mortality rates.

However, putting all that together creates a couple of problems.

First, it gives the implication, possibly unintentionally, that maybe black women should just abort their babies rather than take the higher risk of giving birth.

Second, in parading abortion as “statistically safer” than giving birth for black women, the tweet glosses over the immense loss of life represented in 16.1 million abortions.
Adding fuel to the fire

Planned Parenthood Black Community didn’t seem interested in clarifying or minimizing conflict. In fact, the author of the tweets appeared to fan the flames of the issue with a mocking tweet.

If the goal of this was to start a conversation about maternal mortality rates in the black community, these tweets weren’t entirely successful. Instead, what ensued was a typically venomous online debate about abortion.
About PP Black Community

Planned Parenthood Black Community is a part of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund. Here’s more information from their website:

    “Planned Parenthood organizations work each and every day to protect and advance the sexual and reproductive rights of African Americans, who face numerous obstacles to obtaining affordable, high-quality health care services. Planned Parenthood is committed to increasing access and reducing racial disparities in reproductive health care, including the high rates of cancers, sexually transmitted infections, and unintended pregnancy among African Americans. We will continue to work tirelessly for a health care system that provides affordable, high-quality care and treats all people with dignity.”

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