Sky-high abortion rate among blacks, minorities only getting worse: latest CDC dataPro-life activists have long pointed to disproportionately high abortion rates of abortion in minority communities as evidence that abortion providers are targeting minorities for abortion services.
Now, the CDC’s latest Abortion Surveillance report has found that the problem isn't getting any better. The report found that between 2007 and 2010, nearly 36 percent of all abortions in the U.S. were performed on black children, even though blacks make up only 12.8 percent of the population. Another 21 percent of abortions were performed on Hispanics, and an additional seven percent on other minority races.
All in all, more than half of all babies killed by abortion between 2007 and 2010 were minorities.
While the overall abortion rate declined by three percent between 2007 and 2010, the trend was weighted by an 11 percent drop in abortion rates among the white majority. Abortion rates for blacks and Hispanics actually jumped during the same period of time – rising three percent for blacks, and eight percent for Hispanics.
But according to the CDC’s statistics, it may not be just minority babies who are losing their lives thanks to the abortion epidemic. As abortion rates have risen, especially among black women, so has the rate of breast cancer. Abortion has been cited as a major risk factor for breast cancer by numerous studies worldwide.
Historically, black women had been far less likely than white women to develop breast cancer, but that has been changing in the years since Roe v. Wade. Now, black women are almost as likely as white women to be diagnosed with breast cancer – especially black women under 40, who actually develop cancer at a higher rate than young white women.
According to the CDC, black women are at particular risk for “triple-negative” breast cancer, an aggressive and dangerous subtype, that has been repeatedly linked to oral contraceptive use and abortion. The CDC says black women die from breast cancer at higher rates than any other race.
Taken together, these numbers lend legitimacy to ongoing claims by critics of the abortion industry that abortion businesses are targeting blacks and minorities for “genocide.”
“This confirms what we have said all along, that abortion is not about women’s rights or reproductive freedom, it is simply about eugenics,” said Mark Crutcher, president of Life Dynamics, which produced a documentary on the subject in 2011. “The numbers make it clear that abortion is about eugenics, the African-American and Hispanic communities have been targeted and logic makes it clear that this did not happen coincidentally or unintentionally.”
Accusations of racism in the abortion industry are as old as its founding institution, Planned Parenthood. The abortion giant’s first president, Margaret Sanger, was a well-known eugenicist who said, “Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated."
One of Planned Parenthood’s earliest initiatives was “The Negro Project,” in which Sanger and a wealthy co-conspirator, Clarence **** (heir to the Procter and **** fortune), arranged to pay black ministers to promote Planned Parenthood among the faithful. “We do not want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten that idea out if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members,” Sanger wrote to **** in 1939.
Nearly 75 years later, 79 percent of Planned Parenthood’s abortion facilities are located in black or minority neighborhoods, and black babies are aborted at four times the rate of white ones. In New York City, which has the highest abortion rate in the world, nearly 82 percent of all abortions were performed on black or Hispanic babies, according to the CDC’s numbers. In Texas, the number was nearly 64 percent.
But if Crutcher is right, and this is genocide, then where is the outcry from minority leaders? That’s what black pro-life leader Ryan Bomberger would like to know.
Bomberger, who founded the Radiance Foundation to help raise awareness of abortion and its devastating effects on the black community, says the nation’s most prominent black leaders have become willing enablers, praising and helping the very people who seek to destroy them.
“Back in 2005, the NAACP praised the high black abortion rate as compared to the percentage of the population at a NARAL fundraising gala,” Bomberger told LifeSiteNews by e-mail. “The very 'civil rights' groups that should be sounding the alarm about this huge disproportionate impact actually partner with the nation's largest abortion chain, Planned Parenthood, ensuring this increasing disparity.”
Added Bomberger, “When more black babies are aborted than are born alive in NYC and the NAACP responds by supporting Governor Cuomo's radical abortion expansion via the misnamed ‘Women's Equality Act,’ one can understand how the targeting of minorities continues unabated.”