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Psychiatry: An Industry of Death

March 27, 2024, 12:55:24 pm Mark says: Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked  When Hamas spokesman Abu Ubaida began a speech marking the 100th day of the war in Gaza, one confounding yet eye-opening proclamation escaped the headlines. Listing the motives for the Palestinian militant group's Oct. 7 massacre in Israel, he accused Jews of "bringing red cows" to the Holy Land.
December 31, 2022, 10:08:58 am NilsFor1611 says: blessings
August 08, 2018, 02:38:10 am suzytr says: Hello, any good churches in the Sacto, CA area, also looking in Reno NV, thanks in advance and God Bless you Smiley
January 29, 2018, 01:21:57 am Christian40 says: It will be interesting to see what happens this year Israel being 70 years as a modern nation may 14 2018
October 17, 2017, 01:25:20 am Christian40 says: It is good to type Mark is here again!  Smiley
October 16, 2017, 03:28:18 am Christian40 says: anyone else thinking that time is accelerating now? it seems im doing days in shorter time now is time being affected in some way?
September 24, 2017, 10:45:16 pm Psalm 51:17 says: The specific rule pertaining to the national anthem is found on pages A62-63 of the league rulebook. It states: “The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem. “During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.”
September 20, 2017, 04:32:32 am Christian40 says: "The most popular Hepatitis B vaccine is nothing short of a witch’s brew including aluminum, formaldehyde, yeast, amino acids, and soy. Aluminum is a known neurotoxin that destroys cellular metabolism and function. Hundreds of studies link to the ravaging effects of aluminum. The other proteins and formaldehyde serve to activate the immune system and open up the blood-brain barrier. This is NOT a good thing."
September 19, 2017, 03:59:21 am Christian40 says: bbc international did a video about there street preaching they are good witnesses
September 14, 2017, 08:06:04 am Psalm 51:17 says: bro Mark Hunter on YT has some good, edifying stuff too.
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« on: December 30, 2011, 03:02:37 am »

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Psalm 51:17
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« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2011, 07:20:32 am »

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Psalm 51:17
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« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2012, 12:07:42 pm »

This just occured to me when I was listening to a Southwest Ministries Radio program(over the deception indoctrination at public schools).

I don't know about other psychiatrists, but when I was going through this ordeal way back then...it came to a point where the insurance ran out, and was asked to leave my school. Even though we requested home-schooling, my psychiatrist was pretty adamently against it. His reasoning was that I "needed to socialize and intermingle with others", but en yet, he ended up giving the STATE-runned hospital as the only choice, and this DESPITE the fact that he was completely against these institutions.

That didn't happen(somehow became a day patient at one of the private hospitals, and Praise the Lord he got us through when all was said and done), however, just think about it for a second...home-schooling is BAD, but b/c we didn't have insurance the STATE-runned hospital was the ONLY option even though it was strongly recommended NOT to be in these? Now this reasoning and logic is just STUPID.

Pt trying to make here is that it seems like the medical/psychiatric industry has also been brainwashing into favoring this draconian public school system. And from everything I've seen and read about them, it looks like this industry is USED as part of having control over the public school system. And come to think of it too, the guidance counselors at my (Catholic)HS had connections with some of the psychiatrists, mental hospitals, et al in my area.

Yes, it's time for people to start waking up to all this nonsense! Please read your bibles with the Holy Spirit guiding you for answers, instead of men!

Personally, I don't put individual psychiatrists at fault(not completely that is, meaning they're still not off the work), b/c they for the most part were brainwashed at their medical schools they attended with lies, lies, and lies. It's the pharmaceutical industrials for the most part that are pulling the strings behind the curtain.
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« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2012, 02:56:17 am »

Thanks for sharing. The thing is have you ever heard of a Christian psychiatrist? I mean it seems that everyone involved in psychiatry as a worker are secular, Muslim, Catholic, Hindu, liberal etc but none of them are Christian or give Christian advice.

It's the pharmaceutical industrials for the most part that are pulling the strings behind the curtain.

Why doctors would compromise with pharmaceutical industrials for the sake of money doesn't give good results for the people seeing a psychiatrist.

Yes, it's time for people to start waking up to all this nonsense! Please read your bibles with the Holy Spirit guiding you for answers, instead of men!

If i had had read the KJV first i would not be in the mess i'm in. Yes i agree it was my fault but it was not like any talked about psychiatry or we knew about psychiatry at school. There is sooo so much you dont learn at school or from a Pastor.
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« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2012, 08:30:44 am »

Thanks for sharing. The thing is have you ever heard of a Christian psychiatrist? I mean it seems that everyone involved in psychiatry as a worker are secular, Muslim, Catholic, Hindu, liberal etc but none of them are Christian or give Christian advice.

I'm sure that are some, or a few who call themselves Christians. But at the same time, 90% of the pews are false converts in the 501c3 system, so it should come as no surprise. I believe mafia people attend church services as well.

Why doctors would compromise with pharmaceutical industrials for the sake of money doesn't give good results for the people seeing a psychiatrist.

If i had had read the KJV first i would not be in the mess i'm in. Yes i agree it was my fault but it was not like any talked about psychiatry or we knew about psychiatry at school. There is sooo so much you dont learn at school or from a Pastor.

I think the biggest problem most people have(including myself) is that we end up being too simple minded for our own good - instead of cross-checking everything they say and do, we just believe every word that comes into our ears. No wonder why so many wolves have infiltrated the churches, b/c pastors have been trained to be simple and double minded.

For example, there have been occassions where I have warned Christian friends have wolves and false teachings coming into their churches, and their responses have been "Why do you waste your time on the internet too much?". Huh And my response is, "So are you saying we should just blindly follow these people?"(and have to remind them it's JESUS CHRIST that has authority over the church)

Again, I'm not indicting these people alone, b/c I myself have been guilty of this many times.

*sigh* It's as if someone has merely the outward appearance of being a Christian, then that person, especially if he's a leader, is a "super duper" one. Or for that matter, any successful leader, person(ie-psychiatrist) is a "Mr. Know It All".

Whatever happened to "Do your own research" anymore?
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« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2012, 03:28:09 pm »

Thanks for sharing. The thing is have you ever heard of a Christian psychiatrist? I mean it seems that everyone involved in psychiatry as a worker are secular, Muslim, Catholic, Hindu, liberal etc but none of them are Christian or give Christian advice.

That seems to be the case, but I think it's mainly because of the doctrine of Christ. If one really follows it, they know that a sound mind comes from the Spirit, not some person taking notes and prescribing meds. Those who don't have the Spirit, no telling what quack they will listen to. The more degrees on their wall the better with them.

And that is the key too, degrees, recognition in mainstream society. If your a "Christian", no doubt you won't get anywhere without having received a degree in theology from one of the recognized universities, no matter how well you know the bible. It's still the world. You want to play in their game, they expect you to follow their rules, regardless of what you believe. Hey, it's the world afterall.
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« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2012, 08:28:46 pm »

This occured to me the other day - isn't being in a room alone with a psychiatrist no different from someone going into a CONFESSIONAL with a Roman Catholic priest?

Seriously, people have this misperception that when they go into these "confessionals", that what they say is being done in secret...really? It's not like they're able to sneak into those big catholic church buildings all the way into those confessionals, and can't the priest(and the "confessors") see parts of the people's faces, as well as recognizes their voices?(ie-I believe in the old Babylonian religions, they did exactly this, largely to use them as BLACKMAIL)

Anyhow, don't think for a minute that these psychiatrists will keep anything you say a secret. Maybe they don't try to spill the beans intentionally, but they WILL tell their spouses when they come home, and from there their spouses will pillow talk them to their children and friends, and who knows how far it will go down the chain. And for that matter too, in my case, other psychiatrists got permission to read my records b/c mine needed extra opinions on something.

FWIW too, remember the Menendez brothers trial 20 years ago? One of the brothers thought the psychiatrist they visited would give them relief when he poured his heart out, but oh boy...was he wrong when the psychiatrist's secretary happened to overhear it, and then went to tell the police. No, his confession here was not admitted into court, but the damage was already done by the time the secretary told the police.

"MANY paths lead to Rome"...it just seems like all these wicked entities just do the SAME THINGS as Rome does.
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« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2012, 03:20:40 am »

This occured to me the other day - isn't being in a room alone with a psychiatrist no different from someone going into a CONFESSIONAL with a Roman Catholic priest?

That is an interesting way to put it. Tell what you know about yourself to someone so they can keep it on record and share the info with others for whatever purpose they like and so big brother can label you mentally unstable if they want to. Yeah, they are pretty similar. I mean the RC priest should be the one that is a threat to others.

Anyhow, don't think for a minute that these psychiatrists will keep anything you say a secret. Maybe they don't try to spill the beans intentionally, but they WILL tell their spouses when they come home, and from there their spouses will pillow talk them to their children and friends, and who knows how far it will go down the chain. And for that matter too, in my case, other psychiatrists got permission to read my records b/c mine needed extra opinions on something.

I mean as Christians we are supposed to be open book to a degree with our lives, but it's not much fun getting people talking about you behind your back, saying negative things but if you get exposed most likely there will be a time when they will be exposed too.
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« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2012, 11:10:14 pm »

Christian40 - Please Watch This...

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« Reply #9 on: March 20, 2012, 03:47:56 am »

Thanks Brother. My time is limited but i guess i could watch it, have you seen it?
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« Reply #10 on: March 22, 2012, 03:28:18 pm »

Thanks Brother. My time is limited but i guess i could watch it, have you seen it?

Yes, it is very, very good. Schnoebolen covered alot of the ins and outs about the very important stuff we all need to know!
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« Reply #11 on: March 22, 2012, 03:30:58 pm »

Seriously, Big Pharma needs these celebrity "spokesmen"(or women).


Charlize Theron and 8 More Stars with OCD
By LUCHINA FISHER and SHEILA MARIKAR | Good Morning America – Wed, Mar 21, 2012

New mother Charlize Theron may have a tougher time than other new moms adjusting to her first child. That's because she's admitted to suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder or OCD.

"I have OCD, which is not fun," she told Australian radio show Kyle and Jackie O. "I have to be incredibly tidy and organized or it messes with my mind and switches off on me."

Babies, especially once they reach toddler-hood, aren't exactly known for their neatness. The Oscar-winning actress announced last week that she is the "proud mom of a healthy baby boy named Jackson." This is the first child for the 36-year-old actress who has been single since her split from actor Stuart Townsend in 2010.

For parents with OCD, having children can actually make symptoms worse. "OCD symptoms tend to latch on to things that are most important to us, so parents with OCD may have doubts about their abilities or intrusive thoughts about their child's safety or hurting their child," Stephen Whiteside, a psychologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., who specializes in anxiety disorders including OCD, told ABCNews.com.

OCD is an anxiety disorder that at its basic level is a fear of one's thoughts, whether it's a fear of messiness, germs or something else. To relieve the anxiety associated with such intrusive thoughts, an obsessive-compulsive will feel compelled to behave in a certain way, such as cleaning out their cabinets before going to sleep or checking and rechecking their child.

Whiteside has heard anecdotes of OCD patients actually improving once they became parents. "It's certainly possible that when you have something that is of greater concern to you -- you're not just taking care of yourself but a baby -- those emotions can overwhelm the OCD and motivate you to do the things to get better. The best treatment is exposure or facing your fears," Whiteside said.

That's what happened to Julianne Moore, who scrapped her daily routine of leaving her apartment at exactly the same time and pacing her walk so that she only got green lights, after having children Caleb and Liv. "Having two young children means you drop all that sort of rubbish!" Moore told UK's Guardian.

Moore admitted she's still "fanatical about straightening furniture and lining stuff up, but I'm much more laid back than I used to be!"

Theron also struggles when things are out of order. "I have a problem with cabinets being messy and people just shoving things in and closing the door. I will lie in bed and not be able to sleep because I'll say to myself: 'I think I saw something in that cabinet that just shouldn't be there,'" she was quoted saying in London's Daily Mail.

Comparing herself to the character she played in her most recent film, "Young Adult," she told the Australian radio show, "I am not dirty at all, I'm actually the opposite."

Whiteside's advice to her and other new parents with OCD: "Try to put things in perspective, reminding yourself that you're going to do a much better job as a parent if you leave things messy and spend time with your child than being perfect."

He said, "It might be uncomfortable at first, but the feeling gradually goes away, and it should get easier."

If it seems as though OCD and celebrity go hand-in-hand, there's a reason -- so many celebrities have admitted to having the condition. Click through to see some of them.

Julianne Moore
In 2008, the "Game Change" actress told UK's Guardian that her OCD tendencies draw her to dark, emotional characters. She talked about doing the "lucky walk," leaving the house at a certain time and pace so that she would face more green lights than red.

"Those are the indulgences you can have before you have children," she said. "Now I don't have time to obsess. All that stuff about, 'I need to go this certain way and do that,' was an indulgence of my youth."

Megan Fox
Megan Fox may get down and dirty in her movies, but in real life she likes things clean, very clean. In 2010, the bombshell actress and model admitted that she has OCD.

"This is a sickness, I have an illness, this is not OK anymore," Fox told Allure magazine. Her problem: public toilets and restaurant silverware. The "Transformers" star told Allure that she won't use toilets without seat covers: "I'm never doing that again. Every time someone uses a bathroom and they flush, all the bacteria is shot into the air."

She also opened up about her feelings on restaurant silverware: "Putting my mouth where a million other mouths have been, just knowing all the bacteria that you carry in your mouth? Ucch!"

Jessica Alba
Jessica Alba has said her OCD came out of a need to have control over her life.

"I used to unplug every single appliance in my house. Or I'd double-check every door in my house to make sure it was locked at night," she told CosmoGirl last year. "It was like a panic come over me and I had to do something, and once I did it, I was OK. ... It was really me needing to control something."

"I can be a little obsessive compulsive about things, but that just means that when I do things, I do them proficiently and I do them to the best of my ability," the "Fantastic Four" star was quoted saying on British Web site iVillage. "I think a lot of actors have OCD. I think it's part of being creative, whether your outlet is acting or science or math. Whatever it is, it takes some sort of drive to get anywhere."

Cameron Diaz
Diaz will open doors with her elbows just to avoid touching the germ-infested doorknobs. The sexy star of "Shrek" and "Charlie's Angels" has admitted to cleaning the doorknobs of her Los Angeles home so much that the original paint has faded on them. She has also said she washes her hands "many times" each day.

But perhaps her obsession has diminished somewhat. In May 2007, she told a reporter, "I think I've made my peace with it."

Diaz's ex, Justin Timberlake, has also copped to having OCD. He was quoted by the Web site Collider.com as saying, "I have OCD mixed with ADD (attention deficit disorder). You try living with that. It's complicated."

Howard Stern
Stern has been outspoken about his own struggles with OCD. In his 1995 book "Miss America," he described how he could not turn on the car radio without tapping the dial a certain number of times with his right hand.

"The ... rituals were my distraction,'' he wrote. "When I was in college and nervous about entering the world of broadcasting and earning a living, the pressure was enormous. ... As a defense mechanism, my brain had set up an elaborate maze of rituals that kept me from confronting my fear."

He said once he made the connection, he instantly stopped his compulsive behavior and now practices transcendental meditation.

Leonardo DiCaprio
The "Titanic" actor once played another famous sufferer of OCD, Howard Hughes. In fact, while playing the role, DiCaprio's got back in touch with his own childhood obsession: sidewalks.

"I remember as a child, stepping on cracks on the way to school and having to walk back a block and step on that same crack or that gum stain," DiCapriotold About.com at the time the Hughes biopic "The Aviator" was released.

"Let's just say it took me a while to get to set, having to step on tons of things," he said, laughing.

David Beckham
Beckham likes to keep his shirts in order, lining them up in the closet according to color. So do a lot of people, you say. How about matching all the food in your refrigerator? Apparently, the soccer star likes order in his fridge as well, which is why he has three.

"Food in one, salad in another and drinks in the third," his wife Victoria Beckham said, according to the Daily Mail. "In the drinks one, everything is symmetrical. If there's three cans of Diet Coke, he'd throw one away rather than having three -- because it has to be an even number."

"He's got that obsessive-compulsive thing where everything has to match," she said.

Billy Bob Thornton
The eccentric actor-turned-musician has talked about his OCD in 2004 with "Dateline"'s Ann Curry, saying it grew out of a difficult childhood filled with abuse.

One of his compulsions is "constantly doing mathematics," he said. "Certain numbers represent certain people. And I can't use that number in a certain circumstance. And then I have to use it in another circumstance."

"It exhausts you," he said about his disorder.

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« Reply #12 on: March 22, 2012, 03:44:58 pm »


I'm NOT speaking for everyone that has OCD, but I am ONLY speaking from my own POV, so here goes...

For the most part, I really didn't have this "disease" throughout much of my childhood, until my sophomore year in high school when I just had this "drive" to achieve the highest grades in my class. I was breezing through(despite all the hard work) during my sophomore year, and then I was doing OK in my junior year until everything started to break down halfway through, and the engine pretty much blew up and I was in a psychiatric institution for the rest of my junior year, and all but the 1st quarter of my senior year(ie-in my senior year, I was just completely burned out and could not understand any materials thrown my way).

Anyhow, since my junior year in high school, I developed "obsessions" over things I would lose, and get mad(among other VERY minor things that the normal people would laugh off and move on). However, prior to my sophomore year, this would RARELY happen(maybe would throw a fit, but NOT for long). Pt I'm trying to make is that prior to my sophomore year, I was just an average C student, and was somewhat relaxed toward my school studies, but it wasn't until 10th grade(and then way beyond that) when I developed this perfectionistic coveteousness toward being the first in everything. I'll be honest - it wasn't like I had these OCD traits BEFORE my 10th grade year. I sure don't remember having them when I was in the 4th grade, or the 6th grade.

But ultimately, the psychiatry industry comes up with all these crazy and new diseases which are UPON BIRTH, but somehow they can't come up with an explanation to these "diseases". No, I am NOT speaking for every OCD person here, but ONLY speaking for myself. And yes, I am aware of all the poison vaccinations out there(which causes some of these ailments).

Scripture clearly makes it clear that we need to enter into Jesus's REST, Solomon says in Ecclessiastices(sp) over the warnings of adding "madness" and "folly"(which the public education system is a hot-bed for, especially if you really yoke yourselves up with them), and the scriptures say we need to meditate on these scriptures day and night(yeah, when you meditate on public education materials all day, it WILL make you crazy!).

Anyhow, in response to the article above, thought I would give what I went through with OCD, b/c I don't think I was born with this specific "brain disorder", to be honest. Please search the scriptures to see if ye have eternal life, for it's they that testify of Jesus Christ!
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« Reply #13 on: March 22, 2012, 09:21:11 pm »

Before the psychiatry industry invented OCD, ADD, and any other D to stimulate cash flow, these “disorders” didn’t exist.

ADD used to mean “lack of discipline” before technology became mainstream. Generally, if kids don’t play video games and don’t watch TV, ADD never comes up.

OCD used to mean “perfectionism”. I used to be that way until it caused me to perform worse. I had to balance time spent on task with quality of task achieved. Less time, more tasks, slightly less quality. I also had to consider my state of mind. I could deprive myself of sleep, and forget to eat. But am I really at my best at that point? Is the quality of my work really as good as it should be? Or would it be better if I paced myself and intentionally remembered to take care of myself. I think it partially came from my upbringing.

For instance, holidays were particularly bothersome in my family. Everybody would get worked up, imagining exactly how ONE day on the calendar should go. If it missed expectations by the slightest bit, the whole day was a DISASTER and EVERYBODY heard about it.

Doing shift-work and working during holidays really gave me a perspective on this. For the first time, I could watch this happen to other people and not be a part of it.

Now I’m free to assess a situation and determine my own level of…..(worry? concern?)…..mental and physical engagement. Not panic and not apathy.
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« Reply #14 on: March 23, 2012, 03:53:20 am »

Well i had OCD and that was i was into video games constantly. If i went to school i would be thinking about getting home and playing games, and then when you have completed a game you have to get the next one as the satisfaction never lasts. What broke me out of it is that the KJV Bible became more important and i believe that God has changed me. I did have the NIV when i was playing games but it is so powerless!

I think that people who want to do things perfectly dont have OCD, it is just there way of how they exist. There is nothing wrong with people that are bit more peculiar than someone else, doctors have made up these disorders, i do agree, Dont ever trust doctors, that is my advice, in my experience i have seen some blaspheming, pagan, unreasonable doctors who have tried to "help" me yeah right, instead trust the King James Bible and if you have a habit or something that you think is wrong and your struggling with it then head to the Scriptures and soak in the verses while praying. God wants to hear our prayers, the lost dont have God, they just have their doctors.
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« Reply #15 on: March 23, 2012, 02:38:32 pm »

The flesh always wants to do fleshly things, and part of that is doing things as well as the flesh can, based on fleshly pride, to be better than the next, the secular "be all you can be" kind of mentality. We know it's born of the flesh, and so does Jesus. THAT is why He gave us of His Spirit to protect us from the evil. Thank you Jesus.

This is also why Jesus tells us to look to Him, always, to walk in the Spirit, because He knows these fleshly lusts are there with us till we are transformed physically, and the flesh goes away. But He also is always telling us that we are forgiven.

We also are told that we have liberty that we are not to abuse, and that not all things are edifying or expedient. Ultimately, what you do, is it in moderation and of faith?

20   Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances, 
21   (Touch not; taste not; handle not; 
22   Which all are to perish with the using;) after the commandments and doctrines of men? 
23   Which things have indeed a shew of wisdom in will worship, and humility, and neglecting of the body; not in any honour to the satisfying of the flesh.
Colossians2:20-23 (KJB)

"All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any." 1 Corinthians 6:12 (KJB)
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« Reply #16 on: February 19, 2013, 11:56:13 am »


McCready's death renews questions for Dr. Drew


NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — The criticism of Dr. Drew Pinsky spread on the Internet almost as quickly as news of Mindy McCready's death.
The country singer with the tumultuous personal life became the fifth cast member of his "Celebrity Rehab" series to die since appearing on the show and the third from Season 3. The previous deaths stirred up rumors of a curse and a debate about the show's helpfulness. McCready's apparent suicide upped the pitch of the reaction, however.
Singer Richard Marx on Twitter compared Pinsky to Dr. Jack Kevorkian, the so-called suicide doctor: "Same results."
Marx backed off later Monday, saying the crack went too far. But he restated his thoughts in a way that summed up much of the reaction in the first 24 hours since the 37-year-old McCready's death Sunday afternoon in Heber Springs, Ark.
"It is, however, my opinion that what Dr. D does is exploitation and his TV track record is not good," Marx wrote.
VH1's "Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew" is not currently on the air. Pinsky switched his focus to non-celebrities in Season 6 last fall and changed the title to "Rehab." The show spawned two spinoffs, "Sober House" and "Sex Rehab."
Season 3, shot in 2009, featured McCready, former NBA star Dennis Rodman, actors Tom Sizemore and Mackenzie Phillips, former Hollywood madam Heidi Fleiss and a handful of lesser known celebrity types.
McCready was a sympathetic character on the show and appeared to be far less damaged than her fellow cast members, some of whom experienced fairly graphic symptoms of opiate withdrawal in front of the cameras. McCready suffered a seizure while on the show, further endearing her to Pinsky and the others.
She said in a 2010 interview with The Associated Press that she initially turned Pinsky down.
"But Dr. Drew said something to me that just mowed me over literally, just floored me," she said. "He said, 'You've been being treated for the symptoms of what's wrong with you, not the problem. And you're going to have to put your family aside for a moment, put their feelings aside for a moment and worry about you because if you don't get better, it doesn't matter what your family thinks. You're not going to be there anymore.'"
Pinsky diagnosed her with "love addiction" during the series' run and called her an "angel" in the finale. In an interview with The Associated Press several months later, he said McCready had a good shot at recovery if she remained in treatment.
"Like with anybody I treat, it's really up to them," Pinsky said. "I never know. If they do the work they're supposed to do, yes (there can be success). If she does the work it will be great. It's up to her how much of that she does, how much she feels she needs to do. It seems like she's doing rather well right now so I hope she continues to do so."
Three years later, she's dead of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot to the head.
McCready walked away from treatment several days ago after her father asked a judge to intervene. Her body was found on the front porch of a home she shared with David Wilson, the longtime boyfriend and father of her youngest son who appears to have killed himself in the same spot last month.
Pinsky wasn't available for comment, his publicist said, but he issued a statement Sunday night that noted he'd spoken with McCready recently.
"She is a lovely woman who will be missed by many," the statement said. "Although I have not treated her for a few years, I had reached out to her recently upon hearing about the apparent suicide of her boyfriend and father of her younger (child). She was devastated. Although she was fearful of stigma and ridicule she agreed with me that she needed to make her health and safety a priority. Unfortunately it seems that Mindy did not sustain her treatment."
A lack of continued treatment also appears to have led to the deaths of McCready's Season 3 castmates Mike Starr, bassist for Alice in Chains, and Joey Kovar, a "Real World" participant. Los Angeles riots spark Rodney King and actor Jeff Conaway also have passed away. Starr and Kovar overdosed and King was found dead in his pool with alcohol and marijuana in his system. Conaway was initially thought to have overdosed, but died of pneumonia and an infection.
Bob Forrest, a chemical dependency counselor who appeared on Season 3 of "Celebrity Rehab" and continues to work with Pinsky, said a discussion about mental health and substance abuse issues is important. But attacking Pinsky has only distracted from the real issues.
"Regardless of your feelings about how we do it with the TV show, calling Dr. Drew 'Dr. Kevorkian,' what kind of dialogue is that?" he said. "It's a good headline. We're going through a growth spurt in regards to who we are as a country. I really feel there's something going on in America beyond Mindy McCready's death."
The most recent figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show there were 38,364 suicides in the U.S. in 2010 — an average of 105 a day. Thirty-three percent of suicides tested positive for alcohol in 2009 and 20 percent for opiates, including heroin and prescription painkillers.
There were no immediate numbers available for suicides or overdoses post-rehab, but a patient with substance abuse problems is a higher risk for an attempt.
Dr. Sharon Hirsch, an associate professor in the University of Chicago's Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience, says patients can get trapped in the yin and yang of addiction. She was not familiar with McCready's case, but noted people abusing alcohol or drugs have a lower impulse control. And their lows when they're off drugs become more difficult to overcome, also lowering their resolve.
Dealing with loss, as McCready was, also increases risk, especially around anniversaries.
Hirsch said mental health and addiction issues have to be taken as seriously as a heart attack.
"Depression and substance dependence are all very malignant disorders and I think people forget that," Hirsch said. "They think of cancer, strokes and heart attacks killing people, but depression, substance abuse and eating disorders, too, all kill people. There are very, very high rates of deaths in those illnesses."
Pinsky's shows drew attention to the struggle. But did they help patients? Pinsky has taken an interest in cast members after the shows end and referred them to continuing treatment. But ultimately Hirsch wonders who was on call the last time McCready pondered killing herself.
"One of the key components of any treatment is to talk confidentially with your treatment provider about every aspect of what is going on with you, to be able to get the best care you can," she said. "I just don't know how that could occur in the context of an internationally televised show. And so it would be difficult for me to envision it as a complete treatment program. ... It just really strikes me as entertainment and not as treatment."[/color]


2Th 2:3  Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

Mat 24:4  And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
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« Reply #17 on: March 05, 2013, 05:27:21 pm »

Pfizer painkiller gets longer patent protection

Pfizer gets 18 months more patent protection for blockbuster painkiller, sues generic makers



TRENTON, N.J. (AP) -- Drugmaker Pfizer Inc. said Tuesday that a new patent on one of its top drugs, anti-inflammatory painkiller Celebrex, extends its U.S. patent protection by 18 months, potentially bringing the company a few billion dollars in additional revenue.

Shares of New York-based Pfizer jumped nearly 2 percent on the news before giving up part of that gain. Pfizer also filed a lawsuit against five generic drugmakers to try to prevent them from selling generic versions of Celebrex before the new patent runs out in December 2015.

Pfizer said the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office has granted what's called a "reissue patent" that replaces an older patent a federal appeals court had ruled invalid in 2008 during a prior round of litigation.

The reissue patent corrects what Pfizer called technical deficiencies in the original patent covering the diseases treated by the drug's active ingredient, celecoxib. Those include acute and menstrual pain, osteoarthritis, the immune disorder rheumatoid arthritis and a painful spinal joint disorder called ankylosing spondylitis.
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« Reply #18 on: April 07, 2013, 06:50:52 pm »

Depression Screening, A Cruel Fraud; Exposing National Depression Screening Day
October 13, 2006
Why is Depression Screening a fraud?

Too many people have been screened and labeled with a false diagnosis (1). Far too many have died from the use of psychiatric drugs which were prescribed after they agreed to be screened. Antidepressant drugs carry FDA-mandated warnings stating that taking them could cause increased suicidal thinking and behavior (2). Many psychiatric drugs are known to cause violence, hallucinations, addiction, heart attacks and sudden death. (3)

And yet, thousands of people do not know these facts. They have been deceived so well, convinced by a billion-dollar marketing campaign that feelings equal disease and that psychiatric treatment helps. This October 5th is National Depression Screening Day, an event concocted by psychiatric interests and drug companies to find more customers for their drugs.

Richard Hughes and Robert Brewin, authors of The Tranquilizing of America, warned that although psychotropic drugs may appear to 'take the edge off' anxiety, pain, and stress, they also take the edge off life itself...these pills not only numb the pain but numb the whole mind. In fact close study reveals that none of them can cure anything and all have side effects, some horrific. Yet due to their addictive and psychotropic properties, many believe that they cannot deal with life without them.

When people are screened for depression, bipolar disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, or any other psychiatric disorder, they are being given a false diagnosis. These disorders, more than 350 of them, are cataloged in a book crafted and published by the American Psychiatric Association, the Diagnostic Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders. This psychiatric billing bible has been widely discredited by the field of Medicine. These disorders are not discovered or researched from proven facts, tests, or any scientific data; they are simply voted on by psychiatrists and then used to label those who answered questions a certain way on fraudulent screening tests.

On May 11, 2006, Dr. Julian Whitaker, MD was interviewed by Pam Killeen from the Crusader (4). Dr. Whitaker stated, Psychiatry is not science; its observations of human behavior, without any scientific backup. For example, diagnosing someone with a chemical imbalance is a fabricated diagnosis. They have no evidence whatsoever of any chemical imbalance. They can't measure it; they can't find it. So, there's no chemical imbalance that's measurable.

Dr. Whitaker also said, referring to the list of mental disorders, ...psychiatric evaluations aren't based on science period! They're just made up, and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual is growing with more and more fabricated mental illnesses. Pretty soon, we're not going to find a normal person anywhere in the country unless they're drugged.

The dictionary defines depression as sadness; gloom; dejection. It is an emotion, a feeling, not a disease. Psychiatry has preyed upon people's emotions, turning these feelings into a fabricated illness to get more people into profitable psychiatric treatment.

Depression is really only a symptom of a physical disease or some other condition, such as loss of a loved one, brain tumor, vitamin deficiency (5). People who submit to screening on Oct. 5th are taking a great risk because they are not being tested by medical doctors for any possible physical condition or genuine disease that could contribute to certain behavior. Depression is listed as one of the symptoms of several physical diseases or conditions. Someone who is screened and told (fraudulently) that their symptoms are caused by a depression disorderare not then likely to seek out true medical care. This could prove very dangerous since an undiscovered physical disease left unhandled could be fatal.

Screening = a clever, fraudulent scheme for marketing drugs

People who are opposed to mental health screening are outraged because the survey used in screening has been written by psychiatrists with financial ties to drug companies, thus creating a booming psychiatry-pharmaceutical industry. Signs of Suicide, a similar program to TeenScreen has been developed and promoted by a corporation called Screening for Mental Health (SMH), Inc. On this site http://www.signsofsuicide.org/ is evidence that pharmaceutical companies have given MILLIONS in grants to the SMH in order to forward the program testing of adults and children for suicide risks, depression, eating disorders, alcoholism in schools, colleges, and the workplace, and the military.

Pharmaceutical companies want to support screening programs because they stand to make Billions on the sale of drugs to the people who will be screened. Eli Lilly alone poured in $2,157,925.00 (amongst others) into Screening for Mental Health Inc. from 2001 to 2004.

Good News for Depression

The good news about help for depression has been hidden. Without support of the billion-dollar psycho-pharmaceutical industry, the facts on depression are not written on the front pages of the news, or on TV. People should be informed of the very successful and scientific methods that are being used now to help people with these problems.

In Dr. Whitaker's aforementioned interview with Pam Killeen, she asked this very direct question: If a patient suffering with a mental illness comes to see you, what type of improvements could they experience?

Dr. Whitaker: In my practice, we see a lot of people who see their energy levels increase, or their happiness ratio increase, when they get healthier. Just increasing and improving health will do wonders for the majority of people who have been labeled as being mentally ill. This goes for people who are experiencing fatigue, who may be depressed. Very often, we find that they have hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, or lack exercise. We help them solve these areas of depletion in their lives. We help them increase the quality of their lives and they feel better. We see it all the time. I have had nearly 40,000 people come through my clinic, and I have never started anyone on an antidepressant medication.

There is growing opposition to mental health screening and all the groups involved with this fraud. One of these speaking out against the crimes committed from this method is Ms. Theresa Rhoades. She created an online petition after her daughter was screened and then falsely diagnosed with mental disorders without her knowledge. It is addressed to School Board Members and State and Federal Legislators. You can read and sign it at http://www.petitiononline.com/TScreen/petition.html.

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« Reply #19 on: April 08, 2013, 12:10:48 am »

Psychiatry has preyed upon people's emotions, turning these feelings into a fabricated illness to get more people into profitable psychiatric treatment.

This makes my blood boil, though i know how to restrain my anger
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« Reply #20 on: April 08, 2013, 04:32:05 am »

Just another part of the great deception by the world on the unbelieving.

Science doesn't believe in God and the Spirit, so they make stuff up to explain what's going on with people. They then define it in their secular terms, and then offer up a solution to the public in how to deal with it.

Emotions (depression, anxiety, etc) are a response/symptom to how one is thinking. it's not a medical illness. It's about what the person believes that causes them to be depressed, angry, paranoid, afraid, obsessive, etc.

The only way to get rid of "stinkin' thinkin'" is by the Holy Ghost. "Ye must be born-again"
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« Reply #21 on: April 08, 2013, 04:37:31 am »

Science doesn't believe in God and the Spirit, so they make stuff up to explain what's going on with people. They then define it in their secular terms, and then offer up a solution to the public in how to deal with it.

Emotions (depression, anxiety, etc) are a response/symptom to how one is thinking. it's not a medical illness. It's about what the person believes that causes them to be depressed, angry, paranoid, afraid, obsessive, etc.

The only way to get rid of "stinkin' thinkin'" is by the Holy Ghost. "Ye must be born-again"

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« Reply #22 on: April 08, 2013, 10:01:08 am »

Just another part of the great deception by the world on the unbelieving.

Science doesn't believe in God and the Spirit, so they make stuff up to explain what's going on with people. They then define it in their secular terms, and then offer up a solution to the public in how to deal with it.

Emotions (depression, anxiety, etc) are a response/symptom to how one is thinking. it's not a medical illness. It's about what the person believes that causes them to be depressed, angry, paranoid, afraid, obsessive, etc.

The only way to get rid of "stinkin' thinkin'" is by the Holy Ghost. "Ye must be born-again"

Yeah, when I was surfing a couple of the mainstream Churchianity boards over the weekend, saw their responses to Rick Warren's son committing suicide over his "depression" mental illness. For the most part, I was very surprised by all the "Let's pray that the Lord will comfort him and his family", "Mental illness and depression is a huge burden on anyone", etc, etc responses(and these are the same forums that have exposed Warren and his false teachings consistently).

No, I don't wish harm and ill will on anyone, but nonetheless Warren made it clear that throughout his entire son's life, he had him go through a lot of "medical" treatment(without even mentioning to him the grace, mercy, and hope of our Lord Jesus Christ). And not to mention too all the damage Warren has done to churches around the world(pushing Chrislam, pagan New Age teachings, and training pastors to act hostile to anyone that doesn't want to buy into his Purpose Driven program).

Anyhow, on that angle, I was very surprised to hear even these Churchianity forums express sympathy toward him. With that being said - as I said on this message forum on a few times, I went through this whole ordeal when I was in high school...don't want to get into all of the details, but I can honestly say that it was only me who brought about this destructive behavior, and NOT some "chemical imbalance" in my brain, why? B/c at the time I wanted to accomplish great achievements by making near-perfect grades, being at the top of my class, and going on to have a very successful career from there. It was as if the more I was making these achievements, the more and more I felt empty inside of me, and eventually that whole house of cards that I was building with "the works of my hands" came crashing down.

Even though my psychiatrist at the time pointed this out to me that I was doing too much(and "needed to get out more"), nonetheless he prescribed me medication after medication.(which made absolutely no sense given the facts over my problems) IMHO, I think people in the psychiatry industry have already given themselves over to the strong delusion.

John_6:27  Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed.
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« Reply #23 on: April 08, 2013, 02:31:56 pm »

IMHO, I think people in the psychiatry industry have already given themselves over to the strong delusion.

In a manner of speaking, but that delusion I believe specifically relates to the lie preached by churchianity that causes the delusion. So those in the unbelieving secular sciences haven't given themselves over to the strong delusion of false prophets, but rather they simply don't believe and as a result are lost in their ignorance, failing to make sense of the darkness around them. But they too have believed a lie.

"And even as they did not like to retain God in [their] knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;" Romans 1:28 (KJB)
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« Reply #24 on: September 17, 2013, 12:41:57 pm »

Again, Infowars article, but nonetheless go to the link, and this article does a decent job linking their sources to their (proper)MSM articles.

Was Navy Yard Killer on Anti-Depressant Meds?
SSRI drugs linked with multitude of mass shooting cases

Paul Joseph Watson
September 17, 2013

Several indications suggest that Navy Yard killer Aaron Alexis may have been taking psychiatric drugs, bringing into focus once again the clear connection between anti-depressants and mass shootings.

With the motive behind yesterday’s tragic rampage still unknown, speculation has centered around Alexis’ personal life.

The Associated Press reports that Alexis, “had been treated since August by the Veterans Administration for his mental problems,” which included paranoia, sleep disorder and hearing voices in his head.

According to his father, Alexis suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of his harrowing experiences during his involvement in rescue operations on 9/11.

SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) drugs are the most common form of treatment for PTSD, with Paroxetine being one of the most prescribed medications for this purpose. Paroxetine was also listed as the number 3 top violence-causing drug by the Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP).

The study, which is based on FDA figures, reveals that antidepressants Pristiq (desvenlafaxine), Paxil (paroxetine) and Prozac (fluoxetine), all appear in the list of the top ten violence-causing drugs.

We also know that Alexis “blacked out” during a violent confrontation in 2004 when he shot out the tires of vehicles belonging to construction workers parked next to his home. Black outs are also a common side effect of SSRI drugs.

We’ve also learned that Alexis had “anger management” issues. SSRI drugs including Paroxetine, Prozac and Zoloft are also routinely prescribed to treat anger issues.

These circumstances indicate that Alexis was almost certainly taking SSRI drugs at some point over the last decade, although whether he was on them during yesterday’s deadly shooting remains to be seen.

Anti-depressant drugs, or SSRI’s, have been linked with numerous mass shootings in recent history.

Earlier this year it emerged that Aurora shooter James Holmes was taking “sertraline, a generic version of Zoloft used to treat depression, panic disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder and Clonazepam, usually prescribed to treat anxiety and panic attacks,” according to the L.A. Times.

Zoloft is the same psychotropic drug that Columbine killer Eric Harris was taking before his rampage.

The connection between Zoloft and violent outbursts is well documented. Countless studies identify Zoloft as being responsible for more than 1,000 suicides and hundreds of episodes of mania and aggression.

As CCHR documents, psychiatric drugs have been involved in at least 31 different school shootings and other massacres over the last 25 years. In addition to Holmes and Harris, mass shooters who were on SSRI drugs include;

- Kip Kinkel
- Christopher Pittman
- Elizabeth Bush
- Jason Hoffman
- Shawn Cooper
- T.J. Solomon
- Seung-Hui Cho

America’s addiction to psychotropic drugs is out of control and growing every year.

According to a London Guardian report, “(subscriptions) for benzodiazepines – the class of anti-anxiety drugs including Xanax, Valium, Ativan, and Klonopin – have gone up 17% since 2006 to 94m annually, New York magazine notes. Generic Xanax, which goes by the name alprazolam, has become 23% more popular in that same timeframe “making it the most prescribed psycho-pharmaceutical drug and the 11th-most prescribed overall, with 46m prescriptions written in 2010.

Harvard-trained psychiatrist and former full-time consultant at the National Institute of Mental Health Dr. Peter R. Breggin has testified in approximately 100 trials since 1976 about the clear connection between psychiatric drugs and outbursts of violence. Breggin asserts that there is a definite “causal relationship between antidepressant drugs and the production of suicide, violence, mania and other behavioral abnormalities.”

However, in the aftermath of every mass shooting, the establishment media routinely blames the massacre on guns, despite gun-related homicides showing a 49% decrease since 1993, and pays little or no attention to how SSRI drugs are fueling unnecessary violence.
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« Reply #25 on: April 23, 2014, 10:07:58 pm »

Misdiagnosed bipolar: One girl's struggle to get the right treatment

SAN JOSE, Calif. — One day, Tessa Gallo was a typical sixth-grader, performing in school plays, running on the track team, goofing around with her two sisters and giggling with girlfriends at sleepovers.

The next, said her mother, Teresa, "She was psychotic and mentally retarded."

In bizarre and frightening scenes, Tessa acted as frantic as a caged animal, darting out of the family car into traffic, jumping fences and hiding in neighbors' bushes. At times she seemed catatonic, with food falling out of her mouth because she somehow couldn't swallow. She repeated the same few sentences over and over, worried about her braces, wanting to go home.

And finally, she said nothing at all. For nine months, Tessa stopped talking. Not a word.

Doctors diagnosed her with bipolar disorder, prescribed psychiatric drugs that didn't work and sent the San Jose family on a nightmarish odyssey through psych wards, group homes and isolation rooms.

Then, suddenly, more than 10 months into the Gallos' terrifying ordeal, a pair of Stanford University doctors told the family that Tessa wasn't bipolar at all. She was probably suffering from a tragically misdiagnosed condition that mimics mental illness in a way doctors are only starting to understand.

"I've seen cases like this before," Dr. Jennifer Frankovich of Lucile Packard Children's Hospital told the Gallos. "I think I can bring her back."

What Frankovich, a pediatric rheumatologist, and Dr. Kiki Chang, a child psychiatrist, concluded was that Tessa likely had an infection or other trigger that caused her immune system to mistakenly attack her brain, dramatically changing Tessa's behavior overnight. It's a condition called PANS — pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome — that in some cases, if caught early enough, could be cured by commonly used antibiotics. Without early treatment, they say, children can suffer needlessly.

It would take a mother's stubborn devotion and the conviction of two doctors willing to stake their reputation on a controversial treatment to bring Tessa back from the brink. At the same time, they believe cases like Tessa's could help unlock the mysteries of the brain and reveal how something as common as an infection could be behind a growing number of psychological disorders.

PANS is so new and so misunderstood, that there are no reliable estimates of how many children are affected. A national PANS parent support group believes the number nationwide could be more than 150,000, or about a quarter of the children who have obsessive compulsive disorder or other tics.

But skeptics within the medical community question whether PANS even exists. At a symposium in Burlingame on Saturday, Teresa Gallo and Frankovich will try to dispel the lingering controversy that has thwarted efforts to legitimize the diagnosis, fund research and spread the word about possible treatments.

"To know how many patients are in mental institutions that have treatable diseases," Frankovich said, "we can't even wrap our head around this."


At the Gallo home in the east San Jose foothills, Teresa Gallo dumps out a shopping bag filled with half-empty bottles of Tessa's psychiatric drugs. Nothing worked. Not the Ativan or Lexipro for her anxiety. Not the Haldol to calm her and curb her aggression. Not the Ambien to help her sleep. They just made Tessa more manic. Her bright blue eyes turned dull and vacant.

Before Tessa's illness, life was good for the Gallo family: Teresa worked as a Weight Watchers leader, her husband as an engineer, their three daughters attended Catholic school. They loved to entertain in their backyard and keep up with Tessa's Girl Scouts and track meets. The household was happy and bustling.

That changed on July 8, 2011. The couple was on a vacation in New Orleans when Teresa received a call from her mother, who was watching the girls in San Jose.

"Tessa's not sleeping. She's not eating. She seems obsessed about her teeth," her mother, Kathy Downing, said. "You need to come home."

They took Tessa, who was 13, to the emergency room, where doctors asked whether Tessa had suffered something traumatic. Nothing, Teresa said. Tessa was given anti-anxiety medication and told to go home.

Day by day, Tessa's behavior grew worse. Riddled with obsessive behaviors, she wiped her hand across her face repeatedly. The teenager who was once so concerned with her hair and hygiene wouldn't bathe. When Teresa put Tessa in the shower and shampoo in her hand, Tessa would drop her arm to her side, the shampoo running down her leg. She cried nonstop. She started to hit her mother and family members until they were bruised. Teresa lay in bed with her all night, trying to calm her and make sure she didn't run out of the house. They were lucky to sleep two hours.

Tessa barely ate. She became dehydrated. Her lips cracked and bled.

So desperate after one month, Teresa begged the staff at Valley Medical Center in San Jose to admit her daughter. They were reluctant, saying all they had was an 8-by-8 windowless room. But they could keep her briefly, monitored and safe. It took five large male attendants to restrain the flailing, angry wisp of a girl.

"Stay back, stay back!" one of them yelled as they carried the kicking and screaming child away.

Teresa crumbled to the floor. "It was the first and only time in my life I just dropped," Teresa said, "the vision of her being taken away like that and hoping it was the right decision."

Across the Bay Area, four psychiatrists diagnosed Tessa with bipolar disorder and one suggested it might be schizophrenia. There were months at psychiatric wards and tortured stops at group homes, from Concord to San Mateo to Fremont. There were long stretches at home, locked with a caregiver in the family room so Tessa wouldn't escape. They shut off the water because Tessa was drinking obsessively. She even drank liquid soap and a bottle of nail polish remover.

Friends and neighbors carpooled her sisters, Briana and Julia, to their activities and brought over dinner casseroles to help the family cope.

"When someone is basically gone, it's hard to be positive," the youngest, Briana, said. "I just wanted my sister, to see her and have her back once again."

It's been so hard, Teresa's husband doesn't like talking about it and asked that his name not be included. Every Sunday, St. John Vianney parish would say Mass in Tessa's name. And every time, Teresa would break down in tears and run outside, sit on the steps and cry.

Finally, 10 months after Tessa's first episode and six months after Teresa first sought him out, Chang's office called. The noted pediatric bipolar expert could see Tessa. Heavily sedated, she curled up on the exam room floor and drooled.

Teresa explained how her daughter had changed overnight, how nothing helped, how hopeless they felt. Chang listened closely, studied Tessa, then told them something shocking.

"This is not bipolar," Chang said. "This is an autoimmune disease, and I'm so sorry it took me this long to see you

He made her an appointment with Frankovich, the rheumatologist with whom he was working to help diagnose and treat PANS cases. When Tessa met Frankovich for the first time, she socked her in the arm.

It was 2012 and Chang and Frankovich were preparing to open the world's first PANS clinic, but the hospital provided only enough funding to operate a half-day a week out of a room in the rheumatology department. Soon, there were 60 patients and a five-month waiting list. The two doctors, plus their mostly volunteer staff, began working nights and weekends answering desperate calls from parents and pleading with insurance companies to fund novel treatments.


Since her medical school days at the University of Nevada in the 1990s, Frankovich had a hunch that a biological trigger could be underlying some psychiatric diseases. Once during her rotation through the psych ward back then, a boy who had the flu suddenly turned psychotic.

"I remember being on the ward and telling these families there's nothing we can do. Your child has a mental illness and has to go to the mental ward," Frankovich said in a recent interview. "It never felt right to me, but I had to say it because that was what I was trained to say."

But there had to be a connection, she thought.

About the same time, at the National Institute of Mental Health outside Washington, D.C., Dr. Susan Swedo was grappling with the same phenomenon. While many children exhibited signs of extreme anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder, the ones who were particularly puzzling had symptoms that appeared almost overnight, within 24 to 48 hours. Parents described their children as acting like they were "possessed."

Swedo linked the sudden onset of these OCD symptoms to the strep infection and in 1998 coined the term PANDAS — pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with strep. But some children had all the signs of PANDAS without the strep infection, and in 2010 she broadened the diagnosis to include the possibility of other infections triggering psychosis, calling it PANS.

Critics, including some noted neurology experts, have long disputed the connection between strep and mental illness, and say the broader PANS diagnosis is no more than a hypothesis. "No one has established that it's true," said Dr. Roger Kurlan, a New Jersey neurologist specializing in Tourette syndrome. "No one has established what the infection is that brings it out or which antibodies bring it out."

In the meantime, the mainstream medical community remains largely unaware of PANS or reluctant to diagnose and treat it, waiting for the research to catch up and the controversy to quell.


Tessa's is an extreme case and Frankovich is the first to admit there's a lot she and Chang don't understand. But when she began treating Tessa with the same autoimmune and anti-inflammatory therapies she used on her lupus patients — whose immune systems become hyperactive and attack healthy tissues — Tessa started getting better.

"Nothing worked for 10 months in the psych wards," Frankovich said of Tessa, "but after three days of an infusion of steroids, it was a pretty dramatic improvement that was sustained."

At home in the Gallo house, Tessa was coming back to life. She could write and draw again. Her OCD symptoms calmed. And finally, after several months of silence, Tessa spoke.

"I'm hungry," she said next to a fountain outside Lucile Packard hospital. "I want to go home."

In her euphoria, Teresa called her family and summoned Frankovich, who came running from a nearby building and shared in the tears.

"I love you," Tessa told her mom, as the two tightly hugged.

But as surprising as it started, Tessa's ability to speak lasted only two hours.

"My husband missed it. My parents missed it," Teresa said. "It was heartbreaking and she didn't speak for another five or six months."

More heartbreak followed. Tessa regressed further, as doctors tried to wean her from steroids. For the first time, she started hearing voices.

Frankovich knew she needed more aggressive measures to bring Tessa back. In December 2012, after much debate within Stanford itself, agreement was reached to conduct a three-day treatment called plasmapheresis that would run Tessa's blood through a machine to clean out toxic antibodies, followed by a powerful immune-suppressing drug called Rituximab.

The goal was stop her immune system from attacking her brain, but suppressing the immune system leaves the body vulnerable to fatal infection, Frankovich said. "We can't justify using this medicine unless all the doctors involved say there's no hope for the child."

By that point, Tessa was in such a bad mental state she was living in a group home with five autistic boys and teens. When the Gallos brought Tessa in for the procedure, she was kicking and screaming. Teresa needed to hold her down while doctors strapped Tessa to the table

"This was literally what we thought was Tessa's last hope," Teresa said. She prayed it would work.

The early signs of success were subtle. That first night, Tessa slept until morning for the first time in months. By February 2013, she was talking again, and singing. In June, she moved back home.

"Watching Tessa come out of this was like watching a child come out of a coma," Teresa said.

The once shy girl became an outgoing jokester.

The illness robbed Tessa of more than two years of schooling, but she remembered all her times tables. She attends a special education class at Mount Pleasant High School. She still gets mild cases of OCD, but they're manageable. Her family is vigilant about infections and wears medical masks at the first sign of sniffles. She had another flare in December, but more immunosuppressants brought her about 80 to 90 percent back. She is still a Girl Scout, plays softball on Sundays and joins a hip hop class on Wednesdays. A boy from her class invited her to the school prom. She plans to wear a light blue dress.

"I feel good," said Tessa, now 16, who explains that when she "lost her voice" she was "just tired. All I could do is hear what people were saying, but I couldn't talk back to them."

These days, Tessa hugs her mother a lot. "She's a loving person," Tessa said, "that I will love forever."


Frankovich and Chang believe their continued work with patients like Tessa will provide answers to the skeptics and build a body of research to help more suffering children get their lives back. But funding is needed for the kinds of scientific breakthroughs and clinical trials to better understand the connections between the psychological and the physical, to find the underlying causes of PANS and to prove their treatment is working. The road ahead is daunting.

"I have had lots of sleepless nights," Frankovich said. "But I have to tell you, every time Tessa comes to clinic, I feel somewhat validated that I'm doing the right thing."

When Tessa visited the clinic this month, she showed Frankovich and Chang two pictures she painted. One was almost totally black, created during one of her tortured, manic flares. The other, painted in February, was a bright green and blue heart with splashes of yellow and orange.

Chang asked about the dark one, how Tessa felt when she painted it. But Tessa avoided the question.

Then he pointed to the painted heart. "How were you feeling when you did this one?"

"I was feeling happy," Tessa said, happy like the song that sticks in her head.
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« Reply #26 on: April 28, 2014, 08:33:15 am »

Psychiatrists Are the New Federal Gun Control Agents and Political Thought Police

The Obama administration has a new partner in crime and it is the American Psychiatric Association (APA).  The APA created the new Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (5th Edition) which was recently adopted. DSM 5 is highly controversial and has sparked outrage from the mental health practitioners. As many of these practitioners point out, the new DSM-V makes a pathology out simple and normal behaviors such as grieving for the loss of a loved one.

This constitutes a new subjective approach in diagnosing of mental illness that promises to end free speech and any form of political dissent. The federal government has already declared anyone who oppose its unconstitutional policies as having “political paranoia,”  which is now diagnosed as a type of mental illness.

Psychiatry Targets Internet Conspiracy Theorists

Particularly disturbing is that the new manual targets internet users and conspiracy theorists. If someone is judged, by some vague set of criteria, to spend too much time on the internet, they could be judged to be mentally ill and ineligible to own a gun. How are you receiving this information? The chances are that you are, at least according to Obama and Biden, giving in to your internet addiction and reading this article. Under the new Obama guidelines this would be grounds for gun confiscation. The alternative media is predicated on internet readership and listenership. These groups would be among the first groups to oppose a martial law crackdown, and now they are the first to be targeted.

Subsequently, this is just another backdoor method to disarm citizens who would oppose the abject tyranny being imposed upon America. And these facts sum up what is truly behind the Obama administration’s latest attack upon gun ownership because they want to prey upon a defenseless nation by disarming as many of us as possible before the purges can begin in earnest.

Under Obama’s new proposed gun regulations, anyone who has a diagnosable, or is potentially diagnosable (i.e. pre-crime) for being mentally ill, can have their gun confiscated. Vice President Biden even feels that they can violate HIPPA privacy regulations in requiring the states to report who has been treated for a mental illness. Therefore, in the name of confiscating your gun, this administration thinks it is acceptable to violate federal privacy laws.

What is interesting to me is that the Obama administration is not even trying to distinguish between mental illnesses in terms of who should, or should not own a gun. In the eyes of the Obama administration, all mental illnesses are created equal. A person with a phobia is just as dangerous as a sociopath. One in six Americans have a “diagnosable anxiety disorder”. This is completely understandable given the economic and political times that we live in. However, under the new proposed guidelines, all of these people would be ineligible to have a gun in their possession even though there is not a shred of research which indicates this population would be inclined towards gun violence any more than any other population.

I once predicted that any form of political protest would be demonized and used as the basis for the administration of assignment a mentally ill label upon anyone who disagrees with the government.

Political Schizophrenia

This is the new  Soviet style political schizophrenia. We will see confinements among the alternative media and the veterans for things like ADHD, grieving, normal anxiety, bad eating habits, etc. All of these behaviors and more have been categorized as pathologies under the Obama administration and a supportive American Psychiatric Association.

Oppositional Defiant Disorder Is the Newest Weapon Against Political Dissent

When I went through my clinical training, the Bible of mental illness, The Statistical and Diagnostic Manual (DSM-4r) defined Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) as a highly controversial mentally illness used to describe children and teens as mentally ill they exhibited disobedience and defiance. When I was first nationally credentialed, most practitioners did not take this diagnosis seriously and we mistakenly believed that it would fade away. We uniformly believed this to be true because defiance and oppositional behaviors are hallmark traits of healthy rebellion exhibited by children and teens as they seek independence. Rather than ODD fading away, the diagnosis has become the tool of the ruling elite.

The new DSM (5) has expanded the definition of ODD to include adults who exemplify “paranoid ideation” about the government and frequently express these delusional ideations on the internet.

In its analysis of the political abuse of psychiatry in both the Soviet Union and China, The Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law stated that “Psychiatric incarceration of mentally healthy people is uniformly understood to be a particularly pernicious form of repression, because it uses the powerful modalities of medicine as tools of punishment, and it compounds a deep affront to human rights with deception and fraud


The Obama people are trying to take this country down a very slippery slope. They are seeking to disarm as many Americans as possible with all available means such what has been described in this article.

The historical precedent, and subsequent danger of seizing guns under such a false pretense, has been well-established. Therefore, I will not belabor a well-established point, that all 19 genocides in the 20th century were preceded by gun confiscation. Why should we consider Obama’s recent actions to be any less threatening of deadly?

What is even more frightening, is the new ODD diagnosis will not just seize guns. It will commandeer a person’s mind through incarceration, for their own good of course, and forced drugging which will chemically castrate the brains of all arrested political dissidents.

We already know that Obamacare forces doctors to ask the gun ownership status of their patients. It is not a leap of logic that anyone owning a gun will soon be diagnosed with yet another manufactured mental illness tied to gun ownership.

I would like to hear from psychiatrists. Are you going to support this tyranny? Or, are you going to be an Oathkeeper to your profession and “do no harm” to your patients? Or, will you capitulate and goose-step your way through the new political prisons in America and do your part to suppress liberty?

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« Reply #27 on: May 02, 2014, 08:38:39 am »

Boy with autism has his own strain of medical marijuana and is thriving, mother says

Five years ago, a Southern California mother decided that in order to save the life of her son with severe autism, she needed to turn to medical marijuana.

Joey Hester-Perez was diagnosed with autism at 16 months, and later with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. His symptoms became worse as he got older, and more and more medications were added to his regimen until he was taking 13 different drugs every day. When Joey was 9 years old, ABC 7 in Los Angeles says, doctors told his mother to plan his funeral.

"I couldn't bear that," Mieko Hester-Perez said. "I couldn't imagine my life without Joey." Instead, she decided to give medical marijuana a try. It took trying about 15 different strains before the right one was found, but as soon as Joey's Strain, as it's now called, was concocted, the change was immediate. Joey began to smile, laugh, and joke with his in-home nurse. He gained weight, calmed down, and was no longer on edge. Today, Joey eats one brownie every week that contains cannabis oil derived from Joey's Strain, and his mother is sharing the positive results with other families.

"We need to open the door to more research so we can do this the right way," she told ABC 7. The few studies on autism and medical marijuana in the U.S. are focusing on cannabinoids, the active molecules found in marijuana, but it's very difficult to get started; according to doctors, they must "navigate a maze of bureaucratic red tape and receive permission from multiple federal agencies."

Mieko hopes that the rules are loosened, so more strides can be made and other children like Joey can have improved lives. "He may never walk, he may never form a sentence, he may never throw a ball," she said. "But he will smile, and that's all I've ever wanted." --Catherine Garcia

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« Reply #28 on: June 13, 2014, 03:52:19 am »


This video shows the facts that these drugs create huge profits and are not safe. Over half the people that commit suicide in the US are taking psychotropic drugs.
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« Reply #29 on: June 13, 2014, 06:48:31 am »

Prior to these Big Pharma "psycho" meds, gun violence was NEVER the problem - now all of a sudden the establishment has labeled it the *big* problem.

Ultimately, sadly, with all of this gun rights vs gun control debate, these "psycho" meds have ended up getting lost in the shuffle.
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