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UN chief: End occupation, divide Jerusalem

March 27, 2024, 12:55:24 pm Mark says: Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked  When Hamas spokesman Abu Ubaida began a speech marking the 100th day of the war in Gaza, one confounding yet eye-opening proclamation escaped the headlines. Listing the motives for the Palestinian militant group's Oct. 7 massacre in Israel, he accused Jews of "bringing red cows" to the Holy Land.
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January 29, 2018, 01:21:57 am Christian40 says: It will be interesting to see what happens this year Israel being 70 years as a modern nation may 14 2018
October 17, 2017, 01:25:20 am Christian40 says: It is good to type Mark is here again!  Smiley
October 16, 2017, 03:28:18 am Christian40 says: anyone else thinking that time is accelerating now? it seems im doing days in shorter time now is time being affected in some way?
September 24, 2017, 10:45:16 pm Psalm 51:17 says: The specific rule pertaining to the national anthem is found on pages A62-63 of the league rulebook. It states: “The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem. “During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.”
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September 14, 2017, 08:06:04 am Psalm 51:17 says: bro Mark Hunter on YT has some good, edifying stuff too.
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« Reply #90 on: August 02, 2011, 08:50:56 am »

Evacuate West Bank settlers without delay: Israeli court

Israel's supreme court ordered the evacuation of a hilltop outpost where some 250 Jewish settlers live without further delay Tuesday, upholding a petition made by Palestinians and an anti-settler group over five years ago.

The court said the hilltop outpost of Migron in the occupied West Bank had to be removed by March 31, and the state could not "drag its feet" over the removal of the outpost "which even it admits is illegal."

rest: http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/08/02/us-palestinians-israel-outpost-idUSTRE7712YY20110802?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews&dlvrit=59363
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The Man from George Street
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« Reply #91 on: August 02, 2011, 01:03:46 pm »

Israel plays down report of border deal


JERUSALEM (AP) — An Israeli official is distancing the government from a report that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has agreed to negotiate the borders of a Palestinian state based on the 1967 lines with the West Bank.

Both Israeli and Palestinian officials acknowledged Tuesday they remain far from a breakthrough in efforts to revive peace talks, despite a frantic U.S. push.

An Israeli TV station said Monday that Netanyahu had accepted President Barack Obama's proposal to commit to a near-total withdrawal from the West Bank.

The official says Netanyahu is willing to "show some flexibility" on the border issue, but won't elaborate. He also says Netanyahu expects Palestinian flexibility on other issues.

He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was discussing a sensitive diplomatic matter.

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« Reply #92 on: August 02, 2011, 01:06:24 pm »

Netanyahu Concedes to Obama – if Abbas Drops UN Ploy


The Netanyahu government has confirmed it will accept renewed talks with Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, based on the 1949-1967 borders, if the PA scraps its initiative to ask the United Nations for recognition.

Renewed talks also are conditioned on Abbas' recognizing Israel as a Jewish state, a statement he has said he never will make.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told President Barack Obama at a White House meeting last May that returning to the temporary 1949 Armistice Lines, which were in effect until the Six-Day War in 1967, would force “indefensible borders” on Israel.

The president has since emphasized that talks “based on 1967 borders” means that there is room for negotiations on what land should be retained under Israeli sovereignty.

In an seeming concession to President Obama, the Prime Minister now is willing to meet with Abbas on condition that the Palestinian Authority withdraw his plan to go the United Nations.

However, in response to the report, the office of the Prime Minister stated, "There has been no change in government policy. The proposal for renewed talks is conditioned on Israel's being defined as a Jewish state."

The Arab League already has submitted a request to the United Nations for recognizing the Palestinian Authority, but there is deep division within the PA over the possibility that the tactic may leave them empty-handed.

The “peace process” has been dead for two years, if not longer, and is buried underground in the view of most analysts. The attempt to dig it up and resurrect it may be at the behest of United States, which has suffered a sharp decrease in its influence in the Arab world since President Obama’s failure to follow up with results on the ground after his “reaching out to Muslims” speech in Cairo two years ago.

An official United Nations discussion on recognizing the Palestinian Authority as an independent country would relegate the ”peace process” to an obituary in history books. It is not clear if Abbas would prefer that.

"Over the last few weeks there has been an ongoing attempt to restart the peace process to allow for the resumption of direct talks between Israel and the Palestinians," a government official told the French news agency AFP. "The assumption is that if this process succeeds, the Palestinians will withdraw their proposal for unilateral action at the UN."

He added that President Obama’s statements on the old borders of Israel not being written in stone “is the sort of language that we can live with.”

The United States has indicated, without a total commitment, that it will cast a veto in the United Nations Security Council, whose recommendation for recognizing a new state is needed before the General Assembly can vote on it.

That would leave the PA with having to settle for a non-binding resolution, based on its own political and territorial demands for all of Judea and Samaria as well eastern, northern and southern Jerusalem, commonly referred to East Jerusalem by mainstream media.

The government’s change of attitude towards the expression Obama used, confirmed by an unnamed official in foreign media, effectively forces Abbas to make the move in what has become a long and drawn-out diplomatic chess game.

Abbas has not responded to Netanyahu’s latest proposal to resume talks and formerly has stated that he would be willing to “negotiate” with Israel only after the Jewish state accepts all of its demands, which he said are non-negotiable. The ball is back in his court.
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« Reply #93 on: August 03, 2011, 06:10:12 pm »

Arab League finalizing PA statehood application for UN

Representatives of the Arab League were scheduled to meet in Doha, Qatar on Wednesday night to lay the final touches on the Palestinian Authority’s application to the UN for recognition of a Palestinian state on the pre-1967 lines.

The meeting comes as the PA leadership in Ramallah continues to face pressure from the US and EU to abandon its statehood plan and return to the negotiating table with Israel.

The meeting in Doha was being attended by several Arab legal experts who were invited by the PA to help in the wording of the application to the UN in September.

Chief PLO negotiator Saeb Erekat and Arab League Secretary- General Nabil Elaraby, who is considered an expert on international law, are also participating in the discussions.

When the application is completed, it will be handed over to the UN secretarygeneral so he could bring it before the General Assembly in September, a PA official said.

Representatives of Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Oman, in addition to the PA, were taking part in the discussions on the statehood bid, the official said.

rest: http://www.jpost.com/MiddleEast/Article.aspx?id=232361
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The Man from George Street
« Reply #94 on: August 09, 2011, 05:24:19 pm »

Transportation Minister visits Rothschild, praises protest
08/09/2011 22:33

After first Trajtenberg C'tee meeting, Katz calls protest opportunity for change; Yesha Council chair warns against "petty political gain."
Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz, who is a member of the Trajtenberg Committee created to examine the demands of the social-movement protesters, visited the Rothschild Boulevard tent protest on Tuesday evening where activists explained to him their discontent with the government, and particularly the minister's, inefficiency.

In response to a demonstrator's inquiry about so-called tycoons' lack of responsibility to the general public, Katz said that the situation was "serious" and that "we need to deal with it."

The minister commended the protest and said that "this is how the opportunity for change is created during a government's reign, and not only in elections."

Yesha Council chairman Dani Dayan also visited the encampment on Tuesday in order to show his support, saying that if "we search for petty political gain" instead of solutions will will all lose.

"The claim that the settlements are the root of the cost of living issue is heard only by the media and politicians," Dayan said.

The first meeting of the so-called "Rothschild Team" - a committee formed by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to pinpoint and propose solutions to socioeconomic problems highlighted by growing protests - was held Tuesday afternoon, led by Prof. Manuel Trajtenberg, who said there is a real "opportunity for change."

The Trajtenberg Committee, according to the road map outlined by Netanyahu in the cabinet, will hold intensive discussion with “different groups and sectors within the public.”

The committee will then make proposals to the government’s 16-minister socioeconomic cabinet, headed by Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz.

(Although this has to do with the London Riots going on it talks about Benjamin Netanyahu while also the Rothschild. Get ready, because things are coming down the line. The Rothschild almost always are never mentioned in the newspaper, or are otherwise never in the spotlight. This is very interesting, and I imagine they will be a big part, and a tool used to try, and cut Israel's land.)

FROM: http://www.jpost.com/NationalNews/Article.aspx?ID=233126&R=R1#_tab#_tab#_tab#_tab
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« Reply #95 on: August 10, 2011, 09:27:51 pm »

The White House Cleanses Israel from Its Website

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« Reply #96 on: August 11, 2011, 09:28:54 am »

related to the meeting in the vid above,  Cheesy what are the odds..

Israel okays 1,600 settler homes for East Jerusalem

Israel's interior minister has given final approval for a plan to build 1,600 settler homes in East Jerusalem, a project whose announcement last year during a visit by U.S. Vice President Joe Biden caused a diplomatic rift with Washington.

The official announcement Thursday of the go-ahead from Interior Minister Eli Yishai could weigh on U.S.-led efforts to dissuade the Palestinians from seeking United Nations endorsement of statehood in the absence of peace talks they suspended over Israeli settlement construction.

Nabil Abu Rdainah, spokesman for the Palestinian presidency, called on the United States, the European Union and other sponsors of the Middle East peace process to pressure the Israeli government to halt the settlement plans.

Initial approval for the 1,600 housing units in Ramat Shlomo, a religious Jewish settlement in an area of the West Bank annexed to Jerusalem by Israel, was given in March 2010, casting a shadow on Biden's visit while highlighting U.S.-Israeli differences over such construction.

Biden condemned the Israeli plan at the time and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in unusually blunt remarks, called it an insult. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu voiced regret for the timing of that announcement but rejected any curbs on settlement in and around Jerusalem.

rest: http://news.yahoo.com/israel-okays-1-600-settler-homes-east-jerusalem-101053601.html
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The Man from George Street
« Reply #97 on: August 11, 2011, 01:14:53 pm »

From: http://www.jpost.com/MiddleEast/Article.aspx?ID=233466&R=R1#_tab#_tab

Abbas to Haniyeh: Don't give up on Palestinian unity

08/11/2011 17:55

PA president calls Hamas PM, urging him to implement agreements reached between factions; Haniyeh: "There will be no return backward."
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Thursday phoned Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh and urged him to preserve the climate of reconciliation between the two sides, according to a statement released by Hamas.

Abbas stressed during the phone conversation the importance of activating the agreements that were reached in Cairo recently between Fatah and Hamas, the statement said.

'Abbas's insistence on Fayyad derailing Palestinian unity'
Hamas, Fatah deflect blame for failed Palestinian unity

Earlier this week, Hamas and Fatah representatives who met in the Egyptian capital announced that they had reached an agreement on a number of sticking points, including the release of prisoners from their prisons and granting Palestinian passports to residents of the Gaza Strip.

Abbas pointed out that the Cairo discussions were held in a positive atmosphere and stressed his keenness to move forward with the reconciliation pact between Hamas and Fatah, the Hamas statement said. It added that Abbas also offered his greetings to the Hamas leader on the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan.

With regards to the reconciliation accord, Abbas was quoted as saying: “We want to work together on this issue.”

Haniyeh, for his part, was quoted as telling Abbas that he too was keen on preserving the positive climate of reconciliation between the two parties.

“There will be no return backward,” Haniyeh said. “We support accelerating the process of implementing the reconciliation.”

Samira Halaika, a Hamas legislator, said on Thursday that Palestinians in the West Bank were frustrated with the failure of Hamas and Fatah to implement the reconciliation accord that was announced in Cairo in early May.

Halaika said that Palestinians in the West Bank were facing instability and insecurity because of the continued arrest campaign by the PA security forces against Hamas supporters.

“Residents of the West Bank don’t see any difference between the period that preceded the reconciliation and the period afterwards,” she said.

She also noted that PA security forces earlier this week arrested a number of young men who went to pray in a mosque in Hebron.

In another case, PA security forces summoned for interrogation several Palestinians who came to greet a Hamas activist who was released from Israeli prison. PA security officers also raided the home of the released prisoner, Ashraf Daraghmeh, in the Jenin area, and confiscated documents and posters, his relatives said.
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« Reply #98 on: August 11, 2011, 01:17:16 pm »

From: http://www.jpost.com/DiplomacyAndPolitics/Article.aspx?ID=233471&R=R1#_tab#_tab

PA: Israeli gov't seeking to create facts on the ground

08/11/2011 18:17

Abu Rudaineh, Erekat slam Israel's expected approval of 4,300 housing units in east Jerusalem over next week; Fatah: Israel trying to solve its social and economic problems at the expense of the Palestinians.
The Palestinian Authority on Thursday strongly condemned Israel’s decision to build new housing projects in east Jerusalem and accused the Israeli government of seeking to create new facts on the ground.

In a nod to the hundreds of tents across the country,  Interior Minister Eli Yishai (Shas) approved 1,600 apartment units in the east Jerusalem haredi neighborhood of Ramat Shlomo late on Wednesday night. The Hebrew media reported that the Interior Ministry was working to prepare two additional projects in east Jerusalem, including 2,000 projects in Givat Hamatos and 625 units in Pisgat Zeev.

Settler leader visits Rothschild tent city in solidarity
42 MKs: Settlement building would solve housing crisis

Nabil Abu Rudaineh, spokesman for PA President Mahmoud Abbas, said that the decision was an attempt by the Israeli government to create new facts on the ground ahead of a UN vote next month on recognition of a Palestinian state along the pre-1967 lines.

Abu Rudaineh called upon the US and EU to exert pressure on the Israeli government to “stop this unilateral measure” on the part of Israel.

Abbas’s Fatah faction accused Israel of waging a “new aggression” on Palestinian territories by approving the new projects in east Jerusalem. It described the decision as a blow to the will of the international community and the UN.

“We reject the policy of the Israeli occupation government to solve its social and economic problems at the expense of the Palestinians and their occupied territories,” Fatah added in a statement.

“We are determined to defend the rights of our people and resist the occupation’s settler projects through legal means.”

Chief PLO negotiator Saeb Erekat condemned the housing projects as a “war crime” and urged US President Barack Obama to change his position against the PA’s statehood bid at the UN.

“We condemn this action which is considered a wear crime by the 1949 Geneva Conventions,” Erekat said. He pointed out that the decision was announced the day after Obama and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu talked over the phone.

“The only way to preserve the option of the two-state solution – Palestine and Israel – is through the UN and that Palestine be accepted as a member on the 1967 borders,” Erekat said. “Then the policy of settlement construction and imposing dictates on us will become null and void.”

Erekat also criticized the US and other countries for putting pressure on the PA to abandon its statehood plan. “This pressure is completely unacceptable and will plunge the region into a cycle of violence, extremism, anarchy and bloodshed,” he cautioned.

Melanie Lidman contributed to this report
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« Reply #99 on: August 12, 2011, 03:53:33 am »

"The consuming debate about our debt and the economy has obscured a major foreign policy event that’s right around the corner: Next month, the United Nations general assembly is likely to approve a resolution recognizing a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital. The Obama administration strongly opposes this move, and is sure to veto any such resolution that might make it to the U.N. Security Council. So this will largely be a symbolic exercise. But that doesn’t make it meaningless. On Sunday, the New York Times warned that “the consequences could be profoundly damaging for all involved” if the general assembly resolution passes. The Times also warned that Palestinians will be left even more frustrated by the empty gesture (and presumably by American and Israeli opposition), which could lead to new violence in the region. And an unnamed Western diplomat told Ha’artez that such a vote would further fray American relations with the Palestinian Authority, making a peace deal an even more distant prospect.

Meanwhile, the upcoming vote is already reintroducing Israel into the Republican presidential primaries. Newt Gingrich has a fiery opinion piece in today’s Human Events arguing that the U.S. should cut off its funding to the U.N. if a statehood resolution passes.

"We should be willing to say that if the U.N. is going to circumvent negotiations and declare the territory of one of its own members an independent state, we aren’t going to pay for it. We can keep our $7.6 billion a year.

We don’t need to fund a corrupt institution to beat up on our allies."

To some degree that’s Newt being his incendiary self. But this could be a real issue for Republicans in the coming weeks. Evangelical Christian voters are closely attuned to U.S. policy towards Israel, for reasons part Biblical and part War on Terror. (See this July Christian Newswire statement demanding that all the GOP candidates deliver a “major speech” denouncing the resolution.) In South Carolina last month, I met a woman at a Michele Bachmann rally who told me that the end of days is near because Obama has, in her view, exposed Israel to such grave danger. (Which raises the question of why she was also so upset about ObamaCare, most of which doesn’t kick in for a couple more years, but never mind.) When  candidates like Mitt Romney have claimed that Obama “has thrown Israel under the bus,” those words have particular resonance with Christian conservatives.

The Obama administration has been working behind the scenes to head off the statehood vote, possibly by jump-starting the stalled negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians. But that likely won’t be enough for the Republican candidates. Watch to see if this issue comes up in Thursday night’s Iowa Republican debate–and watch as the candidates vie to demonstrate their unwavering support for Israel while painting Obama as weak and feckless when it comes to defending the Jewish state."

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« Reply #100 on: August 20, 2011, 09:24:06 pm »

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« Reply #101 on: August 21, 2011, 12:31:13 am »

From: http://www.jpost.com/DiplomacyAndPolitics/Article.aspx?ID=234679&R=R1#_tab#_tab#_tab

Mofaz: Gov’t lacks strategy to deal with statehood bid
08/21/2011 02:47

Submission of Knesset panel report on possible repercussions of Palestinian UN vote is postponed until calm returns to South.

Photo by: Ariel Jerozolimski
The Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee chairman Shaul Mofaz (Kadima) postponed on Saturday the presentation of findings on the possible repercussions of a Palestinian declaration of statehood at the UN in September.

Mofaz said the report will be presented when the situation in the south calms down.

The document’s final draft, prepared by committee adviser Barak Ben-Tzur and MK Yohanan Plesner (Kadima) who heads a subcommittee on the topic, was supposed to be presented on Sunday.

Earlier this month, the report was presented to committee members and defense officials who had submitted information, so they could make comments and changes.

At the time, Ben-Tzur explained to the committee that the findings were inconclusive, with different experts giving different assessments.

None of the experts consulted expected a new intifada to break out, but some predicted mass protests near the West Bank security barrier and settlements.

Others said a UN declaration of Palestinian statehood could further isolate Israel diplomatically, and even if the Palestinians did not become a UN member state, they could join UN committees and organizations and cause problems for Israel.

“It looks like Israel does not have a clear strategy to deal with September’s challenges,” committee chairman Shaul Mofaz (Kadima) said.

Mofaz has criticized the government numerous times in recent months, accusing it of being unprepared for the consequences of the expected UN vote.

“If the diplomatic process for September had been significant, most of the army’s preparations would not have been necessary,” he said after IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz briefed the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee last month.

Gantz said that he did not think the Palestinians were “putting energy into organizing events that will cause a step backward from all of the accomplishments and prosperity they attained in the West Bank.

“At the same time, we cannot ignore that the Palestinians are also sensitive to everything that is happening around us in the Middle East. There is potential for a conflict and an expectation that thousands will have a quiet, nonviolent demonstration in areas of friction on the security barrier or near settlements,” Gantz said. “The IDF cannot endanger the settlements in such a situation.”

At the same committee meeting, MK Einat Wilf (Independence) suggested that the IDF “has to think about the possibility that it may have no choice but to evacuate settlements facing Palestinian demonstrations.”
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« Reply #102 on: August 22, 2011, 02:56:56 am »

Netanyahu: We won't carry out large-scale Gaza operation

08/22/2011 09:48

Diplomatic source says Hamas is trying to weaken state's international support: "Israel must do all it possibly can to achieve calm."

Photo by: GPO / Avi Ohayon

Diplomatic source says Hamas is trying to weaken state's international support: "Israel must do all it possibly can to achieve calm."
Israel will not respond to the attacks from Gaza with a large-scale operation, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his cabinet ministers concluded at a  3 a.m.  meeting on Monday to discuss the security situation.

Diplomatic sources expressed concern that escalation in the South could upset Egypt and and hurt Israel at the UN vote for Palestinian statehood in September.

"Hamas is trying to draw Israel into fighting in the [Gaza] Strip, so as to weaken its power in the international arena in preparation for the Palestinian statehood decree in September," one senior diplomatic source told Army Radio. "This way Hamas will be seen as leading the way for the establishment of a Palestinian state."

Despite Hamas's call for a ceasefire, they "are interested in leading to escalation and so Israel must do all it possibly can to achieve calm," he said.

Palestinian rocket and mortar attacks on southern Israel resumed on Sunday evening and continued into Monday morning despite reports that the Islamist group was seeking an immediate ceasefire.

Four Kassam rockets fired from the Gaza Strip after midnight on Sunday landed in Sderot, the Eshkol Regional Council area and on the outskirts of Ashkelon. No injuries or damage were reported in the attacks. An additional rocket damaged a building in the Eshkol Regional Council on Monday morning and the Iron Dome anti-rocket shield intercepted one rocket fired in the direction of Ashkelon.

From: http://www.jpost.com/Defense/Article.aspx?ID=234875&R=R1#_tab#_tab#_tab
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« Reply #103 on: August 28, 2011, 10:33:03 pm »

UN envoy Prosor: Israel has no chance of stopping recognition of Palestinian state
Israel's ambassador to the United Nations, Ron Prosor, sent a classified cable to the Foreign Ministry last week, stating that Israel stands no chance of rallying a substantial number of states to oppose a resolution at the UN General Assembly recognizing a Palestinian state in September.

Sources in the Prime Minister's Office, meanwhile, said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is considering not participating in this year's General Assembly. Instead President Shimon Peres is likely to represent Israel.

Under the headline "Report from the frontline at the UN," Prosor - considered one of the most experienced and senior Israeli diplomats - offered a very pessimistic estimate as to Israel's ability to significantly affect the results of the vote. Even though he did not state so explicitly, Prosor implies that Israel will sustain a diplomatic defeat.

"The maximum that we can hope to gain [at the UN vote] is for a group of states who will abstain or be absent during the vote," Prosor wrote, adding that his comments are based on more than 60 meetings he held during the past few weeks with his counterparts at the UN. "Only a few countries will vote against the Palestinian initiative," he wrote.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is expected to contact the UN secretary general on September 20 and ask for recognition of Palestine as a full member state of the UN. At the Foreign Ministry, the assessment is that in order to avoid an American veto, the Palestinians will seek a vote at the General Assembly and not at the Security Council, even though the former is less binding. The vote at the General Assembly will probably take place in October.

Foreign Ministry sources estimate that 130-140 states will vote in favor of the Palestinians. A major question mark remains over the position of the 27 member states of the European Union.

The EU's head of foreign policy, Catherine Ashton, will meet with Benjamin Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman in Jerusalem today, ahead of a meeting of the EU's foreign ministers on September 3.

A senior source at the Foreign Ministry, which is busy trying to foil the Palestinian move at the UN, said that so far only five western countries have promised Israel they would vote against recognition of a Palestinian state - the U.S., Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and the Czech Republic.

"Most western countries will not be willing to be in the hall and vote against a Palestinian state," the senior Foreign Ministry source said.

However, the stance of the four European countries may change in line with the wording of the resolution that the Palestinians will propose. If the text is moderate and includes the possibility of returning to the negotiating table immediately following the vote at the UN, these four states may alter their opposition and abstain.

At the Foreign Ministry they believe the EU's 27 member states will be split between a large group that will support the Palestinians and two smaller groups that will abstain and oppose the resolution.

The Palestinian Foreign Minister, Riyad al-Maliki, said over the weekend that the Palestinian Authority is close to gaining the support of 130 states which will recognize a Palestinian state. This follows the recent recognition of a Palestinian state by Honduras and El Salvador.

China also announced it will support the Palestinian resolution at the UN.

The Palestinians estimate that Guatemala and several Caribbean island-states will also announce their recognition of a Palestinian state in coming weeks. Israel is continuing its international campaign to avert support for the resolution and a number of ministers are being dispatched to Africa and Asia.

Nonetheless, it appears that Benjamin Netanyahu has given up on the effort with his decision to avoid the UN General Assembly next month. "At this time the PM does not believe that his trip to the UN will contribute to a change in the vote on the resolution for Palestinian state recognition," one of Netanyahu's advisers said.

President Peres is probably going to take Netanyahu's place. Lieberman, who will also travel to the UN, recommended to the PM that Peres address the General Assembly, so that the Israeli position which will be heard at the UN will be as conciliatory and moderate as possible.

Most senior Israeli officials believe that Israel should treat the UN vote as it did the Goldstone Report - as something unavoidable which must be condemned. A smaller group of officials, which includes foreign ministry officials, Shin Bet and IDF planning officers, believe Israel should try to influence the language of the resolution, aiming at a resumption of negotiations after the vote.

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« Reply #104 on: August 29, 2011, 08:43:44 am »

Palestinians prepare symbolic chair for UN bid

The Palestinians are hoping to secure a seat at the United Nations next month. They already have the chair for it.

Palestinian activists said Monday they would take the chair on an international tour to dramatize the Palestinian Authority's quest for U.N. recognition of a Palestinian state.

The wooden chair is covered with embroidered blue upholstery featuring a Palestinian flag and the word "Palestine."

It will be shown to diplomats in countries with influence at the U.N., including Britain, Russia and Lebanon, this month's rotating Security Council president. The chair's final stop is the U.N.

Activist Waled Nazzar says the chair symbolizes the Palestinians' conviction that they deserve U.N. membership.

Israel and the United States oppose the Palestinian statehood bid, saying a state must be established through negotiations.

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« Reply #105 on: August 29, 2011, 10:18:53 am »

PA set on UN bid unless Israel meets their terms

Ashton in region, hopes to bring PA back to negotiating table; Lieberman: Abbas trying to destroy Jewish state.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Saturday set two conditions for abandoning his plan to ask the United Nations to recognize a Palestinian state in September: acceptance of the 1967 lines as the basis for a two-state solution and a cessation of settlement construction.

“Without this we will continue going to the UN,” Abbas said.

He spoke on the eve of a trip to the region by the European Union’s foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, a last-minute bid to bring Palestinians back to the negotiating table.

"Following the recent tragic events in Israel and Gaza, it is more important than ever that the parties return to the negotiating table,” Ashton said. “It is only through negotiations – and not violence – that the root causes of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can be addressed.

“The EU continues to make every effort to make a renewal of negotiations possible. That is why I am traveling to the region this weekend,” she said.

On Sunday, Ashton will meet with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. She also plans to met with Abbas before heading to Jordan for talks on the peace process with King Abdullah II and Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh.

Separately on Sunday, Netanyahu will meet with Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Store.

Talks between Israel and the Palestinians have been stalled for almost a year. The Palestinians have insisted they will return to the negotiating table only if Israel meets their terms.

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« Reply #106 on: August 29, 2011, 10:25:47 am »

The US government may be firm in saying they will veto this - don't bet on it, especially with you-know-who in the White House.
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« Reply #107 on: September 02, 2011, 03:12:05 pm »

‘Acceptance of PA’s UN bid will push back talks for years’
09/01/2011 00:46

Senior official warns that General Assembly resolution recognizing PA as a nonmember state would create “unbridgeable gaps.”
A UN General Assembly resolution recognizing the Palestinian Authority as a nonmember state would create “unbridgeable gaps” and push back negotiations for years, a senior Israeli official warned Wednesday.

The official said that once such a resolution was passed, the Palestinians would never be willing to negotiate on the basis of anything less, and no Israeli leader would ever be able to agree to what the Palestinians would likely get from the UN.

He said that such a move would be a “strategic mistake by the world,” and said this was well understood by the US.

At the same time, the official said that Israel had no intention of negotiating with the Palestinians – or anyone else – over the language of the resolution to be brought to the UN, and that Israel was focusing on the “principle,” not the language.

He said that on a certain level the resolution would complicate matters for the Palestinians as well, since the PA would replace the PLO at the UN, and this would have ramifications regarding the refugee issue. Once a Palestinian state is recognized, this argument goes, Israel’s case that the refugees be resettled in that state will become stronger.

The official also said it was an “illusion” to think that a Palestinian state could “go it alone.”

“It can’t stand on its own,” he said, adding that the Palestinians need Israeli assistance in everything from tax collection to combating Hamas.

Israel, he said, had no intention of announcing beforehand how it would react if the UN General Assembly passed the resolution, saying the government was compiling a “basket” of options, from “light reactions” such as denying VIP passes to PA officials, to “heavy” ones.

Which particular “arrow” to take out of the quiver, he said, would depend on a large number of imponderable developments.

Although the official did not spell out which “heavy” reactions were under consideration, National Infrastructure Minister Uzi Landau told The Jerusalem Post this week that he would recommend declaring the Oslo accords null and void, and annexing the Jordan Valley and large settlement blocks.

The official said that the premise in Jerusalem was that there was nothing that Israel could do – such as announcing beforehand what “price” the Palestinians would pay for such a move – that would prevent Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas from going to the UN.

From: http://www.jpost.com/DiplomacyAndPolitics/Article.aspx?ID=236237&R=R1#_tab#_tab
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« Reply #108 on: September 03, 2011, 01:58:37 pm »

Tension, confusion behind EU facade on Palestine



Hostility toward foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton, confusion over what the Palestinians will ask for and how major EU countries will react marked behind-closed-doors talks of EU foreign ministers in Poland.

Speaking to press in the Polish town of Sopot on Saturday (3 September) after the talks on Friday, Ashton said there is a "strong EU position" and a "common belief" that the Middle East conflict can only be solved via Arab-Israeli negotiations. She added: "We do not have the resolution before the UN at the moment and therefore this was not the time to discuss the EU's repsonse to such a resolution."

The EU meeting comes three weeks before Palestine is to submit a draft text to the UN General Assembly in New York asking the body to upgrade its status.

While EU countries agree on basic principles - the importance of Arab-Israeli talks and the need for a two-state solution based on 1967 borders - Europe remains split on whether or not to back Palestine's unilateral bid for statehood.

A number of ministers in Sopot put a positive spin on Friday's talks.

Sweden's Carl Bildt said they brought the EU "closer" to agreement on the issue. Estonia's Urmas Paet told EUobserver "My feeling is yes, the EU will eventually agree on its position and will not split into 27 or two or three different directions."

Other sources said the mood was not so friendly, however.

One EU diplomat said Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy and the Netherlands called for the EU to oppose Palestinian independence but that Ashton sided with more Palestinian-friendly countries.

"She's going her own way, freewheeling a bit. She is struggling to put forward her own opinion without taking into account the opinion of this substantial minority ... If you want to have an EU common position, it will be hard to do it like this."

On the pro-Palestinian side, Luxembourgish foreign minister Jean Asselborn broke the terms of an EU gentleman's agreement not to speak out before New York. The EU "cannot give nothing" to the Palestinians and should "give them dignity" he told Agence France Presse.

In a third camp, sources indicated that Poland is happy to back any solution that has a realistic chance of broad EU and UN support.

For his part, German minister Guido Westerwelle added to the confusion. Contacts said he was "almost silent" at Friday's talks, leaving colleagues uncertain which way Berlin will go. "Maybe it's because of his difficult situation at home," the source added, referring to calls in Germany for him to resign.

The main problem in Sopot was lack of knowledge over what the Arabs will ultimately ask the EU for.

Variables include Palestine asking the UN Security Council to become a fully-fledged UN member - an option that would see a US veto and a clash between the US and pro-Palestinian EU countries; Palestine asking the UN to become "non-member state" like the Vatican - an option that could see Israel abandon previous peace deals; Palestine attaching supplementary clauses on recogntion of Israel or security issues which are unacceptable even for its EU friends.

A sudden split between Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah, a new outbreak of Arab-Israeli violence or Israeli announcments of fresh settlements could also influence EU swing countries in the coming days.

"There were lots of 'buts, ifs, maybes and it depends'," Estonia's Paet told this website.

"The process is moving so fast that what was true yesterday or today might be inadequate next week. So nobody is rushing to say what their position is."
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« Reply #109 on: September 04, 2011, 07:14:28 am »


The Obama administration has begun a last-ditch diplomatic campaign to avert a confrontation this month over a Palestinian plan to seek recognition as a state at the United Nations, but it may already be too late, according to senior American officials and foreign diplomats.

The administration has circulated a proposal intended to be the basis of renewed peace talks with the Israelis - based on a formula that President Barack Obama outlined in May - in hopes of persuading the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, to abandon the bid for recognition at the annual gathering of the U.N. General Assembly beginning Sept. 20.

The administration has privately made it clear to Mr. Abbas that it will veto any request that comes before the U.N. Security Council to make a Palestinian state a new member outright. But the United States alone does not have enough support to block a vote by the General Assembly to elevate the current status of the Palestinians' nonvoting observer ''entity'' to that of an nonvoting observer state.

FULL STORY: http://www6.lexisnexis.com/publisher/EndUser?Action=UserDisplayFullDocument&orgId=574&topicId=25102&docId=l:1492175491&isRss=true&Em=4
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« Reply #110 on: September 04, 2011, 07:15:30 am »

Jewish 'settlers' prepared for Palestinian onslaught

The Israeli army has been busy training local security teams in the Jewish communities of Judea and Samaria (Jewish settlements) for a possible onslaught of violent Palestinian demonstrators.

Israel fears that following the Palestinian Authority's September 20 bid at the United Nations to secure recognition of a sovereign Palestinian state in Judea and Samaria (the so-called "West Bank"), Palestinian mobs will march on any Jews they see as "invaders" in that new state.

In fact, that is precisely what Palestinian leaders are telling the public to do.

"The appeal to the UN is a battle for all Palestinians, and in order to succeed, it needs millions to pour into streets," Palestinian official Yasser Abed Rabbo told the Associated Press following a Palestinian Authority vote endorsing a mass protest march on Israel.

Rabbo and other Palestinian leaders insist the protests will be peaceful, but Israeli officials noted that more often than not the Palestinians' definition of "peaceful" does not match Israel's.

And even if the intention truly was for a peaceful march, the Israelis say that having tens or hundreds of thousands of Palestinians march on Israeli civilian neighborhoods is a situation that can quickly spiral out of control.

While Jerusalem is certain to be a primary target of such a march, it is pretty heavily barricaded from the north and east, the directions from which the Palestinian protestors would be coming.

But the Jewish settlements make much softer targets.

That's why the IDF, which will preoccupied defending the northern neighborhoods of Jerusalem and the portion of the "Green Line" separating the Tel Aviv metropolitan area from the West Bank, is busy preparing the Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria to defend themselves.

Those preparations include unspecified drills on how to handle various situations, including a large Palestinian mob beseiging the gates of a small Jewish community.

Jewish settler leaders stressed that the training exercises do not constitute the formation of a new Jewish militia, noting that these are pre-existing local security teams, the members of which are, like all Israelis, also members of the IDF reserve forces.

Even with all the preparations, the situation can still devolve into chaos and violence at a moment's notice. If armed Palestinian elements open fire from among the protestors, or a Palestinian mob manages to break into a Jewish community, Israeli security forces will be obliged to use deadly force in defense of local men, women and children.

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« Reply #111 on: September 04, 2011, 07:26:04 am »

Palestine: we want UN vote for statehood

The Palestinian Authority confirms that it will seek recognition as a state at the United Nations, Palestinian chief negotiator Saeb Erekat told the Voice of Palestine radio station on Sunday.

Erekat told the station that the Palestinians would initiate peaceful demonstrations this month to draw world's attention to their appeal at the UN and did not intend to enter into any clashes with the Israeli forces at the Palestinian territories.

He also asked the U.S. and Europe to support the Palestinians and approve their statehood as most of countries in the world had done, the radio station said.

New York Times said on Saturday quoting U.S. senior officials and foreign diplomats that the Obama administration circulated a proposal for renewed peace talks with the Israelis in the hopes of persuading the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, to abandon the bid for recognition at the annual gathering of world leaders at the United Nations General Assembly beginning September 20.

The paper also said that the administration made it clear to Abbas that it would veto any request presented to the UN Security Council to make a Palestinian state a new member, but the United States did not have enough support to block a vote.

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« Reply #112 on: September 05, 2011, 07:16:05 am »

U.N. gives Palestinian president royal treatment
Bumps Netanyahu back to speak during Jewish Sabbath

An internal United Nations document containing the upcoming General Assembly's speakers list bestows an unwarranted honor upon Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, while also slighting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

With no vote taken or yet expected on the issue of Palestinian statehood, the U.N. has already scheduled Abbas as an official "head of state," an honor given to kings and presidents like Barack Obama, Russian President Dimitri Medvedev, Jordanian King Abdullah II and British Prime Minister David Cameron, to name but a few.

The Palestinian is also given a primetime speaking slot, 12:00 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 23.

In the past, Palestinian leaders were afforded a "special" position by the U.N., speaking after all heads of recognized nations addressed the world body.

Not the case in 2011.

Not only has the General Assembly given Abbas a coveted speaking position, but it also turned around and slapped Israel, which has been a full U.N. member since its birth in 1948.

A rare G.A. address by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been scheduled on the same Friday as Abbas, but as the last speaker at 9:00 p.m. that evening, a time slot that would not only violate Jewish Sabbath laws, but also assure a minimum amount of publicity, since the U.N. is all but abandoned during that hour.

(Story continues below)

Read more: U.N. gives Palestinian president royal treatment http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=341593#ixzz1X50AJGDE
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« Reply #113 on: September 06, 2011, 04:17:28 am »

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« Reply #114 on: September 06, 2011, 04:44:08 am »

Why Israel can't withdraw to pre 67 borders line.

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« Reply #115 on: September 06, 2011, 06:03:20 am »

'At least 140 nations expected to vote for statehood bid'

Senior Fatah official Shaath says Ashton to return to region in coming days to inform Palestinian leadership of EU's final stance on UN bid.

At a press conference in Ramallah, Sha’ath, a former PA foreign minister, said that PA President Mahmoud Abbas would soon brief Fatah and PLO leaders on the ongoing efforts to secure the support of as many countries as possible for the statehood plan.

He said that Abbas would make it clear that the PA would seek full membership of a Palestinian state in the UN.

Sha’ath pointed out that 125 countries have so far promised to back the statehood bid at the UN. “We want Palestine to become the 194th member of the UN,” he added.

He also voiced hope that the EU countries would support the PA’s application for full membership in the UN.

EU Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton is scheduled to return to the region in the coming days for additional talks on the Palestinian statehood plan, Sha’ath disclosed. He said that Ashton would inform the Palestinian leadership of the EU’s final stance regarding the statehood bid.

Expressing fear that the US would foil the PA’s plan at the UN, Sha’ath said that the PA leadership was determined to go ahead with its initiative. “We won’t succumb to any pressure because our people are determined to achieve freedom and independence,” he stressed.

Sha’ath also dismissed claims that the statehood bid would affect the status of the PLO as the “sole legitimate representative of the Palestinians” and deprive the refugees of the “right of return” to their original villages inside Israel. The PLO, he said, would remain the legitimate and sole representative of our people. “Going to the UN won’t affect the status of the PLO,” he said.

rest: http://www.jpost.com/DiplomacyAndPolitics/Article.aspx?id=236657&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+delicious%2Fgqlf+%28Christian+Headlines+Top+Headlines%29
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« Reply #116 on: September 07, 2011, 11:46:40 am »

China supports Palestinian UN bid
13:03 07/09/2011
China on Wednesday announced its support for Palestine's plans to seek full membership in the United Nations next month.

China on Wednesday announced its support for Palestine's plans to seek full membership in the United Nations next month.

Because Israeli-Palestinian negotiations on the terms of Palestinian statehood have been frozen since 2008, Palestinians have decided to seek UN recognition of an independent "Palestine" in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem, the areas Israel captured in the 1967 Six Day War.

Should the bid be successful, Palestinian Leader Mahmoud Abbas claimed the Palestinian Authority would discuss the finer details of a future Palestinian state in talks with the Israeli leadership.

"China has always supported the just cause of Palestinian people. Having its own state is the inalienable right of the Palestinian people co-existing peacefully with Israel," Chinese Foreign Ministry's spokeswoman Jiang Yu said.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Monday that the Palestinian bid for UN recognition would "set back peace, and might set it back for years."

Washington has also opposed UN recognition of a Palestinian state, calling it a unilateral step in a conflict that should be resolved through negotiation. The U.S. administration has made clear that it would veto any Palestinian request to the Security Council for membership as a state.

But a majority at the General Assembly is expected to support the promotion of the Palestinians to the status of non-voting observer state.

Two senior White House envoys arrived Tuesday for meetings with Israeli and Palestinian leaders in a last-ditch effort to head off the Palestinian bid. They are pressing for a resumption of the peace talks.

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« Reply #117 on: September 08, 2011, 04:08:23 am »

How internal politics are shaping up in Israel in preparation for September 20th.

Coalition chairman MK Zeev Elkin (Likud) blasts IDF top brass for siding with Palestinians rather than the government.

Right-wing activists, settlement leaders and Knesset members convened on Wednesday to discuss how to deal with expected confrontations with Palestinian demonstrators should the United Nations General Assembly recognize a Palestinian state later this month.

Yoni Yosef, spokesman for Jewish settlers in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah, suggested invoking the "Dromi Law," which permits home owners to kill intruders and could be used to shoot Palestinians attempting to approach Jewish homes in the neighborhood.

Coalition chairman MK Zeev Elkin (Likud ) blasted Israel Defense Forces preparations for defending the settlements, saying: "The top brass turned into the main lobbyist for the Palestinian Authority against the political leadership, which is responsible for the senior commanders' adoption of the two-state concept."

Elkin criticized what he called the IDF's preference for giving PA security forces responsibility for dealing with incidents affecting the Palestinians.

Yaakov Katz (National Union ) called on his colleagues to organize marches of thousands of right-wing activists toward Palestinian cities in response to the marches on Jewish communities being discussed by Palestinians. He said he suspected the IDF will not ready an appropriate response to Palestinian marches but would deploy large forces if it feared countermarches by the right.

Katz proposed arranging for marches in a few strategic locations, such as from Kiryat Arba to Hebron, from Beit El to Ramallah and from Elon Moreh, Itamar and Yitzhar to Nablus, and announcing that the moment Palestinians marchers set out from Nablus, for example, a right-wing march would set out in the direction of Nablus. If such an announcement is made, Katz suggested, "then maybe there's a chance the army will prepare, in order to keep the Jews from reaching" Palestinian cities.

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« Reply #118 on: September 08, 2011, 06:45:10 am »

Palestinians Officially Launch Statehood Campaign

The Palestinians on Thursday officially launched their campaign to join the United Nations as a full member state, saying they would stage a series of peaceful events in the run-up to the annual gathering of the U.N. General Assembly later this month.

Some 100 Palestinian officials and activists gathered at the U.N. offices in Ramallah for a short ceremony, where they announced their plans in a letter addressed to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

The letter urges Ban to add his "moral voice in support of the Palestinian people."

"Families of the tens of thousands of victims of Israeli occupation, including those martyred, wounded and imprisoned, and countless others who were expelled from their homes or lost their homes and their property, hope that you will exert all possible efforts toward the achievement of the Palestinian people's just demands," it says.

The letter was handed over by Latifa Abu Hmeid, a 70-year-old woman who lost one son in fighting with Israel and has seven other sons in Israeli prisons because of alleged militant activities.

Officials said Abu Hmeid was selected to deliver the document because her personal story reflects the plight of the Palestinians. A resident of a West Bank refugee camp, her house has been twice demolished by Israeli authorities as punishment for her sons' activities, they said.

The Palestinians have decided to turn to the U.N. to recognize their independence after two decades of unsuccessful peace efforts with Israel. The latest round of talks broke down a year ago.

The campaign seeks recognition of an independent Palestine in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem -- areas captured by Israel in the 1967 Mideast war. Israel rejects a return to its 1967 lines.

While any U.N. vote will be largely symbolic, the Palestinians believe a strong international endorsement will boost their position and put pressure on Israel should negotiations resume. Israel has been lobbying the international community to oppose the vote, saying peace can only be achieved through negotiations.

The letter says the campaign will include a series of peaceful events "in various international cities and capitals" leading up to the Sept. 21 opening of the General Assembly. Two days later, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will address the gathering in New York and ask for admission to the United Nations.

It remains unclear whether the Palestinians will turn to the Security Council or the General Assembly.

The Council needs nine votes out of 15 and no veto from any of its permanent members to pass a decision. However, the United States, which opposes the Palestinian bid, is expected to veto any request in the Council.

The Palestinians could then seek admission as a "nonmember state" of the General Assembly, like the Vatican.

Approval in the Assembly, which is dominated by developing nations sympathetic to the Palestinians, is assured. But the vote would not be legally binding. The Palestinians say they will continue their campaign until they gain full U.N. membership.

Although the Palestinians say their campaign will be peaceful, Israeli military officials fear that mass demonstrations in the West Bank could turn violent.

Security forces have been preparing for the possibility of violence, conducting exercises and stockpiling what they say is "non-lethal" riot-control equipment like tear gas, water cannons and stun grenades.

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« Reply #119 on: September 08, 2011, 10:21:11 am »

US confirms it will veto Palestinian statehood bid

"If any such resolution were put in front of the Security Council, then we would veto it,” official states; George Mitchell says US probably can't stop PA from becoming non-member state at General Assembly.

The US will veto a Palestinian request for state recognition if it is submitted to the UN Security Council later this month, a US official said Thursday.

Wendy Sherman, President Barack Obama's nominee for undersecretary of state for policy, the department's third-ranking position, told the Senate during confirmation hearings that “if any such resolution were put in front of the Security Council, then we would veto it.”

rest: http://www.jpost.com/DiplomacyAndPolitics/Article.aspx?id=237199
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