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Obama the Muslim

March 27, 2024, 12:55:24 pm Mark says: Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked  When Hamas spokesman Abu Ubaida began a speech marking the 100th day of the war in Gaza, one confounding yet eye-opening proclamation escaped the headlines. Listing the motives for the Palestinian militant group's Oct. 7 massacre in Israel, he accused Jews of "bringing red cows" to the Holy Land.
December 31, 2022, 10:08:58 am NilsFor1611 says: blessings
August 08, 2018, 02:38:10 am suzytr says: Hello, any good churches in the Sacto, CA area, also looking in Reno NV, thanks in advance and God Bless you Smiley
January 29, 2018, 01:21:57 am Christian40 says: It will be interesting to see what happens this year Israel being 70 years as a modern nation may 14 2018
October 17, 2017, 01:25:20 am Christian40 says: It is good to type Mark is here again!  Smiley
October 16, 2017, 03:28:18 am Christian40 says: anyone else thinking that time is accelerating now? it seems im doing days in shorter time now is time being affected in some way?
September 24, 2017, 10:45:16 pm Psalm 51:17 says: The specific rule pertaining to the national anthem is found on pages A62-63 of the league rulebook. It states: “The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem. “During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.”
September 20, 2017, 04:32:32 am Christian40 says: "The most popular Hepatitis B vaccine is nothing short of a witch’s brew including aluminum, formaldehyde, yeast, amino acids, and soy. Aluminum is a known neurotoxin that destroys cellular metabolism and function. Hundreds of studies link to the ravaging effects of aluminum. The other proteins and formaldehyde serve to activate the immune system and open up the blood-brain barrier. This is NOT a good thing."
September 19, 2017, 03:59:21 am Christian40 says: bbc international did a video about there street preaching they are good witnesses
September 14, 2017, 08:06:04 am Psalm 51:17 says: bro Mark Hunter on YT has some good, edifying stuff too.
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« Reply #60 on: September 22, 2015, 05:07:44 pm »

Here are 38 reasons why Obama is a Muslim.

    It is Obama who said at an Islamic dinner, “I am one of you.”
    It is Obama who said in an ABC News interview, “My Muslim faith.”
    It is Obama who described the Muslim call to prayer as “the prettiest sound on earth.”
    It is Obama who gave $100 million in U.S. taxpayer funds to re-build foreign mosques.
    It is Obama who wrote that in the event of a conflict, “I will stand with the  Muslims.”
    It is Obama who assured the Egyptian Foreign Minister that “I am a Muslim.”
    It is Obama who bowed in submission before the Saudi King.
    It is Obama who sat for 20 years in Rev. Wright’s church in Chicago listening to Wright condemning Christianity and professing Marxism.
    It is Obama who exempted Muslims from penalties under Obamacare that the rest of us have to pay.
    It is Obama who purposefully omitted “endowed by our Creator” from his recitation of The Declaration Of Independence.
    It is Obama who mocked the Bible and Jesus Christ’s Sermon On The Mount while repeatedly referring to the “holy” Quran.
    It is Obama who traveled the Islamic world denigrating the United States Of America.
    It is Obama who instantly threw the support of his administration behind the building of the Ground Zero Victory mosque overlooking the crater of the World Trade Center.
    It is Obama who refused to attend the National Prayer Breakfast, but hastened to host an Islamic prayer breakfast at the White House.
    It is Obama who ordered both Georgetown and Notre Dame Universities to cover the cross before agreeing to speak there, but who has NEVER requested that the mosques he visited adjust their decor.
    It is Obama who appointed anti-Christian fanatics to his corps of “czars”.
    It is Obama who appointed rabid Islamists to the Department of Homeland Security.
    It is Obama who said that NASA’s “foremost mission” is an outreach to Muslim communities to boost their self-esteem.
    It is Obama who, as an Illinois Senator, thrice voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act in favor of infanticide.
    It is Obama who is the first President to not make a Christmas greeting from the White House, but instead decorated the White House’s Christmas tree with baubles of genocidal atheist Chairman Mao and transvestite Hedda Lettuce.
    It is Obama who curtailed the military tribunals of Islamic terrorists.
    It is Obama who refused to condemn the Muslim Fort Hood killer as an Islamic terrorist.
    It is Obama who refuses to speak out against the horrific treatment and execution-by-stoning of women in Muslim countries, but instead submitted Arizona to the UN for investigation of alleged human-rights abuses.
    It is Obama who, when queried in India, refused to acknowledge the true extent of radical global Jihadists, but instead profusely praised Islam in a country [India] that is 82% Hindu and the victim of numerous Islamic terrorist assaults.
    It is Obama who funneled $900 million in U.S. taxpayer dollars to Hamas, and military contracts to the Taliban and Al Qaeda.
    It is Obama who ordered the United States Postal Service to honor the Muslim holiday with a new commemorative stamp.
    It is Obama who directed the U.S. embassy in the U. K. to conduct outreach to help “empower” the British Muslim community.
    It is Obama who embraced the fanatical Muslim Brotherhood in the “Arab Spring” that overthrew Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, who was America’s strongest ally in North Africa.
    It is Obama who forces taxpayers to fund mandatory Arabic language and culture studies in grammar schools across our country.
    It is Obama who follows the Muslim custom of not wearing any form of jewelry during Ramadan.
    It is Obama who departs for Hawaii over the Christmas season so as to avoid being criticized for not participating in seasonal White House religious events.
    It is Obama who, as president, has never ever gone to church on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.
    It is Obama who who appointed as his chief adviser Valerie Jarrett, who is a member of the Muslim Sisterhood, an off-shoot of the Muslim Brotherhood.
    It is Obama who appointed a Muslim convert as CIA director.
    It is Obama whose secretary of state John Kerry said Muslim interests drive US plan for war.
    It is Obama who has opened the legal immigration floodgates to Muslims.
    It is Obama who receives the highest approval ratings from Muslim Americans.
    It is Obama whom a Pakistan Minister asked to be leader of all the world’s Muslims.

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The Man from George Street
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« Reply #61 on: November 18, 2015, 08:57:53 pm »

Obama Importing Muslims, Deporting Christians

The nation was forced this week to endure yet more pious prattling from President Obama, who spent time berating Americans who are worried about Islamic jihadis bent on blowing us all to kingdom come.

When individuals say that we should have a religious test and that only Christians—proven Christians should be admitted—that's offensive and contrary to American values, the president said—just one day after he called such behavior un-American.

What's offense and contrary to American values is refusing to properly investigate those wanting to come to our nation—especially those coming from regions that are hotbeds of Islamic extremism.

But the president says such prudence only further inflames the Islamic jihadis.

"ISIL seeks to exploit the idea that there is a war between Islam and the West," he said. "When you starting seeing individuals in positions of responsibility suggesting that Christians are more worthy of protection than Muslims are—in a war-torn land—that feeds the ISIL narrative."

It's counterproductive and it needs to stop, he warned.

Those of us who fear that Islamic radicals might be lurking among the refugees have been called every name in the book: bigots, Islamophobes and un-American.

But the cold, hard reality is that Protestants, Catholics and Jews aren't the ones beheading people. The Lutherans and Nazarenes aren't gunning down young folks in concert venues.

Nevertheless, the president remains steadfast. The Muslims will come.

"We don't have religious tests to our compassion," he told journalists from high atop his soapbox.

But that's not entirely accurate.

Last year, the Obama administration led a fierce legal battle to have a German Christian family thrown out of the United States.

The Romeikes fled their homeland in search of a nation where they could homeschool their children. A judge initially granted them asylum—believing they were escaping from religious persecution.

However, the Obama administration waged a fierce campaign against the Romeike family—demanding they be returned to Germany.

The family lost court battle after court battle—but at the 11th hour, the White House relented and decided begrudgingly to let them stay.

And just a few months ago, a federal immigration judge ordered a dozen Iraqi Christians deported from a facility in San Diego.

An Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesperson declined to tell The San Diego Union-Tribune why the Iraqi Christians were being sent back to their native land.

So the next time President Obama wants to lecture the nation about religion, maybe he could explain why his administration is importing Muslims and deporting Christians.

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The Man from George Street
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« Reply #62 on: November 23, 2015, 08:18:18 pm »

Exposed: Obama’s Love for Jihadis and Hate for Christians

Obama recently lashed out against the idea of giving preference to Christian refugees, describing it as “shameful”: “That’s not American. That’s not who we are. We don’t have religious tests to our compassion,” loftily added the American president.

Accordingly, the administration is still determined to accept 10,000 more Syrian refugees, almost all of whom will be Muslim, despite the fact that some are ISIS operatives, while many share the ISIS worldview (as explained below).

Yet right as Obama was grandstanding about “who we are,” statistics were released indicating that “the current [refugee] system overwhelmingly favors Muslim refugees. Of the 2,184 Syrian refugees admitted to the United States so far, only 53 are Christians while 2,098 are Muslim.”

Aside from the obvious—or to use Obama’s own word, “shameful”—pro-Muslim, anti-Christian bias evident in these statistics, there are a number of other troubling factors as well.

For starters, the overwhelming majority of “refugees” being brought into the United States are not just Muslim, but Sunnis—the one Muslim sect that the Islamic State is not persecuting and displacing.  After all, ISIS—and most Islamic terrorist groups (Boko Haram, Al Qaeda, Al Shabaab, Hamas, et al)—are all Sunnis.   Even Obama was arguably raised a Sunni.

In this context, how are Sunnis “refugees”?  Who are they fleeing?  Considering that the Obama administration defines refugees as people “persecuted by their government,” most of those coming into the U.S. either aided or at least sympathized with the jihad against Assad (even if they only revealed their true colors when the time was right).

Simply put, some 98% of all refugees belong to the same Islamic sect that ISIS does.  And many of them, unsurprisingly, share the same vision—such as the “refugees” who recently murdered some 120 people in France, or the “refugees” who persecute Christian minorities in European camps and settlements.  (None of this should be surprising considering that Al Azhar—the Sunni world’s most prestigious university of Islamic law, which co-hosted Obama’s 2009 “A New Beginning” speech—was recently exposed as teaching and legitimizing all the atrocities that ISIS commits.)

As for those who are being raped, slaughtered, and enslaved based on their non-Sunni religious identity—not by Assad, but by so-called “rebel” forces (AKA jihadis)—many of them are being denied refuge in America.

Thus, although Christians were approximately 10 percent of Syria’s population in 2011, only one percent has been granted refuge in America. This despite the fact that, from a strictly humanitarian point of view—and humanitarianism is the chief reason being cited in accepting refugees, Obama’s “compassion”—Christians should receive priority simply because they are the most persecuted group in the Middle East.

At the hands of the Islamic State, which supposedly precipitated the migrant crisis, Christians have been repeatedly forced to renounce Christ or die; they have been enslaved and raped; and they have had more than 400 of their churches desecrated and destroyed.

ISIS has committed no such atrocities against fellow Sunnis, they who are being accepted into the U.S. in droves.  Nor does Assad enslave, behead, or crucify people based on their religious identity (despite Jeb Bush’s recent, and absurd, assertions).

Obama should further prioritize Christian refugees simply because his own policies in the Middle East have directly exacerbated their plight.  Christians and other religions minorities did not flee from Bashar Assad’s Syria, Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, or Muamar Gaddafi’s Libya.  Their systematic persecution began only after the U.S. interfered in those nations in the name of “democracy” but succeeding in only uncorking the jihadi terrorists that the dictators had long kept suppressed.

Incidentally, prioritizing Christian refugees would not merely be an altruistic gesture or the U.S. government’s way of righting its wrongs: rather it brings many benefits to America’s security. (Unlike Muslims or even Yazidis, Christians are easily assimilated into Western nations due to the shared Christian heritage, and they bring trustworthy language and cultural skills that are beneficial to the “war on terror.”)

Finally, no one should be shocked by these recent revelations of the Obama administration’s pro-Muslim and anti-Christian policies.   They fit a clear and established pattern of religious bias within his administration.  For example:

When inviting scores of Muslim representatives, the State Department is in the habit of denying visas to solitary Christian representatives.
When a few persecuted Iraqi Christians crossed the border into the U.S., they were thrown in prison for several months and then sent back to the lion’s den to be enslaved, raped, or murdered.
When the Nigerian government waged a strong offensive against Boko Haram, killing some of its terrorists, Secretary of State John Kerry fumed and called for the “human rights” of the jihadis (who regularly slaughter and **** Christians and burn their churches).  More recently, Kerry “urged Tajikistan not to go overboard in its crackdown on Islam.”
When persecuted Coptic Christians planned on joining Egypt’s anti-Muslim Brotherhood revolution of 2013, the U.S. said no.
When persecuted Iraqi and Syrian Christians asked for arms to join the opposition fighting ISIS, D.C. refused.
When the UN Security Council held a meeting to discuss the genocide against Christians and other minorities, although “many high level delegations from UN member states addressed the Security Council meeting, some at the Foreign Minister level, the United States failed to send … a high ranking member of the State Department.”
Most recently, as the White House works on releasing a statement accusing ISIS of committing genocide against  religious minorities such as Yazidis — who are named and recognized in the statement — Obama officials are arguing that Christians “do not appear to meet the high bar set out in the genocide treaty” and thus likely not be mentioned.

In short, and to use the president’s own words, it is the Obama administration’s own foreign and domestic policies that are “shameful,” that are “not American,” and that do not represent “who we are.”

Yet the question remains: Will Americans take notice and do anything about their leader’s policies—which welcome Islamic jihadis while ignoring their victims—or will their indifference continue until they too become victims of the jihad, in a repeat of Paris or worse?

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« Reply #63 on: December 02, 2015, 07:24:04 pm »

When referring to the Muslim terror super-group ISIS, United States President Barack Obama will use the term ISIL instead of their former name ISIS or current name Islamic State....


“And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” Genesis 12:3 (KJV)

In one press conference after another, when referring to the Muslim terror super-group ISIS, United States President Barack Obama will use the term ISIL instead of their former name ISIS or current name Islamic State. Have you ever wondered about that? We have.

ISIL stands for the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant. Now, to us Westerners we don’t really make much of a distinction, do we? No, honestly from our perspective its all about the same. But how would a Muslim living in the Middle East view it? Just what is the Levant anyway? Let’s take a look.

The geographical term LEVANT refers to a multi-nation region in the Middle East. It’s a land bridge between Turkey to the north and Egypt to the south. If you look on a map, however, in the near exact middle of the nations that comprise the Levant, guess what you see? Come on, guess!

It’s Israel.


Now you know why Obama says that he has no plan, no goal, and no stated aim for dealing with ISIS. But he does have a plan, and it’s a really nasty, diabolical one. Obama’s plan is to drag his feet for as long as he can, doing only the bare minimum that Congress forces him to do. His “plan”to buy ISIS as much time as possible to make as many gains as they can.

Listen as Obama painstakingly spells out the letters I-S-I-L so there is no doubt in your mind:

And it’s working.

The Islamic State has garnered millions of dollars, a vast cache of weapons, and in their latest foray have captured Syrian fighter jets. With each passing day that Obama fulfills his stated aim of doing nothing, the Islamic State grows by leaps and bounds. The ultimate goal, of course, has not changed and will never change.


Now you know a little bit more why Obama chooses his words so carefully, and what’s really in a name. Shakespeare had it right.

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The Man from George Street
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« Reply #64 on: December 11, 2015, 03:34:16 pm »

Dropped for meeting Hamas, Rob Malley is now Obama’s ‘czar’ for tackling Islamic State7 years ago, Malley ended his role as informal adviser to presidential campaign after it emerged he’d been holding talks with Gaza’s Islamist rulers, considered a terror group by USBY JOSH LEDERMAN December 11, 2015, 2:44 pm

SHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama’s new “ISIL czar,” Robert Malley, has a long and sometimes controversial history at the center of US policymaking in the Middle East. He’s now taking on one of the toughest jobs in Washington: getting the struggling campaign against Islamic State militants on track while Obama refuses to entertain any wholesale strategy change.

Nearly 25 years after they were students together at Harvard Law School, these days Obama and Malley cross paths mostly in the Situation Room, where Malley’s role is to ensure the countless US agencies fighting IS work in tandem despite differing time zones, capabilities, even views about the conflict. At stake is an extremist threat that has started exporting violence from Syria and Iraq deep into the West, raising fears that the US is losing a battle that Obama concedes will still be raging when he leaves office.

Elevated to the role with little fanfare in late November, Malley’s appointment reflected an attempt to show that when it comes to IS, Obama wasn’t leaving anything to chance. The White House said Malley will serve as counterpart to Brett McGurk, the State Department official tasked with outreach to some five-dozen countries contributing to Obama’s coalition.

For Malley, the promotion completed an unusual return to the highest echelon of government, seven years after a political stir over revelations he’d met with the militant group Hamas.

At the time, Malley was working for the International Crisis Group, a nonprofit that studies violent conflicts like the one that has divided Israelis and Palestinians for generations. The US considers Hamas a terrorist group, and amid the dust-up, Malley terminated his role as an informal adviser to Obama’s presidential campaign.

Malley said then that he’d never hidden the meetings, which he argued were appropriate for a researcher in his capacity. Still, the incident was one of many in Malley’s career that pointed to a willingness to engage with less-than-savory characters who — like it or not — are key players in conflicts the US hopes to resolve.

Malley raised eyebrows in 2001 with an article alleging that peace talks at Camp David failed not only because of Yasser Arafat, but also Ehud Barak
“Today the US does not talk to Iran, Syria, Hamas, the elected Palestinian government or Hezbollah,” Malley wrote in Time Magazine in 2006. “The result has been a policy with all the appeal of a moral principle and all the effectiveness of a tired harangue.”

Whether Malley’s stance on engaging with questionable entities will influence Obama’s anti-IS campaign remains to be seen. Obama has steadfastly insisted that Syrian President Bashar Assad be excluded from any future Syrian government, even though many coalition partners say eliminating IS, not Assad, must be the priority. Another key issue in diplomatic talks to end Syria’s war is which opposition groups should be deemed extremists and barred from negotiations.

“Rob has an appreciation for the need, if you’re going to make diplomacy succeed, to deal with the most important actors,” said Philip Gordon, a Council on Foreign Relations fellow who worked with Malley in the Obama White House.

Malley also raised eyebrows in 2001 with an article alleging that peace talks at Camp David failed not only because of then-Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, but also Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak. Malley had been part of President Bill Clinton’s negotiating team, and his article challenged the prevailing opinion at the time that Arafat had spoiled the opportunity for peace.

Malley, 52, was born in New York but grew up partially in France, where his father — an Egyptian journalist born to a Jewish family — ran a magazine. He returned to the White House last year to oversee Mideast policy.

Critics continue to claim the US lacks a coherent strategy to defeat IS, and the White House hopes that designating a point-man will reinforce the notion that Obama does, in fact, have a plan. To that end, the White House planned on Friday to launch a Twitter account, @RobMalley44, through which Malley can update the public on the campaign.

Although Malley doesn’t officially hold the title of czar — the White House prefers the wonkier “senior adviser” — the title has informally stuck. Like the Ebola, drug and health care “czars” before him, his job description entails coordinating the various US agencies playing a role.

“Rob’s not somebody who’s consumed with turf-battling, but he’s a very capable defender of his points of view,” said former Ambassador Thomas Pickering, who worked with Malley in the Clinton administration. “He’s not somebody who gets easily pushed around.”

While the Pentagon bombs targets in Iraq and Syria, the Treasury is working to cut off terrorist financing. The State Department is trying to broker a cease-fire in Syria’s civil war as a special envoy manages a 65-country coalition and the White House seeks to reassure an increasingly anxious American public.

When it comes to getting everyone on the same page, Obama’s administration has thus far been criticized for coming up short.

“I will tell you, am I satisfied with the level of integration? No,” Gen. Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told Congress last week. He added: “We’re working on that.”
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« Reply #65 on: December 16, 2015, 09:24:36 pm »

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« Reply #66 on: December 27, 2015, 06:46:02 pm »

President indeed has 'religious test' for refugees coming to America

Christians continue to be the most persecuted religious people in the world this Christmas, but they don’t figure to get much help from Western governments in Washington, London or Brussels.

Despite President Obama’s recent comment that it would be un-American to apply a “religious test” for refugees seeking a safe haven in the United States, it appears his administration has already applied such a test, at least for Syrian refugees.

Christians make up 10 percent of the Syrian population, and about 350,000 of them have been run out of their homes. Their property has been stolen by Muslims affiliated with ISIS, al-Nusra Front and other Islamic factions. Their men have been beheaded or summarily shot, their women raped and forced into submission.

The dismal numbers

Yet, during all of 2015, the U.S. has managed to take in a paltry 31 Christians, or 1.4 percent of the total Syrian contingent that has been resettled by Obama’s State Department.

This is even more concerning when considering the fact that the U.S. government pays nine private agencies to do its resettlement work – and six of the nine are affiliated with Catholic, Lutheran, Episcopal, evangelical and Jewish organizations. These groups are paid hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to resettle Muslims into 180 U.S. cities and towns.

The U.S. has resettled 2,192 Syrian refugees in 2015, according to the federal database for refugee resettlement.

Here is the breakdown of Syrian refugees by religion:

2,149 Muslims (98 percent) – including 2,089 Sunni, eight Shiite

31 Christians (1.4 percent)

Two atheists

Six Zoroastrians

Two Bahai

One “other”

One listed no religious affiliation

The same anti-Christian bias has taken shape in the United Kingdom. The Catholic Archbishop of Westminster, Vincent Nichols, told the BBC Christians were the most persecuted people in Syria, but few of them would receive sanctuary in his country.

The government of Prime Minister David Cameron has said it will bring 20,000 Syrian refugees to Britain directly from United Nations refugee camps around Syria.

Nichols spelled out why so few Christians get resettled in America, Canada, the U.K. or the rest of Europe.

It’s largely because these countries all resettle refugees on terms set by the United Nations.

And very few Christians are willing to venture into U.N. refugee camps where they become targets for Muslim violence, including assault, **** and even murder.

This same concern has been echoed by Lord George Carey, former archbishop of Canterbury, as WND reported, and by Aid to the Church in Need, a Catholic aid group.

Speaking on BBC Radio 4’s Today show, Nichols said: “I can see the point in going directly to the refugee camps, but in fact I think its unintended consequence will be that there will be few, if any, Christians coming to this country.”

“That is because for the most part Christian refugees do not go into the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) camps,” he added. “They go to fellow Christian organizations.”

The Catholic archbishop added: “If we are going to deal purely with UNHCR according to their rules, then there can be no preference given to anybody on behalf of their faith and we will simply bypass the Christian refugees, not intentionally but in fact.”

Anti-Shariah activist and author Pamela Geller said the same is happening in the United States.

“The perpetrators of the worst genocide in the 21st century are being welcomed into the West, while the victims (Christians and non-believers) are left to perish under unspeakable conditions of brutality and torture,” Geller, who is Jewish, wrote in a Christmas Eve blog post.

“President Obama insists that there will be no religious test for refugees, when in fact, he already apples one. Muslim refugees are given special accommodation,” she continued. “Of the recent wave of “Syrian” refugees brought into the U.S., none were Christians.”

Brutal crackdown worldwide largely ignored

And Christians are not just being murdered in Syria.

They are being wiped out in Iraq, brutalized in Pakistan and Sudan, and attacked in Kenya, Egypt, Lebanon, Indonesia and the Philippines.

A group of Muslims raided a Christian village in the Philippines on Christmas Eve, killing at least seven Christian farmers, according to a report by Agency France-Presse.

About 150 fighters of the BIFF (Muslim guerrillas) launched assaults in different, mainly Christian, towns before dawn, local military commander Col. Ricky Bunayog told AFP.

“They abducted farmers and then killed them. When we attempted to recover their bodies, they fired on us,” he said in the southern town of Tukuran, one of the group’s targets.

The International Christian Concern has documented the ongoing violence against Christians in Pakistan. In a recent posting on its website, ICC estimated 30,000 Pakistani Christians have been forced to flee their homeland due to persecution from the Muslim majority in Pakistan. They are living in crude conditions in Thailand, Sri Lanka and Malaysia with little help from the United Nations or various international aid agencies.

ICC cited a Pakistani Christian leader who was “begging” the West to open its doors to persecuted Pakistani believers in Jesus Christ.

Christians in Pakistan are often jailed for their beliefs, prosecuted for violating Muslim “blasphemy” laws, while their churches are bombed and their pastors killed.

The president of Pakistan Christian Congress has urged the European Union, the United States, Australia, Canada and other countries to open doors to the persecuted Pakistani Christians.

Nazir Bhatti, who launched the Pakistan Christian Congress in 1985 and was forced to flee Pakistan in 1998 after he challenged the nation’s Islamic blasphemy laws, has written leaders of the E.U., U.K., U.S. and other European countries asking that they receive Pakistani Christian asylum seekers, reported the website Christians in Pakistan.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/12/obama-stunner-31-christians-vs-2000-muslims/#AvAOXBf1TG50d3ag.99
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The Man from George Street
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« Reply #67 on: January 30, 2016, 09:09:20 pm »

The president is making the visit “to celebrate the contributions Muslim Americans make to our nation and reaffirm the importance of religious freedom to our way of life,” a White House official wrote in an email Saturday.



“I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” – Barack Hussein Obama

When was the last time you ever heard of Barack Obama going to visit a Christian church to hold a roundtable on religious freedom? When was the first time? Why do people think Obama is a Muslim? For precisely this reason. He has no connection of any kind to the Christian church, never mentions Christianity in favorable terms, and at times outright trashes Christian values and traditions. But when he speaks of Islam, it is only ever with the most glowing speech and complimentary phraseology he can muster. If it walks like a duck…

On Wednesday, the president will visit the Islamic Society of Baltimore, a sprawling community center in the city’s western suburbs that serves thousands of people with a place of worship, a housing complex and schools,according to its website. It is one of the Mid-Atlantic region’s largest Muslim centers and describes itself as aspiring “to be the anchor of a growing Muslim community with diverse backgrounds, democratically governed, relating to one another with inclusiveness and tolerance, and interacting with neighbors in an Islamic exemplary manner.”

The president is making the visit “to celebrate the contributions Muslim Americans make to our nation and reaffirm the importance of religious freedom to our way of life,”  a White House official wrote in an email Saturday. “The President believes that one of our nation’s greatest strengths is our rich diversity and the very idea that Americans of different faiths and backgrounds can thrive together – that we’re all part of the same American family. As the President has said, Muslim Americans are our friends, and neighbors; our co-workers, and sports heroes – and our men and women in uniform defending our country.”


The visit will be part of the tightrope-walking Obama has done during his presidency around Islam.

For years, Muslim Americans have lobbied him to visit a mosque, citing Islamophobia. At the same time, a segment of Obama’s critics have said since he took office that he is a Muslim pretending to be Christian, and that he plays down the religious aspect of Muslim extremism. The visit comes in the last year of his presidency.
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« Reply #68 on: February 10, 2016, 07:49:16 pm »

Further Proof That Barack Obama Is An Anti-Christian Muslim Spokesman

So where are all the White House photos with Barack Obama in a church, any church, and holding a Bible? You will never see them because they don't exist. What does exist are endless images of Obama and Islam. When was the last time he gave a speech about the persecution of Christians? The last time he gave a speech thanking Christians for starting this nation?

While standing in front of a glass wall where the word “Allah” was written 99 times in Arabic calligraphy, the President took a stab at Republican Presidential hopeful Donald Trump by stating there was “inexcusable anti-Islamic rhetoric in the political sphere.

Amidst all of the American flags and presidential seals, there was something missing when President Barack Obama gave an economic speech at Georgetown University in 2009 — Jesus. The White House asked Georgetown to cover a monogram symbolizing Jesus’ name in Gaston Hall, which Obama used for his speech. But when Obama gave a speech at the  mosque of the Islamic Society of Baltimore, nothing was covered up.

The name of Allah was on full display for all to see.

While standing in front of a glass wall where the word “Allah” was written 99 times in Arabic calligraphy, the President took a stab at Republican Presidential hopeful Donald Trump by stating there was “inexcusable anti-Islamic rhetoric in the political sphere.”

The White House staff were even gifted Qurans at the event.

So where are all the White House photos with Barack Obama in a church, any church, and holding a Bible? You will never see them because they don’t exist. What does exist are endless images of Obama and Islam. When was the last time he gave a speech about the persecution of Christians? The last time he gave a speech thanking Christians for starting this nation?

When someone shows you who they are, believe them

We feel it important that you know exactly where your president stands in regards to his faith and his god. Click on the image above to read the 20 quotes he has made about Islam, and 20 quotes he has made about Christianity. Nothing edited or mashed up, just exactly in the context he originally spoke them in with fully-sourced links so you can see where they come from.

If after reading this, you still want to think he is not a Muslim, then that will be your right to do so. But it won’t be because someone didn’t try to warn you and open your eyes to the truth.


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« Reply #69 on: April 02, 2016, 04:52:05 am »


Lest there be any doubt about the objectives in the United States, the strategy of subtly indoctrinating school children into the Gülen movement is a familiar one overseas, and there is great peril in allowing it to flourish in this country. In his native Turkey, Gülen created a network of hundreds of schools that have produced – over the past three decades – a vast cadre of followers now prepared to perform his bidding from official positions in government, law enforcement, the judiciary and the media.


EDITOR’S NOTE: Today we bring you the story of Fethullah Gülen, the shadowy Islamic billionaire who lives in a remote compound in Pennsylvania. He has created his charter schools all over the world as a cover to spread the message of Islam, and now he has set his sights on opening these schools on military bases in the United States. He has the full approval of the Obama administration to do so.

That charge may sound like a conspiracy theory from the lunatic fringe, but it is real and it is happening right now.  The most immediate threat is in Nevada, where Coral Academy of Science Las Vegas (CASLV) is currently negotiating with the United States Air Force to locate a charter school at Nellis Air Force Base, with classes starting this fall.  What is not widely known is that CASLV is part of a nationwide organization of charter schools and other businesses headed by Islamic cleric Fethullah Gülen, a reclusive but influential Imam living under self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania to avoid criminal prosecution in his native Turkey.

Our law firm has been engaged by the Republic of Turkey – a key NATO ally in a hotbed region – to conduct a wide-ranging investigation into the operations and geopolitical influence of the Gülen organization, which is behind the Coral Academy of Science and over 140 other public charter schools scattered across 26 American states.  Our investigation, still in its early stages, reveals that the Gülen organization uses charter schools and affiliated businesses in the U.S. to misappropriate and launder state and federal education dollars, which the organization then uses for its own benefit to develop political power in this country and globally.

Aside from defrauding American taxpayers, the Gülen organization has an even more ominous objective in the United States.  The organization is one of the country’s largest recipients of H1-B “specialty occupation” visas, which it uses to import Turkish teachers into its charter schools, supposedly because local U.S. talent is not available to fill math and science teaching positions in its charter schools.  The Gülen organization illegally threatens to revoke these visas unless the Turkish teachers agree to kick back part of their salary to the organization.

More importantly, the Turkish teachers in Gülen organization charter schools are evaluated not on the basis of their teaching skills, but rather on whether they achieve monthly goals in a secret point system designed to instil Turkish culture and Gülenist ideology in our American students. The goal, we are told, is to develop a Gülenist following of high achievers, incubated in our local community schools across the country.

The Gülen organization has been able to grow in the U.S. largely because it conceals both its identity and its motives.  The first line of defense for Gülenist charter schools and companies has been to deny any affiliation with Fethullah Gülen (their officers and directors claim that they are merely “inspired by” Gülen’s religious teachings), as if the simple creation of business entities in which Fethullah Gülen himself holds no ownership interest could alter his ultimate control over the organization.  In reality, the governing boards of the Gülen charter schools are populated disproportionately by loyal Turkish men answering to a handful of Imams who rule over defined regions across the U.S., reporting ultimately to Gülen in Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania.

In Nevada, CASLV is a three-campus school operating under a charter held by tax-exempt Coral Education Corp., headquartered in Reno.  Three of Coral’s board members are Turkish, one of whom was formerly the Principal at two other Gülen organization charter schools, the Sonoran Science Academy at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Arizona and the Bay Area Technology School in California.

Unfortunately, Nellis Air Force Base is not the Gülen organization’s first stab at a U.S. military base.  The organization successfully opened a school on Davis-Monthan AFB in 2009, and it tried but failed to gain access to Marine Corps Base Hawaii and Naval Station Great Lakes in Illinois.  In California, Magnolia Public Schools applied for a charter in Oceanside, where Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton is located, although it temporarily withdrew its application after our law firm pointed out Magnolia’s connection to the Gülen organization earlier this year.

Lest there be any doubt about the objectives in the United States, the strategy of subtly indoctrinating school children into the Gülen movement is a familiar one overseas, and there is great peril in allowing it to flourish in this country.  In his native Turkey, Gülen created a network of hundreds of schools that have produced – over the past three decades – a vast cadre of followers now prepared to perform his bidding from official positions in government, law enforcement, the judiciary and the media.  Although precise numbers are impossible to verify, some have estimated that he currently controls more than half of the entire Turkish police force. The Economist newspaper compared Gülen’s influence in Turkey to the Freemason infiltration of law enforcement and judicial elites in Europe during the last century. Numerous documented cases in Turkey involving planted evidence, tainted prosecutions and illegal incarceration of Gülen critics underscore that he is quite willing to abuse his power and influence.

Visit Charter School Watchdog  for more info on the Islamic charter school deception
The same game plan is playing out, at last count, in 101 countries on every habitable continent.  With an estimated six million followers globally and assets in the range of $20-$50 billion, the Gülen organization has managed to conceal a great deal about its doctrine, mission or objectives.  Whether Gülen’s followers are classified as a religious sect, a commercial enterprise, a political movement or – as Dutch legislators concluded – a cult, it should be a matter of significant concern for our security and regulatory authorities.

In light of Gülen’s modus operandi elsewhere, the Department of Homeland Security should be asking itself why such a non-transparent, religion-based organization would seek to establish itself on our military bases, teaching the children of our service men and women. source

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« Reply #70 on: April 02, 2016, 06:13:35 pm »

The Enemy Within Once Again Reveals Himself - More Proof The White House Has Been Infiltrated By An Islamic Extremist

Barack Obama has often recieved intense criticism for refusing to say the words "Islamic terrorism," or "Islamic extremism." A problem the French President Francois Hollande does not have as he clearly named the enemy in a press event on terrorism with Obama, to which the White House then pulled the video, edited it so that the translators were muted at the point were the words "Islamist terrorism," were stated, then re-released the censored version.

Below the article readers will hear the reason why Obama is encouraging Islamic extremism..... in his own words.

MRC TV notes, screen shot provided, that the White House had initially published the video and transcript which included Hollande's full remarks, specific where he stated "But we're also well aware that the roots of terrorism, Islamist terrorism, is in Syria and in Iraq.  We therefore have to act both in Syria and in Iraq, and this is what we're doing within the framework of the coalition.  And we note that Daesh is losing ground thanks to the strikes we've been able to launch with the coalition.  We are continuing to support Iraq.  This is also a decision we have taken, supporting the Iraqi government and making sure that they can claim back their entire territory, including Mosul."

Immediately after putting the video on the White House website, the Obama administration removed the video in order to edit the audio of Hollande's translated remarks before re-uploading it back to the website, as the screen shot below proves.

big article lots of pics and vids: http://allnewspipeline.com/Enemy_Within_Once_Again_Reveals_Himself.php
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« Reply #71 on: May 10, 2016, 06:19:59 pm »


From David Hocking’s Hope for Today May 2016

Prophecy Watch - to keep you informed on what is going on in THE WORLD TODAY

This information has all been checked, then double checked… it is 100% Correct. That’s why there is such an alarm within US government,  since Trump’s statement about temporary suspension of migration of Muslims to US  till US authorities make sure there is a proper concept of safe penetration of US territory. People are stunned to learn that the head of the U.S.CIA is a Muslim! Do hope this wakes up some! You mean until it hits you like a ton of bricks read it again, until you understand! We now have a Muslim government. John Brennan, current head of the CIA converted to Islam while stationed in Saudi Arabia. Obama’s top adviser, Valerie Jarrett, is a Muslim who was born in Iran where her parents still live. Hillary Clinton’s top adviser, Huma Abedin is a Muslim, whose mother and brother are involved in the now outlawed Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for Homeland Security, Arif Aikman, is a Muslim. Homeland Security Adviser, Mohammed Library, is a Muslim. Obama’s adviser and founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, Salam al-Marayati, is a Muslim. Obama’s Sharia Czar, Imam Mohamed Magid, of the Islamic Society of North America is a Muslim. Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships, Eboo Patel, is a Muslim. 1/13/15 Nancy Pelosi announced she will appoint Rep Andre Carson, D-Ind, as the first Muslim lawmaker on the House of Representatives Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. It would make Carson the first Muslim to serve on the committee that receives intelligence on the threat of Islamic militants in the Middle East! He has suggested that U.S. schools should be modeled after Islamic madrassas, where education is based on the Quran!!! And last but not least, our closet Muslim himself, Barack Hussein Obama. It’s questionable if Obama ever officially took the oath of office when he was sworn in. He didn’t repeat the oath properly to defend our nation and our Constitution. Later the Democrats claimed he was given the oath again in private. CIA director John Brennan took his oath on a copy of the Constitution, not a Bible. Valerie Jarret wrote her college thesis on how she wanted to change America into a Muslim friendly nation and she is an Obama top advisor. Congressman, Keith Ellison took his oath on a copy of the Qur'an. Congresswoman Michele Bachman was vilified and verbally tarred and feathered by Democrats when she voiced her concern about Muslims taking over our government. Considering all these appointments, it would explain why Obama and his minions are systematically destroying our nation, supporting radical Muslim groups worldwide, opening our southern border, and turning a blind eye to the genocide being perpetrated on Christians all over Africa and the Middle East. The more damage Obama does, the more arrogant he’s become! Our nation has been infiltrated by people who want to destroy us. It can only get worse! In his book Obama said: “if it comes down to it, I would side with the Muslims”.

To read more of David Hockey’s comments read Hope For Today,  July 13, 2011, Obama’s plan to Islamicize America - posted in articles. (And June 28, 2011)

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« Reply #72 on: May 28, 2016, 04:44:48 pm »

Islam in America, Before and After Obama

Before Obama there was virtually no outlandish presence of Islam in America. Then, all of a sudden...

An anonymous internet meme has been circulating via email lately, and those are usually cause for skepticism at best. But here's one that, regardless of its origin, raises a long list of valid, troublesome points for consideration:
"Before Obama there was virtually no prominent presence of Islam in America," it begins. And then...
• All of a sudden, Islam is taught in schools. Christianity and the Bible are banned in schools.
• All of a sudden we must allow prayer rugs everywhere and allow for Islamic prayer in schools, airports and businesses.
• All of a sudden we must stop serving pork in prisons.
• All of a sudden we are inundated with lawsuits by Muslims who are offended by American culture.
• All of a sudden we must allow burkas to be worn everywhere even though you have no idea who is covered up under them.
• All of a sudden Muslims are suing employers and refusing to do their jobs if they personally deem it conflicts with Sharia Law.
• All of a sudden the Attorney General of the United States vows to prosecute anyone who engages in “anti-Muslim speech.”
• All of a sudden, jihadists who engage in terrorism and openly admit they acted in the name of Islam and ISIS, are emphatically declared NOT Islamic by our leaders and/or the jihadists' actions are NOT labeled terrorism, but other nebulous terms like ‘workplace violence."
• All of a sudden, it becomes policy that secular Middle East dictators that were benign or friendly to the West, must be replaced by Islamists and the Muslim Brotherhood.
• All of a sudden our troops are withdrawn from Iraq and the Middle East, giving rise to ISIS.
• All of a sudden, America has reduced its nuclear stockpiles, its Navy, its Air Force, and its number of military personnel.
• All of a sudden, a deal with Iran must be made at any cost, with a pathway to nuclear weapons and HUNDREDS of BILLIONS of dollars handed over to fund their programs.
• All of a sudden America APOLOGIZES to Muslim states and sponsors of terror worldwide for acts of aggression, war and sabotage that THEY perpetrated against our soldiers.
•  All of a sudden half of our aircraft carriers are recalled for maintenance by Obama rendering the Atlantic unguarded. NONE is in the Middle East.
• All of a sudden Obama has to empty Guantanamo Bay of captured jihadists and let them loose in jihad-friendly Islamic states.  He demands to close the facility.
• All of a sudden America will negotiate with terrorists and trade FIVE Taliban commanders for a deserter and jihad sympathizer.
• All of a sudden there is no money for American poor, disabled veterans, jobless Americans, hungry Americans, or displaced Americans but there is endless money for Obama’s “Syrian refugee” resettlement programs.
• All of sudden there is an ammunition shortage in the USA.
• All of a sudden, the most important thing for Obama to do after a mass shooting by two jihadists is disarm American citizens.
Quite a series of coincidences, wouldn't you say? The bigger picture begins to make sense, however, when one remembers Obama's pronouncement that "the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam."

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« Reply #73 on: June 11, 2016, 06:40:16 pm »

Standing with the Muslims

By Bill Wilson
In very supportive and revealing remarks to the Muslim community, the “president” said he is standing with all Muslims during his statement on the “Occasion of Ramadan.” He demonstrated his thorough knowledge of the religion many still believe he practices, if not publicly, in the deepest recesses of his heart.

He began, “As another new moon heralds the start of the holy month of Ramadan, Michelle and  I extend our best wishes to Muslims across the United States and around the world.” He again pointed to the Muslim heritage “traced back to the very beginning of our nation.” But there is one revealing statement that proved the intent of his heart and perhaps solves the hidden mystery of his true belief.

Underscoring the Constitutional right to religious freedom, the “president” said, “As Muslim Americans celebrate the holy month, I am reminded that we are one American family. I stand firmly with Muslim American communities in rejection of the voices that seek to divide us or limit our religious freedoms or civil rights. I stand committed to safeguarding the civil rights of all Americans no matter their religion or appearance. I stand in celebration of our common humanity and dedication to peace and justice for all.”

Did you catch the revelation? He said, “I stand firmly with Muslim American communities in rejection of the voices that seek to divide us or limit our religious freedoms or civil rights.”

Again—he stands firmly with the Muslims in rejection of the voices that seek to divide the U.S. or limit OUR religious freedoms or civil rights. This sentence grammatically links the words “U.S.” and “OUR” to "Muslim American Communities.” This is from the official White House transcript on the White House website. It’s not an oversight.

The opening phrase of that paragraph in context also suggests the use of “WE” as referring to “Muslim Americans.” In the ten years I have covered this person, this is the first time I have seen him directly identify with Muslims by using “we,” “us,” and “our.” He mistakenly referred to remarks about his religion once during an interview as “My Muslim faith,” but nothing ever this direct.

He ended the statement with: “I can think of no better way to mark my administration’s last celebration of Ramadan as president, than to honor the contributions of Muslims in America and across the world for Eid. Ramadan Kareem.”

Sounds like a victory lap to me. Three insights here: 1) Islam’s role in early America was one of slavery and hostility. 2) The “president” is distinctly using “we,” “us,” and “our” in speaking of the Muslim community. 3) The Koran, in the strongest possible terms, does not support religious freedom, especially for Christians and Jews.

Jeremiah 51:14 says, “Surely I will fill thee with men as with locusts and they shall raise a battle cry against you.” The “president” has left no doubt.

Have a blessed and powerful day!

Bill Wilson
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« Reply #74 on: June 24, 2016, 05:53:05 pm »

Former Speaker DeLay: Obama Is A Communist ‘Muslim Sympathizer’ Who ‘Hates America’ (Audio)

On Monday, Former House Speaker Tom DeLay stopped by the conspiracy theory outlet “Trunews,” where, in the same program in which host Rick Wiles called for Muslims to be deported from the U.S. and declare that the Orlando massacre was divine judgment, the former GOP House leader blasted President Obama’s handling of terrorist groups and the attack in Orlando.

DeLay said that the president has “put American lives in danger” and “emboldened” America’s enemies.

When Wiles asked if Obama is “actually on the other side of the war on terror,” DeLay said that Obama is “a Muslim sympathizer” who was “raised in a communist upbringing” and “hates America.”

transcript and audio :http://thelastgreatstand.com/2016/06/24/former-speaker-delay-obama-is-a-communist-muslim-sympathizer-who-hates-america-audio/
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« Reply #75 on: July 07, 2016, 03:18:02 pm »

"My Muslim Faith': New Photos of Obama in Muslim Garb Surface from Half-Brother's Wedding

In September 2008, Senator Barack Obama slipped up during an interview on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos and referred to, “My Muslim faith.”


In 2015 author Ed Klein told Sean Hannity that Barack Obama’s former pastor Reverend Jeremiah Wright helped Obama accept Christianity without having to renounce Islam.

The Daily Caller reported:

    Klein also said Wright told him he “made it comfortable” for Obama to accept Christianity without having renounce his “Islamic background,” which Klein said he has on tape.

Last night Bill O’Reilly released newfound photos of Obama in Muslim garb.

Bill O’Reilly has revealed two photos of Barack Obama claiming they were taken as the President attended his half-brother Malik’s wedding back in the early 90s, saying they show he has ‘an emotional attachment to Islam’ (Daily Mail)

The Daily Mail reported:

    Bill O’Reilly shared photos of Barack Obama in traditional Islamic dress on his program Wednesday night claiming they were from his half-brother Malik’s wedding.

    The Fox News host said it was ‘very difficult’ to verify the exact location of the photographs – a similar set of which were first released back in 2004 by Malik and previously published on DailyMail.com – but claimed they were taken in Maryland in the early 1990s.

    ‘According to his half-sister, Barack Obama attended his half-brother’s wedding in the early 1990s. Malik Obama was a Muslim,’ said O’Reilly.

    ‘The Factor has obtained pictures allegedly from that wedding, which we believe was held in Maryland.’

    Malik was married in 1981 for the first time and President Obama was his best man at that ceremony. He now has multiple wives.

    O’Reilly used the photos in a monologue alleging the President’s ‘deep emotional ties to Islam’ have stopped him effectively combating ISIS while also saying he believes the photos prove that President Obama is not a ‘devout Christian.’

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« Reply #76 on: August 16, 2016, 05:41:07 pm »

Obama And Sadiq Khan Just Passed Online Sharia Law

Obama has just begun working with London’s Muslim Mayor to institute a global law that will fight anti-Muslim talk. The idea was spawned by London’s first Muslim mayor Sadiq Khan.

Khan has already instituted laws the forbid women from wearing certain clothing. Now he is moving to censor the internet and attack anyone who talks down to Islam. Obama and Khan are long-time friends and it’s no surprise given Obama’s ties to Saudi Arabia and the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Muslim Brotherhood took advantage of the destruction caused in Syria and utilized the weapons funded to them by Head of State Hillary Clinton.

Currently, a “partnership” is being established between all of the major online companies. Companies included in this partnership include Google, YouTube, Bing, Microsoft, Yahoo, Twitter, and Facebook.

As you can see, there are a lot of big names that are doing what they can to spread the word of Islam and protect Allah’s commandments from being hurt.

In London, Sadiq Khan has just committed almost $2,000,000 dollars to create the new “Home Office Police Innovation Fund.” The “Fund” is just an easy way to disguise what’s really going on. The new police branch is obviously being created to help further the spread of Islam throughout Europe.

It’s happening at an alarming rate. History is repeating itself all over again. The United States of America had to get involved in the World Wars to protect the balance of the global geo-political environment. We had to show the world that AMERICA would be making the decisions.

The fact that Obama and Sadiq are helping to arm and grow the Muslim Brotherhood is nothing to be ignored. It may be talked about a lot, but make sure you understand how bad the situation really is.

Sadiq and Obama made a joint statement about the “online abuse” of Muslim Ideals: “By establishing this new standard we are working to combat the hate crime against all Muslims so that we can all live peacefully together.”

The actual legislative code that is now being revamped was originally passed in 2003. Section 127 of the Commucations Act of 2003 was originally intended to protect people from serious crimes being committed online. Well, now it looks like Obama will be expanding it with a new piece of executive legislation. And, because it is determined by a committee, he can actually get away with doing this.

Already there are two men undergoing investigation for “spreading the hate of Muslims.” James McConnel and Stephen Birrells are being sentenced and prosecuted for expressing their views that run contrary to the Muslim Brotherhood.

While the new piece of legislation has gone into effect already, it may be some time before the police can control all internet speak. Hopefully they don’t figure it out before Election Day, or we might witness the collapse of this Great Nation.

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« Reply #77 on: September 18, 2016, 08:26:10 pm »

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« Reply #78 on: September 28, 2016, 06:39:09 pm »

House Follows Suit, Overrides Obama Veto

After the Senate voted 97-1 Wednesday morning, the House of Representatives followed suit, overriding President Obama's veto of the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act by a 348-77 vote.

The bill will now become law, allowing the families of victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks to sue the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia over its alleged ties. Prior to the House taking up the measure, the White House issued the following response through Press Secretary Josh Earnest:

"This is the single most embarrassing thing the United States Senate as done possibly since 1983. To have members of the United States Senate only recently informed of the negative impact of this bill on our servicemembers and our diplomats is in itself embarrassing."

JASTA's authors, U.S. Sens. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and John Cornyn (R-Texas) both spoke in favor of the legislation during a press conference Wednesday:

"The families have already suffered too much," Cornyn said. "They've already suffered untold tragedy, of course, and they deserve to find a path to closure that only justice can provide."

"But it was important in this case that the families of the victims of 9/11 be allowed to pursue justice," Schumer added. "Even if that pursuit causes some diplomatic discomforts."

The override is the first for President Obama during his two terms in office. The last president to have served without having a veto overridden was Lyndon Johnson.

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« Reply #79 on: October 14, 2016, 06:57:09 pm »

A Jamie Glazov Moment: Obama to Make Islam a Race
"It's a vital threat to free speech and any kind of political discourse."

In this new special edition of The Glazov Gang, FrontPage Mag editor Jamie Glazov is joined by Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center and the editor of Frontpage’s blog The Point.

Daniel discusses his blog post "Obama to Make Islam a Race," explaining why taking a stand against jihad and Sharia will soon be racist and illegal. Watch the whole fascinating short video.

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« Reply #80 on: November 11, 2016, 08:57:54 pm »

Documented: Obama’s ‘Traditional Muslim Bias’ against Christians

 Almost a year ago, President Barack Hussein Obama described the suggestion that the U.S. give preference to Christian refugees over Muslim refugees as “shameful.” “That’s not American. That’s not who we are. We don’t have religious tests to our compassion,” he loftily added.

Now, WikiLeaks has released a 2008 email discussing who should fill top staff positions should Obama win the presidency.  It clearly proves that the Obama administration is the one that has long used “religious tests”—but to discriminate against Christians in favor of Muslims.

The email was sent from Former New York Solicitor General Preeta D. Bansal to Michael Froman, a classmate of Obama's at Harvard and a member of the 12-person advisory board for the Obama campaign's transition team.  The key passage reads:

In the candidates for top jobs, I excluded those with some Arab American background but who are not Muslim (e.g., George Mitchell). Many Lebanese Americans, for example, are Christian. In the last list (of outside boards/commissions), most who are listed appear to be Muslim American, except that a handful (where noted) may be Arab American but of uncertain religion (esp. Christian).

In other words, those Arabs from nations with large Christian populations or with obviously Christian names need not apply, for they fail the “religious test.” 

But the discrimination is not limited to hiring for top jobs.  Even in life and death scenarios, the Obama administration massively favors Muslims over Christians.  Despite the U.S. government’s acknowledgement that ISIS is committing genocide against Christians in Syria—meaning that Christians, not Sunni Muslims, are being targeted for torture, slavery, death and worse due solely to their religious identity—statistics repeatedly show that the Obama administration has taken in vastly disproportionate numbers of Sunni Muslims into the U.S.

When war erupted in Syria in 2011, approximately 75 percent of the population was Sunni and 10 percent Christian. Accordingly, if the U.S. were to admit Christian refugees in proportion to their population in Syria, about 1,260 Christians would by now have been resettled in America—when in fact only 68 were.  Similarly, that Sunni Muslims are 75 percent of Syria’s population yet 99 percent of those received by the U.S. indicates that they are overrepresented.

Even the 1951 Refugee Convention lists five criteria that qualify applicants for refugee status: persecution for reasons of religion, race, nationality, political opinion or membership of a particular social group. Christians very clearly fit one of the criteria—religious persecution—whereas the overwhelming majority of Sunni Muslims entering America do not.  That’s because ISIS is a Sunni organization and does not target fellow Sunnis who mind their own business.

The discrepancy is no secret.  Most recently, in an FOIA lawsuit filed by a federal appellate court against the Department of Homeland Security, Judge Daniel Manion expressed his “concern about the apparent lack of Syrian Christians as a part of immigrants from that country….  Perhaps 10 percent of the population of Syria is Christian, and yet less than one‐half of one percent of Syrian refugees admitted to the United States this year are Christian….To date, there has not been a good explanation for this perplexing discrepancy.”

Far from being an aberration, the WikiLeak revelation is simply the latest indicator that the Obama administration clearly favors Muslims over Christians:

    When inviting scores of Muslim representatives, the State Department has been called out at least twice for denying visas to solitary Christian representatives.
    When a few persecuted Iraqi Christians crossed the border into the U.S., they were thrown in prison for several months and then sent back to the lion’s den to be possibly enslaved, raped, or murdered.
    When the Nigerian government went on the offense and killed some terrorists from Boko Haram—another Islamic group lie ISIS that regularly slaughters and rapes Christians and burns their churches—Secretary of State John Kerry fumed and called for the “human rights” of the jihadis, even though he says little about their countless Christian victims.
    When Egypt’s persecuted Coptic Christians planned on joining Egypt’s anti-Muslim Brotherhood revolution back in 2013, the U.S. said no.
    When persecuted Iraqi and Syrian Christians asked for arms to join the opposition fighting ISIS, D.C. refused.
    When the UN Security Council held a meeting to discuss the genocide against Christians and other minorities, “many high level delegations from UN member states addressed the Security Council meeting, some at the Foreign Minister level, [however] the United States failed to send … a high ranking member of the State Department.”

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of all this is that the Obama government’s bias against Mideast Christians closely resembles the traditional bias Christian minorities experience at the hands of Muslim governments.  There are active and passive persecutors of Christians in the Muslim world.  Muslim criminals, mobs, and terrorists actively persecute Christians, while Muslim governments passively enable them.  Muslims kidnap, ****, rob, and/or kill Christians precisely because they know Muslim authorities will rarely if ever do anything about it (it is against Islamic law to side with “infidels” against Muslims).  Christian minorities in nations such as Egypt and Pakistan know this well.  Similarly, Muslim governments seldom if ever hire Christians to positions of authority (Islamic law bans the intentional placement of an “infidel” over Muslims).

Whether by discriminating against Christians and favoring Muslims for positions of authority, or whether by welcoming into America a disproportionately large number of Sunni Muslims, while barring the true victims of genocide, Christians—the Obama government’s bias is a tradition that Christian minorities living in the Muslim world have long been familiar with.

Thus, to use the president’s own words spoken last year, it is the Obama administration’s discriminatory policies and “religious tests” that are “shameful,” “not American,” and not “who we are.”

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« Reply #81 on: November 12, 2016, 09:34:18 am »

These 8 years just FLEW BY! The book of James says life is a vapour - yeah, God's word never lies!
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