Title: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on August 29, 2011, 09:05:26 am http://www.olivetreeviews.org/radio/mp3/
August 27, 2011 - Hour 1 Part 1: Jan hosts and talks to her guest, Jill Martin Rische, the daughter of the late Dr. Walter Martin. In this two-hour presentation, Jan and Jill cover the rise of the paranormal. They discuss the greatest influencers on the issue: The entertainment industry, all things Harry Potter, Oprah Winfrey, Dr. Mehmet Oz, mysticism in the churches, and more. They also explore the rise of Wicca and witchcraft and the fact that the "New Age" movement is now mainstream. They also consider the cult of Mormonism now that it is high-profile thanks to Glenn Beck, Mitt Romney, and various members of Congress. The Mormon Church is baptizing many into the church after their death including Dr. Walter Martin and some who perished in the Holocaust. Dr. Martin was the leading critic of the cult before his death in 1989. www.waltermartin.com download: http://olivetreeradio.com/OTM2011_08_27A.mp3 August 27, 2011 - Hour 2 Part 2: Jan hosts and talks to her guest, Jill Martin Rische, the daughter of the late Dr. Walter Martin. In this two-hour presentation, Jan and Jill cover the rise of the paranormal. They discuss the greatest influencers on the issue: The entertainment industry, all things Harry Potter, Oprah Winfrey, Dr. Mehmet Oz, mysticism in the churches, and more. They also explore the rise of Wicca and witchcraft and the fact that the "New Age" movement is now mainstream. They also consider the cult of Mormonism now that it is high-profile thanks to Glenn Beck, Mitt Romney, and various members of Congress. The Mormon Church is baptizing many into the church after their death including Dr. Walter Martin and some who perished in the Holocaust. Dr. Martin was the leading critic of the cult before his death in 1989. www.waltermartin.com download: http://olivetreeradio.com/OTM2011_08_27B.mp3 Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on September 07, 2011, 05:53:20 am September 3, 2011 - Hour 1
We air another conference message from "Understanding the Times." Dr. Ron Rhodes addresses the topic, Why Perilous Times are in Overdrive. He has six categories of end-time activity that he highlights as having intensifying birth pangs. From Israel to technology to signs in the Heaven and Earth, our world is not what it used to be! We have CD and DVD sets of recent conferences going back to 2007. Find them here. Find more info at www.ronrhodes.org http://olivetreeradio.com/OTM2011_09_03A.mp3 September 3, 2011 - Hour 2 Eric Barger has been a part of our Understanding the Times conference activity for several years. We air his message, Liberalism: The Most Dangerous Cult. You can find conference CD and DVDs here. We carry many products by Eric Barger here. Find more info at www.ericbarger.com http://olivetreeradio.com/OTM2011_09_03B.mp3 Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on September 13, 2011, 12:08:55 pm September 10, 2011 - Hour 1
Part 1: Jan hosts with guests Jack Kinsella and Ed Decker. Jack was present at Glenn Beck's "Restoring Courage" event in Israel which had a hidden agenda. It was a not-so-subtle endeavor to promote Mormonism and even scam participants for money for LDS purposes. Kinsella gives a first-hand report and Ed Decker, a former Mormon, reveals some of the inside secrets of the Mormon Church. Some of the information is quite shocking. What is the "White Horse Prophecy?" Does Glenn really know what he is doing and is he really a "Christian Zionist" as some are proclaiming? Is it possible to be a "Christian Mormon?" No is the answer to that. How might Mitt Romney's Mormonism play into a presidency he might win? Find Ed Decker's book on Mormonism on our site here. To obtain the free chapter of that book from Decker, visit his Web site, www.saintsalive.com. Learn more about Kinsella at www.omegaletter.com http://olivetreeradio.com/OTM2011_09_10A.mp3 September 10, 2011 - Hour 2 Part 2: Jan hosts with guests Jack Kinsella and Ed Decker. Jack was present at Glenn Beck's "Restoring Courage" event in Israel which had a hidden agenda. It was a not-so-subtle endeavor to promote Mormonism and even scam participants for money for LDS purposes. Kinsella gives a first-hand report and Ed Decker, a former Mormon, reveals some of the inside secrets of the Mormon Church. Some of the information is quite shocking. What is the "White Horse Prophecy?" Does Glenn really know what he is doing and is he really a "Christian Zionist" as some are proclaiming? Is it possible to be a "Christian Mormon?" No is the answer to that. How might Mitt Romney's Mormonism play into a presidency he might win? Find Ed Decker's book on Mormonism on our site here. To obtain the free chapter of that book from Decker, visit his Web site, www.saintsalive.com. Learn more about Kinsella at www.omegaletter.com http://olivetreeradio.com/OTM2011_09_10B.mp3 Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on September 21, 2011, 09:35:59 am September 17, 2011 - Hour 1
Part 1: Caryl Matrisciana is Jan's guest for two hours. The discussion centers around Caryl's new film, Wide is the Gate: The Emerging New Christianity. They focus on a number of movements that have tried to change the face of Christianity in the last 50 years. These include Eastern mysticism, "purpose driven," Emergent, postmodernism, New Apostolic Reformation, social gospel/social justice, "green Christianity," and more. Why do we need a new kind of Christianity when that old-time religion is fine? Find Caryl's four-hour DVD here You will also find a trailer there and two other products from Caryl. We have a special price on Wide is the Gate. For more information on all of Caryl's products, visit www.caryltv.com http://olivetreeradio.com/OTM2011_09_17A.mp3 September 17, 2011 - Hour 2 Part 2: Caryl Matrisciana is Jan's guest for two hours. The discussion centers around Caryl's new film, Wide is the Gate: The Emerging New Christianity. They focus on a number of movements that have tried to change the face of Christianity in the last 50 years. These include Eastern mysticism, "purpose driven," Emergent, postmodernism, New Apostolic Reformation, social gospel/social justice, "green Christianity," and more. Why do we need a new kind of Christianity when that old-time religion is fine? Find Caryl's four-hour DVD here. You will also find a trailer there and two other products from Caryl. We have a special price on Wide is the Gate. For more information on all of Caryl's products, visit www.caryltv.com http://olivetreeradio.com/OTM2011_09_17B.mp3 Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on September 26, 2011, 05:25:45 am September 24, 2011 - Hour 1
Jan and Joel Rosenberg discuss how God is shaking the nations. Why is God doing this? Will we follow Him no matter what the journey is or where it takes us? They also talk current events including, but not limited to, Iran, Israel, pending Mid East war, and the Obama administration's abysmal handling of all things Middle East. Rosenberg is one of our speakers at Understanding the Times 2011. Find messages he gave at our Understanding the Times 2007 here. Learn more about Joel at www.joelrosenberg.com http://olivetreeradio.com/OTM2011_09_24A.mp3 September 24, 2011 - Hour 2 We play one of Joel's messages from Understanding the Times 2007 where he emphasized Middle East activity, the future Gog/Magog (Ezekiel 38-39) War, and other issues related to the lateness of the hour. Find all of our conference CD and DVDs here. http://olivetreeradio.com/OTM2011_09_24B.mp3 Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on October 05, 2011, 06:27:11 am October 1, 2011 - Hour 1
Jan talks first to White House correspondent Bill Koenig and then to prophecy scholar Dr. Mark Hitchc0ck. Both are speakers at Understanding the Times 2011. The world won't end in 2012, but what are some potential scenarios for the new year? More tumult, wars, and financial instability are guarantees. Jan and Bill discuss George Soros and his role in the "Arab Spring" and in all things evil. Also, the Clinton Global Initiative which is a mirror to the U.N. without the Islamic favoritism. Koenig was in New York for the Palestinian state bid and reports on those events. Find CDs and DVDs of previous Understanding the Times conferences here. For additional info: http://www.olivetreeviews.org/radio/mp3/ http://olivetreeradio.com/OTM2011_10_01A.mp3 October 1, 2011 - Hour 2 (This hour is a replay of July 11, 2011 programming.) Eric Barger guest hosts and talks with Dr. Dave Reagan, Dr. Mark Hitchc0ck, and Jan Markell. They are offering a response to the Harold Camping tragedy of May 21. They don't just dwell on the destruction of the Campings of the world because they also remind folks of the fact that a Rapture will happen some day. And a crown is waiting for those who long for His appearing. What can we know about this biblical event? All guests emphasize the importance of speaking and informing on this issue more than ever, even if one is marginalized for doing so. While Camping caused horrific destruction and was delusional, his followers took him seriously, showing the power of deception. We carry products by Barger, Reagan, and Hitchc0ck found here. For further info on guest host Eric Barger, visit www.ericbarger.com http://olivetreeradio.com/OTM2011_10_01B.mp3 Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on October 10, 2011, 05:30:05 am October 8, 2011 - Hour 1
(We are conducting "Understanding the Times 2011" and are airing programming originally played on July 16, 2011.) Part 1: Jan is host both hours and deals with John Loeffler from Steel on Steel radio. Is global debt going to be the crisis the Antichrist won't let go to waste? Probably. It is unsolvable. The two consider numerous economy-related issues now that there is a clear war against the private sector and a push for a socialized America. Today's global debt cannot even be comprehended. The ship of socialized fools in Greece and other parts of Europe is sinking and America should be taking notes. We could be next. The end-time plan of God is in motion and a one-world system and currency is on the horizon. We don't know the timing. Jan and John close considering the bright side of the dark side. This is the time when the church can shine and even replace the government in caring for some in society. Will it step up to the plate and follow through or is the church too far gone? We carry Loeffler's DVD, The Coming Persecution of Christians in the West found here. Learn more at www.steelonsteel.com and to listen free, just use your e-mail and the password of Olive Tree.. http://olivetreeradio.com/OTM2011_10_08A.mp3 October 8, 2011 - Hour 2 (We are conducting "Understanding the Times 2011" and are airing programming originally played on July 16, 2011.) Part 2: Jan is host both hours and deals with John Loeffler from Steel on Steel radio. Is global debt going to be the crisis the Antichrist won't let go to waste? Probably. It is unsolvable. The two consider numerous economy-related issues now that there is a clear war against the private sector and a push for a socialized America. Today's global debt cannot even be comprehended. The ship of socialized fools in Greece and other parts of Europe is sinking and America should be taking notes. We could be next. The end-time plan of God is in motion and a one-world system and currency is on the horizon. We don't know the timing. Jan and John close considering the bright side of the dark side. This is the time when the church can shine and even replace the government in caring for some in society. Will it step up to the plate and follow through or is the church too far gone? We carry Loeffler's DVD, The Coming Persecution of Christians in the West found here. Learn more at www.steelonsteel.com and to listen free, just use your e-mail and the password of Olive Tree.. http://olivetreeradio.com/OTM2011_10_08B.mp3 Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on October 19, 2011, 08:14:05 am October 15, 2011 - Hour 1
Jan plays the message given by White House correspondent Bill Koenig at Understanding the Times 2011: The White House Role in the Accelerating Final Day Events. This will be the only conference message played online before the summer of 2012. Koenig outlines how various White House occupants have destabilized America and the world thanks to their meddling in the Middle East. There are consequences when a nation attempts to divide God's land and disrupt God's people. Koenig emphasizes, however, that no administration has been as destructive as the current one and no administration has set in motion so many end-time events. Find our 2011 conference CDs and DVDs here. They cannot be shipped until after November 15 due to editing and duplicating needs. Find more info on Bill Koenig at www.watch.org http://olivetreeradio.com/OTM2011_10_15A.mp3 October 15, 2011 - Hour 2 Eric Barger hosts and interviews ministry colleague David Benoit. They have co-authored books on the paranormal and both sound a warning about the so-called holiday known as Halloween. Avoid it at all costs. Find Eric's Occult Awareness Special here. Learn of the cunning stealth of Satan and how it is on overdrive this time of year. Find info on David Benoit at www.gloryministries.com. http://olivetreeradio.com/OTM2011_10_15B.mp3 Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on October 24, 2011, 06:00:07 am October 22, 2011 - Hour 1
(We continue to dig out from "Understanding the Times 2011." Thanks for understanding why we are playing previously aired programming. This interview is from July 9, 2011. Find CDs and DVDs of our recent conferences here, including 2011.) Part 1: Jan hosts with guest Kamal Saleem, former Islamic terrorist, now a believer. Their topics range from "Chrislam" in our churches (the uniting of Muslims and Christians), to our purpose in Libya, to the real reasons behind the so-called "Arab spring." They also examine the Muslim Brotherhood which is getting a pass in the Obama administration when their goal, in fact, is global Sharia Law. Kamal also gives his inspiring testimony closing out the two hours. He sounds a warning that the Islamization of America is in progress and is being encouraged by the Obama administration. The situation in Libya will likely worsen with Ghadaffi's departure as even more radical elements will take over. We will try to get Kamal's input on this in the coming weeks but no one who understands Islam is encouraged by the "Arab spring. www.koomeministries.com http://olivetreeradio.com/OTM2011_10_22A.mp3 October 22, 2011 - Hour 2 Part 2: Jan hosts with guest Kamal Saleem, former Islamic terrorist, now a believer. Their topics range from "Chrislam" in our churches (the uniting of Muslims and Christians), to our purpose in Libya, to the real reasons behind the so-called "Arab spring." They also examine the Muslim Brotherhood which is getting a pass in the Obama administration when their goal, in fact, is global Sharia Law. Kamal also gives his inspiring testimony closing out the two hours. He sounds a warning that the Islamization of America is in progress and is being encouraged by the Obama administration. The situation in Libya will likely worsen with Ghadaffi's departure as even more radical elements will take over. We will try to get Kamal's input on this in the coming weeks but no one who understands Islam is encouraged by the "Arab spring.www.koomeministries.com http://olivetreeradio.com/OTM2011_10_22B.mp3 Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on November 13, 2011, 09:20:11 am Please note that we are now a one-hour radio program. We may offer more commentary online. If so, it will be posted here and on iTunes for our electronic audience. We're not ready to announce that yet.
November 5, 2011 - Hour 1 Jan interacts with Tom McMahon of Berean Call concerning his new book, Temporal Delusion: Is the Church Destined to be Raptured or to Reign Supreme? Both the social gospel and Kingdom Now Theology propose "fix the earth" solutions but it won't work. They discuss Stearns' troubling, works-oriented Hole in the Gospel social gospel issues, C. Peter Wagner's New Apostolic Reformation, Rick Warren's contribution to this mix, and much more. They also touch on evangelical mysticism, ancient-future heresies and other elements contributing to the delusion of today's church. Find McMahon's book. here. http://www.olivetreeviewsshop.com/home.php?cat=252 http://olivetreeradio.com/OTM2011_11_05A.mp3 Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on November 13, 2011, 09:20:45 am November 12, 2011 - Hour 1
This week guest host, Eric Barger, discusses the beliefs and profound influence of the New Age movement on our culture. Eric's guest is New York Times' best-selling author, Stephen Mansfield whose new book, "Where Has Oprah Taken Us?", details the deceptive spirituality of television personality, Oprah Winfrey. How has she seduced two generations? Many viewers insist she is a Christian which furthers the deception. She may be the most serious false teacher of our day. Find the Eric Barger products we carry here or visit his site at www.ericbarger.com or www.mansfieldgroup.com http://olivetreeradio.com/OTM2011_11_12A.mp3 Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on November 29, 2011, 06:06:22 am November 19, 2011 - Hour 1
Jan's guest is Jack Kinsella. The two discuss the "lawlessness" in our land represented by the "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrations. Comparisons are made to the anarchy and the Jew-hatred in Germany 70 years ago since a key component of the "occupiers" is anti-Semitism. They also consider the "What Would Jesus Cut?" campaign of the religious Left. Jesus was not a Socialist although Jim Wallis & Co. want to make Him one. Does the Bible promote capitalism or Socialism? They also address the recent Vatican proclamation calling for a global economy. www.omegaletter.com http://olivetreeradio.com/OTM2011_11_19A.mp3 Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on November 29, 2011, 06:07:33 am November 26, 2011 - Hour 1
Jan talks to Gary Kah about the global meltdown. Progressivism and socialism are failing but the globalists are still orchestrating some of the turmoil, hoping the world will come to the brink and welcome in the one-world system. Gary and Jan discuss the downgrading of America's economy to AA+, a coming world currency, and the many issues that are leading the world into galloping globalism. What happens when America stops losing world influence and we drift towards no longer being the global leader? We have a recipe for revolution! Jan and Gary urge everyone to cling to the fact that God has this in control. Even if freedom is fading, we must trust Him. www.garykah.org http://olivetreeradio.com/OTM2011_11_26A.mp3 Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on December 10, 2011, 10:41:37 am December 3, 2011 - Hour 1
Jan talks to Pastor Skip Heitzig about his book, You Can Understand the Book of Revelation. If you want to understand the present and future, you can't ignore Revelation! The book and this program will give you a deeper appreciation for the majesty and power of Jesus; will help you know what God says about the last days; will assist you in discovering how God's plans for the future apply to you right now; and will help you be ready for Christ's return! The book of Revelation has a message for you! For everyone. And it is not all gloom and doom. Learn some of the good news found in that book as well as the last days' warnings. Visit our Web site here for Heitzig's book. . www.skipheitzig.com http://olivetreeradio.com/OTM2011_12_03A.mp3 Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on December 10, 2011, 04:41:37 pm December 3, 2011 - Hour 1 Jan talks to Pastor Skip Heitzig about his book, You Can Understand the Book of Revelation. If you want to understand the present and future, you can't ignore Revelation! The book and this program will give you a deeper appreciation for the majesty and power of Jesus; will help you know what God says about the last days; will assist you in discovering how God's plans for the future apply to you right now; and will help you be ready for Christ's return! The book of Revelation has a message for you! For everyone. And it is not all gloom and doom. Learn some of the good news found in that book as well as the last days' warnings. Visit our Web site here for Heitzig's book. . www.skipheitzig.com http://olivetreeradio.com/OTM2011_12_03A.mp3 Yeah, for who knows how many years the Jesuits et al have done their part trying to water down Revelation. All started with St. Augustine with his "A-Mill" escatology. So over time it went from Revelation being a mere Historicism(meaning events slowly came to pass as the 2000 years went on), to now being Preterist(meaning everything happened in 70 AD, including Jesus's 2nd Coming). And you can't deny 501c3 since the 50's played a big role too - church buildings had to give more attention to their offering plates that it ended up having them stray away from watching prophetic future events...thinking it would scare their pews away, and eventually their $$. /sigh, for awhile I wondered why pastors would almost never talk about Jesus's 2nd Coming, and the events in Matthew 24 that are starting to come to pass now...until I see them drive nice cars and have their homes taken care of just fine. Even they seem to be a bit too comfortable for their liking now. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Christian40 on January 16, 2012, 03:31:37 am Quote December 31, 2011 - Hour 1 Jan hosts interviewing Dr. Ron Rhodes on his new book, Cyber Meltdown: Bible Prophecy and the Imminent Threat of Cyberterrorism. You can bring a nation to its knees in a day through cyberterrorism, today's cheap terror threat. Rhodes paints the scenario of our perilous times. What are some of the schemes being planned today to come against nations? America is the least prepared nation today. Jan and Rhodes also discuss how all advanced technology will be used for end-time purposes. It will be the primary tool of the antichrist and likely will tie in to the "Mark of the Beast" system. Will technology display the "image of the Beast?" The information Rhodes presents is stunning in the book and interview. www.ronrhodes.org http://olivetreeradio.com/OTM2011_12_31A.mp3 I just started listening to Jan's radio show. This was a good one. In this one she says that her website has been hacked into 2 times in the past 8 months! This cyberwarfare is quite big when you think of it. I hope that this site wont be hacked into either. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on January 16, 2012, 05:58:17 am woops..
December 10, 2011 - Hour 1 Jan and guests discuss the Leftward-lurch of the evangelical movement. What does immigration, climate-change, social justice, and 'no nukes' have to do with the gospel? Yet the "National Association of Evangelicals" and others have jumped on all of these bandwagons. When did evangelicals lose their salt? The NAE was created in 1942 to counter the "National Council of Churches." Yet today, there is no difference between NAE and NCC. Does this matter to you? The consequences of this are eternal yet no one seems to be objecting. You will find some of this information to be quite shocking. http://olivetreeradio.com/OTM2011_12_10A.mp3 December 17, 2011 - Hour 1 Eric Barger sits in for Jan and deals with the latest rage: Chrislam -- the blending of Christianity and Islam. Barger and his guest, Bill Muehlenberg a blogger and author, deal with many questions including, 'are Jehovah and Allah the same deity?', 'how do the Koran and Bible compare?', 'is Islam compatible with Christianity?' Eric addressed this topic at "Understanding the Times 2011." While the answers may seem obvious to many, numerous Protestant churches are promoting Crislam, particularly in the northeast. We carry several Eric Barger products and have complete sets of CDs and DVDs from our fall conference here. Learn more at www.ericbarger.com and www.billmuehlenberg http://olivetreeradio.com/OTM2011_12_17A.mp3 December 24, 2011 - Hour 1 Jan and Jim Tetlow discuss our incredible God of wonders. He offers a DVD by that title that is now in 28 languages all on one DVD. This stunning film should be seen by all and particularly in these dark times. It will lift your spirit and remind you that our all-powerful God is truly in control. And there is not just chaos in the world. There are wonders going on every minute and Tetlow's cameras catch many of them. We offer a quick-sleeve version where you can get a large number of these for a small price. Use them as witnessing tools. You can find the product here or contact Jim Tetlow at: www.eternal-productions.org http://olivetreeradio.com/OTM2011_12_24A.mp3 December 31, 2011 - Hour 1 Jan hosts interviewing Dr. Ron Rhodes on his new book, Cyber Meltdown: Bible Prophecy and the Imminent Threat of Cyberterrorism. You can bring a nation to its knees in a day through cyberterrorism, today's cheap terror threat. Rhodes paints the scenario of our perilous times. What are some of the schemes being planned today to come against nations? America is the least prepared nation today. Jan and Rhodes also discuss how all advanced technology will be used for end-time purposes. It will be the primary tool of the antichrist and likely will tie in to the "Mark of the Beast" system. Will technology display the "image of the Beast?" The information Rhodes presents is stunning in the book and interview. Go here. to find the book in our store. www.ronrhodes.org http://olivetreeradio.com/OTM2011_12_31A.mp3 January 7, 2012 - Hour 1 Jan opens with a review of the NASA firing of a Christian, David Coppedge. Our tax dollars are being used for discrimination! What can be done? The law firm defending the Christian brings the update which was introduced on air by us last March. Then Jan reviews the top faith stories of 2011. From occultists in the pulpit of Saddleback Church to Rob Bell's effort to legitimize Universalism, it was not a quiet year! She also looks at the top stories of 2011 in the world of eschatology. From the Vatican giving the ok for global government to the "Arab Spring," events went at break-neck speed. The Bible is coming alive! Take that as the good news in the midst of all the tumult! For additional info on Coppedge, visit www.discovery.org/jpl or www.evolutionnews.org To protest the Coppedge outrage, call Jean-Lou Chameau at 1-626-395-6301 (Cal Tech) or write chameau@caltech.edu http://olivetreeradio.com/OTM2012_01_07A.mp3 January 14, 2012 - Hour 1 Jan's guest is author/commentator Joel Richardson. The two first discuss Newt Gingrich's statement that the Palestinians are an invented people. If that is true, who invented them and why? And when did this happen? It literally happened overnight in 1967. Learn all the details from Joel and Jan. Then they discuss the new anti-Israel film, "Little Town of Bethlehem." For a year it has been shown at colleges, churches, and more, as an attempt to paint Israel in a bad light. Jan and Joel try to deal with the facts and the real problems within the film. Tune in as it could be coming to your home town. www.loelstrumpet.com http://olivetreeradio.com/OTM2012_01_14A.mp3 Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Christian40 on January 18, 2012, 03:03:43 am Ok it says on her website:
Olive Tree Ministries is a registered 501©3 organization. http://www.olivetreeviews.org/contact/about/ What is the difference between a 501c3 Church and a 501c3 Ministry like Jan's? Would that make you stop listening to Jan? Plus do you know anything about these people? I have watched Dr. David Reagan before, the others i dont know. Board of Reference It is with thankful hearts we list our "Board of Reference." Each has allowed us to call on them for counsel and input on behalf of this ministry: Eric Barger Apologetics and more! Take a Stand! Ministry www.ericbarger.com Mike Gendron Apologetics, Discernment, Winning Catholics to Christ www.pro-gospel.org Dr. Thomas Ice Prophecy scholar, teacher, author and co-founder of Pre-Trib Research Center. www.pre-trib.org Bill Koenig Author, White House correspondent, head of Koenig's International News www.watch.org Tom Marsland Radio commentator/producer and ministry media advisor Roger Oakland Discernment ministry, author, conference speaker www.understandthetimes.org Dr. J. Randall Price Founder, World of the Bible Ministries Archaeologist, author, conference speaker, prophecy scholar www.worldofthebible.com Dr. David Reagan Lamb Lion Ministries www.Lamblion.com BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jan Markell, Founder/President John Wicklund, Chairman of the Board Eric Douma, Vice Chairman of the Board Donna Chrest Hedden, Secretary of the Board Marj Holsten Phil Marin Kerry Smith John Strybicki Heidi Swander Barbara Westmark http://www.olivetreeviews.org/contact/about/ Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on January 18, 2012, 08:03:59 am Here's my take on these 501c3 ministries...
No, not all of them are bad, however, there will come a time when things really start to get bad, and this is likely when the IRS/government will step in and give them an ultimatum - either they will submit to them and follow their orders, or make them give up everything they have. We will all find out the fruit of these ministries by then. Yes, some of these ministries I follow are 501c3s, and for now, they bear good fruit - DA Waite, Joe Schimmel, Chick Tracts(even Bryan and Scott use them), I believe Southwest Radio Ministries, Brannon House, Roger Oakland, just to name a few. Again, we're all going to find out very, very soon. As for churches that are in bed with the government NOW, I believe they're doing so voluntarily. For example, my previous church joined partnerships with secular institutions and the pastor preaches "Jesus and government" every year...I can honestly say my previous pastor is arrogant and money greedy(and part of an interfaith group), so I'm not surprised if indeed he's working with Homeland Security. It's not like the above ministries I mentioned is doing so, otherwise they wouldn't be doing all these end times watchmen reports. As for this 501c3 issue - RARELY do I hear ANY ministry talk about it, and for that matter too VERY few Christian MBs will bring it up. Scott and Bryan expose it, but don't recall others I listen to say anything about it. And one time a couple of years ago when I brought it up on an end times Christians message forum, I was greeted with alot of hostility(one poster went as far as saying it came from a conspiracy web site). Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Christian40 on January 19, 2012, 02:40:17 am Quote As for this 501c3 issue - RARELY do I hear ANY ministry talk about it, and for that matter too VERY few Christian MBs will bring it up. Scott and Bryan expose it, but don't recall others I listen to say anything about it. And one time a couple of years ago when I brought it up on an end times Christians message forum, I was greeted with alot of hostility(one poster went as far as saying it came from a conspiracy web site). Why should they get hostile? ::) Just shows that they had no defense. The 501c3 ministry government lists started in the 1960's i believe, was there any outcry then at the time? If not a generation has grown up to accept that 501c3 is ok. I hope you dont stop talking about the 501c3 ministries, it is very important that the government not interfere with the Lord Jesus's Church. Did the early Christians make deals with Pilate or Herod or Agrippa? Can you imagine what the Bible would be like if they had? Quote Yes, some of these ministries I follow are 501c3s, and for now, they bear good fruit - DA Waite, Joe Schimmel, Chick Tracts(even Bryan and Scott use them), I believe Southwest Radio Ministries, Brannon House, Roger Oakland, just to name a few. We will all have to give an account to the Lord about what we do. And the thing is these organizations know about 501c3 and continue in it or they get out of it while they can. Satan is very subtle in what he does. Do you think Satan would allow these ministries to preach excellent things on the condition of them submitting to a government? It is like submitting to a government is the major thing and once you compromise their then Satan has some degree of leverage to deceive others? Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on January 19, 2012, 09:46:40 pm ^^^
Yeah, exactly - without a doubt, they need to get out NOW, b/c if they decide to wait until the fan really hits the ceiling, it's gonna get more incredibly difficult to get out of this web. Sure, a 501c3 ministry will stand to lose alot if they do get out now, but again it's gonna get much worse when the going is really, really gonna get rough. Also, to throw this out there too, while I am very thankful these ministries are warning everyone of the Emergent Church deceptions, it's not like the EC alone has done all the damage over the last decade. Prior to the EC deceptions, there was the 501c3 bondage a half century earlier(and I believe Tony Compalo started the whole megachurch movement in the 70's). Then there was Wescott and Hort that preceded all this in the late 1800's. And to throw this out there too, before Christian Rock infiltrated churches, it's corrupt foundation came from secular rock music many years prior. And then throw out xmas, ishtar, which came out before Wescott and Hort. With pretty much anything, one needs to know the real root of the problem before truely exposing it. Like said, this is my main problem with many of the popular end times Christian message forums out there - there's alot of stuff they get offended talking about when it needs to be exposed. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on January 31, 2012, 05:21:28 am January 21, 2012 - Hour 1
Jan's guest is White House correspondent Bill Koenig who suggests that 2012 may be the most volatile year in recent memory. They discuss "Campaign 2012," the major scenarios in play, the White House-orchestrated Arab takeover of the Middle East by violent Islamics, the unprecedented toll on America from natural disasters, and much more. What are the implications of the new White House Chief-of-Staff who is Jewish? For more info on Bill and his "Koenig's Eye-View from the White House" e-newsletter, visit www.watch.org. We also highly recommend his book, "Eye to Eye: Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel." We are not carrying it right now but you can find it as his Web site. http://olivetreeradio.com/OTM2012_01_21A.mp3 January 28, 2012 - Hour 1 Jan's guest is Gary Kah. The two discuss the New Age/demonic agenda of all things 2012. Gary appears in the film, "2012: Prophecy or Panic?" The Bible says it is not for us to know the times and the seasons so we can dismiss any 2012 end-of-the-world talk but we cannot discount it. The dark side will try to score global points in this new year so we cannot drop out. Globalism continues to race. Gary names the topic global leaders to watch and some events. They also point to the global agenda of the "Occupy Wall Street" movement. Learn what "Awakened World 2012" is about. Find the DVD, "2012: Prophecy or Panic?" here. We're on the fast-track to a one-world system as predicted in the Bible. Learn more about Gary at www.garykah.org http://olivetreeradio.com/OTM2012_01_28A.mp3 Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on February 06, 2012, 06:03:55 am February 4, 2012 - Hour 1
Eric Barger is guest host, featuring apologist Ed Decker. What do you say when the cultists come to your door? And what about the millions of church attendees who are just trusting in their own righteousness for salvation? We are to be ready with an answer for everyone and Barger and Decker help you do that. Decker was a Mormon for many years and Barger was into the pop music scene before salvation. This program is designed to equip the saints. Find Decker's book, "Fast Facts on False Teachings," co-authored with Dr. Ron Carlson, here. Find more on Barger's apologetics at www.ericbarger.com. Decker can be reached at www.saintsalive.com http://olivetreeradio.com/OTM2012_02_04A.mp3 Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on February 17, 2012, 06:01:18 am February 11, 2012 - Hour 1
Jan talks to Mike Oppenheimer about the foolishness of Christian ministries trying to "save the planet." In some cases, they emphasize "saving trees" more than "saving souls" as the Bible commands us to do. One ministry says we can bring the earth back to Eden-like conditions when the Bible says it is decaying due to sin. But churches and entire denominations are on board with "green Christianity." Jan and Mike share how it is rooted in globalism, Socialism, and Marxism. There is no conclusive proof of global warming, yet evangelical organizations have been formed to emphasize the fact that there is. Oppenheimer offers a DVD on this topic found at his Web site: www.letusreason.org NOTE: We have provided an extended program to our electronic audience under the heading of hour 2. We call it a "Web Bonus." http://olivetreeradio.com/OTM2012_02_11A.mp3 February 11, 2012 - Hour 2 Web Bonus: This short continuation of the theme, "The Foolishness of Trying to "Save the Planet," is designed for our electronic audience. This segment was not aired on radio as it is an extra discussion with Oppenheimer for the Internet audience "only." Jan will occasionally do an extra segment just for the audience listening on the Web. For more information about Mike Oppenheimer, you can find it on his Web site. www.letusreason.org http://olivetreeradio.com/OTM2012_02_11B.mp3 Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on February 17, 2012, 07:51:05 am ^^^
Also, beware of those so-called "ministries" which put emphasis on TRAINING LEADERS of the "next generation". Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on February 27, 2012, 05:34:27 am The Coming Middle East Conflagration
17 February 2012 Listen Now! http://c4237997.r97.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_02_18A.mp3 Jan's guest is Dr. Mark Hitchc0ck, scholar, pastor, and author on prophecy and Middle East-related issues. They discuss America's role in the Middle East and prophecy, the Arab spring, The Psalm 83 war, the Isaiah 17 passage, Gog and Magog, and much, much more. There is a coming conflict in the Middle East that is imminent. Iran is striking out at Israel and Israel may be launching strikes against Iranian scientists within Iran. Where is this leading? When might this culminate in a catastrophe? And the wild card is what role America will play. We include an online bonus audio of 25 extra minutes for this program, above and beyond our radio broadcast. See below. To find Mark's book, go here. Mark is one of our "Understanding the Times 2012" speakers. To learn more, visit http://tinyurl.com/77ag93e Find our on line bonus audio in Hour 2 with Jan Markell and Dr Mark Hitchc0ck. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on February 27, 2012, 05:36:05 am How Theology Dismantled a Nation
24 February 2012 Listen Now! http://c4237997.r97.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_02_25.mp3 Jan's guest is author and evangelist Ray Comfort. In Ray's new book, "Hitler, God, and the Bible," he reveals how Adolph Hitler used the Bible to undermine a nation. Most Germans were members of a church, yet eventually they would have no trouble singing hymns as well as n@zi songs. They would swear oaths to Hitler and forget God. This was possible only because the church in that era was riddled with apostasy. Germans, therefore, looked to Hitler for divine truth, more than God. Germany had a "remnant church" led by Bonhoeffer, Niemoller, Barth, and others, and most, though not all, perished. Jan brings out elements of her own classic book, "Trapped in Hitler's Hell." Ray then makes a comparison of the n@zi Holocaust and the holocaust of babies today. He references his hit DVD, "180." Find Jan's book here. Today's apostasy-riddled church in the West should learn the lessons of the German church. Learn more at www.livingwaters.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on February 27, 2012, 07:57:55 am And you're seeing it in the modern-day church now - if anything, the "religious right" helped plant the seeds for this way back in the 80's. Now, it seems like the same so-called "evangelicals" that were consistent "Republican voters" are now leaning toward Obama's way.
For God shall send strong delusion... Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on March 08, 2012, 05:56:54 am So Jesus Lived in Occupied Territory?
03 March 2012 Listen Now! http://c4237997.r97.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_03_03.mp3 Jan hosts and talks to John McTernan about the shameful "Christ at the Checkpoint" conference going in in a few days in Bethlehem, Israel. According to this bunch of religious Left leaders, Jesus lived and ministered in "occupied territory." Israel has no right to the land and the Israelis are brutal occupiers who stole Arab land. Jan plays a half-dozen sound bytes of the attendees to show how radical they are and how out-of-balance -- and out of touch -- their conference is. Conference organizers say it is all about peace, justice, and reconciliation, but it is really about calling Israelis Nazis and calling Christian Zionists racists. Conference organizers include Tony Campolo, Lynne Hybels, Shane Clairborne, Vicar Stephen Sizer, and many more. Sizer is the most troubling as he is known to be a friend to terrorists and a bitter foe of Israel. www.johnmcternansinsights.blogspot.com Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Christian40 on March 10, 2012, 02:55:26 am How Theology Dismantled a Nation 24 February 2012 Listen Now! http://c4237997.r97.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_02_25.mp3 Jan's guest is author and evangelist Ray Comfort. In Ray's new book, "Hitler, God, and the Bible," he reveals how Adolph Hitler used the Bible to undermine a nation. Most Germans were members of a church, yet eventually they would have no trouble singing hymns as well as n@zi songs. They would swear oaths to Hitler and forget God. This was possible only because the church in that era was riddled with apostasy. Germans, therefore, looked to Hitler for divine truth, more than God. Germany had a "remnant church" led by Bonhoeffer, Niemoller, Barth, and others, and most, though not all, perished. Jan brings out elements of her own classic book, "Trapped in Hitler's Hell." Ray then makes a comparison of the n@zi Holocaust and the holocaust of babies today. He references his hit DVD, "180." Find Jan's book here. Today's apostasy-riddled church in the West should learn the lessons of the German church. Learn more at www.livingwaters.com. Hitler, God & the Bible "Ray Comfort is to be commended for this well-researched and well-written account." - Tim LaHaye (author of the Left Behind Series) FOREWORD by Tim LaHaye. (Hardcover, 180 pages) In Hitler, God, and the Bible, international evangelist and best-selling author Ray Comfort, exposes Adolf Hitler's theology and abuse of religion as a means to seize political power and ultimately instigate World War II and genocide. This fascinating study mines the depths of Hitler's beliefs and convincingly argues that without Hitler's misuse of Christianity, the Third Reich would not have had its legendary rise, resulting in the deaths of more than ten million innocents. Highlighting Hitler's youth, his influences, and his path to seducing a nation, Hitler, God, and the Bible is a fresh, stinging reminder of the power of the cross and how its misuse led to the Final Solution. http://www.livingwaters.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&category_id=7&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=673&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=199&lang=en Ray Comfort is connected with Tim Lahaye, is anyone connecting the dots here? Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on March 26, 2012, 06:00:18 am The Wycliffe Bible Translation Controversy 10 March 2012
Listen Now! http://c4237997.r97.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_03_10.mp3 Jan interviews a number of guests with her co-hosts Eric Barger and Jill Martin Rische. The topic is the Wycliffe Bible translation controversy. Is there now a Muslim-friendly Bible? Wycliffe is accused by missionaries and other critics of defending something deceptive. Jan talks to Wycliffe VP Russ Herssman in the first half hour but also some critics. They include Georges Housnney of Biblical Missiology and David Irvine who pulled out of Wycliffe over the issue of removing "Son" and "Father" in the Bible. A third guest is Emily Belz of World Magazine who has provided cutting-edge information on this story. Are the accusations off-base or have some actions been taken that are in the best interest of Muslims? Has postmodern, Emergent influence now entered the world of para-church ministry? Other organizations in the effort are Summer Institute of Linguistics and Frontiers. To sign a petition against these actions, visit www.biblicalmissiology.org For info written by Emily Belz, visit www.worldmag.com To reach co-host Eric Barger, visit www.ericbarger.com To reach co-host Jill Martin Rische, visit www.waltermartin.com To read Wycliffe's response, go to www.wycliffe.org. AUDIO WEB BONUS Web Bonus on The Wycliffe Bible Translation Controversy 10 March 2012 Listen Now! http://c4237997.r97.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_03_10WB.mp3 This is the web bonus material that was not heard on radio. The discussion continues with interviews with Emily Belz of World Magazine and missionary David Irvine. The topic is the Wycliffe Bible translation controversy. Is there now a Muslim-friendly Bible? Wycliffe is accused by missionaries and other critics of defending something deceptive. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on March 26, 2012, 06:01:16 am Temporal Delusion: Is the Church Destined to be Raptured or to Reign Supreme?
17 March 2012 Listen Now! http://c4237997.r97.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_03_17.mp3 Jan hosts and talks to guest T.A. (Tom) McMahon about his book, "Temporal Delusion: Is the Church Destined to be Raptured or to Reign Supreme?" At this very moment, millions of professing Christians are joining with millions of other "believers" to promote peace and reconciliation across the country and around the globe. These pragmatic churches and organizations are uniting for the ecumenical "common good" to eliminate poverty, eradicate disease, and save the earth from political and environmental disaster -- all in the name of advancing "God's kingdom on earth." But are all of these good works derived from a biblical blueprint for humanity? Or are these well-meaning workers building a house on foundations of sand? Your church may very well be among them. Olive Tree carries the book and it is found here. For more info on McMahon, visit www.thebereancall.org. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on March 26, 2012, 06:01:44 am Preventing a Second Holocaust and Mystical Madness
24 March 2012 Listen Now! http://c4237997.r97.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_03_24.mp3 Jan's first guest is White House correspondent Bill Koenig. Koenig feels the spring, summer, and fall ahead will feature global disruption and confusion. Their topics include Israel's Iran burden, Obama and Israel, Campaign 2012, and much more. Jan's second guest is Pastor Gary Gilley. The topic is "Spiritual Formation." What is it and why is it unbiblical and dangerous? Who are the leaders of this unsound movement? It is mystical and presents ways to get closer to God that are ungodly! Yet many churches today have a Director of Spiritual Formation. Do they even know what they represent? Koenig was a speaker at Understanding the Times 2011 and again this October. www.watch.org and www.SVchapel.org Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on March 26, 2012, 11:24:41 am ^^
No, I don't think Jan is working for the forces of darkness, however, some of these ministries should know better in terms of which guests they should bring in. While Tim LaHaye's pre-trib beliefs don't bother me, it's his other stuff that raises red flags(ie-CNP member, connections to the "moral majority", occult symbols on his books, etc). As for Ray Comfort, I like some of his stuff, including a few of his techniques how he witnesses to others, but with that being said, at the same time, the way he witnesses to others just doesn't sit right with me, for some reason. Can't explain it, but it doesn't. He comes off more as someone who's an actor on Broadway shows. Also, Kirk Cameron raises red flags as well - for someone who was a former Hollywood "star", he's seemed to continue to be in the popular spotlight for someone who's born again and should be drawn away from "of the world". When Kirk become born again, it was as if he was thrust back into the movie industry spotlight with these "Left Behind" movies, while other former Hollywood stars who became born again left the scene and were not heard of again. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on April 27, 2012, 05:58:13 am Will the Emergent Church Submerge Yours?
31 March 2012 Listen Now! http://c4237997.r97.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_03_31.mp3 Jan's guest is Pastor Joseph Schimmel, producer of the cutting-edge new film, "The Submerging Church: How the Emerging Church is Drawing Multitudes Away from Biblical Christianity." The two consider many of the tentacles of this movement: Their sick doctrine of Hell, their mystical side, their Islamic sympathies, their view of eschatology, their uniting with evil, and much more. Jan plays seven revealing sound bytes of their leaders who consistently espouse heretical statements. The Emergent Church could submerge yours so you need this info! They also expose the Emergent's poster boy: Bono. Schimmel reveals Bono's sympathies for Alester Crowley, a renowned though deceased Satanist. In the audio Web bonus (see below), Jan and Joe discuss how all things "Purpose-Driven" relate to the Emergent Church. The discussion focuses on Rick Warren's PEACE Plan and on his "Daniel Plan" of 2011. Why would Warren want to unite with a movement that consistently blasphemes God? You can order the 4-hour DVD here. Learn more at www.goodfight.org There is a 30 minute web audio bonus that continues this session. Listed below Will the Emergent Church Submerge Yours? 31 March 2012 Listen Now! Audio Web Bonus http://c4237997.r97.cf2.rackcdn.com/WB_20120331-JSchimmel%201.mp3 Jan and Joseph Schimmel continue their discussion in this bonus for our electronic audience. How do all things "Purpose-Driven" blend with the Emergent movement? Why would a man called "America's pastor" even want to associate with the heretical statements coming from this crowd? They also re-visit the Hell issue in light of a stunning statement by Doug Pagitt on Hell played in a sound byte. This segment is 30 minutes in length. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on April 27, 2012, 05:58:46 am You Really Can Understand the Book of Revelation
07 April 2012 Listen Now! http://c4237997.r97.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_04_07.mp3 Jan talks to Pastor Skip Heitzig about his book, You Can Understand the Book of Revelation. If you want to understand the present and future, you can't ignore Revelation! The book and this program will give you a deeper appreciation for the majesty and power of Jesus; will help you know what God says about the last days; will assist you in discovering how God's plans for the future apply to you right now; and will help you be ready for Christ's return! The book of Revelation has a message for you! For everyone. And it is not all gloom and doom. Learn some of the good news found in that book as well as the last days' warnings. Visit our Web site here for Heitzig's book. Learn more at www.skipheitzig.com Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on April 27, 2012, 05:59:13 am Exalting the Cross in the Gathering Darkness
14 April 2012 Listen Now! http://c4237997.r97.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_04_14.mp3 Jan talks to Dr. Erwin Lutzer about the gathering darkness. Will we still exalt the cross as things get difficult? The church today is hopping on some bandwagons such as environmentalism, pop psychology, and even political activism when it needs to be shining a beacon of truth amidst the gathering storm. Jan is drawing heavily from Lutzer's book, "When a Nation Forgets God: 7 Lessons We Must Learn from Nazi Germany" which you can order here. Then Jan gives commentary on the new blockbuster film, "The Hunger Games"; the Muslim Brotherhood being welcomed into the White House; Holocaust Remembrance Day which is coming up; and Jerusalem being wiped off the Israeli map by our State Department. An ominous sound byte is played of a reporter grilling a State Department rep who will not own up to this. What does this mean for America in light of Genesis 12:3? www.moodychurch.org Find Jan's uplifting book about the Holocaust here. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on April 27, 2012, 06:00:04 am The Harbinger: Is This America's Final Warning?
21 April 2012 Listen Now! http://c4237997.r97.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_04_21.mp3 Jan's guest is Jonathan Cahn. The two discuss his book and film, "Harbinger." Is this America's final warning or just a fictional narration? He relates what he feels are parallels between ancient Israel and America, explaining America is not a chosen nation such as Israel. As Israel was warned but ignored the warnings, he feels America is doing the same. There are nine parallel harbingers. They key verse is Isaiah 9:10 which was quoted by America's leaders following 9/11. These same words were spoken by Israel in defiance to God. The Harbinger phenomenon has its critics and supporters so you have to weigh it for yourselves. Because of the extensive information, you can hear the extended information in the Web audio bonus below. The book is now in film form: "The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment." Olive Tree is not carrying either one at this time. Learn more at www.theharbinger-Jonathancahn.com. There is a web bonus for this interview where Jan continues this discussion with Jonathan Cahn. Look for it below this interview in the archive listing. The Harbinger: Is This America's Final Warning? 21 April 2012 Listen Now! http://c4237997.r97.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_04_21Web%20Bonus-Harbinger_01.mp3 AUDIO WEB BONUS Cahn explains the financial collapse in America and the world in this segment and other issues that we could not cover in our radio program. Hope for America is offered and the encouragement that we be salt and light while there is still time. We offer all of this interview as information to think and pray about. We are not suggesting that this is a definite word from God but we do ask, "What if Jonathan Cahn is right?" Could this be America's final warning? Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on May 12, 2012, 08:42:25 pm http://www.oneplace.com/ministries/understanding-the-times/listen/the-churchs-missing-agenda-277704.html
The Church's Missing Agenda Saturday, May 12, 2012 Radio producer Larry Kutzler is guest host and on Israel's Independence Day--May 14-- talks to two Jewish believers about the church's missing agenda: Israel. The church today either ignores the topic or mishandles it by twisting Scripture. Could the church today be less dysfunctional if they did not abuse or ignore "the apple of God's eye?" All three men are pastors and offer great insight into the dilemma. Audio: http://www.oneplace.com/ministries/understanding-the-times/listen/the-churchs-missing-agenda-277704.html#Download Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on July 02, 2012, 06:24:18 am Defending the Faith -- The Top 10 Creation/Evolution Issues
19 May 2012 Listen Now! http://c4237997.r97.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_05_19.mp3 Eric Barger sits in for Jan and discusses science-related issues with Jay Seegert. Before Jesus was Savior, He was Creator, so why are science-related issues and the book of Genesis not discussed more frequently? Many churches just allegorize Genesis as well as Revelation. Eric and Jay then discuss the top 10 questions concerning the creation-evolution debate. You don't want to miss this as your own questions will be among them. For more info, visit www.cecwisc.com and www.ericbarger.com. Olive Tree Ministries carries several products produced by Eric Barger found in our store at www.olivetreeviews.org. How Theology Dismantled a Nation 26 May 2012 Listen Now! http://c4237997.r97.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_05_26.mp3 Jan's guest is author and evangelist Ray Comfort. In Ray's new book, "Hitler, God, and the Bible," he reveals how Adolph Hitler used the Bible to undermine a nation. Most Germans were members of a church, yet eventually they would have no trouble singing hymns as well as Nazi songs. They would swear oaths to Hitler and forget God. This was possible only because the church in that era was riddled with apostasy. Germans, therefore, looked to Hitler for divine truth, more than God. Germany had a "remnant church" led by Bonhoeffer, Niemoller, Barth, and others, and most, though not all, perished. Jan brings out elements of her own classic book, "Trapped in Hitler's Hell." Ray then makes a comparison of the Nazi Holocaust and the holocaust of babies today. He references his hit DVD, "180." Find Jan's book here. Today's apostasy-riddled church in the West should learn the lessons of the German church. Learn more at www.livingwaters.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on July 02, 2012, 06:29:32 am The Progressive Agenda: Is It All-Out War?
02 June 2012 Listen Now! http://c4237997.r97.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_06_02.mp3 Jan's guest is Dr. Michael Coffman. The two discuss his new book, "Plundered: How Progressive Ideology Is Destroying America." If you want to know what's happened to America politically and ideologically, this info is for you! Progressivism is on overdrive now in Washington, and it's in both parties. What can Christians do about it? Progressives feel only government can solve problems. They are well-intentioned but fallen mankind cannot make progressive ideas work. This is vital info as we head to America's November election. We carry Coffman's book here. To learn more about Coffman, visit www.epi-us.com. The Impending Financial Collapse in Light of End-Time Prophecy 09 June 2012 Listen Now! http://c4237997.r97.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_06_09.mp3 Jan's guest is Christian economist John Terry. There appears to be global economic financial collapse in sight so how does Bible prophecy play into this? Europe is struggling for its very survival. America shivers in Europe's shadow. Global debt will probably be the primary issue the Antichrist uses to unify the planet and win friends! He'll wipe all debt away. Economic issues are also shaping America's Fall election as revealed by nearly every poll. Jan and John remind listeners that God is in control and that Christians have an opportunity to shine in this darkness. Terry offers other tips and insights to help you understand economic issues today. www.revelationfiles.com. When Contending Becomes Cantankerous 16 June 2012 Listen Now! http://c4237997.r97.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_06_16.mp3 Jan and her guests, Eric Barger and Jill Martin Rische (daughter of the late Dr. Walter Martin) have an in-studio discussion: All three head "discernment ministries" yet they are troubled by all the sniping, bad-mouthing, character assassinations, and general lack of love being shown. So just how do evangelicals confront doctrinal error? And what is "secondary separation?" Can Christians ever share a platform with one who is known to have serious false doctrine? Are some outfits just being Pharisaical and becoming known for what they attack more than what they build up? These are tough questions because we must "contend for the faith." Apostasy does reign and we cannot always be silent. Can we contend in love or must contending be cantankerous? www.ericbarger.com www.waltermartin.com The Emerging New Christianity 23 June 2012 Listen Now! http://c4237997.r97.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_06_23.mp3 Jan's guest is Caryl Matrisciana who introduces volume 2 of her film series "Wide is the Gate: The Emerging New Christianity." This second volume in her series gives an urgent warning and calls for a return to the faith once-for-all delivered to the saints. A plethora of topics are discussed, including the decline of traditional Evangelicalism; Christian environmentalism; Emergent Christianity; Catholicism; Calvinism; unsound eschatology; contemplative/mystical influences on the Church; Dominion/Kingdom Now Theology; Rick Warren's PEACE Plan; the social gospel; Christian Palestinianism, and much, much more. Caryl's guests in this DVD include Jason Carlson, Mike Gendron, Jan Markell, Johanna Michaelsen, Warren Smith, Paul Wilkinson, Ray Yungen, Chris Quintana, Eric Barger and more. You can purchase the 4-hour DVD in our store here. We offer it at a 25% off retail introductory price. Learn more at www.caryltv.com Answering the Cultists at your Door 30 June 2012 Listen Now! http://c4237997.r97.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_06_30.mp3 Eric Barger is guest host, featuring apologist Ed Decker. What do you say when the cultists come to your door? And what about the millions of church attendees who are just trusting in their own righteousness for salvation? We are to be ready with an answer for everyone and Barger and Decker help you do that. Decker was a Mormon for many years and Barger was into the pop music scene before salvation. This program is designed to equip the saints. Find Decker's book, "Fast Facts on False Teachings," co-authored with Dr. Ron Carlson, here. We also carry Decker's book on Mormonism here. Find more on Barger's apologetics at www.ericbarger.com. Decker can be reached at www.saintsalive.com Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on July 19, 2012, 06:29:52 am Delaying the Decay of our Nation
07 July 2012 Listen Now! http://c4237997.r97.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_07_07.mp3 Jan's guest is Dr. Robert Jeffress, author of the book, "Twilight's Last Gleaming: How America's Last Days Can Be Your Best Days." Jeffress, pastor of the First Baptist Church in Dallas, has been outspoken on election issues. He has not given up on America and believes Christians are here to delay the decay of the nation. He has been outspoken on the presidential candidates and remains so in this interview. Many Christians feel themselves to be in a dilemma having to choose between two less-than-stellar candidates this Fall. Then Jan gets a further election update from White House correspondent Bill Koenig. Bill comments on some current events as well. We carry Jeffress' book and it can be found here. For further info on Jeffress, visit www.ptv.org. For Koenig, visit www.watch.org. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on July 19, 2012, 06:31:05 am The Harbinger: For Such a Time as This?
14 July 2012 Listen Now! http://c4237997.r97.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_07_14.mp3 Jan's guest is Jonathan Cahn who answers some of the questions his critics are hurling. Cahn states that it was his intent to write a message emphasizing repentance, salvation, and the restoration of America to God's grace. He states no ministry leader has reached out to him before the accusations began, nor have most read the book "The Harbinger" or viewed the DVD, "The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment". Joseph Farah also weighs in as producer of the film. Cahn feels information is being twisted and distorted with extensive guilt by association. Jan and her radio team spend 1 hour 40 minutes asking him questions that are flying around the Internet. Just a small sampling of the issues include his connection to the New Apostolic Reformation, Sid Roth, Glenn Beck, the Jewish Kabalah and Zohar, his eschatology, his belief about Dominionism, Replacement Theology, his publisher, and much, much more. In spite of this, the book and DVD sales are only soaring. Cahn's concern is, nonetheless, that some could be turned away from the story and thus not come to repentance and salvation. We sell the DVD and it is found here. Because one radio person suggested Cahn is a false prophet and in the Bible they were stoned, Cahn's wife now fears for the safety of her husband and two very small children. Is this where the apologetics and discernment community want to go? Jan has co-hosts participating. They can be reached at www.waltermartin.com and www.ericbarger.com Cahn can be reached at www.theharbinger-jonathancahn.com We go an extra 40 minutes in the questioning in the Web bonus which can be accessed below. The Harbinger: For Such a Time as This? Web Bonus 14 July 2012 Listen Now! http://c4237997.r97.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_07_14_WB.mp3 Web Bonus Jan and her co-hosts Eric Barger, Jill Martin Rische, and Larry Kutzler continue questioning Jonathan Cahn on important issues and accusations flying around the Internet and on radio. Another 40 minutes are taken to clarify some of what seems to be confusing to some. The radio team also asks why not one critic would reach out and contact Cahn before the criticisms and accusations began? Cahn made many attempts to reach those accusing him of many false theologies and associations. In most instances -- although not all -- the accusers would not even respond to his calls or emails. Whether one appreciates "The Harbinger" or not, this ministry is asking if the manner in which a near lynching has been going on is Christ-like and in the manner suggested in the Bible as it concerns contending for the faith? When Cahn is accused of occultic involvement when he teaches against it, has the discernment community pushed too far? Are they then just shrill accusers of the brethren? We recommend you get the DVD, "The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment" here and decide for yourself. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on July 19, 2012, 10:44:13 am The Harbinger: For Such a Time as This? 14 July 2012 Listen Now! http://c4237997.r97.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_07_14.mp3 Jan's guest is Jonathan Cahn who answers some of the questions his critics are hurling. Cahn states that it was his intent to write a message emphasizing repentance, salvation, and the restoration of America to God's grace. He states no ministry leader has reached out to him before the accusations began, nor have most read the book "The Harbinger" or viewed the DVD, "The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment". Joseph Farah also weighs in as producer of the film. Cahn feels information is being twisted and distorted with extensive guilt by association. Jan and her radio team spend 1 hour 40 minutes asking him questions that are flying around the Internet. Just a small sampling of the issues include his connection to the New Apostolic Reformation, Sid Roth, Glenn Beck, the Jewish Kabalah and Zohar, his eschatology, his belief about Dominionism, Replacement Theology, his publisher, and much, much more. In spite of this, the book and DVD sales are only soaring. Cahn's concern is, nonetheless, that some could be turned away from the story and thus not come to repentance and salvation. We sell the DVD and it is found here. Because one radio person suggested Cahn is a false prophet and in the Bible they were stoned, Cahn's wife now fears for the safety of her husband and two very small children. Is this where the apologetics and discernment community want to go? Jan has co-hosts participating. They can be reached at www.waltermartin.com and www.ericbarger.com Cahn can be reached at www.theharbinger-jonathancahn.com We go an extra 40 minutes in the questioning in the Web bonus which can be accessed below. But that was Old Testament law - in the New Testament salvation by grace, Jesus Christ said to let them alone. Not trying to debate whether or not Cahn is a false prophet, but saying with ANY false prophet/teacher under the NT salvation by grace... Mat 15:12 Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying? Mat 15:13 But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up. Mat 15:14 Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. So Cahn(or any other false prophet) has nothing to fear. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on July 19, 2012, 11:08:19 am But that was Old Testament law - in the New Testament salvation by grace, Jesus Christ said to let them alone. Not trying to debate whether or not Cahn is a false prophet, but saying with ANY false prophet/teacher under the NT salvation by grace... Mat 15:12 Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying? Mat 15:13 But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up. Mat 15:14 Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. So Cahn(or any other false prophet) has nothing to fear. He is a Rabbi in a Jewish neighborhood Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on August 06, 2012, 05:41:15 pm Joel Rosenberg: Message from "Understanding the Times 2011 21 July 2012
Listen Now! http://c4237997.r97.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_07_21.mp3 We play Joel Rosenberg's Saturday message from "Understanding the Times 2011" held last October. We had 8,000 in attendance over two days from across the country as well as Australia and other locations abroad. Enjoy our full line-up of speakers who also included Dr. Mark Hitchcock and others on CD or DVD found here. We have a short video of speaker highlights found there as well. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on August 06, 2012, 05:41:39 pm The Apocalyptic Middle East 28 July 2012
Listen Now! http://c4237997.r97.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_07_28.mp3 Jan and her guest, author and commentator Bill Salus, discuss the apocalyptic turn in the Middle East. The Arab spring has been nothing but a set-up for various end-time wars the Bible outlines. The two discuss what Salus perceives to be the Psalms 83 war, the Isaiah 17 disaster with Damascus, and the Gog-Magog conflict. Both believe all scenarios are imminent. Syria is falling into the hands of extremists as she maneuvers her chemical weapons around. Both Syria and Iran are threatening Israel with weapons of mass destruction. We are in those perilous times. This ministry sells Salus' book, "Revelation Road: Hope Beyond the Horizon." It is found here. Learn more about Salus at www.prophecydepot.com Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on August 06, 2012, 05:42:13 pm Waiting for a Miracle 04 August 2012
Listen Now! http://c4237997.r97.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_08_04.mp3 Jan Markell is the guest this hour as the guest hosts, Eric Barger, Jill Martin Rische, and Larry Kutzler, ask her about her life and ministry. She relates how she found salvation in a Messianic home as a child, how she detoured into and out of the world of the occult, her start and life in ministry, and her struggle with chronic illness. During her 21 year battle with the "chronic fatigue syndrome," she wrote her classic book, "Waiting for a Miracle," which we carry here. Two of her other books can be found at that link. Her other five books are now out of print. http://www.olivetreeviews.org/books-by-jan?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=3&category_id=1 Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on August 13, 2012, 07:29:02 am Update: Impending Financial Collapse in Light of End-Time Prophecy 11 August 2012
Listen Now! http://c4237997.r97.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_08_11.mp3 Jan spends the first segment discussing current economic issues with Christian economist John Terry. This is an updated report from his June radio visit. Jan and John go over several financial scenarios that will affect you but they also consider them from a biblical perspective. There is much on the economic scene that is bleak and heading into the realm of global currency. Can we see this from a biblical perspective and not let it get to us? Hardly any world leader is governing properly and a one-world scenario is building. In the final segment, Jan talks about that pesky little burdensome stone again: Jerusalem. She's an offense to the world, but God has big plans for that city! Find contact information for John Terry at www.revelationfiles.com Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on September 01, 2012, 10:41:34 am Will the Emergent Church Submerge Yours? 18 August 2012
Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_08_18.mp3 Jan's guest is Pastor Joseph Schimmel, producer of the cutting-edge new film, "The Submerging Church: How the Emerging Church is Drawing Multitudes Away from Biblical Christianity." The two consider many of the tentacles of this movement: Their sick doctrine of Hell, their mystical side, their Islamic sympathies, their view of eschatology, their uniting with evil, and much more. Jan plays seven revealing sound bytes of their leaders who consistently espouse heretical statements. The Emergent Church could submerge yours so you need this info! They also expose the Emergent's poster boy: Bono. Schimmel reveals Bono's sympathies for Alester Crowley, a renowned though deceased Satanist. In the audio Web bonus (see below), Jan and Joe discuss how all things "Purpose-Driven" relate to the Emergent Church. The discussion focuses on Rick Warren's PEACE Plan and on his "Daniel Plan" of 2011. Why would Warren want to unite with a movement that consistently blasphemes God? You can order the 3-4 hour DVD here. For more info on Schimmel, visit www.goodfight.org. Will the Emergent Church Submerge Yours? 18 August 2012 Listen Now! AUDIO WEB BONUS: http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/WB_20120818.mp3 Jan Markell and Joseph Schimmel continue their discussion in this bonus for our electronic audience. How do all things "Purpose-Driven" blend with the Emergent movement? Why would a man called "America's pastor" even want to associate with the heretical statements coming from this crowd? They also re-visit the Hell issue in light of a stunning statement by Doug Pagitt on Hell played in a sound byte. This segment is 30 minutes in length. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on September 01, 2012, 10:42:36 am Wycliffe Translation Controversy 25 August 2012
Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_08_25.mp3 Jan interviews a number of guests with her co-hosts Eric Barger and Jill Martin Rische. The topic is the Wycliffe Bible translation controversy. Is there now a Muslim-friendly Bible? Wycliffe is accused by missionaries and other critics of defending something deceptive. Jan talks to Wycliffe VP Russ Herssman in the first half hour but also some critics. They include Georges Housnney of Biblical Missiology and David Irvine who pulled out of Wycliffe over the issue of removing "Son" and "Father" in the Bible. A third guest is Emily Belz of World Magazine who has provided cutting-edge information on this story. Are the accusations off-base or have some actions been taken that are in the best interest of Muslims? Has postmodern, Emergent influence now entered the world of para-church ministry? Other organizations in the effort are Summer Institute of Linguistics and Frontiers. Find Eric Barger's booklet on "Islam and the Church" here. Find Eric Barger at www.ericbarger.com and Jill Martin Rische at www.waltermartin.com More information can be found at www.biblicalmissiology.org. Wycliffe Translation Controversy 25 August 2012 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_08_25%20WB.mp3 This is the web bonus material that was not heard on radio. The discussion continues with interviews with Emily Belz of World Magazine and missionary David Irvine. The topic is the Wycliffe Bible translation controversy. Is there now a Muslim-friendly Bible? Wycliffe is accused by missionaries and other critics of defending something deceptive. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on September 01, 2012, 10:43:07 am How Progressive Ideology is Destroying America 01 September 2012
Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_09_01.mp3 Jan's guest is Dr. Michael Coffman. The two discuss his new book, "Plundered: How Progressive Ideology Is Destroying America." If you want to know what's happened to America politically and ideologically, this info is for you! Progressivism is on overdrive now in Washington, and it's in both parties. What can Christians do about it? Progressives feel only government can solve problems. They are well-intentioned but fallen mankind cannot make progressive ideas work. This is vital info as we head to America's November election. We carry Coffman's book here. To learn more about Coffman, visit www.epi-us.com Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on September 01, 2012, 03:09:33 pm How Progressive Ideology is Destroying America 01 September 2012 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_09_01.mp3 Jan's guest is Dr. Michael Coffman. The two discuss his new book, "Plundered: How Progressive Ideology Is Destroying America." If you want to know what's happened to America politically and ideologically, this info is for you! Progressivism is on overdrive now in Washington, and it's in both parties. What can Christians do about it? Progressives feel only government can solve problems. They are well-intentioned but fallen mankind cannot make progressive ideas work. This is vital info as we head to America's November election. We carry Coffman's book here. To learn more about Coffman, visit www.epi-us.com While this guy seems to be very aware of the progressives agenda in BOTH "parties", and obviously the fake left/right paradigm, ultimately he ends up getting into the same trap as a number of others do...he ends up thinking that b/c Romney is a 1/2 step(and a small one at that) better than Obama, he would end up doing miles better for this country, especially if the House and Senate take control with Christian and conservative Congressman and Senators, so that way they will keep Romney on even keel and ultimately help deliver us out of this mess. For one - a number of Christian and true conservative Congressman/Senators getting elected to take control of Congress? Nuh-uh...when Bush II was President, EVERY Republican on Capitol Hill voted to authorize force on Iraq. The last 2 years when Obama was President, the Repubs have had control of the House by a wide margin, but have they been able to keep Obama in check? NO! Or how about when Clinton was President and Republicans controlled both the House and Senate? Didn't they pass a number of pro-NWO bills that loosened regulations on banks, which is why banks are really running recklessly now?(ie-Paul Ryan played his part then) Or was he aware of the (intentional)friction going on at the RNC this week b/w mainline Republicans and Ron Paul Republicans b/c of some blatant cheating? Pt being that the Illuminati controls 90% of Congress(and the President is a puppet on a string) - surprised he didn't know it(or forgot about it) after he clearly stated the small minority progressives control all of the agendas. Either way - $16t national debt, 4 straight years of $1t deficits, $100t debt if you include SS/Medicare, $600t derivatives time bomb, and throw in Europe and their massive debt crisis. Doesn't matter who'll be President, b/c this country is toast already. The borrower is a slave to the lender... Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on September 01, 2012, 03:12:03 pm Will the Emergent Church Submerge Yours? 18 August 2012 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_08_18.mp3 Jan's guest is Pastor Joseph Schimmel, producer of the cutting-edge new film, "The Submerging Church: How the Emerging Church is Drawing Multitudes Away from Biblical Christianity." The two consider many of the tentacles of this movement: Their sick doctrine of Hell, their mystical side, their Islamic sympathies, their view of eschatology, their uniting with evil, and much more. Jan plays seven revealing sound bytes of their leaders who consistently espouse heretical statements. The Emergent Church could submerge yours so you need this info! They also expose the Emergent's poster boy: Bono. Schimmel reveals Bono's sympathies for Alester Crowley, a renowned though deceased Satanist. In the audio Web bonus (see below), Jan and Joe discuss how all things "Purpose-Driven" relate to the Emergent Church. The discussion focuses on Rick Warren's PEACE Plan and on his "Daniel Plan" of 2011. Why would Warren want to unite with a movement that consistently blasphemes God? You can order the 3-4 hour DVD here. For more info on Schimmel, visit www.goodfight.org. Will the Emergent Church Submerge Yours? 18 August 2012 Listen Now! AUDIO WEB BONUS: http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/WB_20120818.mp3 Jan Markell and Joseph Schimmel continue their discussion in this bonus for our electronic audience. How do all things "Purpose-Driven" blend with the Emergent movement? Why would a man called "America's pastor" even want to associate with the heretical statements coming from this crowd? They also re-visit the Hell issue in light of a stunning statement by Doug Pagitt on Hell played in a sound byte. This segment is 30 minutes in length. Excellent broadcast! Yeah, who would have thought that in today's day and age we're living in, that the modern-day "church" has turned into a secular party house? Or the pastors of today would look nothing more than the average frat member? Never would have imagined it when I was a boy in the 80's. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on September 01, 2012, 04:24:54 pm Excellent broadcast! Yeah, who would have thought that in today's day and age we're living in, that the modern-day "church" has turned into a secular party house? Or the pastors of today would look nothing more than the average frat member? Never would have imagined it when I was a boy in the 80's. AGREE... some good info here, have to find that DVD online and check it out. some more info: http://endtimesandcurrentevents.freesmfhosting.com/index.php/topic,7200.0.html Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on September 01, 2012, 06:51:36 pm AGREE... some good info here, have to find that DVD online and check it out. some more info: http://endtimesandcurrentevents.freesmfhosting.com/index.php/topic,7200.0.html Eventually(and hopefully), this DVD makes its way to youtube(where we can watch it for free) - Schimmel has made some other excellent DVD presentations on rock music/hollywood deceptions, exposing the new age movement, etc. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on September 03, 2012, 04:25:37 pm Update: Impending Financial Collapse in Light of End-Time Prophecy 11 August 2012 Listen Now! http://c4237997.r97.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_08_11.mp3 Jan spends the first segment discussing current economic issues with Christian economist John Terry. This is an updated report from his June radio visit. Jan and John go over several financial scenarios that will affect you but they also consider them from a biblical perspective. There is much on the economic scene that is bleak and heading into the realm of global currency. Can we see this from a biblical perspective and not let it get to us? Hardly any world leader is governing properly and a one-world scenario is building. In the final segment, Jan talks about that pesky little burdensome stone again: Jerusalem. She's an offense to the world, but God has big plans for that city! Find contact information for John Terry at www.revelationfiles.com Some of these discernment/watchmen ministries really need to be careful, in terms of even giving Romney a mere passing endorsement(like Markell's guest Terry did). If anything, they themselves need to use some discernment when evaluating alot of these people like Romney COMPLETELY, and NOT fall into this "But history shows Republicans do well for the economy, and Democrats don't" trap. And then they'll even go as far as saying how if Christian and conservative Congressmen/Senators are elected, then they could keep Romney in check. Uhm, NO - it's ONLY the Holy Spirit that can work in the hearts of men. Does anyone remember Pharoah in the OT, and how his heart was hardened(and the Lord warned Moses about it)? Or how about the Pharisees in the NT? Did Jesus and the Apostles change their hearts? People like Romney, Obama, well...yes, we should pray for them that they repent, but I think it's suffice to say both are probably modern-day Pharoahs/Pharisees. With that being said, Romney has been a life-long pro-choice, pro-gay rights, pro-big govenment, etc, type of guy, who also invested in a company that did work with fetals that came from abortions(ie-Bain). As a matter of fact, he played a big role in it. Sorry, but the Lord just can NOT bless this country who's President was involved with this, so don't give us this "But our economy will be good, and Christians and conservatives will keep him in line" nonsense. And besides, our national debt is at $16t...this country needs to repent and turn to the Lord Jesus... Ye cannot serve 2 masters... The borrower is a slave to the lender... Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on September 27, 2012, 05:37:32 am It's Later Than It's Ever Been
08 September 2012 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_09_08.mp3 Jan's guest is Dr. Mark Hitchcock, one of our "Understanding the Times 2012" speakers. Jan and Mark discuss many topics related to the end-of-days. What are the key "signs of the times"? The two conclude that it is later than it has ever been! Every sign is on overdrive. There is also discussion on the pulpit silence on end-of-days' issues. The topic is intentionally put down, diminished, or even mocked. They discuss the current tensions between Iran and Israel. Israel cannot wait much longer. Learn more at www.mlhitchcock.com. To find Hitchcock's new book, "The End," visit this link. http://www.olivetreeviews.org/products-from-other-ministries?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=94&category_id=4 The Consequences of Voting God Out of a Nation 15 September 2012 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTN2012_09_15.mp3 Jan's first guest is White House correspondent Bill Koenig. There are consequences when one entire political party rejects God and votes Him out of authority in America! Bill and Jan discuss that sorry state as well as general election issues. The Jewish vote could decide the 2012 election so which way will they go when one candidate is openly hostile to the Jewish state? Then Walid Shoebat joins Jan to discuss the National Security Five: Rep. Michele Bachmann and four others have sought to expose the Muslim Brotherhood and have paid a dear price for this. Yet the current administration welcomes the Muslim Brotherhood into the White House and has just authorized that they should receive $1.5 billion in aid. This aid will be turned against Israel and America. As we see the Middle East once again go up in flames, why are we supporting the terrorists who wish to kill us? For more info visit www.watch.org and www.shoebat.com God Calling: Is America Listening? 22 September 2012 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_09_22.mp3 Jan's first guest is Dr. Erwin Lutzer who suggests that God may be at a tipping point with America -- a point where He says "enough." Could God be calling Christians into times we have never known? Lutzer has just returned from Washington where he learned things that startle him and have him wondering about the future of this country. Then Gary Bauer joins Jan to discuss election-related issues. He is just off of his Values Voter conference. Bauer is a 40 year Washinton insider who has never seen the deplorable state of the nation due to the liberal agenda. www.moodychurch.org and www.cwfpac.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on September 27, 2012, 08:56:46 am The Consequences of Voting God Out of a Nation 15 September 2012 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTN2012_09_15.mp3 Jan's first guest is White House correspondent Bill Koenig. There are consequences when one entire political party rejects God and votes Him out of authority in America! Bill and Jan discuss that sorry state as well as general election issues. The Jewish vote could decide the 2012 election so which way will they go when one candidate is openly hostile to the Jewish state? Or make that 2 - Romney drafted a statement at the RNC saying how Israel is 2 democratic states. And of course Mormonism has their own crazy version of replacement theology where they believe Jesus Christ will establish his kingdom in Independence, MO. Quote God Calling: Is America Listening? Then Gary Bauer joins Jan to discuss election-related issues. He is just off of his Values Voter conference. Bauer is a 40 year Washinton insider who has never seen the deplorable state of the nation due to the liberal agenda. www.moodychurch.org and www.cwfpac.com. Again, I like Jan, but even she needs to be careful over which guests she brings on. Gary Bauer is one of the "religious right" members who slandered the King James Bible(he accused King James of being a homosexual). http://endtimesandcurrentevents.freesmfhosting.com/index.php/topic,6490.0.html He's also a Council for National Policy member http://www.seekgod.ca/cnp.b.htm#bauer Quote Bauer was featured as a speaker at Sun Myung Moon's Women's Federation For World Peace Conference in Washington DC in 1996 and had a full page ad in the Moon-owned Washington Times in August, 1997. Bauer ran as a candidate for the Republican nomination for President of the U.S. In February, 2000, he withdrew his candidacy and endorsed pro-abortion candidate, John McCain. Prior to joining FRC, Bauer served in President Ronald Reagan's administration for eight years, during the last two years as President Reagan's Chief Domestic Policy Advisor. Previously, Bauer was under Secretary of Education beginning in July 1985, when he was confirmed by unanimous vote in the U.S. Senate. While serving at the Education Department, Bauer was named Chairman of President Reagan's Special Working Group on the Family. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on October 22, 2012, 04:10:48 am It's Not Too Late for America
29 September 2012 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_09_29.mp3 Jonathan Cahn returns with hosts Jan Markell, Eric Barger, and Jill Martin Rische. There have been remarkable circumstances taking place since the release of "The Harbinger" and the DVD, "The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment." It's not too late for America. God always honors the repentant heart and in the Bible, he honored entire cities that repented. Many ministries weigh in stating their strong belief that this may be God's final warning to America. A pastor reports on changed lives. But nearly a dozen sound bytes are played of Christian leaders warning that America is on borrowed time. Cahn, Dr. Erwin Lutzer, Dr. Mark Hitchcock, and Bill Koenig all participate in this ministry's "Understanding the Times 2012" conference next weekend. Find the DVD here. We do not carry the book. The Most Important Man in Your Life 06 October 2012 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_10_06.mp3 Guest hosts Eric Barger and Larry Kutzler talk about the most important man in your life: Your pastor. Most people have no idea how tough it is to be a pastor and how many of them quit in frustration, and with a broken heart. The statistics are shocking. They interview numerous pastors who give a frank analysis. This isn't a broken system -- it's broken people: Both pastors and sheep. Note: We are conducting "Understanding the Times 2012." Pray for us. Is Being Pro-Palestinian Really Being Pro-Peace? 13 October 2012 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_10_13.mp3 Jan hosts as she and her team, Chris Heeb and Larry Kutzler, report on a recent "Hope for the Holy Land" pro-peace rally at Bethel University in St. Paul. Does being pro-Palestinian really translate into being pro-peace? If one is “pro Palestine” in the sense of embracing the diabolical “land for peace” initiative, or even the “two-state solution,” one cannot in any real sense be pro Israel. Was this a genuine pro-peace effort or just a deception to bring naive students into the anti-Israel fold? Participants included Lynn Hybels, Sami Awad, and a rep from World Vision, long known for their Replacement Theology position. No Jewish history was cited, no Scripture was quoted, and no pro-Israel position was allowed into the forum. The president of Bethel University closed with his pro-Palestinian position while seemingly denouncing the "traditional" pro-Israel position he grew up with. If this is the trend among younger evangelicals, the biblically-prophesied abandonment of Israel is hastening. Chris Heeb heads "Good News for Israel." Learn more at www.gnfi.org Can America Survive? 20 October 2012 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_10_20.mp3 Jan's guest is Joel Rosenberg. America's survival is now a common discussion topic. Is this because she blends into the one-world system or because of God's judgment, causing her implosion? Or could a "third great awakening" cause a halt to the downward spiral? Jan and Joel also talk some Middle East issues as the "epicenter" continues to be the focus of the world. America is a nation in decline and she now faces the most important election in her history. Could this be a key to turning her around? Find Joel's book "Implosion" here. Learn more at www.joelrosenberg.com Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Kilika on October 22, 2012, 05:53:35 am No, America will not survive. Too late? It's WAY too late for the countries of the world. The only one's who have a chance are individuals who can repent.
Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on October 22, 2012, 08:22:12 am No, America will not survive. Too late? It's WAY too late for the countries of the world. The only one's who have a chance are individuals who can repent. I agree - look at our churches in America...501c3, KJVs rarely found anywhere...this is why some of these end times discernment ministries will come up short at times(b/c they don't expose this). And for that matter too it's not like any of our "conservative" elected leaders have abolished 501c3. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on October 27, 2012, 06:24:07 am Redefining God and the Church, and Warning: Occult in Overdrive
27 October 2012 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_10_27.mp3 Part 1 features Jan and Eric Barger interviewing author and radio host Mike LeMay concerning his new book, "The Suicide of American Christianity." American Christianity is dying a slow death at its own hands. Instead of positively affecting the secular culture, we are being infected by it under the guise of being "seeker-friendly" and "loving." Soon, the church may be an exact mirror of the culture that seeks to destroy us. In its attempt to be cool, the church is drinking the Kool-Aid of secular humanism, losing its salt, and becoming irrelevant. In part 2, Jill Martin Rische and Eric Barger explore the new occult. It's that time of year again -- the season when evil is celebrated. They provide cutting-edge information. Jill and Eric have both authored major books unveiling the occult and all of its trappings. We carry LeMay's book and it is found here. Eric Barger's book is found here. Jill Rische's book is found here. www.standupfortruth.com www.ericbarger.com www.waltermartin.com Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on November 04, 2012, 05:27:59 am America's Roots & Founders: Godly or Hostile to the Gospel? & Election 2012: Final Countdown
03 November 2012 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_11_04.mp3 Eric Barger and Jill Martin Rische co-host the first segment and consider America's roots and Founding Fathers. Were they Godly or hostile to the gospel? Joining them is Pastor Dan Fisher, an expert on Revolutionary times. Fisher’s expertise concerning the Christian leaders during the formation of America is second to none. While there may be differing views on this topic, this ministry considers Barger, Rische and Fisher as having insights worthy of attention. Also, pastors and churches were very active on behalf of the country. Today many tremble at "separation of church and state" issues which are irrelevant. In part 2, Jan interviews White House correspondent Bill Koenig on election countdown issues just days before the most important election in U.S. history. Barger, Rische and Fisher do a Web bonus extra. See below for details. www.bringingbacktheblackrobedregiment.com www.ericbarger.com www.waltermartin.com www.watch.org We carry Barger's outstanding DVD on America found here. Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM_20121104WB-Barger%20Rische%201.mp3 WEB BONUS EXTRA: Eric Barger and Jill Martin Rische continue with guest, Dan Fisher, discussing America’s Christian foundation. Fisher details some of the heroic, yet little known acts of the revolutionary preachers who became known as “The Black Robed Regiment.” Their impact on the national leaders who formed America is stunning. Join us for this informational and also inspirational discussion appropriate at this election season. Our founding pastors clearly served both God and country. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on November 04, 2012, 08:13:44 am Quote In part 2, Jan interviews White House correspondent Bill Koenig on election countdown issues just days before the most important election in U.S. history Again, why does this propaganda keep getting spread? Why does this same thing keep getting said every 4 years? Do they really think Mitt Romney will somehow bring this country back to its roots? Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on November 10, 2012, 05:39:02 am America Votes to Become Europe
10 November 2012 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_11_10.mp3 Jan hosts and interviews Christian economist John Terry and Christian commentator Jack Kinsella. America voted to become socialistic Europe and that has consequences. The three discuss those issues for the entire hour. The "fiscal cliff" is looming where every American will suffer economically. Liberalism is about to consume America and it only destroys. The election results can only be further judgment on America although no one is in a state of mind to hear that. Where was God in this election? Since he sets up kings and tears them down, He was a key component. They also discuss the Benghazi debacle which should have sunk Barack Obama were it not for a complicit media. We are in very perilous times and America IS in Bible prophecy: II Timothy 3. We are a nation consumed by people who love self, money, and evil. And that is the inconvenient truth. Jan, John, and Jack offer hope, however, because without hope, the heart grows sick. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on November 11, 2012, 09:54:51 am America Votes to Become Europe 10 November 2012 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_11_10.mp3 Jan hosts and interviews Christian economist John Terry and Christian commentator Jack Kinsella. America voted to become socialistic Europe and that has consequences. The three discuss those issues for the entire hour. The "fiscal cliff" is looming where every American will suffer economically. Liberalism is about to consume America and it only destroys. The election results can only be further judgment on America although no one is in a state of mind to hear that. Where was God in this election? Since he sets up kings and tears them down, He was a key component. They also discuss the Benghazi debacle which should have sunk Barack Obama were it not for a complicit media. We are in very perilous times and America IS in Bible prophecy: II Timothy 3. We are a nation consumed by people who love self, money, and evil. And that is the inconvenient truth. Jan, John, and Jack offer hope, however, because without hope, the heart grows sick. Again, Jan and her guests really need to be aware of the entire corrupt system, instead of being under that left/right paradigm umbrella. Romney getting elected would give us a "breather" and make the economy "good" in the short-term? Have they bothered to see his voting record in MA? Do they know Obamacare was modeled after Romneycare, which was authored by an MIT professor AND provides free abortions? Don't they know Romney also supported Obama's "stimulus" package and TARP/auto bailouts? Have they read the book of Kings where each wicked king was worse than the previous one? And to add to this too - don't know they the Republicans maintained control of the House of Representatives AND added a few seats from last time? Yeah, apparently the same Obama voters also voted for Boehner and GOP Congressmen. Anyhow, with that being said, this segment was well worth listening to(if you can put aside their left/right paradigm nonsense they buy into) - yes, the last days apparently seem to be speeding up now, regardless of what's anyone's opinions over our current leaders are. Thank you Jesus for giving us hope of eternal life! :) Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on December 01, 2012, 07:16:53 am One Minute After You Die: A Preview of Your Final Destination
17 November 2012 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_11_17.mp3 We play one of Dr. Erwin Lutzer's messages at "Understanding the Times 2012," One Minute After You Die: A Preview of Your Final Destination. One minute after you die you will be either elated or terrified . . . and it will be too late to reroute your travel plans. When you slip behind the parted curtain, your life will not be over. Rather, it will be just beginning -- in a place of unimaginable bliss or indescribable gloom. This message stirred tremendous response at our fall conference. We offer Lutzer's book found here. Conference CDs and DVDs are found here. Middle East Burning: What Does it Mean? 24 November 2012 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_11_24.mp3 In light of the current Middle East conflict, we air one of Dr. Mark Hitchcock's "Understanding the Times 2012" messages: "Middle East Burning: What Does it Mean?" Mark looks carefully at the Gog-Magog war found in Ezekiel 38-39, but also considers the general unrest of the region. We are reminded again how current events are setting the stage for the return of the Lord. Keep your eye on the Middle East and you will never be bored. You can find CDs and DVDs of our conference here. The End Times in Chronological Order 01 December 2012 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_12_01.mp3 Jan's guest for the first 40 minutes is Dr. Ron Rhodes. The two discuss the end-times in chronological order. They discuss Rapture timing, the Judgment Seat of Christ, the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, and much more. Where do the appearance of the 144,000 Jewish evangelists and the Two Witnesses fit into the plan? Jan and Ron discuss the identity of the Antichrist and his likely heritage. Ron gives his explanation of what happens to Islam to neutralize them. Revelation talks about a lot of believers in the Tribulation so who are these folks if, in fact, the church is Raptured out? Ron also gives his overview of where he sees America as a result of election 2012. Jan closes the final 20 minutes with her insights on election 2012 with clips of what Christian leaders are saying. Find Rhodes book, The End Times in Chronological Order, here. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on February 02, 2013, 06:40:57 am Caution: Free Speech at Risk
08 December 2012 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_12_15.mp3 Jan and co-host Eric Barger talk to Michele Bachmann (R-MN) about the Benghazi debacle, the global blasphemy law, and much more. Efforts to silence free speech globally will affect everyone soon, even witnessing and Christian book publishing. Yet our White House and State Department are leading the effort to have this happen. Bachmann serves on the House Intelligence Committee and cannot reveal all details but what she does share is stunning in a disturbing way. Even such outfits as the FBI are having their training manuals altered so Islam will not be insulted. Be sure to hear the Web bonus we offer listed below Not even all conservative media are reporting on what we have posted here. Web Bonus On Benghazi 08 December 2012 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM_2012_12_08%20WB%201.mp3 Jan and Eric Barger co-host and continue interviewing Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) concerning the implications arising from the attack on the CIA outpost at Benghazi, Libya that took the lives of four American's including Ambassador Chris Stevens on September 11 of this year. Why did U.S. government officials blame an anti-Islam movie? Was there cover-up? Don't miss this cutting edge podcast which pertains to both free speech and end-time events. The End of the World? Why Are We Still Here? 22 December 2012 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_12_22.mp3 We air Dr. Mark Hitch****'s 2011 "Understanding the Times" conference message on the Mayan end-of-the-world prophecy. The world didn't end December 21, 2012. The Bible says it will cease at the end of the Millennium but not before. Then we get a new Heavens and a new earth! Mark gives additional insights into the Biblical pattern of events that will play out in the last days. So what are the upcoming events? We have CDs and DVDs for all of our conference activity going back to 2007. Find them here. America at a Crossroads 29 December 2012 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2012_12_29.mp3 We air Bill Koenig's "Understanding the Times 2012" conference message, "America at a Crossroads." The world's superpower is at a crossroads economically, socially, politically, and spiritually. The choices America makes in the early stages of 2013 are crucial and past performance the last few years is not encouraging. Righteousness does not rule in America, evil does. How do we cope in the meantime? We have complete sets of conference CDs and DVDs from our event marked down and available here. Koenig is a White House correspondent -- one of just a handful of men and women who serve openly as Bible believing Christians. Christians and the Coming Chaos 05 January 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_01_05.mp3 Jan's two guests, John Loeffler and John Terry, look at Christians and the coming global chaos as the world rushes to the predicted globalism. America's current Leftist leadership is racing towards becoming Socialist Europe, embracing all the policies that failed on that continent. Strong delusion has been poured out as a judgment on America as believers anxiously await the coming King who truly will be a liberator. Both Loeffler and Terry have tremendous insights into economic issues as well as the culture. The coming days and years will be a time when the church can shine, but will she? When Discernment Turns Ugly 12 January 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_01_12.mp3 Jan and co-host Eric Barger consider the dark side of discernment. Some of today's discerners are contentious and even mean-spirited. We wonder what the unbelieving world must think as they listen to the "new Pharisaical discerners" condemn just about everyone but themselves. Is this the way Jesus operated? While we must contend for the faith, can we not do so in Christian love? Weighing into this scenario are Dr. David Reagan and Mike LeMay. Dave Reagan makes a plea for grace, an item that seems to be missing among many of today's discerners. We ask if they are just lifting up themselves by tearing everyone else down? Between Heaven and Ground Zero and The Devil's Healing Tools 19 January 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_01_19.mp3 Jan's first guest is Leslie Haskin, a business executive who was on the 36th floor of Tower One, World Trade Center, on 9/11. Her flashy lifestyle was suddenly interrupted that day as she fought to escape the trembling tower. But escape did not bring victory; rather, mental illness and even homelessness due to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Finding Jesus a year later finally set her free. Hear her amazing story on the new DVD, "Between Heaven and Ground Zero" found here. Then paranormal expert Jill Martin Rische joins Jan to talk about Reiki, the latest "healing" rage. Hospitals now offer it as casually as Yoga. How safe is it? Find her book, "The Kingdom of the Occult", here. The Coarsening of Our Culture 26 January 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_01_26.mp3 Jan talks to Ken Ham about the coarsening of the culture. When God is tossed out of everything and when the lie of evolution is the gold standard everywhere, society will diminish. Jan plays several sound bites of atheist Richard Dawkins who symbolizes the war on God today. Later in the program, David Wheaton joins the conversation. They continue the discussion of the decline of the culture concluding it is getting more and more difficult to be a light in a world that is darkening. Government is the new "god". This provides a great opportunity for the church to stand up and proclaim the truth. We're not optimistic that today's church will do that, however there is always a remnant who will remain faithful and shine the light in the darkness! Welcome to the Days of Noah 02 February 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_02_02.mp3 Jan talks to Jill Martin Rische about the return of the "days of Noah" as it concerns Newtown, CT. What influenced Lanza the most? His mother was a "doomsday prepper"; he was addicted to video games; he had possible occult ties; he was Autistic. Jan then interviews Jill's 20 year old daughter, Christana, who is on the Austism Spectrum. If autism is in your life, don't miss this. Rische is the daughter of Dr. Walter Martin. Then Jan interview Middle East correspondent David Dolan. Things have just intensified in the Middle East. Nobody understands it better than Dolan. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on February 17, 2013, 04:49:16 pm When Strong Delusion Becomes Public Policy
09 February 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_02_09.mp3 Jan's first guest is Washington insider Gary Bauer. They discuss how Washington reflects the "upside-down" world now, with good called evil and dark seen as light. They discuss the three foreign policy disaster appointments of Hagel, Brennan and Kerry, three more judgments on America. Bauer worked in the Reagan administration that saw America as a shining city on a hill. Now the Left is eager to dismantle the country. Strong delusion has overtaken America. Then Jan talks to Dr. Ron Rhodes. They discuss the most prominent prophecy-related stories for 2013. Ron also cites what he believes we should watch in the church in this new year. Jan and Ron agree that the invasion of our privacy may be the largest looming dilemma for Christians and all Americans. We carry Rhodes' book, "The End Times in Chronological Order" here. http://www.olivetreeviews.org/products-from-other-ministries?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=100&category_id=4 Green Christianity: Neo-Marxism in the Church 16 February 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_02_16.mp3 Jan's first guest is Dr. Cal Beisner, head of The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation. He is a voice of balance in the "creation wars" reminding all that Christian environmentalism is importing neo-Marxism into the church. Environmentalism has become an unhealthy religion and some serve the creation more than the Creator. Then Jan talks to Terry James of Rapture Ready about the resignation of the Pope. We believe that anything Rome engages in is worthy of attention as Rome is a major end-time biblical player. It is likely that a Pope will be the False Prophet although we do not know that for sure. What about St. Malachy's prophecy that the next Pope will be the last? Jan quotes Jack Kinsella who suggests such accurate forecasting would have to be demonic. We highly recommend Beisner's DVD series, Resisting the Green Dragon, and you can order here. http://www.olivetreeviews.org/radio/historical-archives/ Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on February 23, 2013, 03:28:46 pm Entertained to Death
Saturday, February 23, 2013 Filmmaker, pastor, and apologist, Joe Schimmel, joins Jan and Eric Barger to discuss the culture of violence portrayed in today's entertainment world. Pastor Joe and Eric speak from their own life experience before coming to Christ, as well as from the countless hours of research and study of the entertainment culture. You do not want to miss the insights and warnings offered as Schimmel and Barger shine the light of truth on many of Satan's prime deceptions being popularized though motion pictures, television, video games, and the music industry. They also bring words of encouragement testifying to God's redeeming power, as both were once lost as players in the secular rock and roll world. Also, don't miss today's special Web bonus as we continue the discussion! Find info below. Then Jan interviews Michael Wolf, producer of a new DVD, The Sound of the Spirit. This is a story depicting the struggle Jewish believers have today as they travel in two different worlds. All people of faith can identify, however. It's told with humor, compassion, and grace. Find the product and trailer here. See info for Web bonus with Schimmel below. http://www.oneplace.com/ministries/understanding-the-times/player/entertained-to-death-327117.html Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on March 02, 2013, 02:34:23 pm http://www.oneplace.com/ministries/understanding-the-times/player/the-cross-in-the-shadow-of-the-crescent-327961.html
The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent Saturday, March 02, 2013 Jan and co-host Eric Barger talk to Dr. Erwin Lutzer about his new book, The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent. Dr. Lutzer has hit a home run with his insights into what Islam is up to. This is a wake-up call to the church as well. Lutzer gets into "appeasement" issues by the current administration which are delusional and he talks about other current issues that trouble him concerning Islam, America, and the West. This is no ordinary book or radio discussion on this topic. The inroads of Islam are startling and Jan, Eric and Lutzer reference the warnings of Frank Gaffney, Andrew McCarthy, Clare Lopez, Eric Stakelback, Gen. Boykin, and more. Find Lutzer's book here. Then White House correspondent Bill Koenig gives his Washington insider report. America is imploding for a reason. What can we do to slow it down? Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on March 12, 2013, 06:09:12 pm http://www.oneplace.com/ministries/understanding-the-times/player/the-late-great-united-states-329051.html
The Late-Great United States Saturday, March 09, 2013 Jan's guest is prophecy scholar Dr. Mark Hitch****. They discuss America in prophecy, the topic he gave at "Understanding the Times 2012." Where is America headed? Not to renewed glory for sure. She is heading into the globalist system that will be ruled by the Antichrist. There are a dozen factors that play into that scenario although Hitch**** believes the ultimate "judgment" on America will be the Rapture. We carry Hitch****'s book, "The Late-Great United States" found here. All conference CDs and DVDs are found here. This is the 2012 conference message but Hitch**** joins Jan live for the closing segment. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on April 08, 2013, 05:22:36 am The Man of Lawlessness
16 March 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_03_16.mp3 Jan's first guest is prophecy scholar Dr. David Reagan. The two discuss the characteristics and heritage of the Antichrist and the False Prophet. Is the global religious system outlined in the Bible Rome and therefore related to Catholicism? The two remind listeners that the catastrophic calamities happening today are setting the stage for the Tribulation when all this mystery unfolds. Then Jill Martin Rische joins Jan to talk about the apologetics of asking God to reveal the future to us. She also addresses the St. Malachy Papal predictions. Jill continues the apologetics' work of her dad, Dr. Walter Martin. Find Reagan's book, The Man of Lawlessness, here. Find Rische's book on the occult here. Behind the Headlines 23 March 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM20130323.mp3 Jan's first guest is WND's Joseph Farah. He has looked behind the headlines for decades. They do that together considering many current issues. He knew our days would turn perilous because he knows Bible prophecy. Farah is one of our "Understanding the Times 2013" speakers. He is an Arab who loves Israel. Then apologist Mike LeMay joins Jan to talk about the Emergent Church's latest heresy: Denying the importance of the atonement. Hear Tony Jones do just that. Find LeMay's book, "The Suicide of American Christianity" here. The Wonder of Heaven 30 March 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_03_30.mp3 We air a conference message by Dr. Ron Rhodes: "The Wonder of Heaven." At a time when the world is out of control, it is reassuring to remember that Eternity is not. The glories that await us there are unimaginable and Dr. Rhodes gives great insight. Ron will be a part of "Understanding the Times 2013" which is Saturday, October 5. He will address apologetics and end-time issues. Find all of our conference CDs and DVDs here. His book, "The End Times in Chronological Order" is also in our store here. Joseph Farah and Dr. Mark HItch**** are our other speakers in October. From Freud, Darwin, and Marx to Jesus 06 April 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_04_06.mp3 The first two segments feature Rosaria Butterfield and her amazing testimony going from Hegel, Darwin and Marx to Jesus. She was also a "gay pride" organizer and lesbian. Then a Christian couple stepped in and loved her anyway. How did they take this postmodern intellectual with a hardened secular worldview and get her into a church? She thought of the Christians who mocked and scolded her at the gay pride marches. Rosaria is the essence of an unlikely convert and her story will inspire and encourage you. We do not carry her book, but it can be found at Amazon.com. Then Jan gives a commentary on the strong delusion sweeping the world. This is the clearest sign we are in the final, final days. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on April 27, 2013, 06:42:23 am The Cyprus Heist: Can It Happen Elsewhere?
13 April 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_04_13.mp3 Jan's first guest is Christian economist John Terry. A major topic is the Cyprus bank heist. Can it happen elsewhere? Yes, and it will! As we move more and more into the final days, banking institutions and other money-lenders may take many liberties with our funds. Some day the Antichrist will try the same as happened in Cyprus and a whole lot more. John Terry explains many economy-related issues in plain terms. Can we ever expect to see America--and other parts of the Western world--have a genuine recovery? Then Terry James from Rapture Ready joins Jan. They also look at Cyprus and the end-times. And why do so few young people get into Bible prophecy? Is Being a Christian Now a Crime? 20 April 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_04_20.mp3 Jan's first guest is Joel Rosenberg. The two run over some Mideast and end-time issues and also discuss his new book, Damascus Countdown. Then Jan and Eric Barger discuss a report coming out of the U.S. Army Reserve that calls evangelicals "religious extremists" along with al-Qaida. Has the battle for faith begun? Jan and Eric close discussing the intensification of the Emergent movement. Jay Bakker, son of Jim and Tammy, has brought a spotlight on the heretical movement again. Find Barger's excellent DVD, The Errors of the Emergent Church, here. Apostasy's Results: The Scattering of the Sheep 27 April 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_04_27.mp3 Jan Markell and Eric Barger discuss the continuing demise of evangelical Christianity. They alert listeners of another denomination biting the dust due to liberalism and Emergent philosophy. John Haller from the Columbus, Ohio Bible Prophecy Conference also weighs in on the compromise of this denomination. Also discussed is Barger's recent experience at yet another Emergent-based conference, “Jesus and the Quran,” which promotes the notion that Allah is Jehovah and “Isa” (the Muslim Jesus) is actually Jesus Christ of the Bible. Then Eric updates a story we covered on last week’s program (April 20, 2013) as he interviews Dr. Ron Crews of the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty about the recent U.S. Army Reserve training that called evangelicals "religious extremists." This is the man who broke the story. Find Barger's outstanding DVD, "Divorced from the Church" here. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on May 11, 2013, 08:25:14 am Blotting God Out in America
04 May 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_05_04.mp3 Jan interviews author and commentator David Fiorazo who has written the book, Eradicate: Blotting Out God in America. Government, media, Hollywood, public schools, our culture of death, the push toward socialism and Marxism and even social justice Christianity are helping to blot out God . When homosexuality and Islam are lauded and true Christianity is pounded, there is a cancer in the land. Jan closes with a short commentary of encouragement. Find Fiorazo's excellent book, Eradicate: Blotting God Out in America, here. So Now We're "Monsters"? 11 May 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM20130511.mp3 Jan's first guest is broadcaster John Loeffler. They talk about the Boston bombing and government out of control. And what does Joe Biden mean in his "new world order" statement? Then it's back to covering more of the criminalization of Christianity. Now Christians are being called "monsters," and "antichrists." How far is this horrific hatred toward us going to go? Then Jill Martin Rische reports on the demise of Mormonism. Membership has dropped 70% although they are still baptizing deceased non-Mormons including her dad, Dr. Walter Martin. Jill reveals part of the reason for the nose-diving Mormon membership. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on May 31, 2013, 07:58:16 pm The Verdict on Wycliffe Bible Translators
18 May 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_05_18%20.mp3 Jan opens with a short interview of a rep from Christian Medical & Dental Association, Dr. David Stevens, on ObamaCare. Our lives are going to change radically soon and not for the good. Learn many of the details including a Christian perspective . Then Eric Barger brings an update on the Muslim-friendly Bible controversy with Wycliffe Bible Translators. He talks to Dr. Georges Houssney about the World Evangelical Alliance conclusion on the issue. Then Jan discusses the Jason Collins/Chris Broussard sports and cultural conundrum issue with tennis star and radio host David Wheaton. SPECIAL NOTICE: Our mobile app site has not worked this week. Please stay tuned. The Man of Lawlessness: The Antichrist in the Tribulation 25 May 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_05_25%201.mp3 Jan's first guest is prophecy scholar Dr. David Reagan. The two discuss the characteristics and heritage of the Antichrist and the False Prophet. Is the global religious system outlined in the Bible Rome and therefore related to Catholicism? The two remind listeners that the catastrophic calamities happening today are setting the stage for the Tribulation when all this mystery unfolds. Then Jan and producer Larry Kutzler talk to Tom Pritchard of the Minnesota Family Council. Gay marriage has passed in Minnesota. What does that mean for your state and the country? Twelve states have now acted on this. Find Dr David Reagan's book here. Behold, I am Coming Soon! 01 June 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_06_01.mp3 Jan's first guest is Dr. Ron Rhodes who emphasizes the theme of the book of Revelation, "Behold, I am coming soon!" Rhodes and Jan talk about his new book "40 Days Through Revelation." They cover many themes from Revelation and ask about the church's silence on the topic. You can order his book here. What a glorious future we have waiting for us as believers. Then White House correspondent Bill Koenig talks about Washington's scandals. Where is all this headed? Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on June 08, 2013, 07:51:10 am Islam: The Hammer of Judgment on America?
08 June 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_06_08.mp3 Jan and co-host Eric Barger quiz former Muslim Brotherhood operative Walid Shoebat about a dozen topics including the love the Left has for Islam, the Benghazi debacle, Hillary Clinton's embarrassing testimony last January, the real reason behind the Benghazi disaster and the purpose of the mission there, and the strange Clinton/Abedin/Weiner relationship. Jan asks Walid if Barack Obama is perceived as a Muslim in the Islamic world. Walid then reveals the tie to Wahabbist Islam and the Obama family and the troubling associations of Obama's brother Malik. Obama glorifies his Islamic terror associations and heritage and denounces his Christian side and Shoebat explains why. Shoebat states that the church is being fooled by Islam and that Islam is infiltrating the church through devious means. The three discuss many of those efforts including "The Common Word", Chrislam, and more. Find Shoebat's book, "The Case for Islamophobia: Jihad by the Sword--America's Final Warning," here. This ministry is not in agreement with much of Shoebat's eschatology but his warnings concerning Islam must be taken seriously! Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on June 08, 2013, 01:27:49 pm Islam: The Hammer of Judgment on America? 08 June 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_06_08.mp3 Jan and co-host Eric Barger quiz former Muslim Brotherhood operative Walid Shoebat about a dozen topics including the love the Left has for Islam, the Benghazi debacle, Hillary Clinton's embarrassing testimony last January, the real reason behind the Benghazi disaster and the purpose of the mission there, and the strange Clinton/Abedin/Weiner relationship. Jan asks Walid if Barack Obama is perceived as a Muslim in the Islamic world. Walid then reveals the tie to Wahabbist Islam and the Obama family and the troubling associations of Obama's brother Malik. Obama glorifies his Islamic terror associations and heritage and denounces his Christian side and Shoebat explains why. Shoebat states that the church is being fooled by Islam and that Islam is infiltrating the church through devious means. The three discuss many of those efforts including "The Common Word", Chrislam, and more. Find Shoebat's book, "The Case for Islamophobia: Jihad by the Sword--America's Final Warning," here. This ministry is not in agreement with much of Shoebat's eschatology but his warnings concerning Islam must be taken seriously! Yes, Rick Warren and his Emergent buddies have been quietly bringing Islam within the church walls. As for Islam being THE hammer of judgment of on this nation? Hmmm...I wouldn't say THE hammer, b/c in years prior, we've had other black magic stuff like the NIV, other Presidents like Ronald Reagan using his own black magic, the Bushes being Skull and Bones alums, and there's been years of Hillary as well. So yeah, not THE hammer, but probably the FINAL hammer is more like it, seeing the wicked seeds sown a long time ago is finally reaping now. And for that matter too, Obama first got groomed for this position during the latter Reagan years, from what I've heard. Gal 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Gal 6:8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on June 15, 2013, 06:03:13 pm http://www.oneplace.com/ministries/understanding-the-times/custom-player
The Truth About Energy Healing Saturday, June 15, 2013 Jan's first guest is author Ray Yungen. They discuss the various forms of energy healing being implemented today on unsuspecting people. This is demonic yet even Christians are supportive because it supposedly brings about "healing." And there are 65 forms of energy healing today. The fact that this is the rage is just a further sign of our times and a shocking one. Demons are creative and clever! Find Yungen's pamphlet on energy healing here. We also offer the set of 10 booklets on varying topics here. Then Jan interviews Merrill Bolender about his booklet, "When the Cross Became a Sword." The is a primer on Replacement Theology that is racing through even evangelical churches. It discusses the origin and consequences of Replacement Theology. Find it here. http://www.oneplace.com/ministries/understanding-the-times/custom-player Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on June 22, 2013, 05:56:21 am The New Confused Evangelicals
22 June 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_06_22.mp3 Jan, Eric Barger, and Larry Kutzler all contribute to this program. Part one looks at the "new confused evangelicals." These new evangelicals are rejecting sound doctrine, eternity, and salvation in favor of social justice, environmental concerns, and earthly thinking. In reality, could it be this new movement is merely an update of the old liberalism that decimated the formerly evangelical mainline churches and seminaries over a century ago? Learn who some of the leaders are as Barger and Kutzler play many examples that illustrate how the new confused evangelicals are betraying their namesake -- and the Bible. Jan also offers a commentary on the outrages being perpetrated on Americans by her corrupt leadership today. Find Paul Smith's book which is a must-read for discerning Christians, "The New Evangelicalism: The New World Order," here. Find Barger's "Where Are Evangelicals Heading?" here. His "Errors of the Emergent Church" DVD is here. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on June 30, 2013, 06:59:48 am When A Nation Forgets God
29 June 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_06_29.mp3 We air Dr. Erwin Lutzer's message from "Understanding the Times 2012," "When a Nation Forgets God." There are many similarities between Nazi Germany and America. Dr. Lutzer shares them with serious frankness but also lifts our spirits with his unique kind of humor. And while it appears America has forgotten God, He has not forgotten His people. He has not forgotten the remnant believers in the land who stand for righteousness in spite of government out of control and legislation from the judicial bench that is designed to sink our once-great nation. Find a complete set of conference CDs or DVDs here. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on July 13, 2013, 10:42:37 am http://www.oneplace.com/ministries/understanding-the-times/custom-player
America v God Saturday, July 13, 2013 Jan's first guest is Stephen Bennett, a former homosexual. Has America declared war on God now that the Supreme Court has opened the door to a federal gay marriage opportunity across the land although initially the Court turned it over to the states a few weeks ago? Stephen gives his amazing testimony. Jan plays a clip of the secular Left mocking righteousness that is telling. Jan and Bennett also discuss the demise of Exodus International, a group formerly led by Alan Chambers, that has now closed its doors at a time in American history when this battle really begins to rage. Then Ray Yungen rejoins Jan to discuss contemplative prayer in the church. Ray explains why this practice is not only unsound -- it is literally dangerous. And it has taken over many denominations in various forms. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on July 13, 2013, 06:43:09 pm Then Ray Yungen rejoins Jan to discuss contemplative prayer in the church. Ray explains why this practice is not only unsound -- it is literally dangerous. And it has taken over many denominations in various forms. When I visited a Hindu temple in India last week, was able to observe one of their prayer meditations - yes, this whole "contemplative prayer" movement coming out of Churchianity now IS modeled after Hindu meditations, especially the part where they just sit in silence for a long stretch. Whatever happened to "pray without ceasing" and "learn not the ways of the heathen..."? Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on July 24, 2013, 09:02:45 am When Being Jewish Is a Crime
20 July 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_07_20.mp3 Jan's guests are a rep from the Zionist Organization of America, Joseph Sabag, and friend of Israel, Bob Naegele. Anti-Semitism is raging in the world and particularly on U.S. college campuses. It says in Psalms 102 that when the Lord builds up Zion, He shall appear in His glory. Thus, Christians need to be paying attention but most aren't. Nor are pulpits in the Western world. As last days' events play out, Israel is almost always in the center of them. The three have a lively discussion about many issues, including why Jews are usually supportive of liberal candidates who often are not a friend of Israel. Sabag states that one of his assignments is to save Israel from the Jews who may not be as enthusiastically pro-Israel as some evangelical Christians. Encourage Joseph by writing him at zoaFlorida@gmail.com. We are living in a time when being Jewish is a crime. The last time that happened, a catastrophe resulted. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on July 27, 2013, 08:50:43 am The Blood Moons: A Harbinger of Ominous Things to Come?
27 July 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM20130727.mp3 Jan talks to Pastor Mark Biltz who unlocked the forthcoming blood moon phenomena via NASA's Web site. We cannot ignore the history of blood moons that are tied to significant Jewish dates such as 1492-93, 1948-49, 1967-68. It begs the question whether the 2014 and 2015 blood moon tetrads are harbingers of ominous things to come, not just for Israel, but for the world. Could one of Israel's many future wars break out during this time? Then Jan gives commentary as to the scoffing presented in two summer films, Rapture Palooza and This is the End. It would appear that the verses predicting Biblical scoffing are on overdrive. You can find our app at www.oneplace.com Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on July 28, 2013, 07:16:45 am The Blood Moons: A Harbinger of Ominous Things to Come? 27 July 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM20130727.mp3 Jan talks to Pastor Mark Biltz who unlocked the forthcoming blood moon phenomena via NASA's Web site. We cannot ignore the history of blood moons that are tied to significant Jewish dates such as 1492-93, 1948-49, 1967-68. It begs the question whether the 2014 and 2015 blood moon tetrads are harbingers of ominous things to come, not just for Israel, but for the world. Could one of Israel's many future wars break out during this time? Then Jan gives commentary as to the scoffing presented in two summer films, Rapture Palooza and This is the End. It would appear that the verses predicting Biblical scoffing are on overdrive. You can find our app at www.oneplace.com For obvious reasons, I'm not going to make any predictions either - but nonetheless this is very interesting over these blood moon dates falling on these Jewish feast dates, as well as a supermoon date on one of them as well. A very interesting interview on this show. Either way, you can't deny the signs of the end times are speeding up now(with everything else going on in the world, that is). Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on August 03, 2013, 05:06:35 am Deliver Us From Evil
03 August 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_08_03.mp3 Jan and her co-host Eric Barger consider the massive invasion of privacy going on with guest Gary Kah who has been warning of this for 25 years. Never has the biblical appeal to "deliver us from evil" been so imperative. The monstrous surveillance effort happening today is prepping the world for the Antichrist and the radio team discusses that. Then Jan and David Fiorazzo, author of "Eradicate: Blotting God Out in America," consider the Texas abortion battle with opponents crying "hail Satan" and "God is dead." These are dark times but "the light of the world" remains alive and well and we are His representatives. Find Fiorazzo's book here. NOTE: If you are an app user, we use the app found at One Place. Find info here: Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on August 10, 2013, 02:16:59 pm http://www.oneplace.com/ministries/understanding-the-times/custom-player
Mormonism: Saving America When it Hangs by a Thread Saturday, August 10, 2013 Jan and her co-hosts Eric Barger and Jill Martin Rische discuss many angles of Mormonism. They are joined by former Mormon Pastor Paul Sheldon. They tackle Glenn Beck's recent "Man in the Moon" extravaganza in Salt Lake City which was a combination of patriotism on display with Mormon trappings. At the heart of Mormon theology is the fact that Mormonism will some day save America when it's Constitution and the very existence of the country hangs by a thread. Sheldon gives his story of exiting Mormonism even though he taught at the lay seminary level. Mormonism is riding in on the coattails of high-profile men, something they have never had before. Beck is clearly their first Mormon televangelist, falsely claiming to be a sincere Bible believing Christian. Find Ed Decker's book, "My Kingdom Come: The Mormon Quest for Godhood" here. We are using the mobile app from One Place. Find info here. Many items referred to on air can be found in our category, "As Heard on the Radio" here. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on August 24, 2013, 09:06:25 am The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent
17 August 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_08_24.mp3 Jan and her co-host Eric Barger talk to Dr. Erwin Lutzer about his new book, The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent. Dr. Lutzer has hit a home run with his insights into what Islam is up to. This is a wake-up call to the church as well. Lutzer gets into "appeasement" issues by the current administration which are delusional and he talks about other current issues that trouble him concerning Islam, America, and the West. As Egypt burns, the three discuss the startling advances of Islam. They reference the warnings of Frank Gaffney, Andrew McCarthy, Clare Lopez, Eric Stakelback, Gen. Boykin, and more. Find Lutzer's book here. Then Christian economist John Terry gives an economic update. Talks about a "recovery" would be laughable were the world's economies not in a shambles. How can Wall Street continue to soar when all facts on the ground are deplorable? Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on August 24, 2013, 09:07:25 am O Little Town of Arab Bethlehem
24 August 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_08_24.mp3 Jan talks to Pastor Steven Khoury for the entire hour. He is an evangelical Arab pastor whose family has been ministering God's love in the Holy Land for decades but paying a very dear price. That continues to intensify as the current Middle East war against Christians intensifies. Hear this pastor's remarkable testimony that should inspire and encourage you. God is at work everywhere! The media will not tell the truth in this arena because it reflects poorly on Islam. And, they simply care less about the Christians. But Khoury has even limited Christian support because he believes in the promises to Israel and is not a proponent of Replacement Theology. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: McChristian on August 24, 2013, 10:22:01 am O Little Town of Arab Bethlehem 24 August 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_08_24.mp3 Jan talks to Pastor Steven Khoury for the entire hour. He is an evangelical Arab pastor whose family has been ministering God's love in the Holy Land for decades but paying a very dear price. That continues to intensify as the current Middle East war against Christians intensifies. Hear this pastor's remarkable testimony that should inspire and encourage you. God is at work everywhere! The media will not tell the truth in this arena because it reflects poorly on Islam. And, they simply care less about the Christians. But Khoury has even limited Christian support because he believes in the promises to Israel and is not a proponent of Replacement Theology. Just listened to this, good interview. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on August 24, 2013, 02:31:14 pm Jan and her co-host Eric Barger talk to Dr. Erwin Lutzer about his new book In Scott's 2 audios ago, when he discussed an article over yet another "agreement" b/w Evangelicals and Catholics, one of the "evangelicals" signing this recent document is Erwin Lutzer(if I heard this correctly). Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on August 31, 2013, 05:43:57 am Between Heaven and Ground Zero and The Devil's Healing Tools
31 August 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_08_31.mp3 Jan's first guest is Leslie Haskin, survivor of 9/11 in Tower One. Her flashy lifestyle was suddenly interrupted that day as she fought to escape the trembling tower. But escape did not bring victory; rather, mental illness and even homelessness due to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Finding Jesus a year later finally set her free. Hear her amazing story on the new DVD, "Between Heaven and Ground Zero" found here. Then cult expert Jill Martin Rische and Jan re-visit the troubling issue of Reiki. Just because it is the rage does not mean it has lost its Satanic involvement and power. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on September 08, 2013, 04:52:13 am When a Great Nation Becomes Lawless
07 September 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_09_07.mp3 Jan and co-host Eric Barger talk to Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) for the entire hour. Lawlessness now defines America from the top down. How does this play into the end-times? They discuss the real story behind Benghazi, Egypt, Middle East Christians, Israel, and more. Who among our leaders are there to hold back the evil that is overtaking America? Rep. Bachmann warns of the coming implosion due to ObamaCare. The invasion of privacy is about to soar as a result of this disaster. Is there any hope? With God, all things are possible. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on September 08, 2013, 03:48:06 pm When a Great Nation Becomes Lawless 07 September 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_09_07.mp3 Jan and co-host Eric Barger talk to Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) for the entire hour. Lawlessness now defines America from the top down. How does this play into the end-times? They discuss the real story behind Benghazi, Egypt, Middle East Christians, Israel, and more. Who among our leaders are there to hold back the evil that is overtaking America? Rep. Bachmann warns of the coming implosion due to ObamaCare. The invasion of privacy is about to soar as a result of this disaster. Is there any hope? With God, all things are possible. But Bachmann isn't saying a word about the immigration bill? Seriously - during the August Town Hall meetings last month(during Congress' recess), while they exposed Obamacare quite a bit, not one word was said about the immigration bill, which is said to be WORSE than Obamacare. And now add Syria to the mix... Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on September 14, 2013, 07:53:49 am Answers for Troubling Times
14 September 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_09_14.mp3 Jan's first guest is apologist Dr. Ron Rhodes who tackles many questions for our troubling times. Some of the many include, why do we need a Millennium? How are we judged at the Bema Seat? What about rewards (or the lack of them)? Why do we need what the Bible calls a "new Heavens and a new Earth"? Will children still be children in Heaven? Where is America in the Bible? Rhodes also corrects the error of Preterism. Prophecy is prophecy and not history as the Preterists claim! How is Hank Hanegraaff off-the-mark? Then White House correspondent Bill Koenig talks about Obama's perfect storm which has to do with his obsession to promote the gay agenda. And America is now seen as coming to the aid of terrorists rather than fighting them. We are in an upside-down world. Find Rhodes' book, "The Big Book of Bible Answers" here. He is one of our conference speakers Saturday, October 5. We now use the mobile app of OnePlace.com. Get info here. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on September 14, 2013, 03:28:46 pm Answers for Troubling Times 14 September 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_09_14.mp3 Jan's first guest is apologist Dr. Ron Rhodes who tackles many questions for our troubling times. Some of the many include, why do we need a Millennium? How are we judged at the Bema Seat? What about rewards (or the lack of them)? Why do we need what the Bible calls a "new Heavens and a new Earth"? Will children still be children in Heaven? Where is America in the Bible? Rhodes also corrects the error of Preterism. Prophecy is prophecy and not history as the Preterists claim! How is Hank Hanegraaff off-the-mark? Then White House correspondent Bill Koenig talks about Obama's perfect storm which has to do with his obsession to promote the gay agenda. And America is now seen as coming to the aid of terrorists rather than fighting them. We are in an upside-down world. Find Rhodes' book, "The Big Book of Bible Answers" here. He is one of our conference speakers Saturday, October 5. We now use the mobile app of OnePlace.com. Get info here. The seeds for the sodomite agenda started all the way back in 1978 when Ronald Reagan campaigned against CA's Prop 6 Briggs Initiative, which would have banned sodomites in public workplaces like public schools. The initiative was eventually defeated largely due to Reagan using his influence to campaign against it. Reagan had nothing to gain, FYI, by doing so, but he did so anyways. Rom 9:17 For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth. Rom 9:18 Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth. And to boot, there were tv movies centering around transgender characters during George W's term - and this was when the transgender issue was unheard of, pretty much. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on September 21, 2013, 04:06:02 am Obama's Perfect Storm
21 September 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_09_21.mp3 Jan's guest for the entire hour is White House correspondent Bill Koenig. He talks about the "perfect storm" Obama is stirring up and the great consequences to it. Whether it is the debacle in the Middle East or his enthusiastic promotion of the LGBT agenda, there are consequences to recklessness. On inauguration day, 2009, the homosexual agenda was posted to the White House Web site and now all levels of his administration are being led by homosexuals who celebrate the deviant lifestyle. What are the potential consequences to America and what can righteous believers do to counter this? We use the mobile app from www.oneplace.com. It is on their Home page. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on September 28, 2013, 06:41:58 am Cashless: How Soon?
28 September 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_09_28.mp3 Jan's guests are Joseph Farah and Dr. Mark Hitchcock, two of three speakers at "Understanding the Times 2013." Farah comments on current event issues and Hitchcock addresses topics from his new book, "The End of Money: Bible Prophecy and the Coming Economic Collapse." The final money plan is being put in place today and a major question is, "how soon will it be totally cashless?" Find Mark's new book here. Jan and Mark also confront Hank Hanegraaff's statement that the Jews really aren't God's chosen people? Mark and Hank have had a friendly debate on various topics. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on October 05, 2013, 05:49:56 am Global Birth Pang Alert
05 October 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_10_05.mp3 Jan and co-host Eric Barger quiz Rep. Michele Bachmann about the hastening "birth pang" activity that only accelerates daily. Who is funding the new mosque in your neighborhood or coming to your part of town? Bachmann has just met with several world leaders who cannot recognize America right now. Bachmann feels the baton of global leadership has been passed by America to the Mullahs, the Marxist world, and other dark forces. They also discuss the new national nightmare of ObamaCare and the massive invasion of privacy expected. But the focus is on the privilege of being a part of the challenges of this generation that could see Christ's return. The Bible says that "these things must happen" at the time just prior to His return. We are in a spiritual war and the King of kings will be the victor so this news is not a downer. We use the app at OnePlace.com. Find all info here. Find more info at www.bachmann.house.gov. The panel concludes rejoicing that His day of return is at hand. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on October 12, 2013, 05:02:34 am The Seduction of the Church: The Lure of End-Time Deception
12 October 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_10_12.mp3 Jan airs one of Dr. Ron Rhodes' conference messages: "The Seduction of the Church: The Lure of End-Time Deception." Some of our churches are steeped in error and are actually aiding the wreckage of the wolves. How did we get to such a new level of the death of discernment? Other speakers included Dr. Mark Hitchcock and World Net Daily's Joseph Farah. We have complete sets of CDs and DVDs here, although they are not ready to ship until November. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on October 19, 2013, 11:43:27 am The Cross in the Crosshairs
19 October 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_10_19.mp3 Jan's first topic is "Christian Yoga." Jan and her co-hosts, Eric Barger and Jill Martin Rische, discuss why the two cannot ever blend, although sound bytes are played of one Christian "leader" who thinks they go well together. Then Dr. Emad Shenouda joins Jan to talk about the horrific persecution of Christians in the Middle East. He focuses heavily on the Coptic Christians in Egypt as this is his heritage but the dilemma spans many nations. He is a physician in Iowa who is appealing for prayer on behalf of his brethren. Find our booklet on "Yoga and Christianity: Are They Compatiable?" here. We use the mobile app from www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on October 26, 2013, 08:06:08 am The Doctrine of Demons That is Stranger Than Fiction
26 October 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_10_26.mp3 Jan and co-host Jill Martin Rische talk to a former Scientologist, Sam Madrid. He states that this cult is stranger than fiction and the pure doctrine of demons. Yet millions are drawn to it as Scientologists claim that it will perfect the earth. Science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard created a religion as bizarre as they come and one that is stranger than the fiction he wrote. You will hear through Madrid's testimony and the sound bytes, how stunning it is that modern man could buy into this deception and it confirms the openness people will have to these things in the last days. Scientology plans to make society perfect, end war, end poverty, and more. We use the mobile app from One Place found here. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on November 02, 2013, 07:56:53 am Living on Borrowed Time
02 November 2013 Listen Now! http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_11_02.mp3 Jan's first guest is Patrick Crough, an investigator and expert in thwarting sexual predators. The Internet is the playground for these people and what was an epidemic is now a pandemic as it concerns these people's activities against children and teens. We carry his booklet, "Five Things You Can Do to Protect Your Kids from Sexual Predators," and it is found here. Then Dr. Dave Reagan joins Jan to discuss his newest book, "Living on Borrowed Time: The Imminent Return of Jesus." They consider the signs of the times that are exploding, the mocking of Bible prophecy, the "super sign" of Israel, and much more. Jan Markell is a contributor to this book along with 21 other prophecy experts. Joel Rosenberg adds more info via sound bytes. We carry Reagan's book here. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on November 17, 2013, 01:23:07 pm Bible Prophecy and the Coming Economic Collapse
Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_11_09%201.mp3 Jan airs Dr. Mark Hitchcock's 2013 conference message outlining Bible prophecy's prediction of a coming economic collapse. We do not know the timing of this. Hitchcock deals with the panorama of economic issues leading up to this. This is a must-hear for everyone as this phenomenon will hit the entire world. Find conference CDs and DVDs here. Find Hitchcock's book, "The End of Money," here. How soon will we have a cashless society? We use the mobile app from One Place found at www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on November 17, 2013, 01:24:04 pm ObamaCare: The Planned Train Wreck
Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_11_16.mp3 Jan first talks to journalist Jim Fletcher and White House correspondent Bill Koenig about the raising of the Palestinian flag in our evangelical churches today. In five years, Israel may have few friends as the Bible predicts as even evangelicals are switching loyalty to the Palestinians. Then Jan and Koenig discuss the current issues from Washington starting with ObamaCare, which is a planned train wreck to destroy capitalism and gain total control over all Americans. They also discuss the dismissal of many U.S. military generals. What is the Obama purpose behind this purge as it is gutting the U.S. military in every respect. Find Fletcher's new book, "Truth Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Dangerous Theology of Rob Bell," here. We use the mobile app from www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on November 23, 2013, 05:55:22 am Entertaining Spirits Unaware
Published on 23 November 2013 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM20130323.mp3 Jan, Eric Barger, and Jill Martin Rische discuss the normalization of the occult today, even in the church. They target an issue of "Christianity Today" where we are encouraged to reflect on monsters and other dark issues. We carry Eric Barger's excellent book, "Entertaining Spirits Unaware: The End-Time Occult Invasion," found here. Jan then interviews American Family Association President Tim Wildmon as to why his organization was called a hate group recently. How far will the secular world go to marginalize Christians and all we stand for? Very far. The Bible predicts it. Find info on our mobile app here. We tap into the app from OnePlace.com. http://www.olivetreeviews.org/radio/complete-archives/806-entertaining-spirits-unaware Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on December 05, 2013, 10:57:20 am Deliver Us From Evil
Published on 30 November 2013 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM20131130.mp3 Jan and co-host Eric Barger talk to Gary Kah. They consider the massive invasion of privacy going on which Kah has been warning of for 25 years. Never has the biblical appeal to "deliver us from evil" been so imperative. The monstrous surveillance effort happening today is prepping the world for the Antichrist and the radio team discusses that. Then Jan gives a commentary on the unbelievable deal struck with Iran last week. America has now totally sold out her best friend and ally, Israel. There are tremendous consequences to this deal. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on December 05, 2013, 11:17:10 am Deliver Us From Evil Published on 30 November 2013 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM20131130.mp3 Jan and co-host Eric Barger talk to Gary Kah. They consider the massive invasion of privacy going on which Kah has been warning of for 25 years. Never has the biblical appeal to "deliver us from evil" been so imperative. The monstrous surveillance effort happening today is prepping the world for the Antichrist and the radio team discusses that. Then Jan gives a commentary on the unbelievable deal struck with Iran last week. America has now totally sold out her best friend and ally, Israel. There are tremendous consequences to this deal. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. When that reality show "Big Brother" came out in 2000 - I remember both I and my co-workers at the time were adamantly agreeing, "There's just NO way I would be where they are b/c I would just HATE to be spied on!".(and I believe it was the first of the "reality" shows since the turn of the century) And don't forget about those Hollywood movies like "The Truman Show", "Ed TV", etc that came out in the late 90's that telegraphed these very warnings as well. Now fast-forward to our present day? With all of these technology tools you can poke holes through, everyone is being spied on every little possible way. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Kilika on December 05, 2013, 01:13:43 pm Quote (and I believe it was the first of the "reality" shows since the turn of the century) Actually, "Survivor" first started filming in March, and aired in August of 2000, and "Big Brother" first aired in July 2000. So, yes, it looks like Big Brother was the first on air, in the US anyway, because it was like many of the reality shows, a take from a British or European show. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on December 20, 2013, 08:02:59 am Best of 2013 Interviews
Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_12_07.mp3 Jan and her team review the most important radio programs aired on Understanding the Times in 2013. We play clips from Rep. Michele Bachmann, Dr. Erwin Lutzer, Gary Kah, and many more. We have tried to keep you up to speed on dozens of issues, breaking news, feature stories, and more. Jan, Eric Barger, and producer Larry Kutzler add commentary along the way. Find the stunning book we refer to by Dr. Erwin Lutzer here. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on December 20, 2013, 08:03:36 am The Progressive Dream that is America's Nightmare
Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_12_14.mp3 Jan's guest is Twila Brase, noted national expert on health care and ObamaCare. Socialized medicine is the Progressive's dream that is now America's nightmare. Brase offers legal ways people can employ so that one doesn't have to enroll in an exchange. Can this freight train be stopped? Jan and Twila discuss that as well. It is true that another 100 million could lose health care in 2014? These would be employer-based plans that will likely be cancelled. If you might be in that category, we urge you to listen. Find much more info at Twila's Web site, www.cchfreedom.org. Then David Fiorazo joins Jan to discuss some current efforts to blot out God in America. Find his outstanding book here. Is America's effort to eradicate Him out of our lives just one reason we have the curse of socialized medicine upon us now? Jan reminds listeners that He never forgets us; we are engraved on the palms of His hands. Find info on our mobile app from OnePlace.com here. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on December 20, 2013, 08:45:14 am The Progressive Dream that is America's Nightmare Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_12_14.mp3 Jan's guest is Twila Brase, noted national expert on health care and ObamaCare. Socialized medicine is the Progressive's dream that is now America's nightmare. Brase offers legal ways people can employ so that one doesn't have to enroll in an exchange. Can this freight train be stopped? Jan and Twila discuss that as well. It is true that another 100 million could lose health care in 2014? These would be employer-based plans that will likely be cancelled. If you might be in that category, we urge you to listen. Find much more info at Twila's Web site, www.cchfreedom.org. Then David Fiorazo joins Jan to discuss some current efforts to blot out God in America. Find his outstanding book here. Is America's effort to eradicate Him out of our lives just one reason we have the curse of socialized medicine upon us now? Jan reminds listeners that He never forgets us; we are engraved on the palms of His hands. Find info on our mobile app from OnePlace.com here. FWIW, it's not just the so-called "liberals" supporting socialized medicine - even Jesse Ventura and Mike Rivero(2 *heros* of the "truth" movement) support it too.(if memory serves, the PPF mods have defended Ventura's support of Obamacare, saying how he's not a single payer system guy...whatever) And FDR pushed it too when he was in office(as did Nixon). Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on December 27, 2013, 12:40:15 pm Significant Signs in the Heavens?
Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_12_21.mp3 Jan talks to Pastor Mark Biltz asking him if the 2014-2015 blood moons are a significant sign in the Heavens? The Bible asks us to watch for signs in the Heavens. Observing these forthcoming blood moons is not an exercise in date-setting for end-time events. In the past, the blood moon tetrads (four in a row) took place within date patterns that dramatically affected Israel and then the world. Biltz has never suggested that the Rapture or any other end-time event will fit into this pattern as some accuse. He found the information on the NASA Web site and is reporting on how it has played out in history and how it could play out in the future. Jan also talks about two Hollywood films that were made to mock and scoff Jesus' return, a definite sign of the time. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Here is my DISCLAIMER to this garbage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7RpXXEea0Q Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on December 27, 2013, 01:09:15 pm Jan Markel puts out a decent show et al warning about the end times - but at the same time, I do have a few issues with her(ie-playing CCM at the end of her broadcast, bringing in globalists like Michelle Bachman and Gary Bauer often-the latter called King James a homosexual, endorses the organized church system(those non-Emergent/Purpose Driven ones, that is), endorses Republicanism, just to name a few).
Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on December 28, 2013, 09:05:00 am Birth Pangs
28 December 2013 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_12_28.mp3 Jan and her co-hosts review the major "birth pang" stories of 2013. For Bible-believing Christians, major stories, particularly as they relate to "signs of the times", exploded. From Israel's isolation to the growing lawlessness, each day welcomed a new story that fit into things predicted in the Bible for the final days. From spying to the betrayal of Israel, it wasn't a good year but these things must happen to a final generation. We don't know we are that generation, but we could be. We use the mobile app from www.oneplace.com. Find it on their Home page. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on December 28, 2013, 09:44:16 am Birth Pangs 28 December 2013 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2013_12_28.mp3 Jan and her co-hosts review the major "birth pang" stories of 2013. For Bible-believing Christians, major stories, particularly as they relate to "signs of the times", exploded. From Israel's isolation to Fixed(KJB says this and not the one crossed out). Yeah, you can't deny sodomy is spreading at a fast rate now - after a judge in Utah struck down SSM, the higher courts won't even grant a temporary injunction(and their last hope is to ask the USSC for that, which will likely come out the same). It's come to a point now where resistance to this is standing down more and more. No, I'm not saying we as Christians should put up a fight like the heretical "religious right" have done - but this has been the Hegelian Dialectic roadmap to start with - put up a fight of wars of words to no end, wear everyone out, and get everyone to come to a compromise. We are about as close as ever, to be frank. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on January 13, 2014, 07:04:33 am Abusing Creation and the Decline of the Church
Published on 04 January 2014 56:59 Download MP3: http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_01_04.mp3 Jan's first guest is Ken Ham. They discuss his new book, "Six Days: The Age of the Earth and the Decline of the Church." Ham's assertion is that the church is in decline because it is distorting and abusing the Bible's account of creation. Jan plays an astounding clip by "Christianity Today" magazine who doubts a literal Adam. Where does this lead? To the compromise of the authority of Scripture. Then Christian economist John Terry gives an economic forecast for 2014. While Wall Street ended 2013 with record highs, most of the good news will be offset by economic troubles starting early in 2014. Learn what you can do about it. Find Ham's new book here. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on January 13, 2014, 07:05:19 am Evolution: True Science Fiction
Published on 11 January 2014 57:00 Download MP3: http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_01_11.mp3 In part one, Jan answers her critics. Then Ray Comfort joins Jan and Eric Barger to talk about the ravages of evolution today. Sound bytes of Ray's film, "Evolution vs. God", are played that are stunning. They cannot defend their "faith" and prove it is true science fiction. As more people with a Godless agenda try to seize power everywhere, Comfort allows us to see that they are poor apologists and even worse "scientists." Yet this is the new "religion" of secular humanism. If there is no God, then any kind of depraved behavior can be excused as we came from pond scum. Get a view of why society is imploding. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Buy the Comfort DVD for as little as $1 at www.livingwaters.com. You can view the DVD there as well. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on January 18, 2014, 06:20:41 am More Bible Answers
Published on 18 January 2014 57:00 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_01_18.mp3 Dr. Ron Rhodes returns for the entire hour to interact with hosts Jan Markell, Eric Barger and Jill Martin Rische. The three hosts fire Bible questions at him including angelology, fallen angels, end-times, Heaven and related eternity issues, and even suicide. Rhodes was the "Bible Answerman" on radio for a number of years sponsored by CRI. Find Rhodes' book, "The Big Book of Bible Answers: A Guide to Understanding the Most Challenging Questions," here. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com on their Home page Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on February 01, 2014, 06:14:31 am Trapped in Hitler's Hell
Published on 25 January 2014 Download MP3: http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_01_18.mp3 Jan's guest for the hour is Holocaust survivor Anita Dittman. Anita relives her inspirational story of survival during Hitler's years when she was a child and a teen. Her mother was the first to be picked up and sent to a concentration camp, then Anita. God's Hand of protection remained on her during forced labor in a concentration camp, during her escape, and during the attempt to be reunited with her mother. This is in Jan Markell's classic book, "Trapped in Hitler's Hell" found here. World Net Daily is releasing an updated version of the book, as well as a new documentary film, in April. At the close, Anita gives comparisons of Nazi Germany and America today. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. America and the Coming Mideast Wars Published on 01 February 2014 Download MP3: http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_02_01.mp3 Jan and co-host Eric Barger talk to prophecy expert Bill Salus about the potential for the Psalm 83 war, the Gog-Magog War, and an Israeli strike on Iran. Experts have said Israel will strike Iran this spring or early summer although John Kerry employs "John Lennon foreign policy"-- give (futile) peace a chance, and never God's foreign policy -- stand by Israel. This has consequences. What will America's role be in these forthcoming wars? Find Salus' DVD, "America and the Coming Mideast Wars" here. Find his book, "Psalm 83: The Missing Prophecy Revealed," here. Then commentator on our times, David Fiorazo, joins Jan to talk about countering the coarsening culture. He is the author of "Eradicate: Blotting Out God in America." Find it here. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Kilika on February 02, 2014, 12:48:13 am Quote God's Hand of protection remained on her during forced labor in a concentration camp, during her escape, and during the attempt to be reunited with her mother. Uh, no it wasn't, if she wasn't a born-again Christian, God didn't know her and she was praying to another god. Sorry, Jews don't get a free pass, especially since they as a people turned their back on God. This interview is just churchianity trying to point the finger at the US, while using that lady as fodder to garner sympathy. I think it's disgraceful actually, and here's the love of money in this... Quote World Net Daily is releasing an updated version of the book, as well as a new documentary film, in April. The dirt bags of WND strike again! ::) Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on February 10, 2014, 09:14:17 am Being Salt and Light as a Nation Decays
Published on 08 February 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_02_08.mp3 Jan and her co-host Eric Barger talk to Dr. Erwin Lutzer for the entire hour. How can we be salt and light as the nation and culture decay? This is not a downbeat hour although Lutzer does compare the dilemma of ancient Israel and the prophet Jeremiah's warnings to them to America. But the take-away is how to live above the calamity of our times. Lutzer is one of our speakers at "Understanding the Times Spring 2014." We carry his book, "One Minute After You Die," here. That was his message on Heaven and Hell at our 2012 conference. We also carry one of our best-sellers that he wrote, "The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent" found here. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on February 15, 2014, 05:10:24 am The Seducers Among Our Children
Published on 15 February 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_02_15.mp3 Jan's guest is Investigative Sergeant Patrick Crough and "Michael", whose 13 year old son was stalked online. Crough had a short segment months ago. They take the full hour to help educate you to recognize child predators in your midst. The conversation is tough and blunt. Sound bytes are added for emphasis as this topic is essential for our times. Learning the information presented in this program and in Crough's book, "The Seducers Among Our Children: How to Protect Your Child from Sexual Predators," could save a kid in your life. Find the complete book here and a pamphlet based on it here. The pamphlet is titled, "5 Things You Can Do to Protect Your Kids from Sexual Predators." Our electronic age has turned a serious problem into a pandemic. Get this info before it is too late for a child in your life. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on February 23, 2014, 09:58:29 am The Convergence of the Signs
Published on 21 February 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_02_22.mp3 Jan's guest for the entire hour is Pastor Skip Heitzig. They discuss the "convergence" of all the "signs of the times." From the rise of lawlessness, to Middle East turmoil, to the rise of apostasy, to America's betrayal of Israel, all things are converging for an end-of-days scenario. They also discuss the avoidance of this topic in our churches. We carry Heitzig's book, "You Can Understand the Book of Revelation," and it is here. Heitzig is one of our speakers at "Understanding the Times Spring 2014." We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on March 02, 2014, 05:46:52 am The Green Agenda Sinks Noah
Published on 01 March 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_03_01.mp3 Jan's guest is Dr. Cal Beisner from the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation, an organization telling the truth about the environmental war. The planet may be dying but God is the scientist behind it, not man. It is outlined in Revelation that we will get a new Heaven and Earth. They also discuss the forthcoming film "Noah" and the abomination it is, although some Christians support it. They discuss the "religion" environmentalism has become and it is rooted in paganism, yet "evangelicals" have adopted this as their favorite topic in the last 20 years. Jan, Eric Barger, and Jill Martin Rische talk about the various evangelical outfits that have adopted a totally green agenda. This is the essence of end-time delusion. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on March 02, 2014, 12:31:42 pm The Green Agenda Sinks Noah Published on 01 March 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_03_01.mp3 Jan's guest is Dr. Cal Beisner from the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation, an organization telling the truth about the environmental war. The planet may be dying but God is the scientist behind it, not man. It is outlined in Revelation that we will get a new Heaven and Earth. They also discuss the forthcoming film "Noah" and the abomination it is, although some Christians support it. They discuss the "religion" environmentalism has become and it is rooted in paganism, yet "evangelicals" have adopted this as their favorite topic in the last 20 years. Jan, Eric Barger, and Jill Martin Rische talk about the various evangelical outfits that have adopted a totally green agenda. This is the essence of end-time delusion. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. When CNN was briefly doing segments on Christianity from 2006-2007, they profiled Joel Hunter's "church" in FL - that was the first time I saw a pastor or a professing Christian leader putting "environmentalism" at the forefront. I didn't think much of it at the time b/c I was just a window-shopping Churchianity-goer. But nonetheless especially given all of the "religious right" influence, it seemed rather strange at the time. With that being said, it seems like Churchianity will accept anything nowdays that has the outward appearance of being "Christian" - they did so with Gibson's "Passion" to CS Lewis' witchcraft-filled "Narnia", and the list goes on. So this doesn't surprise me at all. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on March 10, 2014, 06:58:45 am One World--No Borders: How Soon?
Published on 08 March 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_03_08.mp3 Jan and her co-hosts, Eric Barger and Jill Martin Rische, talk to Gary Kah for two segments. How soon is the one-world system arriving in Gary's opinion? They also discuss more recent efforts at spying including the intrusion and lawlessness of ObamaCare and the FCC attempt to monitor news outlets. Satan has orchestrated things so that the entire globe is in a crisis and this will speed global government. Soon, people will long for it as well as the "man with a plan," Antichrist. More and more, Christians are just seen as intolerant. The New World Order is about unity and we don't fit. The one-world religion is discussed. Gary believes Jerusalem will be the capital of that effort. Then Jan closes with a very short commentary on the "Christ at the Checkpoint" anti-Israel session March 10-14 in Bethlehem. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on March 10, 2014, 12:26:23 pm Yes, time is drawing very, very near now.
Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on March 15, 2014, 11:06:36 am When a President Appoints Himself as King
Published on 15 March 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_03_15.mp3 Jan's first guest is Anita Dittman, Holocaust survivor and subject of Jan's book, "Trapped in Hitler's Hell" found here. They are also the subject of a new World Net Daily documentary of the same name out in a few weeks and found here. You can pre-order the new book and documentary now. Anita spends the first 20 minute segment explaining the "Confessing Church," the church of her youth which was inspired by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Why was this small group of Christians willing to die to save Jews? Then Joseph Farah joins Jan to talk about the possible loss of press freedom in America which could trickle down to Christian radio and TV. This is what happens when a President appoints himself as king. How did this happen in America? We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on March 15, 2014, 11:57:37 am Quote Jan's first guest is Anita Dittman, Holocaust survivor and subject of Jan's book, "Trapped in Hitler's Hell" found here. They are also the subject of a new World Net Daily documentary of the same name out in a few weeks and found here. You can pre-order the new book and documentary now. Anita spends the first 20 minute segment explaining the "Confessing Church," the church of her youth which was inspired by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Why was this small group of Christians willing to die to save Jews? Then Joseph Farah joins Jan to talk about the possible loss of press freedom in America which could trickle down to Christian radio and TV. This is what happens when a President appoints himself as king. How did this happen in America? We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Uhm...most of Christian radio/tv is controlled-opposition and compromised. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Kilika on March 16, 2014, 03:08:30 am :D Obama is not setting himself up as king! That's silly. He may be arrogant, but he's still just a socialistic Democrat that will be replaced by their next choice for president.
Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on March 25, 2014, 10:23:17 am The Chronological Plan of The Ages: The End Times in Chronological Order
Published on 22 March 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_03_22.mp3 Jan plays Dr. Ron Rhodes' second message from "Understanding the Times 2013," The Chronological Plan of the Ages, which is based on his book, "The End Times in Chronological Order." Ron reviews the outline of end-time events given in the Bible in the order in which they occur. You can find his book, "The End Times in Chronological Order" here. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on March 29, 2014, 07:50:17 am Hebrew Roots Movement: From Law to Grace to Law
Published on 29 March 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_03_29.mp3 Jan's first guest is Ray Comfort. They discuss his new film, "Noah and the Last Days." This is a counter to the new Hollywood "Noah" film. Then Jan's two guests, both Messianic Jews, discuss the Hebrew Roots Movement. Is this sound? Shouldn't the church look at their Jewish roots? But does the movement have some cultish aspects to it? The answer to both questions is "yes." So how do we deal with those who propose we worship on Saturday, keep the Feasts, and return to some Old Testament ways? This seems to be forsaking the cross and grace for the Law and Paul warns against this. We try to provide a lot of answers to a lot of related questions. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Kilika on March 30, 2014, 04:23:40 am Quote So how do we deal with those who propose we worship on Saturday, keep the Feasts, and return to some Old Testament ways? That's easy! "Reprove, rebuke, exhort...", and if they don't repent, cast them out. Simple. Jews playing Christian won't get it. The hypocrisy of those people is amazing. Hebrew Roots people are nuts! Those that I've had the displeasure of...uh...talking to were extremely difficult because of their by the law attitude. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on April 07, 2014, 06:06:10 am Giving Away Freedom
Published on 05 April 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_04_05.mp3 Jan and co-host Eric Barger begin by discussing his spring 2014 conference message, “Ten Reasons Why Jesus is Returning Soon.” Then they consider the U.S. give-away of the Internet and the threat to freedom that is. It will also harm the spreading of the gospel. It is a further set-up for the Antichrist kingdom. They close discussing the recent World Vision reversal on gay marriage. The organization has asked for forgiveness for its intent to hire same-sex couples, but it cannot be denied that their intent introduced a potential slippery-slope scenario into the world of churches and ministries even with the reversal. Find Barger’s new DVD on Christ’s soon return here. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on April 12, 2014, 05:33:13 am The Convergence of the Signs: They are All Coming Together
Published on 12 April 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_04_12.mp3 Jan’s guest for the entire hour is Pastor Skip Heitzig. The two discuss how all the signs of the times are coming together. They discuss the end-time strong delusion, the forthcoming blood moons, the coming one-world religion, the stunning departure from the faith and rise of apostasy, the Temple Mount, and much more. They also ponder Ezekiel 38-39 in light of Putin’s recent Ukraine activity. Heitzig is one of our speakers at “Understanding the Times Spring 2014” April 26. We carry his book, “You Can Understand the Book of Revelation” here. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on April 12, 2014, 09:45:01 am The Convergence of the Signs: They are All Coming Together Published on 12 April 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_04_12.mp3 Jan’s guest for the entire hour is Pastor Skip Heitzig. The two discuss how all the signs of the times are coming together. They discuss the end-time strong delusion, the forthcoming blood moons, the coming one-world religion, the stunning departure from the faith and rise of apostasy, the Temple Mount, and much more. They also ponder Ezekiel 38-39 in light of Putin’s recent Ukraine activity. Heitzig is one of our speakers at “Understanding the Times Spring 2014” April 26. We carry his book, “You Can Understand the Book of Revelation” here. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Haven't listened to Markel's show in awhile, but it sounds like she(and her guests) are pushing this blood moons theory too? I hope not. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Kilika on April 13, 2014, 03:22:59 am And just who is pushing this whole non-story mystical, non-Christian, pagan moon worship thing?
Churchianity. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on April 19, 2014, 06:41:21 am Infiltration
Published on 19 April 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_04_19.mp3 Jan and co-host Eric Barger talk to Dr. Erwin Lutzer. Lutzer correctly points out that the Left and Islam are in sync as both seem committed to wiping out democracy and Christians. Lutzer is concerned about the America church, assuming it will look like the church in Europe that has cooperated with Islam. The three discuss the incredible “infiltration” of the church and America by outfits like The Muslim Brotherhood. But is anybody listening? Dr. Lutzer and Eric Barger are speaking at “Understanding the Times Spring 2014” Saturday, April 26 in Minneapolis, our semi-annual event. Find Lutzer’s book, “The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent” here. In the closing, Eric Barger gives reasons for faith and testifies to the boldness that a comes from “resurrection power.” We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Though we’ve covered similar material before with Dr. Lutzer, this is new programming. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on April 26, 2014, 07:35:22 am Resisting the Devil
Published on 26 April 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_04_26.mp3 Jan and her co-host, Jill Martin Rische, spend the entire hour talking to Dr. Mark Hitchcock about his new book, “101 Answers to Questions About Satan, Demons, & Spiritual Warfare.” The three discuss the wiles of the devil, why he was allowed power to rebel in Heaven, the “smear campaign” he has against Christians, his ability to work miracles, make people sick, and heal them. He deceives, destroys, discourages, demoralizes, distorts, and disheartens, but we can resist him! And his role in the last days will be overwhelming. He is engaged in a warm-up act now! They close in a discussion of UFOs and their likely demonic involvement. Find Mark’s new book here. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on May 03, 2014, 04:50:48 am Point of No Return?
Published on 03 May 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_05_03.mp3 Jan airs a message given by Dr. Erwin Lutzer at “Understanding the Times Spring 2014.” He considers a nation under judgment as Israel once was. What are the comparisons to America? Are we at a point of no return? He exhorts believers to live as a minority in a pagan culture for God always promises to be with us. He emphasizes that we may lose in this world but we win in the next. Other speakers were Pastor Skip Heitzig, Eric Barger, and Holocaust survivor Anita Dittman. Find complete sets of CDs and DVDs here. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on May 10, 2014, 05:02:25 am When Government Becomes God
Published on 10 May 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_05-10.mp3 Jan spends the hour with Anita Dittman, Holocaust survivor. She is the subject of a new WND documentary found here. They spend part of the program comparing Nazi Germany to America today and remind people that this is what happens when a nation makes government their god. Jan has produced a short companion DVD to Anita’s DVD titled “When Government Becomes God: What History Teaches Us” found here. You can order them individually or as a combo-pack found here. There are DVD trailers at those links as well. Dittman is startled at the antics of the current administration and calls them Nazi-like and cautions all to learn from history before it is too late. Jan also reminds listeners that this is a set-up for the Antichrist and the Bible’s end-time drama that must play out. If we lose sight of that, today’s headlines will become too overwhelming. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on May 17, 2014, 01:59:31 pm Is Gog Stirring?
Published on 17 May 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_05_17%201.mp3 Jan's first guest is White House correspondent Bill Koenig. Is Vladimir Putin Gog? Could WWIII be forming thanks to Putin’s intentions? Several sound bytes are played refuting John Kerry’s accusation that Israel is an “apartheid state.” A prominent journalist states that after America’s mid-term elections, the U.S. will turn against Israel in an unprecedented way. Pastor Steven Khoury from Israel also weighs in on these issues. As a pro-Israel Arab pastor in Israel, he has paid a serious price for his position on the Jewish state. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on May 17, 2014, 02:08:50 pm Quote Jan's first guest is White House correspondent Bill Koenig. Is Vladimir Putin Gog? Could WWIII be forming thanks to Putin’s intentions? The LA Clippers are out of the NBA Playoffs, but nonetheless the MSM CONTINUES to run away with this story over the "fallout" of their owner. Pt being that the MSM is continuing to cover up what's going on in Russia/Ukraine - now I think we see why... Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on May 26, 2014, 05:39:25 am Bible Answers for Our Times
Published on 24 May 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_05_24.mp3 Dr. Ron Rhodes returns for the entire hour to interact with hosts Jan Markell, Eric Barger and Jill Martin Rische. The three hosts fire Bible questions at Ron with topics that include angelology, fallen angels, end-times, Heaven and related eternity issues, and even suicide. Rhodes was the "Bible Answerman" on radio for a number of years sponsored by CRI. Find Rhodes' book, "The Big Book of Bible Answers: A Guide to Understanding the Most Challenging Questions," here. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com on their Home page. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on June 07, 2014, 05:35:40 am Common Core Education & the Christian: A Clash of Worldviews
Published on 31 May 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_05_31.mp3 Jan tackles the issue of Common Core in our public schools. One of Jan’s guests, attorney and spokesperson against Common Core, Marjorie Holsten, calls it “ObamaCore” and says it is worse than ObamaCare. It is indoctrination on steroids and is training kids to be good little global citizens. But it is ruining education. It is huge government overreach. Fifth graders will read a book suggesting Obama is a ‘messiah.’ Our Founding Fathers were supposedly racists. Conservatives are dangerous. Blatant pornography is a part of some curriculum. Then Bryan Fischer from American Family Radio joins Jan to continue the discussion. They consider a Common Core assignment that debunks the Holocaust. Much more info is given out that you need if you have kids you care about who are a victim of this system. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on June 07, 2014, 05:36:25 am Perfect Ending: Your Eternal Future Matters
Published on 07 June 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_06_07.mp3 Jan and co-host Eric Barger spend the entire hour with Dr. Robert Jeffress. They discuss his new book for part of the hour. It is “Perfect Ending: Why Your Eternal Future Matters Today” and can be found here. Their topics include the Millennium, the Judgment Seat of Christ, the role of the Jews in the last days, the problem with Preterism, and other general eschatology-related topics. Jeffress believes Obama’s governmental overreach is paving the way for the Antichrist. They also discuss his boldness in speaking the truth both in his pulpit and out on secular media. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on June 15, 2014, 08:23:59 am A Reminder: We’re on Borrowed Time
Published on 14 June 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_06_14.mp3 Jan and co-host Eric Barger talk to a number of guests including Dr. Dave Reagan. He reminds us that we really are on borrowed time as we head into earth’s final hours. Find his book here. Jan talks to filmmaker George Escobar about his new film, “Alone, Yet Not Alone.” Then Jan closes with John Lanagan who has contributed to our “Understanding Deception Package 3.” Find that info here. He writes about Alcoholics Anonymous and why Christians should seek other venues for freedom from alcohol. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on June 23, 2014, 03:43:58 am Blood Moons: Harbingers or Hype?
Published on 21 June 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_06_21.mp3 Jan and her co-host Eric Barger moderate a debate between blood moon proponent Pastor Mark Biltz and blood moon skeptic Dr. Mark Hitchcock. Biltz outlines his case for the importance of blood moons past, present, and future in his book “Blood Moons Rising: Decoding the Imminent Heavenly Signs” found here. The tetrad of four blood moons on Jewish feast days such as Passover and Sukkot are rare and occur near significant dates for the Jewish people. Dr. Mark Hitchcock believes the blood moon references in the Bible are for the Tribulation and apply to Christ’s Second Coming. He is frank that he feels the blood moons of 2014 and 2015 are hype and sensationalism. His book, “Blood Moons Rising: Bible Prophecy, Israel, and the Four Blood Moons”, is found here. We encourage you to read and draw your own conclusion. This ministry believes all signs of Christ’s return, including the “signs in the Heavens,” are on overdrive, and we should pay attention. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on June 29, 2014, 09:16:29 am 15 Future Events That Will Shake the World
Published on 28 June 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_06_29.mp3 Eric Barger and Larry Kutzler take segment one to interview David Murrow about his book and thoughts on “Why Men Hate Going to Church.” Then Jan and Jill Martin Rische talk to Dr. Ed Hindson about his thoughts on 15 future events that will shake the world. He has a book by that title and it is found here. A few of those events include the decline of America, a coming cashless society, a global economy, a great “falling away” into apostasy, the Dome of the Rock destroyed, another Holocaust, the Rapture of the church, and much more. Hindson is one of our speakers at our fall conference in Minneapolis October 4. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on July 13, 2014, 10:00:33 am Seducers Among Our Children
Published on 05 July 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_07_05.mp3 Jan's guest is Investigative Sergeant Patrick Crough and "Michael", whose 13 year old son was stalked online. Crough had a short segment months ago. They take the full hour to help educate you to recognize child predators in your midst. The conversation is tough and blunt. Sound bytes are added for emphasis as this topic is essential for our times. Learning the information presented in this program and in Crough's book, "The Seducers Among Our Children: How to Protect Your Child from Sexual Predators," could save a kid in your life. Find the complete book here and a pamphlet based on it here. The pamphlet is titled, "5 Things You Can Do to Protect Your Kids from Sexual Predators." Our electronic age has turned a serious problem into a pandemic. Get this info before it is too late for a child in your life. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on July 13, 2014, 10:01:04 am Mideast Burning
Published on 12 July 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_07_12.mp3 Jan Markell’s guest is White House correspondent Bill Koenig who is in Jerusalem. The Mideast is on fire due to jihad and Muslims who hate Christians and Jews. Koenig and Jan discuss ISIS, Israel, Iraq, the shaky Obama administration, and the announcement of the new red heifer that could be used in the third Temple yet to be built in Jerusalem. Where could the current Mideast crisis be heading? To Psalm 83 or Ezekiel 38-39 wars? And just what is an Islamic Caliphate and what does it mean to the West? Start with skyrocketing gas prices up ahead. Then program Executive Producer Larry Kutzler interviews “Baruch” in Jerusalem who also talks current issues for the closing segment. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on July 26, 2014, 06:38:15 am The Daze of Deception
Published on 19 July 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_07_19.mp3 Jan Markell and co-host Eric Barger spend the entire hour talking to Pastor Jack Hibbs, one of our conference speakers at “Understanding the Times Fall 2014.” Hibbs states that the church is going through “daze” of deception, fulfilling the great “falling away” predicted. People are departing from the faith as predicted. This must precede Christ’s return. They also talk current events and Mideast issues. For information on our Fall conference, go here. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on July 26, 2014, 06:38:44 am What’s So Great About Israel?
Published on 26 July 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_07_26.mp3 We play Pastor Skip Heitzig’s message from “Understanding the Times Spring 2014,” “What’s So Great About Israel?” Heitzig reveals the great blessings God has given to Israel, her role in prophecy, and our biblical mandate to stand with her. Jan closes with a commentary on the current conflict in Israel and Gaza. Find the sets of CDs or DVDs of this conference and others here. Our Fall conference is Saturday, October 4. Find info here. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on August 07, 2014, 08:32:12 am The American Dream vs The Progressive Nightmare
Published on 01 August 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_08_02.mp3 Eric Barger takes segment one to interview Ivan Soto who offers a stunning testimony as to his coming out of the “New Age Movement.” Be encouraged that God is in the business of setting the captives free. Then Jan Markell gets an economic update from Christian economist John Terry. How can Wall Street be flourishing yet we have 90 million Americans out of work? How will the surge of illegals affect our economy? Jan and John Terry explain the Cloward & PIven agenda which is in play. And how do new ObamaCare taxes affect you? They are legion and our lives will never be the same. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on August 19, 2014, 04:41:48 am Nuclear Showdown: How Soon?
Published on 09 August 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_08_09.mp3 Eric Barger opens with a short interview of Elijah Abraham, former Muslim. They discuss the Islamic deception going on in America, the identity of ‘Allah,’ and some of the misguided evangelism techniques being used by some in the Church such as “kingdom circles.” Then Jan talks to author Bill Salus about his new book, “Nuclear Showdown in Iran: Revealing the Ancient Prophecy of Elam.” Salus calls this the forgotten prophecy and it could involve a major earthquake, the Bushere nuclear reactor, and more. He feels this could precede the Psalm 83 war. They also discuss the exploding evangelical Christian population in Iran and how this could play into the scenario. Find Salus’ book here. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. The Days of Noah: Why We Can’t Celebrate “Pride” Published on 16 August 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_08_16.mp3 Executive orders are flying that even force Christians to hire homosexuals and cross-dressers. What can the Christian do in today’s deteriorating culture? We are in the days of Noah and we won’t celebrate “gay pride.” Insights are given by former homosexuals Stephen Bennett and Rosaria Butterfield. Then Linda Harvey from “Mission America” weighs in with her thoughts. She has tackled the gay agenda for 20 years and has paid a price. Even elements of the church suggest “Jesus had two daddies and turned out ok.” Just 3% of the population, the estimated number of homosexuals in America, is wagging the dog. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on August 24, 2014, 11:28:49 am The War on Christians
Published on 23 August 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_08_23.mp3 In segment one, Jan talks to Tom Doyle about the frightful persecution of Christians in the Mideast. As America retreats from global leadership, evil is filling gaps everywhere. Now ISIS threatens to raise its flag over our White House. Don’t underestimate them. The Muslim Brotherhood is already there. How can we help persecuted Christians in various places? Then Jan talks to a mom who survived the grief surrounding the car crash death of her 20-year old daughter only through an “eternal perspective.” Melody Richards tells a heartwarming story of Danielle which will resonate with anyone who has lost a loved one. The reality that they will be reunited in Heaven has allowed Melody to live victoriously. And many have come to faith in Christ as a result of Danielle’s death. God always works good out of evil. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Boldhunter on August 24, 2014, 10:26:07 pm The app site posted above has Chuck Missler in it (?) Is this a list of speakers being recommended? ???
Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on August 24, 2014, 10:31:18 pm The app site posted above has Chuck Missler in it (?) Is this a list of speakers being recommended? ??? I haven't listened to Markel in a long time, but yeah, I think so. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Boldhunter on August 24, 2014, 11:19:58 pm The first speaker is John (false teacher) McArthur
Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on September 01, 2014, 06:03:23 am Common Core and the Christian: A Clash of Worldviews
Published on 30 August 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_08_30.mp3 Jan tackles the issue of Common Core in our public schools. One of Jan’s guests, attorney and spokesperson against Common Core, Marjorie Holsten, calls it “ObamaCore” and says it is worse than ObamaCare. It is indoctrination on steroids and is training kids to be good little global citizens. But it is ruining education. It is huge government overreach. Fifth graders will read a book suggesting Obama is a ‘messiah.’ Our Founding Fathers were supposedly racists. Conservatives are dangerous. Blatant pornography is a part of some curriculum. Then Bryan Fischer from American Family Radio joins Jan to continue the discussion. They consider a Common Core assignment that debunks the Holocaust. Much more info is given out that you need if you have kids in your life you care about who are a victim of this system. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on September 01, 2014, 06:04:09 am The app site posted above has Chuck Missler in it (?) Is this a list of speakers being recommended? ??? Im pretty sure that oneplace is like sermon audio. It has a whole bunch of people on it. But it is for radio programs. I think... Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on September 06, 2014, 06:23:03 am Islam in Prophecy
Published on 06 September 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_09_06.mp3 Jan Markell’s guest for the entire hour is prophecy scholar Dr. Ed Hindson, one of our conference speakers October 4. They discuss Islam in prophecy and other end-time related issues. God is not trying to scare us but to prepare us. It is an awesome time to be alive in spite of the lawlessness and decline of the character of man which the two discuss. The West has had God’s grace since the end of WWII and that is obviously eroding with the rise of radical Islam and now the rise of Putin. Find Hindson’s book on “15 Future Events That Will Shake the World” here. Find his new DVD on the book of Revelation here. We highly recommend both. Find October 4 conference information here. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on September 21, 2014, 04:34:23 am What Happens After Life?
Published on 13 September 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_09_13.mp3 Jan Markell and co-host Jill Martin Rische talk to Dr. Ron Rhodes the entire hour about his new book, What Happens After Life: 21 Amazing Revelations About Heaven and Hell. They consider the encouraging teachings of Heaven given in the Bible. This is uplifting news of our eternal Home in light of the chaos of today’s world. They also sound the warnings about Hell. They also discuss near-death experiences. Are they legitimate? Find Rhodes’ book here. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Bible Prophecy is Good News: We Win Published on 20 September 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_09_20.mp3 Jan Markell and co-host Eric Barger spend the hour with one of our conference speakers, Pastor Jack Hibbs. Their topics include Islam and ISIS, Bible prophecy, and deception in the church. They discuss the deplorable statement made by Victoria Osteen a few weeks ago about making ourselves happy. Since Christians are suffering everywhere, how does the “prosperity gospel” still sell? For details on our October 4 conference, go here. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on September 28, 2014, 07:15:29 am Ecumenical Efforts: That the World Might be One
Published on 27 September 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_09_27.mp3 Eric Barger takes the first segment to talk to prophecy teacher and researcher, John Haller, about the evangelical slide into ecumenism. What’s behind the meetings between evangelicals and Pope Francis? Then Jan talks to Pastor Steven Khoury for the balance of the program. He is an Arab who loves Israel and who has paid a terrible price for that. He ministers in Israel as an evangelical Arab pastor. He is one of our fall conference speakers October 4. Find information here. What was behind the Sen. Ted Cruz incident where Mideast Christians came against him? We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on October 04, 2014, 07:55:25 am Perilous Times
Published on 04 October 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_10_04.mp3 Jan Markell and co-host Eric Barger spend the entire hour with Rep. Michele Bachmann. She spent August travelling to five nations. The purpose, in part, was to learn more about ISIS and it’s threat to the free world, particularly America. Why did Barack Obama release the ISIS leader from prison in Iraq in 2009? How is the President’s worldview destabilizing the entire world? She also spent time on our southern border in August and gives a troubling report. Bachmann represents the 6th District in Minnesota and has been a long-time friend of Olive Tree Ministries. She is a committed believer and a student of the end-times. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on October 12, 2014, 09:14:26 am The Great Falling Away
Published on 11 October 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_10_11.mp3 Jan Markell’s first guest is Dr. Dave Reagan. They discuss his new book, “The Jewish People: Rejected or Beloved.” In the short segment, they discuss “Dual Covenant Theology” and Reagan’s efforts to reach out to Dr. John Hagee who embraces this theology though he will often deny it. In the last two segments, Jan interviews Ann Graham Lotz on her concerns which include the great falling away in the church, her new-found concern for Israel, and her belief that the Lord’s return is imminent. She concludes encouraging listeners to trust God even when we don’t understand His ways in our lives. Find Dave Reagan’s book on the Jewish people here. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on October 18, 2014, 08:26:57 am Signs of the Times: How the Stage is Being Set
Published on 18 October 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_10_18.mp3 Jan Markell airs a message by Dr. Ed Hindson from “Understanding the Times Fall 2014” which took place Saturday, October 4. Hindson’s message is “Signs of the Times: How the Stage is Being Set.” The hour is late. Signs are flashing and warning us daily. Hindson lists some of the most important ones and reminds us to keep our eyes on the skies. Find complete sets of CDs or DVDs here. Close to 3,000 attendees said this was the best event this ministry has presented since 2002. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on November 01, 2014, 04:38:29 am The Social Justice Gospel: Poverty Above the Cross
Published on 25 October 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_10_25.mp3 Jan Markell and co-host Eric Barger talk about the “social justice gospel” for the first two segments. These folks often put poverty and “equality” above the cross. They will feed the stomach but not the soul. They look at primarily Jim Wallis, a long-time Marxist who has “moderated” to a Socialist and who is an Obama advisor. Joining Jan and Eric are Mary Danielson, author of a product we carry about Wallis, and Mike LeMay from “Stand Up for the Truth” radio. Find info on all our pamphlets here. Then Jan gives a short commentary on why Barack Obama calls ISIS “ISIL.” It’s all about “the Levant” and the destruction of Israel. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. When Tyranny Threatens the Pastor’s Pulpits Published on 01 November 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_11_01.mp3 In segment one, Eric Barger talks to Dan Fisher who keeps the memory of “The Black Robed Regiment” alive. They were America’s “patriot preachers” during the Revolutionary War. Then Jan Markell talks to Twila Brase from the Citizen’s Council on Health Freedom about Ebola and ObamaCare. They also discuss options for Christians who want to opt out of ObamaCare. Twila is blunt that America won’t remain America as long as government controls the people of America through ObamaCare and healthcare. Jan closes talking to Pastor Jack Hibbs about government intrusion into our pulpits. Though the Mayor of Houston has backed down on her sermon demand, the harassment of pastors has just begun. However, many are fighting back. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on November 01, 2014, 10:51:06 am Quote Jan closes talking to Pastor Jack Hibbs about government intrusion into our pulpits. Though the Mayor of Houston has backed down on her sermon demand, the harassment of pastors has just begun. However, many are fighting back. Many are fighting back? Really? No - what this Houston sodomite mayor did(as she likely was taking marching orders from her Illuminati higher-ups) was just a WARNING SHOT - IOW, this is JUST THE BEGINNING. It's not a matter of if, but when these 501c3 churches will cave in and allow sodomites in their doors. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on November 08, 2014, 05:00:33 am Assault: The Intolerant Left vs Freedom
Published on 08 November 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_11_08.mp3 Jan Markell and Jill Martin Rische talk about Christians who are “disconnecting and disengaging” due to the bad news of our day. How do we cope in light of the tragic headlines? Dr. Marcus Bachmann is a guest as he describes the attack he has come under from the intolerant Left. His wife, Rep. Michele Bachmann, is being threatened by ISIS. And American Family Association President Tim Wildmon and Jan discuss the attack on religious freedom. They introduce AFA’s new film, “A Time to Speak.” If the church doesn’t rise up, we will have few religious freedoms remaining thanks to the intolerant Left. Find this new DVD here. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on November 15, 2014, 08:37:45 am The 8 Great Debates of Bible Prophecy
Published on 15 November 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_11_15.mp3 Jan Markell’s and Eric Barger’s guest for the entire hour is Dr. Ron Rhodes. They discuss his new book, “The 8 Great Debates of Bible Prophecy: Understanding the Ongoing Controversies.” Find it here. The hour is spent considering some of these controversies. You can gain info to compare and contrast your views and debate others from this discussion. We recommend the book which has dozens of topics and sub-topics subject to debate. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on December 13, 2014, 05:46:02 am Jesus on Trial
Published on 22 November 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_11_22.mp3 Jan’s primary guest is David Limbaugh. They discuss the November 4 election results and the statement made by a commentator that the next two years in America are two of the most dangerous ever. They also discuss Limbaugh’s new book, “Jesus on Trial: A Lawyer Confirms the Truth of the Gospel.” Jan and Jill Martin Rische consider pestilence and plague in prophecy. Does Ebola fit into this? Hear a clip with a partial stunning testimony from Ebola survivor Nancy Writebol. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Trapped in Hitler’s Hell Published on 29 November 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_11_30.mp3 Jan Markell talks to Holocaust survivor Anita Dittman the entire hour. Hear this incredible and uplifting testimony of God’s protection for His own. She is a wonderful illustration of the fact that He never leaves us or forsakes us. Her story will encourage you amidst today’s darkness. Jan authored her book many years ago. Find the book here. Find the documentary film made by WND here. Find Jan’s companion DVD, “When Government Becomes God: What History Teaches Us” here. We offer a “combo-pack” of the two DVDs here. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com Global Government and the Coming Perfect Storm Published on 06 December 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_12_06.mp3 The web of deception being engineered by Satan’s forces is vast and well planned. Global government is on the horizon. But it will take a crisis – both national and international – to have it implemented. Gary Kah, Jan Markell and Eric Barger discuss this the entire hour and the options that could lead to such crises. This is sobering. The racial unrest may play a role in this. A perfect storm is forming to create a one-world government sooner than most expected. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Stunning Events: 2014 – 2015 Published on 13 December 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_12_13.mp3 Jan Markell and Eric Barger spend two segments talking to White House correspondent Bill Koenig about a few of the most significant events of 2014. They also project into the new year and talk about at least one possibility: An Israeli strike on Iran. They discuss the ecumenical push taking place right now heavily led by Pope Francis but evangelicals are cooperating. Then Jan talks to Pastor Steven Khoury in Israel. There is unusual tension going on there. Steven gives an insider’s opinion as he is a Jerusalem pastor. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on December 20, 2014, 08:59:00 am The Best of 2014
Published on 20 December 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_12_20.mp3 We are featuring some of our best programming from 2014 with segments from our interviews of Ann Graham Lotz, Dr. Ron Rhodes, and attorney Marj Holsten. The Rhodes’ discussion centers on Heaven and Holsten delivered troubling information about the Common Core agenda. We carry Rhodes’ book on Heaven here. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on December 27, 2014, 03:44:52 pm Perfect Ending: Your Eternal Future Matters
Published on 27 December 2014 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2014_12_27.mp3 Jan Markell and Eric Barger talk to Pastor Robert Jeffress about his newest book, “Perfect Ending.” They cover how eschatology fits into some current events. Then Jan and Eric talk with Rep. Michele Bachmann. Jan closes reviewing 2014 with a commentary. Find Jeffress’ book here. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on January 10, 2015, 09:23:16 am U.S. Presidents & Israel: A Blessing or a Cursing?
Published on 03 January 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_01_03.mp3 We air Jan Markell’s message at “Understanding the Times Fall 2014”: “U.S. Presidents & Israel: A Blessing or a Cursing?” You can order a complete set of CDs and DVDs or just get Jan’s single message on DVD here. Jan considers U.S. Presidents from Woodrow Wilson through Barack Obama and how they have blessed or cursed Israel. There are consequences to a nation when that happens. Currently Israel is viewed as a near terrorist state by present-day leadership and this should shock all righteous people. Jan’s information is timely! We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. The Truly Confused Evangelicals Published on 10 January 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_01_10.mp3 Jan Markell spends the hour with Eric Barger talking about one of his newest DVDs, “The Truly Confused Evangelicals: Understanding and Resisting Postmodernism in the Church.” They take a look at some contemporary pastors and teachers who have truly gone astray. The sound bites played are stunning. Evangelicalism is making the same mistake the Mainline Protestants made 150 years ago as they invented a “new way of doing church.” But this is leaving enormous wreckage, with folks unable to find a solid church. Find the DVD here. We use the mobile app found at the Home page of www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on February 07, 2015, 05:14:24 am The Truly Confused Evangelicals
Published on 10 January 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_01_10.mp3 Jan Markell spends the hour with Eric Barger talking about one of his newest DVDs, “The Truly Confused Evangelicals: Understanding and Resisting Postmodernism in the Church.” They take a look at some contemporary pastors and teachers who have truly gone astray. The sound bites played are stunning. Evangelicalism is making the same mistake the Mainline Protestants made 150 years ago as they invented a “new way of doing church.” But this is leaving enormous wreckage, with folks unable to find a solid church. Find the DVD here. We use the mobile app found at the Home page of www.oneplace.com. As It Was in the Days of Noah Published on 17 January 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_01_17.mp3 Jan Markell’s first guest is Christian economist John Terry. They consider the economy in the new year and how you can plan and prepare. Then Jan interviews author Jeff Kinley about his book, “As It Was in the Days of Noah: Warnings From Bible Prophecy About the Coming Global Storm.” Find the excellent resource here. This is an hour that will help you better understand some of the perils ahead. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. The Paranormal Invasion Published on 24 January 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_01_24.mp3 Jan Markell, Jill Martin Rische, and Eric Barger spend the hour discussing the end-time paranormal invasion of all things, even the church. We carry Eric’s book, “Entertaining Spirits Unaware” here. The Bible gives clear warnings about occult involvement yet it saturates even the church. You will hear stunning sound bites that support the discussion. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. The Universal Dilemma: Loss Published on 31 January 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_01_31.mp3 Jan Markell spends the hour with former tennis pro David Wheaton. They discuss world and church issues including the boy who went to Heaven but really didn’t. They also focus on the struggle every person experiences: loss. David has a new book about the loss of his dog Ben. Jan shares her story of loss as well. The greater impact is how God provided the grace they needed and how His grace is there for all who go through trials and testings. Find David’s captivating new book at www.thechristianworldview.org. Use the code “Jan” when ordering and get a discount. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. They Must Be Stopped Published on 07 February 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_02_07.mp3 Jan’s first guest is Brigitte Gabriel who has been sounding a warning as to the Islamic threat in the world – and specifically America – for a decade. She is the author of “They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam” and “Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America” found in any bookstore. Compelling sound bites are played that support her case. Then Jan talks to Pastor Ray Bentley about his book, “The Holy Land Key: Unlocking End-Times Prophecy Through the Lives of God’s People in Israel” found here. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on February 21, 2015, 06:36:04 am Revival in Hell: The Other Mideast Story
Published on 14 February 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_02_14.mp3 Jan’s first guest is author David Fiorazo. They discuss the entertainment industry’s slide into total darkness. Then Jan talks to author and filmmaker Joel Richardson. Joel has visited refugee camps filled with those who have fled ISIS and he speaks of the openness to the gospel and even revival in those areas. They also discuss his new film, “End-Time Eyewitness: Israel, Islam and the Unfolding Signs of Messiah’s Return.” The church is silent on the topic even though the signs are exploding. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Christian Unity: Are We All on the Same Team? Published on 21 February 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_02_21.mp3 Jan Markell, Eric Barger and Jill Martin Rische open with a segment responding to Pastor Rick Warren’s suggestion that many religions “are on the same team.” What is wrong with this and what is it heralding? Then they interview Dr. Ron Rhodes about issues relating to his new book, “40 Days Through Genesis.” Find it here Why are the book ends of the Bible, Genesis and Revelation, marginalized? Hear “Christianity Today” magazine suggest that Adam and Eve are not the parents of us all. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on March 29, 2015, 06:52:01 am The Gathering Storm
Published on 28 February 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_02_28.mp3 Jan talks to Dr. Robert Jeffress for two segments about radical Islam, end-times, and current events in light of the Bible. We carry his new book, “Countdown to the Apocalypse: Why ISIS and Ebola are Only the Beginning.” Find ite here. With everything falling apart, Dr. Jeffress reminds us to be salt and light. Then Jan Markell gives a short commentary about the importance of Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress March 3. Obama continues to turn on old allies and befriend terrorists. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Islam, False Prophets, & the Daze of Deception Published on 07 March 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_03_07.mp3 We play Pastor Jack Hibbs’ message from “Understanding the Times Fall 2014”. The title is “Islam, False Prophets, & the Daze of Deception.” Jack hits on major issues of the day as indicated in the title. Find a complete set of DVDs or CDs here. Other speakers included Dr. Ed Hindson, Jan Markell, and Steven Khoury. Then Eric Barger talks to science expert Jay Seegert. They discuss how we might use creation to share our faith. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com Visits to Heaven & Hell: Are They For Real? Published on 14 March 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_03_14.mp3 Jan Markell and Eric Barger spend the entire hour with Dr. Mark Hitchcock discussing the supposed trips to Heaven and Hell and back. Are they for real? Why do so many of them contradict the Bible? The co-hosts and Hitchcock spend an extended time on “Heaven Is for Real,” Dr. Mary Neal, and Don Piper. Why could Paul not speak about his trip to Heaven but people can today? Of the 400 books on the topic, why do so few give the plan of salvation so that all may get to Heaven? We carry Hitchcock’s new book on this topic and it’s found here. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Desperate Times, Desperate People: Responding to Suicide Published on 20 March 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_03_21.mp3 Jan Markell, Dr. Marcus Bachmann, and Larry Kutzler lead a round table discussion with those “left behind” after suicide. Our desperate times are producing desperate people, many of them Christians who take their own life. Loved ones speak into this for the hour. How should the church react? Is this the unpardonable sin as some say it is? Or is God’s grace broad enough to cover this sin? Learn more at www.engagesdg.org. We use the mobile app from www.oneplace.com The Blood of the Martyrs Published on 28 March 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_03_28.mp3 Why is God allowing so many Christian to die? Jan Markell and her guest, Tom Doyle, discuss that and much more. Doyle also shares remarkably uplifting stories from the midst of the persecution of Christians in the Mideast. Doyle has a new book, “Killing Christians: Living the Faith Where it’s Not Safe to Believe.” Find it here. The depth of oppression Jesus followers suffer is unimaginable to most Western Christians. Yet, it is an everyday reality for those who choose faith in many parts of the world. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on April 04, 2015, 03:52:23 pm Bible Answers for Our Times
Published on 04 April 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_04_04.mp3 Dr. Ron Rhodes returns for the entire hour to interact with hosts Jan Markell, Eric Barger and Jill Martin Rische. The three hosts fire Bible questions at Ron with topics that include angelology, fallen angels, end-times, Heaven and related eternity issues, and much more. Rhodes was the "Bible Answerman" on radio for a number of years sponsored by CRI. Find Rhodes' book, "The Big Book of Bible Answers: A Guide to Understanding the Most Challenging Questions” here. This book has been one of our most popular products. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on April 18, 2015, 09:32:31 am Part 1: Lawlessness and Global Transformation: How it Sets the Stage
Published on 11 April 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_04_11.mp3 Jan talks to Michele Bachmann for the hour in part one of a two-part series dealing with end-times, government, America, Israel, the Mideast, and more. How is the present lawlessness setting the stage for the final scenario? They discuss the Iranian nuke deal, Islamists in the current administration, and much more and suggest all that is happening is setting the stage for all that the Bible outlines. Part two is next weekend. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Lawlessness & Global Transformation: How it Sets the Stage – Part 2 Published on 18 April 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_04_18.mp3 This is part 2 in our series with Michele Bachmann. She reports that America’s friends wonder why we have left them for the world’s tyrant nations. Bachmann personally challenged President Obama concerning Iran who is about the get a nuclear bomb. They continue their discussion on waning U.S. support for Israel and the loss of it in the last six years. Bachmann challenges the church to start speaking the truth in all issues and to speak of the lateness of the hour. Jan and Michele briefly speak about the 2016 election. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on April 26, 2015, 08:10:22 am America: On a Collision Course with God
Published on 25 April 2015 Download MP3. http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_04_25.mp3 Jan Markell and Eric Barger talk to White House correspondent Bill Koenig about America’s collision course with God. Koenig has been a White House journalist since 2001 and shares insights in the third in our series of our Washington watch. Koenig connects some more final days dots and concurs with Franklin Graham that there is an “antichrist movement” in Washington now. He offers insights listeners will not hear other places. We use the mobile app at www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on May 02, 2015, 07:01:13 am Countdown: Issues of Eternity
Published on 02 May 2015 Download MP3: http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_05_02.mp3 Jan Markell and co-host Eric Barger talk to Dr. Gary Frazier for the entire hour about issues of eternity: Hell, the Judgment Seat of Christ, the Great White Throne Judgment, and more. They discuss his newest book, “Hell is for Real: Why It Matters”, found here. Everyone has a destiny that is daunting. We all will stand before the one who loved us, died for us, rose for us, and sits at the right hand of the Father for us. Practical questions are answered. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on May 16, 2015, 05:11:07 am Obsession: Today’s Technology
Published on 09 May 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_05_09.mp3 In segment one, Jan Markell and Eric Barger respond to the overwhelming outpouring of condemnation due to the program’s interviews with Michele Bachmann a few weeks ago. Then Jan talks to a young woman who was obsessed with social media. When it was taken away, she threatened to take her life. How can technology that has a bright side turn so evil as it addicts tens of millions? Mariah shares how she was set free. A must-hear for anyone growing too close to today’s electronic world—and too far away from God. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. The ISIS Crisis Published on 16 May 2015 Download MP3 http://www.olivetreeviews.org/radio/complete-archives/ Jan Markell and Eric Barger spend the hour talking to terror analyst Erick Stackelbeck as he unravels the ISIS crisis. Stackelbeck feels America is totally unprepared for what might be coming upon us. Our southern border is a disaster waiting to happen he says; our shopping malls are sitting targets; sleeper cells may be awaiting orders. What can be done? If terror visits a neighborhood near you, you need this vital, though disturbing, information. Find his new book in any book store. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on May 30, 2015, 05:51:43 am U.S. Presidents & Israel: A Blessing or a Cursing?
Published on 23 May 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_05_23.mp3 We air Jan Markell’s message at “Understanding the Times Fall 2014”: “U.S. Presidents & Israel: A Blessing or a Cursing?” You can order a complete set of CDs and DVDs or just get Jan’s single message on DVD here. Jan considers U.S. Presidents from Woodrow Wilson through Barack Obama and how they have blessed or cursed Israel. There are consequences to a nation when that happens. Currently Israel is viewed as a near terrorist state by present-day leadership and this should shock all righteous people. Jan’s information is timely! It is also a sign of the last days. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com. A Voice for Those Who Are Silenced Published on 30 May 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_05_30.mp3 Jan Markell and Jill Martin Rische talk with Pastor Steven Khoury who is a voice for Christians silenced in his region, the Middle East. His evangelical outreach is greatly persecuted by the Muslims of the area. He received a standing ovation following his message at our “Understanding the Times Fall 2014” conference. He just addressed the United Nations as well. Then Jan and Eric Barger discuss the silence in the pulpit about all the issues that matter today. How can pastors be approached to deal with the important things the pulpit neglects today? We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on June 13, 2015, 05:58:13 am The Unraveling: Distress with Perplexity of Nations
Published on 06 June 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_06_06.mp3 Jan Markell and Eric Barger first talk to Anne Graham Lotz about the unraveling and distress with perplexity among the nations as history winds down. Is God trying to get the world’s attention? Anne reminds us that God always warns before judgment. They also focus on the hope of Heaven in dark times. They discuss the wounding by God’s people of each other and how this can cause many to walk away from the Lord and the church. Then Jan Markell talks to filmmaker George Escobar who is producing a theater version of “Trapped in Hitler’s Hell.” Find that current documentary about Anita Dittman here. We use the mobile app at www.oneplace.com. The Stage is Being Set Published on 13 June 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_06_13.mp3 Jan Markell and Eric Barger interview Amir Tsarfati the hour. Amir is an Israeli, a prophecy teacher, founder of “Behold Israel,” and one of our fall conference speakers. He states that the stage is being set as Biblical prophecy unfolds more each day. As an Israeli citizen, he is saddened that the church is silent on Israel, the “miracle of the 20th Century”, or caught up in Replacement Theology. The hosts and guest discuss many signs of the times. Learn what Amir feels may be one of the next major biblical fulfillments. Amir reminds us that prophecy is given to prepare us, not scare us. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on June 27, 2015, 05:28:34 am Come, Lord Jesus, But Not Too Soon
Published on 20 June 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_06_20.mp3 Jan Markell’s guest for the hour is Pastor Jack Hibbs, one of our conference speakers October 2-3 near Minneapolis. They talk current events, the silence of the church on important issues, and end-times. They discuss the forthcoming Fox TV show, “Lucifer” which glorifies Satan and makes him a good guy living in Los Angeles. The church remains in a “daze” of deception in spite of the turmoil of our times. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Wide is the Gate: The Emerging New Christianity Published on 27 June 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_06_27.mp3 Jan Markell and her co-host Eric Barger, talk to filmmaker Caryl Matrisciana for the hour about her latest DVD, “Wide is the Gate: The Emerging New Christianity” (volume 3). Their topics include Dominionism, Latter Rain, Fresh Fire, IHOP, “drunk in the spirit,” grave sucking, Bethel Church (Redding, CA), counterfeit laying on of hands, we are all gods, Todd Bentley, and much more. We carry Caryl’s DVD and it is found here. It is a 2-disc, 5-hour production. It looks at the raging end-time apostasy so common today. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on July 11, 2015, 06:09:47 am The Social Justice Gospel: Putting Poverty Above the Cross
Published on 04 July 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_07_04.mp3 Jan Markell and co-host Eric Barger talk about the “social justice gospel” for the first two segments. These folks often put poverty and “equality” above the cross. They will feed the stomach but not the soul. They look at primarily Jim Wallis, a long-time Marxist who has “moderated” to a Socialist and who is an Obama advisor. Joining Jan and Eric are Mary Danielson, author of a product we carry about Wallis, and Mike LeMay from “Stand Up for the Truth” radio. Find info on all our pamphlets here. Then Jan talks to author Jeff Kinley about his book, “As it Was in the Days of Noah: Warnings from Bible Prophecy About the Coming Global Storm.” We are in those “days of Noah”. How are they similar to the former days in the Bible? Find his book here. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Israel, the Burdensome Stone Published on 11 July 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_07_11.mp3 Jan’s first guest is Jim Fletcher. Jim reports on the Justice Conference that was directed at Millennials and featured far-Left speakers including Cornell West. Bashing Israel was a sport activity at the event which also featured Lynne Hybels. Then Laurie Cardoza-Moore joins Jan. Moore has produced major documentaries on Israel and is an outspoken proponent of the Jewish State. They discuss the disturbing rise in anti-Semitism around the globe and the boycott effort against Israel. The “BDS” movement demonizes Israel and compares them to the Nazis. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on July 20, 2015, 11:50:44 am Exiles in Our Own Land
Published on 18 July 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_07_18.mp3 Jan Markell’s guests, White House correspondent Bill Koenig and Dr. Robert Jeffress, say Christians are now exiles in our own land. God-fearing Bible believing Christians understand the seriousness of our sinful times but others can’t and won’t. The three conclude that God is waking us up and shaking us up so that the church will start looking up. It is growing unspeakably dark so that we will loosen our grip on this earth. The greatest separation of church and state is the forthcoming Rapture. We carry Jeffress’ book, “Countdown to the Apocalypse” and it is found here. Jeffress speaks at our “Understanding the Times 2015.” We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on August 13, 2015, 08:07:52 am Preparing the Way for the Antichrist
Published on 25 July 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_07_25.mp3 Jan Markell and Eric Barger talk to Gary Kah the hour. Kah has monitored the advance of global government for 30 years. He states that a perfect storm is now brewing for this and explains why. The world is heading towards collapse economically, politically, and more. What is the “convergence” happening this fall and could it play into this scenario? Even Pope Francis is pushing a “New World Order” and the three discuss that. The biggest globalist today is the Pope. A warning is given: Be ready for anything. Only the Antichrist can solve the growing problems. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Watchmen Warn: Anybody Listening? Published on 01 August 201 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_08_01.mp3 Jan Markell’s first guest, Avi Lipkin, an Israeli, says Israel will go it alone in an attack against Iran, if necessary. He warns of the Islamic immigration to America and reminds us that Iran sees America as the “Great Satan.” Progressives are all too quick to be friends with evil. Then John Haller gives his perspective that the Iran treaty could lead to the “covenant” with the Antichrist. Israel longs for peace and in the short-term, only war is looming. The Antichrist will offer solutions. Watch Haller’s weekly “Prophecy Update” on YouTube: Fellowship Bible Chapel. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Beyond Madness: Welcome to the End of Days Published on 08 August 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_08_08.mp3 Jan Markell’s guest for the hour is Michele Bachmann. Only in the end of days could life and world events have turned so bizarre. That particularly shows in U.S. foreign policy which the two focus on. America has become Iran’s defender and protector. It would appear that America has abandoned Israel, a foreshadowing of Zechariah 12:3. Barack Obama does not understand that he has led America and the world to a colossal time of predicted chaos. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on August 13, 2015, 08:31:38 am Michele Bachmann Is 'Extremely Excited' for Iran Deal Because It Will Usher God's Judgement on the World as Foretold In Zechariah 12:3
Former Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, a Republican, has proclaimed that the nuclear agreement reached between Iran, the United States and five other world powers is nothing more than the fulfillment of End Times prophecy found in the Bible, and added that the world will likely see the "strong right arm" of the Lord strike in judgement. While speaking on Jan Markell's "Understanding the Times" evangelical radio program last Saturday, the 59-year-old Bachmann argued that if Congress fails to strike down the agreement reached with Iran, then Christians should rejoice because it is a sign that the End Times are coming to fruition. In July, the U.S., China, Russia, United Kingdom, France and Germany signed on to an agreement that could potentially grant Iran access to nuclear capabilities within a decade's time. Fearing that Iran has every intention to use nuclear capabilities to wipe out Israel and the U.S., Bachmann equated the agreement to "all the nations of the world" turning their backs on Israel. "Just as the agreement was being announced at the [United Nations] Security Council the following Monday after the agreement, for the very first time, the most important national security event in my lifetime and it's this— all the nations of the world signed an agreement that slams the door against Israel and opened it up to the enriching and empowering the leading state sponsor of terror in the world, whose ultimate goal is the annihilation of the Jewish state," Bachmann stated. "It happened July 20 with the United States leading that charge." Markell quipped that such an event was foretold in Zechariah 12:3, which states: "On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves." The host added: "There are consequences to doing things like this against God's covenant land, there are horrible consequences. Then you throw in some other things such as the Supreme Court decision back in late June and a lot of other things. Judgment isn't just coming; judgment is already here." The agreement not only provides Iran with a path toward nuclear weapons, it also helps pay for Iran to build nuclear weapons by putting over $150 billion into the hands of the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism, Bachmann argued. She also implied that giving Iran so much money could lead to Cuba gaining access to nuclear weapons also. Bachmann added that the agreement also includes teaching Iranians how to develop advanced centrifuges and how to build cyber defense systems to guard against outside attacks, likely to come from Isreal, against Iran's nuclear program. "For years, we have worked with other countries to make sure that Iran did not achieve a nuclear bomb because we know what they will do with it," Bachmann asserted. "They say it over and over again, 'Death to America. Death to Israel.'" Bachmann, who stated in April that Jesus Christ's return is "imminent," admits that she is "excited" about the prospects that a nuclearized Iran could lead to the Lord's impending judgement on the world. "I am actually extremely excited because I think that we are about to see the strong right arm of the Holy God show to the world and prove to the world, His power and His strength. He is the Lord of Heaven's armies.That is his name," Bachmann stated. "We are so encouraged because God has given us his assurance. We know how this is going to turn out. As the prophets foretold, the prophets longed to live in this day that you and I are privileged to live in." "From a biblical perspective, the Lord has allowed us to see how He is using politics, He is using leaders, He is using politicians and He is using foreign policy in that to bring about where we are to date. Not that it is God's choice of evil, not that it is His choice but it has given us revelation," Bachmann continued. "He has given us revelation through His Word to be comforted, to look up and also to take our lives before Him and do what Hezekiah did, bow before Him, confess our sins, cry out to the God of the universe, the Lord of Heaven's armies. Ultimately, our God will rescue the remnant in the way that only He can and He will have His way." While appearing on the show in April, Bachmann accused President Barack Obama for advocating the "goals of Islamic jihad" by trying to pass the Iran deal. "One thing I want to make clear to people on this program is that this isn't about being against President Obama or against Democrats, this is so much more important than politics. This is really about what our world will look like," Bachmann added last Saturday. "We are not talking about fundamentally transforming the United States, we are talking about fundamentally transforming the world with this agreement." Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/michele-bachmann-is-extremely-excited-for-iran-deal-because-it-will-usher-gods-judgement-on-the-world-as-foretold-in-zechariah-123-142630/#lvjrFu8fJOYDMPvB.99 Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on August 22, 2015, 06:29:03 am Lucifer Makes Prime Time
Published on 15 August 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_08_15.mp3 Jan’s first guest is World Net Daily founder Joseph Farah who says journalists can hardly keep up with breaking news. He also talks his transformation from a far leftist progressive when he began in journalism to a Bible-believing Christian. Then Jill Martin Rische and Jan discuss the forthcoming Fox TV presentation “Lucifer” due to debut in 2016. They also sound a warning about the popular “Charlie Charlie” demon game that teens are playing around the world. All ages will benefit from Rische’s understanding and warnings about occult-based issues. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. The Cost of Our Silence Published on 22 August 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_08_22.mp3 Jan Markell and Eric Barger first talk to David Fiorazo, author of the new book, “The Cost of Our Silence: The Consequences of Christians Taking the Path of Least Resistance.” Find the book here. How can any of us remain silent when we see the rampant evil running amok today? Our silence has tragic consequences, and we may not have a lot of time left to speak up. As Bonhoeffer said, “Silence in the face of evil is evil itself.” Then Jan Markell closes with a commentary about the mockers. She was notified that a church in Washington State made fun of “End-Time Eddies.” Why are our churches today denigrating the greatest news there is: The King is coming? We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on August 30, 2015, 09:56:18 am Convergence: What Does it All Mean? Published on 29 August 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_08_29.mp3 Jan Markell and Eric Barger discuss the convergence of many events in September, including the Shemitah, with Jonathan Cahn. From the United Nations to the Jewish holy days to the Pope, and much more, there is a strange alignment of activity in September, not the least of which is the Shemitah. They emphasize that no one knows for sure if we can draw any conclusions. Cahn looks at patterns in the past as well. It is a provocative hour. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on September 05, 2015, 11:35:49 am When You Can’t Find a Church
Published on 05 September 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_09_05.mp3 Jan Markell’s first guest is Dr. Ed Hindson. They discuss his newest book, “Target Israel: Caught in the Crosshairs of the End Times.” Find it here. Never has Israel been so marginalized, even by America. Then Jan Markell and Eric Barger talk to Dr. Randy White who says even as a Baptist pastor, he would have a hard time finding a church to attend. What has gone wrong and what is the answer to the church dilemma? We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on September 19, 2015, 08:55:48 am The Most Dangerous Cult: Liberalism
Published on 12 September 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_09_12.mp3 Jan Markell, Eric Barger, and Jill Martin Rische spend the hour discussing the most dangerous cult, the cult of liberalism. Mainline Protestantism caved to it 150 years ago and now evangelicals are doing the same. We carry Eric Barger’s updated DVD on this subject and it is found here. Liberalism is ravaging our churches, colleges, and seminaries. Find out who the leaders of this movement are and how you can combat liberalism if it is in your world and church. Though the liberal church will say they are Christians, they have taken their eyes off of the important issues of eternity. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Final Warning: Things to Come Published on 19 September 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_09_19.mp3 Jan’s guests for the hour are Pastor Jack Hibbs and Amir Tsarfati from Israel. They are two of our conference speakers October 2-3. They suggest life may never be the same as it once was and that we are in a final countdown. They discuss what the countdown may look like. They also talk about how people can prepare for our times. The three remind all that the spirit of Antichrist will one day, likely soon, be overcome by Jesus Christ. Today’s lawlessness will cease. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on September 19, 2015, 06:21:10 pm Quote The Most Dangerous Cult: Liberalism Published on 12 September 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_09_12.mp3 Jan Markell, Eric Barger, and Jill Martin Rische spend the hour discussing the most dangerous cult, the cult of liberalism. Mainline Protestantism caved to it 150 years ago and now evangelicals are doing the same. We carry Eric Barger’s updated DVD on this subject and it is found here. Liberalism is ravaging our churches, colleges, and seminaries. Find out who the leaders of this movement are and how you can combat liberalism if it is in your world and church. Though the liberal church will say they are Christians, they have taken their eyes off of the important issues of eternity. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. The biggest weapon they're using is this damnable heresy called Easy Believism - and they're doing so by using this "lordship salvation" strawman argument to no end.(which is the same strawman argument they're using to attack people like Bryan Denlinger) This whole LS strawman argument was used by Jack Hyles - who infiltrated the IFB movement, and all but crumbled it. And he also crumbled his ministry AND his family(ie-his son-in-law Jack Schaap is a convicted child pedifile). Others like David J. Stewart and Matt Slick have used this strawman argument to no effect, and their lives have crumbled(Stewart got arrested on child trafficking charges like Guam, and Slick's daughter became an atheist). And now masquerading KJB "ministers" on YT are waging war using this very strawman argument. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on November 09, 2015, 11:39:17 pm Peace and Safety or Sudden Destruction?
Published on 26 September 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_09_26.mp3 Jan Markell talks with Michele Bachmann and Dr. Robert Jeffress for the hour. They are two of our conference guests October 2-3. They consider current headlines in light of the Bible and see the world crying for peace and safety amidst the world’s chaos. Is God waking us up and shaking us up so that we will begin looking up? We carry Jeffress’ book, “Countdown to the Apocalypse,” and it is found here. For conference details go here. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Many Shall Come in My Name Published on 03 October 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_10_03.mp3 Jan Markell and Eric Barger host former New Ager Warren Smith for the hour. This movement is now called the “new spirituality” and you would be surprised how even evangelical leaders fit into it. The chief proponent of it is Oprah Winfrey who is now utilizing Rob Bell to further this Satanic agenda. Why would Rick Warren tap into three men with involvement in this “new spirituality” to be a part of a program at Saddleback Church? Hear from one who attended this outrageous seminar. We carry Smith’s excellent book, “False Christ Coming: What New Age Leaders Really Have in Store for America, the Church, and the World.” Find it here. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. The King is Coming: Who Cares? Published on 10 October 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_10_10.mp3 Jan Markell and Eric Barger talk eschatology with Dr. David Reagan for the hour. We carry his updated book, “Living for Christ in the End Times: Coping with Anarchy and Apostasy.” Find it here. How can we live for Christ victoriously in these last days? Hardly anyone cares that the King is coming and yet that is today’s only good news. We have society decaying and the church riddled with apostasy. In light of this, how shall we then live? We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Israel: Standing Alone Published on 17 October 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_10_17.mp3 We air one of our messages given at “Understanding the Times 2015.” Amir Tsarfati is an Israeli Bible and prophecy teacher. His message, “Israel: Standing Alone,” captivated our audience as it came from the perspective of one who knows how it feels as an Israeli. His keen insights into eschatology are unique coming from the land of Bible prophecy. Israel’s isolation will be used by God to bring them to Him. Other speakers October 2,3 were Dr. Robert Jeffress, Michele Bachmann, and Pastor Jack Hibbs. Find complete sets of CDs or DVDs here. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Imagine: When the World Will be as One Published on 24 October 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_10_24.mp3 Jan Markell and Eric Barger host Gary Kah for the hour. Imagine the world as one. Barack Obama, Pope Francis, and the U.N. are doing all they can to implement this wicked agenda. Hear Kah’s update on the intensified rush to a one-world system just since late-September. And the issue being used to force this is so-called “climate-change.” Kah asks why a religion-hating media loves Pope Francis? A litany of godless people back the global agenda that will be rammed through one day. It will ultimately be ruled by the Antichrist. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Should We Prep for the Coming Days of Chaos? Published on 31 October 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_10_31.mp3 Jan Markell and Eric Barger host Carl Gallups for the hour. They discuss the issue of “prepping” for the coming days of chaos. Is it Biblical? Is your church safe? As society turns more from God and towards evil, who will protect if we don’t? What do we do if the government gets out of control? Is it ever right to go against the government? Serious days of persecution are ahead. We need to prepare for them. Find Gallups’ book, “Be Thou Prepared,” at www.wnd.com. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. The Coming Shaking Published on 07 November 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_11_07.mp3 Jan Markell’s guest for the hour is White House correspondent Bill Koenig who says there is a great shaking coming. They discuss the 2016 U.S. election, Canada’s recent election, and unfolding Bible prophecy around the world. Europe is dying, America is imploding, but all things are aligning for the final days’ scenario predicted in the Bible. Koenig explains why he feels Russia could be used to judge America and why Ezekiel’s Gog-Magog may be aligning. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on November 10, 2015, 12:02:03 am It's as if this country is under a mass spell now - for example, the only "bad" news you hear on Yahoo is NFL stuff and their "scandals" or whatever.
Stay sober, and don't fall asleep! Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on January 27, 2016, 08:29:45 pm woops, a little behind.
The Paranormal Invasion Published on 14 November 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_11_14.mp3 The paranormal is literally invading all aspects of our lives. While the entertainment world is the primary driver of it, it even has made inroads into the church. Hear stunning sound bites as well as the discussion by expert hosts including Eric Barger, Jill Martin Rische and Jan Markell. Find Eric’s book, “Entertaining Spirits Unawares”, in our bookstore. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. The Assurance of Bible Prophecy Published on 21 November 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_11_21.mp3 We play Pastor Jack Hibbs’ closing message at “Understanding the Times 2015.” Hibbs reminded attendees that those who have the hope of Christ’s return have a blessed assurance that most in the world do not have. We need to be watching and waiting—and longing for that day. Don’t miss his closing commissioning to all listeners. Find complete sets of conference CDs and DVDs here. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. The Blood of the Martyrs Published on 28 November 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_11_28.mp3 Why is God allowing so many Christian to die? Jan Markell and her guest, Tom Doyle, discuss that and much more. Doyle also shares remarkably uplifting stories from the midst of the persecution of Christians in the Mideast. Doyle has a new book, “Killing Christians: Living the Faith Where it’s Not Safe to Believe.” Find it here. The depth of oppression Jesus followers suffer is unimaginable to most Western Christians. Yet, it is an everyday reality for those who choose faith in many parts of the world. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Protecting Yourself in the Coming Days of Chaos Published on 05 December 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_12_05.mp3 In the first segment, Jan’s guest, Holocaust survivor Anita Dittman, relates her best Christmas ever—in the concentration camp. Then Christian Economist John Terry suggests that global turmoil will lead to the kingdom of the Antichrist. How can you protect yourself in these coming days of chaos? Unstable times will face us in the new year. Will there be a market downturn or even a crash? Find the Anita Dittman DVD here and her book here. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com Preparing for What is To Come Published on 12 December 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_12_12.mp3 Jan Markell first talks to Dr. Randy White who counters the popular evangelical opinion that we must take in all Syrian refugees. Then Jan, Eric Barger and Larry Kutzler discuss the coming censorship of all things Christians and conservative. Google recently censored this ministry for posting “inappropriate content” on some YouTubes. Jan and her co-hosts warn that this is a foreshadowing of things to come when we don’t follow the liberal, godless pattern of content, programming, etc. Prepare yourselves for what is to come. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Wake the Bride! Published on 19 December 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_12_19.mp3 Jan Markell talks to Carl Teichrib for one segment about the recent Parliament of World Religions. Is this a foreshadowing of a global religion? Then author Jeff Kinley joins Jan to talk about his new book, “Wake the Bride: Facing These Last Days With Your Eyes Wide Open.” Find the book here. The book is an innovative guide to the book of Revelation designed to wake a sleeping church. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. The Unraveling: Distress with Perplexity of Nations Published on 26 December 2015 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2015_12_26.mp3 Jan Markell and Eric Barger first talk to Anne Graham Lotz about the unraveling and distress with perplexity among the nations as history winds down. Is God trying to get the world’s attention? Anne reminds us that God always warns before judgment. They also focus on the hope of Heaven in dark times. They discuss the wounding by God’s people of each other and how this can cause many to walk away from the Lord and the church. Then Jan Markell talks to filmmaker George Escobar who is producing a theater version of “Trapped in Hitler’s Hell.” Find that current documentary about Anita Dittman here. We use the mobile app at www.oneplace.com. When a Prophet is a False Prophet Published on 02 January 2016 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2016_01_02.mp3 Because Seventh Day Adventism is in the news, our hosts consider that belief system and ask if it is a cult? Ellen G. White, their leader, is clearly a false prophet. Does that mean that we shouldn’t vote for Dr. Ben Carson—who is an honorable and righteous man? And what’s wrong with annhilationism or the false doctrine that hell is not eternal? This is a part of Seventh Day Adventist theology. Jan Markell, Eric Barger, and cult expert Jill Martin Rische consider these issues. They also look further into the coming censorship of all Christians and conservatives. Yet Islam must be glorified and protected. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com The Making of Good Little Global Citizens Published on 09 January 2016 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2016_01_09.mp3 Jan Markell and Eric Barger spend the hour with David Fiorazo who exposes the real goal of the Common Core agenda: The making of good little global citizens. Students are being taught what to think, not how to think. It is about government control, not education—about socialism and globalism. The standards will soon apply to private schools, Christian schools, and home schooling. Find Fiorazo’s book, “The Cost of Our Silence: The Consequences of Christians Taking the Path of Least Resistance,” here. Learn more about the Common Core agenda at www.fpeusa.org or at www.davidfiorazo.com. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. The Enemy Within Published on 16 January 2016 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2016_01_16.mp3 Jan Markell and Eric Barger quiz Brigitte Gabriel about the enemy within. Americans are not safe. What are the implications of 100,000 Syrian “refugees” coming to America? What role does the Muslim Brotherhood play? Gabriel states that America’s survival is now at stake and the 2016 election is key. Then Jan Markell closes citing the top Bible prophecy stories of 2015. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Things to Come Published on 23 January 2016 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2016_01_23.mp3 Jan Markell and Eric Barger first discuss the ramifications of Barack Obama assuming the position of Secretary General of the U.N. Then John Haller joins them to talk about his projection of things to come in eschatology. What might be the lead stories in Bible prophecy in 2016? Haller presents prophecy updates on YouTube we highly recommend. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on February 06, 2016, 09:05:18 pm How Strong Delusion is Setting the Final Stage (Part 1)
Published on 30 January 2016 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2016_01_30.mp3 Jan Markell, Eric Barger and Michele Bachmann spend the hour talking about the strong delusion that has been poured out on the earth and how this is setting the final stage. It has unleashed absolute evil but the three remind listeners that God remains in control and the events are fulfilling some predicted scenarios in the Bible. We should look up rather than be in despair. Part 2 of the discussion is next week. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. How Strong Delusion is Setting the Final Stage (Part 2) Published on 06 February 2016 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2016_02_06.mp3 Jan Markell, Eric Barger and Michele Bachmann continue in part 2 of programming talking about how the strong delusion that has been poured out on the earth, is setting the final stage. Perhaps this is why evil seems to now be empowered. The three remind listeners that God remains in control and the events are fulfilling some predicted scenarios in the Bible. Bachmann also comments on the Trump phenomenon, the 2016 election, and about a coming financial implosion. We use the mobile app at www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on February 21, 2016, 11:33:50 pm Apocalypse is in the Air
Published on 13 February 2016 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2016_02_13.mp3 Jan Markell and Eric Barger talk to Bill Salus for the hour about his newest book and DVD, “The NOW Prophecies.” Salus identifies some prophecies written long ago for this generation. Learn where we are on God’s timeline today. Can we prepare for these prophecies as we watch them unfold? The conclusion is that apocalypse is in the air. Find Salus’ DVD here. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. The Agenda: Government Must Become God (Part 1) Published on 20 February 2016 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2016_02_20.mp3 Jan Markell and Eric Barger talk to filmmaker Curtis Bowers in a part one review of his “Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit” film. America has many enemies with hundreds of agendas, all rooted in the philosophies of Marx and Lenin. Learn of their strategy, goals, and successes in this two-part series. It includes infiltrating the evangelical church—and they have. Learn of the major players and what you can do to protect your loved ones. Find the DVD here. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on April 20, 2016, 11:26:30 pm The Agenda: Government Must Become God – Part 2
Published on 27 February 2016 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2016_02_27.mp3 Jan Markell and Eric Barger talk to filmmaker Curtis Bowers in a part two review of his “Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit” film. America has many enemies with hundreds of agendas, all rooted in the philosophies of Marx and Lenin. Learn of their strategy, goals, and successes in this two-part series. It includes infiltrating the evangelical church—and they have. Learn of the major players and what you can do to protect your loved ones. Find the DVD here. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. So Christ Returns to Occupied Territory? Published on 05 March 2016 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2016_03_05.mp3 Jan Markell talks to White House correspondent Bill Koenig for two segments about the death of Antonin Scalia, the 2016 election, the “Christ at the Checkpoint” gathering this week, and more. Learn the serious implications of the death of Judge Scalia that is now the issue of 2016. Koenig explains why he feels the death is suspicious. Hear Christians denounce Israel at the Bethlehem conference because of their “occupation” of Israel. Then hear the miraculous story of Richard Morrow who joins Jan to tell of his rescue of a man in a burning car. Was an angel present? You have to hear it to believe it. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. The Exodus: Why it Matters Published on 12 March 2016 Download MP3 Jan interviews filmmaker Tim Mahoney about his production: Patterns of Evidence: Exodus. It is now in style to believe the Exodus never happened! Learn how you can fight back against the mounting pressure from academia and the Godless Left that the Bible is a book of fables. Yes, the Exodus happened, but learn to defend the faith. You might be called on to do this more every day in our current climate of skepticism, denial, and doubt. The Christian worldview is under assault 24/7, and we need to be prepared to make a rational, reasonable defense of the truth of the faith and the Bible. Find Mahoney’s film here. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com The Grand Deception: How False Doctrine is the Key to the End-Time Scenario Published on 19 March 2016 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2016_03_19.mp3 We play one of Pastor Jack Hibbs’ messages from “Understanding the Times 2015”: The Grand Deception: How False Doctrine is the Key to the End-Time Scenario. The Bible says apostasy will herald our Lord’s return. Jack Hibbs looks at some of today’s greatest apostasy issues in the church. He was one of many speakers in October. He is pastor of Calvary Chapel, Chino Hills, CA. Find a complete set of CDs or DVDs here. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. When Discernment Turns Ugly Published on 26 March 2016 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2016_03_26.mp3 Jan, Eric and Jill Martin Rische open with a discussion of the new mood in the discernment community. Contending has become contentious and discernment has turned ugly. All will be held accountable for reckless contending for the faith that can be slanderous. Then we hear from Mariah who was addicted to social media. She felt empowered in spite of the addiction. One in thirteen people on the planet are on Facebook. There are consequences to this obsession. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. The Terminal Generation Published on 02 April 2016 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2016_04_02.mp3 Jan Markell and Eric Barger feature two guests. Dr. Gary Frazier reminds listeners that we are likely the terminal generation, the generation to experience Christ’s return, since Israel is back in her land. We feature Frazier’s newest book, “The Miracle of Israel” found here. Israel is the key to all events playing out today. David Fiorazo joins Jan and Eric to take a further look at the “me generation”. People today take 93 million “selfie” photos a day and obsess over themselves. The Bible predicts such self-absorption for a final generation. Find Fiorazo’s book here. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. The Unthinkable: Eternity in the Wrong Place Published on 09 April 2016 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2016_04_09.mp3 Jan first talks to Dr. Robert Jeffress about the fact that 60% of evangelicals believe more than one faith leads to eternal life. We carry his new book, “Not All Roads Lead to Heaven: Sharing an Exclusive Jesus in an Inclusive World.” Find it here. Satan’s strategy is to confuse and distract and he is gaining influence but the eternity of billions of people is at stake. Learn how to defend the truth. Then Jan interviews Pastor J.D. Farag who feels our 2016 election focus is almost a demonic distraction from other prominent issues in the world. We recommend his weekly prophecy update found on YouTube. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Do We Have Time to Make America Great Again? Published on 16 April 2016 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2016_04_16.mp3 Jan Markell talks to Pastor J.D. Farag about America in prophecy, the U.S. election campaign, and the cancellation of a replica of a demonic arch in New York City. The placing of the arch from the Temple of Ba’al would have coincided with the Satanic Beltane season. Why did the promoters backtrack? Jan and Eric Barger conclude suggesting that the rise of evil is a herald of Christ’s return. All on the program conclude that we may not have time to “make America great again.” We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on May 06, 2016, 12:56:43 am Preparing for Perilous Times
Published on 22 April 2016 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2016_04_23.mp3 Jan spends the hour with her often co-host Eric Barger as we carry his new DVD on preparing for troubled times. We are in the predicted times the Bible says will be “perilous.” Days of chaos could be straight ahead. Would you go through them as victors or victims? Many believe just trusting the Lord is sufficient but in the Bible, even Joseph “prepared.” Is your church prepared for major trouble? This is practical information to help you be ready should a bad or even worst-case scenario develop in your home town. Find Eric’s new DVD here. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. The Making of Good Little Global Citizens Published on 30 April 2016 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2016_04_30.mp3 Jan Markell and Eric Barger spend the hour with David Fiorazo who exposes the real goal of the Common Core agenda: The making of good little global citizens. Students are being taught what to think, not how to think. It is about government control, not education—about socialism and globalism. The standards will soon apply to private schools, Christian schools, and home schooling. Find Fiorazo’s book, “The Cost of Our Silence: The Consequences of Christians Taking the Path of Least Resistance,” here. Learn more about the Common Core agenda at www.fpeusa.org or at www.davidfiorazo.com. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Mark on June 18, 2016, 07:05:15 pm Daniel: Revealing God’s Plan for the Future
Published on 07 May 2016 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2016_05_07.mp3 Jan and Dr. Ron Rhodes reveal God’s plan for the future as they talk about the book of Daniel. Take a look into the future with Ron Rhodes and find his book, “40 Days Through Daniel: Revealing God’s Plan for the Future” here. Jan also speaks with film producer George Escobar and Anita Dittman about the forthcoming made-for-theater film, “Trapped in Hitler’s Hell.” Find those products here. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Preparation for the Final Drama Published on 14 May 2016 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2016_05_14.mp3 Jan Markell talks to Dr. Mark Hitchcock for the hour about his new book, “ISIS, Iran, Israel and the End of Days.” Hitchcock believes we are on the home stretch of the Church age and asks what will happen next? What are the final events of world history and how does ISIS, Iran and Israel play into them? How does America fit into the scenario? ISIS is actually preparing the world for the final drama. Find the book here. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. “When God’s Hand of Restraint is Lifted.” Published on 21 May 2016 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2016_05_21.mp3 Jan’s guest is Anne Graham Lotz who says she does not put her hope in a political party today. She does believe that Christians praying the Daniel Prayer could turn America around. God’s hand of restraint has been lifted from this nation but God relented when Daniel prayed this prayer in the Bible. Then why do so many Christians insist that the rocker Prince died a Christian? Eric Barger and Jill Martin Rische suggest that he only represented the “prince of darkness” and the Jehovah’s Witness cult. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Messiahs False and True Published on 28 May 2016 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2016_05_28.mp3 Jan Markell’s first guest is author David Kupelian. The progressive gift to America is brokenness. He documents this in his book, “The Snapping of the American Mind,” and on air with Jan. Progressives, led by President Obama, are attacking the sanity of the country. Everything righteous people hold dear is under assault. What can we do? The Left insisted Obama was a “messiah.” Government must become a god. Then AFA President Tim Wildmon reports on his visit to Target Corp to give them over one million signatures of protest for their genderless bathroom policy—another gift from the godless Left. Learn of Target’s response. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Diversity is Divine: The Coming One-World Religion Published on 04 June 2016 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2016_06_04.mp3 Jan Markell and Eric Barger talk to Amir Tsarfati about the coming one-world religion. Proponents say diversity is divine and division is diabolical. The Bible predicts a forthcoming religious merger of all faiths. They also talk to Amir, who is an Israeli Bible prophecy teacher and a speaker at our fall conference, about the lie the administration told to sell the Iran nuclear deal. Jan, Eric, and Jill close the program encouraging listeners who feel alone and isolated because people are now disengaged from reality due to the troubling times. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. The Days of Noah and Lot Re-Visited Published on 11 June 2016 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2016_06_11.mp3 Jan Markell and Eric Barger talk to attorney and prophecy teacher John Haller. We are in a time of confusion and delusion. Some say the real agenda of the transgender promoters is to wipe out all morality. We are on a slippery slope as in the days of Noah. They also talk about the “convergence” of the signs of the times. One can no longer keep up with the rapid escalation of these events. We recommend John Haller’s weekly prophecy update on YouTube. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Infiltration: Exposing the Darkness (Part 1) Published on 18 June 2016 Download MP3 http://acbee66e2a535ed5eef6-a57713667b73bca827b7322695933868.r20.cf2.rackcdn.com/OTM2016_06_18.mp3 Jan Markell and Eric Barger spend the hour with Phil Haney, author of “See Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad.” As a DHS employee, he witnessed the government’s execution of a hands-off policy to protect Muslims and put Americans at risk. He has now blown the whistle with this stunning expose’. We are reminded that only God is our homeland security director. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com. Title: Re: Understanding the Times Radio Post by: Psalm 51:17 on June 18, 2016, 07:10:59 pm Quote Some say the real agenda of the transgender promoters is to wipe out all morality. From what I've read and heard in recent years - the transgender movement has been THE missing piece in the whole LGBT movement. I'm NOT trying to come off as racist here - but more or less transgenders for a long, long time weren't accepted by their own sodomite community, for very similar reasons why a partially black person (1/2 white, 1/2 Asian, etc) wasn't accepted by his or her own black community. But eventually, this missing piece ended up gluing the entire sodomite movement, to where now they can push their agendas at will, more or less. |