Scare Mongering about Home SchoolingThe Washington Post Magazine's cover story this week is about … the horrors of home-schooling. Specifically, the horrors of "fundamentalist Christian" home-schooling. The cover illustration for the story depicts a sinister windowless log cabin that's supposed to be your typical home school, I guess.
Author Lisa Grace Lednicer's main source for the story seems to have been an anti-home-schooling activist named Sarah Hunt, age 36, who was home-schooled herself and lived to tell the tale. Actually, Hunt seems to have done quite well for herself even though home schooling at the behest of her father had consisted "largely of reading and watching videos from the Bob Jones University curriculum."
In other words, Hunt was essentially taking college course while still in high school—what was supposed to be wrong with that? She enrolled in the University of New Mexico at age 17 (with the approval of her father—an avionics engineer, by the way—who praised her grades and encouraged her to apply for a Rhodes scholarship), went to law school at Georgetown, one of the nation's top universities, and is now a practicing lawyer. Again, what was supposed to be wrong? Here's what was wrong:
She straddled two worlds. There was the one she had grown up in, where she had learned that being a smart and outspoken woman was dangerous. And there was the world in which she was trying to make her way, where she was teased for her ignorance of pop culture touchstones such as "The Smurfs," Madonna and "Mad Max."
Gee, no Madonna. So Hunt and a home-schooled friend from Georgetown have recently formed the Center for Home Education Policy where they "do legal work for those who want to attend public school." In other words, use the legal system to prevent parents from raising and educating their children according to their own religious views and moral standards. But remember, this is "fundamentalist Christian" home-schooling we're talking about, and we can't have that.
One of the tenets of Hunt's campaign is that home-schooling breeds child abuse. She points out that her center has collected some 84 accounts of child deaths in home-schooling households over an indeterminate period dating back to at least 2011. (If you do the math, though, using figures from the federal government's Children's Bureau, you find out that that's at most less than half the rate at which children die from abuse or neglect in the general U.S. population.)
Hunt's and author Lednicer's home-school horror-story poster child—or actually, poster adult at age 18—is Cornelia Hertzler, daughter of "fundamentalist" (that word again!) parents who didn't believe that higher education was part of "'God's plan' for her." At some point the parents had taken away Hertzler's laptop and cell phone, we are told. When Hunt heard all this in a phone interview with Hertzler, she pushed the panic button:
Hunt texted a lawyer she knew in Oregon. She had a checklist: The home-schooled woman … would need to collect proof of her identity, because confiscating identification was a common parental tactic. The lawyer had to be prepared. Some parents forcibly restrain their children. If Hertzler, 18, got out, she would need to get to a computer, perhaps at a library, to alert people. She would also need help finding work and housing, and eventually coaching on issues such as the SAT and financial aid, Hunt said.
What—were Hertzler's parents Mr. and Mrs. Ariel Castro? Lednicer interviewed Hertzler (and also her father, Roger Hertzler) and wrote this:
Until recently she didn't know what the SAT was or how to shop for clothes. Home schooling, she says, "prepared me very little" for life outside her fundamentalist home.
There's that "fundamentalist" yet again! Then I read this online comment that said Hertzler's family were Mennonites. Mennonites? Those are the nice young girls in the long dresses and little caps who sell homemade goat cheese at my local farmer's market. Aren't they more like the Amish than the Westboro Baptist Church?
So my next step was to phone Roger Hertzler, a CPA with a tax-preparation business who lives in Brownsville, Oregon. Hertzler explained that although his family had attended a Mennonite church for several years, their current church is an independent church in the 500-year-old Anabaptist tradition that spawned the Mennonites, Amish, Hutterites and other close-knit groups of separatist Christians who typically dress in a distinctive "plain" style, eschew mainstream culture, marry young—and also enjoy quite a bit of respect from their neighbors for their thrift, farming skills, industriousness, and quiet ways.
Hertzler also told me that his daughter, far from "needing help," had taken and passed the GED exam (according to Lednicer's story she plans to attend community college in the fall), and that all his seven children had the equivalent "of a tenth- or twelfth-grade education." Cornelia Hertzler is now working and living on her own just 20 minutes away from her parents. "We just took her out to lunch," he said. As for his daughter's apparent troubles maneuvering the racks at Forever 21, "my wife makes all her own dresses, and she taught our daughters how to make their own dresses."
"We've tried to give all our children the best education possible—for life in this world and also for life with Jesus Christ and his salvation," Hertzler said. "We did our best. We didn't gain our daughter's heart, and that's disappointing."
So what Hunt's campaign for government "monitoring" of the educational activities of home-schooling parents boils down to is an attack on the faith and cultural ways of the Mennonites or any Christians, adherents of other traditional religions, and perhaps people of no religion at all who wish to shield their children from school cultures that oblige students to learn how to put a condom onto a cucumber, force girls to shower with biological males, or even just plain skip the three R's in favor of lessons in trendy political correctness.
Fortunately for the Amish and the Mennonites, the Supreme Court ruled in 1972 that the First Amendment's religious-freedom guarantee allows them to educate their children as their faith demands. Other "fundamentalist" Christians may not be so lucky. Lednicer's story includes some digs at President Trump's education secretary, Betsy DeVos and her support of home schooling and other alternatives to public schools. Trump and the current Republican-dominated Congress want to "roll back regulations," Lednicer warns. Regulations that could undermine any notion that parents ought to be able to transmit their religious faith to their children.
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