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Bible Believers Fellowship: BD

March 27, 2024, 12:55:24 pm Mark says: Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked  When Hamas spokesman Abu Ubaida began a speech marking the 100th day of the war in Gaza, one confounding yet eye-opening proclamation escaped the headlines. Listing the motives for the Palestinian militant group's Oct. 7 massacre in Israel, he accused Jews of "bringing red cows" to the Holy Land.
December 31, 2022, 10:08:58 am NilsFor1611 says: blessings
August 08, 2018, 02:38:10 am suzytr says: Hello, any good churches in the Sacto, CA area, also looking in Reno NV, thanks in advance and God Bless you Smiley
January 29, 2018, 01:21:57 am Christian40 says: It will be interesting to see what happens this year Israel being 70 years as a modern nation may 14 2018
October 17, 2017, 01:25:20 am Christian40 says: It is good to type Mark is here again!  Smiley
October 16, 2017, 03:28:18 am Christian40 says: anyone else thinking that time is accelerating now? it seems im doing days in shorter time now is time being affected in some way?
September 24, 2017, 10:45:16 pm Psalm 51:17 says: The specific rule pertaining to the national anthem is found on pages A62-63 of the league rulebook. It states: “The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem. “During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.”
September 20, 2017, 04:32:32 am Christian40 says: "The most popular Hepatitis B vaccine is nothing short of a witch’s brew including aluminum, formaldehyde, yeast, amino acids, and soy. Aluminum is a known neurotoxin that destroys cellular metabolism and function. Hundreds of studies link to the ravaging effects of aluminum. The other proteins and formaldehyde serve to activate the immune system and open up the blood-brain barrier. This is NOT a good thing."
September 19, 2017, 03:59:21 am Christian40 says: bbc international did a video about there street preaching they are good witnesses
September 14, 2017, 08:06:04 am Psalm 51:17 says: bro Mark Hunter on YT has some good, edifying stuff too.
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« Reply #210 on: August 14, 2012, 10:05:25 am »

So northwestern PA is not far from northern OH, from what I gather? Many years ago one of my uncles would take my cousin to Pittsburgh when the Browns would play the Steelers, and they said it was only like a 2 hour drive.

UHM, nope, North Western PA is quite close to North Eastern Ohio.
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The Man from George Street
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« Reply #211 on: October 03, 2012, 09:59:09 pm »

2012 Elections - Who Will Win? 2/19/2012

By Bryan Delinger


2 Chronicles 7:14. Is there a chance that America will get a "good leader" in 2012? Can we apply 2 Chronicles 7:14 to our nation? Does God punish a country through its leaders?

In today's sermon we will look at the FALSE use of 2 Chronicles 7:14, and see why God cannot allow a wicked, sinful nation to continue. We also will see that God ALWAYS removes the just BEFORE His judgment comes.

Bryan hasn't updated his site in ages, but nonetheless this particular post deserves a BUMP...

Only watched like a few minutes of the debate(and read about it afterwards on Yahoo) - it's amazing how all of a sudden a *different* Mitt Romney appeared out of the blue, and a *different* Barack Obama appeared out of the blue. Guess both are under the influence of MK Ultra Mind Control.

Anyhow - not that I'm giving this sermon an endorsement, but Bryan is correct - whoever wins next month will be the most wicked one. So yes, while I agree Obama is our most wicked President ever, at the same time let's not get caught up in this hoopla over how "Obama is the most extremely wicked President by far and need to make sure he doesn't get another term", etc, etc, which some Christian ministries end up going overboard with. And don't get caught up either on "But Mitt Romney will keep the economy good and protect Christians b/c he's a Republican" propaganda either.

Otherwise we're be like in 1 Samuel where we're begging for a king to rule over us instead of putting our trust in the Lord.

Everything we see is a dog and pony show(and yes, that includes the "debates") - and ultimately, DieBold will likely decide the outcome like it did in Ohio in 2004.

2Tim_3:13  But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

God's words don't lie, right?
« Last Edit: October 03, 2012, 10:06:00 pm by BornAgain2 » Report Spam   Logged
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« Reply #212 on: October 10, 2012, 05:28:52 pm »

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« Reply #213 on: October 11, 2012, 12:39:43 am »

Good to see that he is at Youtube again Smiley
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« Reply #214 on: November 28, 2012, 08:14:29 pm »


Haven't listened to this sermon yet, but the church he preached at(Country Chapel Baptist Church. Eldred, PA) is NOT registered with the state of Pennsylvania. So therefore it's NOT a 501c3.

Not sure if he's working at this church(as apparently others preach on the pulpit there).
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« Reply #215 on: January 05, 2013, 02:04:53 pm »

2012 Elections - Who Will Win? 2/19/2012

By Bryan Delinger


2 Chronicles 7:14. Is there a chance that America will get a "good leader" in 2012? Can we apply 2 Chronicles 7:14 to our nation? Does God punish a country through its leaders?

In today's sermon we will look at the FALSE use of 2 Chronicles 7:14, and see why God cannot allow a wicked, sinful nation to continue. We also will see that God ALWAYS removes the just BEFORE His judgment comes.

Republican Party seems as divided, angry as ever



BOSTON (AP) — The Republican Party seems as divided and angry as ever.
Infighting has penetrated the highest levels of the House GOP leadership. Long-standing geographic tensions have increased, pitting endangered Northeastern Republicans against their colleagues from other parts of the country. Enraged tea party leaders are threatening to knock off dozens of Republicans who supported a measure that raised taxes on the nation's highest earners.
"People are mad as hell. I'm right there with them," Amy Kremer, chairman of the Tea Party Express, said late last week, declaring that she has "no confidence" in the party her members typically support. Her remarks came after GOP lawmakers agreed to higher taxes but no broad spending cuts as part of a deal to avert the "fiscal cliff."
"Anybody that voted 'yes' in the House should be concerned" about primary challenges in 2014, she said.
At the same time, one of the GOP's most popular voices, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, blasted his party's "toxic internal politics" after House Republicans initially declined to approve disaster relief for victims of Superstorm Sandy. He said it was "disgusting to watch" their actions and he faulted the GOP's most powerful elected official, House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio.
The GOP's internal struggles to figure out what it wants to be were painfully exposed after Mitt Romney's loss to President Barack Obama on Nov. 6, but they have exploded in recent days. The fallout could extend well beyond the party's ability to win policy battles on Capitol Hill. It could hamper Republicans as they examine how to regroup and attract new voters after a disheartening election season.
To a greater degree than the Democrats, the Republican Party has struggled with internal divisions for the past few years. But these latest clashes have seemed especially public and vicious.
"It's disappointing to see infighting in the party," said Ryan Williams, a Republican operative and former Romney aide. "It doesn't make us look like we're in a position to challenge the president and hold him accountable to the promises he made."
What's largely causing the dissension? A lack of a clear GOP leader with a single vision for the party.
Republicans haven't had a consistent standard-bearer since President George W. Bush left office in 2008 with the nation on the edge of a financial collapse. His departure, along with widespread economic concerns, gave rise to a tea party movement that infused the GOP's conservative base with energy. The tea party is credited with broad Republican gains in the 2010 congressional elections, but it's also blamed for the rising tension between the pragmatic and ideological wings of the party — discord that festers still.
It was much the same for Democrats in the late 1980s before Bill Clinton emerged to win the White House and shift his party to the political center.
2012 presidential nominee Romney never fully captured the hearts of his party's most passionate voters. But his tenure atop the party was short-lived; since Election Day, he's disappeared from the political world.
Those Republican leaders who remain engaged — Christie, Boehner, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus — are showing little sign of coming together.
Those on the GOP's deep bench of potential 2016 presidential contenders, including Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan, and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, have begun staking out their own, sometimes conflicting ideas for the party.
Over the short term at least, the party's divisions probably will continue to be exposed.
Obama has outlined a second-term agenda focused on immigration and gun control; those are issues that would test Republican solidarity even in good times. Deep splits already exist between Republican pragmatists and the conservative base, who oppose any restrictions on guns or allowances for illegal immigrants.
It's unclear whether Obama can exploit the GOP fissures or whether the Republican dysfunction will hamper him. With Boehner unable to control his fractured caucus, the White House is left wondering how to deal with the House on any divisive issue.
Fiscal issues aren't going away, with lawmakers were agree on a broad deficit-reduction package. The federal government reached its borrowing limit last week, so Congress has about two months or three months to raise the debt ceiling or risk a default on federal debt. Massive defense and domestic spending cuts are set to take effect in late February. By late March, the current spending plan will end, raising the possibility of a government shutdown.
Frustrated conservative activists and GOP insiders hope that the continued focus on fiscal matters will help unite the factions as the party pushes for deep spending cuts. That fight also may highlight Democratic divisions because the party's liberal wing vehemently opposes any changes to Social Security or Medicare
"Whenever you lose the White House, the party's going to have ups and downs," said Republican strategist Ron Kaufman. "My guess is when the spending issues come up again, the Democrats' warts will start to show as well."
The GOP's fissures go beyond positions on issues. They also are geographical.
Once a strong voice in the party, moderate Republicans across the Northeast are nearly extinct. Many of those who remain were frustrated in recent days when Boehner temporarily blocked a vote on a disaster relief bill.
Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., said campaign donors in the Northeast who give the GOP after the slight "should have their head examined."
Boehner, who just won a second term as speaker, quickly scheduled a vote on a narrower measure for Friday after the new Congress convened, and it rushed out a $9.7 billion measure to help pay flood insurance claims.
Weary Republican strategists are trying to be hopeful about the GOP's path ahead, and liken the current situation to party's struggles after Obama's 2008 election. At the time, some pundits questioned the viability of the Republican Party. But it came roaring back two years later, thanks largely to the tea party.
"If we have learned anything from the fiscal cliff fiasco, conservatives discovered we need to stand firm, and stand together, on our principles from beginning to end," said Republican strategist Alice Stewart. "It's frustrating to see the GOP drop the ball and turn a position of true compromise into total surrender. The Democrats succeeded in their strategy of divide and conquer."
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« Reply #216 on: January 13, 2013, 12:18:04 am »

This is a real good video for new Christians if only i had seen this video after i got saved


In this video we will discuss the next steps that a newly converted Christian should take immediately AFTER being saved by the Lord Jesus Christ.
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« Reply #217 on: January 13, 2013, 12:22:58 am »

Oh good - can't watch it now, but hopefully will watch this one soon! Thanks! Smiley
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« Reply #218 on: January 13, 2013, 03:09:25 am »

I'm glad he points out that the lost and unbelieving will not have their prayers heard. That's a real important point that many don't understand. They think they can pray for all kinds of stuff, and if it works out, they think their prayers were heard. If they aren't saved, then their prayers were not heard by God, it just worked out the way they wanted, but not as a result of prayer.

Like for instance at special events, like sports, they will have a pre-event prayer asking for the participants to be safe, etc., yet God isn't even listening to those prayers. Praying for good weather or a prayer that your team pulls out a last second victory doesn't work. If for no other reason than that's a prayer for consuming something upon their own lusts. It's a selfish prayer if nothing else.

"Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume [it] upon your lusts." James 4:3 (KJB)

Only the prayers of the saved (righteous) are heard, and those who are genuinely seeking to repent and calling on God.

"Confess [your] faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." James 5:16 (KJB)

The next part about about "in my name". This I think relates to praying in the name of Jesus, which is what? "The Word". So I see this as meaning that we pray in the word, His Word, not our words. After all, what words will not return void? His Word. Our own words are another tongue, but also, the Spirit makes intercession for us in prayer.

"Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered." Romans 8:26 (KJB)

So while I think we are exhorted to pray by using the The Word, ultimately the Holy Ghost prays for us in a way that we can't, making sure our prayers are presented before God. In the end, the believer's prayers are heard, and should be in secret. It is my own understanding that prayer should never be seen basically. We should not be seeing and hearing other persons prayers.

"Study to shew they self approved unto God..."

This is a point that many get caught up in the churchianity doctrine of "works". They make it a burden of like studying for an exam or something. They take the word "study" in a direction of works and not faith in the Spirit to do what Jesus promised He would do...

"But the Comforter, [which is] the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." John 14:26 (KJB)

Simply have faith that God will reveal His Word to you, that's it. Remember...

"But without faith [it is] impossible to please [him]: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and [that] he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." Hebrews 11:6 (KJB)

God by His Spirit, WILL teach you what He wants you to learn, in His time, not yours. This is why scripture says...

"In your patience possess ye your souls." Luke 21:19 (KJB)

And speaking of "other" words, books, etc. Do a word search using a Strong's on the word "patience" to see just how it applies in faith. Using a Strong's is the only recommendation I can make beyond reading the bible itself. It's not a commentary, opinion, or interpretation. All they do is show were a word is used in scripture. If nothing else, it is a result of man's weak faith that the Strong's was invented, but I believe as the new believer grows in their youth as a new born babe, it helps to be able to search out a word that comes to mind when one isn't familiar yet with scripture. It does take time, same as it does in the flesh to grow in wisdom. This is why we are told to be patient and have faith in the Spirit to teach us what is true and what is a lie.

As a believer grows and matures, able to eat strong meat, they are more sound in the faith to be able to browse other reading material and it not sideline them because their discernment given to them by faith in the Spirit shows them the stronger meat as they are able to bear it.

A new Christian definitely should read only scripture. Stay away from any other materials, and just have faith and patience that the Spirit will teach you His Word. This is where the verse, "give attendance to reading..." comes in. Read "The Word" is what that verse is talking about. There is no other written word that can ultimately be any more profitable that scripture itself, so why go to some other source for an explanation? Lack of faith? Impatient? Did not God say He would explain it all to us? Yes, He has.

I believe also that part of the growing process is in God teaching us through other brethren, but not quite in the way it might appear. This is the, "not forsaking the assembling of your selves together...".

"Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some [is]; but exhorting [one another]: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." Hebrews 10:25 (KJB)

It's the fellowship with brethren that also have of the Spirit in them as well, and they have things that they have learned by the Spirit you haven't learned as yet, so it may be that person may be the way God opens some understanding to you. We don't know till it happens, as it's not something that we can make happen. "The wind bloweth..."

While those who are mature in faith and are "elders", that doesn't mean elders always have the more mature understanding of a given thing. We are each different, at different "ages" spiritually, and on different growth paths. Many different parts of the same tree. Just because a branch lacks roots, that doesn't mean it's not an important part of the tree. This is why it says...

"But by an equality, [that] now at this time your abundance [may be a supply] for their want, that their abundance also may be [a supply] for your want: that there may be equality:" 2 Corinthians 8:14 (KJB)

But as Jesus says, pay attention to what "they say" and do it, as in whatever scripture that comes out of their mouth, that do, and not their own words, because ultimately, it is only the Word of God that is relevant and true and will not let you down. Thank you Jesus.

"All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, [that] observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not." Matthew 23:3 (KJB)

It always comes back to the Word, so the best exhortation is to simply read the Word in faith in His Spirit to teach you...

"But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him." 1 John 2:27 (KJB)
« Last Edit: January 13, 2013, 04:19:54 am by Kilika » Report Spam   Logged
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« Reply #219 on: January 13, 2013, 09:25:41 pm »

Thanks Kilika i'm going to save what you typed that is a good outline to give to some new Christian in printed format.
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« Reply #220 on: January 13, 2013, 11:54:03 pm »

Listened to it earlier today - quite good. A couple of comments...

1) Tracts - no, don't want to get into a debate here with them(if you do/don't want to use them, then obviously your business), but definitely do NOT lay them around stores(whether openly or hidden in let's say a book), why? B/c let's say the store owner/managers aren't Christians - when they see these tracts, it's only going to reinforce their negative views on Christianity(combined with them being focused on their daily money business), which is why it would not be a good idea laying them around in their stores. I agree though, the ones from Fellowship Tract League(which are free) are very good.

Rom 3:3  For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?
Rom 3:4  God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.

Rom 14:5  One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.

2) Books - frankly, they should be avoided as a whole. Some of them might attempt to come off as genuine, but ultimately those "how to live by faith 123" ones by the likes of Ray Comfort end up having writings by their own wisdom, and end up ignoring putting down what scripture says.(ie-can't tell you how many professing Christians have said reading Comfort's books "helped" them) However, I HIGHLY recommend Gail Ripplinger's "New Age Bible Versions", b/c it goes into the nitty-gritty details over all the corrupt Wescott and Hort manuscripts that's lead to all these perverted bible versions(and their connections to the NWO minions). For those that want to learn about Church History, this is definitely one of those books highly recommended. None of that "fluffy, feel good" stuff in it.

3) Audio sermons - yes, I like them, but wouldn't say I put any of those audio sermons on a pedestial or anything. Personally, I try to listen to a few of them b/c can't get any decent preaching in my neck of the woods.
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« Reply #221 on: January 28, 2013, 09:32:37 pm »

Surprise, surprise...

Look at this video Youtube flagged as BEING POTENTIALLY OFFENSIVE AND INAPROPRIATE! Shocked Shocked Shocked

This is a video Bryan Denlinger made that discussed the connections b/w Nazi Germany, the Vatican, Rupert Murdoch, and the NIV bible.(and also happens to be one of my favorite youtube videos)


What about those other youtube videos where people attack the KJV? Shouldn't they be flagged as potentially offensive and inapropriate as well?
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« Reply #222 on: January 29, 2013, 04:18:30 am »

Hey that video is pretty good, if you want a quick reality check show students that one. Cheesy

What about those other youtube videos where people attack the KJV? Shouldn't they be flagged as potentially offensive and inapropriate as well?

i dont see it happening at youtube, how much does youtube know about Bible versions?
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« Reply #223 on: February 18, 2013, 09:18:09 pm »

How To Prepare Sermons


In this video I will show the three different types of "preaching" which a KJV Bible-believing pastor will need to put together. I also show the scriptures behind each of the three types of sermons. I conclude by showing what "tools" are needed to put together good sermons.
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« Reply #224 on: February 19, 2013, 01:42:44 am »

Sorry Brian, one cannot "prepare" a sermon!

Jesus says to take no thought for the morrow, so how can one prepare a speech in advance of the day it will be given? Jesus says to let the Holy Ghost tell you what to say in that hour, and we are to have faith that is exactly what He will do for us.

So if the Spirit will tell us what to say, why then do "preachers" write sermons? Because they are not living by faith. Period. It's a practice of churchianity, nothing more, and was NEVER suppose to be that way.

While we "preach", believers aren't suppose to premeditate what they will say in the future because we don't know what the Spirit will move us to say or think if we are in fact waiting patiently on the Lord.

"But when they shall lead [you], and deliver you up, take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye: for it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost." Mark 13:11 (KJB)
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« Reply #225 on: February 20, 2013, 09:08:44 pm »

The Next Pope, The False Prophet, And The Imminent Rapture


Sunday Evening service at Country Chapel Baptist Church located in Eldred, PA. Preached by Bryan Denlinger.
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« Reply #226 on: February 20, 2013, 10:12:55 pm »

^^ Very good sermon!
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« Reply #227 on: March 06, 2013, 09:50:31 pm »

Here is my explanation of the 60 videos I recorded debunking Steve Anderson's ridiculous "Post Trib Moment" videos.

Why Do I Set My Comments To Approval Only?


Copy Permission For My Videos?
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« Reply #228 on: March 07, 2013, 12:10:31 am »

Listened to 1/4 of the Anderson expose videos - whatever his views on the pre/post trib rapture are, you can't deny that "Pastor" Steven Anderson is really messed up, and not only doctrinally that is.

When he got national media attention(not only from Alex Jones, but from CNN et al as well) 4 years ago, just something didn't feel right about it. His "run-ins" with the check-point people just felt like a dog and pony show, and not real Christian persecution.
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« Reply #229 on: March 07, 2013, 04:26:24 am »

Listened to 1/4 of the Anderson expose videos - whatever his views on the pre/post trib rapture are, you can't deny that "Pastor" Steven Anderson is really messed up, and not only doctrinally that is.

When he got national media attention(not only from Alex Jones, but from CNN et al as well) 4 years ago, just something didn't feel right about it. His "run-ins" with the check-point people just felt like a dog and pony show, and not real Christian persecution.

yeah i read this:

David J Stewart exposes Steve Anderson:


The Hypocrisy Of Alex Jones' And Pastor Steven Anderson's Post-Trib Teaching

I can't believe that Pastor Anderson says Jesus is not coming back without warning at any time. That's apostasy and heresy! The entire message of Jesus was that He may return at any time, so believers had better be on their toes, faithfully serving God. 1st John 3:2, “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.” The Bible plainly teaches that it's the hope of Christ's coming that motivates believers to “PURIFIETH HIMSELF,” even as Jesus is pure. So if Christ ISN'T coming at any time, this Scripture makes no sense. There is no need for hope, because we know that Christ cannot come (if Pastor Anderson is correct) until after the sun and moon are darkened and all the events of Revelation unfold.

According to Alex Jones and Steve Anderson, Christians are NOT concerned, nor are they fighting against the New World Order, because they think that the Rapture is going to rescue them from the tribulation to come. The irony is that they're causing the very problem they claim to be solving with the heresy of a Post-Tribulation Rapture. By teaching that Jesus will not return until all the horrible things in Revelation happen first, all motivation is gone to be ready for the Lord's return! The New Testament repeatedly teaches to be ready because we do NOT know when Christ will return. Jesus' disciples asked Him when He was going to return in Mark 13:33-37. Here's Jesus' response...

Mark 13:33-37, “Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is. For the Son of man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch. Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning: Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping. And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.”

Steve Anderson claims that this passage ONLY refers to the unsaved who aren't paying attention. Anderson says that Christians are aware of the time and KNOW exactly when the Lord will return, that is, AFTER the tribulation events of Revelation. Anderson denies an event called the Tribulation. Of course, Mr. Anderson is very wrong and doesn't know what he's talking about, respectfully. As you just read, Jesus told His apostles (saved, born-again, Christians) to be ready because NO ONE knows when the Lord is going to return. Christ's imminency (imminent return) is the central theme of all His prophetic teachings. The element of surprise has been the Biblical motivation for believers to live right and stay busy for God for the past 2,000 years.

The Post-Trib teaching of Alex Jones and Pastor Anderson are actually encouraging professed believers to relax and NOT stay busy for God, because they KNOW when He will return (or better said, they know when Jesus WON'T return). The After The Tribulation film teaches that Jesus is NOT coming at any time. So where is the motivation to serve God? Granted, we should serve God out of love and gratitude; however, the New Testament plainly uses the uncertain timing of Christ's imminent return as a compelling motivation to be faithful about doing the Master's work, because He may return at any time. As you just read in Mark 13:33-37, Jesus said to “WATCH,” lest the Master return and FIND YOU SLEEPING! Jesus was plainly speaking to His disciples and not the unsaved.

Jesus did foretell in Matthew 24:37-39 that in the End Times it would return as in the days of Noah, when unsaved people were eating, drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, and they KNEW NOT UNTIL THE FLOOD CAME and took them all away. Notice carefully that Jesus DIDN'T tell the unsaved heathens to WATCH. Rather, Jesus told all believers, His disciples, to WATCH for His certain and imminent, but untimely return. Clearly, this is solid evidence of a Pre-Tribulation Rapture as the Bible proclaims. Pastor Anderson deceitfully says that there's not one verse in the Bible that teaches a Pre-Trib Rapture or Tribulation period; yet he fails to make the connections as I just plainly showed you from Mark 13:33-37. Why would Jesus teach His disciples to “WATCH” if Christ cannot return until AFTER the sun and moon are darkened, the Antichrist comes to power and there is World Government as Anderson falsely claims? The Bible screams a Pre-Trib Rapture loud and clear, but you have to rightly divide the word of truth.
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« Reply #230 on: March 11, 2013, 05:47:57 am »

You have to see this one - lol

After The Tribulation Movie Promoted By New Age Infowars!

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« Reply #231 on: March 11, 2013, 05:54:53 am »

Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping. And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.”...

...Steve Anderson claims that this passage ONLY refers to the unsaved who aren't paying attention.

Uh, hey Steve, just when would an unsaved person read that scripture so that they'd be warned if that scripture is for the unbelieving? Roll Eyes

They wouldn't read it. That's the whole point. The unsaved don't read the bible, thus wouldn't be warned by that scripture. And that means that scripture is NOT directed at the unbelieving at all, but is for the saved who believe Jesus and listen to what He says. The unbelieving don't.
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Psalm 51:17
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« Reply #232 on: March 11, 2013, 09:39:12 am »

From what I've seen over the last 4 years(since Anderson's "incident" with the check-point people), some of these popular end times discernment ministries have tried to use Anderson as an example when they attack the KJV. FYI, Anderson is greatly in error on alot of doctrinal issues, but he DOES use the KJV(believe it or not).

Pt being that alot of these popular end times discernment ministries do a very good job exposing Apostasy in the church today leading up to the end times tribulation(ie-Rick Warren, Bill Hybels, Emergent/Postmodernism theology). However, RARELY, if NEVER do they ever take a stand for the KJV, nor express concern over 99% of churches in America having the IRS over their heads(501c3). THIS is where the root of the problem is, and has been for almost a century now - which is why we're seeing all the filth in the modern-day church now.

No, I'm not saying these popular end times discernment ministries are Jesuit plants or anything(although I find a couple of them suspicious) - however, this is yet another one of Satan's subtle tricks to attack the KJV.
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« Reply #233 on: March 11, 2013, 11:01:44 am »

At the 1:20 mark of the video posted by C40, the interviewer says that the modern-day church pushes the pre-trib rapture.

This is NOT true - for the most part, the modern-day church pushes Preterism, A-Milleniumism, and Historicism, all of which believe almost all of the prophecies were fulfilled in the 1st millenium, why? B/c they are more concerned with their big budgets - otherwise if they preach the truth, they're afraid they'll scare away their pews, their big buildings and other secular activities will go kaput, and the pastors's salaries and their 401Ks will be gone. At least this is from what my experiences have been being in this system for years. And less not forget about the Emergent/Postmodern theology which says we have usher in the kingdom of Christ ourselves.

Rev 3:14  And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;
Rev 3:15  I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.
Rev 3:16  So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
Rev 3:17  Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:
Rev 3:18  I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.
Rev 3:19  As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

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« Reply #234 on: March 12, 2013, 01:13:11 am »

Novice Steven Anderson Throws A Temper Tantrum And Swears!


Stevie Anderson's actions in this video prove that he is NOT a real pastor. He is a novice according to 1 Timothy 3:6, and has no business standing behind a pulpit.
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« Reply #235 on: March 12, 2013, 11:32:21 am »

Anderson's church is also a 501c3, FYI.
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« Reply #236 on: March 14, 2013, 01:25:48 am »

Steven Anderson's Repentance Blacklist and Mormon Connection!

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« Reply #237 on: March 14, 2013, 05:33:40 am »

He is a novice according to 1 Timothy 3:6, and has no business standing behind a pulpit.

Being a novice, yes, one is suppose to take the low seat and be humble and let the Spirit teach them instead of them running around trying to teach others stuff they themselves may not have even learned yet.

But the major point is that this person, nor any person, has no business "behind the pulpit". It's not doctrinal, period. There isn't suppose to be any pulpit, or building for a pulpit. Those are inventions of vain men, most of which originate out of the Catholic works cult.

8  But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, [even] Christ; and all ye are brethren.
9  And call no [man] your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.
10  Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, [even] Christ.
11  But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.
12  And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.
Matthew 23:8-12 (KJB)
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Psalm 51:17
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« Reply #238 on: March 14, 2013, 10:24:43 pm »

As for Steven Anderson himself - maybe it's just me, but he just smacks "controlled opposition". I first learned about this guy 4 years ago b/c of all of his antics with the check-point guys which not only made Alex Jones's show, but the mainstream national news as well(ie-CNN did a report on this story). I'll admit I liked Anderson at first b/c not only he appeared to be KJV-only, but I was a post-trib believer as well.

However, alot of things just make you wonder about this guy - if he's really KJV-only who's only duty is to preach the truth, then why is his church a 501c3? His church is in a pretty nice building - how is he getting the funding for it if he's coming off as someone who's KJV-only/end times prophecy watcher, and not your typical modern-day "any bible version is OK and don't obsess on end times prophecy!" pastor? While I understand the Lord provides the needs for all of born again believers, at the same time Anderson looks pretty well off. He has FIVE kids. No, I'm not saying Christians should try to limit their families(otherwise I'm pushing eugenics), but for someone who has the appearance of focusing on truth, warning about the end times, etc, he looks like someone living ABOVE his means.

As for the Alex Jones show(which Anderson has appeared on to push his latest DVD on the post-trib rapture) - 95% of his guests are New Age plants, I agree, however a few of his guests aren't bad - Chris Pinto, Fritz Springmeyer, and Chuck Baldwin are pretty good sources. If anything, if 100% of Alex's guests are New Age minions, then everyone would figure Alex's opposition controlled roots out immediately.

Anyhow - ultimately, it looks like Anderson has come on the scene to try to make KJV believers look bad. It's as if all of his "preaching" comes off like some actor.
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« Reply #239 on: March 15, 2013, 05:46:42 am »

Steven Anderson's Repentance Blacklist and Mormon Connection!

This is very funny, i got a laugh out of it.
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