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Understanding the Times Radio

March 27, 2024, 12:55:24 pm Mark says: Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked  When Hamas spokesman Abu Ubaida began a speech marking the 100th day of the war in Gaza, one confounding yet eye-opening proclamation escaped the headlines. Listing the motives for the Palestinian militant group's Oct. 7 massacre in Israel, he accused Jews of "bringing red cows" to the Holy Land.
December 31, 2022, 10:08:58 am NilsFor1611 says: blessings
August 08, 2018, 02:38:10 am suzytr says: Hello, any good churches in the Sacto, CA area, also looking in Reno NV, thanks in advance and God Bless you Smiley
January 29, 2018, 01:21:57 am Christian40 says: It will be interesting to see what happens this year Israel being 70 years as a modern nation may 14 2018
October 17, 2017, 01:25:20 am Christian40 says: It is good to type Mark is here again!  Smiley
October 16, 2017, 03:28:18 am Christian40 says: anyone else thinking that time is accelerating now? it seems im doing days in shorter time now is time being affected in some way?
September 24, 2017, 10:45:16 pm Psalm 51:17 says: The specific rule pertaining to the national anthem is found on pages A62-63 of the league rulebook. It states: “The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem. “During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.”
September 20, 2017, 04:32:32 am Christian40 says: "The most popular Hepatitis B vaccine is nothing short of a witch’s brew including aluminum, formaldehyde, yeast, amino acids, and soy. Aluminum is a known neurotoxin that destroys cellular metabolism and function. Hundreds of studies link to the ravaging effects of aluminum. The other proteins and formaldehyde serve to activate the immune system and open up the blood-brain barrier. This is NOT a good thing."
September 19, 2017, 03:59:21 am Christian40 says: bbc international did a video about there street preaching they are good witnesses
September 14, 2017, 08:06:04 am Psalm 51:17 says: bro Mark Hunter on YT has some good, edifying stuff too.
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« Reply #30 on: March 26, 2012, 06:00:18 am »

The Wycliffe Bible Translation Controversy 10 March 2012
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Jan interviews a number of guests with her co-hosts Eric Barger and Jill Martin Rische. The topic is the Wycliffe Bible translation controversy. Is there now a Muslim-friendly Bible? Wycliffe is accused by missionaries and other critics of defending something deceptive. Jan talks to Wycliffe VP Russ Herssman in the first half hour but also some critics. They include Georges Housnney of Biblical Missiology and David Irvine who pulled out of Wycliffe over the issue of removing "Son" and "Father" in the Bible. A third guest is Emily Belz of World Magazine who has provided cutting-edge information on this story. Are the accusations off-base or have some actions been taken that are in the best interest of Muslims? Has postmodern, Emergent influence now entered the world of para-church ministry? Other organizations in the effort are Summer Institute of Linguistics and Frontiers. To sign a petition against these actions, visit www.biblicalmissiology.org For info written by Emily Belz, visit www.worldmag.com To reach co-host Eric Barger, visit www.ericbarger.com To reach co-host Jill Martin Rische, visit www.waltermartin.com To read Wycliffe's response, go to www.wycliffe.org.


Web Bonus on The Wycliffe Bible Translation Controversy 10 March 2012
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This is the web bonus material that was not heard on radio. The discussion continues with interviews with Emily Belz of World Magazine and missionary David Irvine. The topic is the Wycliffe Bible translation controversy. Is there now a Muslim-friendly Bible? Wycliffe is accused by missionaries and other critics of defending something deceptive.

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« Reply #31 on: March 26, 2012, 06:01:16 am »

Temporal Delusion: Is the Church Destined to be Raptured or to Reign Supreme?
17 March 2012
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Jan hosts and talks to guest T.A. (Tom) McMahon about his book, "Temporal Delusion: Is the Church Destined to be Raptured or to Reign Supreme?" At this very moment, millions of professing Christians are joining with millions of other "believers" to promote peace and reconciliation across the country and around the globe.  These pragmatic churches and organizations are uniting for the ecumenical "common good" to eliminate poverty, eradicate disease, and save the earth from political and environmental disaster -- all in the name of advancing "God's kingdom on earth." But are all of these good works derived from a biblical blueprint for humanity? Or are these well-meaning workers building a house on foundations of sand? Your church may very well be among them. Olive Tree carries the book and it is found here. For more info on McMahon, visit www.thebereancall.org.

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« Reply #32 on: March 26, 2012, 06:01:44 am »

Preventing a Second Holocaust and Mystical Madness
24 March 2012
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Jan's first guest is White House correspondent Bill Koenig. Koenig feels the spring, summer, and fall ahead will feature global disruption and confusion. Their topics include Israel's Iran burden, Obama and Israel, Campaign 2012, and much more. Jan's second guest is Pastor Gary Gilley. The topic is "Spiritual Formation." What is it and why is it unbiblical and dangerous? Who are the leaders of this unsound movement? It is mystical and presents ways to get closer to God that are ungodly! Yet many churches today have a Director of Spiritual Formation. Do they even know what they represent? Koenig was a speaker at Understanding the Times 2011 and again this October. www.watch.org and www.SVchapel.org
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« Reply #33 on: March 26, 2012, 11:24:41 am »


No, I don't think Jan is working for the forces of darkness, however, some of these ministries should know better in terms of which guests they should bring in. While Tim LaHaye's pre-trib beliefs don't bother me, it's his other stuff that raises red flags(ie-CNP member, connections to the "moral majority", occult symbols on his books, etc).

As for Ray Comfort, I like some of his stuff, including a few of his techniques how he witnesses to others, but with that being said, at the same time, the way he witnesses to others just doesn't sit right with me, for some reason. Can't explain it, but it doesn't. He comes off more as someone who's an actor on Broadway shows. Also, Kirk Cameron raises red flags as well - for someone who was a former Hollywood "star", he's seemed to continue to be in the popular spotlight for someone who's born again and should be drawn away from "of the world". When Kirk become born again, it was as if he was thrust back into the movie industry spotlight with these "Left Behind" movies, while other former Hollywood stars who became born again left the scene and were not heard of again.
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« Reply #34 on: April 27, 2012, 05:58:13 am »

Will the Emergent Church Submerge Yours?
31 March 2012
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Jan's guest is Pastor Joseph Schimmel, producer of the cutting-edge new film, "The Submerging Church: How the Emerging Church is Drawing Multitudes Away from Biblical Christianity." The two consider many of the tentacles of this movement: Their sick doctrine of Hell, their mystical side, their Islamic sympathies, their view of eschatology, their uniting with evil, and much more. Jan plays seven revealing sound bytes of their leaders who consistently espouse heretical statements. The Emergent Church could submerge yours so you need this info! They also expose the Emergent's poster boy: Bono. Schimmel reveals Bono's sympathies for Alester Crowley, a renowned though deceased Satanist. In the audio Web bonus (see below), Jan and Joe discuss how all things "Purpose-Driven" relate to the Emergent Church. The discussion focuses on Rick Warren's PEACE Plan and on his "Daniel Plan" of 2011. Why would Warren want to unite with a movement that consistently blasphemes God?  You can order the 4-hour DVD here. Learn more at www.goodfight.org

There is a 30 minute web audio bonus that continues this session. Listed below

Will the Emergent Church Submerge Yours? 31 March 2012
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Audio Web Bonus

Jan and Joseph Schimmel continue their discussion in this bonus for our electronic audience. How do all things "Purpose-Driven" blend with the Emergent movement? Why would a man called "America's pastor" even want to associate with the heretical statements coming from this crowd?  They also re-visit the Hell issue in light of a stunning statement by Doug Pagitt on Hell played in a sound byte. This segment is 30 minutes in length.
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« Reply #35 on: April 27, 2012, 05:58:46 am »

You Really Can Understand the Book of Revelation
07 April 2012
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Jan talks to Pastor Skip Heitzig about his book, You Can Understand the Book of Revelation. If you want to understand the present and future, you can't ignore Revelation! The book and this program will give you a deeper appreciation for the majesty and power of Jesus; will help you know what God says about the last days; will assist you in discovering how God's plans for the future apply to you right now; and will help you be ready for Christ's return! The book of Revelation has a message for you! For everyone. And it is not all gloom and doom. Learn some of the good news found in that book as well as the last days' warnings. Visit our Web site here for Heitzig's book. Learn more at www.skipheitzig.com
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« Reply #36 on: April 27, 2012, 05:59:13 am »

Exalting the Cross in the Gathering Darkness
14 April 2012
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Jan talks to Dr. Erwin Lutzer about the gathering darkness. Will we still exalt the cross as things get difficult? The church today is hopping on some bandwagons such as environmentalism, pop psychology, and even political activism when it needs to be shining a beacon of truth amidst the gathering storm. Jan is drawing heavily from Lutzer's book, "When a Nation Forgets God: 7 Lessons We Must Learn from Nazi Germany" which you can order here. Then Jan gives commentary on the new blockbuster film, "The Hunger Games"; the Muslim Brotherhood being welcomed into the White House; Holocaust Remembrance Day which is coming up; and Jerusalem being wiped off the Israeli map by our State Department. An ominous sound byte is played of a reporter grilling a State Department rep who will not own up to this. What does this mean for America in light of Genesis 12:3? www.moodychurch.org Find Jan's uplifting book about the Holocaust here.
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« Reply #37 on: April 27, 2012, 06:00:04 am »

The Harbinger: Is This America's Final Warning?
21 April 2012
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Jan's guest is Jonathan Cahn. The two discuss his book and film, "Harbinger." Is this America's final warning or just a fictional narration? He relates what he feels are parallels between ancient Israel and America, explaining America is not a chosen nation such as Israel.  As Israel was warned but ignored the warnings, he feels America is doing the same. There are nine parallel harbingers. They key verse is Isaiah 9:10 which was quoted by America's leaders following 9/11. These same words were spoken by Israel in defiance to God. The Harbinger phenomenon has its critics and supporters so you have to weigh it for yourselves. Because of the extensive information, you can hear the extended information in the Web audio bonus below. The book is now in film form: "The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment." Olive Tree is not carrying either one at this time. Learn more at www.theharbinger-Jonathancahn.com.

There is a web bonus for this interview where Jan continues this discussion with Jonathan Cahn.  Look for it below this interview in the archive listing.

The Harbinger: Is This America's Final Warning? 21 April 2012
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Cahn explains the financial collapse in America and the world in this segment and other issues that we could not cover in our radio program. Hope for America is offered and the encouragement that we be salt and light while there is still time. We offer all of this interview as information to think and pray about. We are not suggesting that this is a definite word from God but we do ask, "What if Jonathan Cahn is right?" Could this be America's final warning?
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The Man from George Street
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« Reply #38 on: May 12, 2012, 08:42:25 pm »


The Church's Missing Agenda

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Radio producer Larry Kutzler is guest host and on Israel's Independence Day--May 14-- talks to two Jewish believers about the church's missing agenda: Israel. The church today either ignores the topic or mishandles it by twisting Scripture. Could the church today be less dysfunctional if they did not abuse or ignore "the apple of God's eye?" All three men are pastors and offer great insight into the dilemma.

Audio: http://www.oneplace.com/ministries/understanding-the-times/listen/the-churchs-missing-agenda-277704.html#Download
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« Reply #39 on: July 02, 2012, 06:24:18 am »

Defending the Faith -- The Top 10 Creation/Evolution Issues
19 May 2012
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Eric Barger sits in for Jan and discusses science-related issues with Jay Seegert. Before Jesus was Savior, He was Creator, so why are science-related issues and the book of Genesis not discussed more frequently?  Many churches just allegorize Genesis as well as Revelation.  Eric and Jay then discuss the top 10 questions concerning the creation-evolution debate. You don't want to miss this as your own questions will be among them. For more info, visit www.cecwisc.com and www.ericbarger.com.  Olive Tree Ministries carries several products produced by Eric Barger found in our store at www.olivetreeviews.org.

How Theology Dismantled a Nation
26 May 2012
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Jan's guest is author and evangelist Ray Comfort. In Ray's new book, "Hitler, God, and the Bible," he reveals how Adolph Hitler used the Bible to undermine a nation. Most Germans were members of a church, yet eventually they would have no trouble singing hymns as well as Nazi songs. They would swear oaths to Hitler and forget God. This was possible only because the church in that era was riddled with apostasy. Germans, therefore, looked to Hitler for divine truth, more than God. Germany had a "remnant church" led by Bonhoeffer, Niemoller, Barth, and others, and most, though not all, perished. Jan brings out elements of her own classic book, "Trapped in Hitler's Hell." Ray then makes a comparison of the Nazi Holocaust and the holocaust of babies today. He references his hit DVD, "180." Find Jan's book here. Today's apostasy-riddled church in the West should learn the lessons of the German church. Learn more at www.livingwaters.com.

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« Reply #40 on: July 02, 2012, 06:29:32 am »

The Progressive Agenda: Is It All-Out War?
02 June 2012
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Jan's guest is Dr. Michael Coffman. The two discuss his new book, "Plundered: How Progressive Ideology Is Destroying America." If you want to know what's happened to America politically and ideologically, this info is for you! Progressivism is on overdrive now in Washington, and it's in both parties. What can Christians do about it? Progressives feel only government can solve problems. They are well-intentioned but fallen mankind cannot make progressive ideas work. This is vital info as we head to America's November election. We carry Coffman's book here. To learn more about Coffman, visit www.epi-us.com.

The Impending Financial Collapse in Light of End-Time Prophecy
09 June 2012
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Jan's guest is Christian economist John Terry. There appears to be global economic financial collapse in sight so how does Bible prophecy play into this? Europe is struggling for its very survival. America shivers in Europe's shadow. Global debt will probably be the primary issue the Antichrist uses to unify the planet and win friends! He'll wipe all debt away. Economic issues are also shaping America's Fall election as revealed by nearly every poll. Jan and John remind listeners that God is in control and that Christians have an opportunity to shine in this darkness. Terry offers other tips and insights to help you understand economic issues today. www.revelationfiles.com.

When Contending Becomes Cantankerous
16 June 2012
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Jan and her guests, Eric Barger and Jill Martin Rische (daughter of the late Dr. Walter Martin) have an in-studio discussion: All three head "discernment ministries" yet they are troubled by all the sniping, bad-mouthing, character assassinations, and general lack of love being shown. So just how do evangelicals confront doctrinal error? And what is "secondary separation?" Can Christians ever share a platform with one who is known to have serious false doctrine? Are some outfits just being Pharisaical and becoming known for what they attack more than what they build up? These are tough questions because we must "contend for the faith." Apostasy does reign and we cannot always be silent. Can we contend in love or must contending be cantankerous?  www.ericbarger.com www.waltermartin.com

The Emerging New Christianity
23 June 2012
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Jan's guest is Caryl Matrisciana who introduces volume 2 of her film series "Wide is the Gate: The Emerging New Christianity." This second volume in her series gives an urgent warning and calls for a return to the faith once-for-all delivered to the saints.  A plethora of topics are discussed, including the decline of traditional Evangelicalism; Christian environmentalism; Emergent Christianity; Catholicism; Calvinism; unsound eschatology; contemplative/mystical influences on the Church; Dominion/Kingdom Now Theology; Rick Warren's PEACE Plan; the social gospel; Christian Palestinianism, and much, much more.
Caryl's guests in this DVD include Jason Carlson, Mike Gendron, Jan Markell, Johanna Michaelsen, Warren Smith, Paul Wilkinson, Ray Yungen, Chris Quintana, Eric Barger and more. You can purchase the 4-hour DVD in our store here.  We offer it at a 25% off retail introductory price. Learn more at www.caryltv.com 

Answering the Cultists at your Door
30 June 2012
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Eric Barger is guest host, featuring apologist Ed Decker. What do you say when the cultists come to your door? And what about the millions of church attendees who are just trusting in their own righteousness for salvation? We are to be ready with an answer for everyone and Barger and Decker help you do that. Decker was a Mormon for many years and Barger was into the pop music scene before salvation. This program is designed to equip the saints. Find Decker's book, "Fast Facts on False Teachings," co-authored with Dr. Ron Carlson, here. We also carry Decker's book on Mormonism here. Find more on Barger's apologetics at www.ericbarger.com. Decker can be reached at www.saintsalive.com 
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The Man from George Street
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« Reply #41 on: July 19, 2012, 06:29:52 am »

Delaying the Decay of our Nation
07 July 2012
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Jan's guest is Dr. Robert Jeffress, author of the book, "Twilight's Last Gleaming: How America's Last Days Can Be Your Best Days." Jeffress, pastor of the First Baptist Church in Dallas, has been outspoken on election issues. He has not given up on America and believes Christians are here to delay the decay of the nation. He has been outspoken on the presidential candidates and remains so in this interview. Many Christians feel themselves to be in a dilemma having to choose between two less-than-stellar candidates this Fall. Then Jan gets a further election update from White House correspondent Bill Koenig. Bill comments on some current events as well. We carry Jeffress' book and it can be found here. For further info on Jeffress, visit www.ptv.org. For Koenig, visit www.watch.org
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« Reply #42 on: July 19, 2012, 06:31:05 am »

The Harbinger: For Such a Time as This?
14 July 2012
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Jan's guest is Jonathan Cahn who answers some of the questions his critics are hurling. Cahn states that it was his intent to write a message emphasizing repentance, salvation, and the restoration of America to God's grace. He states no ministry leader has reached out to him before the accusations began, nor have most read the book "The Harbinger" or viewed the DVD, "The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment". Joseph Farah also weighs in as producer of the film. Cahn feels information is being twisted and distorted with extensive guilt by association. Jan and her radio team spend 1 hour 40 minutes asking him questions that are flying around the Internet. Just a small sampling of the issues include his connection to the New Apostolic Reformation, Sid Roth, Glenn Beck, the Jewish Kabalah and Zohar, his eschatology, his belief about Dominionism, Replacement Theology, his publisher, and much, much more. In spite of this, the book and DVD sales are only soaring. Cahn's concern is, nonetheless, that some could be turned away from the story and thus not come to repentance and salvation. We sell the DVD and it is found here.  Because one radio person suggested Cahn is a false prophet and in the Bible they were stoned, Cahn's wife now fears for the safety of her husband and two very small children. Is this where the apologetics and discernment community want to go?  Jan has co-hosts participating. They can be reached at www.waltermartin.com and www.ericbarger.com Cahn can be reached at www.theharbinger-jonathancahn.com We go an extra 40 minutes in the questioning in the Web bonus which can be accessed below. 

The Harbinger: For Such a Time as This? Web Bonus
14 July 2012
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Web Bonus
Jan and her co-hosts Eric Barger, Jill Martin Rische, and Larry Kutzler continue questioning Jonathan Cahn on important issues and accusations flying around the Internet and on radio. Another 40 minutes are taken to clarify some of what seems to be confusing to some. The radio team also asks why not one critic would reach out and contact Cahn before the criticisms and accusations began?  Cahn made many attempts to reach those accusing him of many false theologies and associations. In most instances -- although not all -- the accusers would not even respond to his calls or emails. Whether one appreciates "The Harbinger" or not, this ministry is asking if the manner in which a near lynching has been going on is Christ-like and in the  manner suggested in the Bible as it concerns contending for the faith?  When Cahn is accused of occultic involvement when he teaches against it, has the discernment community pushed too far?  Are they then just shrill accusers of the brethren?  We recommend you get the DVD, "The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment" here and decide for yourself.
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The Man from George Street
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« Reply #43 on: July 19, 2012, 10:44:13 am »

The Harbinger: For Such a Time as This?
14 July 2012
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Jan's guest is Jonathan Cahn who answers some of the questions his critics are hurling. Cahn states that it was his intent to write a message emphasizing repentance, salvation, and the restoration of America to God's grace. He states no ministry leader has reached out to him before the accusations began, nor have most read the book "The Harbinger" or viewed the DVD, "The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment". Joseph Farah also weighs in as producer of the film. Cahn feels information is being twisted and distorted with extensive guilt by association. Jan and her radio team spend 1 hour 40 minutes asking him questions that are flying around the Internet. Just a small sampling of the issues include his connection to the New Apostolic Reformation, Sid Roth, Glenn Beck, the Jewish Kabalah and Zohar, his eschatology, his belief about Dominionism, Replacement Theology, his publisher, and much, much more. In spite of this, the book and DVD sales are only soaring. Cahn's concern is, nonetheless, that some could be turned away from the story and thus not come to repentance and salvation. We sell the DVD and it is found here.  Because one radio person suggested Cahn is a false prophet and in the Bible they were stoned, Cahn's wife now fears for the safety of her husband and two very small children. Is this where the apologetics and discernment community want to go?  Jan has co-hosts participating. They can be reached at www.waltermartin.com and www.ericbarger.com Cahn can be reached at www.theharbinger-jonathancahn.com We go an extra 40 minutes in the questioning in the Web bonus which can be accessed below. 

But that was Old Testament law - in the New Testament salvation by grace, Jesus Christ said to let them alone. Not trying to debate whether or not Cahn is a false prophet, but saying with ANY false prophet/teacher under the NT salvation by grace...

Mat 15:12  Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying?
Mat 15:13  But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up.
Mat 15:14  Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.

So Cahn(or any other false prophet) has nothing to fear.
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« Reply #44 on: July 19, 2012, 11:08:19 am »

But that was Old Testament law - in the New Testament salvation by grace, Jesus Christ said to let them alone. Not trying to debate whether or not Cahn is a false prophet, but saying with ANY false prophet/teacher under the NT salvation by grace...

Mat 15:12  Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying?
Mat 15:13  But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up.
Mat 15:14  Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.

So Cahn(or any other false prophet) has nothing to fear.

He is a Rabbi in a Jewish neighborhood
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« Reply #45 on: August 06, 2012, 05:41:15 pm »

Joel Rosenberg: Message from "Understanding the Times 2011 21 July 2012
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We play Joel Rosenberg's Saturday message from "Understanding the Times 2011" held last October. We had 8,000 in attendance over two days from across the country as well as Australia and other locations abroad. Enjoy our full line-up of speakers who also included Dr. Mark Hitchcock and others on CD or DVD found here.   We have a short video of speaker highlights found there as well.
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« Reply #46 on: August 06, 2012, 05:41:39 pm »

The Apocalyptic Middle East 28 July 2012

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Jan and her guest, author and commentator Bill Salus, discuss the apocalyptic turn in the Middle East. The Arab spring has been nothing but a set-up for various end-time wars the Bible outlines. The two discuss what Salus perceives to be the Psalms 83 war, the Isaiah 17 disaster with Damascus, and the Gog-Magog conflict. Both believe all scenarios are imminent. Syria is falling into the hands of extremists as she maneuvers her chemical weapons around. Both Syria and Iran are threatening Israel with weapons of mass destruction. We are in those perilous times. This ministry sells Salus' book, "Revelation Road: Hope Beyond the Horizon." It is found here. Learn more about Salus at www.prophecydepot.com
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« Reply #47 on: August 06, 2012, 05:42:13 pm »

Waiting for a Miracle 04 August 2012

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Jan Markell is the guest this hour as the guest hosts, Eric Barger, Jill Martin Rische, and Larry Kutzler, ask her about her life and ministry. She relates how she found salvation in a Messianic home as a child, how she detoured into and out of the world of the occult, her start and life in ministry, and her struggle with chronic illness. During her 21 year battle with the "chronic fatigue syndrome," she wrote her classic book, "Waiting for a Miracle," which we carry here. Two of her other books can be found at that link. Her other five books are now out of print. 
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« Reply #48 on: August 13, 2012, 07:29:02 am »

Update: Impending Financial Collapse in Light of End-Time Prophecy 11 August 2012
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Jan spends the first segment discussing current economic issues with Christian economist John Terry. This is an updated report from his June radio visit. Jan and John go over several financial scenarios that will affect you but they also consider them from a biblical perspective. There is much on the economic scene that is bleak and heading into the realm of global currency. Can we see this from a biblical perspective and not let it get to us? Hardly any world leader is governing properly and a one-world scenario is building. In the final segment, Jan talks about that pesky little burdensome stone again: Jerusalem. She's an offense to the world, but God has big plans for that city! Find contact information for John Terry at www.revelationfiles.com   
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« Reply #49 on: September 01, 2012, 10:41:34 am »

Will the Emergent Church Submerge Yours? 18 August 2012
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Jan's guest is Pastor Joseph Schimmel, producer of the cutting-edge new film, "The Submerging Church: How the Emerging Church is Drawing Multitudes Away from Biblical Christianity." The two consider many of the tentacles of this movement: Their sick doctrine of Hell, their mystical side, their Islamic sympathies, their view of eschatology, their uniting with evil, and much more. Jan plays seven revealing sound bytes of their leaders who consistently espouse heretical statements. The Emergent Church could submerge yours so you need this info! They also expose the Emergent's poster boy: Bono. Schimmel reveals Bono's sympathies for Alester Crowley, a renowned though deceased Satanist. In the audio Web bonus (see below), Jan and Joe discuss how all things "Purpose-Driven" relate to the Emergent Church. The discussion focuses on Rick Warren's PEACE Plan and on his "Daniel Plan" of 2011. Why would Warren want to unite with a movement that consistently blasphemes God?  You can order the 3-4 hour DVD here. For more info on Schimmel, visit www.goodfight.org

Will the Emergent Church Submerge Yours? 18 August 2012
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Jan Markell and Joseph Schimmel continue their discussion in this bonus for our electronic audience. How do all things "Purpose-Driven" blend with the Emergent movement? Why would a man called "America's pastor" even want to associate with the heretical statements coming from this crowd?  They also re-visit the Hell issue in light of a stunning statement by Doug Pagitt on Hell played in a sound byte. This segment is 30 minutes in length.
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« Reply #50 on: September 01, 2012, 10:42:36 am »

Wycliffe Translation Controversy 25 August 2012
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Jan interviews a number of guests with her co-hosts Eric Barger and Jill Martin Rische. The topic is the Wycliffe Bible translation controversy. Is there now a Muslim-friendly Bible? Wycliffe is accused by missionaries and other critics of defending something deceptive. Jan talks to Wycliffe VP Russ Herssman in the first half hour but also some critics. They include Georges Housnney of Biblical Missiology and David Irvine who pulled out of Wycliffe over the issue of removing "Son" and "Father" in the Bible. A third guest is Emily Belz of World Magazine who has provided cutting-edge information on this story. Are the accusations off-base or have some actions been taken that are in the best interest of Muslims? Has postmodern, Emergent influence now entered the world of para-church ministry? Other organizations in the effort are Summer Institute of Linguistics and Frontiers.

Find Eric Barger's booklet on "Islam and the Church" here.  Find Eric Barger at www.ericbarger.com and Jill Martin Rische at www.waltermartin.com More information can be found at www.biblicalmissiology.org.

Wycliffe Translation Controversy 25 August 2012
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This is the web bonus material that was not heard on radio. The discussion continues with interviews with Emily Belz of World Magazine and missionary David Irvine. The topic is the Wycliffe Bible translation controversy. Is there now a Muslim-friendly Bible? Wycliffe is accused by missionaries and other critics of defending something deceptive.
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« Reply #51 on: September 01, 2012, 10:43:07 am »

How Progressive Ideology is Destroying America 01 September 2012
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Jan's guest is Dr. Michael Coffman. The two discuss his new book, "Plundered: How Progressive Ideology Is Destroying America." If you want to know what's happened to America politically and ideologically, this info is for you! Progressivism is on overdrive now in Washington, and it's in both parties. What can Christians do about it? Progressives feel only government can solve problems. They are well-intentioned but fallen mankind cannot make progressive ideas work. This is vital info as we head to America's November election. We carry Coffman's book here. To learn more about Coffman, visit www.epi-us.com 
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« Reply #52 on: September 01, 2012, 03:09:33 pm »

How Progressive Ideology is Destroying America 01 September 2012
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Jan's guest is Dr. Michael Coffman. The two discuss his new book, "Plundered: How Progressive Ideology Is Destroying America." If you want to know what's happened to America politically and ideologically, this info is for you! Progressivism is on overdrive now in Washington, and it's in both parties. What can Christians do about it? Progressives feel only government can solve problems. They are well-intentioned but fallen mankind cannot make progressive ideas work. This is vital info as we head to America's November election. We carry Coffman's book here. To learn more about Coffman, visit www.epi-us.com 

While this guy seems to be very aware of the progressives agenda in BOTH "parties", and obviously the fake left/right paradigm, ultimately he ends up getting into the same trap as a number of others do...he ends up thinking that b/c Romney is a 1/2 step(and a small one at that) better than Obama, he would end up doing miles better for this country, especially if the House and Senate take control with Christian and conservative Congressman and Senators, so that way they will keep Romney on even keel and ultimately help deliver us out of this mess.

For one - a number of Christian and true conservative Congressman/Senators getting elected to take control of Congress? Nuh-uh...when Bush II was President, EVERY Republican on Capitol Hill voted to authorize force on Iraq. The last 2 years when Obama was President, the Repubs have had control of the House by a wide margin, but have they been able to keep Obama in check? NO! Or how about when Clinton was President and Republicans controlled both the House and Senate? Didn't they pass a number of pro-NWO bills that loosened regulations on banks, which is why banks are really running recklessly now?(ie-Paul Ryan played his part then) Or was he aware of the (intentional)friction going on at the RNC this week b/w mainline Republicans and Ron Paul Republicans b/c of some blatant cheating?

Pt being that the Illuminati controls 90% of Congress(and the President is a puppet on a string) - surprised he didn't know it(or forgot about it) after he clearly stated the small minority progressives control all of the agendas.

Either way - $16t national debt, 4 straight years of $1t deficits, $100t debt if you include SS/Medicare, $600t derivatives time bomb, and throw in Europe and their massive debt crisis. Doesn't matter who'll be President, b/c this country is toast already. The borrower is a slave to the lender...
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« Reply #53 on: September 01, 2012, 03:12:03 pm »

Will the Emergent Church Submerge Yours? 18 August 2012
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Jan's guest is Pastor Joseph Schimmel, producer of the cutting-edge new film, "The Submerging Church: How the Emerging Church is Drawing Multitudes Away from Biblical Christianity." The two consider many of the tentacles of this movement: Their sick doctrine of Hell, their mystical side, their Islamic sympathies, their view of eschatology, their uniting with evil, and much more. Jan plays seven revealing sound bytes of their leaders who consistently espouse heretical statements. The Emergent Church could submerge yours so you need this info! They also expose the Emergent's poster boy: Bono. Schimmel reveals Bono's sympathies for Alester Crowley, a renowned though deceased Satanist. In the audio Web bonus (see below), Jan and Joe discuss how all things "Purpose-Driven" relate to the Emergent Church. The discussion focuses on Rick Warren's PEACE Plan and on his "Daniel Plan" of 2011. Why would Warren want to unite with a movement that consistently blasphemes God?  You can order the 3-4 hour DVD here. For more info on Schimmel, visit www.goodfight.org

Will the Emergent Church Submerge Yours? 18 August 2012
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Jan Markell and Joseph Schimmel continue their discussion in this bonus for our electronic audience. How do all things "Purpose-Driven" blend with the Emergent movement? Why would a man called "America's pastor" even want to associate with the heretical statements coming from this crowd?  They also re-visit the Hell issue in light of a stunning statement by Doug Pagitt on Hell played in a sound byte. This segment is 30 minutes in length.

Excellent broadcast! Yeah, who would have thought that in today's day and age we're living in, that the modern-day "church" has turned into a secular party house? Or the pastors of today would look nothing more than the average frat member? Never would have imagined it when I was a boy in the 80's.
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« Reply #54 on: September 01, 2012, 04:24:54 pm »

Excellent broadcast! Yeah, who would have thought that in today's day and age we're living in, that the modern-day "church" has turned into a secular party house? Or the pastors of today would look nothing more than the average frat member? Never would have imagined it when I was a boy in the 80's.

AGREE... some good info here, have to find that DVD online and check it out.

some more info: http://endtimesandcurrentevents.freesmfhosting.com/index.php/topic,7200.0.html
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« Reply #55 on: September 01, 2012, 06:51:36 pm »

AGREE... some good info here, have to find that DVD online and check it out.

some more info: http://endtimesandcurrentevents.freesmfhosting.com/index.php/topic,7200.0.html

Eventually(and hopefully), this DVD makes its way to youtube(where we can watch it for free) - Schimmel has made some other excellent DVD presentations on rock music/hollywood deceptions, exposing the new age movement, etc.
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« Reply #56 on: September 03, 2012, 04:25:37 pm »

Update: Impending Financial Collapse in Light of End-Time Prophecy 11 August 2012
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Jan spends the first segment discussing current economic issues with Christian economist John Terry. This is an updated report from his June radio visit. Jan and John go over several financial scenarios that will affect you but they also consider them from a biblical perspective. There is much on the economic scene that is bleak and heading into the realm of global currency. Can we see this from a biblical perspective and not let it get to us? Hardly any world leader is governing properly and a one-world scenario is building. In the final segment, Jan talks about that pesky little burdensome stone again: Jerusalem. She's an offense to the world, but God has big plans for that city! Find contact information for John Terry at www.revelationfiles.com   

Some of these discernment/watchmen ministries really need to be careful, in terms of even giving Romney a mere passing endorsement(like Markell's guest Terry did). If anything, they themselves need to use some discernment when evaluating alot of these people like Romney COMPLETELY, and NOT fall into this "But history shows Republicans do well for the economy, and Democrats don't" trap. And then they'll even go as far as saying how if Christian and conservative Congressmen/Senators are elected, then they could keep Romney in check.

Uhm, NO - it's ONLY the Holy Spirit that can work in the hearts of men. Does anyone remember Pharoah in the OT, and how his heart was hardened(and the Lord warned Moses about it)? Or how about the Pharisees in the NT? Did Jesus and the Apostles change their hearts? People like Romney, Obama, well...yes, we should pray for them that they repent, but I think it's suffice to say both are probably modern-day Pharoahs/Pharisees.

With that being said, Romney has been a life-long pro-choice, pro-gay rights, pro-big govenment, etc, type of guy, who also invested in a company that did work with fetals that came from abortions(ie-Bain). As a matter of fact, he played a big role in it. Sorry, but the Lord just can NOT bless this country who's President was involved with this, so don't give us this "But our economy will be good, and Christians and conservatives will keep him in line" nonsense. And besides, our national debt is at $16t...this country needs to repent and turn to the Lord Jesus...

Ye cannot serve 2 masters...

The borrower is a slave to the lender...
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« Reply #57 on: September 27, 2012, 05:37:32 am »

It's Later Than It's Ever Been
08 September 2012
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Jan's guest is Dr. Mark Hitchcock, one of our "Understanding the Times 2012" speakers.  Jan and Mark discuss many topics related to the end-of-days. What are the key "signs of the times"? The two conclude that it is later than it has ever been! Every sign is on overdrive. There is also discussion on the pulpit silence on end-of-days' issues.  The topic is intentionally put down, diminished, or even mocked. They discuss the current tensions between Iran and Israel. Israel cannot wait much longer. Learn more at www.mlhitchcock.com. To find Hitchcock's new book, "The End," visit this link.  http://www.olivetreeviews.org/products-from-other-ministries?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=94&category_id=4

The Consequences of Voting God Out of a Nation
15 September 2012
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Jan's first guest is White House correspondent Bill Koenig. There are consequences when one entire political party rejects God and votes Him out of authority in America! Bill and Jan discuss that sorry state as well as general election issues. The Jewish vote could decide the 2012 election so which way will they go when one candidate is openly hostile to the Jewish state? Then Walid Shoebat joins Jan to discuss the National Security Five: Rep. Michele Bachmann and four others have sought to expose the Muslim Brotherhood and have paid a dear price for this. Yet the current administration welcomes the Muslim Brotherhood into the White House and has just authorized that they should receive $1.5 billion in aid. This aid will be turned against Israel and America. As we see the Middle East once again go up in flames, why are we supporting the terrorists who wish to kill us? For more info visit www.watch.org and www.shoebat.com

God Calling: Is America Listening?
22 September 2012
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Jan's first guest is Dr. Erwin Lutzer who suggests that God may be at a tipping point with America -- a point where He says "enough."  Could God be calling Christians into times we have never known?  Lutzer has just returned from Washington where he learned things that startle him and have him wondering about the future of this country. Then Gary Bauer joins Jan to discuss election-related issues. He is just off of his Values Voter conference. Bauer is a 40 year Washinton insider who has never seen the deplorable state of the nation due to the liberal agenda. www.moodychurch.org and www.cwfpac.com
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« Reply #58 on: September 27, 2012, 08:56:46 am »

The Consequences of Voting God Out of a Nation
15 September 2012
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Jan's first guest is White House correspondent Bill Koenig. There are consequences when one entire political party rejects God and votes Him out of authority in America! Bill and Jan discuss that sorry state as well as general election issues. The Jewish vote could decide the 2012 election so which way will they go when one candidate is openly hostile to the Jewish state?

Or make that 2 - Romney drafted a statement at the RNC saying how Israel is 2 democratic states. And of course Mormonism has their own crazy version of replacement theology where they believe Jesus Christ will establish his kingdom in Independence, MO.
God Calling: Is America Listening?
 Then Gary Bauer joins Jan to discuss election-related issues. He is just off of his Values Voter conference. Bauer is a 40 year Washinton insider who has never seen the deplorable state of the nation due to the liberal agenda. www.moodychurch.org and www.cwfpac.com

Again, I like Jan, but even she needs to be careful over which guests she brings on. Gary Bauer is one of the "religious right" members who slandered the King James Bible(he accused King James of being a homosexual).

He's also a Council for National Policy member
Bauer was featured as a speaker at Sun Myung Moon's Women's Federation For World Peace Conference in Washington DC in 1996 and had a full page ad in the Moon-owned Washington Times in August, 1997. 

Bauer ran as a candidate for the Republican nomination for President of the U.S. In February, 2000, he withdrew his candidacy and endorsed pro-abortion candidate, John McCain. Prior to joining FRC, Bauer served in President Ronald Reagan's administration for eight years, during the last two years as President Reagan's Chief Domestic Policy Advisor. Previously, Bauer was under Secretary of Education beginning in July 1985, when he was confirmed by unanimous vote in the U.S. Senate. While serving at the Education Department, Bauer was named Chairman of President Reagan's Special Working Group on the Family.
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« Reply #59 on: October 22, 2012, 04:10:48 am »

It's Not Too Late for America
29 September 2012
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Jonathan Cahn returns with hosts Jan Markell, Eric Barger, and Jill Martin Rische. There have been remarkable circumstances taking place since the release of "The Harbinger" and the DVD, "The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment." It's not too late for America. God always honors the repentant heart and in the Bible, he honored entire cities that repented. Many ministries weigh in stating their strong belief that this may be God's final warning to America.  A pastor reports on changed lives.  But nearly a dozen sound bytes are played of Christian leaders warning that America is on borrowed time. Cahn, Dr. Erwin Lutzer, Dr. Mark Hitchcock, and Bill Koenig all participate in this ministry's "Understanding the Times 2012" conference next weekend. Find the DVD here. We do not carry the book.

The Most Important Man in Your Life
06 October 2012
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Guest hosts Eric Barger and Larry Kutzler talk about the most important man in your life: Your pastor. Most people have no idea how tough it is to be a pastor and how many of them quit in frustration, and with a broken heart. The statistics are shocking.  They interview numerous pastors who give a frank analysis. This isn't a broken system -- it's broken people: Both pastors and sheep.  Note: We are conducting "Understanding the Times 2012." Pray for us.

Is Being Pro-Palestinian Really Being Pro-Peace?
13 October 2012
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Jan hosts as she and her team, Chris Heeb and Larry Kutzler, report on a recent "Hope for the Holy Land" pro-peace rally at Bethel University in St. Paul.  Does being pro-Palestinian really translate into being pro-peace?  If one is “pro Palestine” in the sense of embracing the diabolical “land for peace” initiative, or even the “two-state solution,” one cannot in any real sense be pro Israel. Was this a genuine pro-peace effort or just a deception to bring naive students into the anti-Israel fold? Participants included Lynn Hybels, Sami Awad, and a rep from World Vision, long known for their Replacement Theology position. No Jewish history was cited, no Scripture was quoted, and no pro-Israel position was allowed into the forum.  The president of Bethel University closed with his pro-Palestinian position while seemingly denouncing the "traditional" pro-Israel position he grew up with. If this is the trend among younger evangelicals, the biblically-prophesied abandonment of Israel is hastening.  Chris Heeb heads "Good News for Israel." Learn more at www.gnfi.org

Can America Survive?
20 October 2012
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Jan's guest is Joel Rosenberg. America's survival is now a common discussion topic. Is this because she blends into the one-world system or because of God's judgment, causing her implosion? Or could a "third great awakening" cause a halt to the downward spiral? Jan and Joel also talk some Middle East issues as the "epicenter" continues to be the focus of the world. America is a nation in decline and she now faces the most important election in her history. Could this be a key to turning her around? Find Joel's book "Implosion" here. Learn more at www.joelrosenberg.com    
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