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Understanding the Times Radio

March 27, 2024, 12:55:24 pm Mark says: Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked  When Hamas spokesman Abu Ubaida began a speech marking the 100th day of the war in Gaza, one confounding yet eye-opening proclamation escaped the headlines. Listing the motives for the Palestinian militant group's Oct. 7 massacre in Israel, he accused Jews of "bringing red cows" to the Holy Land.
December 31, 2022, 10:08:58 am NilsFor1611 says: blessings
August 08, 2018, 02:38:10 am suzytr says: Hello, any good churches in the Sacto, CA area, also looking in Reno NV, thanks in advance and God Bless you Smiley
January 29, 2018, 01:21:57 am Christian40 says: It will be interesting to see what happens this year Israel being 70 years as a modern nation may 14 2018
October 17, 2017, 01:25:20 am Christian40 says: It is good to type Mark is here again!  Smiley
October 16, 2017, 03:28:18 am Christian40 says: anyone else thinking that time is accelerating now? it seems im doing days in shorter time now is time being affected in some way?
September 24, 2017, 10:45:16 pm Psalm 51:17 says: The specific rule pertaining to the national anthem is found on pages A62-63 of the league rulebook. It states: “The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem. “During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.”
September 20, 2017, 04:32:32 am Christian40 says: "The most popular Hepatitis B vaccine is nothing short of a witch’s brew including aluminum, formaldehyde, yeast, amino acids, and soy. Aluminum is a known neurotoxin that destroys cellular metabolism and function. Hundreds of studies link to the ravaging effects of aluminum. The other proteins and formaldehyde serve to activate the immune system and open up the blood-brain barrier. This is NOT a good thing."
September 19, 2017, 03:59:21 am Christian40 says: bbc international did a video about there street preaching they are good witnesses
September 14, 2017, 08:06:04 am Psalm 51:17 says: bro Mark Hunter on YT has some good, edifying stuff too.
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« Reply #180 on: March 29, 2015, 06:52:01 am »

The Gathering Storm
Published on 28 February 2015
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Jan talks to Dr. Robert Jeffress for two segments about radical Islam, end-times, and current events in light of the Bible. We carry his new book, “Countdown to the Apocalypse: Why ISIS and Ebola are Only the Beginning.”  Find ite here.  With everything falling apart, Dr. Jeffress reminds us to be salt and light. Then Jan Markell gives a short commentary about the importance of Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress March 3.  Obama continues to turn on old allies and befriend terrorists. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

Islam, False Prophets, & the Daze of Deception
Published on 07 March 2015
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We play Pastor Jack Hibbs’ message from “Understanding the Times Fall 2014”.  The title is “Islam, False Prophets, & the Daze of Deception.” Jack hits on major issues of the day as indicated in the title. Find a complete set of DVDs or CDs here. Other speakers included Dr. Ed Hindson, Jan Markell, and Steven Khoury. Then Eric Barger talks to science expert Jay Seegert. They discuss how we might use creation to share our faith. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com

Visits to Heaven & Hell: Are They For Real?
Published on 14 March 2015
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Jan Markell and Eric Barger spend the entire hour with Dr. Mark Hitchcock discussing the supposed trips to Heaven and Hell and back. Are they for real? Why do so many of them contradict the Bible? The co-hosts and Hitchcock spend an extended time on “Heaven Is for Real,” Dr. Mary Neal, and Don Piper. Why could Paul not speak about his trip to Heaven but people can today? Of the 400 books on the topic, why do so few give the plan of salvation so that all may get to Heaven? We carry Hitchcock’s new book on this topic and it’s found here. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

Desperate Times, Desperate People: Responding to Suicide
Published on 20 March 2015
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Jan Markell, Dr. Marcus Bachmann, and Larry Kutzler lead a round table discussion with those “left behind” after suicide. Our desperate times are producing desperate people, many of them Christians who take their own life. Loved ones speak into this for the hour. How should the church react? Is this the unpardonable sin as some say it is? Or is God’s grace broad enough to cover this sin?  Learn more at www.engagesdg.org. We use the mobile app from www.oneplace.com

The Blood of the Martyrs
Published on 28 March 2015
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Why is God allowing so many Christian to die? Jan Markell and her guest, Tom Doyle, discuss that and much more.  Doyle also shares remarkably uplifting stories from the midst of the persecution of Christians in the Mideast. Doyle has a new book, “Killing Christians: Living the Faith Where it’s Not Safe to Believe.” Find it here.  The depth of oppression Jesus followers suffer is unimaginable to most Western Christians.  Yet, it is an everyday reality for those who choose faith in many parts of the world. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.
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« Reply #181 on: April 04, 2015, 03:52:23 pm »

Bible Answers for Our Times
Published on 04 April 2015
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Dr. Ron Rhodes returns for the entire hour to interact with hosts Jan Markell, Eric Barger and Jill Martin Rische. The three hosts fire Bible questions at Ron with topics that include angelology, fallen angels, end-times, Heaven and related eternity issues, and much more. Rhodes was the "Bible Answerman" on radio for a number of years sponsored by CRI. Find Rhodes' book, "The Big Book of Bible Answers: A Guide to Understanding the Most Challenging Questions” here. This book has been one of our most popular products. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.
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« Reply #182 on: April 18, 2015, 09:32:31 am »

Part 1: Lawlessness and Global Transformation: How it Sets the Stage
Published on 11 April 2015
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Jan talks to Michele Bachmann for the hour in part one of a two-part series dealing with end-times, government, America, Israel, the Mideast, and more. How is the present lawlessness setting the stage for the final scenario? They discuss the Iranian nuke deal, Islamists in the current administration, and much more and suggest all that is happening is setting the stage for all that the Bible outlines. Part two is next weekend. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

Lawlessness & Global Transformation: How it Sets the Stage – Part 2
Published on 18 April 2015
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This is part 2 in our series with Michele Bachmann. She reports that America’s friends wonder why we have left them for the world’s tyrant nations. Bachmann personally challenged President Obama concerning Iran who is about the get a nuclear bomb. They continue their discussion on waning U.S. support for Israel and the loss of it in the last six years. Bachmann challenges the church to start speaking the truth in all issues and to speak of the lateness of the hour. Jan and Michele briefly speak about the 2016 election. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.
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« Reply #183 on: April 26, 2015, 08:10:22 am »

America: On a Collision Course with God
Published on 25 April 2015
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Jan Markell and Eric Barger talk to White House correspondent Bill Koenig about America’s collision course with God. Koenig has been a White House journalist since 2001 and shares insights in the third in our series of our Washington watch. Koenig connects some more final days dots and concurs with Franklin Graham that there is an “antichrist movement” in Washington now. He offers insights listeners will not hear other places. We use the mobile app at www.oneplace.com.
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« Reply #184 on: May 02, 2015, 07:01:13 am »

Countdown: Issues of Eternity
Published on 02 May 2015
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Jan Markell and co-host Eric Barger talk to Dr. Gary Frazier for the entire hour about issues of eternity: Hell, the Judgment Seat of Christ, the Great White Throne Judgment, and more. They discuss his newest book, “Hell is for Real: Why It Matters”, found here.  Everyone has a destiny that is daunting. We all will stand before the one who loved us, died for us, rose for us, and sits at the right hand of the Father for us. Practical questions are answered.
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« Reply #185 on: May 16, 2015, 05:11:07 am »

Obsession: Today’s Technology
Published on 09 May 2015
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In segment one, Jan Markell and Eric Barger respond to the overwhelming outpouring of condemnation due to the program’s interviews with Michele Bachmann a few weeks ago. Then Jan talks to a young woman who was obsessed with social media. When it was taken away, she threatened to take her life. How can technology that has a bright side turn so evil as it addicts tens of millions? Mariah shares how she was set free. A must-hear for anyone growing too close to today’s electronic world—and too far away from God. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

The ISIS Crisis

Published on 16 May 2015
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Jan Markell and Eric Barger spend the hour talking to terror analyst Erick Stackelbeck as he unravels the ISIS crisis. Stackelbeck feels America is totally unprepared for what might be coming upon us. Our southern border is a disaster waiting to happen he says; our shopping malls are sitting targets; sleeper cells may be awaiting orders. What can be done? If terror visits a neighborhood near you, you need this vital, though disturbing, information. Find his new book in any book store. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.
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« Reply #186 on: May 30, 2015, 05:51:43 am »

U.S. Presidents & Israel: A Blessing or a Cursing?
Published on 23 May 2015
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We air Jan Markell’s message at “Understanding the Times Fall 2014”: “U.S. Presidents & Israel: A Blessing or a Cursing?” You can order a complete set of CDs and DVDs or just get Jan’s single message on DVD here. Jan considers U.S. Presidents from Woodrow Wilson through Barack Obama and how they have blessed or cursed Israel. There are consequences to a nation when that happens. Currently Israel is viewed as a near terrorist state by present-day leadership and this should shock all righteous people. Jan’s information is timely! It is also a sign of the last days. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of www.oneplace.com.

A Voice for Those Who Are Silenced
Published on 30 May 2015
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Jan Markell and Jill Martin Rische talk with Pastor Steven Khoury who is a voice for Christians silenced in his region, the Middle East. His evangelical outreach is greatly persecuted by the Muslims of the area. He received a standing ovation following his message at our “Understanding the Times Fall 2014” conference. He just addressed the United Nations as well. Then Jan and Eric Barger discuss the silence in the pulpit about all the issues that matter today. How can pastors be approached to deal with the important things the pulpit neglects today? We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.
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« Reply #187 on: June 13, 2015, 05:58:13 am »

The Unraveling: Distress with Perplexity of Nations
Published on 06 June 2015
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Jan Markell and Eric Barger first talk to Anne Graham Lotz about the unraveling and distress with perplexity among the nations as history winds down. Is God trying to get the world’s attention? Anne reminds us that God always warns before judgment. They also focus on the hope of Heaven in dark times. They discuss the wounding by God’s people of each other and how this can cause many to walk away from the Lord and the church. Then Jan Markell talks to filmmaker George Escobar who is producing a theater version of “Trapped in Hitler’s Hell.” Find that current documentary about Anita Dittman here. We use the mobile app at www.oneplace.com.

The Stage is Being Set
Published on 13 June 2015
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Jan Markell and Eric Barger interview Amir Tsarfati the hour. Amir is an Israeli, a prophecy teacher, founder of “Behold Israel,” and one of our fall conference speakers. He states that the stage is being set as Biblical prophecy unfolds more each day. As an Israeli citizen, he is saddened that the church is silent on Israel, the “miracle of the 20th Century”, or caught up in Replacement Theology. The hosts and guest discuss many signs of the times. Learn what Amir feels may be one of the next major biblical fulfillments. Amir reminds us that prophecy is given to prepare us, not scare us. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.
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« Reply #188 on: June 27, 2015, 05:28:34 am »

Come, Lord Jesus, But Not Too Soon
Published on 20 June 2015
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Jan Markell’s guest for the hour is Pastor Jack Hibbs, one of our conference speakers October 2-3 near Minneapolis. They talk current events, the silence of the church on important issues, and end-times. They discuss the forthcoming Fox TV show, “Lucifer” which glorifies Satan and makes him a good guy living in Los Angeles. The church remains in a “daze” of deception in spite of the turmoil of our times. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

Wide is the Gate: The Emerging New Christianity
Published on 27 June 2015
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Jan Markell and her co-host Eric Barger, talk to filmmaker Caryl Matrisciana for the hour about her latest DVD, “Wide is the Gate: The Emerging New Christianity” (volume 3). Their topics include Dominionism, Latter Rain, Fresh Fire, IHOP, “drunk in the spirit,” grave sucking, Bethel Church (Redding, CA), counterfeit laying on of hands, we are all gods, Todd Bentley, and much more. We carry Caryl’s DVD and it is found here. It is a 2-disc, 5-hour production. It looks at the raging end-time apostasy so common today. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.
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« Reply #189 on: July 11, 2015, 06:09:47 am »

The Social Justice Gospel: Putting Poverty Above the Cross
Published on 04 July 2015
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Jan Markell and co-host Eric Barger talk about the “social justice gospel” for the first two segments. These folks often put poverty and “equality” above the cross. They will feed the stomach but not the soul. They look at primarily Jim Wallis, a long-time Marxist who has “moderated” to a Socialist and who is an Obama advisor. Joining Jan and Eric are Mary Danielson, author of a product we carry about Wallis, and Mike LeMay from “Stand Up for the Truth” radio. Find info on all our pamphlets here.  Then Jan talks to author Jeff Kinley about his book, “As it Was in the Days of Noah:  Warnings from Bible Prophecy About the Coming Global Storm.” We are in those “days of Noah”. How are they similar to the former days in the Bible? Find his book here. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

Israel, the Burdensome Stone
Published on 11 July 2015
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Jan’s first guest is Jim Fletcher. Jim reports on the Justice Conference that was directed at Millennials and featured far-Left speakers including Cornell West. Bashing Israel was a sport activity at the event which also featured Lynne Hybels. Then Laurie Cardoza-Moore joins Jan. Moore has produced major documentaries on Israel and is an outspoken proponent of the Jewish State. They discuss the disturbing rise in anti-Semitism around the globe and the boycott effort against Israel. The “BDS” movement demonizes Israel and compares them to the Nazis. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.
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« Reply #190 on: July 20, 2015, 11:50:44 am »

Exiles in Our Own Land
Published on 18 July 2015
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Jan Markell’s guests, White House correspondent Bill Koenig and Dr. Robert Jeffress, say Christians are now exiles in our own land.  God-fearing Bible believing Christians understand the seriousness of our sinful times but others can’t and won’t. The three conclude that God is waking us up and shaking us up so that the church will start looking up. It is growing unspeakably dark so that we will loosen our grip on this earth. The greatest separation of church and state is the forthcoming Rapture. We carry Jeffress’ book, “Countdown to the Apocalypse” and it is found here.  Jeffress speaks at our “Understanding the Times 2015.” We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.
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« Reply #191 on: August 13, 2015, 08:07:52 am »

Preparing the Way for the Antichrist
Published on 25 July 2015
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Jan Markell and Eric Barger talk to Gary Kah the hour.  Kah has monitored the advance of global government for 30 years. He states that a perfect storm is now brewing for this and explains why. The world is heading towards collapse economically, politically, and more. What is the “convergence” happening this fall and could it play into this scenario? Even Pope Francis is pushing a “New World Order” and the three discuss that. The biggest globalist today is the Pope. A warning is given: Be ready for anything. Only the Antichrist can solve the growing problems.  We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

Watchmen Warn: Anybody Listening?
Published on 01 August 201
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Jan Markell’s first guest, Avi Lipkin, an Israeli, says Israel will go it alone in an attack against Iran, if necessary. He warns of the Islamic immigration to America and reminds us that Iran sees America as the “Great Satan.” Progressives are all too quick to be friends with evil. Then John Haller gives his perspective that the Iran treaty could lead to the “covenant” with the Antichrist. Israel longs for peace and in the short-term, only war is looming. The Antichrist will offer solutions. Watch Haller’s weekly “Prophecy Update” on YouTube: Fellowship Bible Chapel.  We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

Beyond Madness: Welcome to the End of Days
Published on 08 August 2015
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Jan Markell’s guest for the hour is Michele Bachmann. Only in the end of days could life and world events have turned so bizarre. That particularly shows in U.S. foreign policy which the two focus on. America has become Iran’s defender and protector. It would appear that America has abandoned Israel, a foreshadowing of Zechariah 12:3. Barack Obama does not understand that he has led America and the world to a colossal time of predicted chaos. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com
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« Reply #192 on: August 13, 2015, 08:31:38 am »

Michele Bachmann Is 'Extremely Excited' for Iran Deal Because It Will Usher God's Judgement on the World as Foretold In Zechariah 12:3

Former Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, a Republican, has proclaimed that the nuclear agreement reached between Iran, the United States and five other world powers is nothing more than the fulfillment of End Times prophecy found in the Bible, and added that the world will likely see the "strong right arm" of the Lord strike in judgement.

While speaking on Jan Markell's "Understanding the Times" evangelical radio program last Saturday, the 59-year-old Bachmann argued that if Congress fails to strike down the agreement reached with Iran, then Christians should rejoice because it is a sign that the End Times are coming to fruition.

In July, the U.S., China, Russia, United Kingdom, France and Germany signed on to an agreement that could potentially grant Iran access to nuclear capabilities within a decade's time. Fearing that Iran has every intention to use nuclear capabilities to wipe out Israel and the U.S., Bachmann equated the agreement to "all the nations of the world" turning their backs on Israel.

"Just as the agreement was being announced at the [United Nations] Security Council the following Monday after the agreement, for the very first time, the most important national security event in my lifetime and it's this— all the nations of the world signed an agreement that slams the door against Israel and opened it up to the enriching and empowering the leading state sponsor of terror in the world, whose ultimate goal is the annihilation of the Jewish state," Bachmann stated. "It happened July 20 with the United States leading that charge."

Markell quipped that such an event was foretold in Zechariah 12:3, which states: "On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves."

The host added: "There are consequences to doing things like this against God's covenant land, there are horrible consequences. Then you throw in some other things such as the Supreme Court decision back in late June and a lot of other things. Judgment isn't just coming; judgment is already here."

The agreement not only provides Iran with a path toward nuclear weapons, it also helps pay for Iran to build nuclear weapons by putting over $150 billion into the hands of the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism, Bachmann argued. She also implied that giving Iran so much money could lead to Cuba gaining access to nuclear weapons also.

Bachmann added that the agreement also includes teaching Iranians how to develop advanced centrifuges and how to build cyber defense systems to guard against outside attacks, likely to come from Isreal, against Iran's nuclear program.

"For years, we have worked with other countries to make sure that Iran did not achieve a nuclear bomb because we know what they will do with it," Bachmann asserted. "They say it over and over again, 'Death to America. Death to Israel.'"

Bachmann, who stated in April that Jesus Christ's return is "imminent," admits that she is "excited" about the prospects that a nuclearized Iran could lead to the Lord's impending judgement on the world.

"I am actually extremely excited because I think that we are about to see the strong right arm of the Holy God show to the world and prove to the world, His power and His strength. He is the Lord of Heaven's armies.That is his name," Bachmann stated. "We are so encouraged because God has given us his assurance. We know how this is going to turn out. As the prophets foretold, the prophets longed to live in this day that you and I are privileged to live in."

"From a biblical perspective, the Lord has allowed us to see how He is using politics, He is using leaders, He is using politicians and He is using foreign policy in that to bring about where we are to date. Not that it is God's choice of evil, not that it is His choice but it has given us revelation," Bachmann continued.

"He has given us revelation through His Word to be comforted, to look up and also to take our lives before Him and do what Hezekiah did, bow before Him, confess our sins, cry out to the God of the universe, the Lord of Heaven's armies. Ultimately, our God will rescue the remnant in the way that only He can and He will have His way."

While appearing on the show in April, Bachmann accused President Barack Obama for advocating the "goals of Islamic jihad" by trying to pass the Iran deal.

"One thing I want to make clear to people on this program is that this isn't about being against President Obama or against Democrats, this is so much more important than politics. This is really about what our world will look like," Bachmann added last Saturday. "We are not talking about fundamentally transforming the United States, we are talking about fundamentally transforming the world with this agreement."

Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/michele-bachmann-is-extremely-excited-for-iran-deal-because-it-will-usher-gods-judgement-on-the-world-as-foretold-in-zechariah-123-142630/#lvjrFu8fJOYDMPvB.99
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« Reply #193 on: August 22, 2015, 06:29:03 am »

Lucifer Makes Prime Time
Published on 15 August 2015
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Jan’s first guest is World Net Daily founder Joseph Farah who says journalists can hardly keep up with breaking news. He also talks his transformation from a far leftist progressive when he began in journalism to a Bible-believing Christian. Then Jill Martin Rische and Jan discuss the forthcoming Fox TV presentation “Lucifer” due to debut in 2016. They also sound a warning about the popular “Charlie Charlie” demon game that teens are playing around the world. All ages will benefit from Rische’s understanding and warnings about occult-based issues. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

The Cost of Our Silence
Published on 22 August 2015
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Jan Markell and Eric Barger first talk to David Fiorazo, author of the new book, “The Cost of Our Silence: The Consequences of Christians Taking the Path of Least Resistance.” Find the book here.  How can any of us remain silent when we see the rampant evil running amok today? Our silence has tragic consequences, and we may not have a lot of time left to speak up. As Bonhoeffer said, “Silence in the face of evil is evil itself.” Then Jan Markell closes with a commentary about the mockers. She was notified that a church in Washington State made fun of “End-Time Eddies.” Why are our churches today denigrating the greatest news there is: The King is coming? We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.
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« Reply #194 on: August 30, 2015, 09:56:18 am »

Convergence: What Does it All Mean?
Published on 29 August 2015
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Jan Markell and Eric Barger discuss the convergence of many events in September, including the Shemitah, with Jonathan Cahn. From the United Nations to the Jewish holy days to the Pope, and much more, there is a strange alignment of activity in September, not the least of which is the Shemitah. They emphasize that no one knows for sure if we can draw any conclusions.  Cahn looks at patterns in the past as well. It is a provocative hour. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.
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« Reply #195 on: September 05, 2015, 11:35:49 am »

When You Can’t Find a Church
Published on 05 September 2015
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Jan Markell’s first guest is Dr. Ed Hindson. They discuss his newest book, “Target Israel: Caught in the Crosshairs of the End Times.” Find it here. Never has Israel been so marginalized, even by America. Then Jan Markell and Eric Barger talk to Dr. Randy White who says even as a Baptist pastor, he would have a hard time finding a church to attend. What has gone wrong and what is the answer to the church dilemma? We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.
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« Reply #196 on: September 19, 2015, 08:55:48 am »

The Most Dangerous Cult: Liberalism
Published on 12 September 2015
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Jan Markell, Eric Barger, and Jill Martin Rische spend the hour discussing the most dangerous cult, the cult of liberalism.  Mainline Protestantism caved to it 150 years ago and now evangelicals are doing the same. We carry Eric Barger’s updated DVD on this subject and it is found here.  Liberalism is ravaging our churches, colleges, and seminaries. Find out who the leaders of this movement are and how you can combat liberalism if it is in your world and church. Though the liberal church will say they are Christians, they have taken their eyes off of the important issues of eternity. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

Final Warning: Things to Come
Published on 19 September 2015
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Jan’s guests for the hour are Pastor Jack Hibbs and Amir Tsarfati from Israel. They are two of our conference speakers October 2-3. They suggest life may never be the same as it once was and that we are in a final countdown. They discuss what the countdown may look like. They also talk about how people can prepare for our times. The three remind all that the spirit of Antichrist will one day, likely soon, be overcome by Jesus Christ. Today’s lawlessness will cease. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.
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« Reply #197 on: September 19, 2015, 06:21:10 pm »

The Most Dangerous Cult: Liberalism
Published on 12 September 2015
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Jan Markell, Eric Barger, and Jill Martin Rische spend the hour discussing the most dangerous cult, the cult of liberalism.  Mainline Protestantism caved to it 150 years ago and now evangelicals are doing the same. We carry Eric Barger’s updated DVD on this subject and it is found here.  Liberalism is ravaging our churches, colleges, and seminaries. Find out who the leaders of this movement are and how you can combat liberalism if it is in your world and church. Though the liberal church will say they are Christians, they have taken their eyes off of the important issues of eternity. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

The biggest weapon they're using is this damnable heresy called Easy Believism - and they're doing so by using this "lordship salvation" strawman argument to no end.(which is the same strawman argument they're using to attack people like Bryan Denlinger)

This whole LS strawman argument was used by Jack Hyles - who infiltrated the IFB movement, and all but crumbled it. And he also crumbled his ministry AND his family(ie-his son-in-law Jack Schaap is a convicted child pedifile). Others like David J. Stewart and Matt Slick have used this strawman argument to no effect, and their lives have crumbled(Stewart got arrested on child trafficking charges like Guam, and Slick's daughter became an atheist).

And now masquerading KJB "ministers" on YT are waging war using this very strawman argument.
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« Reply #198 on: November 09, 2015, 11:39:17 pm »

Peace and Safety or Sudden Destruction?
Published on 26 September 2015
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Jan Markell talks with Michele Bachmann and Dr. Robert Jeffress for the hour. They are two of our conference guests October 2-3. They consider current headlines in light of the Bible and see the world crying for peace and safety amidst the world’s chaos. Is God waking us up and shaking us up so that we will begin looking up?  We carry Jeffress’ book, “Countdown to the Apocalypse,” and it is found here. For conference details go here. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

Many Shall Come in My Name
Published on 03 October 2015
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Jan Markell and Eric Barger host former New Ager Warren Smith for the hour. This movement is now called the “new spirituality” and you would be surprised how even evangelical leaders fit into it. The chief proponent of it is Oprah Winfrey who is now utilizing Rob Bell to further this Satanic agenda.  Why would Rick Warren tap into three men with involvement in this “new spirituality” to be a part of a program at Saddleback Church? Hear from one who attended this outrageous seminar.  We carry Smith’s excellent book, “False Christ Coming: What New Age Leaders Really Have in Store for America, the Church, and the World.” Find it here. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

The King is Coming: Who Cares?
Published on 10 October 2015
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Jan Markell and Eric Barger talk eschatology with Dr. David Reagan for the hour. We carry his updated book, “Living for Christ in the End Times: Coping with Anarchy and Apostasy.” Find it here. How can we live for Christ victoriously in these last days? Hardly anyone cares that the King is coming and yet that is today’s only good news. We have society decaying and the church riddled with apostasy. In light of this, how shall we then live? We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

Israel: Standing Alone
Published on 17 October 2015
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We air one of our messages given at “Understanding the Times 2015.” Amir Tsarfati is an Israeli Bible and prophecy teacher. His message, “Israel: Standing Alone,” captivated our audience as it came from the perspective of one who knows how it feels as an Israeli. His keen insights into eschatology are unique coming from the land of Bible prophecy. Israel’s isolation will be used by God to bring them to Him. Other speakers October 2,3 were Dr. Robert Jeffress, Michele Bachmann, and Pastor Jack Hibbs. Find complete sets of CDs or DVDs here.  We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

Imagine: When the World Will be as One
Published on 24 October 2015
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Jan Markell and Eric Barger host Gary Kah for the hour. Imagine the world as one. Barack Obama, Pope Francis, and the U.N. are doing all they can to implement this wicked agenda. Hear Kah’s update on the intensified rush to a one-world system just since late-September. And the issue being used to force this is so-called “climate-change.” Kah asks why a religion-hating media loves Pope Francis? A litany of godless people back the global agenda that will be rammed through one day. It will ultimately be ruled by the Antichrist. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

Should We Prep for the Coming Days of Chaos?
Published on 31 October 2015
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Jan Markell and Eric Barger host Carl Gallups for the hour. They discuss the issue of “prepping” for the coming days of chaos. Is it Biblical? Is your church safe? As society turns more from God and towards evil, who will protect if we don’t?  What do we do if the government gets out of control? Is it ever right to go against the government? Serious days of persecution are ahead. We need to prepare for them. Find Gallups’ book, “Be Thou Prepared,” at  www.wnd.com. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

The Coming Shaking
Published on 07 November 2015
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Jan Markell’s guest for the hour is White House correspondent Bill Koenig who says there is a great shaking coming. They discuss the 2016 U.S. election, Canada’s recent election, and unfolding Bible prophecy around the world. Europe is dying, America is imploding, but all things are aligning for the final days’ scenario predicted in the Bible. Koenig explains why he feels Russia could be used to judge America and why Ezekiel’s Gog-Magog may be aligning. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

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« Reply #199 on: November 10, 2015, 12:02:03 am »

It's as if this country is under a mass spell now - for example, the only "bad" news you hear on Yahoo is NFL stuff and their "scandals" or whatever.

Stay sober, and don't fall asleep!
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« Reply #200 on: January 27, 2016, 08:29:45 pm »

woops, a little behind.

The Paranormal Invasion
Published on 14 November 2015
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The paranormal is literally invading all aspects of our lives. While the entertainment world is the primary driver of it, it even has made inroads into the church. Hear stunning sound bites as well as the discussion by expert hosts including Eric Barger, Jill Martin Rische and Jan Markell. Find Eric’s book, “Entertaining Spirits Unawares”, in our bookstore. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

The Assurance of Bible Prophecy
Published on 21 November 2015
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We play Pastor Jack Hibbs’ closing message at “Understanding the Times 2015.” Hibbs reminded attendees that those who have the hope of Christ’s return have a blessed assurance that most in the world do not have. We need to be watching and waiting—and longing for that day. Don’t miss his closing commissioning to all listeners. Find complete sets of conference CDs and DVDs here.  We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

The Blood of the Martyrs
Published on 28 November 2015
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Why is God allowing so many Christian to die? Jan Markell and her guest, Tom Doyle, discuss that and much more.  Doyle also shares remarkably uplifting stories from the midst of the persecution of Christians in the Mideast. Doyle has a new book, “Killing Christians: Living the Faith Where it’s Not Safe to Believe.” Find it here.  The depth of oppression Jesus followers suffer is unimaginable to most Western Christians.  Yet, it is an everyday reality for those who choose faith in many parts of the world. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

Protecting Yourself in the Coming Days of Chaos
Published on 05 December 2015
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In the first segment, Jan’s guest, Holocaust survivor Anita Dittman, relates her best Christmas ever—in the concentration camp. Then Christian Economist John Terry suggests that global turmoil will lead to the kingdom of the Antichrist. How can you protect yourself in these coming days of chaos?  Unstable times will face us in the new year. Will there be a market downturn or even a crash? Find the Anita Dittman DVD here and her book here.  We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com

Preparing for What is To Come

Published on 12 December 2015
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Jan Markell first talks to Dr. Randy White who counters the popular evangelical opinion that we must take in all Syrian refugees. Then Jan, Eric Barger and Larry Kutzler discuss the coming censorship of all things Christians and conservative. Google recently censored this ministry for posting “inappropriate content” on some YouTubes. Jan and her co-hosts warn that this is a foreshadowing of things to come when we don’t follow the liberal, godless pattern of content, programming, etc. Prepare yourselves for what is to come. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

Wake the Bride!
Published on 19 December 2015
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Jan Markell talks to Carl Teichrib for one segment about the recent Parliament of World Religions. Is this a foreshadowing of a global religion? Then author Jeff Kinley joins Jan to talk about his new book, “Wake the Bride: Facing These Last Days With Your Eyes Wide Open.” Find the book here. The book is an innovative guide to the book of Revelation designed to wake a sleeping church. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

The Unraveling: Distress with Perplexity of Nations
Published on 26 December 2015
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Jan Markell and Eric Barger first talk to Anne Graham Lotz about the unraveling and distress with perplexity among the nations as history winds down. Is God trying to get the world’s attention? Anne reminds us that God always warns before judgment. They also focus on the hope of Heaven in dark times. They discuss the wounding by God’s people of each other and how this can cause many to walk away from the Lord and the church. Then Jan Markell talks to filmmaker George Escobar who is producing a theater version of “Trapped in Hitler’s Hell.” Find that current documentary about Anita Dittman here. We use the mobile app at www.oneplace.com.

When a Prophet is a False Prophet
Published on 02 January 2016
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Because Seventh Day Adventism is in the news, our hosts consider that belief system and ask if it is a cult? Ellen G. White, their leader, is clearly a false prophet. Does that mean that we shouldn’t vote for Dr. Ben Carson—who is an honorable and righteous man? And what’s wrong with annhilationism or the false doctrine that hell is not eternal? This is a part of Seventh Day Adventist theology. Jan Markell, Eric Barger, and cult expert Jill Martin Rische consider these issues. They also look further into the coming censorship of all Christians and conservatives. Yet Islam must be glorified and protected. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com

The Making of Good Little Global Citizens
Published on 09 January 2016
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Jan Markell and Eric Barger spend the hour with David Fiorazo who exposes the real goal of the Common Core agenda: The making of good little global citizens. Students are being taught what to think, not how to think.  It is about government control, not education—about socialism and globalism. The standards will soon apply to private schools, Christian schools, and home schooling. Find Fiorazo’s book, “The Cost of Our Silence: The Consequences of Christians Taking the Path of Least Resistance,” here.   Learn more about the Common Core agenda at www.fpeusa.org or at www.davidfiorazo.com. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

The Enemy Within
Published on 16 January 2016
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Jan Markell and Eric Barger quiz Brigitte Gabriel about the enemy within. Americans are not safe. What are the implications of 100,000 Syrian “refugees” coming to America? What role does the Muslim Brotherhood play? Gabriel states that America’s survival is now at stake and the 2016 election is key. Then Jan Markell closes citing the top Bible prophecy stories of 2015. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

Things to Come
Published on 23 January 2016
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Jan Markell and Eric Barger first discuss the ramifications of Barack Obama assuming the position of Secretary General of the U.N. Then John Haller joins them to talk about his projection of things to come in eschatology. What might be the lead stories in Bible prophecy in 2016? Haller presents prophecy updates on YouTube we highly recommend. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.
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« Reply #201 on: February 06, 2016, 09:05:18 pm »

How Strong Delusion is Setting the Final Stage (Part 1)
Published on 30 January 2016
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Jan Markell, Eric Barger and Michele Bachmann spend the hour talking about the strong delusion that has been poured out on the earth and how this is setting the final stage. It has unleashed absolute evil but the three remind listeners that God remains in control and the events are fulfilling some predicted scenarios in the Bible. We should look up rather than be in despair. Part 2 of the discussion is next week. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

How Strong Delusion is Setting the Final Stage (Part 2)
Published on 06 February 2016
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Jan Markell, Eric Barger and Michele Bachmann continue in part 2 of programming talking about how the strong delusion that has been poured out on the earth, is setting the final stage. Perhaps this is why evil seems to now be empowered. The three remind listeners that God remains in control and the events are fulfilling some predicted scenarios in the Bible. Bachmann also comments on the Trump phenomenon, the 2016 election, and about a coming financial implosion. We use the mobile app at www.oneplace.com.
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« Reply #202 on: February 21, 2016, 11:33:50 pm »

Apocalypse is in the Air
Published on 13 February 2016
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Jan Markell and Eric Barger talk to Bill Salus for the hour about his newest book and DVD, “The NOW Prophecies.”  Salus identifies some prophecies written long ago for this generation. Learn where we are on God’s timeline today. Can we prepare for these prophecies as we watch them unfold? The conclusion is that apocalypse is in the air. Find Salus’ DVD here. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

The Agenda: Government Must Become God (Part 1)
Published on 20 February 2016
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Jan Markell and Eric Barger talk to filmmaker Curtis Bowers in a part one review of his “Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit” film.  America has many enemies with hundreds of agendas, all rooted in the philosophies of Marx and Lenin.  Learn of their strategy, goals, and successes in this two-part series. It includes infiltrating the evangelical church—and they have.  Learn of the major players and what you can do to protect your loved ones. Find the DVD here.   We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.
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« Reply #203 on: April 20, 2016, 11:26:30 pm »

The Agenda: Government Must Become God – Part 2
Published on 27 February 2016
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Jan Markell and Eric Barger talk to filmmaker Curtis Bowers in a part two review of his “Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit” film.  America has many enemies with hundreds of agendas, all rooted in the philosophies of Marx and Lenin.  Learn of their strategy, goals, and successes in this two-part series. It includes infiltrating the evangelical church—and they have.  Learn of the major players and what you can do to protect your loved ones. Find the DVD here.   We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

So Christ Returns to Occupied Territory?
Published on 05 March 2016
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Jan Markell talks to White House correspondent Bill Koenig for two segments about the death of Antonin Scalia, the 2016 election, the “Christ at the Checkpoint” gathering this week, and more.  Learn the serious implications of the death of Judge Scalia that is now the issue of 2016. Koenig explains why he feels the death is suspicious. Hear Christians denounce Israel at the Bethlehem conference because of their “occupation” of Israel. Then hear the miraculous story of Richard Morrow who joins Jan to tell of his rescue of a man in a burning car. Was an angel present? You have to hear it to believe it. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

The Exodus: Why it Matters
Published on 12 March 2016
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Jan interviews filmmaker Tim Mahoney about his production: Patterns of Evidence: Exodus. It is now in style to believe the Exodus never happened! Learn how you can fight back against the mounting pressure from academia and the Godless Left that the Bible is a book of fables. Yes, the Exodus happened, but learn to defend the faith. You might be called on to do this more every day in our current climate of skepticism, denial, and doubt.  The Christian worldview is under assault 24/7, and we need to be prepared to make a rational, reasonable defense of the truth of the faith and the Bible. Find Mahoney’s film here. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com

The Grand Deception: How False Doctrine is the Key to the End-Time Scenario
Published on 19 March 2016
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We play one of Pastor Jack Hibbs’ messages from “Understanding the Times 2015”: The Grand Deception: How False Doctrine is the Key to the End-Time Scenario. The Bible says apostasy will herald our Lord’s return. Jack Hibbs looks at some of today’s greatest apostasy issues in the church. He was one of many speakers in October. He is pastor of Calvary Chapel, Chino Hills, CA. Find a complete set of CDs or DVDs here. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

When Discernment Turns Ugly
Published on 26 March 2016
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Jan, Eric and Jill Martin Rische open with a discussion of the new mood in the discernment community. Contending has become contentious and discernment has turned ugly. All will be held accountable for reckless contending for the faith that can be slanderous. Then we hear from Mariah who was addicted to social media. She felt empowered in spite of the addiction. One in thirteen people on the planet are on Facebook. There are consequences to this obsession. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

The Terminal Generation
Published on 02 April 2016
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Jan Markell and Eric Barger feature two guests. Dr. Gary Frazier reminds listeners that we are likely the terminal generation, the generation to experience Christ’s return, since Israel is back in her land. We feature Frazier’s newest book, “The Miracle of Israel” found here. Israel is the key to all events playing out today. David Fiorazo joins Jan and Eric to take a further look at the “me generation”. People today take 93 million “selfie” photos a day and obsess over themselves. The Bible predicts such self-absorption for a final generation. Find Fiorazo’s book here. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

The Unthinkable: Eternity in the Wrong Place
Published on 09 April 2016
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Jan first talks to Dr. Robert Jeffress about the fact that 60% of evangelicals believe more than one faith leads to eternal life. We carry his new book, “Not All Roads Lead to Heaven: Sharing an Exclusive Jesus in an Inclusive World.” Find it here.  Satan’s strategy is to confuse and distract and he is gaining influence but the eternity of billions of people is at stake. Learn how to defend the truth. Then Jan interviews Pastor J.D. Farag who feels our 2016 election focus is almost a demonic distraction from other prominent issues in the world. We recommend his weekly prophecy update found on YouTube. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

Do We Have Time to Make America Great Again?
Published on 16 April 2016
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Jan Markell talks to Pastor J.D. Farag about America in prophecy, the U.S. election campaign, and the cancellation of a replica of a demonic arch in New York City. The placing of the arch from the Temple of Ba’al would have coincided with the Satanic Beltane season.  Why did the promoters backtrack?  Jan and Eric Barger conclude suggesting that the rise of evil is a herald of Christ’s return. All on the program conclude that we may not have time to “make America great again.”  We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.
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« Reply #204 on: May 06, 2016, 12:56:43 am »

Preparing for Perilous Times
Published on 22 April 2016
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Jan spends the hour with her often co-host Eric Barger as we carry his new DVD on preparing for troubled times. We are in the predicted times the Bible says will be “perilous.” Days of chaos could be straight ahead. Would you go through them as victors or victims?  Many believe just trusting the Lord is sufficient but in the Bible, even Joseph “prepared.” Is your church prepared for major trouble? This is practical information to help you be ready should a bad or even worst-case scenario develop in your home town. Find Eric’s new DVD here. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

The Making of Good Little Global Citizens
Published on 30 April 2016
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Jan Markell and Eric Barger spend the hour with David Fiorazo who exposes the real goal of the Common Core agenda: The making of good little global citizens. Students are being taught what to think, not how to think.  It is about government control, not education—about socialism and globalism. The standards will soon apply to private schools, Christian schools, and home schooling. Find Fiorazo’s book, “The Cost of Our Silence: The Consequences of Christians Taking the Path of Least Resistance,” here.   Learn more about the Common Core agenda at www.fpeusa.org or at www.davidfiorazo.com. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.
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« Reply #205 on: June 18, 2016, 07:05:15 pm »

Daniel: Revealing God’s Plan for the Future
Published on 07 May 2016
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Jan and Dr. Ron Rhodes reveal God’s plan for the future as they talk about the book of Daniel. Take a look into the future with Ron Rhodes and find his book, “40 Days Through Daniel: Revealing God’s Plan for the Future” here. Jan also speaks with film producer George Escobar and Anita Dittman about the forthcoming made-for-theater film, “Trapped in Hitler’s Hell.” Find those products here. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

Preparation for the Final Drama
Published on 14 May 2016
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Jan Markell talks to Dr. Mark Hitchcock for the hour about his new book, “ISIS, Iran, Israel and the End of Days.” Hitchcock believes we are on the home stretch of the Church age and asks what will happen next? What are the final events of world history and how does ISIS, Iran and Israel play into them? How does America fit into the scenario? ISIS is actually preparing the world for the final drama. Find the book here. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

“When God’s Hand of Restraint is Lifted.”
Published on 21 May 2016
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Jan’s guest is Anne Graham Lotz who says she does not put her hope in a political party today. She does believe that Christians praying the Daniel Prayer could turn America around. God’s hand of restraint has been lifted from this nation but God relented when Daniel prayed this prayer in the Bible. Then why do so many Christians insist that the rocker Prince died a Christian? Eric Barger and Jill Martin Rische suggest that he only represented the “prince of darkness” and the Jehovah’s Witness cult. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

Messiahs False and True
Published on 28 May 2016
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Jan Markell’s first guest is author David Kupelian. The progressive gift to America is brokenness. He documents this in his book, “The Snapping of the American Mind,” and on air with Jan. Progressives, led by President Obama, are attacking the sanity of the country. Everything righteous people hold dear is under assault. What can we do? The Left insisted Obama was a “messiah.” Government must become a god. Then AFA President Tim Wildmon reports on his visit to Target Corp to give them over one million signatures of protest for their genderless bathroom policy—another gift from the godless Left. Learn of Target’s response. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

Diversity is Divine: The Coming One-World Religion

Published on 04 June 2016
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Jan Markell and Eric Barger talk to Amir Tsarfati about the coming one-world religion. Proponents say diversity is divine and division is diabolical. The Bible predicts a forthcoming religious merger of all faiths.  They also talk to Amir, who is an Israeli Bible prophecy teacher and a speaker at our fall conference, about the lie the administration told to sell the Iran nuclear deal. Jan, Eric, and Jill close the program encouraging listeners who feel alone and isolated because people are now disengaged from reality due to the troubling times. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

The Days of Noah and Lot Re-Visited
Published on 11 June 2016
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Jan Markell and Eric Barger talk to attorney and prophecy teacher John Haller. We are in a time of confusion and delusion. Some say the real agenda of the transgender promoters is to wipe out all morality. We are on a slippery slope as in the days of Noah. They also talk about the “convergence” of the signs of the times. One can no longer keep up with the rapid escalation of these events. We recommend John Haller’s weekly prophecy update on YouTube. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.

Infiltration: Exposing the Darkness (Part 1)
Published on 18 June 2016
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Jan Markell and Eric Barger spend the hour with Phil Haney, author of “See Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad.” As a DHS employee, he witnessed the government’s execution of a hands-off policy to protect Muslims and put Americans at risk. He has now blown the whistle with this stunning expose’. We are reminded that only God is our homeland security director. We use the mobile app found at www.oneplace.com.
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« Reply #206 on: June 18, 2016, 07:10:59 pm »

Some say the real agenda of the transgender promoters is to wipe out all morality.

From what I've read and heard in recent years - the transgender movement has been THE missing piece in the whole LGBT movement. I'm NOT trying to come off as racist here - but more or less transgenders for a long, long time weren't accepted by their own sodomite community, for very similar reasons why a partially black person (1/2 white, 1/2 Asian, etc) wasn't accepted by his or her own black community.

But eventually, this missing piece ended up gluing the entire sodomite movement, to where now they can push their agendas at will, more or less.
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