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End Times Sorceries And Debautry

March 27, 2024, 12:55:24 pm Mark says: Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked  When Hamas spokesman Abu Ubaida began a speech marking the 100th day of the war in Gaza, one confounding yet eye-opening proclamation escaped the headlines. Listing the motives for the Palestinian militant group's Oct. 7 massacre in Israel, he accused Jews of "bringing red cows" to the Holy Land.
December 31, 2022, 10:08:58 am NilsFor1611 says: blessings
August 08, 2018, 02:38:10 am suzytr says: Hello, any good churches in the Sacto, CA area, also looking in Reno NV, thanks in advance and God Bless you Smiley
January 29, 2018, 01:21:57 am Christian40 says: It will be interesting to see what happens this year Israel being 70 years as a modern nation may 14 2018
October 17, 2017, 01:25:20 am Christian40 says: It is good to type Mark is here again!  Smiley
October 16, 2017, 03:28:18 am Christian40 says: anyone else thinking that time is accelerating now? it seems im doing days in shorter time now is time being affected in some way?
September 24, 2017, 10:45:16 pm Psalm 51:17 says: The specific rule pertaining to the national anthem is found on pages A62-63 of the league rulebook. It states: “The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem. “During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.”
September 20, 2017, 04:32:32 am Christian40 says: "The most popular Hepatitis B vaccine is nothing short of a witch’s brew including aluminum, formaldehyde, yeast, amino acids, and soy. Aluminum is a known neurotoxin that destroys cellular metabolism and function. Hundreds of studies link to the ravaging effects of aluminum. The other proteins and formaldehyde serve to activate the immune system and open up the blood-brain barrier. This is NOT a good thing."
September 19, 2017, 03:59:21 am Christian40 says: bbc international did a video about there street preaching they are good witnesses
September 14, 2017, 08:06:04 am Psalm 51:17 says: bro Mark Hunter on YT has some good, edifying stuff too.
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« on: September 08, 2012, 05:35:14 am »

Pharmakeia: psychedelic drugs and spirituality

"Then a strong angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea, saying, “So will Babylon, the great city, be thrown down with violence, and will not be found any longer. “And the sound of harpists and musicians and flute-players and trumpeters will not be heard in you any longer; and no craftsman of any craft will be found in you any longer; and the sound of a mill will not be heard in you any longer; and the light of a lamp will not shine in you any longer; and the voice of the bridegroom and bride will not be heard in you any longer; for your merchants were the great men of the earth, because all the nations were deceived by your sorcery." (Revelation 18:21-23)

Above, GIUSTO de' Menabuoi 1376-78 Fresco in the Baptistry, Cathedral, Padua

We know from many verses that God is against sorcery, astrology, witchcraft, etc.; God hates sorceries.

The curious thing is that the word in the verse, "nations were deceived by your sorcery" the root Greek word for sorcery is actually pharmakeia. It is the word from which we get pharmacy. In the Strong's it means "from pharmakeuó (to administer drugs)." It is further defined as "the use of medicine, drugs or spells."

I am of the opinion that the verse in Revelation is NOT saying that legal drugs administered by doctors is bad. I am concerned with a trend I am seeing these days toward a renewed and vigorous interest in psychedelic drugs. How this ties in with sorceries, you will discover when you read on...

The trend I speak of is not new. It is ancient, actually. But in the search for God, many people take the broad way, the fork in the road that leadeth to destruction. That road is the search for experience, not a submission to belief. They seek feelings, and when they cannot find them, they turn to drugs. A melding of drugs and the spiritual is the most dangerous kind of sorcery, because it dulls the senses and creates a false god: self.

An entheogen is a psychoactive substance used in a religious, shamanic or spiritual context. Peyote, LSD, DMT are all natural or synthetic substances that are ingested with the intent to find God inside us. The very name entheogen is from the root 'God inside us', note the "theo" as in theology, and "gens", created, as in Genesis.

The upsurge in psychedelic drugs as an accompaniment in the spiritual path was brought to the mass population in the late 1950s. In 1957 Life magazine published an article called "Seeking the Magic Mushroom." The article documented the use of peyote mushrooms in the religious ceremony of the indigenous Mazatec people of Mexico. "Anthony Russo, a colleague of Leary's, experienced psychedelic (or entheogenic) mushrooms during a trip to Mexico, and related the experience to Leary. In August 1960, Harvard professor Timothy Leary traveled to Cuernavaca, Mexico with Russo and ate mushrooms for the first time, an experience that drastically altered the course of his life. In 1965, Leary commented that he "learned more about... (his) brain and its possibilities... (and) more about psychology in the five hours after taking these mushrooms than... (he) had in the preceding fifteen years of studying and doing research in psychology." source. Later we saw the rush to India by the Beatles and others in search of gurus who seemed to have all knowledge,  shamanic experiences sought by Carlos Santana, and Mircea Eliade's seminal 1951 study "Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy" finally becoming more popular as a form of 'spiritual ecology' in the 1960s. Pharmakeia.

The most famous experiment back in the Leary days was the Marsh Chapel Experiment (a.k.a. "the Good Friday Experiment"). It was administered by Walter N. Pahnke, a graduate student in theology at Harvard Divinity School, under the supervision of Leary. The goal was to see if psilocybin would act as reliable entheogen, or, as a drug that offered or enhanced individual spiritual insight in religiously predisposed subjects such as the seminary students.

It wasn't long after that when Leary became known to the Beatnik generation for his motto, "Turn on, tune in, drop out." The 'turn on' was LSD. What is less well-known was the context of the speech and the reason for the motto. It was Leary's friend Marshall McLuhan who challenged Leary to he come up with "something snappy" to promote the benefits of LSD. By the time Leary gave his speech in New York, he'd thought of a snappy catchphrase:

"Like every great religion of the past we seek to find the divinity within and to express this revelation in a life of glorification and the worship of God. These ancient goals we define in the metaphor of the present — turn on, tune in, drop out."

Pharmakeia. The ultimate sorcery, because it uses mind-altering drugs in a search for God and, worse, replaces God with the devil's lie: that the divine is within us. Therefore, this witchcraft activity also becomes idolatry and blasphemy in their worst senses.

Cut to today. One would think that with all the medical and scientific knowledge we've gained since the Leary days about the dangers of drugs and of the wonders of the brain, that we would have quit looking for God in a pill. No. Roland Griffiths is interested in entheogens and the spiritual, as they relate to patients suffering from dread diseases such as cancer. He has a lab in Johns Hopkins University, affectionately dubbed mushroom mecca, and is taking up where Leary left off, but with a focused purpose, more money, and better science. His initial paper is here. It is titled "Psilocybin can occasion mystical-type experiences having substantial and sustained personal meaning and spiritual significance."

The God Chemical: Brain Chemistry And Mysticism

"But now, some researchers are using new technologies to try to understand spiritual experience. They're peering into our brains and studying our bodies to look for circumstantial evidence of a spiritual world. The search is in its infancy, and scientists doubt they will ever be able to prove — or disprove — the existence of God. ... "Andy Harvey, a ceremony participant, said peyote serves as a mediator between the human world and the divine. "Sometimes we ask the peyote to help us cleanse the illnesses away and cleanse our mental being, our spiritual being," he said. "And we believe that's what peyote does, too. That's why we call it a sacrament, a sacred herb."

Here is Griffiths' call for study participants: http://www.hopkinsbayview.org/studies/

"In recent years, scientists at some US universities have been conducting studies using entheogens, resuming research in pharmacology, psychology, creativity and spirituality that was suspended following the drug excesses of the 1960s.... ... participate in a scientific study of self-exploration and personal meaning brought about by the entheogen psilocybin, a psychoactive substance found in mushrooms used as a sacrament in some cultures, given in a comfortable, supportive setting."

The Apostles strongly urged believers not to use mind-altering drugs but to remain sober-minded and alert (1 Corinthians 15:34; 1 Thessalonians 5:4-8; 2 Timothy 4:5; 1 Peter 1:13; 4:7; 5:8). These prohibitions likely are designed to remind us that we must be vigilant against the wiles of the Devil (1 Peter 5:8), who seeks to ensnare us through deception. The Christian disciplines his body and keeps it under control 1 Corinthians 9:27, so that he is able to set his mind on things above, [not within] Colossians 3:2. And even if you are in a "supportive setting" the devil will still come in, and give you a "divine experience" you are not likely to forget. If you're lucky, it will be an experience you are unwilling to remember.

Revelation says that Babylon-ish sorceries will be condemned. The use of mind-altering drugs in combination with the search for spiritual truth is on the upswing with shamanism, neo-paganism, and even University sponsored experiments. If there is legitimized use of these mind-altering drugs in the context of "finding God", with the Restrainer on the earth and the Holy Spirit easily available to all, just imagine how it will be when the Resterainer is removed, and most of the world is laboring under the delusion. Leary's line comes to mind, but it will be more like "You will go out of your mind and never come to your senses."

Stay strong, Christian! Do not seek Him in your mind, but in truth and in spirit. Ask that the eyes of your heart be enlightened. Tune in to the Holy Spirit! Turn on the lamp that cannot be hid! And soon, God knows, we will drop out of the world only to fly, not with drugs, but on His wings of Grace and Glory, to the home of Grace and Glory!

« Last Edit: November 06, 2012, 06:11:59 am by Mark » Report Spam   Logged

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The Man from George Street

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« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2012, 05:36:16 am »

Jimmy Carter: Decriminalize Pot

Former Democratic President Jimmy Carter called for the decriminalization of marjuana on Thursday, saying U.S. drug policy has “destroyed the lives of millions of young people.”

While delivering a speech on inter-American relations in Washington, D.C., the 39th president cited high prison populations as a reason to make the laws against marjuana more lenient.

“As president 35 years ago I called for decriminalizing -- but not legalizing -- the possession of marjuana,” Carter said.  “Since then, U.S. drug policies have been very horrible to our own country because of an explosion in prison populations.”

“When I left the White House in 1980 there were about 500,000 Americans in prison -- now there are five times as many,” he said.  “The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world.  The number of people in prison for nonviolent crimes involving drugs has increased more than twelve-fold, 12 times as many.”

Carter continued, “Not only has this policy destroyed the lives of millions of young people and their families, especially the poor and minorities, but it is wreaking havoc with state and local budgets.”

“It’s time to look for an alternative approach, beginning with treatment instead of just imprisonment for people who use drugs but do no harm to others,” he said.

When running for president in 1976 Carter campaigned on the issue, advocating for relinquishing federal criminal penalties for possession of up to one ounce of marjuana.

His remarks Thursday came during a keynote speech at a conference sponsored by the Development Bank of Latin America, the Inter-American Dialogue and the Organization of American States (OAS) at the Willard Intercontinental Hotel in Washington.

« Last Edit: November 06, 2012, 06:21:52 am by Mark » Report Spam   Logged

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The Man from George Street
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2012, 05:53:09 am »

The Christian disciplines his body and keeps it under control 1 Corinthians 9:27, so that he is able to set his mind on things above, [not within] Colossians 3:2. And even if you are in a "supportive setting" the devil will still come in, and give you a "divine experience" you are not likely to forget. If you're lucky, it will be an experience you are unwilling to remember.

That is an amazing twist of scripture! Typical of the scare tactics that the science and churchianity world places on people with their lack of faith and works doctrines.

They ought to be ashamed for lying, because there is NO WAY anything can come against a born-again believer. Period. We are not subject to demons or their games. The "resist the devil and he will flee from you" is done by the indwellling of the Holy Ghost, not the person's efforts to stay off "drugs"!

"He that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eatheth not of faith".

29   Conscience, I say, not thine own, but of the other: for why is my liberty judged of another [man's] conscience? 
30   For if I by grace be a partaker, why am I evil spoken of for that for which I give thanks? 
31   Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. 
32   Give none offence, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God: 
33   Even as I please all [men] in all [things], not seeking mine own profit, but the [profit] of many, that they may be saved.
1 Corinthians 10:29-33 (KJB)
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« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2012, 06:09:00 am »

Gay marriage, m@rijuana highlight ballot measures

Lady Gaga and Brad Pitt have weighed in on one side, evangelist icon Billy Graham on the other as the four-state showdown over same-sex marriage reaches its Election Day conclusion.

Same-sex marriage has been rejected in all 32 states that have held popular votes on the issue. Gay-rights advocates believe they have a chance to break that streak as Maine, Maryland and Washington state vote Tuesday on whether to legalize same-sex marriage. Minnesota votes on whether to place a ban on gay marriage in its constitution.

There are 176 measures on the ballots in 38 states. Washington, Oregon and Colorado could become the first to legalize recreational use of m@rijuana. Massachusetts is considering whether to allow physician-assisted suicide, and Californians have a chance to repeal the death penalty.

« Last Edit: November 06, 2012, 06:22:09 am by Mark » Report Spam   Logged

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The Man from George Street
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« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2012, 09:26:24 am »

M@rijuana Supporters Light up in Celebration of Legalization‎     

In Washington, smoke 'em if you 'got 'em, m@rijuana is officially legal. Here's a look at the big stories from overnight in your Top Trenders.

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The Man from George Street
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2012, 03:25:55 pm »

Don't hold that hit too long! The feds haven't made their move yet. And I have little doubt it's coming and hard.

Here in Arizona, we have the state AG just announced he's going after dispensaries (only one, in Glendale, is now open), saying they violate federal law, so he's filing an appeal against them to shut them down.

This is the same AG that is tasked with making sure the state mm act is implemented according to state law!

Chew on that one for a minute!

But the governor, Jan Brewer, said no worries, she gave him a "waiver" of some kind, to attack from one side, and support from the other!

These are the type people we have in office. I'm truly amazed they haven't already completely destroyed this country.
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« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2012, 07:03:43 pm »

1) These types of incidents have happend with the Dallas Cowboys ever since Jerry Jones fired Jimmy Johnson in 1994.

2) It's as if the NFL is flirting with a double edged sword here - on one end of their mouths they have these heavy "don't drink and drive" campaigns, but en yet they promote TONS of alcohol commercials during the games, which leaves pretty much everyone, in particular the youth audience, very confounded.



Cowboys DT Josh Brent jailed on intoxication manslaughter charge

Dallas Cowboys defensive tackle Josh Brent is being held and processed in jail on one charge of intoxication manslaughter after a Saturday morning car crash that left a teammate dead,  reports the Dallas Morning News.
Cowboys linebacker Jerry Brown, 25, a practice squad member, was a passenger in the car and was taken to a hospital, where he died.
An Irving, Texas police spokesman said the accident happened about 2:20 a.m. Saturday. Brent was speeding when the vehicle hit a curb and flipped at least once.
NFL.com reports that Irving police has Brent, otherwise known as Joshua Price-Brent, is in police custody, as he was booked at 4:14 a.m. local time. The Cowboys were on a plane to Cincinnati where they are set to play the Bengals on Sunday when media and non-essential personnel were asked to leave the plane. The media was told that Brent was not on the charter.

“Officers at the scene believed alcohol was a contributing factor in the crash; therefore, Price-Brent was asked to perform field sobriety tests,” a statement from the Irving Police Department said. “Based on the results of the tests, along with the officer’s observations and conversations with Price-Brent, he was arrested for driving while intoxicated. He was transported to an area hospital for a mandatory blood draw. Once it was learned that the passenger of his vehicle had died as a result of the crash, Price-Brent was booked into the Irving City Jail on one count of Intoxication Manslaughter.”

Photo of a sad player...

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« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2012, 04:47:49 pm »

^^ This story is now taking a really odd turn...

Witness: Josh Brent 'walked away' from teammate Jerry Brown after wreck



A witness to the aftermath of Dallas Cowboy Josh Brent's car crash has come forward and says she had to beg Brent to rescue his teammate and friend Jerry Brown.

Brown was taken to Parkland Memorial Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. Brent is now facing charges of intoxicated manslaughter.

"Jerry was alive. He was hurt. He was calling out and his own friend walked away," she recalled in a phone call on Monday.

Brent's attorney, George Milner, refutes her account.

"That is absolutely false," Milner said in an interview on Monday afternoon. "That’s not even consistent with what the police said when they came up on the scene. What I’ve been told is that Jerry Brown was never conscious after the accident. She’s a nut and she better be careful with this one."

The witness, who lives in Irving, was driving home from her birthday party on early Saturday morning when she saw Brent's 2007 Mercedes upside-down and starting to catch fire near State Highway 114 and Loop 12. She pulled over her car and got out to help Brent, a man who she didn't recognize. And what she saw haunts her, she said.

"I jumped out and ran out toward the wreck and Josh Brent was standing to the side in the grass," she said. "And I yelled to him, 'Are you ok? Are you ok?' And he told me he was fine. I was relieved because I thought it’s just a single car accident, nobody’s hurt. And then fire sparked up from the car and got bigger and I started to hear screams."

As the fire grew, she says she begged Brent to help the car's passenger. She shouted to him from the left lane, as he stood on the right lane. The damaged, burning car was between them.

"He looked at me and said, 'He won’t get out of the car.' And I said, 'Get him out of the car. You have to save him

She says she continued to plead with Brent, but he wouldn't listen. She ran to her car to get her phone, so she could call 911. When she returned to the scene of the crash,  Brown was lying in the middle of the far right lane and Brent had walked away.

"He did nothing," she said. "He didn’t say come on, hang in there, hold his hand. That’s what upsets me the most at this point. He abandoned him."

She said that Brent was likely in shock following the accident, but said she found his actions to be disturbing. "I’m sure he was because he is human," she said. "He may have been in shock, but he was very coherent at the time."

She said she was about 20 to 30 feet from Brown and could not get closer because the car was ablaze and she feared it might explode. He seemed to move his head and arms, but did not respond once emergency responders arrived.

"It was like something out of the worst horror movie you can imagine," she said. "I knew he was dying and there was nothing I could do."

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« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2013, 12:00:36 pm »

And yet another very odd turn in the Josh Brent case... Huh


Autopsy finds (passenger)Jerry Brown Jr. was below legal drinking limit in fatal Cowboys crash

More news from the Irving, Tex. crash last month that claimed the life of Dallas Cowboys practice squad player Jerry Brown Jr.: the Dallas News is reporting that an autopsy has revealed that Brown's blood alcohol content was actually below the legal driving limit. Josh Brent, Brown's best friend, had registered a blood alcohol content of 0.189; the legal limit in Texas is 0.08.
The implication is obvious: Brown was in far better condition to drive than Brent.
According to the autopsy, Brown's BAC was 0.079. However, that sample was taken from fluid in Brown's eye, a common procedure in Texas autopsies and a figure typically higher than the overall BAC. Brown's blood showed a BAC of 0.056. Neither Brown nor Brent was wearing a seatbelt when the crash occurred; Brown died of blunt force injury to the head and neck. In the wreck, Brent's Mercedes S600 flipped and traveled more than 800 feet before coming to rest.
In December, Brent was indicted on a charge of intoxication manslaughter in Brown's death.
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« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2013, 10:50:03 pm »


Published on Jan 9, 2013

Gary looks at the rampant drug use in society today.
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« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2013, 08:19:50 pm »


Belcher legally drunk at time of shootings
By The Sports Xchange | The SportsXchange – 7 hours ago

Linebacker Jovan Belcher's blood-alcohol level was .17, more than twice the legal limit, when he killed his girlfriend at their apartment before driving to the Kansas City Chiefs' training facility and shooting himself.

The autopsy report released Monday by the Jackson County Medical Examiner showed Belcher was legally drunk when he died on Dec. 1 after committing suicide in front of Chiefs coach Romeo Crennel and general manager Scott Pioli.

Belcher's girlfriend, 22-year-old Kasandra Perkins, had a minimal amount of alcohol in her system. No trace of illegal drugs was found in either of their bodies.

According to the report, Belcher fired nine shots that hit Perkins in the neck, chest, abdomen, hip, back, leg and hand after a Saturday morning argument when he returned after being out all night. He then left in his car and drove to the Chiefs' facility, where he encountered Pioli.

"I'm sorry, Scott," Belcher said. "I've done a bad thing to my girlfriend already. I want to talk with (linebackers coach Gary) Gibbs and Romeo."
The coaches begged Belcher to drop the gun, with Crennel yelling, "You're taking the easy way out."

Belcher saw an approaching police officer, knelt behind a minivan, made the sign of the cross on his chest and shot himself above his right ear. Crennel then turned away.
Belcher and Perkins left behind an infant daughter. .
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« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2013, 11:57:58 pm »

Well, this is the 2nd Dallas Cowboys player not only caught for driving under intoxication, but doing so TWICE over the legal limit in TX(.16). Althought thankfully, noone else was put in danger this time around.

So I wonder where are all the gun control advocates over this?


Blood-alcohol level for Cowboys' Ratliff was twice the legal limit
Posted Monday, Jan. 28, 2013

Cowboys nose tackle Jay Ratliff had a blood-alcohol level that was twice the legal limit when he was arrested last week on suspicion of driving while intoxicated after a crash involving a tractor-trailer rig on Texas 114 in Grapevine, police said Monday.

Lab results received by the Grapevine criminal investigations division indicate that Ratliff had a blood-alcohol level of 0.16. In Texas, someone with a level of 0.08 is considered legally intoxicated.

Ratliff remained free Monday after posting $500 bail on the misdemeanor offense.

Neither Ratliff nor the driver of the big rig was hurt in the Jan. 22 wreck.

The crash happened about 12:30 a.m. in westbound lanes in the 2800 block of Texas 114. Ratliff, who lives in Southlake, was driving a black 2011 Ford F-150 pickup when he attempted to change lanes.

A responding officer gave Ratliff a field sobriety test "and formed the opinion he was intoxicated," Grapevine police have said.

A Grapevine police report indicated that Ratliff had been in Arlington that evening.

Ratliff refused an on-scene breath test, so officers subsequently obtained a warrant to draw a blood sample, police said.

Ratliff's arrest comes about six weeks after he and his teammates attended the funeral for teammate Jerry Brown, who was killed after a car driven by teammate Josh Brent crashed in Irving. Police said Brent was driving drunk, and he has been indicted on a charge of intoxication manslaughter.

The nose tackle had season-ending surgery in early December after already missing seven games during the season.

A Cowboys official said Monday that the organization was monitoring the case.

"Having recently experienced the most tragic of circumstances regarding this issue, we, as an organization, understand the ultimate consequences of driving while impaired," said Calvin Hill, a consultant for the Cowboys' player-development program. "We know that one incident is too many."

Hill said that the Cowboys would continue to use player-assistance programs in an attempt to prevent further incidents.

"We will continue to draw upon the best expertise and resources available, both internally and from outside the organization, to work toward being the best in the areas of education, prevention, and effecting the right decisions," Hill said. "We have been in communication with Jay Ratliff regarding this incident, and we will work within the NFL guidelines for player behavior moving forward."

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« Reply #12 on: January 29, 2013, 05:25:04 am »

Ratliff refused an on-scene breath test, so officers subsequently obtained a warrant to draw a blood sample, police said.

As he should refuse. ANY DUI lawyer will tell you that as far as I know.

Consider this is all about the letter of law, not opinions about drinking.

Personally, I see these tests they are mandating as a violation of the 4th and 5th Amendment. The operative word that's the problem is "mandate".

Here's why; a driver can refuse a test, as they should be able to do, but every action has it's own consequences, so if you refuse, there should be a way to deal with that if the person appears to be doing something illegal. They have decided forced tests to see if you got alcohol in your system, but my contention is that they shouldn't force anything, just have a consequence for refusing.

Instead, the system allows them to get a bogus "warrant" to remove blood by restraint or force. This is forcing the person to violate their 4th Amendment right to unreasonable search and seizure, in taking something from them unrelated to the driver's actions, which might incriminate themselves. It's also a violation of their 5th Amendment right to remain silent, which most people simply find it hard to do when being strong-armed and intimidated by police.

If you agree to the tests, then you have legally waived your constitutional right, just like allowing a search of your vehicle after being pulled for a tail light out (you were pulled for a light out, not for what might be in your car! Remember that thing about "probable cause"?).

I look at it like this, if a driver is violating traffic laws, then fine, pull them and give them a ticket. But they want to jump from a moving violation to wanting to search you and your vehicle, all because you were "swerving between lanes". How do they make that jump from writing a ticket for observed illegal driving, or a tail light out, to wanting to do a vehicle and person search? Probable cause is what, the swerving? No, they claim cause by their "professional observation of the suspect", as in they smelled something, or the person wasn't talking normal, etc. Are cops doctors? Nope, so they are not qualified to determine if a person is not normal. Besides, I still ask how we went from a moving violation, to a search of a driver? We know how, they claim the cause is their observation of a driver's actions, but that doesn't mean it's legal.

A cop cannot search your vehicle without permission or probable cause, like observing a bag of drugs on the seat. If they pulled you for a traffic violation, that should be it, end of stop, give the ticket and move on. But some try to get driver's to let them search the vehicle, and most drivers allow it, and the next thing they know, they got handcuffs on for something the cop never had the right to discover in the first place. In the end, the driver has been duped into agreeing with the request for a search. And cops do it by intimidating drivers, getting them to talk about stuff unrelated to the initial reason for the traffic stop.

It's simply a wicked worldly system.
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« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2013, 12:33:39 pm »



Fort Worth, TX Officer Fired After 2nd DWI Arrest

FORT WORTH (AP) - A Fort Worth police officer who already had a driving while intoxicated charge pending when he was arrested in the fall on suspicion of drunken driving has been fired.
The Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports that according to a disciplinary letter filed with the Civil Service Commission, Zebadiah Rosado’s termination was effective Jan. 18. Rosado has appealed his firing.
The letter says lab results taken after he was stopped in Fort Worth in October showed a blood alcohol concentration of 0.10, above the legal limit of 0.08.

At the time, Rosado was on limited duty and in a plainclothes position while awaiting the resolution of a DWI charge resulting from his arrest in July 2011 in North Richland Hills.
Attorneys for Rosado did not immediately return calls Friday.
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« Reply #14 on: February 16, 2013, 07:12:18 am »

Sexual Infections 'Epidemic' Sweeping Nation, CDC Reports

As lovers embraced on Valentine's Day, the Centers for Disease Control had just released a study on sexually transmitted infections that might have caused some to reconsider how they celebrated the day.

There are 20 million new cases being diagnosed each year in the nation, and Americans who are between 15 and 24 account for half of them, despite the fact that demographic comprises just a quarter of the population, according to the CDC.

"STIs take a big health and economic toll on men and women in the United States, especially our youth," CDC epidemiologist Catherine Lindsey Satterwhite, who led the study, told NBC News.

In 1996, the CDC reported 15 million cases and then 18.9 million in 2000. However, researchers said information gathering methods have changed since 1996, so there could be a discrepancy.

Human papillomavirus remains at the top of the list as the most common infection of 2013.

The CDC said 90 percent of HPV cases clear up naturally within two years. However, the infection has been shown to trigger the onset of cervical cancer, which is the third most common cancer for women.

On the infections list, HPV is followed by chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, hepatitis B, and HIV.

The CDC warned in the new report that the U.S. was facing an "ongoing, severe STI epidemic."

The CDC estimated that the government spends $16 billion annually on healthcare costs associated with providing medical care for people with STIs. A significant portion of the $16 billion goes to treating patients with HIV/AIDS, who require medical care their entire lives.

The rise in STI cases may not be the only concern for people who are sexually active in the U.S.

Last year, Canadian researchers discovered a highly-resistant strand of gonorrhea that cannot be cured by even the most powerful oral antibiotic. Seven individuals who were diagnosed with the resistant strand had to be injected with ceftriaxone, a powerful antibiotic.

Scientists have warned of increasingly resistant strains of gonorrhea that one day may make the sexually transmitted disease incurable.

Though the disease is not usually fatal, the CDC said untreated or uncured gonorrhea can cause extreme discomfort and eventually infertility in both men and women.

In the U.S. alone, the CDC reported that 700,000 Americans have the disease.

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« Reply #15 on: February 16, 2013, 01:51:05 pm »

Last year, Canadian researchers discovered a highly-resistant strand of gonorrhea that cannot be cured by even the most powerful oral antibiotic. Seven individuals who were diagnosed with the resistant strand had to be injected with ceftriaxone, a powerful antibiotic.

Scientists have warned of increasingly resistant strains of gonorrhea that one day may make the sexually transmitted disease incurable.

1Cor 6:13  Meats for the belly, and the belly for meats: but God shall destroy both it and them. Now the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord for the body.
1Co 6:14  And God hath both raised up the Lord, and will also raise up us by his own power.
1Co 6:15  Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid.
1Co 6:16  What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh.
1Co 6:17  But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.
1Co 6:18  Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.
1Co 6:19  What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
1Co 6:20  For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.

2Tim 3:1  This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2Ti 3:2  For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
2Ti 3:3  Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
2Ti 3:4  Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
2Ti 3:5  Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2013, 01:59:24 pm by BornAgain2 » Report Spam   Logged
« Reply #16 on: February 17, 2013, 02:25:10 am »

Human papillomavirus remains at the top of the list as the most common infection of 2013.

The CDC said 90 percent of HPV cases clear up naturally within two years. However, the infection has been shown to trigger the onset of cervical cancer, which is the third most common cancer for women.

So then why are they pushing a vaccine when nearly all cases resolve on their own with no treatment? Well, because it's a vaccine. And the Gardisil vaccine they push only is affective against I think 4 of about a dozen viruses, diseases caused by Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Types 6, 11, 16, and 18.
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« Reply #17 on: February 19, 2013, 05:59:28 am »

21 Signs That U.S. Public Schools Have Become Training Centers For Sexual Deviancy

Why do men and women have a such a hard time relating to each other in a meaningful way in America today?  Could our oversexed culture have anything to do with it?  In the United States today, we are constantly being bombarded with sexual messages.  Just think about it.  Did you watch the Super Bowl a few weeks ago?  Most of the commercials were about sex on some level, and the “halftime show” featuring Beyonce might as well have been a strip club act.  It was utterly shameful.  But in America today, all of this is considered to be “normal”.  We literally worship sex, and we can never get enough of it.  And of course the results of such a society are predictable.  There are 20 million new sexually-transmitted infections in the U.S. each year, we have the highest teen pregnancy rate on the planet, and it is estimated that one out of every four girls in the U.S. is sexually abused before they become adults.  This culture of sex is pushed on our children from a very early age, and at this point it would be quite accurate to say that U.S. public schools have become training centers for sexual deviancy.  A lot of people focus on “sex education” as the problem, but the truth is that it goes much deeper than that.  Sex education only lasts for a few weeks at most.  The much bigger problem is the fact that an obsession with sex literally permeates our schools.  If parents could only eavesdrop on the conversations that our teens are having, they would be absolutely horrified.  Thanks to endless brainwashing by the mainstream media, our teens are absolutely addicted to a sexual atmosphere.  Every form of entertainment that they enjoy is soaked with sexual imagery, and lust and sex are never far from their minds when they relate to members of the opposite sex (or sometimes the same sex).  So should we really be surprised that students are having sex with each other in the hallways of our schools?  Should we be surprised that young teachers are taking advantage of our students sexually behind closed doors?  We have created a society that is sexually supercharged, and what we are witnessing now are the predictable results of the very foolish decisions that we have made.

The following are 21 signs that U.S. public schools have become training centers for sexual deviancy…

#1 There is a raging epidemic of sexually-transmitted diseases among our young people.  According to the latest figures released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, there are 20 million new sexually-transmitted infections in the United States every single year, and Americans between the ages of 15 and 24 account for approximately 50 percent of those new sexually-transmitted infections.

#2 Many of our teens our catching diseases that they can’t even pronounce correctly.  There were more than 1.4 million cases of chlamydia reported in the United States in 2011.  An astounding 33 percent of those cases involved Americans that were younger than 20 years of age.

#3 At this point, one out of every four teen girls in the U.S. has at least one sexually transmitted disease.  How high does that number have to go before we admit that there is a problem?

#4 Apparently, all of the propaganda about “safe sex” is not really working very well.  According to one survey, 24 percent of all U.S. teens that have an STD say that they still have unprotected sex.

#5 When you take morality out of public life, the results are predictable.  In the United States today, approximately 47 percent of all high school students have had sex.

#6 Many of our young people seem to not understand the value of waiting until marriage to become a mother.  Amazingly, one out of every five teen girls in the U.S. actually wants to be a teenage mother.

#7 When I was growing up, I don’t remember a single girl being pregnant at my high school.  But today all of that has changed.  A couple of years ago it was being reported that 86 teen girls at one high school in Memphis, Tennessee were either pregnant or had recently given birth.

#8 If you can believe it, the United States has the highest teen pregnancy rate on the entire planet.  In fact, the United States has a teen pregnancy rate that is more than twice as high as Canada, more than three times as high as France and more than seven times as high as Japan.

#9 Increasingly, oral sex is being promoted to our young people as a “safer” form of sex.  According to shocking research conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately two-thirds of all Americans in the 15 to 24 year old age bracket have engaged in oral sex.

#10 Sex “education” has become much more about “indoctrination” in recent years.  One recent example of this trend was detailed in the New York Times…

    IMAGINE you have a 10- or 11-year-old child, just entering a public middle school. How would you feel if, as part of a class ostensibly about the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, he and his classmates were given “risk cards” that graphically named a variety of solitary and mutual sex acts? Or if, in another lesson, he was encouraged to disregard what you told him about sex, and to rely instead on teachers and health clinic staff members?

    That prospect would horrify most parents. But such lessons are part of a middle-school curriculum that Dennis M. Walcott, the New York City schools chancellor, has recommended for his system’s newly mandated sex-education classes. There is a parental “opt out,” but it is very limited, covering classes on contraception and birth control.

#11 Sexual “experimentation” among our teens is reaching heights never seen before.  According to one recent study, sexual contact between teen girls in the United States is now at the highest level ever recorded.

#12 In America today, sex in public school hallways has become a common occurrence.  In a recent article about Detroit, I shared a quote from one of my readers that actually attended one of the “best” public schools in Detroit…

    The school was a new seven story building just a couple of years old. The bathrooms would often lack toilet paper & soap beyond the second floor (the main floor), the bathroom sinks would often not work. The water fountains on north side of the building on from the third floor & up did not work. The elevators would constantly break down. I even got stuck on the elevator before. I almost tripped down a half a flight of stairs because the elastic seal (it was the metal bar at the front of a treader of I don’t know the name of it.) the stairs was not properly installed.

    Students would often have sex on the stairs & throughout the school. Parents actually called the school many times & reported kids having sex on the stairs because all of them had glass windows 270 degrees.

#13 Would you feel okay about your teenage girl sharing a bathroom with boys?  In the state of Massachusetts, boys will now be able to freely use girls restrooms and girls locker rooms if it makes them feel more “comfortable”.

#14 One of the results of our “culture of sex” has been an explosion in the number of babies being born outside of marriage.  For women under the age of 30 living in the United States today, more than half of all babies are being born out of wedlock.

#15 Being a single parent is incredibly hard, but more U.S. children are being raised by just one parent than ever before.  At this point, more than one out of every four children in the United States is being raised by a single parent.

#16 Thanks to our “sexual revolution”, men and women are having a harder time than ever relating to each other in a meaningful way.  Our young people are being taught that marriage is a “burden” and that they should delay it for as long as possible.  Today, an all-time low 44.2 percent of all Americans between the ages of 25 and 34 are married.

#17 There is an epidemic of sex between teachers and students in the United States.  In fact, for some teachers one student is just simply not enough.  For example, a 33-year-old art teacher down in Arizona was charged with having sex with four of her male students.

#18 A former high school English teacher down in Texas has that teacher beat.  She has been accused of having sex with five different male students.  The most disturbing part of her story is that she is a mother of three children and her husband is serving this country in the U.S. Army.

#19 But a high school teacher down in Georgia has both of them beat.  She was recently charged with having sex with seven of her students.

#20 Sometimes even teachers that have been convicted of having sex with a student cannot stop themselves.  For example, there was one case where a probation officer found a student that a teacher had been convicted of having sex with previously hiding in her closet…

    Lisa Lavoie, the former Holyoke teacher who plead guilty after having a relationship with a student, has been charged with violating her probation after the student she had a relationship with was found hiding in her closet.

    Back in February 2009, Lavoie ran off with one of her students, who was 15-year-old at the time. Lavoie was a teacher at the Donahue School on Whiting Farms Road in Holyoke.

    The pair was found several days later in a motel room in West Virginia. Lavoie pleaded guilty to three counts of statutory **** and one count of enticement of a child in January 2011. She was sentenced to five years probation.

#21 Sadly, there are more stories of teachers having sex with their students in the news almost every single day.  The following are just a few of the teacher sex news stories from just this past week…

“N.J. teacher, baseball instructor, admits to sex with 14-year-old girl, authorities say”

“Sheriff’s deputy and teacher arrested on charges of sexual exploitation of a child in Douglas County”

“Onamia Teacher Accused Of Having Sex With Student”

“Former Mesquite teacher pleads guilty to sexual relationship with student”

“Pregnant teacher says sex with teen ‘just happened’”

Are you starting to see that there is a problem?

What are you seeing where you live?

Do you believe that U.S. public schools have become training centers for sexual deviancy?

Please feel free to post a comment with your thoughts below…

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« Reply #18 on: February 19, 2013, 09:34:38 am »

^^ A couple of responses on this...

1) Remember the story in the 1990's when a teacher from Mississippi jumped ship from her family, formed a relationship with a 15 year old boy and had a baby with him?(I can't remember her name) Back then, it made BIG national headline news daily, and even the unbelieving world was disgusted by it. Now fast-forward to our present day? Wow...it just seems to be a common trend, and pretty much noone either cares, or even in some cases it just seems like it's becoming acceptable.

2) The part about younger people wanting to put off marriage, and going ahead and having families et al of their own caught my attention - back in 2007, CNN did a segment over how weddings were becoming more expensive, and people were doing everything they can to either make them cheaper et al.

Now THIS was nothing more than CONDITIONING by the MSM, to be frank - if anyone just puts on their thinking caps for a few minutes, then they would know that the bride's parents pay for the wedding(for THE MOST PART, that is - sure, there are other cases where the bride and groom pay for it). I remember when my Aunt in Ohio got married in the early 1980's, my grandparents were very far from being rich(grandma was a schoolteacher and grandad worked at an auto plant) - but they did everything they could, breaking their backs, to provide every little penny for her wedding, even if it meant becoming broke. I would think times are no different even now, right? And come to think of it too, there was a pretty bad recession back then.(Reagan's watch had 2 of them)

Again, more garbage reporting by the MSM. And then throw in all of the deceptions in entertainment(ie-movies, tv shows, music, etc) where you see single parents, people fathering children out of wedlock living the "high life".

3) 3 years ago, my dad commented to me over why there were alot of close games in the NFL - not that I want to start a "are professional sports games rigged" debate here, but I've noticed this trend in recent years as well. At the same time, you can't deny that there have been more and more sex perversion ads during these games in recent years. Sure, there have always been, but it's really reached an all-time high now it seems. So ultimately, who knows? But at the same time nothing's a coincidence.

4) Last but not least, Churchianity has to be held accountable as well. 10 years ago when I was a regular listener of Pastor Charles Stanley, he did a sermon on "tithing". At one point in the sermon, he said how(and I'm paraphrasing here), "despite all the immorality, aborting babies, etc in this country, b/c America just gives gives and gives to other countries, it still continues to be very blessed".

No seriously - did he just say if we do alot of these really good works, then we get a free pass for all of our other abominations? So does this mean if we give a 15-20% tithe, then we can act like the devil all we want? And ultimately, yeah, it's not just the messages coming out of the secular entertainment media, MSM, even Churchianity is playing their part as well.

Yeah, amazing how far all of this has come - not in a million years did I think it would come to this level in my lifetime. Teens wanting to become mothers? Marriage would be scoffed at?

1Cor 6:15  Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid.
1Co 6:16  What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh.
1Co 6:17  But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.
1Co 6:18  Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.

Rev 18:1  And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.
Rev 18:2  And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
Rev 18:3  For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.
Rev 18:4  And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

Heb_13:4  Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.
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« Reply #19 on: February 19, 2013, 08:46:58 pm »

Here we go again...


Columbia prof strips, shows 9/11 tape during class


NEW YORK (AP) — Columbia University says it's reviewing a science class in which a professor stripped to his underwear and showed 9/11 video footage during a lecture on quantum mechanics.
The Frontiers of Science class on Monday morning with Professor Emlyn Hughes also included two other participants dressed in black, one of whom used a sword to destroy a stuffed animal.
Video of the event was posted to Bwog, the online home of Columbia's monthly undergraduate magazine.
It starts with the professor stripping with his back to the students as music plays and an image of a skull is projected on a screen. Later, two stuffed animals are placed on stools, one of which is stabbed by a person with a sword. In the background, a video shows the fall of the World Trade Center and an image of Osama bin Laden.
A female student watching Hughes could be heard repeating, "What is happening?" as the performance went on.
It ended with the professor returning to the stage.
"In order to learn quantum mechanics, you have to strip to your raw, erase all the garbage from your brain and start over again," Hughes said.
The professor didn't respond to an email from The Associated Press seeking comment.
In a statement, the university said, "Universities are committed to maintaining a climate of academic freedom, in which the faculty members are given the widest possible latitude in their teaching and scholarship. However, the freedoms traditionally accorded the faculty carry corresponding responsibilities."
It added, "While one must exercise caution in judging excerpts from a lecture or short presentations from an entire course outside of their full context, the appropriate academic administrators are currently reviewing the facts of this particular presentation in quantum mechanics."
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« Reply #20 on: February 20, 2013, 02:48:14 am »

Sounds like old fashioned brain-washing techniques to me. Seriously, of all the images out there that can be used to discuss such a topic, he picks those? Poor taste at best, and most likely an attempt at propaganda to sway the minds in his class.  Roll Eyes
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« Reply #21 on: February 20, 2013, 10:23:33 pm »

Mom Allegedly Hires Strippers for Son's Birthday Party


By JOSH HASKELL (@joshbhaskell)

Feb. 20, 2013

A South Glens Falls, N.Y., mother of four is facing jail time after she is said to have hired two strippers to dance at her 16-year-old's birthday party. The birthday party took place in early November, but racy pictures surfaced on Facebook this month, causing a parent whose son was at the party to alert local police.
The South Glens Falls Police Department has charged Judy Viger with five counts of endangering the welfare of a child. Police say that five of the attendees were younger than 17, and according to the New York Daily News, some were as young as 13.
The birthday party took place in a room at the Spare Time Bowling Center and had 80 people in attendance, the Daily News reported, including other parents. The bowling alley released the following statement to ABC News.

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« Reply #22 on: February 21, 2013, 04:33:49 am »

why would you do that?
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« Reply #23 on: February 21, 2013, 10:09:16 am »

why would you do that?

What is this in response to? Huh
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« Reply #24 on: February 21, 2013, 11:18:49 am »

What is this in response to? Huh

Mom Allegedly Hires Strippers for Son's Birthday Party

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« Reply #25 on: February 21, 2013, 11:24:42 am »

Mom Allegedly Hires Strippers for Son's Birthday Party

Well, this society has REALLY gone upside down, that's for sure. Can't remember her name, but I'm sure you guys remember the story in the 90's over a Mississippi school teacher who had an affair with one of her students, and went AWOL(and had a child with him). She was so delusional that she wanted to have a permanent relationship with him, even after she went to jail for it.

At the time, there was alot of anger over it even by the unbelieving world. Now fast-forward to our present day...it seems like these kinds of stories either are met with indifference, or in some cases laughed at like an Adam Sandler movie or downright accepted.
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« Reply #26 on: February 21, 2013, 11:35:02 am »


Dallas school teacher accused of having sex with student after April 2012 prom


A Dallas school teacher is accused of having sex with an 18-year-old student after the senior prom, according to court documents obtained by The Dallas Morning News.

Jessica Guilbeaux, 31, faces a charge of having an improper relationship with a student, a second degree felony punishable by up to 20 years in prison. She was arrested Monday and has been released on $50,000 bond.

At the time of the incident, Guilbeaux was an English and reading teacher at Yvonne A. Ewell Townview Center. Guilbeaux has been placed on on paid leave from her job with the district.

According to the warrant for arrest obtained by a DISD police detective, the 18-year-old student who is identified by the initials “JS” was attending the magnet’s senior prom in April 2012 where Guilbeaux was attending as a chaperone.

“JS and Guilbeaux began flirting at the prom,” the documents say. “Guilbeaux and JS left the prom together and Guilbeaux drove them to a residence in Dallas.”

While at the home, the two had sex and she later dropped him off at his family’s home in Dallas, the records state.

The student graduated from high school in May 2012, the records state.
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« Reply #27 on: February 21, 2013, 11:55:52 am »


Cowboys DT Josh Brent jailed on intoxication manslaughter charge


Dallas police: Josh Brent was speeding at least 110 mph before fatal accident

Dallas police have released new information on the December 7 wreck that claimed the life of Cowboys practice squad player Jerry Brown Jr. According to information obtained by local affiliate NBC 5, Josh Brent, who survived the wreck, was driving at least 110 mph, and possibly as much as 134 mph, before the wreck. Police have already said that Brent's blood-alcohol content was more than twice the legal limit.

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« Reply #28 on: February 21, 2013, 05:10:24 pm »



Ex-Senator Admits to Fathering Child With Other Senator's Daughter

Former New Mexico Senator Pete Domenici revealed today that he fathered a son in an extramarital affair with another senator's daughter more than 30 years ago and has kept the secret since then, only telling his own family in the last "several months."
In a statement to the Albuquerque Journal, the 80-year-old Republican, who represented New Mexico for more than 30 years, said the mother of his son "made me pledge that we would never reveal that parenthood and I have tried to honor that pledge and so has she."
Domenici wrote that he was worried about the privacy of his son, a 34-year-old Nevada lawyer named Adam Laxalt, as well as the potential impact on Laxalt's mother, Michelle Laxalt, 58. Domenici has eight other children with his wife Nancy.
"My past action has caused hurt and disappointment to my wife, children, family, and others. For that I am solely responsible," Domenici, who still lives in Washington, D.C., said in the statement. "My family has been aware of these events for several months. I have apologized as best as I can to my wife, and we have worked together to strengthen our relationship. I deeply regret this and am very sorry for my behavior. I hope New Mexicans will view that my accomplishments for my beloved state outweigh my personal transgression."
Michelle Laxalt, the daughter of former U.S. senator and Nevada Gov. Paul Laxalt, is a former government relations consultant and lobbyist. Paul Laxalt was a U.S. senator from Nevada from 1974 to 1987 and served as chairman of the Republican National Committee.
Domenici told the newspaper he made the confession because he believed someone else was about to make the story public.
"Rather than have others breach this privacy, I have decided to make this statement today. These circumstances now compel me to reveal this situation," Domenici said.
Michelle Laxalt also put out a statement to the Albuquerque Journal, saying, "one night's mistake led to pregnancy more than 30 years ago.
"I chose to go through with that pregnancy, although other choices were available," Laxalt wrote. "I also chose to raise my child as a single parent. Given the fact that both my father and the father of my child were United States senators, I felt strongly that I would make this choice according to my values, and would not seek advice, input or permission. My interaction with my child's father consisted of telling him my decision, asking that he avail himself for health-related purposes, and asking that he agree that this remain private between the two of us."
She said she raised her son Adam "surrounded by love and joy and opportunity."
"I am proud of him, yet saddened that the circumstances of his birth might be used like a weapon to hurt many we love," Laxalt said in the statement. "Recently information has come to me that this sacred situation might be twisted, re-written out of whole cloth, and shopped to press outlets large and small in a vicious attempt to smear, hurt and diminish Pete Domenici, an honorable man, his extraordinary wife, Nancy, and other innocents. Why after more than 30 years, would anyone insinuate pain and ugliness where joy and beauty have presided?"
Adam Laxalt returned an e mail interview request from ABC News writing that he has "lived my entire life as a private citizen and intend to remain one."
"I plan to address personal issues privately and will not be commenting or joining any public discussion," Laxalt wrote.
According to his online biography at his Las Vegas law firm, Adam Laxalt served for five years as a Naval Officer and lawyer in the U.S. Navy. He was also deployed to Iraq, where he provided legal advice on detainee detention operations.
Domenici served in the U.S. Senate from 1973 to 2009, and was the longest serving U.S. senator in New Mexico's history. He retired in 2009 when he was diagnosed with a type of dementia. During his time in the U.S. Senate he served as the chairman of the Budget Committee and the Energy Committee.
The confession comes just days after it was revealed that Re p. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) has a secret daughter, although the congressman has never been married. He was spotted trading tweets with a young woman during the State of the Union address and his "ilu" signoffs - digital shorthand for I love you - prompted inquiries into the identity of the congressman's tweet mate. Just days later he confessed that the woman - 24 year old Victoria Brink - is his daughter whom he learned about three years ago.
ABC News' John Parkinson contributed to this report.
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« Reply #29 on: February 23, 2013, 03:26:23 pm »

Moms go **** to save kids' school bus



When it comes to raising money to help overcome educational budget cuts, there are the old, reliable methods, like the silent auction or a fancy gala, and then there’s the racy route.

In Montserrat, Spain, 10 mothers are showing some serious skin in a sexy calendar being sold to raise money in the face of Spain's austerity measures. The proceeds are being used to restore a reduction in bus service for 600 elementary school students.

Some of the women are ****, some almost bottomless in the calendar that so far, has raised enough money to cover the $4,100 monthly tab for the bus, the driver and a monitor through the end of the school year in June, according to an Associated Press report.

The moms hope to sell all 3,000 of the calendars by the end of the month, and then start anew for next year.

What would you do (or take off) to raise money for your child’s school?


Mat 15:4  For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.
Mat 15:5  But ye say, Whosoever shall say to his father or his mother, It is a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me;
Mat 15:6  And honour not his father or his mother, he shall be free. Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition.
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